THK OAKLAND HXBO. GoodFrtc«s ObtaiDcd mt Uie Sala of Mr FulUr'it Famoui Stock In Maw York. A New York deipatcb says : When Peter C. KellcKK <!' Co. opcDed ibe sactioa s&le of the QOied Oaklkod herd of Jeraey Mttle, late the property of Mr. Valanoey £. Faiier. of Hamilton, Ctntda, >t the AmericKD Inetimie boildiag yeaterday. the riag pre- aecced tn kppeftr*Dce that re<:aJled the boomiDii days of 1»8'2 and 1886. Faces of many admirers of the cream giving little cow thai have been missed from the sales of late years reappeared and offered their bids with mach the same spirit and BntbasisEm that characterize 1 the sales in past) ears. I be reanlts were very saiij- faciory to all interested. They shew that admirers of the Jersey atill stand ready to pay liberal prices for animals that appear worthy to be osed for the purpose of rais- ing the standard jaality of the breed. Commonplace animals were rejected at prices barely above atiliiy rates, bat animals worthy to be ased as blood s forces in ccuforcoity with nature's rale cf the survival of the fittest brooght willing bids until good prices were reached, and an averat^e cf $608 on the twenty-nine head oonstilating the Oakland herd was made. The cattle sent in by Mr. G. 5<. Hatchin- â- on were less d(:<irable in breeding as in qaslity, bat sold fairly well. The sale will be continaed to-day with ccnsignmenta by Hef^r). A. H. Moore, Oaklei^h Thome, Benjamin L. Swan, Jan., and others. The better prices yesterday were as foUowa : MariaDne T >^is. cow, 7 Tears , \. B. D^r- liag. K«mii'V », N. J #2.300 Itary .\nne ot S: Lambert. cow, 10 years; T. A.Haveineyer. Mahwah, N. J MermuJ oi St. Laojbert. cow, 10 years ; T. A, Havemwvor Inand-m.Bred, Inill, 1 jear . .\. U. Moort, Philadolphia. I'a Mariiane » John Bull. bull. 1 jiar; T, A. Havemtiyer -. Can* Paisy of St Lambert heifer. 1 year ; F, Bi.lmcs. \S\<i48to<:». Vt Canadai John Bull, btill. 7 year* . A. A. Haveiuever Stokr l\«iV J^bn Bail, bail calf. 7 moatha : T .V. Havamever Mermma 'f bt. Lambert 11 . cow, 4 years . Frederick »'Uling« l(ariaot:e Pogi* Sod. ball calf. 9 months Wm Whiting. HolyoWe. Mass Cnvut Scoke i'cg.s, bull, 4 luonibs . M. Tbnmpsv^D. BenjanlsviUe. N. J Call Him Bme. bull, 1 year . G. L. Baker, Sand's Point. N Y Br>i'da'< John Bull, bull. -2 years, H. M. Howe, Bristol, K 1 Prarla IVsu heifir calf. Smooths; C. I. HoiUou. New Y.>rk KaocyofSt. Lan-btrt. cow. 4 years . N. I' Bfirv, Lexinjitou, Ky Columbine of St l.aniNfrt. cow, 11 years. F K M. Kehn. New York Cana BoUe Fcgu heifer, lyear , FreUertck Billing' CoraTj^ii teifer. I vear : .Vjer .)t UcKin- Doy, Mcre<lith, S. V Of the t.>*klarJ3 i'J head sold for ?17.630, an averatie of JtJOT '.'3 i.if the Fresh Pood herd 7 head sold for SI, Oi'o. an average ot Jlo-'.ll 2.100 i,*e 1,700 I.IW 775 750 710 S50 6i5 400 4C0 3S0 a« 570 GAVE UKR HIS HEART AND WKALTH Salcid* trllrrk Lea*** Muuey to a Wlduu uho Rrjrrtad Hliu. A Norwalk, Conn., despatch says : The will of James B. Selleck, who committed â- nicide on the morning of April lltb by plauijino head foremost into a well en his premises at Darien, just admitted to pro bate, leaves a fortune of about ?30.COO, the balk ot which he j;ives to the widow ot George Daekam, fortiierly of Norwalk. It is reported that Mr. S?llec« proposed mar. riage at one time to Mrs. Uiskam, but was refused in conseijuence of differing views upon financial maltsrs. This rejection, to- gether with the (ear of dyicj; in penury, is â- aid to have led him to kill Dimself The tact has lately come oat that the deceased made an at'iempl to commit saicide by ahootiug himself in the head about la week before his leap into the well. Mr. Selleck's wife died several >ear« ago without leaving any children, and the nainral heirs of the estate, of wbooi there are over twenty, will make a strong dght against the will, alleg. ing that improper iniluence was brought to bear upon the hstator in favor ot Mrs. Daekam at a period when he was of on- eoQud mind and inoapable of making legal disposition cf bis estate. * -^ THK 1>B%U ALIVV. A VouiiK Wuuii*n*« Vnexpectetl Keturu Holiu- CauM!