THE MAYBRICK TRIAL ^ Plenty of Arsenic Discovered in the Wife's Roomi WHAT TUE AUTOPSY SHOWED An«iilc In III)' tie* Full or with lu I.lver unci KIdiieyHâ€" llot- Itâ€" Hnudkcrclilefs bunked A IiondoQ cablo sajB : The trial of Mrs. Ploreoce Ma> brick be);an at Liverpool to-day. The case attract!) oongiderablu atteDtiun hero. Tbo liriit witutus wan Hichael Maybrick, brother of the duceuscd. Ilia tcatiiuouy wan of littlo accoaot ifjaiuHt the priaouur. Kilwiii Maybrick, another brother, said bin brother bad never taken arsenio aa a mediciue. Mrg. Bridge, a friend of the May brick family, teatiiied to finding u^iveral boitleu in Maybrick'a room. These ahe |{ave to the police. Two cbetnieta Mkid they xold araemo tly paper to .Mra. Uaybrick. Tbo general imprebaion ia that Mia. Maybrick baa an even chance of ac qaittal. lii-r lawyer id Sir Cbarlea KueaelJ. A I^iverpool cable of Friday night Bays Two days of filed attiniiou thrcu^h long bouru ol inttnao anxiety aud Ecorchin^ at- moapberio heat have not been withoQt their effect upon all concerned in the Maybrick trial. Ountrally a jtdi.d air waa apparent when the uoart aat again at the nanal hoar tbia morning, llie txperiencea of the laet few daya have tola heavily upon the prisoner, who aa ahe wearily aacended the â- tepa of the dock this morning waa obaerved to be extremely pale and thin. The female warder, who hitherto bud aat at aumo dia- taccc at the aide of tbo dock, thia murning drew her chair nearer to the prisoner, aa though to be in readiueaaabould her asaiat- Mice be reijuirid by the unhappy woman. The courtroom waa crowded, and many fashionably drodeod women were preaent. It waa noticeable that the opera glassea, which on the tirtt two daya of the trial were â- omewhat diaagreeably prominent, were oonspiouously abuuut. Tbe iirai incident to excite animated in. tereat waa a rather atartling admiaaion of Dr. Itichard Uamphrey, the family medi- cal man, who attended the deceased throQgliout hia last illnesa, and with whose orosB txiimiuation by Bir Charles liujiaeU the day'a iiroceedinga began, that had tbe deceased died on Wedueaday, May 8lb, he would have been prepared to give a certiti- oate to the effect that death had been cauued by acute congestion of tbe atomach, either gaatritia or gaatrumenteritis. The teetimony given by Dr. Carter waa aloe important. Dr. (.'arter ia a physician of high ataiiding in Liverpool. lie declared without heaitation that the cauae of death waa araenical poiaon, and no effort of Bir Cbarlea Ituatell could induce bun to admit that thedtath and BDbsi(]ucnt appearance oonld bo due to anything else. Boon after noon tbu prisoner showed signs that the severe trial she was under- going waa producing aymploma cf oxbana- tioc. A glaua of water, however, served to revive her, and ahu Hub»ii)U(iitly apjieared to take more interest lu the proceedluga. Dr. Carter's empbalio asburauoe that the oauae Lf dtrulb waa araenical poiaoning and nothing tlao evidently prouucul a great Jmpreeaion upon all in the court, and it was noticeable that Uir Chsriea HubbcU treated thia witntaa with more than ordinary conauUration, and did not attempt to challeugu hia dictam otherwise than by au^geatiiig tli&t acnte inflamma- tion might have bieu cauaed by impure food. What miiy bo tcinud tlie atnaation of the day waa reserved (or the analyst, Mr. Kdward Davita, to ccutribute. Mr. Haviea produced a lady'a dretuing gown and apron, said to beluiig to Mrit. Maybrick, and to bavo been found in her dreaaing room. Upon it were alaiiia, which Mr. Davies Dubesitatiugly pronounctil to be aruenic. anil he atatid that the pockets were Hiniilarly alained. Thia piece of evidence, which was completely uew,aerved todireolly connect the pritoner iii a peraonal manner with tbo UHu of arsenic