â- "U''^^ iPvpm -*v,v d <'i 'iiiiiii 5E0. MITCHELL, n BANKEIR, ,4F7',S itoUOIIT ANli SOlh. Hliecini Aflf niton puul Ui tlf culUi Hon Kkf» and AccouuU, Snd dour Svrtii likhardion it Co't. The Ijocal Itfe-ws. Htaat is llaiM»e"lnK •" **"•" ***" ViciaitY. The Crewnore t^tar will nut twinkle .lail weok. ^ ()»prey Coiiiicil mootiat «adgoro« on Snlurday aoU. Mâ„¢. W. J. Bellamy w vUitiui; in the ioiiiity of SiitteWB. "The'Coiliiigwood HvlUtiu commenwd •\t 20th n;luiiiu lust wcKk. Mr. audlilra. Cowlina.of WoodbriUgo, are the guwti of Mr. I Wecroft. Mra. C.\V.CIia(lwi'k,of Slratford.Ont.. t^ visiting iclatiros in this vicinity. Division Court will meet in Fleaharlou on th« 20th of the present month. K..ad the iidvorMsenien't of I'roperties which Mr. HogR otfera for sale in another column. A («w u'.)od animal* were ofl'ered at the r»ir"..r. Monday, but buycn. wore more plentiful than cattle. It IB exi)ecled that IVicoville will \>Uy Klesherton l,ui»oball club nil Fridoy next â- <n the at-riciiltural uruunds here. The neat«st show prize list which liftH iK-en reoeivi'd at this otHce comes from the e«tabli«hiiie»t of the Streetsville Review. In M. Kichardson * Go's large ailver- tisement liuy wwk -'tjray and broadcloth i.-ttoiis • nhouM have read "gray and bleached c<itU)ii»." A.uwwo of >>s».)l(nll was played in Mark" dilf c.ii Tuesday bo'tw»<"n llio MArkdalc and Lhiiityru cluba. The score was 2a Ic, -M III favor «i Markdale. Three Klesherton pupils, out of six will) wrote at the recent entrance e» .iiiiiiialionB, i>a«soJ with flying colors, which speaks well for our principal, Mr. Inviii. Aiiaoal ifijwutor free with ouch iK-tlle â- if .Sliilrdrs oitaitli vomi'dy. Hrito T>Q tts. 'Kor xalo at the Alwdical Uall- Storo for aala,â€" »H«Beral business iii C«'Uiity fircy in f^"" famniiK section, fslock atiiclly liisl idiisi and slnplr. Rood ..polling. Terms easy, address otlioe of 'this pit|itir. 'Buv. Mr. Mclie'>d, nf Pricevillf, left for liis new charije in (ilonjiairy Comity Hin Moiuinv ovonini; last. A iiiixo nuuiher of friends ai.d wellwiahers ao coiiipniiied him to the station. '11:0 Arteinesia wilers' list is now in tho liniids iif the i;l«<rk, as will be setili by advirti-.iiii<'nt pUrtwhOro. Fiictors should DxauiiM^xnhl Ust, and if iiiiy oiror» ur c>mis«ioil»1>i\vu befln iimdc.tiiko proper iiirasnirn to liaVo tlio iiaiiie corri'CtiJd. Why will you ciiuirh \Vhcn Shiloh'seiire will yivo ininiinliHto ridii'f. Prtci- 10 cU., no i:lH., and jtl. For siilu at tho .Aludioul "<^'- -. Mt.MilosThi»lloihwttitii;iteftr the station. r.iiMDii n rtiiu barn on Wi'ilncsdiiy of last wuok, Ml X I'H f«f»t Mr. Anuns MiLnod vM thij fniim-r, untl hit: i/iorV iIokh liini viedit. We h>arn from Mr. Mcljoitl tlwit tliJH una the thirteenth building \Viii< li liu iiH.H (rnnied ihis â- uiinnur. Mr. R.'Onok, at theitatiou, has just' returuod from a ywii tit Mniiitonlin li^iid. Ilu reports llwi crnpM on tho inland Iflr lie -eiitraordlnttrily , tine. Mr. 