* A »eii*atloo. A Fraoklin, Fa . despatch says : Mies Annie Grirtiths arrived here uneiiwctodly today. Two years ago her relatives received a despatch giving an accoant of her death by foal means in Kansas. The body of a woman was fouud in Kansas City, in whose dress pocktt was foand a letter addressed to Annie drittilhs, Frank. Un, Pa., and whose tuffs were marked with that lady's initials. As Miss Oriftiths was in the West, her friends telegraphed to have the remains sent here, but they had already been buried and it was thought best uol to disturb them. For over two years Annie has been mourred as dead, and the sensation she created ar.ioug her rela lives by sadJeulv appearing before them can be better iiiiaomed than described, 8he is at a loss to account for the finding of Ibe loiter in the pocket ot the dead woman, and does not give much account cf herself, only saying she has been in the West. Two Fasklou Notes. When a father in M»d«i;ascar gets the colion that his daughter ou!,ht to marry he puts a rope around her neck and leads her forth, and the first yoncg man he offers her to has koI tj take her or pay a forf;.>il. When a Freuchutan enters a shop in Pans, if it be of nw.l- st proportions and he i»ii sio the ehoji keeper or his wife, he dolls his hat and makes as polite a bow as it he had entered the preseuce of the Presi- dent of the Keiuibiic. ^ CaDse for Orlevaucr. Flatbers -What s the mather, Mrs. PiitTv â€" yer seem out o" sor ris ? Mrs, Duffy -An' enough to make me. l)utT>'a gone off on a drunk and he'll be batui' the loile out cf some wan else. It's the ttrjt toime since our marriage he neg- lected me I _ A Crlllrlsui of Caniula. '• And what do vou think ot our oounlry, Mv Lord." Lord Tomnoddv Oh, there's loo mnoh ot it. No pei'ple could furnish oobilily for tuoh an e.iteut of territory. TKOM thj: tar wkst. The C. p. B. has advanced mon^y to the German oolonista at Danmorelo bay cattle. An agent is now in Soathem Manitoba purchasing the stock. Definite infoitmation has reached this city that th»,C. P. R. will build a branch from Brandon 10 the Soaris coal fields and also an extension cf the Soathwestern branch from Deloraine west to meet the Brandon - Soaris branch. The distance from Brandon to the coal beds is 100 miles, and from Deloraine to the prcposed junction 25 miles. Both projected lines will ran tfarotigh well settled seclicus of coantry, and in addition to the benefit that will be derived by farmers, they will hi the meacs of developing the coal depc^iis cf the Soaris. Th«> work will pruoably begin shcitly. The aiillers tc-day withdrew from the agreement with the grocers not to retail fijar. This is joite a serious blow to the Grocers Association. Mr. Scewar: Malvey's letter, resigning his ccnnection with the Winnipeg Conserv- ative Assecialion, has been made p:iblic, and he says: "It most be apparent :o all that the efforts cf the association :o 'solid up ana mamtain a Ccnservalive party in this Province have now and have always been completely ignored by oar Ottawa leaders, and that as often as we build op they pail down. I am sick and tired cf the way the party has been treated in this Province. I: doss appear to me that the Ottawa people by their actions forborne years have manifested a desire to see Be. form role m this country, and after mattire oonsideration I have come to the conclusion thai there is little use in endeavoring to resist the will ot the Ottawa people. ' Tea summer carnival scheme is likely to be abandoned owing to thedi:>inclination of the Goveromec: to give the necessary financial assistance. Mr. J, A. Donaldson has been appointed city freight agent ot the Canadian Pacific Kailway. Mr. F, W. Peters, of Port Arihar, will be appointed local agent in saccession to Mr. Belcher. The Greenway Government have offered the promot<.'rs cf the proposed sammer carnival ?1,000. This is utterly inadei^uate, and the prc:eci will nrobably fall throagh, A baoy named Martin died at the baptisxal foot in the Church of the Bedeemerat Calgary while being christened The affair caased a panic in the church. A cumber ot motmted poU emen at Prince Albert recently broke into Saperin tendeni Perry < .juarters daring