in aomo form. Tola created intinae txcitenic nt in thecourt. It waa noticed that beyond a slight twitching of the haiida the priHonir betrayed no |>er- oeptiblu emoiioM at therevelatiou. Ainougut the various articles in which Mr. Daviea stated that he diacoverod araeuio wore the meat jaiue handed to him by Dr. Carter, thu lady a handkerchief, three bottles, one alinobt full o( arsinio, found in a ohocolittr box ; a glata ooutaining a bandkorchitt sonked in milk, in which was altogether upwards of -160 grains of arsenic ; a sealed packet labillud poiaoii for cats, which contained araeniu; a jug which had oontainod food takm to the ollice, and a bottle containing glycerine found in the lava- tory. He hud also found arsenic in some depoaila from the lavatory, drain and sinks. Mr. Davicaeaidlii found arai niciu the liver and intealintH of tbo deceaaed, but not in atomach cr aplieii. I'usaing to aomo tly papers which bad Ixuu supplied to hliu, and which were of the Htnie hind as those already referred to as In ing fonnd in the waalistand, he said tbey cuntained between two and thrue grains ot iirsenio eauli in the form of arsunito of potacHiuiii undaraonioua aaid. In tbo kidney ho found about a huQ. dredth part of a grain of uraeiiio ; in tbe liver the e(|iiivali>nt ot one-eighth uf a grain at liiaat, probably more. Ue coald detect no araetiio in the pelvia nor in the langs â- nd heart. In oroaa examination Hir Charles Ituaaell took the witness carefully through the results of his vuriuua analyses, •nd in the oourao of the prooeedings Mr. Davies produced tbe teal tubes containing the preparations from tlio viecera, in which tbo arsouio waa visibin in the form uf iiiiorusuopio crystals ailliering like tilin to the aidea of the tubta. Tbe oase luuka hlaok for Kirs. Maybrick. A GEIM EEOEPTION. Britaio's Naval Display in Emperor William. Honor of HE MEETS HEK MAJESTY. Art orniiilllnr. Lesaona in the art of Mmiling have boon raoordod of ancient tiinna, and aa an ele- gant auuoiiiplislinieiik the art of smiling Kracetully in just the right degree deserves oonuideration. Many poriona open the mouth too widely, and the process recom- mended by a writer on beauty is " a sweet and gentle BMiile, where the mouth hardly tipens, the cheek dimples uli^htly and the lower lip just ooiicoals the ends of the npper teeth." â€" Tbo man who ought to listen and le.tiD nsually dots luudt of the talking. A laat Friday night's Portamonth cable gives tbe following graphic account of the reoeption of Emperor William in England that day : Uut in the channel lay thirty of Eng- land's warships, in three long parallel lines, atreacbing down tbe reach. Heaward were ranged 112 veaeela ot war, carrying 2.'J,0U0 men, Tbey were a most iiiipoaing aight colleotively, a moat impressive aight indi- vidually. For hours before tbo big abips ot Germany arrived to greet and paaa them they were the objecta of great inter- eat to all kinds of craft approachingaanear to them as the black-lipped scowls of heavy cannon made them feel inclined. Tbey were perfectly harmless, of coarse, and not the safest things in the world to go to sea in, some of them. 13at they had to-day a surly, don't-oome-too-near-melook tbat kept tbe cheapest excarsion steamers at a diatanoe. luapected closely these groat castka of floating metal, with black bulla and yellow upper works, really looked all tbe milliona they have coat. They were in all the styles of naval arcbitectaro which have resulted from constant changes of tbe last thirty years. They were ahapeleeg and abapely, aymmetrical and the re- verao. Borne ot them were decked in and othera displayed an amount of com- plex hamper in the upper works that would diaappear into ahoe atriogs early in an engageinont. There were iron bulla and steel huUa, aimple, componnd and triple expaneion engines, aingle screwg and twin screws, steel faced armour and compound armour broadside and central battery sbipu, barbettes and monitors. Every vebdol represented n lot ot new facta in plating, propulsion and armament that reijuirea a liberal eduuation to comprehend, and a cloae study of several ecienues to grasp. 