T II E i' L ]•; s H !•: r t o n a b v a n c {• . GEO. MITCHELL, BAItfKGR, liiillilUT A Nil HOLI>. hi: II rS S/ 1/ .((/ciifi.i/i lutH til fhf riiUi-i'.tiini .\\il''< â- lU'l Aiii>ililt:<, 'ilid (/•/"/ /V«r(/i l:,rl,.l,fh:U .1- *''"<. The Local Ngws. Dliat is lla|t|M-iiiiiK In Our On II Viriiiilv. Ml W.M. I'liiik n-iiiHiiil lim fiiinily !•â- 'i'..i ' litii lliii wi'fk. Ml .I..I111 liull, (if l'lillailnl|iliia, iHvint- 111," ul.ilivrs III lliii vioinily. I>i lli\Mii, hilc of iiMriit 111 Viuii;i)uvcr, I'lidMilli', i-i III \\'ii.iliiii''tou Tcr. Ij M.ii wiiiit yiilir wiilcli n'l'aircil ]>vv- j, , tiv, lakr il 111 Ku.ssfll, juwfiur, it will \ liinal lll|n'liil' fli-'' WItll rlli-ll lirttlt) 1. 1 >liil(ili« I'litaiili rciiKMly. rric« 50 cla. I'.ii N.ilu at till Mi-iIumI llall- riii' KU-^liiTtui l.ailiiT liim d«ii;iitotl tins iiiiir till' siiri'. 'I'Ih'Ic is a ;;(.cnl (.pun- 111;; lure f"i III! clitci|iri(iill',' liarlic'f. If yiii wiuit ymir watili iciiaired |ier- l.Ttly . t iki' i', til Kiissi'll, jeweler, it will i.iv yiMi. Ai ihi- liiiilr fuir 111! Miiiiday tliero "â- l,'.|Ulli' 11 llll.'r inlllllilT of Cllttif lif frii'l. i.f mil ixira iiuiility, iiiul few hhIud POLITENESS IN SCHOOLS Off to Camp. I'lm "miyeiH' (Nn. (• coiiiiiaiiy) left fur cniiMi At Nia''iiiii fill Tuemiay iiniriiiiii;. ' ....,, ,.», ......... .-,. . !â- .» 1 ln' luiyH liiokrd well with iiiiiKiiiiiit imal and ciiiiiitiiiaiicuH cliforfiil. 'I'licy will rotiiiii a ivii'k ftciiii Saturday next with bfteliiiit cliculifi, Hkiiincd iii»i'» and' In coimidcriiif^ tlii* unlijcct, l<t lis B.iilcd iiiiifuriiiH-tlmt is if tlio huh uvur icf,'iii(l it, not ns an end, liiit as :i innst ilii|ii>rtiiiit liR'iiliN. Jj(.'t lin Coiif'idci' J si, Wliy in it tliikt rildfii''SB |ModiMiii- 1; I.K.N Kl.ii. Ket its tmiiifry jii niierntioii mjaiii. Kain. Did you lii-nr any |icrsiiii rriiiark tli.it hiUck in iIh' iimjority of oilr sriiofl^ till' c;rii|iH iifed lain !â- Tim inilli who ' llml llic imlitii piiiiil m till' <;X(;(lilii>li Would II. ,t be Hiitislied with wliul !i,1h fal- len (liiriiii; till! punt thn-e WL'i'ki iiiimt lii^ ill the transition .^tato lii-twciii IihIi .ind fowl, with a very oli.Hn connection to the fiiniii'r. For tliri'i; imliid weeks we have ii'il had one day of solid iiunHliiiiu, iiiid only twi. dayn in whieh it did not rain iiioro or h'.sK. livid liv liolli t. iicIkt mid (iiipiU. ' Tliinl. ltiii><[ilsi in our Iiovk j iii,tiily ' (â- oiiMidcrntion rif their ''ill iihivinali-s, ' I iiiid tcaclii M riur ;^iiiH to t x|)i ct from I liii'in tli.il ilid'iTiiiici: ivliicii ('Very triio wiKii.iii i-s|)rL'iii from n ^-'IuImii.iii. No lioy tliii'. i'* ri"(iiiii'd by hit tia'''i(i- to lay jnidi' hi.-i iiiilividilal Coliifoi-t in hihalf of his t(ii 1 finnd, to yiM- iij' hi:- I'liuii wlnn ,thi; i."^ -riiil'liiii;, to oil', r her till- Ci1|i licfor dilnliill,'. If) attiinl to the drove, the no/Mafld llii- Wat. T witliiin* li.iNlilt to !)•â- a.-fki cl,--liaie ^ilaliCiU. DR. CAIITKR. .M C.V. .V .s . 1 1ST. MIVSK IA\. sriM.KO.N. KLKSIIKinc.N. Ollirre. itr«in« UlotfH Ir.