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Flesherton Advance, 20 Jun 1889, p. 4

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i^mMI* THE F L E S H fi R t K ADVANCE, -w m r â- â€¢- ' I \ GEO. MITCHELL, BANKER, KluESH JU:itXO]V. J^HAFrH BOUUUT AM) HOLD. Spf.-iai Atlentiuii jHiid to Uie i^tiUciion . Noi't and Aiomiulm Kuii door Nortli ' Jiilmriiiton d: CV». • . -. :- 4 1 â- "» '• â€" ' The Ijiocal Ne-nrs. Mtiat is nniiprniiiK in Oirr Own yiriiiltv.., I''iii> crceii just reGeiT*<I<«t Wm. Rioh- »mI.<iiiu'i. 'I'lie KeveralLam mail routn contract )ia.s bueii given to Mr. R. Moldruiu. Mofiirr's hotel, Keverslmm.liiui chaiifjed Jj iiiiis, Mr. iJrowii. of ('(illiijfjwiiix], liav- )iiH leiitcd it from iMr. K.'l'. ilo(!irr. I'aiiitu, oils, variiislies, etc. Wi Ridiardaon. Sunday School Picnic. A picnic and coiicertiMiiJur tha â- 4iiipiiw* (if the Eufjftm Uuioii l^rvday Huhiw)itirill he held at that place oh 't^M^»Xt^f, June 25, tliK piciiic to eoiumence* at 1 'p.m. mid the eoiicort 7.1*0. Gf«)d pr<?ijfram of dijilocueSj rflusic, npeechot, «tc. AJf"'"- liufi 25 ceiitH par comjlle, siiiglu adniiiisiiiii ilu caiiti. Sen bills. If you want your watcli repaired jicr- fi'illy, take It tu |{u.sstll, jcwfler, it will )i,iy you. 'I'l'.o liane hull cluh is re(|UeKtud to iiic«l oil Moiidny ev»iiiii)i licit at 8 o'clock iii I* Claytons »liop. If you want your watch repaired per- foctly. take itto KussqII. jewalert it will pay you. Tlio instiilnioiit of "Acrog* the Con- iiiiiiit ' did not .â- "iiie to hand in tune to lie ).laC"d in tyjiefor thin issue. Take your watches, clocks, etc., to Uu.s.scll H. Kli'shcrtoti, 11 |ii'rfect job rvery iiir.i! .All Work pciaonally attundud to l.y .!,(;. Kii.sscll. Ml A. Miiiishaw caught in the Sui;;<fM, on r'nUsy last, a trout which Hi'inhod cue pound fourteen oz. Very fair hixud trout that. Hanover will liavu a bainl tournaini-nt, hiisn rac mil;, etc., on Driininioii l>ay. A Ii.iikIsoihc bndni^ arooiii panics the inforiii- a'Mii, and our thanks are tonderod there- f.ii. If yon want worth and wear, style and stieni;th, choice ami cheapness in boots and slioiis, try \V. Clayton » stock before purchajtiii',; The auiiiiAl Irish I^ake pic-nic will lie held thiit year on Wediiexhiy, June 2ii. Ki.iiherton Orchestra is oti^a^ed fir the occasion. Take your watches, clocks, etc., to Itussell'K, Klesherton, a perfect joVj every ti .Xil work personally attended to by .1 (i. I'uisell. (ireat baioains ill IhioIs and shoes. \ v.MV laruo assortment to choose from. Ladies' liu-e Iniots from W conts per pair. Men's lace Iwjots fr.iin ?1 per pair, at W. rlay ton's. Two inoii III the vicinity of Vuvemhiim Uot hilaiisus toi>ether. One, a ma^riml man, t<ink the other hdino, hiif it is said in ftu* hushed midnight "the other" was c-liasi'd from the house at the point of II buifihef Vnifft^y a j)ist]/'riiirag«d wife, and (hat lie d\d not taliu all hit wearing np[>ar.u1 with him, either. We always thought the Owen Sound TiinHS a strictly tmn|>eniiioe sheet, but an Item in last week's issue liaa shaken our faith. This is the item : "Two men. iinmad Tjee!»e and Minard, having uiibibml considerable understood in M',tl« a grudfje. Li>ifi!n was reinforced by a comparismi .'Hid Minanl came out ircend best.': James ! James ! Mr, Win. Irwin, Klrsherton's eonipeleut liiiti|ic scliinil principal, hns.ri-ireiveil the appojutiiieiit nf lusistuut preiHiiilig eiuiili imr at thu leaiilierx' examinations to be held ill < twon Sound next July. The .Advance i:oni;ratnlates friend Irwin upon the appoiiitno'iit. Mr. Irwin will .tlso preside iit the entraiico exaininatioiu In be held in Miirkdale on July 4, ft aiol <i Mrs \V. It. Anderson olfors at pilvste f:\\f a. number of liiKmehold nrtiil(.M, in- I liidini! one stove ami fiirnitun^ nearly new, 2 bed.sl4!ad». 