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Flesherton Advance, 25 Jul 1889, p. 4

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â€" jr THE FLKSHERTON ADVAN'CP.. Jt»ltTW// ki OEO. MITCHELL, BANKER, L'L.F:Hlll-:it'l'OIV. UKiFr.S BOUOHT AND HOLh. !i;< AtUniiiin piii<i t<i thf cnHi-ftiim SM-'s (ijii/ A<'COMaU. '.'nd door Sortli H'rhardium d: Cot. SluupleBi iiij{hU, made miiier»t)le by Personals tliat iLTrilile cnuyli. Shiloh's Cur« i» tho Ueiiiody fur )ou. For sale »t the Medi- cal Hall Notice to the Public. I mil ill a position to do all kinds of cnttoii wcin 111^', such aa tweeds, Haii- iifU, full ch'tli niid bliiuketa. Ila^' carpet d'liiB t') order l>_v J. H. H:irkley, weaver, next house U> tlie Preabyterian Churcli The Local IVeinrs. WUat Ik lla|>p«-iiiiiK in Our Own Vioiiiitv. Tlie Mussru. Hawk Hroii have dis|><ni«Ml <)f U'eir Oiii! Ijimiiiesa here to Mr. .fMlui N'Hh.l Tlui jiri/.i' Imt nf till- l'r..viiicial Exlu hiiioii.t'i lif lit'Id at Li>iidi<ii '>! li, has liei'ii received | MeiMi*. <'<>ok and McMulleii lamie a !at(;< »lii|'iiieiit of cattle last week, ^ which |iriivud i|uit« successful [ Mr .S. Daimidc and .Icaepli Itlackhurii, l''.iH| , all' alten<iiii'.' the Masonic (iraiid , L vie- at <>wen Sound, which is in aoasioii then- I .1 Whitteii ha.i heou elected to repre- j »,'iil..> tlio Kleaiiertoli !.(».(). F at the <iidiHl IiOiii>e which lueets at St. Catha rinu shortly Bfirns Burned. .Mr .h>hii Thibeatideau, liviiii; on the 'JiiiMiito and Syiiiiehain road, near Mark- dali'. had his frame ham .itruck by liijht- ciiu'l; i/ii .Siiiuriluy morning last and huriied tn ill.. L'lound with all the con- teiitK. Mr. .lolin .\nder3on had a hii;,"_'y 111 tile h.irii, which was also huriii'd. Mr. Win. Hrown, of Markdale, had Sept !• V< I I''" harii hiirncd the same ni^ht.supinned I to be incendiary. Wr Oi'oijje ThomiMion, jr., Artemcsia, h id a rib broken Friday Wiok while hill villi,; a stone by the lever tlyiiig Inck and hi'Lliiifi liiiii. LOST -A |>ucket book containing a (tvn dollar bill, a duo bill on M. Itichard- â- oli d' Co , and alxiut 15 conts in rliaii^t'. Iti^ I'liidor will kindly leate it at tins Mi a Mutr, near the station, raised a tiiiv. barn on Wednesday last, TO by fi'J fret. Ml John McFaydcii waa the f.aiii- «•! , find the builditi!; reliects much credit •i|K>ii liini. T„ (/.. Edit.irof The. Admw. 1 would like to draw the attention of the Church tru.->teu.i to thg ddapid.tted conditiiMi of the carriage block at til-- church. It is a regular trap for ladies, and bristles with nails for the purpose of iiiaufactuiini; ribbons out of (;ood .silk dresses. Fix up the Mock, fleiitleineii I Would siso whiipcriiigly eiii|uire when the pew lalieU which were presented to the church a long time ago will be plucc*! on the backs of the seals 7 Mktiioiiist. Old Faflhioned Union Picnic 'no- Sshlmth Scho.ds of the Metliodi.Ht Hiol I'resliyteriaii church in Flesherton iiiti'iid hildiiig their annual p^'iiio on Mi'inlay, the ".Mill of .Inly loxt, in the benver iiieaoow ;iear Fli'shertoii. All the fn.'iii!.! of the hchools an- eariiistl) invited t.i camenloiig. Make this as on former uc- casiiiiis the picnic .