THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. m. MITCHELL, BAItfKEIR, :»/.• IA'7'S Imt'illlT AM) HOLh. Hifi-i'il Atli'iilUrn. piUtl to thr idllnliiin Xnt-i rill/ A'-ri'i'ii!.i, 'hut liimr Mi/rth dh Mr. .las. IJiodio is atteridiiif,' Orange Cliaiid >^iOcipe lU Godeiich tliiB week. 5!**^Sff^fl The Liocal Itfc-nrs. Hliat is lia|t|>4'iiii)U â- " Our Own Vi<-iiittv. Itiii! I'M M.iii.lity. '^iiuw mi 'I'lifadiiy. Ua.i lil."-, .11 t^ri'riu.-iliiy. , riif- if'H'ci i]\<t :iioijimI tciwii witli u •'•»>i'ul C"lint'ii;iiici; .iii Tliiiisduy. \1'. iiatni.,' :<iiiilL's III! I'lidiiy Willi IV, '>' 111 i SIIUU- I'lill lVlllilKl..> dllU I'l IWft Wiiil'.^ Hwithuii t'liiuieB. Aclic-o ! \..lio.. ! Mr K. t'cH.k Mliiii|,ud ii i:ir luail of fat :«llr oil M.iiLil.-.y. l!;iU;im Vall.-y . .,rr.'s|...ii(li lit I. -lis â- f a. :il.-T \vlii.;li win liiiiiled to diMtli l>y 'i,l>olil;{orciil I'liiii. Kriiiu tile .Stret'taviUe Kivimv ollicii < Oitit!'^ .til exti'L'iiiely neat |iro;4raiii <>{ <i I^V*!*"> * Hirlhday concert. Hinx'iiiltr I'r T. mirce. u djiiti't, will le Kkmli.'rti'n on ."^atiihliiy Hid .Monday, .Iiiiie 1 and '.i. Hi.,'li school ontrance fxainiiiatiiuis «dl lie lield in>.-, Mundallv and l>urliain on .July 4, J and G. R.^.id McDonald \ Kvaii.^' i.liaiii;i' of advcrtiiieTiiunt in tlim iMue. Their lnuiii'j^i 14 growing to linj;u ;iiot)orlions. Tender* are anked for re-flonrini; the â- chool houiie at Ku^enia, and r«-|ilaoiiiu •f duaks, etc. For full paiticularit â- •« mtu. Tlie Mesms. Hawk Ih-os. took from M. liicliiinlson and Cu'a ovor 2.0(iO duzeii e>,'gB dui iug tlie past tliree days. lltineiabf.'r tlu! free entertainment in the 'fawn Hull tii-niolit under the ausincr:; of the S.O. Teacliers' A.ssuci; - tiun. ' Miss (ianton's room in tlio Flesher- i ton school lias hcon i>rcflid(;d over by Mr. I'l. Keefi'r for tlie piist week and \ II Imlf, owiny to lln.- iliiie.ssof Miss (J. 1 Frost on Wednesday ni;.'lit of last wu<>U i did coiisiduialile da>ii;i;;u in Flcsherti'ii. Mr. liarnlioiui: lost lii.s |.n«|iect"» foi a line vru^t of •jr.'i|i...'», and early vevetaliles .were frozen. Oilit.|« aUo liiid consiih-r- ! ablentutl iii|)|i.;'l. We li'.ii n'.tliat out in < •»- I prtiV li.iiley .suttored b:idly Ijy the .•iaiiii-' ' visitation. Alioiil 1 o'cl'ji-k oil Krid:iy rniiit.' I.wt the hrii-k »*on' of TIioumb Hyriir-, Tliorii- l.iiry. I.itcly o.cii|iiefl l.y T. I,"M',' .t Itii... ' of l'olliiiL.'wor'il, v,â- ,l.^ li.'irneil with nio..(t of the content!!. Tliu tilt, started in the • cellar and i,'aiii'cd "onsiiliriilil.i lieadway' lii'fi'le iin'iceil. I'he dtt.'lliiii,' huL-ie of Mrs. Kiley, near hy. wa.t saved liy the !:ieat eXi-rtli'iiH of t!ie iiei,;hbor8. The ihMtroyed property i« naid to lie fully in- sured in the Royal. Nuxuii I5n.»