the absence of that official and heloed themselves to liquors. A number cf arresu were then made. Humphrey Keller, TO years old, was founa dead ojtside cf his shanty near Rapid Kiver, Rainy River, with the left side of his huad smashed in by a blunt lustrumenl. Suspicion rests on a Dane named Neil Johnston, who lived with the deceaeed. Johnston has been missing ^ince two davs before the discovery cf the body. Keller s neighbor. Hdnrard Connors, found the corjse with his (Connors') dog watch, tag it. None of the deceased's property is disturbed. The cause of the murder is a mystery yet, but is believed to have taken place during drtmken orgies. Burefootcil Children, Children who are allowed to go barefix>ted enjoy almost perfect immaniiy from the danger of " cjld ' by accidental chilling ot the feet, and they are altogether healthier and happier than these who. in obedience to tbo usages of social life, have their lower extremities permanently invalided, and, so to say, carefully swathed and put away in rigid cases. As regards the poorer classes of children there can be no sort of doubt in the mind of any one that it is incomparably better they should go barefooieu than wear Ks}ts thai let in the wet, and stockings thai are nearly always damp and foal. â€" L, â- ui- (1 L-ncd. A ijmart Mllkmuii. ' The milk that I got of you this morn- ing soured." " Voa diln I get it of me. ma'am. ' Well, Bridget did. It s all the same. ' - No. it isn't, ma am. SDe's to ngly that she d make any milk turn sour. Now, as V03 are very handsome, why, when you get the milk, ma'am ' ' I didu't think ot tott. I'll gel the m:'.k myself after this.'' â- • Puase, ISy Brslhrvn!" â- Most of you.' said the Bishop ot Peterborough once to some candidates for ordination, " will do well to avoid action in the pulpit. I shall ..sver forget a raw- b.'ued Irish curate I ciice bad, with hands like legs of mutton. loan see him still preparing for a grand peroration, and leniung over the pulpit with outstretched dei^ndent palms, as he exclaimed, ' Paws, me brithreu. paws 'â- ' " A Texi44 Kouitiuce. A mouse in a Texas dairy fell into a pan- ful ot milk. It swam round and round in its tt! oris to get out, but in vain. Uow- over, throagh the activity otits movements the milk wss at last ohumed into butter, and the moass steered a butter raft to the pan's edge. Then jumping out it ran at once to the cracker box to atili.:e the taste ot batter in its throat.â€" j!ionj/m>'u«. There are more than eighty national oemrteriea in America iitaining in all 315.053 graves, (,lt these 133. UO are the graves of unknown to'.diers. Took Hliii at His Wonl. â- ' What idiots they have on the news- papers nowadays !" exclaimed Homblower. ••There was a reporter in here yesterday, and I told him about the big improvements I have been making down our way. Ol oourse 1 told him not to mention my name in his paivr, and the blamed tool didn't. JiMMis Cook, a boy ot I'J years, is Ihe rfiguiii< sensation in Georgia because ot his wouderftil knowledge of the Soriplures. He preaches powerful sermons and has converted a number of people to the faith. Harrison, the aged â- boy preacher," will uow have to resign the title. A swallow may not u^aks a summer, but a frog makes a spring. " I do not aoderstand society. " said Mrs. Ntwriche. " When I invite people to my house 1 never put on the cards from ' four until seven,' They can stay as long as they like." The newest thing in London household economy is a female butler â€" a maiden dressed in a livery of blue, grceu, gold or scarlet, as taste may prefer. The effect alleged is " more quiet ande^iual style." WAS sax \ BORGIA ? Mrs. Chandler's BomanUe Care«r, her Hos- tiandaaad Their Rjstariosa Dcacha. A Mobile, Ala., despatch say; : Carrie E. Holbrook Chandler, the mother ot Mrs. James Maybrick, who is charged with pois- oning Maybrick in Liverpool, is a woman with a Vet y ij.iia„ii,; career. Mits Holbrook came here about l;5i5 visitmg her ancle Rev. J. H. Ingraham, rector otst. Johns Church, aathor of the Prince of the House cf David. She was very popular in society, being a good con. versatioualist. hanasome though not pretty, and quiet ana prepcssessing in aemeanor. Among those who .jined her troop of admuers was young Vi ;Uiam G. Chandler, son of one of the most prominent merchants of the city. was one of the most agreeable of Mobiles ycong mea, educated and refined ana :aite sac- ceistul in bueintss. The two J ;aEg people were motually taken with ace another and he followed her to her home in New York city, where they were married. Returning to Mobile they lived in good style, and Mrs. Chandler increased her in. duence in society. ?