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Flesherton Advance, 29 Aug 1889, p. 8

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y^ T* > Â¥ > ^*"*f ^^ \m rt ; \ "J .-^y. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCfi â- MHP^HK The Ideal Hiisbund. THE BRANTFORD LIGHT STEEL BINDER! Ovrr Four Tlioiisaiid Sold in S4'as»ii ISKS. tlciiii; .Horr Than Halt' or all OMirr Itiiidors made in Cuiiada, livfarn I'laciuu llnir onlrrh (or Iw.), we rc8|ii'ct(ull]r r«<|uo»t the fsruicrH to; l»t Curcfulh I MiiniiH' tlif â-  llmutfiird Macliiiu-B ami faitlifullv juuiiiari. with otliein. i.'iiii. Knqiiirii of yiMir iiiitliLnrn who have u>«il "Hr»ntforil Macliinun bihI gvt their oiiliiloii of thrir workiuK and lantiii^' qualitioH. if von will follow the alKjvu advice, you will ho convinced of thoae two factK : l»t "iWantforil MacliinvH ' arc |>oiseii>o(l of more iiiijirovemuutii and aru better tuado than any r'tli««r machliM'K in ('nlinin. '-'nd "llrniitlord AlacliincK" arc more iHipular, give better natiHfactiuD, and are more durable tliAii ativ ollmr inncliiiiit in Canada. Tlinreloro: 1st (iivf> joiir order KAUI,Y for a Urantford Hinder and Mower. •-ind. And von will be turn to be [lerfectlv natisfiud with the machine yuu (jet. THOS. A. BLAKELY, FLESHKRTON Heard s Carriage Works. MAXUFACTUREUOF itJarria^es. Bu^^ips, Wagons, SIei(f/is. Cutters, ^c-, 4-c. KpecUl Attention «iven t<) PAINTINO, TRIMMIVC, HORSESHOEINU and all kiiiJa of JOB W()UK. Nutliiii-^ l>ut finttcliui!! iiiatoiial uiieil throuiilmol aud aatisfaction f('"^>~-^>''*>*^<'' ^^ hare fi>r sale -L<iinil)ei*, L^utli and f^Iiingflehi.- AUo Agent fur Dick'i Rollers, Movrura and UinderB, Dick's Cliampinn, Koyal Rob R'ly, (iranaer and Standard Plows. Two and Tliree- Furrow Gain; Plows. H irse I'owura for 4 Horses. >)traw Cutters, Scufjpers and Turnip Drills. JOH\H. HEARD, Itiirham Strert, ^fnherton. FLESHERTON STOVE EMPORIUM You've a neat littlu wife at houic, John, At ttwret aft you wifili to pee. Ah faithful aiui ueutJe-henrtod, Ah fuiitl us wifu can bo : A u'tinulQfl, bomeOoviiiR woman, Nut carinijfor [u8h orbbow ; fihet* dcaror to you than Mfv, John ; Thun kiM hwr ami tell her bo. Your (llnnorH aroprotiiiitly otu'vofl, Jubn, Am likewiHC' your breakfast ami iva. ; Your wardrobp ii nlwavH in order, With buttoiitt where buttons i<hnnl(l \*0. Hvr hoiisb is a cotiy hoir.u uubt, John, A hnavf^ii of rePt bfilow ; Vun think bhe'H a raiM little; treRHurc ; Tht>u kiHs her ami lull liwr ku. Shu'sa^'ood wife an<i truu to you, John, L()t fortune Im foul or fair ; Of whatuvor conies t-o yon John, Slit' eliecrfitliy bearH hwr hliare Vt)U feel bUf'si a. brnvu. truo huliier ; Artfl pet linp^ far more than you know, 'TwiU llKhtun her en 1 of the roatl, John. JuHt tokiti^ hur and tell he)* hu. Where a band on a t:nidiin{ ittono Will hIkhjiI one 'fiViir the river. "" And the other TiniHt ^'o on ulonn. Should hbo inedl the iHst uiilu«tonu Ih'tt, 'Twill bf comfort Rnibl yoiii woo To know that whilo lorln^ hor here, John, You kih.Hutl hor and told ber ao. â- ^Rasmi'9 B30TS & SHOES I liavc a Ytn-y large siipply on and ami â-  'â-  « -' ' ;â- '. Selliiijj^ very riieap. IN LADIES WEAE. d rruiiltlii, Kid, Pi'Iish ciill and lUitr Doii^ola,} Lac« aii'l It'tttoii. Jflhse'fs Voiillis and Cliildreu's .