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Flesherton Advance, 29 Aug 1889, p. 5

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THE FLESHERION ADVANCE > i ^ Supposed Antediluvian Relics. till; jawbone? uncUcftli were in a r«- iiiaikuljlo good stale of preservation. Jlr. VV.IJ. Jelly liad also siicn ilie re- !-n.„. Th. ;:hMun^ £ro„u,„Ut. I """"« f''^"''^! near Dunn ,ille, and tliey were instantlv brought to mind Tiie liulo wo kuvw coiiipaied with ! iin-ough this d'iscovery. wliut we don I liuow reKardmg Una ' ^ixl iuolu-isld in various parts ol waiidanditsinnabuantsinalUlieagete , the Doininiou have iiitf rested them- ;juice It was started on Us career ^ ^j.^.^.,. „, ([jj^ j^jp^^^.^.^u^ .^,),}j,jy,j ^^ ^1,^ tliroyighspaoe lias been luostsiarlhiiLjly j i.^.^^., ofantiquilies. Liisi Saturday ihustratca Uiumf,' me past lew days. ^ Rveniiii,' ,Mr. A.ti. Cocluane, of tiie •â- Have you seen the Doncs •.' ' 'ilial (looloi^icai .Survey, Utlav h, eanio horc has been the all-iuiporlant question i „„ jj,^ strength of a telo-rain received usiced by everybody uf las or hei ^ ^j ^j^^ capital and in.sp.;cted the re- iiei-libor since last luul-sdj*y uioriun^', ^ ujaiub. He was iji-bly pleased with wlieu Mr. Jonn Jelly arnveU i" j his visit. Mr. Cochrane ha.s been nmk- rthelburae biingin- witn hnu a. por- I j^j, ^„ examination of tho marl beds tiua of ine rcuuuLU oi an auinial that j .^ yi^alluw Lake, near Ilepwurth. and is supposed to nave e.usted Uutore the | .j,^,.^ jj^^.y ^^^^^ ,^ ^.^^^j ^^j,,^, ^i,^^.^._ 'l'^"-"^- ' The depaitnieiit will issue a gooloyical To commence our story properly wu | ,^,^,j „(â-  jj^g „orth.'.vestoni jjart of this siiall nave tu «o buck about one year. | pi,,vince next winter. Last summer >Xr. U .L, Jelly, ot Lowl- ^ Xutsiiav evening, Mr. C.A. Hirscli- ingeireen,e.vUeeveol.\maranlh,w».s c^l.^,,,.^ ^,;, ^-^ ,j^^^^^^^ at Toronto, engaged in scooping jut a watering i ,^,„| .^ ^^outlemm who has collected place ioc his cattle in a wet piece oi i ,„uuy Ml.iahlc specimens and makes land on the souUi-easl .iuurte. ot Lot , jin;i ae ,!,„_,y ^ special atudv. arrived iu :No. !t. Con. ., 01 tn. above-i.amtu , ^j,,,[,j,„„y .^^^j ^ considerable tovvnsiiip, when liecanie upon a coup. e uf lai"u ubs. ^5uiijewUal starllcil j.t the Uiscovery, lie maue up his lulud to ihalii; a iui-lii=:r scaich lor utlici le- maiuH the loUowing day, but the weather set m vwry wet, water tided up tiie liole, and turther investigation was posiponeii. A few WLxks a^j Mr. .lohii Jelly, of bhelburne, while pay- in' .Mr. V\ J',. Jeliy a visit, had these ! uus L-.\hibiud to hiiu, and his curosiiy | b.'ing aioused, he, m company with | .Mr. IJavul lloey and Mr. .lotm .iiider- i son, both of this place, set out ou i Monday lUe 12th nist., to join Mr. W . ' IJ. Jelly in lesuijiuig the seaich. Xv- ' riving at the place, water was stiil fouiul to occupy the holeâ€" m liici it had nevur gone dry from the -.lay ol us eXL-avatiou â€" and it was with cun- sideiable dirticitlty that they gut to woik. Liliing some old sacki witli »ai-n, a small dam was constructed una ti.ij vsaitr dippid out ol ti-e iiole aiKi tiuovvn beliina the duiu. ihcy not been at work very long when they camo upon oilier bonesâ€" ilL^, [loitions of the backboue, .