A Umlern Mutdeu. When fair Aurora calls the dawn Tlie goMeu uav t.j wtkkea, Aod robtuH on tho verdant lawu Tbt- eariy woruis du rake ni. ADd Sul tx-i;ms to liicht t)ie skies Aud tint the boavins billow, My lady m her chamber ii«j8 Aelei'ii upoli hor pillow. Oh, Iwautc'ous fiabt ! A cheek to fair Ou Hiiowy arm^ roposinK. And lips just parted, rosebudfl rare. Two rows of iii-arls dirfcloHiiiR. The lifiht into Ufr cbambor atreauis. Its brica-brnr a.iorn'nt,'. And ibe awakens tT<:ui bor dri«um To grtet the ;;olddU liiuruicy. She sprii:^?^ frviii lj».-d ; how fair ia she All in lier maiden glory. Like \>ni;^ rifcii.y fruni the sea, As told m ciiissio jitory : She opens ihe door, the' i;tiari;iiii({ s^'i^-' And calls hor liruiher Freddy To tell her ni-i the hre to ji::ht And get till breadius; reud> ! When the ib dressed she goes dowustalis And gives tile cook some orders, Th.eu t.i tbedintue room repairs To ma.-!i the' youri;; men lioarders. The break fa.st o\er np site springs, And tel).-i her :iia a(ul Hannah « To »ahb the dishes -.sLile >be sings And bangs tlie grand i>iano. Fairy Footl. Said "my bh.ie-eyed o}iisin J'lhu. " Wba: ilo f-iiiK ^ live up"u ' And lie Inojied in eager wise Ai me wuli bis bright >ouu« ayes, " Kver> nnrning ti:;e-. 1 »ald, " 'I'hey l,ake tmy loaves of hri-iul . Cricket--,r..-aks lLie> often eal ; /\:id th. 1 irink it,"!;, nev sweet Kr'im ti" hcmoy t.;iekl.i'l ell, Or tbe erilusun elt.VMjr «ell ; They have i,erry pie and tarS Flavored Hub .w r- se s heart . And a Very fi- 'rit.- thing Is a sllte .if beetle s wing. ' " i'.ioh: cri.'d J.,lu). 'â- no woadeff that i-'airiea are :i"i big nr tat: * TUK .Ht >lr WAS VL\. And It Uraili Secne Wiis ClmuKid tu n Deildidly Lively One. Lad Light All entire chao^a of proyrsrnmo was jifLaented. Thu play waa It pa:ufiil melu-drims with » usJ aot itt it, where a handsome yotioij woman ditd a linden: 14 tleaJh surrounded by her weepii;(4 frieuiis. In Ihe tirit act four men are hilisil, a boiler explouion ucciira la ibo seccuti, aud two ateamboaid have a eoilisi::n lotlioibird, all o£ which takta i);»te f rior to the liealli- bed ecHce. Thei-e realiitie feature?, alon^ with thu incidental music, mcuc htve kSecteil the tromboiie pUyer'a c*rvea. The invalid c Jtuinenced to diu »:.d fcreive cruel wron^i!, whilu the ctchcatra pl»>ed a low and mournful slraio. A duutar btuod ky tho bedside, watch iu hand, coantiit^ the pulae bcatd. IV'uii'.ed s>bd came (mm tbe aaditiica aud the aplash of fallintj tawra could be heard iu tho i;8llery. ' She's tiruwint! weaker fast," whispered the doutor. " See ' thu death damp ia cu her brow, due â€" twjâ€" ah ' Bhe'^ i^ooe." A d'lithlike atilli'.etjB pervaded tho hoaae, bat suddenly the trombone player pulUd the macbino wide cp.'u and let oni a blast thai fillud the building wilii a .ld|ifoniaf> volainu of a )tind, extit>eui..ihed tbe footlights, and brought the aorpae to ita feet in a hurry The r rcheatra leader, while with paaaiou, taroed ou tho man wiili the Ijuble-iieared horn and hie6cd : " \Vhy did yc<ii do that, you old bald headed, weak-eyed. i)alaied remnant of hereditary iuaaaity ? " " A t!y lit ou my music ai.'4 I played it (or a full note." and tho stricken man bowed hia bead iu ailont auguiah â€" Ciifuv.j Tim,s. The tiruy K) «. Tho beat eye f.) me is the «ray eye. And i( there' is a ri-.ck of fhe hazel in if. ur, better VBI, a totich o( the violet 1 hue, i: :» the more ell active. The gray eyu beapeuka the coiistaut U'vtun . li la eke traatfulMe, th.' intellif;ent e_\e. t"- ; eye that eloquently portrays thu reeponsive, the ayropathetic, the loyal cliaractor. There iaiu thj ex preaaion of the jjray eye »n inJttiaable oaaence or aapect which fascinates ami bol'^H the attention aiii comTBaada the coEti lence. The steel i^ray eyeiatheoje of cruelty. Hut tho soft, eray eye. with ita pate and e.