't)ui<k ssfj^i thn'iiiUiid it nice in summur, Init lio would not care lo '\ie ooopod up thore <lurniK tho winter. SliiloliHratarrh ri'mody--a positivo ruru fiir catarrlii dipthi-rKismd oaiikorinoutli. P.ir »»U:'id tho MudiCfltl 'Hall. i'Voiii a few inniinit publihhi^d in an I'Xi'liAiii;* for tile benuiit of busitlUss niun no ^'h>aii the followiiig parai{r)ip1) : If yii are a .iiierchapt don't advurlisu in tho home (lapel's, hut buy a rubUuslaiup «(id iisetlMtâ€" it luay sara a few dniien anil iimkii the |i«|wrliHik as if it was pub ' Ifk^ibd t^ aMltt«ura in • one hoiae town. "fhe *H.T. 'of T. iiionio to flugeuia ou ThiMnilay last iraa uuwt eiilliiMiulloally •ujvyid \tf Ut» Afty people wl^ took |<art 'in Mt. Tb* oalj 4iaa|ii)uiia\>iaut waa ' tUki sufTsred by tU iion <mt-al ef the ^MftrhUal* lirer^ rif. wliiek'IMt^.bMU m- 'Uu • .< TftE F L E S H E R T O N A b V A ^; C S . â- A _. ([a»ed for the occasion, a;id (is usual with a ){icat many thing* -.Markdaliaii, did not fulfil their piouiftie. The .Ad- vance look his liltle tish pule alousj and liahed the beuntlful aft«rii< fhoae faithful minister of the Oo.sjiel name will not eaMiy be fori{oiten. We shall miss you from our homes, to which you havo Ijeon always welonmo. and wo iir.iy that ; • ir faithful labor ;io(in away amon;; I anion;; us will redound to the ijlory mi the rocks, returmiii; with 'A i ice speck- ' 'â- '"'• •"»' that whuii time â- shall bi« no lers. The day ceuld not have been pleasnnter for ]iicnic purposes. Harvest Home. Tho Methodist Church officials intend holdiH'.; a harvest home in the near ; future. more we shall meet in yon fair land where tho friends of Clirist shall part no nioi'o. We shall also miss ynu as a loyal citizen who h.-u taken an active part in our social and educational prosperity. It is thenjfore with much sorrow that we now bid you farewell, and in so doiiii; we I l>e;{ to show you, our most esteeftieil â€" â€" j friend, our a|ppieciation to yaursidf and Garden Party. • • | y«ur e.steemod partner, by prssentinL.' you Best of the season, to be lield on the ' "'•'' " t'urse containino '»fi7.60. Accept spacious grounds of Mra. George Din- i ""' '"h'"' "/ '""•.''"••niest atfachn.eiH to , ,,, , , . ..... yourself and family, and may tho Lord woody, Wednesday, Aa«ust 14t|., given ! ^.^ „nh you to your future lield of labor and crown your etforts with much success. Mr. McLeod ihon made a suitable reply to the above address, in which he thank- by the young ladies oi the Methodist ' Church. Admission Ida. Notice to the Public. I am in a ixisftioii to do all kffids of cotton weaving, .xuch as tweeds, thin nels, full cloth and blaiikuta. Itag carpet done to order by J. U. Biirkley, weaver, next house to the Preabytoriiin Church Judge Macpherson Dead. Judge Micphorsirn, senior Judge of the County of (Jrey, died at his ruidonce at two o'clock Sunday morning. He has held the 'tio.iition of Judge fur a number of years ?.nd was a member of the .Vlasoiis. The funeral to^k place Tueaday afternoon at three o'clock. The Bold