la *nj cne ud m the world I wooder ? Does &ay oos we«p on t dtj like iki« ? Vi h the son above and the ^e«a earth under. Why, «bat u Jiie bat a drtam cf bliu? With the loii, acd the skies, and the birda above me. Bird! ibat sin_- aa thev wheel and &yâ€" With ibe wirds that follow and say they Icve me â€" Who cooIJ be lonely ? bo. cot I. BomtbcdT said in the «reet this morning. Aa I opened my window w let in the light. That the darkest day at the world was dawning. But I lucked, and the ea£t wad a gorgeous ai«bt. One who claims tiiat he knows ab<~uc t: TeiU me tbe earth is a vale of sin : But I and tbe bees, and the birds we doabt it. And I think it a world worth living in. 6omv one savs that hearts are Sckle. That Icve ;s sorrow and life :s core. And tbe rearer. Death, witi: bis shining si^klo. Uathets whaicver la bright and fair. 1 told the ibmsh and we laaghed tc-gether, Laughed till tne woods were all a-rtng : And he said Co me. as he plamed each featber. â- â- Weii. i»ople mus: croak if tiiey cannot sine.' Up be ilew. bet has song. rAnaininfr. baoi; like a bell in my heart ail day. And silenc d the voices of weak compiainin;. That inpe '.ike insects along the way. Oh world of lif ht ' Oh world of bea-jiy ' Where are tee pleajsares so sweet as thine ? Yes ; life IS love, and love is duty ; And what heart soCrrows * Oh ho. not mine : TO SLEEP l.N A COS Fl>'. an In- ScuTio of Toanj; BCen KespoDtl tu dertaker'^ Advcrtliieiiieiit. T'OUNti il.VN TO SLEEi' .VND biaibeif useful m unOcrtaker Lihc •o. Cjlll at -..i::' Broadway, The above interestiiiij invitation appeared in the UfT.dd yesterdiy morcicj^, and strange as .t may appear the nncerJaker was befiictod witii applioac:s dtiiroca of •le^pisi; m a pine boi acJ acswerir-i '.he ui^ihc bell ot lit' uuiertiker 3 estabiish meDt. I saw the proprietor of ihe ftmeral cffije. ai.d be told vce that be had almost loet bis paiienje, so cumtroaa were the youES Qien who were wiUioK to rest their weary limbs amid iueh ghostly sarroand- irij:s. 'â- Yoa see," he said, " ihere are a great uaoiber o{ yoanij Lii»!>ishmec â€" grooms, viless and what cot â€" who come over here and have no place; to i.t^o at ni^hl, and wbou t'aey see aa advertisement like mine, that offers them shelter and beer mODey, why. they i-aiup at it. Tjey may â- ay ' ugh ' QU'.side, and j'«ear they woalan': aleep in a cc£a. but they tui i: away ahead o! a bench ia UeraU. the lark. â€" -Ve W^rk He Culueth Not. sbe S^id. She is wai'.iu^ in tbe darkness, she i^ waitict; by the door, and she hears tbesaa gea^ a3 it beats the sandy shore : and she tears the nij;htbird cryicf!, ana the waili:;.; of the trees, and upon her fev- ered foreliead gently blowj the soathern breeze ; bet in vaiu she stards and I'stt::* for the scming of the one who to her is prin^-e and hero, who is brighter than the •an. Close the deer. weepinsj lady. close the door and weep alone, to the 8ii;h- inji of the branches to the ooean's snlien moan; to Ihe scrvamic^ of the ni>!ht bird, to the sobbit^i; of the rain, as it falls like tears from heaven, pashius on the window |Mktie. L^t your eyes this ni^ht be nvers And your hair a tnoarniui; veil, let voiir •oul ticat oat to heavea iu a wild despair- in^ wail; for the footsteps of your hero do net echo on the shore, and to-iUiht you'll never see bim though \oa're wailing by the door ; and ycu will not hear the ma^io of the voice \ou love so well, ycu will only hear the moaning cf the oceau s restless •well. Close the door, (> weepiasj lady. look no more for him >on love, better look for hope and comfort to Ihe sombre aky •bove ; to \our side your love and hero all yoar walohtng cannot win, for he tried to pAint the city and the peelers ran him in. â€" Kebratkii Sfaf^ A'urti.ii. Frlcntla of ths Fiirmer It may be an advantage to point oai •ome of the friends of the farmer, which. oonse<;aenily, uo farmer should destroy or allow lo be deslroyeo. Among these are toads, which are, under ail circumsiancts. the farmer's friend ; moles aiii lield mi.e. probably, do a vast deal mote of good than harm; all birds. t«pect ally robias. wrens, thrushes, orioles, cuckoos, pbebes. blue birds, woodpeckers, •wallows aiii cat birds. 