^preasivc look, who doea nut aay that it is beautiful ? And who can deny that the vi'olet-tjray eyeâ€" an eye th»t ia ao seldorti seenâ€" ia not really raviaAiog ? â€" Mailer Of frey, in the Dttr^it t'rte b'rM'. Two Silvatiou .Vrmy ofl'icera have been fined ?13 and coets or sixty days at Battle Creek. Mich., for obatruotiiiJ the streets. At a ineetin;; of the IiuperJal Cahinet on Saturday it was decided to 3',.id additional warships to l>el*goa Bay. M. do (."a.ioaijnftc was expeMod frbm the French ("hamberof 1 >i'riiiries on S«urJi.y (or uaiui{ violent language. Many of tlio friends of Henry Qeorgo are nrgin^ him to beccino a British subject and enter rarliament for a Scoich district. Although tlio quality of mercy ia not strained, aa the bard truly says, »lill none of us complain about ita coming too ttiici!. " Doea the Cajitain aay whether wo s+iall break tho record or not .' " " Vea. He says that tho record or tho boiler ranat gc." " How lovely I t-.Uun<it/'» U'ei-kfif. An accident occurred at >\ p.m. onThura. day through the giving way of some part of the running gear of tho elevator at the* Ontario Wheel Company WorKq, llanan- oque. 1 our of the eaiployeea, who were ou tho elevator at tho tirjM>, wcro 8€ricuBly injured, and it is thoueht that in one ot two caa'3 il;o irjuriei »"ill bo fatal. The natnoa of thu injured are I'hoa. (;iark, Kingston; F. Hlac4, Cariliniil , l'. iBhnaton and J. Kcid, redidanta. Clark'a injuriea aeeni the moat aotioua. At tho meeting of the I'arnefl (!ommia- Bion yesterdays Mr. Joseph Kdwarii Kenny, M. 1' . denied that he had introduced Lo ("ari-i to ;Mr. bexton. Ho never knew the man. He declared that he would not admit suoli a man to hia honao, aa he showed by his faic 1 that he eould Dot bo truatod. It ia estimated that Dhe nunibof of horses, and mulen employud foi street car serviced in Canada and the tnited Ssatoa ia, iu round numbere, H.">,(H)0 ; 1 being tbe smallest number owned by any one ooni- pany, 7,6ti.') the largest fttid lC5tho average. The general averai^e of feetl per anims) ia 'M<i poimds. ancf tho overapn for Kentucky ia â- !.â- podnds. The iMily oon.iuniption 0!' food is approximately 1,000 toua, or .'y-l.OOO tora per annum ; and the cost of Ueii \.vr animal vnrioa from 17 to 50 ceuta per day, according to locality and season ol tbe year. A MKW CIGAK HOKROK. Klreaut Wrappers for Clgara Now Sfiuleof Patent Kye Straw Paper. AiEong the latest imitations which have been sjccesafuUy latrodaced into the tobacco trade of this city and other cities are cigars, the wrappers of which are made out of a -specially perfumed paper. A gen- tleman Weil kuoiva in tl^ Iron manufac- turing circles of this vicinity was the first til inform a reporter that smoking material of thu kind waa new in th(3 market. B.e haa recently returned from a visit to Nor- fol.-. Va , where he met a drummer fur a larj-e tobacco factory ct New York St^te. Tim geutleaian informed the Pittaburger that he waa then introiuting an imitation ciijar wrapper tthich vaa so deceiving in ita characler that txf'ria could scarcely dia- tiiiguHh it frooi tbe genuine. This pre- paration waa made from rye^sravy. and one portion of the proocES waa to ateep tho m-H'.ruil in a atrong eolation made from tooatvo stems. The erain of the straw, together with the m-.nner in which the iii.Merial w«a drti-aid would lead any per- a.ju to saiipoee that it was sample of the leivf u-ed iu making wrappera fcr cigars of a more than ordii:ary quality. The tiavor cf tobacco was aleo preaent, owing to tho pape; having been imraersed intheaoluti.ia made from the genuine article. The geu- tUiiiin subsequently examined cigara on sale in Norfolk and discovered that they wfre made with these patent wrappers. The simpluB exaraiced were of an extra fi.'