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Flesherton Advance, 25 Jul 1889, p. 8

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•?r:r-- i (â- â-  f' f.: 1 - y ?â- â€¢> r-^4«i tut FLESHERTdN ADVANCE -. :%-' I. cum â€" ' . H I I W il - 'IHBIIiN'HOIID liltiiri'STiKli BIXIIIIR! Over Four Th4Misiiiid Suld in Smsoii IHHH. Bciim Mure TIisui llailf ofaill OtlH'r lUiidcrs iimdo iii C'aiiudu. H«tore plAciiig thuir ul-dur^ (or Ihhu, we i t;h|>«ctfiilly rufiueHt tliu farniurH to : titl. l^arcfull> (tx.iulin4j tliu "llrtiutf(>r<l MucluimB '«ii I faithfitlly coiniiaru witli othur». 'Mid Eii'itiira of yuiir n«)i);ht>ortt who havo uhu<1 "Ilrantfurd MaL-hiiiob ' and uct their opiuiou o their wurkin^ and lantiit^ qualitiuti. 1( you will follow ttin at<ovo advico, you will ha couviiice<l ol tlieite two fac(« : Ul. ' liruiitf'ird MacluiiiJb" aru poii»uMt«d oi iiiure iiuprovouieutu aud arc butter made tbati any ttber nia4:hini'it in Canada liiJ. "brantford Ma^rhiiu'i" are more i>opular^iv« better latUfaetioiiAnd are more durable tfaan liv other machiaoft in Canada. Th«refur« : Ist. iiivo your order KAKLV for a lirantford lUuder or Mowur. Sud. Aq<S you Will be hure to bo perfvolly Hutiafted with thu luiwlijnu you f;«t. THOS. A. BLAKE LY, FI.KSIIERTON Heard's Carriage Works. COUNTY & DISTHICT SHOES I liave a very larye supply on l.Aui ainl Selliiiji very riieap. MAJ»UFACTUREK<)K ('(irrias'eS' Buo$ie.<i, Wa<Jons, Sleighs, Cutters, i^t-, iSt. JlM^tm's iM'^nOVED Endows ^.\B Spc^ul Attention aivin to PAINTING, TUIMM1N(J, HORSE-SHOEINt: ;uul al kinds uf JOli W(lKK. Nothing tiut tirsb-clnjtH mutfiiul lueU tliruu|tk<>Bt Mill satiifiictioii K'lAmntettl. We hitvg for sale Aldii Aj^eiit for DicU'k Kollcrs, Mon-erit niiil Itiiidiis, Dick'n Chniiipioii, Ro\;il R<i1j ll<)V, tlrannor aiiil Staiidanl I'lown. Two and TlitfL'l''airow (iaiu: I'lows. Horstu I'owcru for 4 IlorscH. Straw rntlors, Scnfflers niiil Tuniii> Drill*. ./O/ry/f. JILAtlI>, IhirlKim Strrrt. Flr-ili'rtnu. ^w^ F. ii. Karstedt, FLESHERTON STOVE EMPORIUM A UiK" »><-rluirut >f KTt' iimln'M SToVK. n:iLMsHlN<iS. TIN WAUi; cori-KinvAai: i.AMiTtOODs tflc .ciHtMlfllill) itn PIrllul. EVKTR(H(iHlV»i A SI'Eri M.rTV Strain's old Stand l^'lewl»«*i*t«>ii. o H ^ V CO LU I o FLODS, FLOUR, STONE o EH FLOUR ! .1//;. /' Loi'Ch's U preparnd t<> do yotir (irtntliip oti k]u>rt uotlrt and ffritidit on th» old toriiKi of avory twolfth buihid. HoT»'n r«int« I'or hnj: of two lin*>hi>lK for Chtivi'intf flotie cTiTV d;\y Tim MttI' Mi l* Un; in thi* oNtiinatlnn of tho l>iit)llr. HatiNfactiuu Ounrtintrftd. r. LOUCKB.Proprlctoi. (lood Btabliufi for biranw. O -- 1 1 Pay K To- UEMOYAl. I (!4<i<tr«to tiifotfii tb« ptiMI' Mmt I have r« III! vi>d toy wi'll tin »hf>|) to MOORE'S Block. Durham 8t. A I oiii|<|i<l(t Kt 'H'li of iliiwni (> w 111 III* found tn Ml « in\v, |<r^Mli«^l. nKrAiuiN<i itAvKTRitrr.mNti Kw. ^ don* ivt Imrtftiiforo. â- ^TrrnR I liwve Rkid \* â- â€¢riirud tliit »i{»ni-v for Thi' I" ;',.lid)nit«'(l SiiiKur K»»iii^' Mkoliinu. (lon» \, tiokrt W»M llin ( mi- olO frlaiuli !