2 wash staiiilK, I louiiei',»l oliiiir.t. rockiii'i chnlr, a (pmnlity ..f iIihIjc's and '.dasswaie. Ininpii, tiib.i and waslilMKiidn. 1 Ji (hM fruit jars. .\ll will In! Hold cheap for cash Uitsfell's block. TO T,KT--lii Strain's b|o.,k the iMi'iiil'^es lately occupied by .l.W. Frost, Mi-.l., as a l.iw ollico. Also the rooiiiH next door, which have been 111 use as a dross niakiii!» estat'lisbineiit. These rocuiis are very siiilablii for small shops or otlicea. or if nesessary both can Im united and made into a nood sized stoii. Kor furlhiir pniliciihii's apply to Wm. Slr.-liii, Kle.»liertoii. Mr. T. l^ites returned to the finult on Saturday. Mr. Bates has yrcat faith in tli«) Kttuit Imconiinij nn iiiipcutant coin- inerrial c<)iitre and liax staked u consider- able amount upon the issue. Jiint now lie i* interested in the buildint! of a new water power "»"«' which will be when compleUJ ;i mil,*i loiisr. .TOO feet wi.leand 'JO'deeit. It poll Mio I'ny foil "'•" *f« '"'^ iiioti.aiid th« iiiliyluir j»«xi>e<ite<l to reach 1000 hy .July.!. . Th* canal will b« com- pl#t,e(j thjs fs-nr, and is huilt by a syndi cats wijii * »i«w to rent!n« water powers along l»J Pf/qrs*. It is a Kreat undertak- in«lMrt wtWHio .douU* W^y handsomely. Farm Soles Mr. Geo. Noble, auctioiieer, 8old two farms at Muikshaw's hotel on Tuesday by puldic auotien. Mr. Walcolm Kennedy wa.s the .^iiirchaaer of lifly hiIuh near the station, lot Uift, ;{rrl rant'e, Artomusia, for JuOO. K. Trimble Uniijljt lot 'i1 , 4tli i.oii., tileneli,', coiitaiiiiii'4 100 acres, for $tiOO. A Confiding Bird. M. Kichai-d.soii, E.s(i ha.s a pot in the shape of u small L'ray bird which has liuilt its nest on the frauio work of his veraudsli and is now liatchintr its little Imxiil. So contidinn is the bird that it will even eat from iinyone'a hand, ami also feed its mate of the crumbs, the hitter beiii),' of a more suspwious nature and re- inaiiiint; at a safe distance Mr. Rich- ardson exhibits his pet with pride. Mr. Shilton Does Not Go. It is nitli much pleasure we ackiiow ledge oui eiior of last week in statint; that Hev. Mr. .Shilton wa.n leaviiif^ Klesh- ortoii fiu .Suaforth. He will reinalii I'sre for aiiiitlier year. The error was an uiiavQidablo one on our part, and resulted from u teli",'raiii received. His;iie(l Ijy Mr. Shilton and Dr. t'hnstoe, statiii" that the reniovid was to be iiiadx. Iiiiine- diately after The Advance had been printed word arrived |bat there would be no change, but it was too latu then to rectify our stuteiuuiit. Persoiial. Ml. J.W. .Anderson left on Tuesday to take up his residence in the far North- west. Miss Lizzie llrowii, of Colliii;;wood, is visitiiio at .Mr. Fred .Armstruiig i. J.W. Armstroiio, Y,m\., paid the To- ront<i conference a visit duriii;^ the past Week. :Mr. J. T. W riyht, of St. Louis, is the HUest of lii.