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Flesherton Advance, 26 Sep 1889, p. 1

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ESHERTON ADVA 'TRUTH BEFORE EAVOR '-â-  FRIXCIFLES- .'SOI ME.V.' V^OL. VTIL, NO 430. PLESHERTON, ONT., THUHSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. 18S9. W. H. THURSTOy, yisitors to piesherton Exhibition shoi)ld not faii to call and examine the fine stock oi Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Spectacles, etc., AT Russell's Noted Jewelry Store, Flesherton, THE ADVANCE. , wMfrnci. If ibe ArafricAHS •jke ! TTi« winders of th» McctrW W:tB«« m hmd •»« e:»» hoce I>o»icion jPme C«cmp«uiion" !»â-¼â€¢ to lain ::p t«; %\ E jjK bMa knacoDc*! The e^uc;*^:â- .^â- . less lirj do we Siij sl»rp en for ar- ccie»rT.:3s whici- w» a^v..-* •^me wr.wrt Ol-«r decade. i,s Ec:b::;j: sbcn of it. Vr .'scies Frrrs. rf Tcrrr:o. Li; b**:. rrr n? w r«<r;:: ;;:« fiihog hes'.ii %i h:! fMi:er 5. Mr "*\ i!l:ic: FurT.5 :i Ew»t::.i. The p::r« i:r his btufi'.'.^i Gi-ENFIILL consist'-ni; 01 UoM and oKNer mo p«t ».aooc; »he= CutfbuttoD?, V hioh iia? just arrived, Witches. Ladies' and Gents' sizes. Rin^^'s, ,'.,Tr-n; Ct-ts' and Ladies' GjU Cha.ns Diamand Kin^s.etc. o=, co-.=: We e\:)ecc to do the trade this lal! and winter and have a v-rv hie selection of Giods on hand, call and examine, no m •-.oublv v â- ^"". â- '^v f;ood-. And always take your watches.etc. to Eussell to repair, if you want a perfect job. Uiisseirs Jewelery Store, Flesherton Every 'X'hiirsdav '"^ '' "* "°* / ""• ^^" "'! *' ' iictckM wer* ukec :or frc>m ^. le^oo. FfcTK TD cUldr«B. ;.:i.:r»::T, c: ::.r.»*r ; J. :a SyicTw^am Strtrt, - - i^«jA#rt.>% Out. C»niuia. Th« V.r.hen. M««M3jir. a TERMS Of SrBSCBIPTlOX "^'â- '' ^^^^ ?u:-ah»<i »t ih. .n::. .*«. I .ert-i ti % rr.:« 'c: s>»T«ri. sr.^ww! w»re sur : sr. ADVEKTISrSG SiTES 1 -ir*r fi; :!*;; >â- "* per .:a« :.'r lr»t . = «,-: eTMT tchc*! IB -.h* D r. .EioD A r ni« cf , S«rT-.»a T-.".l»^e|VT j«rdirx«j. wr. fre*:tT rC-^t. MiciuaT i kjt rr 1= !»• nr» 10 •.3« hcBM »:;d rune-i ur tire* A. W- H THrp.STCN, VkS^. »-i EPITOr The ;r;il of ;! :al n'.jtes. rn>:: TO WHOM IT f^ MAY CONCERN. cr..'.:;;^,'. projrroM dunni; mcj; .if las; wrck. ^^vs to s-ow wi;»; ii:h-,-.s:a:i bratis when ;hvv vako '.aw ;::;o ;Lc:r cw:; I::eT haTe been «tL; up for :( hop«-d a "as; reward ir.a!, fcr will be- mc;«d on; to theia proTiiia^ guil; ig etablisbrd. TLe »c; »lle^*d w haT6 Laii-n place ou iha: bo*; w*» Oc>«k worth T of ;i;r*;ts. tal* :n r^-h cciatT.&i^i t m: sf Pki kajui • ' • ';«:'. .D »kck pronnc*. Tao ;sdg»tir>.^;ot»d loiwuid :heM ^r.t«« wer» ata 0: r#<r>eiiir»d »b:.ii». tie ;-^-fc* 'â- â€¢ '.a* pr:»;nct ?f I'rMr.* >.»T.r.: ^e«n Mr VVm H»a5lon. i'»r'.;»u;s:::rj L.r.-d.-. T«rcri-^. F;:ikl> » l>..m;D:cn prire & »p ecii ;Tr>e-»r.:«r. •M »"»ri:»>: ,;\t L.r- L'r:;* Ta« I>> c r.K-n jr.;* r.i« v»rT .