.o ijuali.y. â€" Pi(f.<ft!ir(; ComnKfrciiif Gazette. A KEO CfKK.VST UONJ(ET. Flor.il l'ar;i.s<>l> and t>Ih«r Iheius of U reita iu LuDdun. " lli^a llaataliui. ' who auppliaa the Fill M'ltl iJ'Urttf with racji fashion paragraphs. oaya: ihero are f^w trimmed suuahadeu to be eeen ihia year. The ahopkeeper is iryiEg to gel rid Li a few lace things he had lelt ovcT from laal sunamer. In Bond atreet windows there are aome deUghtful dor.'il paraat^ia. The ground of one waa of tho p»lebt i.ink, and ar\er it pale pink hyacinths seemed to grow. There waa a creaiiiy lace border, with a narrow r iching of crf|je da chine 1:1 graaa green above it. A lady in mourning could use another suubhade jaat as pretty. It ia made of soft black silr, and is trimmed at the top with biiuebia i.'f Neapolitan violeta. A wreath of vijleta aud leavih forma a narrow border juat above the bhtck hkce edge. A shop keeper told me to day that tfcere was aome f ar that the dumand for artificial 'Jowera w^uid be greater ihaa ths anpply. "We Cini t get th.-; more poptilar fiowera luick ui..ough from tho warouoose." ha said. " \V ar.! always abort of laburnum and sweet pi aa. It is uncertain bow loog llower tounetawi!! b» in vo^ue. Women will tire [oraapa fcon of speikimg twice the ordin- ary amount ou headgear. Another novelty in uiUlinery ia a currant bonnet. A border Ll red irrants just likethdSB in the kitchen girceu n arrarg d rouDd ths brim of the bo. .net. Tho top is covered with leavea, youLg tpriga and berries not yet ripe, lien there ia a very attractive bat with the brim and foundation made of tho young tw.ga ul the lilac tree. The top ia covered with white lilao. i'h.tiu'ery Mttluga ikiid Af sUea. Tbe Clianoery aatumti sittinga and A9ai;:e cir,;uiti' have been tlxed as follows : CIIA.NfEKV AL'TUilN SlTTINliS. inn U".N. Mil .nsrieu eiie'LUi-oor. T'troutoâ€" -Men lay. Nov. t. rilK IMN. TI114 eu.vJ(CIil,I.OU. Olt;n\-iâ€" .Sionday, Oct. a*. ivingsLon â€" .Monduy, Ncv. I. Itellevilluâ€" b'riduy. Nov. s. CobourRâ€" Thursday. Nov. 14. »'ornj*-a.l â€" M'jnda*. Nov. k*. liroeUville-Kfiday, N"nT. W. TiiK n"N. iiu. jrj.Ti<K I'mouwrooT. T.indhayâ€" Monday, Sept. i't. roterboroâ€" Friday, Oet. 'isl. WeodBtoek-Tliur-slay, Oct- i. StriiHerd Ihursday.tM. Iu, \s hitnyâ€"Wedneaday. Oct. IS. Ilair.o- Tu •8<biy. Stpt.27. lilE a,.>N. sill. JLSTKK Ftltl.USO.S. Si. Caibannea â€" Tuesdiiy. Sept. 17. liHe:i'ii - .M.'ijdikV. Sept. 23. Owou Sound- Monday, Sei't. 30. Hrautford Monday. Oct. 7. Simcceâ€" Mniul, V, Oct. -il. Ilftuilton -Wodiienday, Oct. 30. nil. U(>.\. MIL jisiur, aoaiinTsoN. ir.ulerich â€" Thurflitav. Sopt. 19. Walk, rum- Monday. He|«. 30. 1. ludoii â€" Wednesday. Out. 9. iiiaihamâ€" rbursday . o.-'t. 24. Sandwichâ€" Thursday. Oct. 31. Manila- 'I'hursday. f<o». 7. St. '1 lioInas-lnurBdiiy, Nov. M. HUTfyN t-incuit, lSti9. Th3 Conrls of Oyer and Terminer and Ueneral .Jail Delivery and of Assize and Ni^i I'miH It the several coantiea of Untarna will be held as foilows : lUI'. HON. MR JIHTIOK K.Vl.CO.NHIlIDUli, "^oroniu- Civil Court. Tuofday, Sept. lu. 'I ort>nlo -< rtiiiinal C'uurt. Monday. 0«t. 7. "^t. Catharines- .M nday. (Sot. iU l^rmgevillo- Mondiiv,0c6, «. l^ringeviUo- Monday, Oc rriltonâ€" Moll^lay Nov. i, ftrampUm -Mouday, Nov. 11. I'm: HON. ciriKi' astics .uofova I, Origualâ€" Monday. Kept- 9. 1 Htawa- Thnrsday. Sept. H. I'l lut'toke Tiiosday. Sept. 'Ji. I'ertli Monday. Sefit. 31). I'eterboro Tnevday. Oot. S. I^in.isay Tuesday, (.let, 15, Ilarrw«Twesday, Oct, 22. (.iwen Sound Tuesday, Not. 5. TUK UO>J. Jill. JVSTltK IWSH I.ondon-.Mondav. Sept. y. Cliathauiâ€" il.>nday. Sept. 23, SI. rhoniasâ€" >l«mi«ay, Sept. SO. Siindwicli - .Monde^, Oct. 7. huruia ^toudny, Oct. 11. ti.'