'X'he desiraction of all these aad many others, Txcept for â- cieutiti.- purposes, shoald be made, nnder very heavy peualties. illegal lu every Btate. The house sparrow, known better aa the Kcglish sparrow, is to be rated an eioeptija. This bir-l is now nnivcrsally regarded >;< a nuisance, hrst, because of lis grain and vegetable destroy iugpropeusii its ; •econd.y. because it Jrives away insect dts>:royiug birds. Among ii:>.cts. many wast'S are friends, especially those wiiti a more or lees protruding botu or sting at the end otthe aUtomeu. Lady bugs and lace- wing dies live entirely upon destructive insects, especially plant lioe aud scale insects, and should never be deslro>ed. I'ragon t!u>. or devil's darning needles, are also useful as well as harmless. â€" Uulittin 46, Xt» Jerity, A. C. K. S. Romance of Crluie. One cf a re^Mnt p»ri\ of convicts bouni (or Siberia was a baroness and her hus- band, formerly her fi.iotman. sentenced c>ach 10 twenty years' servitude. The baroness was married when young to an old man, and she fell in love with his foot- man. She poisoned her husband and was arrested, but :.-â- • fjotinan ts.-aped. t?ae •ubseiiiienlly e3.-»p<.d from the hospital wbeto she was cottiiied. sought out her footman lover, and married him. They •etlled in liovno, and were only recently disoovered there, liviu»; iu abject poverty. Northwest Klvcr* Dry I'v- Th? Saskatchewan is nearly run out and has hardly enough water to merit the name of a river. Sandbars everywhere meet the eye and cover a greater area of the bed of the river than does the water. At Titt the ohaimtl is ouly a few rods wide, n the South Uranch it is so low ih.M it is found impossible lo operate the ferry al ^aeka- toon, and fording the river has to be re- •orted to. Katla are bo»ched all along the river, and movements in Ihe lumber inter- ests are impossible. Battle Kiver is also vers low. -fviff iV/orJ lUni'.d. â€" 'f r.o;ie but bak?rs played iho game cf baseball one rnigUt readily ncco'uiit f.T tl o muffin'. CURRENT TOPICS. Tiiz Germans are still i^eatly interested in the larynx. At the Surgical Ccngrt^a in Berlin recently more than one instance was shown cf the entire removal of the larynx and iab«e<jaecl ability to speak. Xh£ Largest cat seye in the world arrived at London this week from Ceylon. 1:3 pre- sent weight cat is 170 carats, and it is inbored for 3O.0C0 rupees. It ia wonder- fully beautiful, the gem giving cat a wide. warm beam cf opalescent light. Cai's-eyea cf the l:r3t-cla:9 are now aa vaiaable as diamonC;. Hon. W. E. Gi-iieTcsE, in reply so an c2ar from an American sycdicati.- for a etriea cf articles, writes : " At my age the stock of brain power dots net wax bat wanes, and pabhc calls apon my time leave me only a ductuatiug reeidne to dispcse of. All idea cf a series of everts is therefore, 1 have Cnaliy decided, wholly be} end my power to embrace. " LoEi BaazcET has jnt fitted op acd f::r. hiihed a most interotirg addition to hia hcase in the ehape cf a ccUecticn cf valu- able curiosities gathered ty him icd Lsdy Brsisey curing their vo)st«.