>f the aeason. (iainjs iiiul nmii.ieiiii'iits will he proviilud for the chililrcii and fiien.U. Schools will leave for tlir LToiiiids at 10 a. in The t.'u will not saiK'tioii refrenhnieiit stand.i on the grounds. J. \V. .Arnistrong.Supt. Mr (Jw. Mitchell, Fleshertou's genial ! M.-tliodist S. S. .1. niackburn Supt. Misa Foster, of L'liion City, Pennsyl- vania,is visitiuj; at Mrs, W. K. Fleaher's The Misses Annie and Lizzie Richard- son, who have been attending the Owen Sound Collegiate Institute, returned lionie on Monday morning last. Miss Kella, of Meaford Koad is viait- ing at Mr. P. Munshaw's. Mrs. Soulhgate and dau'.'htor, of Toronto, are the guests^f .Mr. il.Kicliard- Boll. Misses .M. and J. I'eters, <^ .Michigan, are speiidinu' a few days with their uncle, Ur. Christou. confederacy, and what affected our i brethorii ill Quebec att'ec'.ed us. If the speaker saw 'Aini his own child was liable . to get he would l>e remiss iu his duty <f lie Hid not make an attempt to prevt'iT it. Jesuit agj.res.iioii was reach iii',^ he\"nd Ijuebec and the thill edge of : the wx-Jge had been inserted in I'rescott, ; K.s»ex and Uusaell, where they must have | Freiicli teachera from Quebec. With ' refeiviice to the Essex scho.lsMr. .Shiltou ci.>uld speak from experience. The French teachers there had been imported from Quebec and Aere allowed to teach ujiim permits year after yer.r, ..wing to Mr.*. J. F. Sproule.of Winnipeg, sister- | <'.itli..;ic iulUiciices. There «:is d.iiii;er apatliy, as familiarity teiidiU t.r el- inlaw of K. .1. visiti'ig friends am! relatives in the vicinity of AJariv.ia e and Fle.sherton. Mr. .S. Itanton, son-ill-law of Mr. Th' s. Leilcli, Flesherton, is now editor ol li.e Stratford .\dvcrtiscr. Mrs. Hirani Savage, of N- var. .MiUn^kn. IS vuitiiig her sister here, .Mr.s. Wiihani Mitchell. The PriiHM' ofOrangf. Has his Praisetj Sung Once More by a. Monster Crowd at Flesherton Station. Thel'raiiL'c lodges of tins ilistrict ceK'- und portly banker, committed matriiiioiiy | I'reshyierian b. S. ./ hterday by uiiitmi; m marriage with Mi;ji Kara E. Mc'Jirr, of Fevorshani. Our ali|>per is thrown. ''rojM III the vicinity I't Ton>iilii are much III advance of what they are in this aectiun. Wu aaw last week bidow Wood- Iwidce f.«ll wli<N\l 111 shock and other llelds f ady foi the ren|>er. Mr .lames lieecroft Ui.l three huge •t n:ks of rhubarb upon our table tliu othci day, the largest «f which ((avo the f'>Ilowiii{;|iieiMureinentK Leaf '10 inches Wile, .'10 inches long. Stem '.Vl\ niches \\\\i and ^\ inches in circumfi-reiice. Mr. Stephen .Spirit has . opened "ut b pahui' ice ciuaiii lahn.n .uid general Ui tciMy stwiv III .Strain .1 block, where he will be glad to welcmie all his old frieinls '•iKu luoie. New hulls, tlour, and every thiiiti **'*<> <'â-  ''i* '>â- â- *' ciiistantly in stock. Catarrh cured, health an.l sweet breath •ciiiii'd, by .Shilidi s Cntarrh Keiiiedy I'rnc f>0 ceiitM Naial Iii'eclur fri-e. Kor sale at ilii' Medual Hall 1'he landmarks are paasing quickly .