Campers. The callipers have nearly all returned. The very cold weather of the last few days made them wend their stepH home- ward. Tommy lloUinger ainl Fred Arm- strong did not succeed in bringing home tho bear which they wore after, but through superhuman exertions they inaniiged to capture a tierce wild baby rabbit, just able to stand alone, and a kitten that had its eyes about half open. The latter they found near a sawmill in a wild cat's nest. It was newly hatched, and they left 3 other eggs in the iius'. which wore just "pipping."' No'wspaper Dun3. W« suppose many people think news- paper men are presisteiit duuuers. liy way oi conuiansoii let us aup|>ose thai ii (urnicr ruises 1000 bushels of wheat a year, and he sells this out to lOOtl persons in all parts of the country, a i^reat |>ortioii of them saying, ''I will hand you the didlar in a ahort time." The fani.er don't want to bo small, and says all rip^t. Soon his thousand busliels of grain dve uauu, but ho has little to show for it, and ho than rtali'/es that he ha« Frittered away his wlnde whe.at crop and 'that its value to him is due in a thousaii<l little driblets, consoipiuntly he is seriously em- bariiLssed in his business because hi* debtors each owing only ?1, treat it ns a small nutter, and think it would not help much. Continue this kind biiNiness year ill and year out, of the publishers does and how long would he or could In^ stand it ? A nioinont's thouiflit will r.nvinee any one that a publisher has cauie lor persjsteiit diinniiiK. A Mtrkdiklo Inrtuatry. I,a»t l''ii(lay while in .^Iarkdale Tho .Xdvaiice toi>k (M.'casion to visit the stove foundry nf "T.L. MotlVlt it Sons. Tho foundry liiu been in vxi.Hteiice soino eight years.biitK i:<onIy li»tely thai, Mr. Moil'att has cnnlined 'Iiiinstdf rvlinost exclusively to the luanufUDtiiro of stoves. The premises hava giacV.mlly bioii enlarged, nntil'at [iresnnt they la-oupy ti large sur- face of ground, and arti lilteil uj> with complete airaiigeiiients for nimiufactuniig the special lilieS ill which they ai'O engaged. The Messrs. .Moil'att uiauu- fnutnre uivht or tun dilt'ereut styles oi tho "Pearr'linn of stoves. Tliih' foundry â- has a capacity of about fivo stove.s per dsy. Wrt had the jdeasure of beiiii' fliown through the show iMoiiih, iitid v»eie very agrooably surprised at the beauty â- anil oxcelleniHt ef tho manufactured articles. Markitde has great reason t.i bu proud til its e(|i»vidin^' stove industry and ol the oiiiir|,»}' imd plurk displayed by the Musnis. .Mu'i'atl in foiMidiiig i\ biisi- 4iess oi ttuoh pnipurtiona in that plituu. A ProBoutatiuu. Tho I'resl'vlerian coiigi'egntinii of I'ricevillo H;»l in tho now church F"rulay, the 2ud inst,, and after siiigiiu a few appropriate piecss, Mr. John .Mo.