13at they all looked excessively injarioua to a foreign power, and had a capacity to do barm that was intelligible to the worst into med amateur at sea. Long, lean, black cannons peeped from the port- holes, Btack out of grey iron aponaons, pro- jected from turretd, or lay prone upon tbo barbettta. Lines of marines in red coata stood with their ritlea perpendicular on tbe decka ; aolitary ecntriea in red coats paced tbe sidea and walked the bridges. lirilliantly dressed cllicers in gold- laced caps, dark blue coata, gold braid, white trousers and patent leather shoes were on every deck. With them were lady guebta in dresses of white, pink and pale blue, perched among the cannon like oanarita in a gun shop, lending to the picture a touch of feminine frivolity in strong c:jntrast with the deadly portent of their surroundings. riii; (ll:I;l!A.N tsgl-AMlO.N. At acjuarler to 4 the little German band of ironclads were deacried, hull down on the horizon, but rapidly came into complete view under a full head of utcain. Aa they came nearer and nearer it was seen that the Ilohenzollern, a black screw yacbt aeomingly about the ai/.e of the Oaborne, but looking like a pigmy in front of the big black warships behind it, waa tl)ini; the German royal standard at the main and the white English ensign at the fore. The Gorman royal standard ia a beautiful llag, with a black iron cross in the centre and four black eaglea on gold ground. As tbo IlohtiizoUorn passed the light- ship the (urman ensign of bhi^ bara on while ground broke out at the fore of the Oabiirne, and the Kngliah on^i^n came fluttering down. Inatautly the same thing took place all along the line ot the fleet. tbe red and white of England giving place to the blue and white of I'riisaia. On the bridge of the lloben/.olleru stood Emperor William in a cocked hat and the uniform uf an admiral ot the German navy. Ueaido him were Count Herbert ilianiarck and I'rinoe Henry of I'rusr^ia, alcu in ooukcd bats and dark blue uuifurina, all three being heavily ornamented with gold braid and bullion fringe. The Iloheu- zollern camo up abreast of the Oaborne, the bridge of the latter being occupied bv the Kuyal |)arty. There waa much lluttor ing uf hands and nodding of heada between the Uoyal reoeption parly and the Uoyal gueat, and then tbo German fleet thundered out a aaliite ot 'il guna, tbt'ir salute to the Uoyal English standard. The elTect, though small in comparison with the noiae thai followed, was a very striking one. Flaahes ot light and columns ot smoke broke from the sides of the big floating batteries, and the smoke rose in aloud)- to envelop them, big white wreaths of it curling away u|> Into the aky. The German fleet included the Haden, Haohaon, Uldenburg, Irene, Waoht, Kaiser, Dentachland, Friedricb der Groaao, the I'reuaajii Ziiion, and the deapatch boat Grief. They were joimd at Cowea by tbo Qerman training ahip Niobe. By the Emperor's order each o( the big black iron clada, as it came up to enter the long vt-aterway of shiiis, hud its sides dresstd with sailors in white, a human decoration ot the neatest and moat ahip ahapo character. Aa the two royal yachts cninn abreast ot the Anaon and Uodnty, the former flying the flag ot Uear-Aduilral D'Aroy Irvine, C.U., and the latter the flag ot Rear- Admiral Traoy, the fleet aalulod Thoru waa auob a roar of powder, euch a thunder ot noise, auoh clouds of smoke anil auoh llaahea of