-twuy now. On Sunday last uiinllior old â- tcttlur ({<'<"' up his Uburs upon earth, in Ml ! person of Mr. Cha». Irwin, sr , who liicd s( the ii;ic at{e of 7''> years, having been a resideiil of Arteiiuiaiikfor 35yuara. All siicttoii aale of farm stoi-k, iinple niriits and \iU acres of xraiii. will lie held on llie farm of &Il. U. Meldruiii, lot H, .1111 4, Osprey, on Thursday, .luly iif), i.i'it. Usual tonus. Jb»ii(lit per cent .1 Hcount foi caati. .Sea hills. .1. 8peera, lUctioiieer. Wehave ruouivud "copy" of the first and secoii I |iri'/u essays awsrilnd by <huilro (iiey Kaniiers' Institute on the " leiieliln nevured through an AKricultur al College F.ilecatiiili, bii' owing to lair- Mcss of the liour at wIikIi it nrrived are iiiiabli' to publish lIiuiii tins istint. They will nppo'ii nest week The Itev duo. II. Thayer, of Iturlx^ne lull , s.iys : "liiith niys-lf slid my wife I.W.I our livea to Hliih.h â- < I'oiiH.iiiiptioi, <!ure. l''oi aale at lh<- Medical Hall Mr Mi\H«iu>itl, of .M.iiilml, gave an eici I'.linfly luleri^stiiig leoMire in the Mc'hodiHt ('hiircli on .Sunday miirniiig l.ksl upoli Kuiiiaii Kvangehrjitiiiii. The Kiiiitlemaii ia a young convert from KoiiiiiiiiMui, and im pri')isriii',' liimsiilf foi (he mini»itry. Tliinugh Ins inslruiiieii I ilil) the vliole faiiiih bad been roiiveiliil 4 I the I'loteslaiil fiiitli. Iln showed a liuii.hci of relica and parapliernalia of the <Ullodi( <''hurcli. Slid explniiied its work iii;s III II lucid and foicible manner. I'or laiiie Imok, aide or chest, u»o Bit oh R I'oroiisPlaal.'r I'rieeS'icout I'ui aab at On Medical H til. the catiistri'|.lit- w ,.,:. iKf â-º; 1 ..k. r SH« U the near future Tl.e r. uia. k.ii.iv iiiiited front â-  f the I .th- l:c t'liuicl and fecuinl tv ..I t!. .• 1- i.-,,cl. pci.;. e CI n- atituie. tiie brea^ -w .. 1.^ lul.nul wliich their egi..u.s Were .uUalicin,;. 'U.e spe:ikc W â- Ullil "i 1 w\ tiiMiueiit I'll otinute 0.:4' bv III -t!i e pe>.jle .â- he •- 111. .re t.i 111 11 hate 1 ; 1 iC .'les ef ll_!,l l: ,t<i iIh! loliriU lit tiie \ laiii^ .Nil. L.C. Fines «;u> the The iiieutinu tlten bloke to. ia»t >[t' Special Aunouncomeut. We have made arrangi>ineiits with Dr. H..I. Keiid.iU Co, pubJMhers of "A Treatisi' of the Horse and Ins Disc-uies" wliiih will enable all our subscnlM'i-s to obtain n cupy ..f rlic v,iluaiii.' work J'l"- by sending their adilivnH eiielnsiii'V a tw..- .;«'iil stamp fur mailing sain.') tn I)r. It .1. Keiidail Cii . F,iio»buii;li Falls, Vt This b.iok IH iiow rtfco'.|iii/.e.l as staiolinl au. tlinnty upon all ili.iease.i of the ln.rse. as Its phelioiiii-hal sale.