< father, Thorpe Wrii^ht, E.sii. J.'Mr. 1). Wrioht, of New York, wifuand child, are visitini; their parents here. Garden Party. Tlu' (lardun party to be (jireii by the Indies of the Methodist Church on Do- minion Day, on tliw beautiful grounds of .l.W. Aniislroin;, Kxp, promises to be olio of the boat ever held here. The priioram will bo a ijoodone. Klesliurton brass band is eiik>ai;ed for thu ocasion. The wait'Ms will bo in costiinui .All sorts of ijaines will Ih' provided, and a aiuieral tjood time may lie expected The Hardens will lie open from 4 p.m. Tea served at U o'clock. Adiuisaiun l.'i cents. Tho Crops. We have lately been around the count- ry to a considerable extent, and liml that tlio crops, a.x a general rule, are IihiLiiik Well only in nccasifnal low Mtiiations d'l they present a »ickly ni^kikritnce. This IS ivhiiosl a matter oPsiirprise when the amount of rain wliidi has falli>ii diir- iiiX the punt fuur weeks is taken intocon. siduration. Fruit in the vicinity of Kiinburley was iml tery nuioli iiijure<I by the late frost. We saw plum trees fairly "KniaiiiiiL;" under thuir m«ii;IiL of nicely duTeloped friiiti. Apples in the same vicinity proinisa a. fair yield. Small fruiti suffered to a wmsiderable extent. Got Left. A youii;;; man living near I'licerill^ took his liest j^i^l for a drive one dsy last week. They visited a frienil living wcs*. of Diirhain and tiu'iiud lio^se out to ^rass while they visited The- hsrse be- coiiiiiii; homesick let ilown the. feiico for himself and trotted off home. It was some tiiiio before the hoisti's (Icparture lieouiiie known, but wluii it did tlirtu were "two heart. 1 tliut bent as oiiu" v, iiJi agony at Ijie thouLjlit nf wulklin; twelve miles lloiii* a'^aiii. Ilowevur tli>i|fri(Mid hiti'liud up hiH leaiii aii<l lutnriieil tho Waiiilrisi'H te their siu'ro«Mi>^ pareiit.i.and the adventure ended happilv It was ii fair sized juUe, nnd Milsain Valluyiles are still holdini; tlioir sides over it. Editorial Irony. ,A brother editor of eonaideriilile ex- perience thus sums up hia disliku.s : We like to hear a iiiuli refuse t.i lake his lii'iiie paper, and all the liiue sp.iiii;e on bis nuiuliliors for the reailiiiti of it. We liketoheara iiiiiii citmplaiii when asked to subscribe for a home paper llint he takes iiiorv now than liu laii lead, and then i^'o and borrow his iioi'.;liliiii''x or loaf around until he i^atliei 4 all l.lie news from it We like In libuv k man run down his homo paper a.H not woith mkiin,' and now and tlii'ii li.';; the ediloi- feu- a faviu' ill the editorial eoluniii. \V(. like to si!i\ a mail run down Koine paper and then try to net a aliaio of llio trade which the newspaper briiik(s In town. We like to see this ; it look.s ecniiniuieiil, thrifty, projjreaaive, hihI cheeky. ' Tho â- Wnj3liiugtoii Treaty lu one of the important topics of the day, l.'iit more iiiiporlaiit still to a sntlerMr from catarrh i.n llioiinestioii what remedy shall 1 use'? Try Nasal Hulin. It never fails. Mr. .loliii KkUt,, ColHirnuire, *ays: Nasal Halm has liHlprd ine liiure than I expected it would. I have liot felt â- <> well 111 nine years. I aui sure it will make a pero.aiieiit cure. That hackiiii; coanh can bo so i|uickly cured by Shiliili's I'wre. W« ),'nantnl*« it. KoB sale at the Medical Hall. Palled. The Mlowinj? a^|i«aTed in last week's Monetary Times ; It ii understood that K. Mct^abe, {{eiieral storekeeper, of I'ricevillo, had «a8i({iied to a Toronto creditor. He is indebted to general creditors about 88,(XX), and to a brother and