•\ iarL'c uftsoi-tiiii.iU. iiil .-^luts ami si/rs. •.. "^' John, ' Woman's Ma[;fiziu«. Tliinc<4 Ainusiiie and Straus;e. SOT OUIllI.NAI., BIT WOUTUY OK I-i;Kl'8AL, UAHlIBIl, "How dare you treat me thnti V" he wrote, "Von Baiic'y little iihr«)W ! Tucall nie Hmall potatoea, just llecauHe I'm niRHhcd on you." She Bui/ed the pen in wilful nioo<l, And thtme linei! olT kIic daHhed -- •The smaller the potatoes aru The easier thdy'ru niashod." Health makes wealthâ€" and there h more demand for the tinislied article than tlis raw material. A society luis hccn started iti London to promotelthedevelppment of tlie scienc* of niesineri.sui nnd of the n|>flication of hypnotism to ptactic.-il mediaine. Rer. W. >V, Carson, of Kingston, tell* a remarkable spider atory. While pour- ing water into a wash bowl, a hii^c spi4er mmt mm ^ Kino Call' ;iu(l Doui^'oIit, llalinoi'als aii;l Craitei-?', aLo Hr-avy Boots aud SLoc-a. I'lieos and Material cannot bo beat. W.CLVYTON Photos, Photos, Photos. that WM In the basin crawled rapidly up Be are noiO turning out xcorlt far lupertor in ttifle and fini$h to any ever pro- the stream and Into the jag. He in still mystified ^e^,'.^rding the faof Victoria Moroiini, the diii>)(hter of tlie millionaire, who nnarriud her fatlicr's coachman several years n)in, and starred on tlie stai;eand latter in the back chorus, lias done satisf^ictory penance fur her social sill, and is ntfain with her father as a modest but attrrtctive belle at Saratoga. ' done in nil its hrtincket. A good stock of FRAMES and MOt'Lbl^OS kept The wiioreabooU of tlie liusb«»Kl »rc tia- amttanll// an hand. Wilt alto int^vduce the new BROMWE PORTRAIT, <t ducfd in Fletherton. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE RA TES. PICTUEE FEAMING F. (j^. Karstedt, A largo aftnrtuient of BTOVKR. la inakes) HTOVK KHHSISHINfiK, TI.N WAUK.t-Ol'I'KllWAltK.LAMl'OOOUS etc .cunhtantly on baud. EVETRoroniNr. a speci ALITY. Strain's old Stand l<''lot!»liei*t on. nOUR, FLOUR, STONE FLOUR! ml: ]' JJ)UCKS U preparol tu do your (irUtin^* on whort notiee Htid ({riiiilx on the obi t* riiitt of every twelfth huHhol. hoven eeulH per bun <>f two buHheU for â- rhoppiujj. dono uvi-r\ dn> The I.iltl'j Ml i^ h\v. in the u.^tiinatiou of tho i>ubUi:. Katirtfaction (iuaranteed. V LOUC'KS.rroprictor. tiood stubhn« for h »rM>M. BLACKBURN'S /,s' IIk' pi (I CI' jov choice <Jnn<ls (inil hdr pvlccfi- For Sale Stcnm llooriiiill formUnit I'lfhiirtori Stntiiill 2 run stone.ilotible ri^ed bnli. Mniut mill, tinnier nihl piinli'M Will 111' Kolil clii'iip iind on easy leriUH. TUi?- i^ a biircioil. .\ M'l^t" lUdKuiiRVicn l-'iiiiluirton I* .0 MonUily Falr.s. OriiMiiivillo rhu Hocond Thurwliiy in each niontb. Ilinidalk Tniiidttv lietorx DraliKiiviu. I'i.mli.' .Mumluy before l)ruii((iivio. Miiik'liili' Siitunliiy bef'>rr OrniiRPvllli". niirliaiii 'I'bird TuoHday in csoli month. CiiAl'.woj'tli -.Moiidav bofore IXM'hnni. Ilolluiiil «.'iinliM--.Sutuiiluy l/«li.ri' Ihiiti, worth I'lircvllU- .Mondiiv bi-fori^ Dm hum. Hanover Mond«\ hi'foro Dnrhaiii. Hoiu-. 