^ around the world in the sunbeam. The decvratiecs ata pacelings cf the rccm are mace cf tancaiwocd acd teak. The room ia de- hcicusly fragract. while the sabcned colors cf the walls ana aisles form a beautiful backgroand. Cuii.:-ij WmTTXi'i^p.. an ecctnlric Ger- man living at Means Holly, N. J., created a seLsi'.ion by ascoaccing that he has offered h.s will fcr probate in ordtrto have h 7 estate settled caring his afciime. A ciau-ie in she will proviaes that ^ne-half of his estate shall go to his wife belay so Iccg »:^ -^he remains his widow, and when she marries again the ether bait shall be paid to her, " as :t costs mere to keep two ihan one. Tiii paraiiiic itseets which have teen impel ted frcm Aoosralia to prey upon the cottony cushion-scale, the moat s<ric-;» enemy of the orange in California, ate alreadv multiplyicg rapidly la Lcs Acgelee aud eweep the scale before them, as bas been the experiecse iu Aastraiia. Mr. Kccbeie, the agent of government, bas brought to Califcruia a large supply ot these predaccous beetles and will disiribute Ihem wherever the scale is trou'oleecme. iv'TT in MianeeOta they have novel ex pedirnts for icoressing the population. Lately in Dalcth the employees cf a broom factory sirack. whereupon the proprietor aavanced the wages of the married hands, ana ton tbe <mgle men that unkss they were married before the end c: the month they wcula be discharged. Hartisge was made the condition of retention in employ u^ent at an increased salary. With such original aiKl enterprising employers withui her borders, no wonder that Mluceeota ex- pects to coable her Congressional represen- tation after the I'.^OO census shall have been taken. I'-i.N;; C cSi-ESTis writes from Darjeeimg. ludia: "I note some carious anomalies here in these old Himalayas. Many of the rude huts, which are cf tne same style as they have been fur a Ihoasasd yei^rs or more, are roofed wiih galvani.:evl iron, and Ihe sides of some cf them are sheetea over with M|uare pieces cf tin. 1 his tin comes from 1'nilauelphia od cans, and some cf the mountain huts are lighted by theSsand- ard Uil Company's oil. Calico from Eng- land IS coming into ess among the native ;«. and many of ihe idcls upon being iuverteu are found to have s^mken into lOeir bra.-s bottoms the trademarks of the Birming- ham manufa.:tories. ' XuM preference of shipowners for large cargo carrying vessels is becoming more ana more pronounced, and the companies more pariicilarly engaged ia the pat: o! the shipping trads in which sailing ships •re wcrKed seem to vie with each other in securiL'g " tbe largest ship atloat." h.- ttmatiou is ma.le tnis week that a contract has been plac-ed en behalf of Messrs. Ant. Dom. Bocdes A ?oc. I'aris and Bordeaux, with a hrm on the Clyde, who make the building of sailing chips a specialty, for the construction of a live- masted steel sailing >hip to cart> i' COO tons dead*eigh:. Not ouly will It be tbe llrst five- master, but it wiU be the largest sailing ship atloat. Si EAivi.Nij of the run across tbe Atlantic iu less than six days made by the City of Tan*. Ihe Fhtladelphia TeUjr^ph says : " This new and undisputed i^^e-eu of the Sea^i is practically an American vessel . she IS luaeed lo all intents a Thiladelphia properly, a controlling amount of her uwuersi'ip being central in this city ; yet by i.'.ir perverse laws she is fcrced tody the British dag. More than this, her submis sion to Kcgland is so absolute that she oeuld. in the cvaliugency of war between Koglaud and the United States, be con- verted by our enemy into a cruiser to bom- bard our ports and prey upou our com meico, the while she IS virtually our own property." ALd >et they call it a •• pro- leciivo " policy which products such results as these ) The movement to erect a memorial at Kirkcaldy. Fifeshire, Scotland, in honor of Adam Smith, author of the "Wealth of Natiots. ' a native of the town, is taking practical shape. A preliminary meeting cf Magistrates and. others, pres;d;d, over by I'rovost Beveridge, has come to a strong opinion in favor of the movement. The ideit is lo build a large memorial hall, with accommcdation for a free library, etc.. at a cost of about iloO.OOO. The meet iug was most unanimous in the matter. j and a committee was appointed to .'