-ir.c-at'T bt«a i»itr. r_T t T jm; .«..» u;» l-: :h» I^.''- ai.n;;i;. •.:.• W :;.?».« hit^.a^ -.a T«wof :u na2;cr. .:• ri»-tri ;:; Ne«f. _ii'.»r :. ccu:;:*-i th»: ; ro».; .•». :'. : :hf . \:r.^*« ..f \hit cv^nij^tiiion. u •.h;aii> â- ,: ••.«d been * j>»ri .'I Oanii*. >' -ts* w.'.i I* â- â€¢Â».c-ii that .ur I:::.. r:^T•.nc. ha. c»m.d ;?; J"*^'^/""!' iEi» i.^cjr. T-s w::;ner i« >!.m M»t i y^^f\\-v^, S«':bT H^;d•n of iJt^ Job at, wi.->»« por- ' 5^^'';^ trai; asd autograph app*ar :b th« Wu- 1 ^*»w saa* h«r ta.e The wccad hcnar tf I .--t:*r 1t.» T-vI^r â- .♦ .r ^*- -- r - ': •- rt*. ;â- â- -.: 1- p. â€" ti.# *z-^rez .--lit *:. .-.;tL- ..'.t I^.' ^.ect*r< an*. !> lt:' ^ * -• £~. w* : • * >* r. * . . z.1< -â-  Ma>* its. - J .. â-  & ^ â€" *.^ THE \IAKKET> FiE>:ii;;v;v :• . c«1 The C.\SH STORE is offering special lines in all depart- ments. Our DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT has latelv boon tilled to overriowini;. with ?s choice a l.r.e of h«r ta.e award*4 rr L>-r\i lone to No C5»T I K-.»»r. X S Ti« prcTiBf* w;r.r.«r» are : Mia In makin'j our selections we re.i.: ; coods as ever showu. to the qu.ility tjt buildini; up ol" that i so to a commercial success .ind permanence. Lusto mors wil superior Mr. J.J. D*ari:. * CAcd:Ja:e for the Nrwf.v.udiand Asjer^blj. a 3i»i:a;- :':c«:.: oouimaDd of language, as w-.;. ::r«s«.i b_T the followinj;. He !c<ei:.!T rt'.i.arked that \i:e reaK^n the jv.^plc of S: John's allowed the Tilt.;: ex:»; wa« because ••ihev lookai 1 tind that in respect to vjuality, our stock has no DKESS (JOODS }n leadini; shades, plain and durable. Fricos rangint; trom IOC. to Toe. with trimmings to match. In Braids. Gimp, t. e t ;;;o :. I . ..\r: V..^{'t\i\i. judicial. -lic'-^ upon imbe- n:'.ii.:;\i. e the ^oods sold, we must look to tb.o ontidence between buvcr and seller, .15 a loeiis;:. 1 .1 js. '•'".•..ejs.J;: ..'! •.aii.i. uuc:.::t;h;i purbliod. narrow croohe:_T, co:;eeit*d. lufatuaiixi. hnwri;:oal, eadaveroat, half ucdgi-xi. uiiwaar.isi. Gi.xl-fors.aksc. hurvr.T.kvkiaj:. s^ifi-braiued. w.^oUt- ,. ,, „ M-i . V- TJi ^ .,„ I c> s 1 ^**<^^- knock-kaeevl. Ions; carevi. Plushes and \ elvcts, Gr..y, \\h'te. Navy Blue and Red „...,,; ejed. lanwrnjawad. slab *.d..i. Flannels, second to none tor QUALll^ and ^ 1^1^/^- m natur^.puenle.mtiemfioaut *-.,dpt It would take too much space to mention all our lines in this^,^.^,.,, ,f,^^„^,^_ ^r^^^ ^^ department separately. But we would request an inspection, ^^^^^j^. <jepraTed ,„d ml^eribl jruarantecint: satisiactoiT lesults. L ether K:.a Ladoer. Kaa'.aopt. Vale Co. . Br.tak C.^liiiBka ; M:m L;ti;» McL^rto. W.«d- Bor.a. L«Bii-.« Co . Manitoba : Mj« Marr Ana M.-Fflerjia. KiTtr Ohar'.o. Raati- gjjcie. Ne" Pr â- ,-•»â- ..â- < . M.u Ab-.f»il Harw.c:.. Kent 0.^ . Oatan.-' : B«a;. Howard. s^.;--.3;en;d«. lV.n,-« 0» Prn.-e Eo"ari I»a:i . V:c;or >l»rr. . S:iBiv#*a. >•.