\r!liur read the following iitldress ; l)KM>vui> Tamtok : It 14 with nuich reuret that wu are now called U(xiii, in (ho providenoH of Cjoil, t i sepeiatu our niiinnctioii as minister ami people. On the 21st day of thi^ iiiunth you shall liavt> iHtun U years with us. Durinu this num bur of years you have aiiproreu yoiinxlf a "workiwui that needMth nut tob« aalnun. ed." You have faithfully watoliett Aud warued •â- uf the daiicar of iieKletftiiig tha "•«• thing needful " and hava alwi^s atriven to point us to tha Kaviour, who alone ean yiva Iif* aiid peae*. lu tbis .yaur ramwal, »a ibaU«^«Ji ffiand afid ed the people for their kindness to him- self and family and after referring toucli- ingly to his labor among them for the last 11 years, ho bid them farewell, ex- pressing a hope that the "Lord of the Harvest" would soon send them a faith- ful laborer who would carry on tho work of Christ with more success than he did. For dyspepsia and liver complaint you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's vitalizer. It never fails to cure For salu at the Medical Hall. Graud Union Bxcursion. Tho Forester and A. O. U. W. Lodges of SI'elburne and Dundalk intend run- ning a grand excursion to Owen Sound and Wiartiui on tho civic holiday of both towns, Monday August llHIi, 1H8'.». The trip will be made by special train leaving DrangeTille at C:S20 a. m., railing at all intermediate stations between there and Owen Sound. Train will le&vu Shelburno at 7:00 o'clock, Puntlalk 7'.12, Klesherion «:00, Markdale S:!", Chataworth «:0G, arriving in Owen Boutri at 0:46. The ti'ii> from Owen Sound to Wiartoa will be made by the Steamer Carniona,leaving|the Sound at (1:45, arriving in Wiarton at 12:30 p. in., and leaving again at -1:00 o'clock, arriving at the Sound at G:45. Special train leaves (.iwen •Sound at 8 p. III., for home, reaching (Iraiigeville at 11:10. Tickets iruni t>rangeville, Orauge- ville Junction, Laurel, Crombies, Shel- burue, Melauctlioii, Curbeltvu, Dundalk, and I'roton at the extroiiiely3l)W rate of 81.25 for adults ami tiic. f<<r cliildrcn. From Klesherton and HatUialo ;fl.OO, and ."lOo. for ehiWivn- Fi.mii Berkeley and all other statiuns north 75c. for adults, children 40o. A concert will be given on board the Steamer by the child- ren of the various Sunday Schools, lU- sisted by the Shelburne (ilfe Club. Din- ner will bo served on the Steamer at 2.")c. each. Tickets good to relcni next day <vn paying ^ck Mitra. The Citizens' Hand, of SlnJkifffi|^J,-»ill acoompauy tho patty. J'asent^ll atiQ other lunusenients at U iartoii. .Many attraolioim oco being airani.ed for, to bij announoc^l later. .\ good time is assured, and duu't you miss it." Tnat hn<-kiiii> oiiugh can bu bo ipiickly iouicd by SliiL.h's Cure. We guaraittoe t For sale i\\ the Medical Hall. Shiloli's Cure will immediately reliete Croup, Whooping Ooi!.:li and llroncUftit. For wde at the .Medical Hall. Tb<* Liifraucv E.\iiui<i. Itelnw willbe found a complete list of; tlio names y{ tlmse who | anse.l the late ontianoe e>o>n' nations iil Dundalk and Mnikdale,' with tho total i.uml>cr of marks obtained. Tho number of marks reipiired to pass was 3t>7. lUWM . Miirv M No, of murks obUln<>) .. 4MI. llo.wn. Ni>llli> ,â- «»>. n.'Milemnn. .