.Ioriclj I'ueHiiay, Oct. 311. Ualkerion Mouilay. Oot. it*. Woodstock >IondHy. Nov. tv mi; ntis. xn. .irsiuH sialmajjo^. Whitby Monday. Sept. 9. Vlctt*nâ€" .Mouday. Sept. ItJ. N:ipaueoâ€" Thursday, Si^pt. 19. Hoilvvillc Monday Sept. '3. Kingston â€" iHoliday. ^ffct. 7. I'ornwallâ€" .Aloiitday, oot, li, P-rockviUc- -.Monday. Oot. yl, Cobourg- Monday, Ocl» W. . riiK noN. Mil. jr*(itcE sifiBET, \> •lland-'Ftiefidays Sept. 10. toiiiitffird -.Monday. Sept. Itj. hinieooâ€" Monday, beiit. aS. il imiltouâ€" .Mcinday. Sept. 90. tiiyni^ii.-l'uefidiiy,Oct. li. I'erliu -Mouday, Oct. 21. flneiph -Jlon.lav. Oct. Sin. Hiaiitfota-iIoud»J, Nov. 4. -^ â€" m I bo new White Star line steamer Majes. tic waa Inimched tn England on Saturday. I'heru has been • decrease o( about ilii,- OlUM'CO in tile [nibjic debt of the L'nited St'itia during JiiLo. Trniio Da; ilo, nou of tho reigning Prince> ha-i been proclaiuied heir-apparcnt to the throt)e o! Muntvuegro. TBLEGKAPHIO 6UMMAKY. The Araba threaten to ir.aeaacrp sixty Britiah Indians at Liodi if the man if war fires a single shot. Thebrri'iig cf M.-. Wilacn'a ht^u^e in Manotick lecently has caused the dtaih of Mr. Wilson himself and four ci hia family. The annual meetings of tbe Liberal Associations of Centij Wellin:,tou, Card- well and East and South Biu.:e Were held yesterday. Assibtant State Attorney Baker, of Illi- nois, arrived at Winnipeg froi:i Washing- ton yeater.iay afternoon, whi r-: :ie had been receiving Burke the eitradiiion paptra. King Altxander waa wirml â- welcomed at Krujevaca on 1 hursday. Moitoeawere displayed signifying the desire o! the people for the rettoration of the old Servian king- dom. Tho 8 year-old acn of Napcltcn Deiisle, of Valleylield, while playing with a r.:jy boat oil the end of a barge, fell into the Kiver Auraiain aud waa drowutd about 11 a.m. yesterday. The Ilka Protestant Indiana yroteat very vigorously againat being diT-ucaaesaed cf tho land that originally belougtd to their fathers, ai:d reject the idea ct being bought out by ihe bemiuary. Michael F enton, St. Thcnma, aged otj, found guilty of an indecent assault on the '.» year-old daughter of D. lleCready of that city, has been aenteuced to one year lu the Central Prison and -10 lashes. Archb.shop I'ache has iaaued a pabtoral letter to thu clergy of the Archlucese of St. Boniface. Man., announcing tbe holding of an eccleaiaetioal council of the I'cuvince on July Mih. This will be the urst one ever held. Tho policy of forbidding street demon- stratioua, hitherto employed only against Socialiata, waa appliad to the Salvation. Army in London on Thurauay . when their prooetsion in the Btrand was di.-peraed by tho police. V jucgCarUou. whose psrenta own the cottage in which Dr. Cron;n was murdered at Chicago, declared two men came to the cottage on Thursday and threatened him with death if ho should identify Martin turke. now under arrest 111 Winnipeg. G. Kemple, cf Gretna, who bought two threabing machinea at Sti.lwater, Minn., which were afterwarda sei.'.ed b> the Cana- dian Customa ciiicers on account of their having been manufactured in the States, haa commenced auit againui the Dominion Governmeut for ?l,iJ0O. There waa a remarkable vote lu the Britiah Uouae of Commons ou Xhuraday against the employment of children lu theatrea. Tue Cruelty to Children Bill propoaed to disallow child labor after 10 clock at night. The Attorney General moved an exemption in favor of theatres, ihe Uouae by a majority cf "lO refuaed it. Yeater '-»y part of the Kome .'; Water- town Kailruad waa washed away between Chaumont and Cape Vincent The waters carried away for a distance cf forty feet all the earthwor:i3. A paaaenger train from Watertowu would have been wrecked had not