&e was as much ot a belle as before marriage, and her society was especially sought by TOt:rg men. It was at the beginning cf in* civil war that Frank Dnbassy turned up, beir.: a captain in Ihe Ordnance Department c! the Con- federate Government. Captain Frank was a remarkably hand- some man and a cashing He fell in with the Chandlers and scon there was some talk of bis attentions to the lady. Suddenly Mr. Chandler tell :.'.. He grew rapidly worse and his came to offer their assistance, bet wer.- refused ad mittance to the bcbse. Chandler died, attended by no one but the ycang wife, and the report arose that he had been killed by her. There was no jficial in . estigation of Ihe charge, b-at it affected her position. which became so unpleasant thai she took her two children a::d moved tj Maccn, Ga. In less than a year she marric-i Du'sassy there. ^aortly afterward DuDassy was ordered w go to Europe as a r-presenlative cf the Confederate Government. He and his family tock passage en a blockiide runner cut of Charleston or Savannah, it is not known which, ana had proceeded but a couple of days when Duba-sy. who had been complaining, suddenly died. The captain of the steamer proposed to return to port m craer thai the c±icer might be interred, but the widow strenu cosly insisted that the vessel should con- tinue. She said that she dia not like the risk cf taming the vessel back and demanaed that the bcdy be oast overboard. This was dene, and the vessel reached Europe la due time. MOrj! »Ci.Nt>Al.j. In a year or two she drifted back to New York, '.vbere she was involved in a scandal with some actor, which was pubUsbed in the papers at the time and created a great sensation. After this she went again to Europe and met and married Baron Vcn Roque. There was shortly a scandal with bim also, and it is said he was not faithful to her, and at one time he gave her a bea: ing. to she left him. It seems that they led an adventurous life together After separating from Von Bovjae the lady became a woman ot the world, and when last heard from was tilling the evjuivocal position of " wife ' of an attache of the British Legation at Teheran. Per>ia. James Maybrick. wb.' is said to have been poisoned by his wife Florence May- brick. the daughter of Mrs, Chandler, was well known and liked here and in New Orleans. He met the young lady in Europe. \ jcu.;;crvi; ,, f .-iso.vs. A gentleman who was well acv]aainted with Mrs, Chandler duric; her residence in Mobile stated to day that she had a regular mania for coUeciiog all <orl3 of poisons. In other words she was a borough amateur loxicoiogisl. She had .'ollected poise:. s from all parts of the vorld. and look great pride in her collecti.'n, which she had in a cabinet with eaci poison careftillv labelled. The gentleman la >|ueetion once visited her bouse by invitation II inspect this re salt of a strange ••fad." She entertained bim for hours discoursint on the effect and nature of each deadly ai,ent and sb wed such an unusual knowbdge ol toxicoiogy that ever after the narra.or says he enter tained a peculiar drea of the woman, fearing that some day t.^e might be seized with a desire to experiment on him. Our Idlomiitio knglUh. Miss l.angbam (readcg an American paper!