., of lli_'er»oll, are said to be lo.wlii. their iiiiplenicnt Hluip huni),' hack of Byrne:)' ulioii. PersonaJ. .I.W, Heii.leinoii,|., Toronto, and miin spent the '^4111 in Fleshertoii. .Mr T Ailoiiliead and family, Toronto, *ere the ','iie.ttB of J. \V. Aniistroii^', Esi]., on the L'4tli. Mr. I'erlev Harriii'^toii has returned from Ornn^'evilhi nnii remiiiiud hii> uhl poaition at tliM station. His ri'turn \» »etuon)«<l hy his frioiidaâ€"iticludiiig everyoiiv acijuniiiteil with him. humbly offers Q\e opiiiidii thibt Mark w.-is i rii<ht, and ihiU iiura is i<li edition of that i New En^h^rv? weatl'er which linn been i BiiiuuKled hito Canada without the duty ! ha^iiiif beini; paid. Will the custom I he«8« authorities please see to it tliat it ' is colitiscated before any more moral dania-'e iadutie to the native article. We are obliged to hold over an in- tcrestiiio budget of news from our llals;iin Valley correspondent, until next \V{:(k. time. We feel contid.-i I that r>«r patr.jiis ' will appreciate the wurk, ami b<r j.Httd l<> j avail iheniselves of this opportunity of i obtainin:^ a valuable hook'. I Jt is iieces-sary that you* ftn'ntioii rhi*-' paper in senilini; for the "Treatue " ' This otter will remain op'/n for <m''y n ' hort time. ! .M.C p. A -.. i»-ST. PHYSICIAN. SI n<;KO.\, Ar. FIJ:silEl:1(t.V. Ofltice. Strain"-* bl-jcli. K.--! i -lite J.(i.I:u',. ; District Ne^s. A f.-»rmer liviio^' on the 7tli l.m. "f ! T. Gt-HuMOII, \[ I'.C. _\f Jtiaiit. ('..iiiitv I'riice, r; notice iMjited The handsoM.o (Indy)and uriitleniaiily '^ntlem.iii) teacher is amoni; iis once uiorj. .May they tlioroUk;hly enjoy tlien • ♦♦•'ves. If you want worth and wwar, style and •tieiu'th, choice and cheapness in boots .mil shoes, try W. tJlay toll » stock txifore I>urchaiiini{ Mr. .^r'.liur Johin.toii shipped to To- qiMito on Monday eiudit head of cattle â€" Ui.i lini'st lot if fat animals we have seun tins .siiiiii); The 24th. Her Majesty's glorious birthday paased off very ijuielly to the nativus uf Flesher- t.iii a.s a rule. Scores of them went lisliing but "sneaked" their loads {I) of hsli ill by the back door u|hiii returning; at iiii;ht. Kveii Touiniy Hollingor had no remarkable catch to chronicle. The day was cloudy and very cool. Towards eveniii'.' a heavy mist fettled ovor the land and made the weather disagreeable However, tipoii the whole, we lielieve everyone enjoyed thi-in«elves as well as i^ircums'nnces would permit. The two .â- \dvance "foremen' launched a Ixiat mi Flesher s null pond, which did not attr.ict .Ml Van/.a:i' will erect a Hli.ip on the |, i)uite s.i many spectators as did the I'll which he lately purchased .Mr <loiilun, and will eoniiUBiice building' o|>eratiuiia immuil lately. K >val T.iiiipKrs, take notice On Tii.'.iaay aveiiini<, Juin- 4lii, rleetion i.f otliiers takes place and a full att»iid iiiice isrei|Uest,ed. Kecordiiiu' Secretary. The Ijldies of thii Methodnt t'hur.di will hold their animal 1st of .lulv garden j»»itv, at the residence of.l.W, Ann slioiig, Ksip Fuither particulars later. aiiiicli .if the Manitoba, and some youiii; men tired olt a bo.x of tirew.irks iii fniut of .Muiisli.'