<â-  ronm kiuI «'» Mid it W»H not" '''or' ' ""••'". •11 • aikuxo of (;oop PrutiWR, KU:. r.'!i»li fa't aud iJiiff T>.!i-.' iR-l Lac* ai:d U'ltl.n. Misse s. Vouth s aiad t liHdriii A hrap assortmtfiJ. »11 sorts and sizes. H About one o'clock Sunday morn.i'.g, " citizenii were aroused from their bUiiiiI ci by the sound of the t re alarm. Tie hundreds wlio hurried into the streets nK)n found that the Stovel block on the corner of Sykes and CoUiniiwond street ! _^ was on fire. Tim building wa.<t frame and ;J_^\| ( t /\ j) I/P i S) W H i /\ K i 1 a short time w.ia enveloped in fiamon. i The cxurtions of the tirenieii were in i Tiin. The south |i«rt of the buildin;; was] occupied by Mr. Noblo Brady, as a shoji i and dwellins,',and the central part by Mi- J',Spike,bi)ot and sIk euiaktr Tl e shop to the north was T.ioant. In a short time the wlnde block was coiisuuied to the ground. The devourint; elunient wus no rapitl ia I its operations that Mr. Mrady and fanii?yi had barely time u- escape. Furniture., Kine Calf and Uoii^ol*. naliuorafs auJ (.niiterP, also Heavy DooU auil bed clothes, wearing apparel, groceries, . yi,(,es. Prices ai!id .Mi*teri.iJ caiaiot W U'l.t. provisions, almost evtrythinsr, were des- • ipoyed. Mr. Brady's loss will probably exceed $;i,000. of which only about $500 if covered hy insurance. Mr. Brady is : B honest, industrious citl/.en and much truipathy is felt for himself and family. We are informed the buildin<; was insured | f jr about JICOO. â€" [Meaford Minor. j Rl'N OVKII BY AN EsfliNE. â€" Mr. AUx. ( Watt, vrho had juat reached home from the Miller's runrention at Tornnti', WM tun over r.t Palmeriton by an en ,ii e«n4 died in two boun. â€" 'Wiartor F ..« ThjOrnngevillo Adrertiser says : "Ma- caulay'a Historv of Eii/land, in tire volumes. i;iven by the Montreal Witnens for the Wst orijjin^l story, was swardeil to Master .\rthur Sliain. a pupil attend- \un the public school of this town. ' The thr«e-ye«r-old d»u',')tter of Geort;s I^'ak. on Lot(an township, was riinini! around with a shar|> stick ni her mouth on Saturdav, when she fell and the stick penetriited ti' the base of the brnia wifth a fatal result. • » 6r.t » ! in i' i :-;.! '. I* * I J» '.â- â- ./ â-  li ^ W. CLAYTON Photos, Photos J Photos, .\i>vitTi TO MiirnKn.â€" Are yoo dIsturlMwl st ' nl^'lit au.l br<>h<>(t of your l-e->C l>y a Hick cRilH xufurinc itnd <t\ iiii; wi'lipiviiiof rultint; Tni'ltil If »o bend «t i>iii-i' >uti icoC a Itottlu ">lft. Wtii* •low's Sootliitii. S\ roll for 'lilMrpii T.iuthiiii; lt« Â¥>ln<' i> iui itlci:lnl>lu. It Kill relievu the |>o<>r llttin witr.'lot uoiuMi lately. Dupoud U|h>u H, louthun- ; tlicT.* ii,> iio^tsku ftlxMit it. !t i-nr.'* DyR»*Ilti.-.'v SIM f^lnrrh.rn.ri'Ollttf* tllpStoiii.n'h and Kow.