â€" What a strange coantry yours is, to be sure, Mr, .le Yank ' Mr. de Yank (jf Bostoi) -I don't think it much stranger than years. But why ? •â- Weil, this paper givei an account ct a game cf bass>ball il think they call itK and it says that • Cbumpy sav a red hoi ball coming for him in ceitre field, but he promptly froze to it. " Ljirrfno* {iljis. CHutlom>. He 'â- Won't you cone canoeing with me. Miss Beaocn ? ' t^he " Oh, I don't dare to 'â- " •• Why. it's all right if you sit perfectly still." " 1 knew it ; but where s the fun? " TEIiEGRAPHlC SUMMARY. A Plilfo tor Kvi-rythluB. Rejected Suitorâ€" Arabella, I am going to blow luy brains oat Arabella Kegiaald. jl*»*^ blow them jut on the stoop , our oarpot is brand new. - Plaids and strijies are in favcr with tashiouablc dressers. Rev. Charles SpurgeoJ, the great Lon- don preacher, having been presented with Sl'io.OOO by bis congregation, immediately gave it all away to the (vor. VHK WA^ '::. t bathe the feet of the mauUm swei't As thfv sambol mvn ihe shore, .Vnd the s*iuuuer strong I buoy along As he seeks the breaker s n-ar The sea birds rest, as tboufib iu their nest. Ou the oiuve of my gwaylpn fotni. And I rook Ihrm to •li>ep ou my bosom Jeep, In a cradle solt and warm And I siuR thu SOU)! of the ages long As a lullaby to eachâ€" Tbetouudof ttau wavis as they l<roak in Ibe cavss Or lurce ou tbo sandy N?aoh. A woman cannot throw a stone as well as a m»n because she has too long a collar bone. She can talk bottsr than a man be- causeâ€"she knows how. It is rumored that Lord Mure inienis resigning sxin. The new Roman Catholic Church of St. Helen's, Brockton, was dedicated yesSer- day. The G'.ivemor-General has forwarded ^500 to assist the sufferers by the St. Saa- vetir fire. At a meeting ot Gen. Boulanger's sup porters in London it was decided to contest ail the elections in France. The High Court. Canadian Order of Foresters, meets ai London on the lltb. I'ith, 13ta and Uth cf Jane. A dynaimte bomb was exploded at the doer of the Civil Governor's hcoseot Oporto yesterday, smashing the windrows. Mr. Gladstone, replying to inquiries, says that he in nowise suffers frcm his m'shap in Piccadilly, and expresses thanks for the sympathy extended to him. Tbe military cilebraticn ot the Queen s Birthday at Montreal coccladed en Saior. day by a sucoeseftil •• at nome." given on the island by tbe c£cers ot the Qaeen's Own. Two men charged with thimble-rigging at the Montreal review, and who, when captarec, had more than $3C0 m their posoesiicn, were n Sattirday fined $10 each. The British man-of-war Surprise was run ashore at Syracuse. Spain, on Satur- day after ccllidirg with and sicking the steamer Nesta. The man of- war is fud ot water. An action for libel for }25,000 has been institated by Messrs. Poirier, Bissette .v Co., Mciitreal publisher:, against L.i J:at\£e for staling that their puolications were immoral. Sir Hector Langevin received a despatch on Saturday informing him that his brother, the Vicar-General of the diocese ot Rimoutki, was ta^en suddenly ill with paralysis. The amoont received by the Dominion Ciovernmenl for licenses issued to American fishermen under the 7u.i.ii i-n-ffuii exceeds ?0jX)O, or doable the amount received dahag the whole ot last year. The Canadian I'aoifi: Ra.lway has ap pUed to the I'nited Stales Ireasary Depart- ment to be bonded as a commeu carrier between ports c: the United Stairs. The application has been referred to the Sohci tor of 'he Treasury. A little i^-year old girl named \ alee was playing ,;n St Charles Borromuie slr-jei, M.;ntreal. and fell ;asl as a street railway car was coming .i:}wn the street. She was run ever and her leg cut off at the thigh. She died in a few minutes, 1 1 is tmderstood that Rev. J. P. Kice, ot London, who was some time ato oompe.l?d to give up mmisterial work on acoouni ot a tailing voice, will resu-jie again alter next Conference. Mr. Rice 'i:as been m business there for some time as a n:embi:r ol tbe firm ot Kice .v Chappie. About ten days age. Thomas. the .'year-old son ot Mr. T. Richard. 