.raw up ' a tepwrt. lo be submitted to a public meet i ing of the inhabitants lo be hel 1 at an 1 early day, when arrangements having in I view the raising of tbe fund will be dis- I cussed, and also probable sites tor the pro ; posed buiKUug. ' Tiii: Puke of Hamilton's deciaicr. to let ! Arran has caused much excitement in the Firth cf Clyde district, as it is regarded, 8«>sa I.:indoa newspaper, as only a pre- limirary step to selliug the ia'aud. Tho ahooticgs extend to 70.0C0 acre4, and the estimated ba^; ia 5.0OO brace cf grouse. 50 stags and 30 hinds, while in winter tbe isiar 1 a^jrda some of the best wcodcock ihooting in great Britain. The rent asked for the whole is £7.000 a seascn. The whole cf Arran belongs to ihs Doke. except tbe estates of KUmicbael an i Whit«firland, which a.-- i ; . jr ._,criy cf the Mi»=t s Ful- lartoc, wiiose family have been settled on the ialand rince 1307, and the shooting over tbe estates is leaeed by the Daks cf Bami!' ton. The Arran scenery, both cu the 008 = ; and among the tills, ia magmdcent. Tki simpless way to moderate the glare cf tbe light of incandescert Umpa wilhcnt losing tco murh of its lighting power is tccording lo the EUctritchi Anseigfr, to give the tlobea a thin coaling of collodion. â- With a little practice the ucLform distribc- ticn cf the coiJodicn ccatirg ever ihe whole sarface is seen achieved. Besides sim- plicity and cheapness this method prtsscta the acCit:oi:al acvantage that tbe coat ia easy to remcve with water. In cocnecticn with this tommnnication ike F .'.yuchnuche .V.tLit.' .rr ieccmmtr.ds to paint ihe lamps ever with a soluticn cf a salt, whereby ibey are covered ty a coal cf nne crvstals. These mramerablecrvstalss^ectaCiScsion of the light withcus material.;, dimiciehing its intene ty. .Salts cf lead and tin a:e thocghi to be the most suitable for this parpcse. "cut ether materiili may be fccnd mere convecieni. Liir week there was a gr^at stir in the English religicue wcrld. Mr. Spargecn opened with a vigcrccs atts.-k upon Rcv. Dr. Clificrd, President c: the Baptist I'cien. fcr attend. ng service in South Blaee Chsrrl. Moccure Cccway's old head ijnarlers. tew chiedy U'^ed by Cempteists acd secclorists. ilr. Sfurgecn wcnders bow a can proftssiEg to 'oe a servant cf Christ cculd associate iiimse.i with such a place. C!.£fcrd has been cursing his wrath and on Snnday. frcm his cwn palpit. de livertd areply. The other trailer, according to a cablegram, isaperscns^ juarrel between Ivev. Charles Berrv'. who was cifered tbe pastorale c f the Brooklyn Chapel, and Rev Dr. Barker, the famous Cccgregational preacher. Berry'-- c2eBce lay in appearing on a political platform with Mr. Brad- laugh, the Radical atbeiat ari member for Ncrtbanipton. Mr. Berry defended him- self with much viior. and wound up by remarking that Parker i^ a man who makts emphasis do iuty for eriginalisyâ€" a etalement which ihoee w:-.o heard the rev. ioctor prtach in .America will be able :o appreciate, l^r. Parker has just made a somewhat inccherent rvt-ly to what he terms an tin warrantable and ccutemTitible attack, and he al-o will have more to say on the sab;ect next ScLCay from the palpit. into which it is no« fashionable on tbat sloe to drag perionaiiiies and other extraneous