an old woman signalled it tu atop. Ihe brakea were applied, and the train slopped in time to prevent a disaster. Veaterday afternoon, while the ballast tram on the doable track of the Clrand Trunk Railway waa unloading about a mile west of Lancaster, Conductor Page, who waa iu charge of the train, was atauding ou the plough when i'.. uiet with some ohatruction and waa overturned. Conductor Page falling directly under the plough waa very badly cruahed. He received internal injuriea which caused his death. Seventy-five earthquake ehocka have been felt at Suaanville, Cal., witbia the paat two weeka. Serioua forest fires are raKiu'< en the mountaina between Bauif and Donald in the Northwest. Sir Donald Smith has accepted the ap- pointment of Chairman c( the McGiU I'niversity. The French Canadians havo selected Dominion Day to celebrate the festival of Jean Baptiste. tlwing to favorable weather in Bussia all fears that the crops would prove a failure have been dispelled. Tho Earl of Aberdeen will preside at the grand banquet to bo given to Mr. Parnell at Edinburgh in July. The San Francisco schooner Annie is supposed to have been lost iu Bjhring Soa with a crew of eleven men. Work is to be begun lo-day on the Win- nipeg di Southeastera Kailway. which ia intended to connect with tho liuo at DUluth. A reaolatiou to condemn tbo Dominion Government on the Jesuit Estates matter waa voted down at a Couservativu meeting in Weat Huron. Sir John Lester Kaye has 1,600 acrea under crop ou hia Balgonie (arm in the Niikrthweat, and the entire crop i.s said to bo in splendid condition. While excavating for a llagataff at Port Colborue yesterday, an Indian burying ground waa diacovered, and a quantity of relioa were unearthed. Major Naah, cf the Koyal Military Col- lege, Kingston, has porcbaacd aome oarrier pigeons with a view to aiarting a carrier pigeon service iu Canada. Preaident Harrison yis'orday appointed Mr. Wm. Walter i'helpa Miniater to t-'Cr- many. The Uuasian army will be equipped with new rillea of amall calibre. The weapons will be manufactured in France. Tho joint committee representing Lon- dcm and London Sonth have agreed on a basis for tho union of the two oorporationa. Tho body of an infant was found in a well at Luoan, Saturday iaat, in tho rear of the old McLean (ouadry. Thero id no clue to its identity. Tho Baptist Association, at ita meeting at Veterboro' yesterday, paaaed reaolutiona in oppoaition to the e.\emptiou of eharoh property Iroffl taxation. U. 6. I, Barnctt ww yeMcrday Boa- ten osd at Toronto by Judgo Mc.Mahon to aeven years at Kingston for fraad iu con- nection with Central Bank tranaaotious. In tho famous cftao of the Orando Ligno Mission ana Morriaaeito, the Montreal Court of Appeals decided yesterday tltat there was noappealfrom ihejudg'j'adecision at St. John's, ordering the girl oacd to her father. It is atated in Montreal that the Crown wunesaed against Donald Morrison, the Megantic outlaw, are being rapidly spirited away, and nnleaa aotnething ia dune to check their departure the Crown will bo without a caiie. A woman of about 10 years of age, aaid to have come from Toronto, jumped over- board from the Levis ferry boat about 8 o'clock ou Tuesday night, with thu inten- tion of drowni]!g herself. She w»a fished out. however, and haudeii overtj the police. Capt. Edouard Les=ard, of tl;e tug Mer- sey, la raiaaing from i^uebec. Ho was last I s.;en on Mcnday night about U) :iU on board hia vessel asleep la the wheel iicuae. Uis hat waa found ou the deck cf iJ;e ; ng yea- terday morning, but no t;diui,s ' i hiiisaelf has yet been received. Surgeon Foster, uf the iabi.ii- gtuen'a campa at Johnstown, Pa., ri'p.