flri', that it is no uouder that the ^leaoeful Khah of I'oraia grew ill over the exiierienoe. Bang mingled with bang, and aalvo toppled over sonoroualy upon salvo, until it seemed as it tbo whole channel was being blown up with seventy ships flrlng '21 guna each aa fast as the regulations permitted. The apeotacle waa onu that no real battle could match. U'hti ships wore half concealed in clouds of smoke, and there was one mass ot blue wroathu and rings. The smoke cleared and the manning of the ships became visible. Every ironclad that had no yards to man manned the sides. Those with yards pre- sented a solid human rigging ot blue jackets in the shrouds, on the yards and at the mast beads. It was a beautiful aight. On ahip after ship, down the long line, on cither aide, the blue jackets were as immo- bile as if they felt to the fnll the import- ance of the oooaaion and the whole rixpon- sibility uf the welcome was upon them. â- IMi: UOWl. MlKTlSll. from the Oaborne, bearing tbe Prince of Walea and his auite. They were received on the (juarter deck of the HohenzoUern by the German Emperor, and tbe Prince of Wales and tbo Emperor shook bunds. JuBt as tbe Emperor landed the German sqaadron, at anchor between Hyde Bank and Mother Bank, saluted the Royal Stand- ard floating from the palace at Uaborne. The thunder of twenty-one guns from each announced to Her Majesty that her guest had arrived â€" rather a royal way of knock- ing at the door. Carriages awaited the party. The Emperor and Prince and rrinceBS ot Wales took the first. As night waa falling over tbe waters and tbe lights were coming oat oa tbe warships, tbe Em- peror ot Germany and King of Prussia was received and greeted in the doorway ot the palace by hia royal grandmother. Her Majesty tbe Queen. VANITY OF VANITIES. Suicide Ufa liTooklyn Uelle at aSomiiK-r KeHurt. A .SyracuB", N.Y., deapatch says : Misa Lilliau Dumont, of No. 2ei4 St. James place, Brooklyn, committed uaicide Tuesday night by hanging bereelf with her corset lacea in a toilet. room of the hotel at Glen- haven, a summer resort on Bkaneateles lake. 6ho bad attended a ball at tbe Glen that night and seemed in the beslof apirits. Leaving the ball room about midnight, she went to tbe place where she was found dead some hoars later. No cause is assigned for the deed, but it ia hinted that she bad been disappointed in love. Miss Damont was between 20 and 21 years of age, a girl of loveliness of person and of charming manners. Her father and mother are said to be people ot prominence in IJrooklyn. where Mr. Damont at one time was rated a very wealthy man. At preaent the family occupy one cf the hand- Bomtst reaidcncee in that city. Cbarlea Dumont, a brother of the suicide, has been a well-known visitor to (llenhavon, and a leader in ita summer festivities. Misa Dumont, has always been especially gay, was exceedingly popular with the yoniig people there, and waa seemingly extracting all the pleasure possible outof berUfu when she elected to end it. Nott-F, frum Scotland,' The I)uke of Portland has been ap- jointed Lord- Lieutenant of Oaitbneas, in room of tbe late Earl of Caithness. The I-'irat Lord of the Treasury has de- clined tu place the widow of Mr. Jamea Grant, the Scotch noveliat and historical family are in an agony of fright aa to the TKBKOB AT CHICAQO. A Maa Boras Runs Amucfc through the Crowded Street*. A Chicago despatch aays : A horse with all the symptoms ot hydrophobia ran amack on Robie street yesterday afternoon and was finally killed beneath tbe shadow ot the Moody tent at Milwaukee avenue. No tiger of the jungle coald have created more of a sensation or shown a more seri- ous desire to exterminate man and beast. Two men were bitten and eight horses torn by the teeth of the maddened animal. A