03. who lives on Dtindas street, London, jumped on a rake, tbe prongs runiiag into his foot. His foot at fir-: commenced to heal and he used il a Utile. Then it got worse, loc«j».v set in and he died in terrible agony. While a yocng man named Oscir Land- erville was giving insiractieca m surgery before a crowd of students in a Montreal street car with an open kmie in his hand, he bared hii leg and -jiade a oat which an fortunately opened an artery, aid before the bleeding could be stopped he expired. The ceremony of laying the corner stone ot the new Presbvterian Church at Belmont look place on Frija\ last, when a large concourse of people assembled. Tbe stone was laij by Rev. Principal Caven. a band- some silver Irvvfl being presented to him for that purpose by the Building Com- mittee. ^"in Thursday l\st the congregation ot Dumfries Street Presbyteriaa Church, Paris, cc: -iderto. the sabject of Northwest miestoDS. the pastjr. Rev. Mr. Cockburn. presidiog. After hearing interesting papers and addresses, it was decided to contribute '^'260 ar.nuallv in aadition to the regular ocniributiou. The Deputy Marshal of the Vice-Admir. ally Court m v^'jeSec has gone to Montreal to serve a warrant at the instance of the Allans, owners of the ship Polynesian, upon the owners of tbe ship Cynthia, which vessel is aocuseil of having caused the in. juries sostaiced by the Polynesian in the reoeui coUision. Sir Charles Tapper reached LonJon on Saturday and attended the Colonial Secre. tary's Queen s Birthday dicner. Two or three Canadian namos were expected to appear on the 1 si of birthday honors issued on Saturday, bat none were included, though the list is unusually long and nearly all the other colonies are represented. St. Joseph's Church, Stratford, was entered by burglars during Thursday night. They opened the tabernacle of the main altar, from which ihey took two gold vessels used for oontaiuirg the sacrament. They broke open the alms boxes and carried off all they contained. Strange to say they lefl four large sized chalices an. touched. Cajf. Murrell, of the steamer Missouri. which rescued the passengers and crew A the Danmark, paid a visit on Saturday to C^oloheslor. his ua'ive place, and was^iven a most enthusiastic reception by the oiti zens. That evening a ban,|nel was tiivvn in honor of the captain, at which Mr Henry George, on behalf of American friends, presetted him with a gold watch Iu Ihe coarse of his speech, Mr. George denounced tho â- â- mean policy of Protection which had taxed the American ships c.Y the ocean. " A young Mississippian natned Chalmers, who had charge ot the stock on Colonel dray's plantation, al Pine Bluff, Ark,. saw a uegro named Brown cruelly beating a mule with a trace chain. He forced Brown to desist, and later Brown told the manager ot the plantation that he intended to kill Chalmers, On Thursday Chalmers and Brown met in a store, and the negro picked up a stone jug and hurled it at Chai mers, who dodged it. and then shot twice al Brown, wounding him fatally. Chalmers mounted bis horse and escaped. As to Sir Charles Diike, it must be understood that be is u.'C a candidate for Parliament, He declined to stand foe tbe Fcrest of Dean last year, but promised to viail tbe ocnstitaency and address th* minerv. It was Ibis visit that hia laay friends gave him the light ot thair x:untenance. for which act tfary have been called to acoi nnt. Meantime' there is oo doubt that Sir Charles is slowly making his way. Quite recently he has been elected Chairman ot the Chelsea Beard ot Guard- ians, with the goodwill of the Uoioniit Ixal paper Wi.Iiam V. Smith, son ot Judge Smith, at lbs Supreme Court of Nova Scutia. lefk Haliiax. N, J., last Tuescay on the bng Chai. Dancan for a trip to Jamaica He exh.oiica signs of insanity, and on Thurs- day 10 a fit be broke int'D a clcset, seized a ra^r.v and slashed it across his throat, in- dict .ng a fearftil wound The captain and crew b^daged the wound , and the vessal was put about for Halifax, where she arri ed cc Saturday morning. Smith is ia a cruical siaie. bat the doctors thick h« may reccver. He held a position in tha Halifax post c£ce, and oas a wife and youig daughter. A. an early hoar on Saturday morning the -esicecce ot Mr. D. S. Warner. Napane«, was entered by burglars. Mrs. Warner was rouad from her sleep, and was startled to find a man leaning over her bed. Tbe in- truiir pcmted a revciver, saying, • Yoa dare to stir or make a noise and I will fix ycu' See was act to be latimidaled. bat sprang from her 'oed, calling to her htis- 'oanc at ihe same time. The burglar evidently thought he 'aad got in the wrong place, for ne ied to the hall, when be held Mr. .Vsrtter al bay with his revolver anlil he hoa^h: his chance good to eecap* thrcjgh the front door, which he bad pru- dently unfastened and lefl ajar befors itscesding to the chamber. An entrance ha i aeen effected through tbe parlor win- dow, Mr, Warner had a large sum ot mciiey ia his trousers pocket, but 11 was untcached. Mrs. Warner 3 fortimata awa-tening in all probability saved it from the thief's hands. The lady was .juite ill on Saiardsy. but will seen reccver from the effects at her fright.