\w's hotel at It) o'eliic'lt in the iiioriiinir These, wo believe. Were the only really excitiiit; incidents of the ilay. Wiiiii;li, of IlilUdale. Hiineoe county, will lie the new inciiinbent. .1 W. .•Vrinnti'oiii.. IC.ii| , and fii..|iil.< iroiii Toronto, iiidul'.^ed in a s lisliiiiL' il Kinibcrl.-y on the 'Jtth. They were "I'd phj.i.ted with till- rat'h, ciniderin'^' the pool weat'o'i' nhi.-h was provided. Ii.«.»l buri-aill-t IH Imots mid shor.!. â- \ .â- ly l.o ji. .i...^.>t t tiMiif t.. rlit.,.*.. fr-iiii ^Iat.-i..,l iiml \\ ' I N lll:l0^^lp, fn- .4UI p.ts.ti..i; 111 cVv |i,\v |.|ici...i. Call aii.l s.-e them lit Wm ( 'livLii's .\ i;ooilly niiiiilici olp|,,t li.ildci s t iliiicd out .III Fn.l.n Ii. at^isi III ili'c.ii.iliii'.; and olherwi.ii' li\iii'.' up llie ccii.. I cry ijroiiinU, III c.iii I'lpn-iici! of H jii.'li il.-, bcanly i.h vi ry IIKl.'ll .id.l'I'l to. , .Ml (i.'O. Hawk will II- VI' lllK Wl'I'k ».. Iho old hoiiie'iiead. W .iti-ili... I'oiiiily, Iciuiu;; the ix:' bualeiss Iht.' in lli,' IhukU of his liioloi'ts. Tins ban In found iii'i i-.Hi.aiy oHiii'.; to the lal.' .....ilh of .Mr llawK . :.(l.(i( O II,.. w.i.,1 wiiiti-'l at ihc {•â- â- eili..|- I. .11 wo.illiMi l'iiclor\ . Itoll cariliii',' a H| eci alt\ To iiiMiie H'loil ivoik conn, eariy A I. lie III of III Is iiow ii' Spi'cial liMr.'iiins (or one week oiil , coininencinx •JOil, inst \\ II M-K.-^li.,!!. .Ml T Ulakli-y has sold sill en Itraiil fold liiiideis already lliisscisoii l''iiini us â- II- .Mill',; a i;ood m.i'.'!iiiie would .1 . well to lead 11^1 ill • ;.'o id point.i of .\li. lUakleya liiacliiiui, iiH Kivoil in Inn HdMiliseineiil, toiiiid eUeivhore in The Ailviince. Call .111 hiiii b r ten.i.i, etc, wlikliaie easy. The .Vilviviice iiiviten atlciitioii to thw liihi of n si'iii-s of descriptive ,'irtitlrM wliu'li a|ipeiirs this wi-ek, on nil .•verland tiip t.i Ctlitorniii, wiilten by a Flesliei'. t.'ii lady. It is very eiiteiliii gly penned and will no doubt be highly up- pi eclated by our iiiaiiy leaders. W.\NTEI>' K ' dieHiiiiakerlM'tween now ami lln- liisl of J une. Teniis half of what IS made. Kre.-ofshop < ipeiil*. WoKUaraiitee a good lit. Cornwall's iidf- lilting chart, that took the gidd medal a- (lia CeiiUiiiiial, u«ed. Appreiitioea want •a, Apply to M. UAVIS, Strain! block Wecldeci. On Tuesday cvoiiing Kev. Mr. Mc- I.eoil, of I'liccville, perforineil , the coreinony ofiiiiitinoinnianiaoi! Mr. I). .McTavi-ili li>. Mi.-4s .Jane Stew.irt, diiii!.'t(r oT Mr. (leo. Stewart, both of I'll sli rt'.ii, it Mr. Stewart's residence. .\ ideasant time was spent after the circ'tiioiiy, by tii" larije number of yoiiii',' people wlio had rcCcive.l iiivi- uiioiis. Mr, and Mrs. MoTavish Imvi liir wui.U'sl wishes of Tlie Ad- vaiiC' I'lr futine hapi-iiiicss. Dinlr'>t Meetj-ng, The ili-.ln t iiKjetii!',' held in the Metlio- di.