r f THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Heard's Carriage Works. : MANUFACTUREK OF , : Carriages. Bu^aies, Wagom, Sl^i^hs. Outters, ^c-, 4'C. SpecUl Attention niven to PAINTING, TRIMMING, HORSESHOEING and al kiiidiof JOU WORK. Nut)uiig ^ut tii'st-class niutenal used throughout and latiafiictiuii ^'â- â- 'â- '^â- >teed. We Imre for sale I^iiinl><3i*, I-^ut^h and ^hinyleM. Al»* Agmit for Dick'i Rollem, Mowers »nd Binder*, Uick'i Chanipion, Royal Rob Itoy, Oranijer and Stamlard I'lowa. Two and Three-Furriiw ()au!{ Plows. Home P'iwers fur 4 Horsus. Straw Ciitler«, Scufflurii and Tunii[i Drills. ./0//.V//, HEAHD, Durfutm Street, Flesherton. FLESHERTON STOVE EMPORIUM A large arsortment of STOVES. (» .iiake.l STUVK FUIlNIliHl.NOS, TIN WAKE .COl'l'KIiWARE.LAMJ- U0UU8 tile .coufftautly ou hand. EVKTHOl'ij'HINO A SPECI ALITY. T^. (jI. Knrstedt, strain's old Stand REMOVAL I d«tirtto Inform tb« publi* thai I hftf* re- MOORE'S Block, Durham St. A coniplnto itDck ot tiuvar« will l)e found in my n«w premiaefl. KEFAIRIN(J, EAVETR()U(iUlN(i Etc. dull* aa herttufure. I have Mcurwd tlia aK«ucr for th« CvUbrated Kinxer S«wiiig MMhina. k*qB*atlDg tiiy old frlendi to com* auJ %•• IA« tu mj aev shop, 1 ri>ui4iB, at*.. JAS.StfLLIVm. Aiivica TO MiiTHau.â€" Are f„., dl'tiirboO at nivhl auil l>ruki>n u( irnur r«<t li% • •! 'I> <:liil'1 â- •u.rarln(«n<1 orvliif wltliimln .if t'.-.itiliiii Tn"lli! If so Miul at on;* aii'l k»1 t hit'lx "^f" Win • low • Huuthluit Hmni" for ChiMrnn T.-ililii« tta valui>i«liicalciilatilo. Itwill railli'«ii th" |H>or ,\\Alm nfforor liuril(t<l|ftti>)y. Uxprtia <U>Mit it. r 1 itBort; tli'Tx no niHtak" aho'i*. It It i'iirm< Iiraanlrrr xxl IJI»r'h'i-«,r««iil«t,>» ttinHi.i'nuoh ari'l flowxtA. ''.lrM'4 WImi) I'u 1c'.4 .(t-iiin tim (iillua r4*.|uanH ItiflKriiati"ti. nu'l );ivi>. I'ttt** iiril i<tiiTK> lo Iha Wtml" niitoiii "Mm. Wiiisl.vf .• SoMtliirii S/nip'* for r)ill<lr«»a t/M'lhlrr* tu }t|**n'(ioit t<t thr tarta anil In tlu. proa.irinllciii nf ..ti>' of Itm '>l'l<"<' aifl h*tt fuljltltt pliviti<-iAii4 N0.1 uilrtti'H In tlie I'riltwl Htatiii. aivl In r.'r^filc l.v nil ilriiKi|l>ts tliroti||tin)ttt tlia worlil I'llr*. tW"fit y *lv.. fi«nl' a Oottl*. 11* iiiru anil *>k f«i "Mua Wi.sni.ow'fi HraPi-." kud taka uu oiliiii kind. Improved Farm for Sale. I,(tUJ4H, llUkii'l U(), anl rntiK" •>K^t. 'i' «u*l ^ IC . coiitKinliitf I"'* Aoriit , HU il«<n>»<t, kihmI rlay oaiii. *«II irnprovAd, ^.-ikmI frBiiu' li"»i«o add !'>*.: b&rii, /riiiiiv Mtablft. k''><»l orrhnt I, He Tlil-* fur til in wttH w«VOr*<l (iiiil lrii|ir<tvc*<l. itiitl Ik roii- Titil* ftH'l K half froiii t)ii< Vl>ln^'o of KlunlH't (••ii. Wilt bttBolil oil v»ry i»«iv ti'ini*». Kor fiirttier imrttottUrtaiiply to JAB. llKKCiiUKT. KliMihuilua V.O n. M4la\iNli, HORKKHIIOKK \Mi (GENERAL BLACKSMITH. ('nllill(,'WciiHl Street, FLHSHKRTON, - ONT. Ukiiuftrtiiillii; of WAfinitn, KltiiMhM, l(uM»;lo« UffnitKiNii. iitf. >lr<r<io»)uHili<ii |)iiitiiptlv iit I«n4i*<1 ti) HiiitrlKl Attuiitluti |{lvMi to Cdhtnii t • 4 or itiinlttr fui I . L«rirl«tK atitl IMotv riiaiDK ron* Mlunlly on IuiikI. ROLIVM FLOUR luitt in tliu niiirkt'lH ill Blackburn's. Id' Croam Farlors ! ill! Itiiiili (li oouliiii; Miiuiiii 1° driiik.s. Cared Meats, l^ard, Bologna, oto. KLL KilUIT.S JNTIlRlIt Si;.