1 oclLbtfstoi^i ]nicud i'urerl Mcstx. lloIoBuna, , " »ed. Kirc preoared Corn ! . ^ â-  -I iien'oral aRrtortmeni of oatinsd Roods !ilix>Y) bill »uc< cHoici; HOSKY, CONFKCTIOSKRyof all kinds. and cooliut; summer drinks. spooialt V . KF fllKAJl I (Iniicn Kruits a j OAT MKAL, C(»UN MKAL, CUACKKD WHEAT niiil (JKAHAM KLUI'R, always on liiiiid. RenifiiitHi'- !lif place, next door to M. Ricliarclsoii A' t'o ». 'riiis Yeixr'H MYRTLE CVT and riAJd immmum FIXKK TIIANIKVEK. See T&B fiAdll ill hroii/.«' on FLIU nnd IMCKAUE *'^i-. Bliiloh's eonuli and (..'oiisiimption Cure I I'-rinnSr 'f«; Z:T^. \:^Z \ I^Wo ved Farm for Sale. Hull I Kor hiMie lini-li. side ir chi'st, nn. Sinloh'i Porous Plaster. Price 26 const* Kor sale at tliu Medical llall. Orobp, whooping cotu;Ii ui.d Brniicliitis lininrdiuti'ly relieved " '" ~ i'''or lale ut the Md r HNIoh'i »all Cure I i.ui.« iin. i-iy nil.' â- â- Â«!, wid vaniio east, T. nn*t S. j n., oontahiinR Ml(i iicreK. Kft eloarod, good clav oani. widl iniproved, j^ood frame housn and to^; barn, frame fitHbl(>. pood orehnrd, etc. Tbitt farm irt well watered and iniiU'ovud, and {h eon- Nldered one iff the bent in thi!i fuction. Itisone mile and n half from the viUogo KIuKberton. WlllboHfla on very uaay tertui. Kor further iierticu: i ri aptly to JA8 UERCIIOFT. Pleabertoa r â-  â- â- â-  •â- *' known to the eutside world. A man wlio went to pick h«rrj«f» near Dear Lake, Pn. ,a few days ago, wai found •otne hours later lyitig on the grtmi un- conscious, with n huge raltiosnake fast- ened to his troufurs. Tho snake was killed and the man was revived with cold water. He had no^ lieeii bitten, yet lie was afTected just as if^lThad been, un- til his tinders talked him out of it. Mr. ftlndstone's libraiy at Hawnrdun Is one of the finest private librariusi in EnglniKl. It haa more than '20,000 volumes. Mr. ti'ladstono loans his hooks out to any one li) the neiuhborliDod who wants to read them. Formerly peop'o could keep them asi lonj; as tliey liked, but n few years n^o the rule was made tliat a book cmild be kept for mio nuitith only. It IS tho roijulnr free liVirary of the district. It is reportod, on tlie authority of a Oibbon correspondent, says the Omaha Hee, that some Bufl'alo (.'ounty hunters found in thu xand lulls south of Lnwcil a band of putrilied elk, surrounded hy a circlf of petrified coyotes, the ndjaoent atmosphere lieiiij; full of petrified yelps and lujwls, ta( li yolp haviiio a diaunmd in one end and a onoln^itt's h^kininer in the otluT, and every howl contttiiiiii!; a pearl and a hntcher's knife. One of the Vanderbilts had his portrait pamtefl by a Froiich arti-it. Wlioii the work arrived in New York a customs duty of ;iO per cent, was jiaid upon it. Mr. Vftiideiliilt was not satistioJ with the pii'turo Hinl sent it back to the artist to bu worked over, l^ii its return to .Imuri- .i;a another tax was exac'.ed, iiiakin^j the total iiininnit pniil to the Ooveniment S'.'