^t Cliiiiili l,nt \N ...Inesday, was com- posed ot liiu followiiiL; ininisterH and iayiiieii vi/.. : â€" Fleshertoii, Kev. J.W. .ShiHoii and M, Uichardson, K^'j., , Markdi'.c, llev: H Mo'.'u'iii and W. Irwm : Dundalk. Kev. W H. Miw.s and T. llaii- bury : Melaiicthoii, KeV. K.C Ijurt'iii and .Murk Williams : I'riceville, Kev. W. Ottewull and ("C. .lames; Eu',ieiiia,Kev. .). H. Watts and. I. Sloan ; H. .Hand Cen- tre. Il'^i. lien Hartley and Mr. .lamiusoii; Walters Falls, Kov, .1. W. Sanderson and A.K. Tliornley. with .'. Howes .Ir. and Mr. â€" ; Euphrasia, Kev. K. J. Hoskiii^' ami I). K KMi.i. The business w.vs chiefly ol a routine character. .All the meiiihers upon moral e.xaminatiun were found b aineless in life. Some changes were reconiinendcd in the circuit ikim.iins, chietly affecting Markdale, Euphrasia and Walter 8 Falls. The various comiciioiial funds were in advancu of last teur as a whole. Ke». J. W. SanderaoH niid Hct. (jeo. Hartley were elected se.rttariee. Rev. J. W.Shiltoii, U.A., representa the district on the atatioiiiiig ooiumicteu, and Kev. .T.Hartley and .M.I<ichard.soti,Esq,, on the Sabbath S. coininittee. The Uy- men elected to conference were Meun. W. Irwin, M. Richardson, Dr. Cliriitne, T. Hanbury, K, Slack, J. Shian, C, C, James, J. Uowes, .Ir., U.K. EHia and an- other from Holland Centre. The Ad- vance and hostesses entertaining the dele- gates leceivcd the thanks of the nieetiiip fur kindnesiet shown. on the feiic: th:it he HMiit.-t a wife. The Kev. Geo. H, Thayer, of Duiboiie j Iiid., sayK : •iJotli my- .if and my wife i owe our liu'< t.) Sliiloli .s <J. .ii.e.iiiiplioi. | Cuiv. F'lr .,.i:e ,it the;al Hall. | l.i'tle .loliid.- Kiiapp. of Walter'.s F.ills. [ i.* iiiit tliirteeiT years "id a:id is stil'iynii; ' for a third cci • in the CM!!c,'i- i ate liiititute, 0-,\"ii .S,,.iii,'. At tin- Last I inoiithly eXaniiiiati'Ci h â- .x'.'.i 1 tliinl hi.di- est out of aboil" I. lie 'umdre'l >tU'leiit-s and WiU) only tbree-tittl..- "f ,i in.iik U-low the highcit.'. [ilaik.U;,' .Maiid.iul. I For dys;ii'|isia an I li^'T cii:i;'l..i;it yioi I have a priiit.'d -.iuirint... on .-v.-iy b'.ttle I of .Shiloh'n litalizer. It never f:iib to cure! For sale at the Medical Hal'. ' .\re you uii lo i.i.Hciable by iiidiu'e-'Li'.ii ; colistipatijli. di.^/ I.m of appetite i yellow »kin i Shil.ih's Vit.ili/.er h a po^i- , tive cure. F..r Sale at the Medical Hall, j Hi'.'hway roliherv. -Cii Mondiiv iii.-bt .Mr. M.Sc.itt st.irted out of Dnilcim al.ii.^ ' LiiiiiliUifrtit. ,, but ill about an hour teluriied and eaid he iiad been robbtMl He .saya,lu; wad driviin; al liu.ard some persons talking of the swamp niid when be the spot toiu<>thiiig ho hiin. aii'l when be came to hiiuaelf again he w.i;> lying mi tt)e road and liis hrnrse standing' near by.\ H|i (lurse was gone and he h.ul .i mark i>lt ^i* side of Ins head. Abut ^40 hi.' cliiiii* to have had on liis persi-i', which is iiii.^s- ioi;. Tile atl'air, whicli I.^ very unusual in this vicinity, is surrounded w ith mystery. We hope the perpetr.tliis may be spotteU ami Kent up. â€" [Review. Why will y.iii coiytfit when S>iilnll'?ctVre *ill five imiiieiliatat r«Iii-f. ^i-ic^ 10 cf s. . tH) CIS . and 81. ^n»it&i tl'.o Meilical Hall. "'.r-'- M.iiil..