a lady $2,41KJ. Those interested are tryiii;; to i{arinshee a bank account of |!2,.')tXI, which it is feared iniuhl be used to lii|uidate the claims uf the two laat named, in which event the dividend' to others would be very small. Fire at Maxwell. Friiin inir uich Vurre3ix/)ti^nt. Fire broko nut in the stables and out buildiii!,'* heloii;jing to the hotel about eleven o'clock on Tuesday hiKlit. The tire was discovered by Dr. ?5cott who had roturni^d home about tliECt time. There was only one horse in the stable at the time and it was saved *fith dithculty. A sulky and a liui,'oy were the other thiii<rn saved. Tin- hotel was saved, Sam Linley buriiini; his feet in dashini; water over the roof, The property belouys to Robert Drown of Sinuhanipton. No insurance. County t'ourt- Frmn Tin' (hrcii, Sijund AJctitiair. FisiiK.H vs. C'hki.stie. â€" The parties live 111 Sullivan. Dy an a'.'reeinoiit made on the 2:iiil of April 1HH«, the Defendant sold plaintiff the Ni of lot 2!t, cou. 7 Sul- livan, renerviiio to himself all tho j>ii o tiniljir and all other timber suiUible fir saw loL!8. IM.iintiir allei;od that the de- fendant had taken a great deal of tiinlicr not suitable for saw lo^.. and had made the same into posts and ties. The plain- till's witnesses placed the ininiinum diame- t«r of a saw-loo at 10 or 12 inches. The defendant produced witnessoa who said that timber 7 and even 5 iiiche.s in diame ter miudil be fairly claaiiud as saw-hig tinihor. There was also a uitputr as t<> whether when defendant had cut down a tree and took or more saw-lotjg i>ff it, whether he wu.i antitleil to the whole tree if the top pnrt fell bwlow the ininiiuDin .size of a saw-loL'. Verdict fi^r plaintitj' for *IO."i. A. Krest f«vr Vhiintitf ; J. Cieiw. .r for ileft. lluoniK vs. MiAiii>i.f.. -Thfp."-fueslivc in I'loloii. It appears that last baceVilx;r Joseph McArille was aoiivicted before .Instue Haiibury, of DuiiUalk, for uialici- oui injury t<i pioperty. M'-.Ardle admit- ted liaviny cut certain rollers which were placed under a hall for the purjsise of iiioviii'.{ tilt) hall, and claimed that as triistiM of this property he was justified iu so doiiiu, claiiiiiiii; that the hall should no', he moved. tJoiiseiiueutly ho appealed auainst the decision of the Majiistrato. Apposl sustained and .Ma;;istrate i con- viciion i|ua.she(l. A. 'Frost tor&ppellanl. Kko. ts. liitowN was the only criminal case. Elizabeth ()ttewell,of the Township of Itspiey, char^ctl Roliort Itrowii. of the Villai.'r of FevcrBlian;, with indecent as- sault. Her evidence was unsupported by that of any other witness. C'ouiiscL for the defence, besides |>ointin); i utt tha prosecutor's I'vulence niui unsupported in any way, tlu>ui,dit from the style- |i,arhich the eviil uce was given and the- general beliaTi,.ur of the witness that she was tl>e victim of s< :ue lii.lliu (iiittion. ''ojuie halt a 'lezt ' .-.Tivav^yj -.vjvy called to,nrove an alibi. Verdict Sol guilty. A. Froat for Crew n ; J.W. F.nst for defence. Geueral News. Dr .Me.ichani, M. I'.P. , has been chosen as the Conservative candidate for Lennox fur the OiiUiirio Legislature. I'rivato William llion, of the 3!>th Norfolk Dattalion, suicided by drowning in the Niu{jara'Kiver Sunday inorniiig. A liraki:iaapi named Lake was killed un thejti.T.U. Jiear I'rescott on Saturday. He Wiis tighteuini; the brake when the cliniii ali|iped ijjii,! ho fell unUt)^i;thii cars. .At Indianapviia, ilM other day, Mrs. Klla KiUionrn lighted a match in the ccl- Ur to enalde a plumber tu find a natural ga.i leak. The plun>l>er was perhaps fatally injured, and .Mr-... . Kilbouni, .1.'