tboueand people joined in tbe bunt to destroy the brute. For two houra they chased up and down the streets and alleya, pursuing and poraaed. Four polioemen with Lieut. Penzen joined tbe crowd. Shortly after noon Mr. Krickson attempted to hitch his home to hia meatmarket wag- gon in trout of his store. The animal was of gentle disposition, email, and without a trick or vicious habit. When the horae waa led from the barn be showed signs of anger. Suddenly, throwing back bis ears, he sank hia tetth in Erickaon'a arm, and, rearing, struck at his master with his fore feet. Erickaon dropped the baiter and tbe borao chaaed hia master into the shop. Tbe beast put mtn, women and children to flight. He charged at everyone he chanced to meet or overtake. In rushing after three women and several children beranovertwo little girls, knocking them down, but only elightly bruising them. Tbe others escaped, one of tbe women climbing a fence, and the othera with tbe Bcreaming children, ran up the steps and iato the door of a house. When nearing North avenue, Con- ductor Duffy, of the North avenue line, stepped off bis car and caught hold of the animal's halter. He auppoeed he was aimply a runaway horse. The animal made a vicioua snap at bim, catobiug bis rit<ht hand with his teeth and taking out bkia and flesh. The conductor left go ot the baiter and jumped on tbe car, tbe horse biting and striking at him. As the horse went down Milwaukee avenue he ran at everything be saw, and took a fancy for at. tackingbia own kind. Every horse be paased, and there were eight of them, he nipped in the aides, aud tore large piecea of hide from the ribs of eome. Others he caught where be could, but always left tbe mark of his teeth. 'The animals thus injured in turn became demoralized and added to the excitement. The police finally drove the horse from tbo street into a vacant lot whi-re he was lassoed and shot. Conductor Dnffy's hand, which waa terribly torn, was immediately cauterized. He and hia writer, on the civil list. She is 02 years of age and totally unprovided for. The library ot the Writers to the Signet in Edinburgh ia about to undergo internal alteratior.H no as to make room for about 20.000 additional volumea. There are at preaent about »2.000 volunies in the library. The Queen haa appointed Rev. Henry Cowan, D.D., miniater of New Oreyfriars, Edinburgh, to be Profeaaor of Divinity and Church History in the I'niveraity of Aberdeen, in room ot the late Professor Chriatie. Mr. John Hutchison, sculptor, Edin. burgh, haa completed the memcrial ordered by the (^laeen to commemorate the Royal Stewarts who lie bnried in the gronnds of Paialey Abbey. The memorial is in the form of a recumbent aonlptured oroee, in style kimilar to those which are to be met with in the Western lalee. It will havea base H feet by 1 feel, of poliahed Peterhead granite. The Dritiah Covernment, while the Local Government Bills for Scotland were in committee, practically conceded free education to Scotland, aa it agreed to in- creaaotho grant to about a.iuarter of a mil- lion sterling, which will bo nearly, it not qnite, Hiillicient to meet the school foes tor ednoation in all the live stanrtarda. It has therefore been reeolvfd tbat after October 1st no School Board in Scotland will charge school fees. The Lmk Db J. G. Hillam., hoeminent writer and phybi.ian, wrote and published in Srnl.i:,T'i itiijit:: â- .- : " It is a fact that many of the btst proprietary medicinea ot the day are more sucoesaful than many phvai- oiana, and most ot them are Srsl discovered, and iis(d In actual medical practice. When, howevi-r, any tdin^d person knowing their virtue, forseeiug their popularity, eeourea and advertises tl:«m, then, in the opinion of the bigoted, all virluo went oot of them.' ' he Uie Dr. Diu Lewis, in speaking of Warnir's Safe Cure, says : " If I found mytclf the victim of a serious kidney trouble, 1 would USB your preparation.'' Dr. U. A. Gann, I\1.D., author of " Ciunn's New Improved lUndbook of Hygiene and I )omestio Medicini." says : "lam willing to acknowlfdge and commend thus frankly tbe value of Warner's Bate Cure." The oele- bratid Dr. 