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Flesherton Advance, 22 Aug 1889, p. 5

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HE KlUN ADVANCE. m t ) it > i O ompetition D efied! â- M\ THE PEOPLE Wonder ! [{•)w we can sell so cheap and m tbe .same urae keep up th« standard q\iality. • H'K MOTTci IS SMALL PROFITS -AND- 9^/ca: returns, Ai.d ihe lartje trivde we aro doiu'.; proves thai our efforts to please and jive saiLsfaclioii aro appreciated by •.lit) ouDhi;. To sptak of our chtap or leading lints would meau to enumerate our whole slock which in ^^ [r ^ CONSISTS OV Plush & Hair Cloth Suites, Sofas, Lounges. Centre Tables Sideboards, Cupboards. Chairs, Etc. IN w ^ Sl ^ o o 5 Furnishings We have still .better values than Bvar. Whole bedroom suites of beauti- ful tini«h aud design at remarkable low prices. Spring MatreBses and Miu'J Wool Matresses lower than ever. l.E.M8dR£ Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director. 1& 2, Durham St., F L E S H E R T CF N llormuubm. Mr. Editor, I will now give you more Mormon Revelation touohmg money matters, as they rail on all others for preachinj,' for moi.ey, but that they preach for nothing but for the purpose of saving souls. We will now refer to their own Revelations in B.D.C., and let the reader judi^'u fur him or herself. Page MO U. D. C verily thus saith the Lord, I re'inire all their surplus property to be put in to the hands of the bishop of mv chnrch of Zioii. P. 301 B.D.C, and after that those wholiave been tithed sUall pay one tenth of all t!>eir inter- est auuually.and this sliall be a stand- ing law to theui forever for my priest- hood. P. 302, B. i>, C, awake ! Oh kings, come ye with your ;;ola and silver to the help of my people. P. 281, ii. D. C, as as ye receive money by huudi'tds, or by nfties, or twent^s, or tens or lives, cast it into the treasury, and let no man say or claim tiiat as liis own afterwards, or any part of it. P. "230, B. D. C, aud if any man shall give to any of you a coat or smtj take the old and cast it to the poor and -^o on your way re- joicing. P. liXXB.D.C. let Newel R. Whitney retain his store, aud let him impart all the money he can impart, and send it to tiie laud of Zior.. L'jC him aud Uhvt-r Cowdery visit the churches expounding these things to them. This is my will of obtaining moneys even so I have directed. Ho that sendeth treasures to the land of Zion shall receive an inheritance in this world and also in the world to come. P. 193, B.D.C.. and verily it is a, day of sacritice and a day of lith- ini^ of my people, foi lie that is tithed shall not be burnec' at his coming. P. 194, B.D.C. they nt told to not get in debt to their eueiuies, but that the Lord could take as he pleased aud pay as it seemed good, and as they Wfcie his agents, aud on his errand, whatever they would do accoidiuglv to bis will was his business, aud that they were sent to provide for his saints in the last days that they might obtain au iuheritauce in Zion, giviug tbeia the assurance that they would obtain it. The reader can understand the meaning of this. P. SOX B.D.C. Joe liad a revelation to build a board- ing house to Ixjuid strangei-s in. It was to be built as Joe woald direct. This l;ouse was to be a healthy habi- tation if It was to be built unto the name of the Loi\I. P. ;i04, B. U. C, Joe says, let all my sainils come with their gold aud silver, anil precious stones, aud witli all precious tilings of the earth, to build this house. On page 307, H. n. v.. Miller. Wriglit. Synder and Haws were cummaiided by .Joe to fjini a stuck company, for to raise money for the building of this house. Joe had a revelation that tluy could not accept IfSS than #50 from any ptrsju as stock in that house, but they were [Xiriuitied to re- ceive as high as liflet>n thousand from any one who was able to give it, and such as would continue stockholders in the house, they and their heirs were to have a place in that house from generation to generation. Joe bad a revelation thjtn that caps the climax, of Mormoa lying aud blas- piiemy. I will give his own words : Aud as 1 said to my servant .