\:c. 15ut the moot iinporlant hiid was luahc ou Tuesday, when the men ai work came upon wliAl they at liist supposed was a log ol lelnried wood, but uhicli, alter the earth had been rehioved fioin it, proved to be a inammoth luun or tusk, eight inches in diauuter at the bun and Li leet a inches lu leiiglli. .\s there is a piece decayed or broKe-n otf the Up, tnat must have been at least, eighteen iiichesloiig.Uieconipleie hoi 11 or tusk uuist have been UVliU KOfKTliK.N KKKT l.N LKNOTU ! L'ufoiuuially this enormous tning was | found to be cracked or broken in three j p'.eces and had to be lilted out in sec- i tioiis. An idea of tho weight can be | had f:'om the fa-t lliac the middle j piece, measuring about eight feot in j len"tli, gave two men all they wanted i t do to lift ii out of the place m which ' it was found. Notwithstanding the rain on Tues- day and Wednesduy the search was continued, and the citizens of bhel- burue were only informed of the dis- j covery by the arrival of Mr. John i Jelly on Thursday morning with a ' spent lime inspecting the remains. He also was greatly interested in them and says they are no doubt liiu remains of ! an aiiimnl that stood ahout twenty : feet hi'di â€" cither a mammoth or I uiaslodou. ilr. Hirschfolder is a son j of i'rof. liirschfelder, teacher of the j Hebrew aixl Chaldean hmguages iii [ Toronto I'liivcrsity. The Messrs. Jelly expect to exhibit the remains at the coming fall fair iu Shelburiie. Geueral News. riic Viceregal party will not return ti> I Htawii, until Nnveiiiber. FifteiMi pvisiinors are in the Tiiiibs at Ni'W V'lirk awaiting trial for murdiT. Mrs. Chill lioiieauaiul Mrs. RitliarcUoii, of Kuiu'dton, sisters, liavc had a furtuiiM I'i ><U),()0() left them. llanniiu's circus train »;ui nreekodnear COUNTY d DISTRICT. Prat. CeuHor, ifassie, had ii rib and hip 1)1)110 In-okBii by a kick frmii a .fames Anderson, a Mono fanner, coui- Miitted suicide on Saturday by haujjnii.' limiseit. Mr Jos. A. Donovan, barrister, To- niiito, and Rev. Mr. Buniilt, ot .A.lligton, Will' badly lacer.ited by a do!» belmiging tu a Mrs. Rowe, near Delphi. Edward I'alehell, who lives aliout one mile friMu Keswick, Out., oonnnitted sui- cide Friday niiilit by cutting his throat with a razor. He was ahimt 80 yeas ulu. \ k little Beeton .'ul prayed as follows the other evoninn : ''.Vnd now, dear God, hiess papa, mamma, and iiie,and goodbye, for to-morrow we are going to Totten- ham."â€" [WofKl. School opened on Monday, and jud;j- ing from the screams winch occasionally rxnd tho school house atmosphere, we should Kay the physical strength of the teachers had been largely .augnien ted by their holidny outiii;{. â€" [Chatsworth News. .\ ile.sp.-iteli from Owen .Sound says tli.1t the new sleiimshi;) Manitoba, i>f the I" IMv. ricot, imiiie a trial trip this afrer- iioun, ill winch she showed herself to lie far superior to lier sister ships, the .Vtha- basca and .\lberta. Mr. Jaines Russell, of Midhiirst, had tho inistortuue on Saturday last to lose his barn and outbuildiri'.;s by tire. The yield ol abi.ut 'X> acres oi fall wheat, alon'.j with other crops, were stored in the l)arn and binned. The lo»s is sup- posed to be about .^!I,(K)0, with insurance .t;i.:;i)o. .