'I homjiHoa ot the I'nivorsity ot the city of Now York, sajH : "More adults are carried off by ohronio kidney disease than liy any other one malady except oon- sumption." resultd that may follow. He ia in great pain. Mr. Erickaou called in a physician and bad his wound drtsaed. He thinks tbe horea waa bitten by a mad dog two weeks ago. ArroninuKlallng OD llnlh Slili-s. Voice from up stairsâ€" Toll Iho burglar to go away, Mr. Jenkins, there's nothing for him to i;et in this lijuae. Mr. Jenkins (with a revolver at his head) â€"Yes, my dear. 1 did tell him so, and he says he is going in a minute. The Dill, uld Story. "Did ) on know tbat MoLyeaoder had beooine a resurrectioniat .'" •' What for, some medical college?" " No ; he is compiling jokos for an almanac." Almost immediately a Uauoh put oat I ^^^ i^ro Editor Stead, of I'M Mall Qatettt fame, will soon set rail for the United States in order to get « few ideas on the Amerioan style of joariialiam. On his return he is to take charge of a now Radical halfpenny morning paper for London. The money for tbo enterprise waa all raised last week. NiT * Filll CllITKHlON. Is nmrrinRe, tlioii. I (aid to her, A (iilUire, do you think '." A warm, awnc Hu.ilo w»«ln her eyes. Which llaNhttd a cuuulnfj wink. She answered nn ahe gave my arm .\ ''ilieate oartiga : " l( linUkti oourtahtp, don t you thiuk, 'Twoiild he a (jraud Huueaas ? " â€" " Palao won 1 " cried the young man who bet that his girl's toeth were her own and lost. rhero I twcon ll a good deal of difTorenop be- LUt or Full Fairs. Following is a list of the dates ot fall fairs so far as at present obtainable : S.IMK, l-I-.ll E, I>ATK, luilustrial ToruLto Sei«t. yio21 Mhllund Central. Kint;6Cou Au^. 2b to ijept. 7 Kubtern Ti';*.*-rbrooke, l^'uB Sept. 3 to 5 PortHvpuKx Furl Hoi>a " 3 ".o 5 CViiiral Canada. OtiawK " atoll Houthern Hrantford " 10 to W Souih Keufrew...l(oiilrew 17 and lb Northwesuru .. lioJirlch " 17 to 19 I'finii^utar 1 hath.*n) " 17 to 30 l.ii:coluCounty. St I »tharine«. " '23 to 25 (ireat Central ..Uamiltoa " i3to>7 W't'llugiey and Daslljojie \V^.lk^Uâ- y. â- El alid '^S .S()uih(iri-v iMirliBin " 24 and '2fi Woooetock .... .. W ot.Utuck " 21 and -JS â- N'ortU Lanark ...Alniout« " '21 to ;^ I.iiultiay Central. LiliJbuy " 21 to i''i Ontario and Dur- hniii Whitl'V " Si to as C«mro liruce 1 aitluy â„¢ " Wto'Ai boutut^ru Couu- ti.D Bt. Thomas " 31to5!7 r»'uiral l'eterlH.>ro " VI to '27 Cireal Nuitheru..<-'olhi)RwotKl ... " fi^to*^ Central .\KricuI..\Vaiitra Kalis .. " '26 aud i^ Central i:\hib'n. I auniugtou . " '27 and 'JS Nirtli Hraot I'aria Oot. 1 and -2 Coui.ty uf Haldi- uiand Caye^a « ... " 1 and 9 .\rilmr I'uion . .\rthur " laudS tirt'at bouth- wystern Kt sex Contra... " lto3 Itraniptiin l>raluptv)ii " lto3 Till' Northern . .Walkortou llol C..Sattkatv'howau Satikatoou " '2 Ka«t York .Markhnui " 2tol Ontario Cootrall'ort I'evry . " Utol Noith IVrth . , Stratford - 3 ami 1 North Kentrew lltaohburs " 3 and 1 KonhOxford , Dtterville " 1 and 5 Howard r.rauoli..lUUi>etuWU " b lu 10 WfBt York aud Vaut;hau \Vorilbri(;i' " 'J and 10 C.Wi'llmKton KerRoa " 10 aud 11 Scarhoro llanl>'rih " 10 Norf<.'lk l'nioQ...tilujoou " 15 and 16 Threiftteued Trouble la /aualbar. A London cable ot Thursday aays : Dushiri has sent a threatening message to the inhabitants of B«gainoyo and tbe neigh- borhood, forbidding thiiu to supply the Otrmans with proviaiona. He is believed to be coming down with one quick firing gan, which ia supposed to have been captured from the Oirman station at Opwapwa. and ho anuouncea his intention to attack Bagamoyo. l'< ver is prevalent there, and ainoni: tho lU'el. The EogliBh are apparently suffering tbo moat. On the .