\»n.i« . . '.^.K\. K*.ofer. (lertie ... tx>. Kay. .Mexle Kolls, riara . â- tVTf. <H0. Morrur, Msry i: yiiirli.MBU A 44,'t. IHlV stiiiriii.i, iift'iiuih 4:m. Stiiilll, I.Ulii, ;i7T. W.ilkor.Msitlm . . Wiley. I'.lliP ... l;il. ir.,' ('urnitliiirs, ItuiiJaii^neA UOUdUiH, WciilfV DuiiihiH. Vro,l lUtluiwigu, biiuj :i7i>. 471. Mui'ov, Ntii'iimii Itiitl.Klne, .\iiluir W ... ,., Wrlglil. 1,. K. ... ^ „, ... W7. tx>. . . tea. AT PtlNPALK. Msiilxii). .Mdi.i i; ilttlliltl-, MuHlllit . . .MaoMillab, N.'lli. ;mi. 401. 441. M>u>iliiin>l, Kllit 1. .. .Ml. Nol.l... .\ll« 4w;<. llrUlKewstvl', IIIUUMM lloHijlAa, >'i>iil ... „. .-,,, Iliusoiil, KnbarlU , ..,i>.k,t. ,. urn. vv' Ml. ... MH. rail Mbu«% f \ Fitlluwing is a list of tha 'data* uf fall fairs in thia vioiuil^. ViMM. I'uU Datb. â- utOrsf FlM^rloD. .^spt. iBaadM- Houlh Href Dofham JIteplM anil >' Great Nertkara. . .ColUq|Wp«4,... .Ufk. â- > la ff Wriilm for t!i' Adfiure. I lu SIrinory or Brock- { t:reath not a dfn$e where the hnro llos :<leei>iiic, i tlunnariiosiKli.ve liiditwiuiliio'cmiuglitclu. ; lluy but tli« bri^htdbt uf Uowers be kcupiu^ i Tbuir watch o'er the hjxjt irlitte I'.rccis esrties ! arc lai'J. : Murmur in praises Niagara's dark waters. Miimiiiur iu piiii>«L-a, yu ui^lit tvirnl^ vo Ugo. [ KeviT tliere fell In tho midn of the siaai(kt«r, Unewliowastruuror iioUar tban be. \ His WSK Uie voic« that hat victory fioundcl. His wa-; rht- swor'llhiit to victory woulrl l!y. liUie.), iinbeuodud. His wa- th*T heart tbftt iinm, I'or oouutry would live and for cuuiitry would die. Tlicn Inith not a dirge wheVo the horo Il»« sleepiiit;. Then uiiinuur no sigh, yeiiglit wiuUs o'or the Ul!i.lw. Ah Yet h.it the bri!;htOTt of ftow.!r«be *ke«ping, Their watch o'er the ^;!l,t wht-re ili.i ::*hcj are laid. VOTEES' LIST. 48S9. MuMcipalibj of tht. Tou>nf)i^> of Arte- iiietiu, Cvwtiy of Grey. NOTICKisherehysivuiitliatl have trau.siuit- tti'lur doilvcrcd to the [.erMjuf uientio::u4 in tliu third aji'l fourth sections of '-THEVon-^KS' I.it.T \cx," th*i L-tidi-rt rtsiutioil hy said tectioos to bu so tmnstultti'd or delivered of thu list lim.le pursuikut to said .\ct ol nil iMr^;'tis ai>- liuajiui;hy tli« Ia>t revis**d A<*essiiie«t Kol! of tho ^ald >!uiilcii-aUsy to 111* tfUtltliMl to Tota iu ttt(* saiil .Muiilciitalit> at KJutjtio::8 fo.' lueiubcr* of t!;u Leffitilativo .Atis^nubly and at MunicipiJ i;i >e•.iou^; aud tuHt .â- •old li»t •xat, fti^-t iio.»t«l nr ** iiiy ot'lce ct I*U'-herton. on the itn day of .^â- i(;ast, ^'^3•J. and icumiris there for iusiKiction Kl«cturH aru CjJlei ;il> Ml to examine tho eaid likt auil if any oi>ii»-.v.'Un o.' ixii/ urvo'-s a.x- fouu.l therein, to t-ik« »•^nlOc:i^to im>?re»iini^*to li.ive the said errors ou/roctc'l oroordluj to law. WM. J. IlIXLAMY. Clerk of the said MutiielpaJtty.