\ teleurain from < 'wen Sound dated .\u(,'. .:$ say.s ; This ovemnu at alxmt nine o'clock a hid named Hubert .lohn Chcslcy, aijed about 1.3 years, living near Priceville. Fine dry weather. Tin: hirniers aie busy in their tields. Some hue samples of wlmat have been brought in, but the majority of , , . , i i . I more or less bv ! ^"' ""^ ''***'''""''*''*'"''"""''"" "''"'• ; and as the auunish-stricUeii young man [11 play short stop," he muttered, and as- he made for the door the maiden saw him. " Slideâ€" you've aot to slide," she cried frantically to her terrified lover. But it was too late, for the old man are injured moi'e liidiU rust. The barley is ueiirly all saved .lud will be a good sample. Mr. Alex. Brown ami Miss Brown. who liavif been in Europe, aie expected to arrive home in a few days. Master vvdlie Irwin has been home ou a visit to his frieiulH. Mr. W. 'iVatson, sr. , aud hih mother are visiting friends in George- town and elsewhere. Mrs. D. McKinnon has been very ill for smne lime. Mr. John McGowan and bride re- turned on Saturday evening from their wedding trip to Niagara and other places of interest. Messrs. T. Patton. \V. Walsoi:, jr.. and others have caugiit some vciy tine trout during the past week. Eiiiflish aud .4iu<'rk-au Tuilors. vanished in the twilight the short sto;. chuuliled, '• [ ijiu'ss that will be a In lU'- run. I'll go HI iiovv and make .liihc' '41VC liini his release ' " -i-iiip. Full Shows Following is a list of the tail fairs in this vicinity : date .Samk. r.Uht lirey.. ArtHiiiuhlu. ijiuuuli; ... KU'shertoil.. , .I'riceville . Slulhilule. Dai;-.. ..Sept. liil ami 1\ Oct. il'l. 'JOiiiu) l7 Suuth (iroy DtirUaui Sei't. -4 and -j"' jii^at Nortlieru ('('lIin^;^vol>(^ Sept. 'ii tti JT Ceiiti'ul /i;'l Soety. Walters FaUki.Sept. 24 auil 'Jj l:itl-.istriu! Torunto Sei>t. 11 tu -JI SIM .tcwlBB-Macbloi-Y â-  I (II tucv I (idi- ID all pftrti. I'r I .Bt:tir our m»cJiinMj iiU icuodt wbire Ibe |>*,>|ile .-an M« :ljriii. w* wtllteoil fr«« toone perMiD in iracb loicllly.ibr ver/ l,e«c MwiRK-mctuati mad* in r world, witb all ibe altaLbnirnit Vr «vijl alio ecDil rre« a cumplel.- ue uT uar coitlr and valualitc an mplaa. lo return wr aak ibat you II. Mr what ivr Mnd, Iu [biMe who ny i-ai; at yi.ur boiuf. aud aflri 3 n..nibi all rtull lirtciiiB y. ur l.m.i ; riy. Thia Krand maiOinfl t â-  aflrr iti.' Mijlu«r palrnli. -b bavr runuul tT..|ore iiatrnM 1 ..utitfvldfof Stf:l. wiibOi' acbmrntt. and now aatU i-a 'ttt-aO. Ileal. atrooKrat. moat uar- ul inarbinc in thr world. All â-  jlrer. No crpllal rrqolrrd. Plain. I inarnictiona i;ivrQ niuae who wnla lu «a at onre can ar- I jk*e«f Ibe iie^t aawinii-macliiDv lu ibc world, and tba MialBe. For several days i.says the New York Stan a neatly dressed, urbane gentleman, with an Knghsli accent and a large number of trunks, has been stopping at a Fifth Avenue liolel.i where he ha.