\.S(iN BLA( H«IR\'S FLOUR, FLOUR, STONE FLOUR .V/?. P LOUCKS U prtparad to do your Gri^itiiig uu thort outiee andKrIudaon tha i>ld tvriiii uf avary twal/th buabul Havaii ceuta par ba^j of two l>unhela fur ('bo|i|ilng donaarery day. Tha l.ittU Mi l» big In tha eatluiatlou uf thu poblic. Bktiafactiou (Juaraiituud. r. I>Oi;CKH, I'roprlatoi'. Ovod atabUiiK (or b'>riaa. -I t Payn To- AND THAT IS THK NTorthern Business College,: Of owtJK j^ou'jVi). TltK hont mid tuoKt piaotU^ul cournv of iitu*1f Thu liu«t luH.< hliitl IftUiii. 'I'll* bpNt ikfi'oiiililitilntit'll f<ii- fctmlriit I. Tilt boMl inothofliof tuHtriirtltin Tti* hukt ruMitltfl froui ihiki titHiniction ftftor â- tiidniiU Kiaduftta. K>tr aiimial »ntii»iini-Atn«'nttt ^ilvlug i>iirtl<'iilarit i^HC^rilliiit lliu c'ouriAnl iltiil V. Uti iiiii .ve . adilroiiH C A KLKMiNU. I'lUNiifAI.. OwtiiHuuiiil, Nov Ufc. i^ For Sale nt»«ii> tittut nitll foi Vklftat Fledlirrton Statu'ti U villi itiinii, tloiilil« i*i*4l ImiII, Mintil mill, tluttur all! pin iAmi Will I>« mxM cIuii|»aiuI otl oanv t«r»> 1 lilM la a ktrgftlii. A >iplf tu nuit (tu l.UVKA Flaiihartoii I' O Moiillily l-Hlr.s. ()rATimi\ illo rii't bui:ou4 Ttiiiik ln> In uach inoiitli Diiiiflalk TMt'pxIrv !..»(.•»•• I'^rnii^ivUv Klu â- )!(•• I. in Mrtnliv li i ir<i i Irrv i rivt.* Miiilulal" '^mLhi'iIii^ lH>f<>(«' • "'iiiiKnt llle. I^iiiltiMii Vhittl 'I'lh'Hiltiv III riii-ji iiioiiili. *'hnL'>w<>itl. -Moiul.iv I>rft>r*< I'liilinin llfilinn I ('•itittir SHtiir<U\ !>« 1. i<> ChKinworth ' *l(v>v^ll«' Moii'lAv t<i*fniit iMtt-hum. HniMivoi MoDilav Utfom Duitinm 'I'll iH \' 4'ai i'*H MYRTLE ('IT iitni ri.ra mklNli'l'llliMll'ii f'i!^r.it rii%\ i:vi:it. SCO T & B III Itriiii/o on I'or liiino l'«rV, Hulo >r ilntnt, Uti) NIuImIi'h I'oinini 1'lii.Hlrr rrioo )(.'â- ckiiiiI KoI'hhIu lit til* Mi'illi':il Hull. ("i(ii.|i, wli(M)|iiiij; iMoii-h mid Ilr.Miotiilii luiliuiliuli'ly ii'liinrd Ky .Sliilnhi ('uio I'or »!i!ii at '.ho Mndicul ll.*!!. COUNTY d DISTRICT â- *â- A new hotel, coating $28,000, hai jutt been computed in Owen Sound. Southainjiton ii the fashionable camp- ing Krouiids for Walkerton nabobs. The Wiraton Echo and Chatsworth News will not issue papers next week. To-day is Owen Sound's civic holiday. The towu goes to Brampton by train. i A fiend in human form cut a teat from , a valuable cow WlenginK to W. Mc- Maxter, of the Ist line, Mono. The Creemore Star says there is a boy in Coliingwood 17 years old, who weighs only forty-three pcunds. He is certainly a curosity in his weigh. The Warden of Simcoe when presiding at the county council aonsions wuars a gorgeous cocked hat and silk gown, purchased at a cost fllO. The foUowiii;; touching obituary notice appeared in our most esteemed exch.inge last week : "Mr. R. Marchinent's faith- ful old gray horse died on Wendesday." The Canadian city with the shortest name is 02a. â€" M.F". Kep. â€" And the county with the most abbreviated appol- ation is Sx. licetoii World. The town with the shortest name is kuga, and the iK-wspaper «ith the shortest headlins that we kn»w of is the Creem. .