-, attests, o\ er f.iur iiiilhoii I'.ipies having been sold in the past ten vears, a sale never before reached by any pu.iliiHtion in the siiiiie period of time We feel contident that our patrons will a|ipipciat.- the work, and be glad tn avail tlicm.selvi'.H "f tins iipportunity of obtaiiiiiii; a taluahle lH.<.k. It is iioce.nRjiry that ymi niention this paper in sending the "Truiilise. " Tliu nlfer will lemniii open for only a short tune OniiigeiHiii TiikcB a Drop. Willie It.'v. Mr Watson was making Ins 'iH'ecli at the doiiioiiatrati.iii on Fridav last an accident oci-urred which h.ippdy resulted in no injury to any person be ymid a few slight bruises. Mr. Wuljnii saiil lie hoped we were not all pessimists. Tlieie were aoiiio who sahl that every thing was going to tlin Imd. .Just at this jiiiictiire a crash was heard and the plat form iiiion which the speakers and band were situated fell 111 the oartli, creating considerable eoininotion. The drop was eonsulered a favorable <nneii fur the pea- siiiiists. It wu* some tiiiio before Mr. Watson waa able to lesuiiie the thread of his diaeourae. Some boys who had been di'ivttii frotn iHUieatk the platfe<rm a few nomeiita h'.fore rtarrowly escaped being squce7ed into prniicAii. Ooi.p, whiio|)iiig ciiunh Slid Hroiichilis iiiimediiitely reliered by .Slnluh's Cure. For sale at the Me(lw-a\ Hall. Ordiiiivlion and Induction Ssrvtces The ordinali. II of Mr. 1. C. Fines to tluMiiinistry, and his indin'tinn to the dill ge of Flosherlon anil Markdale cor- grngntioiis will lake place in ('lialmer'a ('liiirch, Fhislierloii, on Tuesday, 'SMA iluly, at 2 p.m. This will be a very in- taresting ceremony ainl all should wiliiess p Uov. Mr. Willi»n,tlie late piiHtnr.will preside. Kev. Mr. Hikisack, of Orange- villu, will preach. ICek . Mr. M.-Lnod, nf l'ru'eville,will aiblress the newly indiiclad p'tfior. Hev. Mr. MuColM,of Proton, will address the coiiitregatiiui. Tea xill be served III tlie basenieiit by the ladies of the congregation. \ stu'ial eiitcrlniu- inent will eomnieneo at H p in Tlio chair will be taken by the newly iniUicte.l pas- tor, Hev Mr. Kin.>s .Speeches by (he Hev gentlmneii tahiiig a part in the urili Lender a feelino of security winch was only iningioary. The educative fi-iie wluch w:is at wi.-k a'.med t^ >ap tl.e f >aiidatioin»: Fr'ie: t .i;t ron. Thespei.ker iii.^isted that thelo wi.i '^\\:aI need to eJiicate irr.e pi:icipKs int.. mir _\.>uiig inuii that I'ley nn.lit Ii.i.nw ::i the foot- steps of our fi.iela;liirs. He believid t al it till' Mi;remaey of I'n.t.-staiiti.-m waa not setllud puaiciiby m tins gem • atl'iil it Would be by b)i..iil.:<l.ed In U.e lK-.\t. I'rii^tet.ilit lllllil-t.l.-i i.f l!,e i;i spd litul struck I'Ut .igai.iit I lie coininiu tlanger, and the people «'i.i i!d awaken to the seriu.siiess of tlmt ila!ig.,r. We wiii.t brated the historical Twelfth in a royal \ ""'1? "' pU'l-'So. He did n..l blame the .tyle at Flesherton Station.. 11 Friday last. ' l****' *"" «''^" l'"l'''' 'l-em^clvcs. They It I., just tell vesrs since th- -tatii.ii was ' <'''" I'c.e,^-. «eu- the g..