\bra- ham, eveu so I say to my servant Joseph, iu thee and in thy seed shall the kindreds of the earth be blessed. Then on page 308-9, B.D.C, Joe has a revelation to several others to pay stock to this house telljng them that they may have a piace in that house from generation to generation. P. 312, B U.C.Joo says to the Mormons, let uo mau pay stuu4( to this company unless he be a believer in the Book of Mormon and the reveUtions I have given you saitli the Lord, aiul on page 313, B B.C., verse 37, verUy I say to you, I now give you the officers be- longing to my priesthood! that ye may hold tlie keys thereof the priesthood, which is after the order of Melchise- dek, which is after the order of my only begotten son. First I give to you Hiram Smith to be a patriarch to you, to hold the sealing blessing of my church, even the holy .spirit of promise whereby you are eeuJied up to the day of redem,i,)tion that ye may not fall. See 2 Cor., Isi chap., '22 verse foratlat contra lictiou of this- claim. These people claim to be in- spired, and to have the gift of the spirit which sheds its love abroad in the hearts of all good shristiaus, which enables them to pray for their enemies, but ou page 277, B.D.C ,they are told by the Mormon god, and wliosoever ye ourse I will curse aud my presence shall be with you even in avenging me pf niidM- euiKuies. to the third u>d fourth generation of them that hate mc. I have given but a few of their nv- elatiotis to the readers of The Ad- vanQftJbot I think U ii anoagh tu show that tiiey are butii nnpuHters and blas- phenieis liow any unv could be so b.'.sotti'il 111 supc ;sti:iou as to publish tins siulf witli us selrisliiie3S,folly,low cunning lud hypocrisy as revelations from God, is unaccountable to all common sense. Tluit men should re- main ilupes of sucii a kna .'e after such imposition is still more inexi^iieable. iiNTLMOHMON. COUNTY d DISTRICT. Hanover is (iiacubouig tirs pcoiection. .\ii nid lH<iy JiL'il near Mc. Forest last week a^t'd 'JO. The Stayiier ;?iiii is respuiisiljle fur tlio statenunt that then; dw«ll.s in the t..wii- shii) .)f Sunnidale iw<> red-lieaded negroes. -i loninto buainifss iii;m wrote to a Mt. rirni. and addressed liia envelope as follows: ' Munf.rea furni- ture Waniacture Co. i )rit. ' t.)neiiay last wwk liiree ladie.i lett Duihani for a tn|. t„ W.ilkerton, whcse aKh'reaate w^iof,, ,,.,„|,i j,, , .sou :i,g. Who say.^ the ja- .|.l.. , i >.„„!, i_,r,.y ^re a half starvi'd I-t. -(;i-r.v l:,.-vievv. Ill the baud t«Hiii,;imeiit Tiiursday at L:.stoWtf!tlia 3L'i,d I;at!a!.„a bn.,,', ui W.ilkerton. jo.^k lirst. pii/.n ; Traax's band, of the same ;.|;icy. s,.,-,,,,.! and Forest City band, ui Loini,,n unr.l ,j the conipi'titi.iii for serou.l-,,-' „.s |.;,„d». Duriiis; t!ie gtorm .-n Tuesday after liooii iliu barn .,1 .Mr John JoinLson, at-., on the I'.ick hue .Milaiii'll.cii. was.- ruc.-k by lightenniL' and Ijuriied to She ground. The stable adj.. iiiiii:( wa^t also burned. Both were loi{ buildin;;,. .