-N. t'liri't* Wind ('olidhtftuni thvOuni* 1 rodnoifii ftlllmiiHtu^t, ami iilvcii lone uuil •livrKv to tlio wlioli I'ti lo 'llrH. Winhlowe Hontliiiii! Syniji" fiTiliil.lnjM teetliliiul" pleasnnt t" thu iaJ>te nii'l In tho ivrfierli'ltoii of one of thAoMnflt aiKl \t*t,i fumAle iitiyuiciftnM atitl unnieR (it tlie riiitt',1 fitalr*. mi.l 1^ for m'.v liy all >lni»:,;isi> tlirt>tV4;boiitt tin. worM. IMt-e twciitv-rtve i'enl"« liollV. H<i niir.' niol o«lrtor "Mfw Wlnji.owV HTarr." and lako no ottrer kiml. HOLLER FLOl'R ii68t 111 iju' i.'.a:ki ts at Blackburn's. Ice Creajn Parlors ! all kinds ot' I'ooiiii^ sumiuer Uriiiks. Cured Meats, Liard. Bologria, etc. AliL FRriTH IN TflKIR SKASON ULA(K KIRK'S 'I'liix Von I*".-! MYRTLE ('IT Hhfl PlIC SMOKIMiTllliAdfll I'IMCIC THAN KVER. T& B I?« art neie tHiniitg o»t tcor^far tiijtrrinr in tJyit hhJ jiiii$h la usy eetr ptu- COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE RA TES. PICTURE FRAMING Jont in nil it* /irnuchrs. A gcxxl »lt>ck or H.'A.MKS ,ihiI MlWLDiyUS kr/>t const'inih/ on h.iHil. WJI nho int-oditce llif nor BROMIDE PORTRAIT, i picturf thitt U gtiiiiji tntire mtif/ttclwn ahfrinr introdiicfJ. SAMl'LKii iiia he sten <it mj Giilkry taktrt all fxtrtictiUirt (is to Prltt, Sl^le Jtc, can h* ««c«t- (<i i'»«tl. , FLiESHEKTON. HKALlIi FOR ALL. ANM) THAT l.S THE Business College, 1 hN l>oir. and nioxt )m k* tlcalroiiriie otatid; Tilt' hi^^t, inu liiiitf inttMil. Ttia li«iii noionitiuiiliUiuti for ^tndmiiM. ThP lu'^t niotliT'dw i>f Ito«tMU'tl"ii. I'hit hnhi inttiltM trttMi thai limtvurihtn Miliar nlud<inf» cruditnln ]' >>« annual aniiounrinii<<uti« ^ivkii)f unrtti'tdatH Ft-)'rtt<llnii tht' ctiiiiMtiol iitndy, toi ni*« Kk\, ad<li<t»" r A Kt.KMlNtJ.l^tiNiiru, OWfftiKoQud, Nov 1»t. iMt. For Sale i:i< H ill lirou/i< (III I'Josires lo iiifoim the iMiblic thai he . rti!> liinnsli b^«l .'f»« , Hteaiu fWur null for*a1«iaiFl*«hi«it4-tn Miktiaii > V pnti Ktona.don*>lii rued boll. unuii i<u11. duitgr an.l piirlfl(tr\ Will hi* •t>ld rhrnp atyl on Pitny* *<rmii Thi* 1« « hatg»;;i A lul* to itoofeu iKv uu Fl«r1)cVtO^ 1*,C^ ~ (I ai »â- (« «• I A It 1 1 anj tr«d« t« ell ^n*. b r|)ift>-<iiy ««( m«oJ>ia« [_*nJ f <><Kti iih*r« th« r*ut>)« < will MDtt I r^r IP *••!• I Mtch )>>< •'iij.ibc *9xy lMit-in«rhin# «•â- ()• tat W* noikl.wllh ftll ih» •narhni««la ^ttB«4tftt«r rMil* Biiil *tihiahl* %\% lire l« r«tkir« w» ath Ititl .ton *t^>1 w* •"»«!. ti> ih«*f wIm .'â- I, %ijy^mt fc9m«.an4 â- Dtr % iftsallalun b»c*'nie fuii «w« "HT I'hi* jtT«n') n>itkt«« M >- Rntt Ik* plnurr riil*nia. >t>i(-liha»ar>in out rrl|tt«)«irnia iit*uni««M(0'i M>«. <"••<> Ul lHaslimrme. tD'l now tallt (« '••111. h^«( •(mafMt.mtxi tiM ll lltArlllll* 1<« lb* WMM. All U _ _ *.. \.. fr.|>tUI r*«|iiir«>1 TUln. ).rt«f intfrurllHi* fUtii l h»e« »h>< wrii* lo na •! mm* r«n •*- Ml* lV<«r •hr t>«'i â- â€¢Mint ivsv'hiux <n ih« M<-rlit, ani <b* (.I'M »,<rkai'>f ht«i» nt •». r the wo tA^-.-tk^i m tinrrV« -*».:.