^ luxurious ipiarters aud a I good many visitors. Very few poopl.' know wliat ills business is or anything about him, further than that he a))- ' pears periodically in the spring and | fall of, the year, pays his bill, and departs for t^nrope. lie is agent for a ^ fashionable tailoring ejitablishment in London. So soon as he arrives in' New York with his samples of goods j he notilies lifty or one hundred | ^QORE'S BlOCk, DlUtaiD St old custoiuei-s. who live m New lorK, ' ,, , , â-  '1 *.iuwik;'ewnl bi: Iimiiil . ,n*u( worttaof birb art avvf abown io4clhvr to Atrurica. i' U L' I:: a^-. OU.. Box 740. .Vugyaua. " UEMOYAL [ ilehiruto infonii the publi<' that I hav ivi-il my \voll linuwii tin shop to Wateitiiwn. X.Y.. Friday, and iiiany of the I'olson yards, while puttinj; a levo the riiii: hoises were killett. The last day of the Hamilton caniival | passed oH' as successfully as the preceil- I iug days, and the whole hits j lieen nii immense triumph. [ The three year old .son of .loliii hove, i of I'url .\rthur, lixs been nii.s.siii;,' sonio davN. and there is an awful fear that he may liavc been earned oil' by bears. Mr. Xoelliier, the fiiniituri) niaiinfai'turer of Dwoii .Smmil, ^'ave :t liicui.- Ill his employes Friday eveiiiii'.;. which Was uttemled by about "i.OOU [leople. Asa Like Shore freight pulled into the in- near hy, that he is ready to call at | their houses and take inoastiremenl--. : tirsl seiidiii!,' for lluir inspection a ' laroe bimdl* of samples of Ins -ioods. .\fter a couple of weeks m -New York, the ([uii.'t gentleman takes pa.^sagu for^ London, aud in three or four weeks ^ more the clothes begin lo arrive. ai-e' assessed at the custom Honse.the duty' paid, and then delivered to their own- inhabitant in tins county, die.l lust week \ ers. I'heie ar.i many hun.lred men a, lie,, resnieiice near New L.well a.-ed | "1 New York who buy all their clothes , , ,. ,, . .f 111 Lone on. and others in ditlerenl I 111 vrs. Hei- rareiits were .Vfneans '" . , , ' â- ' , , , , , , . , : nai-ls ot the coni:irv, and 1 caplureil hy »Uve dealers alioiit lii II) years I 11:^11. Thi.'ir fr(cil.iiti w.a.s pinrlia-seil after ver to>;ether was accidentally shot, the ball eiiti.Tiiig the recoil oi the heart. Death was almost instanlaneous, Elizahe-tli -MolX'aii, colored, the oldest .\ •â-  lil.lte -â- . IU ;â-  :if\v preiins(;».. KKl'.VliUNW EAVKTlJoniUINi; E- done as hen'tofore. I have secured the a'^eucy for the t.'elebrated .Suiter Sewinij Macliiin UL'i|Uebtllr4 lliv iilil ti-it•lIll.^ tu cnino .in. I -. me in luy iletv shop I ri'imiiii, â- â€¢ti: . tliev sav many years of slavery, and ui 177'3 at I Vliiliile;|iliia.tlieileeea.sed was liorn a free I wumiii. Ill K'^-4 she and !i-r Ir.isband ri'iiioved to Caii.Tla. when 40 >eiii s have ' lieiMi spent in the ailjoiiiiii-,' ti.\vii,l.i|i ui 1 Siiiiiiidale. Ihrhu.sljaiol liied Id yrs.a;;o yartl at Erie, Fa., yesterday, the eiiiiiiiu .j^^.,| joi .i„,l tlm reniaiiider ol the family eft the track, and the oil tank exploded, ilestroyiii',' the eir.;i'io and SoO.Ol)!) wortli of \)roperty. Oil Aiii,'ust 2S there will be direct cable connoi'tioii wit!; the <Md Country through Canailiaii territory, eonuection.i haviii'.; been made at New ( Jlasunw. \.S. , betw-'«ii the Bennett Mackay cable and the C. P.R. toloijraph lines. Mickel Dymsnt & sons' No. I ».iwmill was burned at (iravfliihurst on Saturday niul't. j Tho Fope is reported to be in very j pour health and speculation as to his suc- I cesser is largely indnl:.