!'. Ci'owder and anutlior inaji wore seriously injured by the explosi.iis.that followed. An unkiioHii woman threw herself into the NiauaiaHiver and was earned ovtr the American Falls Friday afternoon. Disti.'Jot News. Itichard Diekle, of lUist Zona, has a four year old bull with a third horn Htlai lied to till tip of one of its ears, and .lolin Nn hoi, of North Kasthopa, is the happy possessor of a cliickliiiL' hatched Miliiout I'eet, while .laine.s Dolierty, of the siiiiiu towimlup, rejoice" in the owner- sliip of a L;o,slin;,' with four feet. Mr. .loe .ImIiiisiui, of Dunedin, has a 'III lo ill the shape of a ducklet, with threu leif.s ami SIX fi.s(. The little biidiu »aH hatiilied oil li'ifariii. Two legs are ipiiie iiiituial ai:d the thu'il sticks out of the the Inrd's stern in the center of its body. Tile duckie slioiild be a t(..od swiinmer. â€" [(.'ellu'gw.M.d KiiterpriHo. Di:.\rii lit A Di Nini.K DocToK.- Dr. W. S tlriltin difd at his residence iu Dmidalk mi Saturday afternoon last. The The dortiir was laid nii with cohl several days previou.nly, but went out before he had fully locovuied and a rnlapst ensued. Of. .Mc\\ illianis, of, was in at- tendance and Dr. Itolstiii was .summoned from here, but the casj was hopeless nnd tile deceaaed passed away hve minutes after thu arrival of his Shelburiio c»I league. Dr. llrithn has been a iviidunt of Dundalk for the past 6 or 7 yeara. He was a graduate of the University of Michigan, and regarded as an experienced Slid clsver man in his profession.-- [Skul- hurne Free. Press. Piiigs The Times. The time to offer bar- gains is wlien the times^ are dull and money scarce Taking advantage of tins AVi offer you nice -.lev/ goDils at the following low prices : MEN'S AND BOKS' BOOTS. Men's whole stock high cut Kip boots. Men's split high cut Kip boots. Men's Cnburgs. Hoy's whole stock boots. Boy's split boots. $1 $1 40 .lO ?1 Si 75 .20 .00 LADIES' dCHILDRENS' 800TS. IVomcn's whole .scock A'ip. Women's sjiiit boots. A beautiful polished calf shoe. Ladies' niie Dongola Kid boots, full sizes, buttoned or laced. Children's shoes lower than ever. Si. 25-. Si.eo. $1.20. ^1.90. GLOTIIING DErAltTMEM'. A nobby, suit, blue Kerge|fuli size. aiitl nicely â-^ S^.y^. A nice pair wool pant^-cut in the latest siyb, tor S1.40. A nice range ot tweeds for boys' suits, from 30 rts. up, to 50 cts. per yd. All wool. f)%Y 0OOf)8. Factory cotton, full yard, only 4 cts. j. yard. Cottonades, nice patterns, 17 and i** cts. a yd. Our best prints at 10 and 1 1 cts. a yd. .Shirtings trom 8 to 13 cts. a yd. Beautilul ginghams at 8 cts. a yd. A lovely Japan tea 5 lbs. for 90 cts. as as any 2<. ct. tea in town. 5 bars best Electric soap for 75 cts. 14 liars Nickel Toilet soap for 25 cts. 24 lbs. best rice for $1.00 14 lbs. No. I currants toriJl.oo. l^ lbs. Valentine raisins fur Ji.oo. 14 lbs. bright sugar for 3^-""- Our meal, corn meal, cracked wheat, longf clear bacon, spiced rolls, smoked hams, and bologna sausages constantly on hand, at close prices. Butter,eggs and wool taken at highest market prices. The Old Reliable .Slaiid. R. Trimble. 1 1 I ! » »

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