matter. So far as the j'ladraple Sgbt has gone, Sijargeon and Berry have had deciJed:v the better of it. STAINS ON BBICKJ. Ihe Cgly tThiteCoaIin( Can be PreTeQ'ed "Many a noble building :» half mine - almcet aa soon aa ccmplekd." saidac^c- traci.r yesterday, " and many another vili go en sufifenng icis sime proccsa fcr a long time tc ecme. Early in their career qoansitic s cf brick strccinrea become coated with a white frosty covering by some irysterious process, and occa stained their beauty is loai forever. Sione buildings en]'>y no immuoisy frcm this onsightly ccating. and a number of the cneet brown stone cCidces in New England have bee :- by their means rccbed of a porticn cf their grace. The moat noticeable stains are gene- upon walls that have a northern or eaatern expceti.-i: and are mest enb- jectea to rain oiorma. They 'wccme soaked with mcuture. and the white coating forma npcn their tuifice while they are drying cS. Abcus the chim- nevs. aleng the lines cf leaky water Sfcuts and cpcn the bricks that ;_rm or l:e i-=ar ice pavcett ;he stama are apt to be prevalent, as in sUch spcts the dampness dries n.c-: rapidly, and thus the ugliness of the cca;.ng is battened and accectuaied. The ti;rescecce is derived frcm fc;:'Q the brick and the mcrtar. and ia a ccmbmaticn of sulpha:.'! cf l.ce ana magrceia. which is rormto. auritg ihs prccesi cf bt:rniri. I: prcter precautions were ^'oterved in the ertcticn of pr:mi- tently eipcsed bci.dr:.- these efecta mifeh: be minimized. Fjr instance, hme that IS a'csc.'.;:cly dcvcid c: magnesia should be used '. :: mcrtar. e::d m the manufacrore cf 'cncis w-cc .i sbccld be the fuel, as the snlphmcns vspcr ar;^ ng frcm a coal ire is sure to mins-.e to seme sxtent with the burnt clay, '^'.th these ingre- dient?, sulphur and msg-t.-'a. remcved there can le little darger .f di;!igurtd Kalis. Yet it will be many a day befers I';, lers will ;cme lo lea.-n lbs. They w.uli rather trarafactu.-e tbe;r msuria-s in the presrnt 5l:pehcd fasr.rn. and let the L'.vner take his chances as to 5~b- iejuiLt disEguretntnt by wine and weai'cer. ' Latest frutu Jutland. Montrose has given a commission fcr a statue of Burus to Mr. \V. B. Rhird, sculptor. Edinburgh. Last >ear i'oSl 497â€" an increase on the previous year of xJa 2ySâ€" was expended on education in Scotland. At the Bvck House. Leith. ag^d â- ' ' year-, passe-d aw»y -lohn Aii'sen White, agent. I'nioQ Bank c;' Scotlan.i. The name of Dr. Marcus Docs is men- tioned in cotireciiou with the vacant pro- fessorship in the New College. Both I 'r A. K. H. Boyd and Cameron Lees have received tbe degree cf LL. D. from St. Andrew's Tniversity. Rev. Arc'i. Henderson. Lathoaes. on en- tering tbe 'Oih year uf his pastorate there and who 13 retiring, has been presented with an address and £300. During a thunderstorm on the 'i-^ih ill. ihe canteen a: Blackness Castle, Linlitb- Kowsbire. was struck by lightning and the building »as much damaged. B. McGinn bas inst died in Arbroath In- drmary fiom some milkhaving turned into a hard substance in his stomach. Before taking it be had been drinking heavily. Rev. John Robertson. Stonehaven, preaching in Glasgow tbe other day. said " He oeJieved every word of the West- minster CcnfeseiOD. because be never read It." The freedom of the royal burgh of Falk land was conferred on tbe 1st inst. on the Manjuis of Bute. It ia sixty years since tbe laat honorary bargees was added to the roll. An eld ledger has recently been brought to light iu Edinburgh. It belonged lo a merchant of tbe sixteenth c-entury At the top of Ihe inside board, the bookkeeper had inscr.bed tho words "God blis this bulk and keip me and it honest. ' Bishop Wordsworth preached in