>r!cd last night that within tlio last tveiity four houra fort y nine laborers were laii. 11 --eri- ously sick with symptoms of tj [.houl fever. Many cf them were sett bene, aud the others are being cared for n t:u: hoapital. The river channel abovo thor'iilruad bridge waa lor iho firs: time upaicd \ taierday morning. Laat evening about '.1 .SO three >ou!ig men named George Nixon. Jot.a -M.lMyre and John Dickaon went tor a ro.v i;n me river, at Mount Forest, iu a boat wiucii they had made themselves, acd in Eome jiani.er the boat upset and Nixon, who couli u-h jwim, waa drowned before aaaiatance ..ould reach him. The other two i;oa!.; swir.i and got out aafely, but eould "ot =a\e their com- panion. The body baa not )et been re- covered . Aa the \'aaiireuil freight train, due at Bonaventure atatior. iloutreal, yeatcrdav morning, waa one mile thl.^ si.ie of rit. Anne'a under a full bead of sieain, a man was aeen atanding bolt upright in the centre of the trai:?, only some do/.en \arus ahead and apparently ataring deliberately at tho train aa it advanced to 1.1s stiredeair loiion. Before anything cculd be done to aiacken pace ho was atruck by tlie -jow catcmr and thrown on to liie rail, the eugiue und the wheela of tho entire traiu parsing oi. r him, cutting him literaiiy 1.' fragmet.i)- The train waa pron:plly bfnight to u hn.t r>nd the remains gathere.i together, ^^..eu they were iuentificu aa those of a trie.; . :;aine uot B-eertained, but who was w.. n luiown in tho vicinity from hn hobiii if -vaikmg on tbe track abd hij habituatiirinii::;^ It ia auruuaed that the man, ironi i:ij anoear ance aa the train ap^iroachi.:, Iiad deter- mined ou suicide. Uav. Toter Wright, of Sirat,' ,r I. haa ac- cepted the call lately add'eaaed to ium by the Presbyterian Church m l'jit.»go la Praiiie, and will in a few da>s \r ..v ed to his new field of labor iu the N jrth'.viat. Steps are being taken at the Ireasury Department at Washingtou (or tlie esiab- liahmeut of life saving stationu ai ^lar- â- luette, Mich., and K-jwaunee. V.'i.<.. with a view of having them in operalioii oeforc winter. Bears havo been playing gnat havoc lately amongst sheep in tho Xowtiship of Lambton, Megantic, init uue farmer, who has rttaliated upon bruin, has killed nolesa than eignt of his specus wiliiiu tbe past few weeka. It ia true that tbe North German Lloyda' ateamera will no longer touch at Southamp- ton, but they will touch at Cowea instead, ao that the sensation which la -laid to havo been caused in Southampton by ilieir with- drawal was practicallly without cauae. On Tburaday week Dan McNamara, aO yeara old, foruierly of Peterbore'', 1 Int., was employed by contractors to go down shore at Cheboygan, ilich-, and put in acme legs. Sunday he diaappearcd and yesterday hid body was found :loating ashore. Tbo rivers havo overtlowed their banka and partially aubmerged the town of Bar- le-Duc, iu the Department of Meuae, L'ranee, and the -surrounding country. Many houaea have been underuiineil aud deatroyed. and cicps aud vineyards been ruiued. Rev. Mr. Lariviere, before tho Montreal .\nglicau Synod ycsier lay, said that the Prcteataut Church was losing ground in yuebuc. Ho believed that since 1S71 the Church of England ha- 1 lost li.UOO adherent?, and other ceuoiniuatioua had loet pro- portionately. William, tho l.Vyear-oM son of Henry Horace, Yarmouih. while trying to put a bridle on a horae, got hia foot caught in the strap, and tho horse becoming frightened, tho lad waa dragged tt diatance of '200 yards. He was picked up unconacioua, aud his injuriea are serioua. Several families were evicted on the Fon sonby estate yesterday. Tbo tenants ollered a stout resi&tauce, and in aome cases tbe ovictors had to uae a battering- ram to effect an entrance into the cottages. Several persons were injured while resisting the baililTa. iSix artesta were made. , J. McGuin, an old mun, waa found under a culvert on the Grand Trunk Kailwoy near Kiugatou with an arm so badly broken that amputation waa neoessaiy. Ihuraday ho was under the infiuence of liquor, and the probabilities are that ho foil otf tho cul-' vert, iufiictiug tbe injuries. He is now at I'Hotel Dieu. .