>eriim«nt in h.Mi.. red with "their presence U-foiv. Of I themwlves ami sle.Ui.i elect men «:.,i c.uisemany changes have taken place j *""''"'''" f^"" ''"'^-â- "â- 'â- ^â- " •"^' "'•-" in that pen. Ill nf time witliiii the village, which has erown to much laroer propni- I tmns , but t 'raiigeisiii in this section has ' apparently kept jiace with the expaiiMmi I.f the Station, jmigiiig by the great turn- i I'lit of enthusiastic celebrat.Ts .ui Finiay. | It IS e.itiiiiated that there were some 1,(HK( I pe 'i le present, and a more m derlv ^"atlier- iii.' w.l^ never coiivoiie.l I'll .i T«ellili nf â-  Jiilv. Everj thing pa»»ed <li )ile.uian!!y | with iii'thing to mar the enj.iyiiient The | spee-lies were short, but pilliy, and were I liatuiied te with the greatest attention. One of the features of the celebration was the linnnie aid elaborate turnout of Fleshert'in brass band, which was drawn by a double team neatly decoraleil with evergreens, rosettasand clored nets. Wo strongly insist. anyway .that Fleshurt-uihoa a brass band which any city hiikIiI beprnud U The speakers of tlu' .lay were Ucv .Mr. Watsoii, who delivered a »iiuiid speech upon Uoiuish intluences mid a^' gressi.m.but waa unfortunat.-ly interrupt- ed by breaking down of the platform, winch teii.lo.l to spoil the line of argu- iiiuiit. lb. Chrintoe sai.l In* was like tho small sti.nes which niaHniis use In llll in the chinks between the larger ones. However, before the Dr. concluded he had [iruveii liiiii«el( lo be a very fair-sized stone, inileeil, .lud oiut tl;at was very liable ti> hurt if it full uim.u a persmi. He ri'grel!«Ml very iiiiieh the stale of af- f.ill'a ami slio.ted that (he Keferin party III Ontario was eiiually guilty with the other III panileriiig to H.uiiish intluences. He said W3 must stand as one man and be united. Uev. .1. W. Sliiltoii, II. A., delivereil a III. Hit Vigorous t|H'ech, which was listened to Willi great alleiitn.ii. .\ftor a lew coiigratiilatory reiuai ks by way of iiitr. - diiction, ho began his subject by emiuir- iiig, Wliy are w« here / and proceeded ti> toll (ho s(ory of King .lames and the causes which led up to the calling over of William, I'riiu'e of Orange, tl.e sioge of Derry and batth" nf the Hoyne. There Were men in tlmse iluys who would nut abiile the conditiiii of things caused by H.uiiau aggression Mr. Shilloii then gave a graphic duscriptioii of the siego of Liuidoiiderry, and the lieroisiii displayed by those witliin thg city's walls while surrounded by llie euuiiiy. Tlieii ciiiiie the battle of llio Hoyne. and the fall of Papal supremacy and tliu tritiiiipli of Protestant hherty. Today we h.ivo these liberties aiu. tin* Hiblo. The speak. of asked his lieareis Ui reiiiember (li'*l O <d had set up a Christian Sabbath. The Twelfth of July waa to celebrate the valiant iteeds of our forufatliers. The t'hristikii .Sabbaili nan to mumorialir.e