<ecl in. ' The cost, of the pr«jected cable line found to be »till at work, occasionally j ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ Francisco to New Zealand, via imearlhing a rib, verlenra, or some , j,^^ Samlwieli Ulainis. is estimated at portion of the remains as above slated, in the afternoon the editor of The Kconomist accompanied .Mi. Jelly Uiok 10 the place, when the men were other part of the long exiinci monster '['he main object of search now i seemed to be the other horn or tusk, | thojaw-boii'JS andleeth.or some of lli« leg bones, but up to the time of ipm- j tmg work Thursday evening none of I these had been found. I No doubt our readers would like to ', know the nature of the soil m which ) thtso bones have been so well pre- ] served. The place was a black ash | swamp a few years ago, but was cleared up and burnt over. T'ho tup soil is a J black muck, Virying troin two lo three \ feet in depth. Below tin.-, is a led el white marl from three lo four fuel in ! ueplh.and below this again is a bed ol , hard black sand. In lue marl weie lo , be seen â- ruors.vshso;'' s.m.mj. shells of various shapes, and it was in tins marl thai the bones were found. Although the men ipiil work 1 huis- day evening the searcii is not lo be {jiveii up. They will rouirii in a day vr two, and. with better appliances. will no doubt lind more of llie leuiaiii.s. The bones appear lo I'o gietttiy scut tcrcd, and a considerable aiea may have to be gone over, but the inatler IS m the right hands to secure a sac- ceseful prosecution. Tlie teeth, il found, -.all weigh from six to eiglil pounds each. The writer has seen similiar remains that were found near Duunville some years ago, but the born or tusk and the bones were uoi »o' wpU preserved as are those, a!- Uiough ill tho tirst-uame.d collociion 510,000,000. The in Hayii is over, and Uyp- polite. the rcvolulioiiary leader, is vic- , a Now York cobbler, on bis wife to make her keep navi;;ator trip thnnii torn. us. John Lvneli Safiirdar shot sober. ( irahani. ibe bariel boat the Niagara, took another the rapids Sunday. Mail adviee.s Iroiii Uoi,.; Koii^J and Yokohama show that ureat numljers of people have su'foi-ed death from Moods and eartli-i|uakes. SchoieuTs arrivine at Victoria and Port Towiiseiiil report the si/.urc -f several Canadian sealinu vessels by tlio are well iiji in years and pint ihe allotted time of life. [Cieeiiiniu Slar On Sunday afternoon, about one o'clock, the liani ami slables of Mr. Nathaniel Thompson, on the f'>urtli line Mono, wore iliseovereii to l>e on lire. .Mr. Thoiiipsoii Cot to the bnrniii;; build- iin;s just in time to save Ins little hoy's life. The chilli had .set tire to tho huild- hii{ ami was still in the barn, unable to U'et out. The bai'u was full of s;r;iii,,alao H slack 'lutsiile and a lar,'« ipiantity of hay. .V valuable horse wa.s absti hiirned, toi^elher with all his frtriiiin',r impI«?iiienlH, Hie'oii, sepanitur and inoiveis, di ill, plow, etc. Mr. Thompson was iiuured for SlKXb II is of Ins i.-mp. Senator .l"liii Macdonald has been to .Vl».ska and in .m intervr.e.v in Winniiieij speaks luohly uf the Mackenzie Basin and the Noith>vc.'-t •.;eneially. The Aiiiericun tiovemment are de niainiini..; that the idlicers on Ciiited States .