-.i.l.-n-r ' li l:u".-l< »v«- T. a. Hut.toK. .\ll).C?..\f, Garden Party. The t,'ardi;ii party at .Mlivwell on Thiir« day hint was n u'reat mucci-s.k, rs it always i.s. l''leKli('iton hnusH hand was pn-hinl. and pl.iyed a iiiiniber of (ii'li'etiini.s ill th.'ir imial excellunt iiiaiini-r. Then' wire hetwceli L'.'iO and o'M) peuphi pre.sciit. Si'Vi'ial went from KleiiliHrtoii and enjoyt-d tlii'inselvi's thorou'^hly. There wcir (panics of all kiiidit. An etcelh-nt re)i;mt was .icrvid atti o'clock. I'riK-ecdH, $.">(). Our .\Iaxwell enrrcspi indent i;ives fmihcr |i!U tieul.ir.H. |Thoiii;li )-ililcncss ill our .sidiiiols is to Division Court. a C. rtiun fxtcnl atti ihiitabU- to a lai'l; .At the Division ('oiirt held here mi Lf lionii' ti 'liiiiii'^.it is, in u far orouler Wednesilaylast. the most imji .rtant e.tsf ||J,.^,.,.,.,., u'lrihulahh' to oiir lii'^'lect. a.s It iicliers. to niaki- tin most oftlie i,'old( 11 o|i('oiiiinitir.: within our ivai'li, the ritni iivln, whili' tlif null/ one is llieinic" â- l\u\. Why "iliould imIiH.- , ,. , , ... 1 1 1 'i . . ,• tiiii'i it i-" line. hilt ••iiii!<ilvo.iKH l/iiii iiiNM lif a iiiarKed cliaracttristic <d t ,. . ^ . . â- . . every Kid.ool '' and Hid. How ciiii we )(sl KiifCf I'd ill 1,'iviiii,' It itH essential plai''.' Ill our schools ? l.st. Why IS it that rudeiKMs in so vcrv jiri.'VHieiil in our scliooh ? .No (lonht niilnv of iiH console onr''cUe,s Willi lilt.' idea that it is owiiij^ to llic ni'Ljh'Cl of jiaKiils, and ihat tlioiioji ininiliers of our rliililrtii ari'.oiit<!idi' id school lioui", allowiid to '•riiil wild, " ut: iire not ti hlalnc, that tlic lioinc is iht' plai'f lo li ai-li morula anil liiaiinors. 'Irni' ciiiMurli, hut where tlu lioiiic fails ill jt.s ihil} the scliool must come to th'! ri'sciiv. and tin' Kaclit/r iiiiist lie 'or xix hours ilaily •in-lmi) f)ir'v(i»," lit:aid was that of the noiv well Known €iii!an fuse of Coiinell v. l!nilnli 1 Mr. IJrandi'i, of I'ricevillc, piinlia-sed an â- r'.,'an fioin .Mr (^onnell, ofllwen ."Sound. Take \oiir w.ilelii'H, clocks, etc., to 1 liiLssell's". Klesheit.iii, a perfect job every "'♦'' 'â- ' •line .Ml Work peiKonally attended to \^ .11 ;. Kiissell. ami too ottin is ii but llie ri'tlfctioii of lie then cancelled his ord.'raii. I |.iiivha.s4'il |onr rildem-'^ to our l)!^^^, for as tin- a ciiea|ier instriiineiit from atinllier a'.'eiit ! riviih t ill tlir liuailuW litlt'''ls mil only 1 , j !\Ir. Oo'inell K>]<-i\ for the iiri.'e of lii.s I the siiiisliiiie, liul tin- sluulows, so ih) iiistruiiieiit, wliicli h.-id liefii delivered at ti,ori' niliiors of oiir actions lepiil KleHhertoii station and was hiiliiod .-don j Utile iiroiiii* ','row Clin vo out iiilo i till' lioiiii' Id â- -'â- •-â- allV woman kind, | sister, wife or inotliii . do aiiv work that 111' could do. wiiil'' he niti* nllv liy, r.-ailiii'.,' lii< p.iini-. in'iluqw i'/nor iiiL,' lier Very iMst,.||c.-. ^•o'.