\ c<insider- able c|uauiUy ot hay. lour acres of barley. a fanning mill anii other iiniileiiieiafu were destroyed. .Mr. Johnson had no iniurance. â€" [Shelburiie Economist. During ih« heavy thiiixierstorin which pajsed over this Ticiiiity on Wednesday morning laut, li!j;htnin« struck the reBi- dence of Mr. David| Stewart, Shrii;!ey, parsed down the eave-trough and in at the door way. Mr. Stewart's two * is, Jame.i and William, ainT hi» twu litUa daunliiers. w.t. siai.iiii^ ,ii t'le door^ rh.- rain when i ho b(,htiiing struck them, kiio.kiiiu' all four snn»ele»». One of the littlo ;{irls -ecovered tirst ami dijicovered one of h,_.r l^rothem' L-lotliea ti' oe ...'A tire, .she lia.Hlied water on him and |iut ir »ut. tlicii ran to the nei:ihbors for assistance. Duiinsj hi<r alMenfs uiie of the vouiii: iiu-ii recovri.d aii.l ii|-'ii,i lindin;,' the house on â- Hits (.â- oninieiiced fitjhting tile ll.iiiiu.i, lirally e.iiiuijiiishiiig tlioni. M.-dical aasi.staiii-u was ^seut for. ,iiid l!iu tw.. V. iiiii; ineii Hfero fouiui to be badly burned ib. ut tlie legs *nd back, also one ..vl the hltle ^irU was .iliyhtiv burned. 'ITie fa7l:..-r naa '.elegrapliDd for. he beiiiu uiUient u t!ie Teachers Con- vention at Niai.'ara. .Vt lu«t aceounts ail are in a fair way for recovery-- [Dundalk Herald. Thk Ji'Di!KSHii'--The vacant Jiidgeshi;., caused by tlie doath u{ Judge Mac|iher- son, is alr«ady occupying consider- able attention and being very ac- tively discussed. Why there should be so much speculation as to the succem- orship we caniii't understand. It it a well ettablished rule that the Junior .lud>;e shouKl succeed to rhe S«nf»<-Jlmlv'esit';'p in the event of a vacajK'y. N'ot only coiii- mon courJesy but enery vestige- j)f public policy suK^ests and emphasiseH the wis- dom of such a course. To thisik for a tnoment, tliat the Goveruiiient at tlio dic- tation of a po!itii,id factioii would violate this. wh]i!i uiu.lerst">i.>d prii'C.i],il«. would be accusing them, in advance, ^l a public outrage The ruinors we hear must be surely without fomnlatiun. Judge Lane, since his ap^M.intmei/> to th» Junior Judnesliip has ftii.thfully performed his duties and his uitcisions. .is fur as we can learn, have been rharacterizedby a judicial fairness that coinniand the cunlidence and reipeot uf the people i{eis«rally. In his proiiuitioii t ' the Senior Judgeship vf the County .Tndge Lane will receive the congratula'i.'ii.s of all chisse.^. â€" [0. !^ . Advertiser. Tl>ef« « nothing small about Chvsley justice. According to the Eiiiorpriso bad bloodi has existed for some time [ast between Alfred Eighidti; and Joseph Jackson, both of Sullivan. Their pent up h.^tred of one another finally found vent when on Thursday last Eigh- ult7. issued a challenge iiivitini; Jackson to meet hiiu at the German church on the 8th cnn. for the purpose of ti^htin); it out. Jackson wuuld nut accept the challenge but sent word next da.;i to Ki);h- oltz to meet at Jackson's brother's place wheiii the matter would b« settled. Kigh- olts promptly put in sih appearance and th« figbt tuck place, Jackson coming ouA necoiiil best. The affair coming under the notice of constable Coulter a warrant was secured antl both men arrested. The case waa tried in Han<iver on M»nday night. For writing the challenge, Eigh- oitz waa fined 910 and costs amountiiiK in all to 921. (HJ, Foe assaulting Jacksun he waa fined $6 aud costs, aniountiog to $17.50. Then Jacksun for a«sultingi Eigholtz was fiiK'd $5 and costs which i also amounted to $17. 