\gampmnou alone .SO are aiok, including 7 olVioera, out of a total oomplemeut ol 40O. Tho deck haa been tran>.furmed into a hospital, and hammocks have been slung everywhere. A Jersey City policeman having offered biahaud to a young lady, which was refused, he arrested her. " \Vh«l ia the charge ? " asked the sergeant at the atation house. " Ueaisting an olTer, sir," waa the reply. A sign- post in tbe Highlands ot Scotland reads : " Persons wishing to use thia road will give notice to the gamekeeper in oase they may be shot." Bho rai-^tHl Iut eyt'8 ; hia i-auao waa wonâ€" .\ maid of ntorliti^ aonso was she. Hi' avi'od h«r to h s uianly broaat. And now a luarrioil u;au is he. " What's tho matter, driver 'i"' said a passenger in a herdio, " why doesn't this ooaoh go? Cause you ain't put a nickel in the slot, that's why." And all the other pasaongera tittered. il.K OF TlIK (US. How s«eot to roam by tho sad sea waves. While uo cari'B jout mn d harass. And what joy to think, aa vou watch the stars That you're paying no bill tor gas I hut, oh, what Brief when vou travel home And tho ineier j^our aad oyea meet I na You tliul that tha cook " aolrooa" And ha» biirncd ten luilliou feet t-eon hoiaing MANITOBA HATTBKS. Improving 'Crop Pronpocta â€" A Northwest Juck-the-Ulpp«r-A «tock Marriage. Tbe body ot an unknown man baa been fonnd, murdered after Jack-the-Bipper fasbioo, in the Louise Kivrr. Prank Moritz, a farmer, living a few miles from Gretna, spent Monday in town and imbibed freely. When he returned home in the evening he turned his hired men, four in numberâ€" Germans lately from the old countryâ€" out of doora. Later on the men returned to the houee, Moritz promiaing to allow them peaceful admit- tance. Ibe last man waa coming in when Moritz drew a revolver and tired. The man saw bia intentioo, bat not aoon enough to prevent hia ahooiing. He put bis band forward to catch the revolver, and received tbe bullet in his hand, which probably saved his life. Moritz ia under arreat. Tbe woond is a bad one. Martin McDonald, ex Begiatrar of Bran- don, has been arrested, charged with falsi- fying the books of the cfiice. A young man named : otman is charged with eeducing a yoang lady from Salt Coata by means of a mock marriage. Tutman haa tied tbe coanlry. Jamea Thompson. Liberal M.P.P. for Emerson, was married to-day to Misa Ritchie, daughter of a well-known Winni- peger. The C year-old child of Jerry Robinson, of St. I'eter'g, was lataliy burned by her clothes catching fire. The Sun says it is anderatood tbat a measure will be introduced at the next ses- sion ot the Legislature to abolish the jury ayatem in civil casea in Manitoba, aleo that the Government will submit a measore abolishing tbe anal language evstem, that is, the aae of the l-'rench language in Mani- toba, Governmtnt documenta to be printed only in one language. The Board of Edu- cation will be wiped out and a portfolio ol Minister of Education created. A yoang girl living ai Beulah. Man., hanged beraell from a tree last Tuesday, anil waa quite dead when discovered. Tbe cause of the act waa that her mother, againat the girl's wishes, had married an Indian living at Brandon. A despatch from Moosomin to day says: Intelligence has been received from Cam- duff Point, in Aasinaboia, TO miles south of here, that the body of a man horribly mutilated haa been discovered en the banks of tbo Boaria Kiver. It was apparent tbat thd man had he-n dead for some time, as his featarea were discolored. The entrails ot the