â- will a ; i^irl who havhri-ii i'oiirleoil.?!y in-aUil ill .sclioid siihmii lo -lull iiMiinuni a- , llity only loo ofti-n imit witii in alter life, and a» "•lialiir heriiii'"' secoiMl nnlUI I , ' I'lllit'lK'SS ni the si'll ol 100:. 1 inrnns politiinss m t^ie linii''. hetiei hoys and un Is. belli r men aild woimn. lia|i|iii'i liomi'^ and alto','i titer alu'ltir sl.it.. (it s(ir''''ty. I'"nii;tli. l'')'.ilti;( ss is a stijipii;;;' â- ••loiii to nioiaiit>. I'rif. S.Il. .Mbro ";.iVn •^ini caliliol iia\e nid'ii.ss ill iroiii school ami do v'oo'l morill work. ','nid surely rverv teacln-r aims nt 1 lo\.itin_' humanity, lifiiir.' il 111' 111 lii^'her !• Ai. JK. ami uiir elTorl.s m thi.^ (lireclJiiii li.ivi a fir onali-r 111- ilueliiN' on oiii' nwi! liV"; lliali p-rhai'- we are awar^ o|. fi;- h, fore wi- cm I raise n[ •.ri,!:;,.r <.f •.: • 1 j;K-,'i. of I'll. Snr'J'''iii-. Oiilaiiii. I'!n.|lili'*. xt ort..-.. 1.111! 'l( ijr f â- *-• -1 iir Al'Hl LOM II H, t. I'lMevill^, Sot I 1 It-'H. DRS, SPOUL'^, u £60- .>! AKl^UALK tiM OlMiT J 'llAiilcy'.s Di'M*; •♦t4»r«*. T^ Sl"l(()i:i.!. :.; I) . t,- \Mil >), ; |\| |, ... Int.. fif â- |'Mil..il':.'-' : 11:, â- I)r.f;i.. n.:i â- „: f.„ii,.|rtt \l.irl(.|«!.-H .'. ::â- _â- •> J. P. OTTEWELL ' VLtKRI.N.AiC'i .>' r: Ki;."? Orarlii.t'.- of diitario \vt. ( •,.;.'....... >lli|.;v( P ON' ( >l.i.:\'r,". .. .,r i'....|, !,., , s|Ii:i:T>.V 'Il -si ••..'.I. It yon want Worth anil wear, style .iiid .-iiiii'jth, cliuico and cheapiiciiB in huiils .ii.il sh'ii'H. try \V, Chijton'ii stock liefore I'liiohasiiiy. _ Take your wiitclies, clicks, etc., In r.usseir.s. Klosliertoli, a perfect job every tune. .Ml work pcrstuially attendt-d to hy .1 (J. KiiHSoll, station hiiildiii^' a year ay... \\lielit!lc t::un- was first tiieil deei.sioii w, 'IS niviii in favor of defendant. It w.ait then taken to Oiveii Sound, and froin there to the Coiirl of .Xppeal 111 Toriiito, fioiii tlieiiie it Wits referinl oncu iimre to the Division I'l'iii t here. It meiipied nearly the whole of the day mi Wednes- day last, and was tried hefore a jury. Verdict w;w i;iven fur |i|aiiiliff. duet' not only our virtili'?, but our fiiliii;^s. I Ion t inisiiiiileisliinil niu. I do not for one inoiufnl sii('J>oso that any one 1 evi 11 the very last recruit 1 l.l> U| lookout lor llielii hii'l.-il imi'U.s. We ourselves musi 1 ^' ' ilw.ivs be on the i ''''"''' •'/•â- 'â- '''.•' DKNTlSriiV. >!"i-''.'.'..s' ulntis :â- I, iiin.-i sonn wav of li'iiilitliii; V as well as iiitell'Tluillv I /;.' .J'.s. II, â- I'll., . ,. , , , . • 1 â- â- '-â- el '"f ! Kome w.T y ot lijiiit.'imiL; tin' iitaviei iu.iiii„ir.ii ttt iilo,i...r:' lliiis liv the veiv tiionuhthuiiess ciiiss llnil liiaiiv of iheiii luive lo bear. oufhtfiil which [lolitei.ess compels, icnchcr and VI i;sHr!.ic- .\: .. ,:,„^ . II 11 l^iin'.l; I ... tl: ' T/riut, ,1 I 111 ••»!â- .. liu;h.?-t »(vl..» ol t:,,f .T. â- I Ti'.l \. \. K >: 1, I,, s ;, in lilt- i.olile army of teacher. IS |^uillv.,,|^,,,.^.,,„,,,,,„il,. ,,,„,.,, ,i|.,, ,,„,, I U \j 1 lU' III I I of po.sitive rudoms.s to )uipil.s ; hul I j ^^.|,„.^^, ,.,,-,^.^ ,„•,. ."