* Dated this 3Ui uajot Atigost, A. D., UK). Frieiitl.s to the Farmer. It may be an ailvmitagp to point cnt soiuo of ilio IVkiids ti) il;c f.ii'i'.jfr, which, coiiseqiK'iiily, uo faiiuirslioulJ iestroy or allow t^j Ix; destroyed. Auioiig those ;irc toiiflfs, 'w!:ii.M are. un- der all circinustauc^s. tlio tirini'i's friend ; uiiilus and lielil miou, prcbahly do a vast doal more ofijootUhau hanu; all Lii'db, i.-ppeciilly robins, \vron3. thrushes, orioles, cuckuos, pljcbps,blua birds, wootijieckor:*. swallo'iYS aud cat birds. Tlio destruetiou of all these and many othci'3, except for scientitic piu'puses, should be made, under \t'i'y heavy peualliis, illegal cverywheie. The house sparrow, ktiowu belter as the English sparrow, is to bo rlaed an exception. This bird is now niiiver- sally regarded as a nuisance, first, be- ciiuKoof ics gi-aiii and vooetabte destroy- ing prcponsitios ; secondly, because it drives away insoct-dostioyiiig bird?. .\iuouo insects, many wasps are friends, especially those with a nioie or lc?s protrmliii;^ horn orstm^' at the cud of the abiomen. Lady-bit.os and luco-wuio tliep live entirely upon des- tructive inserts, e.s(>'.>oially p!anl lice and cculo insect.s, and should never be> dtsii'oyod. Dragon llies, or devil's dai'iiiiigneddles, are aUo useful as well as iiarinluAS. â€" JBulUtiH-Ht, Air .â- riri,-if A.C.i:.'S. Sleepless nights, made miserable by that terrible cou;;h. Shilohs Cui-e is the niVISION COfRT rr.RBK. COJIMISatONR *^i r.il, U.. CoiKrt>>aiir<>r. Ac. .Aden; HirpiinL Remedy fov you. Fit ajJe at the Mcdi- 'lla v'l'" u' J\"'l! Mv'X;" '"t^-l-.c.Vira pjil Htn â€" I" ' 1 iug»l re,i«i.ual'"«l.riii4. l^^^ i:u op MUIBI \ LICEXSi;?! NflVAKY VIM.K". -^^'-^ cal UiJl A LjTEU.iHY WoNi'PB. â€"Master tJcrald ' Leslie Marstipii lVj;ue,suii cf W.H IVijeu Km|., .Merchant of Little ilritaiii, tint.. has suddenly tfirtmt( -into World wide fame as an nuthi>r aud filemfufn/r. He is not yet sixteeu years old, hanng been bunion Novw»ibcriV»!» JriT^. When a lad lic> receive<l aslleht sunstroke which partly paralysed bis ir>;ht hand, so he writes with his left. Iteiiu' delicate, ha studies at bouie, havin-^ a iiioai to him- self. His f.tlher Klatilicd Ids t:u>te by puivhasmii all kinds uf ImkiIcs iHiiciad by the lad. Early in .hine he went to New* York and is now eiiiia^vd on tlio st.tff of the Herald at ^.'itXH) n year and all ex- penses paid, to ^o on a tour around South .VniericAand thoiioe to .Vu^traha. The father was surprised a few days after his departure to learn the news, and also that his fifteen your old Uiy was author ol two of the most jiopular iiovel.< of the time. Ills niiithir often joked him as a d;e»mur. Ilia lirst novel published is ''A Dreamer of Dreams.' The second is "Troth." Uoth are hiulily praised by the l>est London','\nd New York vntioa. \V!:eu his father for the lirst tune ex- aiiiiiied his son's library, ho found box oil bi«x fill! of iinnuscript, a novel liora, poetry tliare. Many of hi* iMieins, it seems, li.Avo appeared in Utandard iii«i:a- riiies, and artichss bearii.j; the name •Ii«slie I'u.^ue' are fuiiiid-in the I'oriihill Ma««?:ini., Harper.*, The Cei.tnrr, and others. .