S; Giles'. Edinbnrgh. in eoimection with the graduation ceremony. This is tbe urst time an Episcopalian dignitary has ap- peared in the pulpit of St. Giles since the day on which Jeciy Gcddea made her name historic. The foundationa of what was the Castle of Macduff. Thane of Fife, are at present in the course of beion uncwercd in Ihe ex plorations at old Falkland House, and special attention will be given to the geon where the Duka of Roihes': starved lo death. oau- was " Brio lit s DtsiAst has no symptoms of its own." says Dr. Frederick Roberts, of Vniversity CoUeije. London. First -^et rid of Ihe kidney disesMi- by using Warner's Safe Cure, then the effects of the sv mptoms will be removed. 01 the fifty or more ambitious writers who have aitempleii to till Josh Billings shoes, not one baa succeeded iu attracting attention. Plnoh and tapestry coverings for fine furniture have had their day. for a time anyhow, de'alers say. and satin. K'th plain and brocaded, is taking their place. The Queen of Greece amuses herself by writing poetry. The gentle wave of a laoe-edged pocket- btndkerchief has carried more poor fellows to their doom than the mighty breakers at lbs sea. St. Catharinea tax rate has b.>en struck at i I mills. Waehirgloa hai 80.000 mors women than men. .VI luil-Kcader tJ;>hr<p* l*»iu'.lar.l.e*. Wssbirgtcn Irvirg B.sncp. who died the other ('ay. seeme i alwavs to btlorg to the darkness and I'ce niiht I: -.vas ver-- unusual :o see b:"^ abeut m the i»y time. At the Gedney H;e-;'. where he >:.-pped befor- bis last irip to Cal fornia. b-.- ;;.-'.;a»^y occupied CIS room until i or 3 c cl.-.-k m the afu rneop.. wh-!: he g?: t.' took br»as:i-t. Then he was to 'oe.'c-. i art-nnd town all the evening and an:i. 4 cr 3 or c'.en '.â- o'clock tbe ici: I: was tbe m-st; ibirg in tho world to go it to a-y of tbe cafrs aLr.: B.-oadway at j J .-lock and nnd Bisbcp th-? centre ;f an admiring crowd, which r .• h»J been enter- taining for perhaps an ho'ar cr : »o rre- vioasl-. . V.hen he g:t into trie I'-'^larai: i ..vidiiica resulting '.rcv.i fre ;nei ; pota- tions be was in the habit cf u-aiing the mc*! . xtraord:nary :T»;j-j;eti:s concerning himwlf I remember him cn-.> nimbi m Miliig-in - anncuac-iug as an i.-5pcrtant secret that SaJie Mirtiro: was his ?.ster. However this may oe. it is true Uia: T. Brig' Bishop, ihi talented bu.ket shop tnan an i tee composer o! "Pretty as a Pi.'tur','. is bis brother, and :â- some re- spects iiite as remarkable a hu:nan 'being â- â- ' â- \. c Y -x ".- rlj as the late mmd readrr Ueconilion-i .ic Ital iiiui:i!. WOX£N MAKLXG I'F. Their t'oins »o Pleiue> tfa» Menâ€" All Non- »eu»« to *ay They »huaM >ot Do •in. It i^ all r.onsenre to leii women net to â- • make cp, ' says the Philadelphia Inquinr. They will do ir. and we moai oonfeaa that some are positively repulsive moatly be- cause they enceavcr to do away entirely with all the dainty aocesscries so necessary to a charmirg and astrsctive toilette. The trouble is that so many silly womec, ia iheir anxiety for self-iaiprovement, over- reach tee mark which divide* r«dned eleticce frcm grotes vie vtilgarity- The fault lies net so mn-h in the nae of seme cne or more articles to improve defects, but the way ia which they are used. Ah '. the men are so fearfully ia- censiatent. That ia the trou'ole. Fow eflen they are heard tc declare, in terma moat emphatic, that woman s greatest charm is La being perfectly natural. Now watch them, tleaae, when inirtj- d-ced to a fascinating 'oit ef femininity. I'o they step to study up nausea and effects to find 'uat what has eiven that celica:^ tir.;e of color to the prstty white chetii. to injuire why the eyes Icok so cark anc: oril- Uant as