^ ,^,,,. |,^„,,,„_ ,,1,,^^ J, f , J| \ f| ^, |j \ \^ j^ , do nuiiiiaiii that Very main ol us nn- j,_,„ j^ j,,^ „.,^,..^ ^,^^, ,„^,,,. i,^^,^, ^f , , „ ^ , ^^., „ .^uilly.if not every day of our lives, al \ .„„, j,^. j, „„„.,,- i„.siinderslood h^ | .. '" "• '*- »»^'â- > • ••''1. l'""i dyspepsia and liver coniplaint you have a iirinted miarantee mi every bottle of ShiloliH vilalizur. It never faiU to 'cure I'lr salu nt the Medicnl llnll. The Advaneo was favortil with a pleasant cull on MoinUy from Mr. II. Siithirlntid.iif Toronto, i.'<iier«l iiispeclor nt the I'odeial lafe lnsuriilii;u ("onipany, wlh. is lakiie,'n trip to the M.iiiitoiiliii. .\ '.'aimt of haseball was played Bt I'riiV Mile on Saturday between Dinliaiii .Iiinior anil I'rii'cville .luiiior bnseliall chilis, wliieli rinulti'd in defeat of lhi» Diirh.iiii club by n score "f '.'•â- ' to 18 (liiat bat'ijains in ImioH and blioos. .\ 1 iei\ l:ir'..'e assortninit tn choose frmii. I l.aih's lace hoots from 00 coiitii per pair. | .Ml 11 s lace hoi'ls trm (1,.-, loll'.S. Rov Mr Sfiilton Hemovod. Thi) .Metho'list C'lifereiice at .St. .Mary's has seen lit in tlieir wisilom to reiiioie ^our Kclico our itfist.ii, l!ev. J W, .Sliilti'ii, IS. .\., from tins plsee I" .Suafortli. .Ml. .Slnlt.ii: has hiiill up fhslieiti'ii cliartrevery mnidi ilitriiu,' till' past twoyear.s, and lie and bis '.'eiiial lady have lui.l'.aied tin iiiselves to the hearts of our people of every deiK'tiii iiall'ii. So iiiurli IS tills ill.- case that I'lesluiton .Methi'ihsts tre Very h'th to part vitli his s.-n ires. Yet, while fiivy- iie.< .Si'.iforth its '.niod foitinn' tiny arc ready II. say (iod spccil fo their departili'.; pastor and to exii'iid ti Wilcotne lo the new iniiitiibeii'. Ib't Mr Sliilt..(i (• .1 iiiinUtcr yoiiM',' III tlif tierVr-i' an'l IiciIil; enii'iwi-d with a line ii!iy.sii|lii.. fl-.'c ib' livery mid poMcrfit! vnu'e. ts destined t'. bei'iiiiir .1 siii'c('s<fiil pulpit orator, and it is with extreme ph-asiiri' »e per i.iially I.' le his step iipwaid hy 1 lie late transfer. si per pair, al W, { Itev. Mr, lUinteis. I. it,- ,,| l|.'s;.eler. «ill he .Ml. .Shilt'iii s su -..â- i-s- ii III h'li'sher. I toll. as would noi ill- toliT«tiil 111 cultured Bocicly. 1 1 iw many of us iiractici m east v. ry olo'ii. of a negative ru.le- I ,,,, ,„„^^ „,tiiu.it-. friends, wt -went less,- si;c)i-ravel'r.'.ichesoffU.iu.-tte ,d,'„u doniu' -o.id' not only' ibiM We 'liiioht have lib' bui that wo ••mit;lit liave il mi.irc ab'indanllv" ; ami the '"sociitv man- ,, . , ' - .... , , • ' niitln'i'''J III' Ii'l'K 1, Hers'' Do we tif-iit our Vuuno _ _ _ .. ' fiieiids ri- p'llilely !» (iiir schools, as we wii'ild ill iiiir parlor, or iven ' â- â- ..{' Visiu Markil.'il.- [i,, day ..• Flejliert'.n each tr W . . .'1 l.e.illll. ".'â- 'he ihn |i ni itus (iilr i'r.qal. V[>\ n p to M •â- r^^•^^ - .\i« vou •li*turV'I at 1 iiij^it aijtl J.n-kfM .•( »(i ir iv-.t bv ,! nicUtttiil'l as IH»lltl Iv us Uf rSIMCl lllfin to In al if hf*»-ntl at ..n.*- au l K«-f tx > \^.^^l\f M.-^ \v.;i ) IIS V W llY. SOlllf ot MH actlKUlV bv- l [•* valu.