^teauiuis shall be natives of die United States, and iheie is a coiuinntioii on the St. Lawrence. I parts of the coni:iry, am I that English-inudu cloilu s do uoi cost! aiiv more tlian if made in the I laled Stiitts, after the duly n- paid, aud are., : 111 fact, cl.i ajJer in sonij in.stanees. j while ihey po.ssess all ihe advautagesj I of Luiidon clollies, wh.ilC'er loose, I may he. j Voii can always lell riii .\niei-ie:ui who l.:is jilsl reM.M-ii fi'oli: L.urope o\ tiie cut ol Ins co:it. No inaller wiial' else he may or may not imy while In | IS ill Iv.irope, oil- fellow coimtiyman| always iniikes il a. iiiiinl to lay iu a' supply of clothes when he reaches. London. They alwavs seem to be so] very much cheaper there. \ou l!o| about among the shops "pricing"] things, auil you find an Liighsh tailor charging twenty five dollars for a suit of clothes for which a New York tail- or would charge lifty dollars, usim,' tho same uuitorial. L'he same dillo.- i nee is obseived in the price of nearly I every article of clnthiug â€" overcoats, hats, elovis. sliirts, tlannels. etc.-- and the temptation lo buy is loo thing JASaSULUVAN, l». Tk* ravish, IIDKSESHOEK ,\M> I GENERAL BLACKSMITH, ! f'nllmgwood Strei't, |fLKSHL{KTON, - ONT. I Mamitneturiiii; 111 Wauoiis. Slniulih. lttiKai,iii I L>uiii()cnitK. iiliv Horsttshueiiii- promptly .it. ti' te .Spi-riit] uttelltioii h'lvi-ii tu i.olitl III 1 '\ or iiMiiUtr fot't I l.oiftfiiis and Plow riiains con- .â- atanily on liaiKl. , strong lo be resisted. Uiie ss \vill be about the value j which always astonishes the .\mcrican I wdio orders cloilios in London is the ' 11 einendons rapidity with which they are made You have your measure taken in the morning, and a pair ofj lionsers is didiveied at yonr hotel bo- • fore diimei' time. Two or three suits J can be made in twenty-four hoiirs.and an overcoat in a day and a halt, ll would alniosl seem as if the various parts of the garincills Hew together, and in some tailoring eslablishmontH tiiny aelnally ndvei'tiseto make clollus "while vou wait." i^5^ iMU'e ! Ciiited States revenue cutters. 1)1 Some of towed to the sei/.ed scalers have iHinalaska by the Rush. .\dyicc< fell of another terrible Hood in China iiy the bursting of the Yellow Kivei. X bai:;e ran down a rowboa*- on the r)t- tawa River and a man and w .man «ero dio.vned. There is a .•?'.ti.M.IJiit) esiaie in Philadel- phia which heirs in Kiinjstoii expect to prove their claim lo. Tho Cincinnati and Brooklyn baseball teams bc^an a i;aiiio at Hamilton, Ohio, Sunday, and had reachud the fourth inn- iiiits when eighteen policemen came on]i.,„jtg^_ 'pij,, Jjoi^es KiiuiMiia /â- ';0))l ""I o'-.i ('))|-i.</«oe/i )i'. Mr. CTeini's reiurii(;d lo his vocation aud school ic-opeiiod aller the holi- days, on Mmday llilli. with an at- tendance ofaboiil lLuI_\ live. I'laiug the vacation the inisite,* had a now rioorpiit m and other n'[iiurs made. On Mondiiy as Mr. Solomon 'I'lirner was eiisiagiii drawing in pua.s and wliile iu the lu'l of reacliiiig for the lines, he ovciiialaiieed hiliiself and as the wayoii was going down hill he fell forward ou llic fiorses, this frightened the animals and they ran away . Mr. Turner was shook beneath the v.agoii. which had quite a load on, and fell on his face thcfiont wheel passing over his shouldel'S, and ihe hind wliee' struck his head making a severe cut. He was takiii to the house and after the wounds were dressed he foil much iiigs when einliteen policemen came on ; [..yj^g^ _ 'yIm: horses ran lor. some the diamond and arrested all the player*, j jijjt,^,,^.