*: «tei.i Co . *^aeb« F... w.r.; are 1.1? r.axea c: the ;r::« w.;-.v.frj •. r 'irev >" ,-.!-:? â€" V:ei C. .ter. Mm M.r.r.a. F W.. in:* M;»» K.-itt M...-^.e. ^^ = ' . sriL M;a:ori . T.iv-» Ga.ii. V»r er;i» Fatt«r» : W» j'.tT . F. 1, r^o»n, IjOU'.»» . M.:a* B«l,a Aadtr»vt-.. Eirjw*. .i . M.Ki Aca.? Hcwii. Kerj>> . H?-;ert G.G^>i«pf M;m .\..ce r«7»«« a: ei. Park, Par-.d H M ..». liaTT.ew . M:m S.'.d.* Hopkirt. B'.antTiv ; Ar.-.~;» R*iiii'.'.. >."ajn:>»rdo»r M.a* Ida S:^'ne, Kiwherton Sta4:c>r . W •.Iham G. Nadipir. l^mlaah , >hiLaE''a Cock. Tra»»r»to:i . Ci«orf» Fhiaa. Fhv • mora . H»rb«rt Kv^ii, Th.robarf; . Mis» Herrvvn. Tara li.:.-t» ;*; ••V.v. fS! U i^ > Bli: Gold, filled g-o' and Com-siivt cases. L»i;e5 »v. i v.: . r. ; > ..^ . â-  Walnut and Nickl.^ Ck I wreuhed mucompoop. and so let hiiu WaMham . Mias Sarak Carr.e. Claaeci ••ii'l*-' M. Ka»i. Clark ji-arg . am nprtsectf--. ; } A 1 » »t^ ; â-  â-  ^M'lt»i lip bj I ;".â- .»:.• l:.^ta« I't OeutT.*: Cirtj thi.- \ ;'i r.^fk tT, Our BOOT and SHOE Assortmeut Larger Thau Ever. Special lines oi women's high Laced Boots at $1.14 Men's looi; Boots from «f 1.75 up- Misses and Children's in all sizes. Groceries, Crock- er)' and general merchandise. Per-^ons visitin>: the lair would do well to pve us a call. McPOXAI.P & EYANS. Wright's Old Stand I Ifpnfe* \re : QUALITY Considere( i\i not be »'.'.-- t ^ h. ,-. >.: â-  abiPe'ol Cirejr Co. Vnie %s I b*rt »; or CilKl ^e;l« i-v \. Goods, Work Pumps! Pumps !,gi J. McCullouBh. M.'vrkdalc, Kianofaontupcrof vumi^. .l<>»iri>» to iofvirtn lJi« »viMu- th!«t hi> is iTH-«rf»\ I.' furn\»h \n>"'l^ ''^' Deep wells,, gravel wells, etc. artliMiwho haw boretof.MW had<UlBcalt]rwlth Guaranteed Satisfacticn n«m,;i'.'.v artuMen t I.»*nieit mj- b«Mni>»» i • ith th» 1»^ J r»»r..>( Mi>!»f.>nlthe superiority »â- ; w\u>!>* I'liinj^s »»» • hoan'hv^Kt wont in Drrv * â- (fw vean *tf\^ !<• tar*- *n.l i-ii'.l .-B tn« if > > 1 >1i-iJrt< aiivtliicc a ah«)<\i>url>a' J, MoCulloush EuKrala. I Tlie t«rrible e*i*«uvphe which b^ 1 1 fol Quebec on Tuar»daT la«i '^" "• lVvwK^>wli CorTy=^-»«iit ii. another exempUfica:',on of the «â-  T^i. laaS w.vk prvfe»or Howard. ' « I .,,-,. ,, of Itbaoa I ::ivors::T. New ^ork »Ute. matkabWmdiilerenceofhaiuanitT to^^i ^^^^ ^r. Lu'.d«u, of iK^hwier. dauber in aonie iustancei. lu thi» bare Iven »«o.inr.i: -.he wood* arour.d I esse it is all the more wc>nder:.!l from Etii:«uia in warcn of a plant called »;.e fact that two similar l^^iii-*'"*:- 1« •' ^^ne of the mo«: val- , . . * tiable plan:* known to toieooA. It is . have ooourrevi •.:â- . ic.a: uieuuci: sivt , â-  . . .