- i, m. uU-.l.iMtr. It 'iiH rdievi- lli.- |»<»or ,ih 111.- -lay h. ouiraom. the f.'idmos j !;:;il;;..-''':;.:;..vr;:;. ^^i^.^.l^d"!;''' n':",-;'. of tile most Si'.'lsilivi. pupils bv WalKilC' lUs.'nt.ifr loi.l liiiiiil..iii.r.-.'iiliil.-stln'M.>iiiscli ' , , , . . .,' ' . - ,1 »ii I li'.w.l-, cur.- Wiii.l r,.li.-.s..it-ii« tl..'(.Miiis I dehbl ralely past tliem inlo >l»-l!Ool „. in.-.-. Inlliui.dli.ii »^.l j;lv... l..ii,. mi.l cli.-i;.^ • he "Oood 1 t.. «lie »linl. sif.'ir M i s VVliis|. ,w .• s,,,,'!,.,, ' I Swnii for. lilMr'Sti'tliiii:; Is i-Ussrti* ;.• tli llii'rlitll^ tliilt many of lho.'".e s.'lf. ' tii,f,. una nt tii.. I'lrscruTi.iii <•( 'Uv"* tiu'i>l.it-t «liltoiu s-,, niiicii !>â- " liii'rlitiiK iinii' ('.'HiiN ( liir btlei this wei'U ".ViToss the t '.ill t!iii-t â- â€" IS cxtiemely iiilereslmij. The ;,"M lellor oill dual with a s»<li"li of ,'1.111. try lillle known ti. the people of llnUrio, and tliereforB hedouhly intoi /•i-liie.'. Uiiail llieiii. The liidU'S of till' Methodist C'linirli iiri- iiiakinj ureal prepeiiitions for tiie oiirdeii party on Doniininn Day. Keep your iiifniiirv fresh and yreen mi tin" in- f'.rinalion that tlii'ie w.ll he a oranil time. D'lails later. Mrs W It. .Viidorsoii oth'rs at private .«ah' a nilniher of lioiiHehi.lil aiticlts, iii- ,i:hiiliii.' one Hti.ve and furniture, neatly iiiw, J h.'ilsliads, "J w^isli stands, 1 liiinni'.i) eliaiis. rock iiii: rliiiir, a i|uaiitil\ . f dishi s aini 'jlasKHiiie. lamps, tiibn anil V .vshhiwiiils. Udo/. fruit jar». .Ml will hi sold ehe.'iji im ensli. KilssuH's hlnck. T.I I. I'll' In Strain's block the I 11 iiiiscs latily occupied hy J.W. Krest, r,si| , lis a law oftice. .Msn the rnoiiis ii.'M door, wlileli have boon in use hh u oii'sn iiiiiUlli',' rslalilisliiilent. These I '.oiiiH are leiy â- nitable fur siiiall xln'i'S .1- oltbes. or jf |iiises»ary both can he iiiiiK'd and iiiuile into a ;;ood si/od store Kor fiiithiir particulars apply to Win. Miaiii, Kleslierlon. I.I.I. Ill ai^nlii. Ml ill liv â- I ill If yon urn needini; oiiytlnii,' in llie li iiise fiiiiiishini; line or are Inteiidiiis! In jiiake a pres.iit to ii friend, you will liml |i 11 your ail.antaoe to call at the I'lesli- I'ltoii Fui ilitiiru Warnrii.iiiis and iee the .1.1 aiitifili rill k of fancy eliaiis. pietin-us and pictine flames, cahuiet flames, ft.' I .1 sale fheie al very low pri.es We h.'iei. hoHli nstiinisbed M ilia i<eeiiiiii<:l\ .heap price asked for tbis clans nf I'lod*. PaHSjod Mr. Jos SlaH'ord. -Ith line. Artenmsia, Ills coinpleli'd Ins third year al Tomnti. I'liiviirsitv. and at I Im exsiiiiiiatioiiH held hist week «i|i' essfidly passed in clieiii i,iiy, bioloKy.|iiini«>ra|i>'_'y mi'l Mi'oloLjy. "AlBiS Go " A'>Mlill.dutkclliil'JNt nf th* SaIvsii.iii Army ai'«i,!k tmri. .hi .Viuidiy eveiuin; and piuiidmllll* straats furs sln.rt lime after which tl'ty «v«iiit tn tin Town Hall mid had what tliey »tyl«<i » "h>« K' ' WliKt lliH "gn" o<>u«i«t««l •' •* i5»"' "uly Buriiiis*, MS »i»adiuMtiuB If •>' t«ii centi was cliArxw*. Of e««n* It i* against mir |.riiiei|>U U> iiay tM a^iiU %• ••• any skow of Uii* d»*^niiiiiJii. Tl««y (!