^ j,il iJi^y cailic 'O a 'mU and who were at ''Moe brought before the ^^ j_ ^„^j ^ j-^..^,^,,. mayor and hned»8.,Ja. each The C Kin- ,, , ,i,„ ' uati management paid the I'limsofall. damage was do.u,5. .1 Ba.scball Koinaui-o. she was a baseball cnlliu.siast, and be was a ]irol'e»»ioiial ball player It was iiiiiloiuht ; aiiil as they sat to- gulher on ihe slepH of the Irolit ( •..(indiially eiked nearer to bvj lair coiii- panioii.ju.t as one is instiio i n ely diawi. tiiwaiil a newly painteil fercA.-. ••\\ ill you tell lue the tlrtferelice be- tween an 'ill :iii ve' .\lid .an •oilt-ciirve 1 always '.;et theiii iiiued. she saitl. ••Well tlii-i is an iii-oiirve.'' he gently niuniiined, as his left arm stole aruiind her .sleiidci' waist. She "'.;ot on to it." But there was some one uise who "got ,»! to it as well. It was the old man, who softly whis- p«r«*.l as he took up his position in the bay window, '•£ «ue»s I'll umpire ihis game. " Kifteeu short minutes passed and the 'jW genlluman beiKune restlens. "1 think T!ie '>loNt Sni?n<MiMful Rpin. ily evpr illfv iiH 11 IK i-,Tialtl lit lu I'.li .ll nil i iloL'<* uvit l*lLilci . Iliiiil pliiul 1 t'l'.W. STaKKTSVII.l.s, V 1}.. M .y \ IMJ. ORaD. J. KtSDAl.T. CO, UllllKllUri il 1 l.N. \ t. Ui>nllcnieu.~l liavo URuil Ki- •latl'H SpuvtD Curt) for Spitvliin^ aliiliilwr In acniiouf Imiieiiesaitjiit y i/riiaa] ..t Stiir.lutillsnnil roiinil Itaitur.i fjrAnilC' uf I'liro Innvery rnspci-t. looi-fllully ^ â€" rtciaumnnU it ti> all hiirscmon. Vti-y rixptctfully yours, CUAltLCS .1 Ula.KU.I.. XEKDALL'S %nm CURE. St. TT^IMA^^, P (J., V;):!!*-?, l^Ht. Dn. IJ. J. Kr.KDAU, (•;... l'\ilN. Vr. i;oiits:~lbaviMi<i'i| n few Dolilt-oi' ymir Kon (tnll'-* Spavin Cnr-iii uiv r-alf.. ivliiohwns siifTcrhi" frntii Influ . . __ «in7.ain a vf-rv hail Unw, .iii.l imii KWOAiL'SlH ««y Ihiit- voiir Ki inl.iirs Sprr-tii c'uro Timtlo iKiiripIi'io an-l inpid ciir>>. lean r**c(jiiii))i'iMt tt uh tiid bt'fltiinil niiiKt ciiMMiv,- liiiimi'ui. IhaT()ov«!r httiKlIcil. Kliullv -ioiil mo'iiiuof your vahmhli* binilcn (miHiIcI " a Tioa, tuiuoii {\\Ki IJorSL'.'* Yonr.s nsp. â- iitillv, I. F WUalwINSON. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURL Koitr RLLira, M \n., May 10, Utji. Dn. H. ,T. Kkndai.t.Co . Bn..sliiiiKh Kills. Vt. tJ.-utU'nifii - I .'ilwjiys kOfp y"ur li-cuJoU'i } Spuviti Citruiuia HllAtsr <>n liiUid J ' nml they liavn iiovor f/UM'<l In I «lmt you Hiftttj tlicy will .Ii>. I* Imvt- riirc<l a biiJ -^Uioor Spavin _ :uul uIho twn <>as4>H (if KtiiK'toiit) \«*Vlh^c of.v«'arftf)tantlInj:.fnimarnn whlcU I iHjiikht to l)r*M'il frutii, anit hav<> iiutMct'ii uny fltjn:* of tllsrjiMr In ^,J thi'lr uiTsprlDg. Tours trulr. ^ t). J. O'KKKFrB. Pflo" 51 porbitttlf. or Rlx InHtlLsfor ^5.' All druKK'Nts navelt nrt-un get 'tft.r.vou, or ti will )ii» Rent to ftoy adJretu* on receipt ot \ rlcu by tUa iipeprlcl'irs, DR. U. • ' J. kENDALL CO., Enonbumh Falls. Vt,/ ••OLD OY ALl. DK11UCIIST!». . V <rt

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