victim bad been lorn out and scat- tered about on tbe ground. There ia great excitement over the evei t. No clae seems to have been diacovered aa to the perpe- trator. Tbe Winnipeg physiciana have formed a committee to entertain and banqaet the eastern physicians on their arrival here on tho 9lh. At a Liberal picnic at Clearwater today Hon. Mr. Smart announced that the Gov- ernment would wi^ie out tbe Separate School system. It waa the intention of the Government to overhaul the whole educational machine. Tbe double-barrelled system, with two superintendents, two Boards aud two seta o( inspectors most go acei a Minister of Education aopoiuted, one of the present Miniaters taking the port- folio. Tbe Government would administer tbe Edaoatiou Department aud be re.'pon- sible to tbe people. Work on tbe Winnipeg Transfer Railway on tbe banks of the Red Kiver is progress- ing aatiafactorily. Barke leaves for Chicago on Sunday morning. Fr»Tth Fruit STruji-i. Fresh Bvrupa of the grapt>, cherry, pine- apple, strawberry, tamarind, or ot any of the home fruits, make refreehing and healthful beverages. Tbe fruit is best crushed by hand in a woo.ien siiueezer, metal being liable to impair the tl*vor of the juloe. Skins and pul^a are then mixed with the jaice and plcniy of sugar, and are covered with poum'ed ice. By tbe time the ice has melted the full atreni;th of the jnice ia extracted, aud the mass should then be strained throui.h cheese cloth and tho syrup kept on ice till wanted. The juice of pressed fruit is a mi s'. grateful and beneficial drink at this a- aaon. refreshing and Btimulatiug one. while >t assists in renewing the wasted tisr'Uta ul the bodv. In Ulsonaalag Pr. Tauurr • Sentence. A Thari.lay'a London cable aays: the House ot Commons thia evening Mr. Sexton moved an adjourumi iit in order to consider (be sentence passed u^on Ur. Tan- ner under the Crimea .\ot. Ue argned that the charge against Dr. Tanner was not assault with violene-e. that it did not come under the Crimes .\.'t, »rd therefore the senlenoe was illei;al. Mr. Madden, Solicitor- General for Irelard, replied that there was a method of tibiingthe legality of the aeulence without adjoorring the Honae. .\fter a lengiby debate Mr Sex- ton's motion was rejeettd bv 174 to US. -Do Llllint His Pride. yon think he Icves yon. Ethel- Nellie? Nellieâ€" Oh. I'm certain of it. Why, he wants to marry me so muoh that be haa borrowed money of papa for ua to get roar' ried onâ€" a thing his proud, sensitive aoul could not brook if he did not love me. â€"The Shah, on m-eling the Chief Secre- tary the other day, asked pinmply : " Are â€" It is rather remarkable that at seasona when throat diseases ate prevalent doctors so often look down in the mouth. -Mrs. De Splaye -I think yon are too stingy, John. I have worn this bathing Buit two seasons already, and 1 am posi- tively aahamed to wear it any longer. Mr. Do Splayeâ€" I ahould think" vou would be superlatively ashamed to vvear it any shorter. I askpil a liai'holor why ho In (uniili'ueea had tarui'd. He auBwi'red thus : " H^oaiise. voti see. Ivo (nends who ve louv l^oou umrrii>d.' Aramintaâ€" You pal your arm around my waist so gracefully, George. George I have had lota ot praotioe, I was a street car ooudaolor five years. â€"It you want to find out all about women and their ways ask some yotmg man who has never been married. Emmaâ€" So you're engagoil to young George Ualby Sadie Yes ; George and 1 came to an understanding some weeks ago. You remember tho wheat corner in ,., . .u' .. yon {!"\nK to K've Ire-land Homo Rule?" and I Chicago? Emma-To be sure I do. eaciim and the upper ornat. though Mr. Balfiiur, every wbit.splumply. replied :Sa.lie- Well, that's the time I got oaiuht at the top. P' Certainly not I" ' on the niueeze. P