they dance and sparkle bene«:h the czrly finffy bang ? Of coarse act. The laccnsistent creature, man. reah.MS bat one thing. The girl is lovely, and he who is so rtady to condemn is also the Irs; to admire. The cute little woman laughs in her sl:eve and goes cc her way rejcicing, feeling juite repaid fcr the extra attention gr.ea la her skilfol and ar:.i:;c make up. A variety of alterations and improve- ments are to be carried o'-t »: Baimoral daring the next two uiontb? . It has been decide.! that a -cimb. r .: she ;ubil=e pres- ents are :o be sent lo Balmoral, ana thry will be arrang-.'d in the drawisgrcom and library, an â- 1 111 the >?ntrance hall and cor- ridor «hich are now pretty well c.led tt»tuct' and busts o' various members of the Royal family, including Theed s whits marble statue of tbe Prince Consort, who is re. resented ia U;i;oland dress: and of this work a gigant.c replica, in broci?. is a prcmiiieat object in the grounds. Tbe lilting rooms at Balmoral are principally deoorat-d and furt ished in Stuart tartan. of whi.n the c^".:een ;s very fond and the walls *re adorned with the hea U of stags and c'. :ier sporting trophies, and huog with epgra\;:',g8 aud photographs representing Hi_':il.i.-d scenes, and a few portraits but ther. are verv few iiclures. and rone of any merit, as .UerMa;es:> s large ctfllecsicn I. .;â- '.. thise 'Khich are her own private proper; 1 1 13 divided 'oetween Osborne and the private apartments at Windsor, except a few ncf.ires which a-e k^pi at Bugking- hi'.ii Palace. -I.C m' 'i Vni:\. New ONTAKIO PU^TAI. SEtV?. oajc^-s Op^-neU in Out.iriu â€" Others CloiMfU â€" Change-, ia Naiue-^. ".ng tbe first three mcntha of he following new post cfficea year been opened in Cniar: Bigot. Renfr-w Clcacslee gcma Fas..c s Nest. Brani Het-^or. Mornirgtor. P-rih thia lave Barr -tie Lefrov .U rd Brant New Floe r .cs. -.moce . Paraersville. Stephecscn. M:-SL-ia. Whitehall. McMirrich. Mua- kcka. ZV^^ These pcist crices have 'oeen closed . Bal- tie s Corners, i-'r.eiigarry County ; Patter- sec Ycrk County ; ilabbit Moantain, Algcma Ccunty. Changes have been made m the names cf post cicea thus . Credit to Springfielcon- the-Crecit Farcersviiie tc Athens ; Red Rock to Sepigcn Serpent P^ver to Ccck's XiUs. and Stewart Staiion to Fort Cald- well. ^i^ib^Sf^ The Miiford Bay post cr-ic^. ia Slmcce ocunty. established as a summer cfiice only, .? now kept open aL tbe .ear round. The foiiowing new money crder ofioee were established la Ontario rn April 1st: Baden. Deemertoc. Dnnca.k. Uepwonb, Nepig- n. Schrsi'ber. South Woodslee. -^Drii:.:field- on the- Credit. Latent Fashion Goaslp. A Paris despatch savs tha: ca Saturday Purfd.o BUI gave a reception at his shew. a: which 13.000 attended. The ladies blof-i:med cat iji exhibition -:^>. The chief aitractioa. cf course, was Madame Carnot. ia a grey faille with embroidered side- panels as ornamenis. A shotii.ieroape cf black lace reaAed 10 the waist. ela'>.r- ately covered with garlands .-; biack jei. A â- imsil black lace bcnnet was irimmec with scarlet poppies. Miss Mane Vanllaadt's gowa was njti e- able for ita simplic.ty. It ^as made i .'a Pr\nctu<. of black poult de-s;ie. with aftcal of black thread lace. Faiiclr-i Ab*»ut Hgureft, The se\e;': davs of creation led to a Sep :enary division of time in all ages. Nil!