us of the liberty wliich lutd been accordid us. He would now ivak, why should keep up this cehdirnti still attoinpliiig to day what it hinl al- ; tempted 'JtH) years ag... Klernal "vi^ii j laiii-o is the price of liberty. " There i»| nsmueli iivud to itay luillieii U e i.liiiiild I tea h our cliildreii till- principles nf I'ro- teHlantisiii. Tlie speaker niis .hi ii ly iIirI uono of the inuinhei'a for (<i'uv nero pre. aent. He tlioughl that tlHiy had made a grave linsl.ike lii \.liiig ji, tli,.y did. With lolereiice to I intarios right tii Improved Farm for Sale, I,f t- HS UP sii'l I.V. ><( rsngr e»i.f, T r,n.l S. ): . comamil g I'jO ncres. «- elesrud. |.- i"': r'a-.- liisni. well inii'rnve.l. sf«-«l frsin'- bou».- ti. i i s barn, rranie ftsl'lo. eoo.1 OTehar.l. et< I!:- fi\r!il i-i wll «n'er.-l ned iriiprtiT-H. snrt .- eo:;- i.ift»rB.| OM* ef Ibe I.e-T in tMi »cclie!i It is oi ' leiloniiJ abilf f.-ei!i iLc villace it ! :.'â-  .-n. .: \Viinx<»nl'l "n vrv tssv t^rni*. Fir fi.nin-.- lisrliclilnri s;'!''.v to ' j.\s. nMXKorr VILLAGEp^FJUGEtllA . Tliero i» now ..(lereo (or sal.- b) teli i-r l;i -i .â-  vi!lai;« ot i,-dfc;.iiia, ti;t» f..>ii.'* .: ;; pa.-- .1- LBlileh ; Ix-t Nof. sn<l 7 ell tfce n.Ul:. â-º! <• 'â-  lt.'l.'ltll r-trert. Sllil lilt! No. C Sll.i Ton : '. « â-  ; ; . »i.I.. â-  ? lln^:..:. ^ue.t, . n.-li !â-  t .Mmr.-i; • -. - iisK screuioi.' IT l.-'i-.s-il >fOip| a l-.-..i • ! . • .â- <t»l.- fit 111. 1st.' Areiiilm!'! < ...rli!- "",.'.. Tende.n* mu»t l..r aiMr.'-M-ii li'*i*'." ^'' *^ •â- â€¢ " ^r . Heeiiertiii: lo «â-  'i l.n.^t Wi,-- -. .- . hlln olior l.«!.jie .4l.k-.;.-l l»t. l-^rt' !:• .. » ' cir any tsiMlsr no; Utfe*e-!^iil. scceplr . leri,.* ea^li HiNriY f\\':;s-« (H 'Kf.r sTr:«<.,^!:T â-  r\pc-,r.. r^ .HiMN tM'.:i;»'< NOTICE! TO < UKIMTMKS J^OIIfilitS. I i Pi r>i \NT t-. -. . 1.. !. .i., ( ftp * .- ' â- . lilt M - J, . Hi, , ', ^ l...\ .. - j HI hi- lifi-titii.-. ''t i;i».'T. rti»-h:p . : U'-;. . tl.«^0(ruul> <-rt.iir>. frt. ».•«•..«...' ..i. -i' â-  I til*- 1.^11 of .^I'lii. ^ ^ \hh\.4kt**\'rfj^^ •. M ii'i I'v )•..': 1 1. J Hi . ... ,if.i*»ii r < - '\ art 'â- [>• t'f lUi- *X"i '::«H!. t*i\:»-v.>«â€" , 1 . I First day of Anrast ^c\' tho[r chri«iia'i Aii-i •>â- â- .' tiam*- '-• » I »Tl|'ll.'V. the fllU !'«> t.'U.nlb «.: lit;* , -lu*. »i*M.t ut :l't.. n--t:- i:ii . .1 --..â- â- : I ihe MMMiuTic's ill gr.> ' h.-M U> lit-..;. â-  unit th'Tcof nr \ 1' .t'..i> !i x'.'V. -ifT.-- 1 1. u I flllll*'! Cftti- lli.- (..-â-º.•l» t*f tl, [ .l.^trraitM'i ai-i'i « !"•«â-  v*»*i tt»*- . I'tUn- rpt;*!!! I'oii c l^ft'l t*l'.l^ !â- â€¢ thf »"'-ii'n^ ttii.l iLc esfC'Moi** ••il! uti *»•• liiibit' :^i i: <• I HKi t H*"*-!* t»r Hiiv }'«; f tr,L I i-t>r t" I'll . • . -i .i wlio>fi-:ami r"lir.' ''*fili .VH ^»t.- 1 rw- -. â-  -a- ' a? I.f iii'»fiii1 at the ::i:if v.'f ^11. liOi^ti .1 •â-  HK NUT (.A IKS?* tiK»>Kt.K STKWAT'.T I" .« 1: â-  JOHN WUiriHT Vf ortgage S^jj' OK-- ValuaWe Village Property. IN piirmmuco of I'dTfT , f f-hlc n.rt.'