«(i to Kxt-ite ,4 SB3iI*'. If marriage is a auocess divorce is a soo- cesser When a man is well fixed he is not in a fix. A io(: yet persistent answer tumstb awsy a borrowing Deighber. Journals that ase ligbinmg preeses ought to be able to make thundering reports. Eaipicyers who would ketp upen their feet maai not allow their hands to be idla. The families whose descent is tbe best never utiiije il for any personal nctoriety. They have cotton 'sagging at the Soath and pants bagging at tbe knees. The only tune it 1- gcod policy lo bum the bridge behind you is when the enemy is la the rear. ' Quiei marriages" cause the most acise in tbe end. Commercially speakin;; it re.i/aires more than one note to take a ' 'dat." The Boston girl says 'bracelet snake."' It isn I polite to say garter snake. Chicago's Cronia promises :o rival in nctoriety the Oregon article, vintage cl 76. When a man disagrees with vou regard it as an evidence of a wac: of brains and let him go in peace. Modesty is tbe politeness of oc: ceit. Life is a great pabltc park, where it is forbidden to gather tie J»ors, A Future For H»*r. Miss May Davis, an Oregon girl, only 15 years old can crack a walnut with her teeth or lift a barrel cf tJocr with her hands. What ftm she could have with a good strong piano and a sheet of Wagner They All Do It. Visitor at Kindergarten School â€" Chil- dren, your teacher has asked me to say a few words to yen. How shall I begin? Pupil (on the back seat) J'jst as they all doâ€" ' When I was a boy, Tbt- K#y-3iote of Vah.-ippin««(i, The young husband who exclaimed, half m jfsl and halt in eartiest. If we only had a few lees curtains and a tew more xun- totts "' itrack the keynote of anhsppmees in manv a home. â€" t' n jTrga'.\cnix'.ut . â€"Tbe clover seems to be crowding oat the timothy this year, - The groom is likely to be a more sMble character than his master, â€" If yea are travelling in a Pullman ear you want to give a fat man a wide borib. â€"The indications are that the tancolored shi^ and the laa colored aose will both be much worn this season. The moths have stracge tastes. They fre luently appear in overcoats m summer weather. Luck is seldom a good master. His pay days are too uncertain. The Queen has appointed the Hon. Henry James Moncreiff, one of the Lords ot See- siou in Scotland, to be Lord Ordinary in Excheiier Causes, in room ot Mr. Patrick Fraser. deceased. Ten and three quarters miles is the range the French have obtained for the 43- ton gun, thirty five feel long, with an m)0- weight projectile and 433 pounds ef powder. A number of reindeer have been im- ported from Norway and turned out on a forest in tbe north ol S>X)tland in the hope that they may become acclimatized. K^v H. R, H»«Kis, one ot the founders of the Cremalicn Society, advises thoeo who have never done any good in their lifetime to order their bodies to be ere matei,i that they may at least be tbe cause ot good after their death. .\ P\sis fakir is making a fortune by ad- vertising a cure for corpulency, which will without injury to health take off two pound in ten minutes. In return for • frano he advises a trip up the Eiffel Tower, at the top ot which reduced atmospheric pressure reduces the average man's weight temporarily by about two pounds. Thk University Ophthalmic at Breslaa has a director who believes the alarming increase cf nearsightedne^is is caased by the wearing of tight collars. Pudes will please take notice and lef a tnck out of theirs immediately. The Canadian variety will ooBiinne to risk one eye, but it will bo an eyeglass.