\t abarn-raiaing &l the reaidence of Mr. iUeuett, Southwold, on Thursday after- noon. Jeremiah Douohue. brother of tho County Attorney, received probably fatal injuriea. He was struck by a falling bent, hia left leg broken at the thigh, bis right leg injured, his chin cruahed, aud internal injuriea iullioted. The physioiauahave but slight hope of hia recovery. For aome time the domestic relationa of ^Ir. aud Mra. Jonah Madden, Portland, havo not been pleaaant. The huabaud being anro that hia wife was trying to put him out of the world, swore out a complaint that she had ou several occaaiona attempted to admlniater poison in hia food and medi- cine. Mrs. Madden was arreatci I andtaheii to Brookvillo jail, ,shu is oouaiderod dan- gerous, having more than once threatened to burn tho buildiogs o( aome of her neigh- bors. iSl sad <?ronniugaooident occurred atVcr dnr, QuP., on Thursday evening. A num- ber oi boya were bathing, among thoin Eddie Lcucks, aged 1 .. A portion o£ a door was taken from shore and pushed out into the water. Loiicka and a companion awam with it about the bathing place. Hia compauioti, after aoiuetimo, let go bis bold, but Eddie still kept y it and drifted oat into the stream. I! was suddtulv seen to disappear and th. 1 tiae and disappear again. The reaidence cf Mr. :'oIix Laf jud, o( Montreal, was, on I .i.iay night last, the scene of an andaeiocs iiie:e of violence on the part of three aui':,ewa ruffiana, who. in the abaence tf theoi'.i.i r, entered the house, aseB'iltud .Miaa Ceiii.a Lafomt. his bister, and upon heracreaib; l, 'or assiatauce fired two shots point blai is .-ii h-T. Fonunately, however, the biiiltta -n:;-5ed !i;eir mark and the lady hid lierseif ^n a stft:r,vay. The burglara then ransacked th,- house, and on leaving one of them ::i -d a shot through one of 'he windows im hearing of the circnmatanoes Sheri.! Maraolaia made in- quiries into the matter. a;:d has arrested a man named Mareil ui St. Charlea on auspicion, who haa bie;. riaced in Joliette jail. Details of a hiiokwoodj tragedy have come to light. Jia. Dojliin, foreman in one J. U. Bert's hmiber camp, got in a tight with a bush l-.an 1 un-MU<i Levectjue. The encounter lasted aoou; twenty minutes and Ltvccque got much the worat 01 it. It ia alleged that Doolan neat mm about the head with an iron bar Levecque left the camp to go to the general depot in the wooda, but ho nevi r rea 'iid there. Find- ing that he did not. lii.- ii'iehda inalituted a search, with tho result that his denl body was found in a little l.iU., tributary to Lake NipisBing. Wht.i found It waa diacovered that hia moccaain ihong'i bad been tied so tightly around hia r.uck «a to be anilicient to cauae death. A .-oroner'-) jury waa em- pannelled and a verdict wh.- returned that Doolai! waagniltyof manslaughter. Doolan, however, got word of thebe proceedings, and he immediately diaappeared. It has been aacertaini 1 that h,f came to Ottawa and then paid a vis.t to r:is home in Mauotick. His preacnt whereabcuta are unknown. 1 'oolan is 'JV yeara cf age, tail and atrong, with fair hair. Tho Bishop o£ Ontario baa iepoaed from hia aacrt I oliico Kev. Robert. T. Burns, recently sent to the Penitentiary for em- be.i,demect. John W. Gibbard. 