-' knots made ia a black wcoUen thread formerly served as a charm in case cf a sprain. Woinsa who wish to preserve the slim ness and c-ontour of their figures are advised to learn to stand well. In many pans cf England and in the Inited States an c^d number of eggs is put uader a selling hen. Whtia Servant maid duds nine greea peas ia one pod she lays it on the window sill, acd the first man who enters will be her beau. There is a well-known inperstition. current >inc-e the days of i.Hid, tbat parti- cular virtue, strength or danger lies in the ninth vvave cf a series. A Distinction With a Diaer«nce. It was at a fancy dress ball that a very handsome womaa approached the u-aer to 'cc anno'dnoed. As the -^'her laid his baud ouihe door he asked â- â- What name shall I announce V â- • Oc.' was the respouse, • lad;, la dress cf the p-jriod of ijceen Aane , no particular character. ' The â- asher dung wide the door, aad in stentorian tones announced. " \ lady la a dres-^ of the period of '^^ueea Aaneâ€" wii'iiom any char- acter. Llrtle Dlch - Iteport. Little rickâ€" " Mamm.-i. that new i.vtcr across tbe way asked me who was oar family pb.^iciaa. Mamma We.l, iear we are aever sick, and wi? have act needed one. ' Tbe New Dcsrior aett jav â€" Well, my little fellow. .i;d yoa fin ; out the name of your famjy physician L.tile Dick â€" ' VVe don t have one. aad we are never sick. S-\ F ri " ;tii. .. After Luncheon. Edith \%x Delmonioo s. c-omparing asset* with Etheliâ€" What shall we do? We havea't enough to pay the biU (A pause of 1 smay I Ethel > brightening) â€" Wbv.l see what we oan io We 11 base tbe bill sent C O. S. â€" .â- â- â- j»-4. Why He FlirieU. Aa Atchison man whose wife wa> ;uite fat was caught tlirtiug. and ho made a rathtr novel explanation of his c"ondnct •• The i;reat ambition of your life, ha said to bis wife. a;;er be'iag caught .at it. " was 10 become slender. Knowing tha: there was no efficacy in the stuff known as Anti- Fat, 1 resolved t.i dirt a say your snper- fiuous ilesh. It wrung my heart to do it. but 1 was willing to make any sacrifice for ycur happiness. So 1 flirted, and you be- gan to loseiJesh. Yon are now as spirituelle as you ever wished to be. Come to my arms, and say yoa never doubted me. " â€" Xtchucn iSiobe. Kept Hl« Word While Dying. Israel Stoops, vvbo a few days ago fel from a roof, died to day. Shortly before bis dissolution the man said to his wife : •• Whi n tuv soul U-avt.smy body and enters the other world I vvill let yon know by ercsiirg my hands upou my breast. He kept h.s word, and died immediately after giving tlio sign. â€" L^i A.jcUs .Uf^j::\, U.J :-! Q3 tery Appro, rl.itr .> KA^ >â- !• She iremanliclâ€" Ob. hi w -aatifi: significant those Indian DA'S s a: Alabama, for instance. 1 •!• let rest '." He anromanlic. bntdeleraittdt oher one teiter'i â€" Yes. and there s â€" e •â€" 3kl ncn gahela Here let as otmk A pause follows. Ella Wheeler W-.kvx s husband is on Ihe road a great deal selling goods, while hi* wife is at home writing poetry. He oar ties in his travelling valise 1' pictures of his wife, taken by different photographers during her rise to poetical fame. Mrs. Krarer is a three-foot high E>;Qi- maa\ woman now lecturing ia the States â€" A well known doctor saya that babiee cry for water and are crammed to repletion with milk instead, and cry the more, for which they get paregoric, nauseoaa oil, etc. They need water as much as old^er people, both physiologic-ally and feelingly, and should be regularly supplied with all they Will drink. â€" ii'i'ii:'! I'ld y 'rtst qaotes this simple method of testing the jualily of a pear : Write a name with pva and ink ajvia the dry skill of the fruit. If the ink is luickly absorbe.l. leaving clear, sharp lines, the ijualiiy of the fruit is good. If the skin does not absorb the ink .juickly, and tha lines are blotted, the quality is inferior. Wa do not trade with a disagreeable person anlcea w? are obliged to ; we often buy articles we d.d tot exivct to p)archa3e, ' juit bocaise the man w^o waited on us was Ivleai-ant. -V-j G-.Vvii dr 'niciV.