.: .'.1 :;i r criiaiti n.ort^ime to thi.' vuiulor. » ;ii. li ii;ort cV«.*>'ll>*MTi-liK'C'i ttthftiuii'i'f sa't !::i-ii n ' If itolil by 1) ML-Coiuiuk. K»q.. aiicti- :utr. l*^ vll-1. •a.t D. lloTavish, HOKSKSHOKU .SNP GENERAL BLACKSMITH. ("ollini.'iviind Stioot. FLESIIKKTON, - ONT. p.'iu.'. r»i-.. vtc HoiR^'^'iovina I'rJiiU'tly nt l.'ii.ti'M t" sit.H-iul iiiU'iitioi) KirtMi to conirmct i>«1 or it'iiilpr ft.H I. Locifini; niiif l*lo>v rhains con- »tauttv on hand. *r*«l, «« It Id oiTtaiti In IM f>ff«s to RiiJ do«-« not tainttT. Ki^*a itroof l>tilow. KENDALL'S SPAYIN CURE. Omra of Cnaalm A. SuTVsm, CLKTVLANtl IUT AHU TftolTUW HaXO JliM FUMWoOD, lu., Not. %\ ISA XftL B. J. KWtT>JiIX(\\ D«*r ftir* 1 tukvp ik)w»r> pQmhjtMiil rnvrKfa- dall't niMvlii rurw by >h«« h*tf it«'t#n Vntlo*. I wouU \Tki* piic«ii In iMiip'r gunntlty. I thlni 11 la cn« of trit* h«*«t lltiltit«nu i«n onniL 1 hiivri *»«k\ II «tt tuj lUUtlfi* for ttinii j9mr%. Yourttrulj, CiUA, Jl. BufVtM. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURL n«.v^KI.Ts, N. Y, Xemiilwr .s, IHBl Da. R } Kisi>ii.i.(\>. DeAr firm 1 iKvilt.* li» irlT« Ttin (..attinonlAl ot mr , why should we 1 »»>>) ov'"'"" ''â- """'•'""''•'' ""C'l"'""" > I"*'? ; usi^l It (..r l.nmeBpsa, (•ilif .loluia aati oil/ Kiiiio. u sn nvMTlnm sn.11 hsvf. foiin.! II siur^oar«, I t^.rxU- all/ r.x-.iina»-iiil 11 i.i»ui„.r„.nifii. \i>ar>tnil;. .*.n OnsuKT, Xaiiaiitv Tro; Sulilvs. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Hijrr. WnniMi Ooi-btt, Ohio. Dts*, iH, If^ V>n. n. J. KsM^At I. i'.\ <)«*n(« : I fi'.'l It n>\ (IniT to nur w hut I hure iVw> with yonr Ki-tii1iiir« il|uiA|n curtv. n\4*t» our^sl twvniY firo hon*** ihni bmt HpnTlRft. Ion M Klnn Hoar, i^tiir Hmiottst nftK mim |fr4ld lu^i »tf^ t*nof niu Jnw. Hiticc 1 hnvo hutl an* of yotir U»oli* nmt foUont'.l tlia lUnvttoii*. I ha^o ni»rrr nntioii niid nuluctxMi Horrirtn, aimI \y i iiitt'iton* tii (tiiN .Irntiit inuttt-r, tu* nnid Rwvu. Mr. Shiltou unil WnUdii. Mimic I that 64lM\tX)0 nuouuul a imull .iKing. lut liy tke rlinir nnd Oltia (Mti!<. All nm Qut^lxv tojiiiod a pfivt of the Uominuin conlially inrit*d. kMtl • CAMiifiinv kliul. Tour* truljr nor»# lk*olor KENDALL'S IPAVU MRE. ITIo* il Mr hottl««. or «lK hollliN* for |&. All 1>nir ru ham It .1 ofMi HOt It ti*r you, or U will t^ cmiI ai\j a4l4lr*Mon nic>«*l|«4 of urioa by th* Pi^^uH*- ftnra. Dft.iL J Kudaix iVv, BitaMbuTvh PiuL*. Tk •OLD BY AIsL DttUOOUTS. Mihlii ftiutioii, at Atkiii*-*. i: » I.. !iif*0 of riUoviUe. rll Thursday, July '25UKlSSt^, rtt th.» hour of 1 ' ^1 i.iiuk i:i tho f,-.ronv>. n. ihv lowing IftiJiU and preiiKMs in x\w VlU-Ai'.E op riilCKVlLLK. in th« coiintv of (irov. UMnn ^.ol:lVO^â-  jot miintHT two on titt- wo>t *u\c >â- / V* in Ih.* oai-l Tillft|io of I'l uo\ \\\v Th»'i . |'ri*mi.*f«« a tMie anti n Imll •i*trv frun i huui*«. tNx'24. (tail to W< in a tuir titai«^ I of \ h\.\ , * II strn-* i!* on t.':«t iwi:;ii' J f "AM'ai.