50. Thus the me- ! lea cost them in all $5t). When the trial was over, Jackson lent Eiaholtz $17 to pay his tine and the two oace uora be- ' came friends. the bone taken from his arm. They are expected home this week. The Rev. Mr. Graham, of Mark- dale, will ofiSciate at the Holy Com- munion service in the Church of England next Stmriay morning. Mr. J. Reid has returned to West Toronto Junction. Neut'oril Koad. From iiur ncn Corrtapundtnt. The population here has been iu- crea.sed by a girl at Mr. A.Johiistons and a boy at Mr. W. Summer'.-s. Mr. J.Graham came very near los iog a valuable mare. -^ grain cradle was left close to the barn and backing tiie team out imn got entangled iv. the cradle receiving a very bad cut ou one of the front legs, severing the i fiuews and leaving the foot almost' useless. ; The bricklayers are hard at workj u' Mr. i». Buchanan s new house. Mrs. H. VVailiii'.; aud her sou and daughter-in-law went to Chatsworiiii last Week to see Mrs. Richardson, who | IS dangeruusiy ill. | Siouie mis«ieant placed pan* green j and sale on the roadside close to the stone church, evidently for the pur- 1 pose of d«*troying some auimali run- ning ou the road. Judge Lynch should have charge of such persons. Kimberley. From •jur oic/t Vnnespundent. Wo are informed that Mr. Bishoo of this place has sold his mill to Mr John Plewes. We ar« sony to ioosi such a genial young man as friiiid BLshop, but hope our loss will be his gain. Quite a number of the ciliisens o! this vicinity started the other duv in search of huckleberries. Th«37 took lots of pails, but as the recent frost- had frozen the berries they wv\' obliged to come home without any. However, they say diey had a (joed tune. Mr'!. Brown, wlio has been visitm-.: here ior some time past, returned t > Toronto on Saturday last. -•\ couple of gentlemen from T'oroii- to were rustu-aiiug hi this vicinity last week. They succeeded in catch ing quite a number of the .speckled beanties. The Church of England Tiiiiiisier I'roiii IL-athcote, preached rn the s«hooi house here on Sunday evening last. The new ciiuich and hail hero a progressin:,' rapidly. Mr. aud Miss Judson. of Kincardine, are vi.sitiii:,' in this vicinitv. dav Inlstioge. Fi'tnn tiHi' uivn L'urrnAp'jndrHt, Harvesting is the order of :h« iiere. The fall wheat has suffered consid- erably from the rust. The oat crop pioiuises to yield fairly well. Since my last correspondence death lias been present with us. Ou Wed- nesday, the 7th ult, Mrs. Wm. Dug- gau passed peacefully away to her re- ward. Kev. Mr. ShiUon, of Flesher- tou, performed the tuueral services i which took place on Friday following i to the liiistioge cenieteiy. Her aged I partner has the sympathy of the neighborhood in his sad bertavcineut. ' Ou the lyih Alt. the luistiog«i Divis'.on ^ns of Temperauee gave an I entertainment at PioLou Station iui the Presbyterian oliineh. The pro- 1 gram was a good one aud was at- 1 teiitivcl.v listened to by the audience. | Tl:o lunch which was served was i cvirythiug that could be e.\pecled. ! JlO.lMi was the I'ccelpt at the dooi. , among wliich WII.+ .00 cents of boLius money. whicii. we uiidei stand, is plen- 1 tilul in tjie \;';ini.ty of Proton, i Humor says that it is manufactured J theie. On letiiining noiiie one â- ;£ thei ti-ams found a dilliculty in along the road by couiuig. in with some logs that had been placed on the road by some low lived peisons who evidently niiised their object, as no bones were broken. The ladles aul society of this place intend having a garden party at Mr. Walter Nichols, on Wednesday. 