••• *•• â- «"^> fur lh« w'lioj. liii.stidKf. Fi I'la "iir i.ini f*..i'r. ij \V .' Wi.lll.l likr ti. li.'IO flnlil I !<lit..r. liiiil will sriiil villi H f>.^v I In inn 'I'll.' Iijill Moi 111 Una lia^-C'l nvi I IliU I nil S 11 Tula T. I'.II 1 1 lilt , lUil I- iji Ml. till a till, .lull I wtiiil iw i^liiss .Mm \Viik.il>.i.f ll..|t.iii. wlinliiis liiimi »l-lllii|i lii.r ilnuiihti'r Inn u. .Mrs. li,-.. H.it. Iniisnii. Inis rntlM lii'il Mrs (liirliett. ..f I'roi'iiitir,.. wl*n li.is l.».».ij visit infill.!* liareiits li,'i-o, lias return.' I I'l'lic fri.it nil nil w.' i.Y|.ui'n.in-ii.l .... lUv iilulit t'f tint '.>tlli lilt.. Inlil a (hsilHtriniM wtlot-f on vet'i.tn. tloii .Mr .l.>liti Wliltti.nhs.l tliu fniin,. nf Mr lie,, lt.itili..Ii's liaiii ruisfiil nil Miini'a\ lu^t 'I'litf .Mas.-n. Mr Si.ii'er. nf l)iiiiiliilk. hiil»ln.(l IiIk pan of till' wnrk nil till* prevtinis Kriila* Until tlia I'.ilitl'Si'tniM ari* inssttr w.irklin'li iiiiil wlmti tlie liliril is I'lttlMilett..! It will 111* nni' nf tini l.i'ht In till, ttiwilsllllv Mr .\ VVaril's li.irn 1, also ralsti.l nil. I will s,...|i I null. l.-t. 1.1 Ml, Pri"l WlUUln-, win. Iii. I.i'.'ii visltlin; frlinnU 111 the viriiilti nf III luiil.toii, lias ret nr lie-' . Mr Isnlnli .M.liii-.IU \is1t,„i t|„. s,.„ih (iu'\ ruBi'lmrs \sso.'lalliiM liolil lu flo-lii'i l"li nn Kmlui tlii'-Ust nit .Mrat'oni Koiiil. /''I'nin niir nii'n i'..i ifniu.n.li'nt, Ttl ' J' liit'ii'ai ii.'M n lit proHi'iit U tliat w. iceoiil tin ir dilnib fi i.ods. ();l 11 lb",'. iliiH bfjiin, liii ("nn the tiailhcr i.-( I mil r ihnii flic iinbst of his j or her impils. W'.' know hetttr. and I iiiaiiv nf llnia il 1 nut and iKVer will J unless wr ail and ii|i diaiio, alive lo jiiiudiifi in this 11 p. 'Ct. I'liil We s.iy 'iiiiiil wi' all know the old worn-out liAii'.s' . I "No '11!).'.' "over-crowded sclniol ii.oio anil |iri'L;rnUinu'S. " \ ery i.iil'', bill. "1111 ui.ie "oNer ciowded soluuil-roiilii* and prinjiMinliies" do not 1 naiih' ii-i. ii.s iinewp.lcr si.i;,'','<'sls, lo ISxrn^t. ,-..'.i„l„itnr. <«i,, ,„„„.. t, Kl-r-sUKKTON Urn. K. VK>T l',i.-| {ir;i. 1 •Sl'Siiii,*', s 15, ,i„.s„ ,.vT,„ ^,,^.,^ KWKN ss)|-vi. ,,â- -I â- - IS' iif 1 li.'-l Iciin;.. ple.si^iiiiis iit.'.l uiirs,,-. in th. l.'hltol ^tilti.s, ,111 I fs f.,r ,>il, i-y s;i .irn;;;..ist« tlir.'.iL'li'"i«t IliH w'.ilil I'lli'C l».-iil>.*tt,. i-.Tttsn Imlll. He SMI. Hill n-kf-r 'Mm" U issi, .w • SYni )'. ati'l t.ik.. nn utlirr kiiil The Kev. Geo H. Thayer, of IhirU.iie ' Intl., savs : "Itoth inysilf and my wife t , owe tiiir livis to Shlli'hs 1 '..iisinii.tioi. ' l.'iire. K.r.saleat the .Medical Hall. Shili'li s catarrh reiiii'dy--a positive cure , fur catarrh, dipthcria and e:Hiker-moutli. For siile at the Medicil Hall. I Shdoh's l-'ure will immndi.itely rtjliev.' I Cr.iiip, \Vliiiopiii.,< I'liMuh and Bronchitis I Ki.r .sale .l( lll.- Medl,-*! Hall P WfCULLOUGH, Biirri.slcr. Snllnlm-. .Vv. OHi.-.-. o,,.r Ml l,u|j,„,i\ M„r,.. -Wjirkil.ilr. Iloit.y t„ |.