- TERMS of SALE TUi» projH»rtv wil! lo >o;,l *..l-;i*« t x-.- a ro*orTt» l»i.l I wt»iit> i-er cont of i»i'.rch»i.i u.^ .*â- > i* t> I'C nai-t Ht time t>f Kill-, Hiul ft t.v;ll'uio!it ti;iioiii:t with tho uniit twonty j-or ct'iit to m.'\lsv' up m ail tlu* Hum of ^JiXi within thtfi- tnont!)s thorcftftti IhPcwill bi'iiivinfo; tho )>a1hiu-o if rOi|uiriu1 on tonus to ht> n-.Ailt* known at timet . f rale For fnrthi't I'lvrtu l!lur^ i»pi>;\ to V MrCoi niiok. F.Mi.. RUotioijiM'r. Kranoi* N\ ;utr. ^^^| . rricevillr.or to the unilfi!«ii;nf*«r Flo»hoiton .Uiii<» '2n\. 1k>V Voi:.1o: > iiv-^llvitor U >iortgag(^ Vi^jile )Wor of f^H V which ^<^H :telt VALUABLE PROPERTY. IN TllK viLL.\ni: OF fij-:sui:i:t t] NPEll ftntl by virtuo of tho powor of oontaint 1 ui a lortain tt)ort(:ACt' whirl: Ih« priniiiord nt tmu- of pah-j 'horo wiJl b« f«roil for aale h> puUllc auciioa. At MUITSKAWS HC^^^' III tlio %iliapt*of Kloshrt-tou. .mi Thnr^aay, tho *^5(h Day of July*. at th« hour of ono o olivk iu tho aft*rnivn all fttiri sinKnUr thai proporlT know: B'* rillai;^ l»>t»t nnnihors UV 17. lSan«l P.t, on tho -ionth we»t «ith»of bvilmthatn utrvot.iNMitatdini: In niaaturo- uient eiio %aroiuut ouo ihinl of a atitaro p<*rch. inoitf or l«»it. aoooi lUiii; to rocintort^t p'.-tn of *\\h ili\i*ii>u of lot numtkitr liS. lutbo t^i -t raii^e or i'onco»i»ion south wi»!»t of tho Toi\»itto aiul Sv^i iiohant UoHil. in tho Towu»hip t 1 Aitenip^ia riu»do»irti)'.r prvycrtv atljvunit tho imMio »ohtxi! put|Htit> , AuJ (totitin^ ini Maui •<:.oet. Ih*)U|1 ahoiit W \ar»lfi fr^^ni tho husuioaii po; tion of th* Tillai;iv trrm^UKl theriM^n i« a 1^ ator> lo,ick cl w id- ling notuo ')i:jiU>no fonntlation. coi'.tAiinu^ 1«n iootu> atul iwllar, with woovi ithml atlHi.'hiM. Th^ piopoitx will ho (toh! suhjoot to a i.-^orvo hiil. Torn)* ivnd et>n<1ittonii ma.lo known on Jay of saU Kor furtli^r partu-nUi-a appU to K. M illADWU'K, TonsiiM^ a^^iicit.^r loattv. Cha.'.wick. lOaokHivk A llaU. jft \V«nin).'ton »treot *a*t. Toix»n»o- 1''\1:M KOUSVl.K I'HKAP ANP ->M KASY I Torni!*. lot 7. oon i. t^^wnshtp of r.i:r^ra*ia .•Mitftitunc'Jl*^ aoriMi Thn« i* a uph n.l-ij thUi •;t>Io tin)lH»r farm Woll tnul>rrol \Mth niiic.l banlwot*^ honilook nn.l o»».*ar S| '-»ni\»*i aoil 1) :iiil*?* f*>^in tlio hoantWnl viiliu:" «'f Kiniln^rlov til i^noon • Va.'.lov wluvc -hrro aro ui'.lU. ^toiea po-i olUooai'il olritoh(nntl U luilo-: !i . ri . llrtali .1 ton on tho (^ r U.whorothoro in n splotniivl •r.aikot for all kin«1« of pnvUico *toili. Inmhor UI* !M>»l».«i AppU to 11 J Si'ioulo. ftuclion**^ auil voaI o>>Lftio aj;o >t> i•*l«'^ho^(ou. _ ^ THE BEST IS OHKArKST. i^ t J[*|j[^ Fanwf's AdTOCitfi i Home liai;a:« JLJ Rtttt f.-irtiicr shoiUd roAil th** loiOs'., CXV^* !*!^'^ tmUH»<»nitoni puMUmUIvMJ tW-vottnl > â-  h*/^ *;^J^ Th*»ii»ftjia.« nuy.thivr. m nono otjJa: \ - ** niuoli iU^lUr on; ona.a fn-m l»i':_l*nji ';''V.-^;^7.t wUh fonnnU ana Airrl.-ultnm' ^Y'' in-o jS*a

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