\bout 10 o'clock Monday rooming Joseph YouBg, a boy about lu years old, Sim of Mr. Alex. Young, of Keppel, start- ed with a load of wood totown, and when lihout H mile from home while going down a hill the woad fell torward briiiping tie Ixjy, with it and tha wagon passed over his neck, killiug him instantly. The funeral took place Tuesdiiy afternuon.â€" [OS. Adreatiser. They are energetic, hardworking people in tlie vicinity of Wiartou. The Echo says "One day last week a farmer who resides in the township of .Albemarle left his hi>usr .it noon for his work, leaving' his wifu nttsnding to her domestic duties as usual. On his return in the evening he found that in his absence one had been aildvd to the fnioilr rirrle, a fine bouncin;; Ixij, which wv lyi»*( in the cnidle, and the mother was out milk- ing tlie cows. Hl.^ Leu.h Oi t kUt IJrakemaii Sini- iiKiin nut with a terriblo awident at the (' r.K. station late on Saturday night. He vvaa engngi'd in making a coupling wIk'U his foot was i'.tui:ht in some obstrurtioii and bt-furc ho cnuhl extricate" liiiiisi'ir a iiumbi'r of ears passed over hioi, nearly umi>utatiiic both legs. The poor follow WHS picked up and carried to the lii'Val Hotel, wlieitt bii Wounds were at tended to. The iiijurcd linil>s were iiMipiitittrd early Sutidiiy morniii;^. Siin- inoiis, who has been only six weeks out fmin Kii:;laiid, i.^ a line loukiii'.; young limn of about 2'2, and hopiis are enlurtain. «d that a siroiig constitution will eii.ible hiiii 1.1 juill through his terrible accident. â- ^Hiiireriii .Advorli««r. General News. .lobi, Hi'pper, a farmer. was killed by a Iriiiii iii'iir Newir.:iikot on Saiuidiiy. I'rincesa Louise ot Wsles and the Puke of l-'ife were mmriod at nuokinghaui I'lil.ico i>ii SHluida\ l.illie Kelly, n |'nsintier .•\f the Agnes Street I'olico Si.iiii,ii,'|',itiiiito,eomiliitted HUlcide by hani-iin.; early .'^iiiidsy niominj;. 'I'lio British 8«.iling «> huoner Black Diamond has been luiKCil bv the I'nited Stall's rxvenun iiitler, i'lisli. for sealing in Behr iig sea. Mr. T T. World and bis If. y«ar oM ditiiulitor, Lily, were drowned iii thu bay. Toronto, Satiinliw .Tenin,:. .V lad named William Woovl ».« drowned waiter in the d^y. Two hundred people in Wilsi n lonnty, 'I'onn., hiiveil bandeil together to (line llio Mormon pldrrs and conv^r's fii'iu iho county. I'lot. .1 VV. Howell, a wellknown edu- cstor of Kutlodne, Tcnii., is dying' ( liyilioplioliin lie »;is bitten Ihiileali yiuus iKo by u bl.trk and tan leirior. Calairh ciiied, lie.illh and Mweiit hrcatli aecun'd, by Sliilili's C.itarrh Keuiiuly IVice 50 reiil.i. NiiMil Injerlor fn-,.. I'or sale at the Medical HiiU Slnloli's oom-li niid Con. sumption Cure !â- < hold by u^ I'M ;i iniiinintie, It cuii'S l'oii»uhit''io|i. I'll- Hale III the Mcdicul Hall Will Von siill'i r null IVyaiM'p.ua and Luce klouipluint / ShiloliH Vilnlii'or s iru.iiaiiteed to eiiio von. l''.>r i^alx at the .Meaical Hall.. The Rev. tJeo II Thayer, of llnrlH'ne liid., Nay^ : "Both myself itiid my wife oive oui lives to Sliiloli's t '.'iiMUiiipliaii Omv. l''or sale at iho Moibuvl ll,ill. BOOTS & SHOES I have a very large supply on hand and Selling very riieap. IN LADIES WEAR. Primlelk. Kid. Polish r«!i ai,d Butf Doiigola,] Lara* ar,d B<iitoii. Sa Youth's aud Childieu's .