„i,„. John W. Armstroft^. do awitv Willi riiaracter huildin« in i ^P 11 \? \\ \ \> I V 'V < ' D'\'?^};\^;,;,'^''T ,i,,:,;k cmm,,,,,,^, our scliiHili;. We cannol do it, for if I 1 U IJ Ji li illV U i O, ( »;"'^ s„k, j,, i.oM. ' " ;.; ..;.V.j't;,!;'J"i,'c"tV; we are not, hmli by .vamiih' ami pro- Fl.KSllKUTDN . j ['';;-<..^i,^<clai.r..^;n:;^ j^; "::^Vh»,'V " V»- pcpl.liivinosiieh a foundation of polite- ,, ,•,,.,,.., # j.-,, .k u ,. i '" '•'>'''â- '' -Notaih ii ,:,,i;. ' ^'-^"'-^ <•â- * I â- • ^ 1 .1 I VitfrfiiU IJ Citrrrctril hmn If i rlx. Klnei Kail Wlii'iit Sprint; Wlivnt lliiiU') . Iiat^ 1-i-is Hint, i y.HK' fresh I'ot.it i-s bils'.l Inn inu-ks ptT 11. ei KU. !'.•> ti ti;i U .HI 11 ! I e 11 V l.i Il I'l '.I HI .1 .°S1 II M ll'i (I III II' (. The i;iittiiin .linwni' liiiit with ton iiiii.h lali crnp.' nil tli« Inw liilirt are InnklliK sli klv ] 'I It.' Ititc finst has nbi'iit .lustrum nl Ihu fruit cr . j Mr .\ Smiiphi liiH l.i'L'U nil 111,, shli hat for ^.inn.liliii' past j .\li null li.sitil iiift'tlHi; was lu:! I fni- the pin- pii.iii .if iipiiiiiiitliij; iU'l.'i;iil>'S lo till' eitiiien's 111. . 1 1 le III 'I'.irniiti. rill' llrnin;i' lllstilit Iniinn liit'i'll at Koll s I'll' I1..IS tills I'llcfcilal . *o* • Toronto city e.'iiiii'il â- .•ranted ?;'.(;tK) to the .Iiilinstowii siilbreis. The iiiimbor of people who pieished by the .lolitislown tlmnl h now estiniiiieil from ;tlMMI to 4IHI0, a l;ir'.,'e dccieii.se finm the 111 ininal estimate. .\re ynii ni.ido iinsci-ible by indiui'Mti.ili cotistipiiti'in, di/./.iiiess, loss of appetite yi'lhiw skin I Sliiloh's Vitali'/er is a ptisi- tive cure. For .Sde it this Medic.d Hall. Twenty iiiilb.ni dollars' wnr'.li i f pro petty was destroyed by lire al Seattle, >N . r. nn Friday last, tba wlioln laisiiiess [lortioii of the city beiiin laid in ashes. Why will you eoutfli when Khiluh'aciiru ,will kfive iiiiiuediate relief. Pric* 10 cts. , M cu.. ani> «t. VuT sal* at tU« Madioal 9lall S ituat on, vuar I'li'.tiitl. to viiliiiiiitt tiii'ti hii'iii-^hiii^ Hitistui-- urv nftit'iiuf^ S.A. McO-Mlvl .U a r,i . Niir>4f I vnii-ti lIiM hi -ti*r. \ V LOOK ! Pi _ iiess as shall nriiamciil tlic whole suiui slriu'tun of after life, wi. are by lliiu very iH'jl.cl layiiio the foiimla- tioii slimes of ludeinsii mid iliiuior- ality. l.ei us not be .satislied to leave •bis (iiibpct to lionic-UainiiiL; iiiiy moie than wed leavo readiiio or I I'nrk arilliini'tic, lest bom tlie comliict of j ui'ln's our pilliils, We be tbouohl to ft'O-oc I ^^le'i'I'sklna with »Vill t.'arletoir.s Pislriot fatlior TinkMys .11.... lliifkouii lier put will le lie sa}s , i â- • ' . • "'riu-ri' niu't HI. KitMt K' .,..1 ill tlii'lr KiK.akt.ti" f 'rlli'ir wnrils »n js.hti' lis I KW», | Ih'ii, nieli von kimw wliat the fiU'ks i<, \ .