1." George street, Tor- onto, tried to commit auieide laat evening by taking carbolic acid, but took too little and w8 - arrested. E- C- (^icedenow. .if Maine, haa 'oeen ap- pointt 1 Inited StaK-i Consul at St, Stephen a, N.B., and M D Sampson, of Kiinaas, Conaul at Si. John, N.B. At Charieatcn. S. C.. on Saturday. Dr. McDow. who wad cl:nr:;e.t -vim the murder of Capt. DawBOr.. ed.tcr of the Charlcatou .Yccs, waa accjaittod jn th,; ground of self- defence. A lad named K aa Taylor, 2-ti' Farley avenue, Toronto, wsa sei.; li with an epil- eptic fit whilst batniiig ai thu island yea terday and iied two boura after being taken cut of the water The anburba of Hyde Park Lake, Lake- view. Cicero and J.dfersor. on Saturday, voted to unite with Chicago, which will give that city an area of IT i square tnilea and a population of about l.lOUbOO. Yesterday morning Bishop Cleary an- nounced that ho had no liesire to be pro moted to the Archbisnopric of Waterford and Lismore, and had requested the Pope to permit him to rcNiain in Kingston. Gen. Wolseloy. in hia address at Black heath, said the nation noist consider the fact that an invasion cf England -ould not last over a fortnigb: an>l that the volun- teers abould be eq lipped lu aocordanoo with this view. Tbe liberal wing of the Reformed Church in France is in aessiou in Paria, ninety delegates being present. It la announced that they will almoa: immediately create a collegi' at Nimea, which, if it be erected, will bo tho first P.-otestant seminary in France. Senator Pugh, of .he V •^. Senate Sab Committee on Fort. 1411 Uelations. saya that everyv.here in the Northwest, on both sides of the border, theri^ la a strong feeling iu favor of a renewal .jf reciprocity rela- tiona between the l'nited States and Canada- The largest flteanier upon the upper St. Lawrence, tho John Armstrong, ut i-igdena- burg, N.Y., went to tho bottom of the river at 11 a.m. Sunday wliile being used in ferying oars from Morristown to Brock- ville. Aa tar aa can be learned no Uvea were lost. Mail advices from West Africa confirm previous reporta of the shocking privationa to which Mr. Stanley has been aubjected. It is atated h'a hair !iaj turned anow white, that his clothea aro rags, and that he ia without shoes, being .>bligiHi to uae akina to cover his foet. While the Borsagliera regiment waa marching in Naples veaterday a private named Borrelli, in a fit of niadneaa. fired upon bis comrades, killcdthe major of the regiment, and woumled a captain aud others. Tbe madman waa tiually killed with a revolver. Belleville was shocked on Sun. lay by Ihe intelligence of the drowning of Charlea C- McEall, tho Canadian paasenger agent of tbo Ueiawire .v Hudson Railway, and one of tho beat known and most popular rail- way men in Canada, which occurred there by the sinking of a ferry boat. Grave alarm is still felt in Switzerland, whore everybody is now convinced that Germany intends sweeping down through tho Jura Paaa into France and that war is very near. I'pon this tlieory tho Federal authorities are working like beavers to get war material togell).;-r and the army in lighting trim. It is rumored that the Portuguese Gov- erumont will agree to submit the Delagoa Bay Railroad queation to arbitration. I'oapatohes from Delagoa Bay aay that tho Portuguese deny they llred upon English employeea ct tho railway company as was reported. It is asserted that no violence whatever has boon o;fored to tho railroad men. TrafSc will bo reanraed on Xueeday. The work of rebuilding tho dealtroyed por- tion of the road and of extending tbd lino will be began immediately. Tho mnro »o atnd y , wo tho more diacovet onr ignorance- Siie.llii. â€"It ha.a bean dct^J^Jjv the New \ork commibtco that the iW^Bjtesaion of tho Baptist Congress she uid bcncld in Toronto, Nov. 1-Jtb, 13tb, Uth. â€"Force o( habit : Auctioneer--" How much for thia rocket ? " Judge (absent- minded) â€" " Ten dollars or ton daya."