*« 4't».. It<»& '}44i. At«aM«<M, %Anlu*P* •m« n«tiii« o*itf w«»«ii Kul'l tor H 19#. wtfUl Ul»l* •I |M M.i,-Mii ifia «>><fl.l .1. Il««tv M.Tl.] tMf ('»•• Hoik I iiift* ti-l Rviiia attM.rtdb nn*lka \\\ *f»» »' •t|<t«l v*1u«. ««i- PRICEVULE BAKERY. A. \V vrso\ ! FLESHERTON PLA\i\G .HILLS Hiiriir 5 pHn''i»«!',l the Floshertou n.vnmi; Mills fr. n I;. ,1. Sptor.Ie. Esq.. I now iitsire to iufuriw tho PUBLIC that I sm in a position to do ALL KINDS OAK HS .\N D. rir>S General planing mill work. »uch AS I I] THE TILLS Purify llio lllf»«tl. correct all lii*orilcr9 of Livei*, Stotikaich, lvi«ln'^-«s, nncl Uowel."*. Thoy invigorataaiH tottxra to htaltli Pi'MlitAtivU'on^titutHjns. Slid atx invslrsbls lo al) to plaiutBlncJiloutuiCrrFcinsKnol tfl sfps. Kor I'liiMrrii au<l lh> s«!«<l >Ue) ai« )>ric*i»aa. THF OINTMENT an iafslUlda rf'nuviv tor lln.l«. Ili\.l Hri>asU». f>l.l W.miiM« Sm-»s «n.l fl«»r«. !t i«fau)oas( Uvut itiid Ulieuiuatitm. I'or aiKurdarn ol tb* catvl It ha* no eqaa Fovsohh THh'o.rr, nufKycinris. coraiis, colds liUnJiilarSwellmcs.ikiul »)I .Skin |i|»>'*><'« >t )»• no rival : And hir ooDlrastaJ a»d aMff oiiit< it i%>t» III" » charm. >f \nii(«ct«rMonlr it I'miW'.KT ftof.tow*T» K»tivM(»luii»nt. 74. 5(rw OxforfT Strort <lnlr 53S. Oxford Strrrt >. I.«»n«i«ii. *ii((»rpioUl at In. IJd ,3». W., 4ii M . 11» . '£S . «mt iCiii. i<».-h Hoj ,m I'oI. and may b« li.\d of all il«d cinf \>ndor» ClrroKEtiont tha World. *•- riidunfrs $AoyiUi /oo^' fi l^f T^iM i^a fhf Pott and iA>.i»i. // tht niLhm it n«< 5,t.?, Ojf/oni t^tiftf, fxNiii'ioi, flinr itn «jni nioii*. * .aVi.' lit..- .r 1loua« itnui'' â- <'(>• >-i BJoua*. >lal Hamplr*. rti«*t >«ni|<iM, m well Bl t'tf W«l.)l, wa »t«*4 1<*r4>#t •*!â- * 0^** «'<*! ha** k»|** 9 l«->«ilia %mA •!>.*«< *t Ikefn l« llH^* I rallatl. th*v \-t>i i«ta votir ow >* VM'*'*' !*«•• tah* wflM at itMi'a •«!> \>a f»t% af rM«t«<Nir Oi* Watcll ••« t ^H«%Ul«« W* r»T all •â- â- Â«â€¢*, fWtfht.'tf Ail.Waa VUtM^aA C*., UtiK «|ii rvrUivA 1.2: 1.1m •« nt"** in Tffvt h<>' I'o C>r<Urf IIKST I r*'* KKK.A11 ALWAYS ('S HANO. will »lflt Kl.'.'limti'n t«le» « w»i>k o Tl'I'StiaVMand KUUIAT^.willi a Su:l hiil'V') of Kovdif. |i|{(>P A I'AKn IK \Ol ntSlUK mi: Tt)OM.U WEDDING and FANCY eake^a spoeiftHy A. WATSON. Pricevillo. Situation- .•oil it^A.S .nnri.'vip. ni i%nd ^:.»t^^ (.By alt til* .rsr round. t.> relisliU* mno futni«htntj iiati»fac- .iry vv'fi>r<>nc,>«. SA Mov>Ml>KU .V t\v. .';u:»srymau, UodiMtar, N. Y SASH, noon.s. nooK kkamk.s rirtniiv: Miul MdtPiitti;,'. n> sawiiiii.fito. 4<ouil Workinniiislitplaanninlr^. A hwycf nnentity of good dry pint liiuiU'i- on Imiiil. Flosliorloii. 1. 1 LOOK! . - *i • HAVINa lino \\\\t: no** in I'liM- ada f nr <r*a-4i i>\iT r*|m!* >•<*»•'. w.vMt tlMn.i liU'U Ul \uf,mi.\ t.> roi'voariu, n«.to wloMii t'xc!uf>i\e to'TirvMy «;'! N. ci»i»w HalidmMno .mtt>t fra^ SAlirv *im1 oipontot- ' paid n«H*kb . rtv\« v\i>tHtiae«^ ti^t \-a^uuM Write at noop for torm» Hardy Mook fiw Cvin- a.Ua ipoialix. U.«V IIROTHKIM. :Kiir*<rr«Ma, Koehadar, K.T fc?^' A '«â-  â- HMMfeMMl ' '» t l » '^ -^ -AiN>

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