\li.l till I'lil nlT )ii»t B» they In. | ,\iid what "jji-eat L,'oa.l ' is tliero '.' . This brin^js 111.' to llie sicoinl jHiiiil, viz. \Vliy should iioliteiit'ss be a inarkcil cliHiiicteristic of every sclionl'.' Why IS il iiecr.ssaiy that, iiiorlev dial our sclioiili; may fullil their liioliesl fiiiictioii, they .slioiihlbe uliaraclcrizrd by a spirit of jji'miine isiliteiiess '.' Fiist. Hccause it enlists sympatby. Then' is iiolhiii',' lliat i slalilislieii a bind of syiiii»tlliy between tiacbcr and pupil like the pleasant, tbouoli often liiilfliearted "(lood luoriiino cliililii'ii." and the dieerful. hearty re- spouse of iliirty. forty or tifly voices coming like llie iiiorniiio sun, to drive away every shadow of the niolit. "(iood-iiioiiiiiii' 'I'eaclior." Tlipy I'e. the teiiclier's iiiU'ii'st in lliem and ai ready to bo inlert .steil ; the Icaolier is iiiori' im'roelicaml llio pupils moir ' ('('/' (ihil Pi, 10 |attenfivi' for it. St'oond. It oxtcr^ niiniiti's si'll'lshnoss 'our Bclio.ds, and oouseipionlly pi |disaf,'reoiiients and iiuarit'ls from our iplitv atriniuds. No oliiiil, wba'.over iiiti dis\iosition, can he solttsh. jealous or uiikiiiil very long, in n ncliool wliero true jMilitt'iioss, tbftt jji'iu'roiisooii8idur- ation of the ri}<lit9 niiil fecliiigH of otlwrs, to wliicli St. VitxA mfers when lie nayti, "Let eaoli ettcotu other bi'ttcr than. tlieinHolTeH, in lionor p«rferriiii? uil^ KiKither, " lit not only tmi^ht gut ;;^j MONKVTOLOAA. y^jAT lOUKsi (IKKtM K4Ti;s On 'V ';i .'i Juaei l',u I'l I :: 1 ; I t i<i 1 SI 1 1)1 I'vit. nvMruK. K!i'shi' O 1^ 1 V' 1 . u ;io ! '^"./iC M Mr. Wm. Karstedt, M.VTKKIAL FI 1;.NIS[IHI> t.'ituiMt.'.i â- III-' n fr..'. II, ,. Ki'si 1,., .;, ,1 Sf,. ilnur »..i,r ("' I'Uut-i- iV-llR'f (»[' W. A. HKLI \^r/ HWlNtl lU'Ho lillsi- iiv-s- in l'u:i- iulti fi>r \ <»iir5 iiiir ri'imtH- BB ;i>>M iMi-^tiil> H9 l<)><-iJ \Vf W.Vllt ! iw. to \* lit'in fxrlu-iM- i,vtrtlM> will l»' i;l\*'ij I !l;tiidHottir oiitftt froe shI»:v Mtil uxiK'Tcses t p. i'l «t-tykl>. rit'\ UMU ifkpt' rir'.iof lu-t vtMiunfl | v\'i Itc lit oiui' fur tuiiti^, Urti.lv ^t.Hk (ov Ciiu- I ahi H yi'tciaiti MAY lilt.>TMKUS. \in«or\iiu'n, Kocln-iii-r. \ Y \ 'â- "M /.â- V. I, V( •/',â- /,'. , , /.V.vfi.'.l.M/.; ni'.KDs, Mourmiiis i jiaiiin,.,t.i.i»^s,.,,u,,,^,,. R« J. SlL l^i'SlMAstKii 1';"' . sll. â- /•, • '.;. >"*.. 'I lii!< Veil r'K I'MYRTLt 5::.:;7;il!llllkV\iilMWiai I'IM:K Tlli\ KVKIt. T& B >i 111 H, R,. 1, vevaiU'iT. .\ppia;s. i Keal Kstttte an.l |, 1 \|orti[ai;e». Leasis I Valn.itinus iiiaJi i' I turn Sales atti-inl, . \ County. ^|ou,.. I i iiil.-.tsl. {'oil...- ; |ir..i'ilitin's» iiid ,\n,.iitfnr llie ',;,,e ' I'l, cap tickets fi. ,: ; llla-t'iiw. I., ,,,: i I'orts. r,iiti,'. : I ^^eoU.in.l or I.- ., , fore )iiirchL«ii'. House at (, ule, '' iILl t , U'IK'i : . L m :i" • I.e. ,ier .'•'lit. Ih-,'.ls, '•»*n U| an : â- :.!'"-i\ Aiu > l>'oy if '.;,, '«i's-. r ,'. 1 1,1 ••'1 !' •»;.;. Ian," i.iw. III ^^|kM;^:-:::-:'^ â- 'â- .' [••••i'l'll'l' ' ' Fiilm"'" 1 • • â- &JKflB>'.o'<l. spU'ii.n rralt iTMi t|.. thisi ; 1 1 li 1 jk t.V.lSU'.S'.'.X l-'i - ' J tail In I.iv. . pi.,,| till' I'ritlsli Msit Ktij-lauJ, â- ssk rtlea b* Uewl .'!.. â- or Sale. il'IKni'.a Wi« "h..;^:: It amr 1..^ !«• n laiir* ci •tall* auJ til ) utt.. â- â- .â- %, -»'««»» l|/V'»> m 1 L ^ T