15 iust., the charge will be 15c. 25cts. ' The money is wanted to. fix the grave] yard and give it a pre8«utiJ)l« oippear- 1 ance, and it is certainly a commend- '• able one and should receive the atteii- tiou of all wLuj in*e the yai-d for a burying ground. Miss Lizzie lIutiehin.soi) retufcad to her school at Wye bridge ou Mion- , day ' ! .Mrs. Irisli, who has been seriously sick for some taite, is recovenkig. Victoria cheese factory has made another sale of iheese, tv^c. per pouud beuig the price lâ- eali^ed. The Ciale Harrow agents are scouring tins vicinity at present. Mr.McArdle le.umedaud took pos- session of our sciiool which opened on Monday last. KEMOYAL L aeuireta iaforiu tliu public tbftt I huve re- MOORE'S Block, Durham St. V 'oujpltitii --cjck uf tiuwaru wjH be fouul .1 my now prftmiboa. REPAIRING, EAVETROUGHING Et.-. dons as heretufore. I have secured the agency for the Celebrated 5»inger Sewing Matiuni- Hoiiuuatiiii; luy oM frieud.^ to couu and sotf iQti iu my Dew 8lio}>. I remain, etc . J&S.SHLUVAH, 1). VcTavisli, liOHSESHOEH .V>D '••"'"«! GENERAL BLACKSMITH. coutact , tollmgwood Mreet, FLE.SHERTON, - ONT. .Maittifaaturing ol Wii^omi, SluiKhe^ Hu;{gin-« nauiueratH, otc. HorsesbueiDit pvouiptly af. ten JhiI to. Special attention givuu to eoiitri' t 'I or tender feet. LoKKiuK and Plow ChHius c«a< stantly on hand. Ma\weH. Fium our own UurrenponJeiit. iiu'vM a number of the voung 'people of Maxwell joined m tue excuisiuu to Wiailuii on Monday last Mr. and Mi.-*, lludg.-on. of Walkei- tou, former residents uf -Maxwell, have been paying their old friends a flying visit. Mr. C.J. Sproule retiu'uod frona To- ronto, wlie.e he had been attending the Military School during the holi- days. He looks well and seems to be glad to get back again. He com- menced his dutitts ou Monday morn - ing. The bell :a a great improvement to the school house, aud it gives entire satjsfaation. Mrs. L Clark is at present in Bay City, Michigan, whither she went for .^^ ^^ .-w â€" ,. ., r .. J- I i Prteo »1 p«t bottle. or â- *« boiuet tor »». All tlie purpose of attendrng her aou dradiiauaarenoraugetnforrou. oritwuiiM. A i„, uu ij»u â-  ^ ^( w' to '^T ulitr*" "O receipt of prio* by Mi*k Alei., wJi» has had to ha\«a piece ot propriou.nL. I SOIh» Mr ALL VBVeOUSSk. The- NaM SacoeasAiI R«ns(tr «'«!* ii'>' oOTerad, M It Im-vrutln IB ltiafr<H'i> una . does not bilsMr. Krad tcuuC twluw. SiMumn XB, V. V.,.Mi\7 ,% isn. Da. a J. KRSD4I.I, Co.. Sn,.iibariih KalU, vt. UeDtleintfn ,â€" I hAve U64H1 lt«»- tell's Spa'ln Cure for i!>i>avlasJ uidsliuilnsoMooriiununBitaiid â€"»,«-. n-ci StlffJointaaDdfouadltasuni hnmciilt euro In overy rejipoct. Leordlallj cecomiuend It to all nor«emeiL I Very re«p»c«oniy youri, CBAai.n J' FLACICaLI. KENDALL'S SPAVIII CUREs 8t. ThokaS,. P Q.. .^nrll .-2, 11*89. Dn. B. J. KKWDAIJ, Co.. KuotnunihTall.-:. Vt. Oouta:â€" X baveuwd Ji trw ootJlftsor V' ur Ken- tlair* St>a*lo Curo tin my <x>lt. wliloh was sufffrliiH fn-ui InH'i «ua in .1 T«ry bad ft>rrii, un«l can Raj that Tour Kendall'i Spavin Cure rnatio complete ajnl rapii cure, lean r«ci)nin)*'n>] it hb (h<t boctaoil iuo«t efTeotht' linlmeDt. _ Itaave over taanilled. KliiiHv -wnil mooDeatTourTaluablo bt>uka entitled " \ Tre*- tlso ua tho Horao." Tour* r«iii>ocifulI; . 1 t f. WiLuttnon. KENDALL'S SPAfW CURL I Fort Eujch Mau., May w. 1089. I Dr. R J. Kiun>*ixC(> . Kiio»burgb FflUN Vt. i Oentlt'tueo - I always keop your koDdall • Spavin Cure and BllAt«r on hand ' and th^y ba*e oever faiieil in ' what ynii state th(.>y will do. 1 • have curoil a bad caoe of Spavin < and aluo two oa«f> '-f KlDKlH>Da , of voariifftandlnK.<>nraar«-ii whloh ! tK>ut(hi to breftl from, and have nut *e«n any itlgoa of (Ila«aae In ' their offspring. Toura truly. •i: '>, -.7^^ 2L

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