-• 1 ' .v...iui,.. ... -I jifi^^ ^,,,1 g^ut to t iiina. where it is!: the pai; tifty vears. Ti.ere ;» worth r.s weight in gold. It gn^wt ! food for de^p ih.ough; and moraiin-.ig quit* pleniitul m the woode aronadj lu this c*so. Two siiailar warnings thia jvu-t of the cocutrr. In eearth- had been giv.n.maar lives had b*fo'r* '"^ ^"^ '} prv>f^*-*or Uowar>l pieked up, '^..7;; ">^ ^ , . , • piece* of n.vk wi-.ioh be ihmke ind;-""> t^"^' »t in the same manne;-. ret o..u. verwahiable silver mines around Ujfw^,. -,^,.,. p_ vlie i>eviple sull ooiiiiiiutKl lo hvo nn- E-.igeuia. He saxj the grotiad a-jdl W ^rh. o^CAUiiy L... !vrh'."'iruvk"iu'i'.i'.>Mar" Srr.>n.ii.t .Tm! der the shadow of dwith with the fond the r.vk and the p'anis that crvxr TH /->.;»% r^T ^ „';^'i;,'r,*rb:Jt''\w"S;'lMui;tf,^^ ho^^iflueT hoped at an that a di.. arouniail show vert plain ai^iii ofj X" air L-ilcJ â-  ^ V'""" Mter would not overtAko ihom in their valuable mines. K->tli of gold and ail-; si.vk .... cmV niarliM for all kin.1» .-t v'^^'uo*- «<â- Â«*• '>'n>'^"'' 5 , . r- , ». - ver. a.SO COpi>r i »n.i timixT. .\i-piy to R. J SJM^^al•. aocUooffM o.aj and geueraiiou. J. J....1--.- I â€" - but alas the Warrants (â- on>itl«T( t'.«wLer< F.\ j.>rm», lot T. .v.i 1. t.<wu»htr •â- >' EBj'hr»»i» nm(t«»^iUT»«. Thi» l« a •pl»a,»l.l t»I u â- .«N<rf»rni W»ll lii\>l>«r^< with mix».l wwvl. 1^ mil** 1 erton oa thi» C i in vJ««N.'.. . , , ^ . _. „ ix>«t .'m,H>«ni i-hutvh »«(< n miie« fi\'m F'.Mh v , , Taiuahle mines both of cold and ail - .. •> i- H- whiMviher*. i. I. .yi»n,«.t a«ter would not overtake thotn in their ^â- '"â- '^'^ '"'"*^ • '^ *•• •"'" »"" »" Faoiilarr.T bred . .,, ,^-- ,,„,., aoJr«.l»«t*t*i^nt, Vl.«h*rton , ." , , ,' , >»-l»»^».^ »^'tUt coiiU'iupt in their e*»e. but a as the to be anaWted. He The Frcfeset^r hat of the rvxk to iheQan savc vo J5 w. ' FleShSrtOn Livery S'UablSS. , f»t* e»me upon tliem.and ten milh- ! eoniiug around atraiu to ae* more ' .in toui of rvvk wiped out the lires of »t«o"' '»• ^'''*n ^^ ^- ^^"- H.vathl two and a half scoiv. while more than ^^^'^ ^^" '^" .ot«e time an^ be rai»^i ' «'l.i\TU>i. Protirieior. First claM h.^r* c » a n .1 TvhiclM f • r h i r * a T oa«.> u a b 9 St«t-'.M oi»- iH>*it 9 Mnc >h»w # hotel v.'tit'.^'ii j*i.l t<» t o n- »r- cial baeinr* I the same number lire in a^nr to be- up eoiue rock that had rich Teins of' to $3.00 c watches Other liaea • l:T*ni»Tcn:». copper. Some of the piece* were wail their follv. h i* pitiful to think tent to New York as speciaeus of of the awful indifference which man vhe rock* in this part of Canaia. The eau par to deadly daaser. No mor» : g«utiemau *ho t^^t i» was ao im- vi" •• / .1 t. / 3 pressed with the behef that it eon- terrible prvvl of this o.\n be found f . „ .1 . i i i - . , , , , , taiiuM eopper tht^t he had it examintxi than lu the fate of Uieeo dweller* mj- by an esjvrt who said il was rich in dor the shadow of Cap* Diamond, | cof'per, with some gold That was] jj ^rkualk. Out riU be l-»l<i on i- W.A. BRO^ N, Jeweler an: ' â- â- â€¢.â- â-  I i .r- ♦ â€" ...^ â- â- 'm-i»')

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