.WK), just two-third.s of tho sum re- ceived by the artist. It is said that Mr. Vandiirbilts views on protection are somewhat moditied by this transaction. A cat ill Mississippi recently ;:ave up its lifo to save tho community. Tho river was lery hiijli, and the dyke wliitli had Ijeen built to keep out the water K^Ye way in one place. The water was pour- itii! in uunoticed when tho cat passad by and, realisiiin the condition of sffairs, crawled into the hole and stopped the flood. It i» eHtiinateil that 8^80,000 and a luiiiibcr <if lives were saved hy the heroic frline, nnd the Yillagers have built a baautiftil tomb of red granile,with mice carvei.1 in relief, over the bones of the uiiiniaV Oiit*rrh eured, health and sweet breath SBcur«d, by Shihdi's Oaturrh Remedy . i'rico 50 centa. Nasal Injector free. ) ]<\n B«J« il the Medical Hall picture that is giving entire mtitfaetion wAererer introduced. SAMPLES cntt be $een at mi/ Gallery where all partictilaT» at to Price, Stff/e Ac, ran he ateer- tained. MMS. Mi/iiMMM. FLESHERTON. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAV^S^EIUS&OINTMENT k PRICEVJLLE BAKERY. A. WATSO\ ! FLESHERTON PLi\l\« MILLS Desires to itifovra the public lliat lie can liii'nish CAKES AND. PTKS J'tltST CI.AS HUKAD AIAVAVS ON HAND, will visit Kleshertcti twioe a wrekâ€" o TUIOSUAYH and I'UI DAYS, with a full suuply of goods. mtop A t!AI!l) IF YOU DESniE MK TO CALL. >YEDDINa i\nd FANCY cakes n specialty * A. WATSON, Priceville. Situation, witli*teMl> oii.|il,)yiii(iul ami gi>o<l pay all the year round, to ri4jiAliie lueii furiiiKliine sstinfac- Uaviiif,' purchased tho Flesherlon riauinj. Mills fron H. J. S]mou1<>, Esq.. Inow desirt. tu inform the PUBLIC that. I am in a ponition to do ALL KINDS â- -OK- General planing' mill work, such as S.\SH, l^oOflS, DOOKFBAMKS Planin"; and MiitciiiiiL;, re sawing, etc. <>o<m1 Workiiiaiisliiii Cinarairtrfidv A large (|U!intit\' of good ih'v (>ii:^. lun'ihcr on Imnd. I'i'«ihj)it!0:i., % v^^, â- ^ \ THE PILLS rurif V the llleod, correct all Die onlvrs ol Livei*, Stomach, Iilcln»y«, anil -liowetw^ ThoyinviKoratnan 1 rc«toretoln'ftltUl)el>Jlitat«<U'onstitntion». and are invaluable in all C* lilttiuwinciaental lo KeiiialoB ut all uuort. Kor (,'liildreii anil Ibe age! tliev are priceleaa TUP OINTME>JT au nifiillible roino.iy lor Kiid Ijeu", Had lli-easta. Old MVmnds. Sore« nnd IMcers. II iafamonsf (lout and Uluniuiatiiui. Kor disorders of the Cfae4t it has no c(|ua ForSORh: TintOA'I, BROA'CHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS 01anilnlarHwollinn«,«nd i\ll Skin lliseates it has no rival; aud for oontraoed and stiff oititK it acts like a charm. M imifin-turoil only ut Professor IIolloway's llstalilishniont. 7.S, New Oxford Strrt-t ( lato Sit:), Oxford Strt-ot ), London, and are sold at Is. liil.,2s. ud., 4h. PkI . lis.. 'Ha., and :i:is. each Hui or Vot, and may b« bad of all Med eine Yoiulors throughout the World. ^lif rurvlta.ters shnuhi look ii. '/i-- hil>i-l on llui I'ot.^ tmd Bo.ra. Ij theaddrest t'j »io( O'l.l, (_^.fJord Stiei-t, Ijomlon, tlitk^aresptD'ious. ory referenees . Iltrier.rmsfij H.A. McOMllKliA Co tocbiiHtsr, N. Y f^. .tf V- f LOOK ! r ff HAY I d<*n<* unxR ta'Vait HHtfOt Vtttrs our rojmts tion i.icstsh ^ llinhoj W want tiiree niMti in voiir virtiiity to rei»ri»Bo»t 111. to wtinin fxcinsrvo territory will b^ (.â- Ivan. H.indSouie ouii',t. froo. Halary and eijietxiMi paid weekly, 1.'ravi^\uso\perlenoeuot ro'^uiu-d Miite atoutfcfnrter'ioa. Havdv stock for t'sn uU spe* jjty. MAY UROTHKIW. Nwitsorymen, Rvoj^toi . S V .-«, .-^'^ .'1 , -* " • • >« â- 'â- M

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