\ lar''e assortment, all sorts and ."Jizes. Fine Calf and Dongola, BalmomfB and Gaiters, also Heavy Boo:9 and Shoes. • PncoB and Material cannot be beat. W. CLAYTON Photos J PhotoSj Photos. Vie are no» titrHing out vorkfar tuperior inttylt and jinith to any ever pro- duced in Flethfrlon. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODEHATE RA TES. PICTURE FRAMING done in all itt hmnehet. A good iloek of FRAMES and MOCLDLSGS ke^i conttantln on hund. Will aUo int'x^duet tht new BROMIDK FORTRAIT « picture thut it giving entire *ati*/aciiim mhererer introduced. HAMPLt^S m« bt seen nl my (riilUrj/ tekere all pixrti(ul<trt a* to /Vice, Style &c., can ht aoceo- MMS. JSVLMEM. FLESHERTON. HEALIir FOR ALL HOLLOWAYS PILLSaOINTMEMT THE PILLS Purifx- Ilia Hload. rorreit all I>iaorvlora of r.^ii-er, Ht<>iuii«>li, Ivicln'.vix, «inl 13o>veI»t^ TUav invi«<>ra»»ant rwtoralo h»alth \>ti»>iHt«tedronatitutlon». and arc invalaabia In sU C«- plaiulatuciJantal to Famalaa uf ail atjoa For (tillilran an,i Ilia stiad tliry ara |uicalaa* THK OINTMENT an iuralllbla lamaoy t,ir lia.l l.oco. najllruaala. Old Wouula. Sorva and I'K-ora UlsfsmoBst ilout and Rheumatism For dlsurderv ot tba C«i»al it baa no aqaa Forsniu-: Tiuuur. Huo.\cHiris. coughs, colds, aiandularSweUiuga.aiid sll Skoi Ilimiaaoa it ha* ue rival; aud for cuulraotad aadtlMT eliits it acta lika a otiarm. Manufacturod enlv at I'rofaasor Heii.ewAT's RataMithmeut. 7H. New Oxford MtrreC < Inte 3:t3, 0\r«r«l Street), Lona«a, aad »t« sold a« 1« l4d .Ha.W , la M Ua . eaa . and .c»« tuh Itoi or yot, and uiajr I'o had of all ctn» Vandom tlirounheul the World. ^V f'mvhaiers thoM ItnJc fi. tht lAibtl <m the I'Mt iXtui F\i0e*. 1/ the ixidrsa u not a,^^, Oiffoni iffrett, LfOndon, Ihtv «r» tjtHrimu. -it_-a PRICEVILLE BAKERY. A. \V i ifsox ! Posires to inform tho pnblic tliat ho can luniiBli CAKES AND. PIES '!'«> Ortlor. Kin8T CLAS RRKAO ALWAYS ON HAND. will viuit Flc*aliai-toii twioa a weak c» •I'l'BRIi.VYS and VUll> WS.wltli a full supply of Ke<Hts. DIU)l' A I'AKH IK YOU DESIRK MK TO CALL. WKUniNO aud FANCY oakea a siHCudly A. WATSt>N, I'ricevilU'. Situation. FLESHERTON PLA\I\G HILLS \\ill i.o'liv .MMI'l^'VUli'lV* COI 1 .,'...1 l>^v «11 llio >ofir (-ouitl. t^> lithiibt^' tuwn fuinii'luuh* aAilafac orv raleiaiicar. 'S.A. I(<>0MI<KK A tV . MitavrymiNi, U^} iiitar, N. Y Having purobascl tbe Klesbortou Flamoit Mills frou K. J, Si'roule, K.oq., luow aesirf U> iuforiu lh« PUBLIC that I aiu lu a (w^sition t» do ALL KINDS -OF- Qeiieral planing mill wor^, auoli as SASH. 1HH)US, 1>0(>UFIUMK» Planing; ami Mntcliitio, vi> sawing, ti;o. flood WorkmaiiNhip tiunmM(«<>4l. A laixu quantitv of ){ood dry pia« luinbor on Inuul. IP, •/. JSom^fijf, V loahortou LOOK! HATWd .l.'Ui* bnai â- W'na ta Can « lifter vaai a '^M; raputa _ '.leuiavatah â- â- â- ^â- â- â- â- â- â- SHaiMBHM^HBl '•''>•>)' W «Hi\l tlii.u' ircB ill ,,111 \i,teit> to rapraaeat ua.towli.Mn e«>'lii«iv.< t,Tviter\ will ba (Ivan tlaiid«.>iii,. ,.iiti\t ftxi,. SaUiv .Md ait>M>s<>a ohUI woi'klv i'reviiMtar.\t«,>i lelioe liv^t r4m\lti*4. Wllti'SI elite fel teitili* Itnr.U si. .'k l(>r Ciui- avla Mpaolaltr XI VV liUOTHNKB, Nuraoiyiuou, Uodboitiu. NT C ^1 "X. 4'