\U thu.i(i((is uukmiwii to the father or mot Inu-. He has now a novel ill print for whirh he-is to receive $6000 and a loyally. His first uews|>a|>er vsiituie was tha Jxliiutuwn aooident. Wccontfratulate the pttranta aiid alao tha youth oil tiieir axotHsd^ grwkt furtun*. -Lindsay Wardar DK. CAliTEJt. M.C.P. &S.,0.sr. puYSM'j.ix. sineEo:;. &,\ FLI'::-HEltTO.V. Oifice. Strain's bfock. 'IlctldeBee.JtTT J. (J. Sutton, M.D.C.\i. Merabur of tlie College of Physic:;!- B^irgeous. Ontario. Ebqu^e at office .one door *«st of C;i4<.-r'sitnr or .\tkiason'j Httil. Pric«¥i!le. Xov. IS, IhSb. ORS. SPDUU & £a<3. )VL\RKD.4LE (»XT. "^ Ofliro iâ€" Sanley's Drtw Starr. T.8. SPBOtTLE.M.D.ct!.- ANGl'S F.OO.H U .i.tc. i:j£«i of Totteubaio. oat. Dr Jgo wlli be fonnd at iUrkdaWHousenoiKht VETKRIXAIIV dLRUhltiS. j ;' Graduate of Ontario Vtt. Ctdle^ei''' nESIOF.NCE ON COLi.IN{i\V0OD STRniT^ Sixth Door Ka.n of I^eslrv terian Cknrab, FLESH ERT\>N. Jcntictrif. DKNTlSTKvi Dr. Thainas Heuders:?*. SCECrKOS DK.STIST GiAd iteJalUi (Oh? IL'itur Grcdnate of - ILCMJi., Will vlsil FLESHKHTON, (Mnnffiaws Ilotrl t and :i of each iuv>nt)i. T.u'th axtra.::«)ti, iatux ed aud ailed in tha hifJiot styles of tlio ait, at tucKlerate rate*. P.iZiS) Omi::, Tfll V.:;cnST.,ToRoxTO. J. P. M.*l!S!iU!., L.D. S.. DENTIST, â- Visits Markdale the 1st aud 3id Wednes- day ot |.ach luouth. Flesherton e:u-li tiij. <â- « ilie day foUowini:. ;£i'()al. *»-f. Barrister, .S«*f fri tor, Citti rt- tittv.eer,. FLBsaearDN Ort'U'K. mlxt Po>r (.ifm-K. SmOl'LE '.s Ul'ILl'INU, <1N Tai K.^l)AY3. OWES SOUND OFKICR. KnoTT's BtnUnso P McCULLODGH, â- Bavt'ialev, tioiieiior, 4'-«. Ollirp. <»v«'r >lri-'nriniid's St<;r«' .Uurkduio. ^iluuc) tu l.i>aiu ilntiiufoci (I'avds. John W. AfiTistroogi 1'l.KSHr.llTUK, Co. QUKT. [, MOM^YTOLOAN. 4T LOni-»iT tIKiIc .1 K.iTES a ToKU or Farm Properis . ^MIDU, KloiUierton. Mr. Wm. Knrstedt, Si(m« Muwu, ..pn't^'a.v; iiuf r.',i,if,T.i'. MATiiJaALFU!.:^ISHED t'.f i *^l {(i j/ii^-:, jWc. Jh'r.. ; ,a, ,%Utl liiuUr- 4*tK»<aiui door- sontli ef Atlvuiee Offlee. "wnn^FM AMY * TWP. CI. !SIA. i02iy£YAXVJ,:., yj L<.-iiox^K, JSsukA.u i. . r. .It: â- rvF.rTw.Mi>i:i> , â- ^ Kl and V'^'I't ed in Urbt'cla^s low.irt rates. â- IS, iVc., provsr !>suraii<.-« •:!<'(â- - '..iii'v to lend St Rs tj, ^ c^ ouIg, T>OsrMAsr ^ ct iu U U„ I. ' I'o'.i.'emmlssion- .Vuolioneer, Con- T«.\aiKer, A»i!o.o â- â- I â- •â- â- â- • .Muue/ Lender. Real Katat. and u't.niAii.'e Agent. l>seds. Mei-timj;.'!! ' "ills drawn up aiul 'Viiiuatio;: .â- >'. iMth-e. Anc- tionTJile» . , V 1 any pa ry oft he Coiintv. ' " ••> !â- -' at lowest rates of lule^e^!. "trr.rfrd to with pri m(M> I. Chsr^P!! low. .\);ollUol'; »ia!nsldpt.'<iMipany. itoii lo Liverpool, ();.>«..â- â- • f tli« BritLsli l^>rl.1, ;â- -: lo t imI Eacland, .<»eoll> , please «.sk rales be- for> . et» elsewhwe. 1 â€" Hob\SO Rfiu )/ for Sale. "" ST, I, ..<â- .' Iruil Iiev4.«la Thi .4 TAKUUliaN.r:, nd lot. aauaaita Mis b, FI«>sh*rtaa,iH now Tho hooas is lant* lot. ».>.><» tlablv au4 •II Ml tfca |uMni«««. r«rs kaiaal^ Apflf » » s»