-r of tliu t'...: S;:rtc'.i.s. Ulita: lo. r.iiiiiiire at o:!lci.,ciio or .V'.kins.jK's H* tel. I'rx.-v.;!.. -Cv I' !" \jI rii>s:fittL.-» i.o: caft ef tiller s .â- ORS. PWuZ & Eao. m.\i-:ki)\:.i-: ont Ollii-e : -It.iiileys Wruu; Stort-. T.-i .^lâ- lia^l.:. M [..... -.Ni.t s^.^io,M.n.Hlc . r.-::. ::!li:ii. Ul:l I>r r,"i nil! i., ' .â- ; , â- . â- . ii:<.l!,ji-va: Li'.:.'lit J. P, OT TEW ELL," W.V.A'W \\.\ -I i; ,';i.\. tlraduc-e '|(li.;a:;,j V,t. (.''.l^.o,.. i.;>;ii:.M. I. n-* r ...:.i ^tii: ;.; t ...:.. IK. -r i..i-! I'l 1". . â- I. . :. J...U V I. ..i .i. flk>hi;i:tii.\. .iig when he ill the cd'4^ got opposite Snddon I.)eath. On Wednesday iiiorniiig of livf week Mrs. Huilburl, uf Kliiilurley, piis.ied .|Uietly away to lu-r eleriml rest. Heceas- ed has been a resident of Kniiberley for about ten years, ami dunni; that time she has won the res|>oet of all who kin-w her She was a meiiibei of the Metlioilis' A tel.'iirnin aruved last week from MisH i ('|,„r(.i, „|„i „.;^^, always found in '{ylu •.t.ilin.j that she woubi b.. unable t.. j |,„r |,l,„;e ,a the time of worship when .^-.epla IH-i'ion 111 the iiostolhce. .Miss ] ,1,,, ^,1^ „|,|,, t,, jiUeiid During tlio few nioiitlis she not b.>eii In goinl health but li'itliiiig .sei <iu w i.s expvcti d until a few days liefoieslie died. \ fe.v iiiiiiiite'i beloie sliii pa.ised iiwai she seemed ipilte well butt. ok siidileiily ill and in a lew miiiiites fell tule-'p. .S une tune bef-ire she died she said she was '^lad she had been enabled lo endure t" th<^ end ; sliii was happy in .lesiis ; liiiit iug 111 Ills iiloiine; bl.iod, she .-"iild s.iy, ,is l',iiil s.'iid, "I have foi|.,'lit a '_;ood li'.;lit, I ll.lV'- lilll^lu d lliy e.iu.'fl',' ct,!'. I>i-cea:led W l.s 7.' ye:lls old ,ij|i| h,u lllr.l 111 (Ills ciiliitry lor ni.iiiy >....ii^ K'ei . Mr. Watts prciile-'l till' fiiin'ral serinon fiom the liliciiili ver^.e ol tliii IKitli I'.ialiii : ' ri't-cioiiH 111 the slight of the l.oiil IS the (le.itli of Ills .-^.iiiiis." i\lr. Watts iiii pressed iip'iil the iiiliiils of the coiiKie '.Mliou t!ni iiece.HHit V of lii'iic r.'ady when the .Son of .Miiii oomclli. The funeral look phi'c on Fi i.lay from her late rest deuce l.i till, ei'liielel V 111 the lli'lghbiir ho.i.l wlicrii .slui foniicily lived in .St. - Vfiice.if I'o.M. Njw Kiii;l'i.iul We.itlur. .Mil k Tw.iiii re\e|.)nlly belnied that lie M,iker wM'i iiiiide 11.1 all nukes eveiy- lliiiig 111 New Kii'.;laiid liiil the weather. Now the natives of FliiHlinrloii would like t I have .Mark drop alinnid niiil an opiiii'in on the weitlier we I nvo been lia\ 111',' here liiti'ly. For a iii.'iL;tiiliceiit. mild, biiliny, .M-iliiriive spriii'.', iiur-. oi II11.H year could imt lie lieiieii until ivi bin the week or ho. It I. ml Its hues iilioiit llie tint of .M.iu'h for a bi,< .\piil fool. It I ul oil .1 bhiKS'iiiiiii'.;, blooming that bi.iimlil out the iiiili\e pel spii iitli'li and liiiliaii miitliii, sl.iilcd lliulloweiK to bloom .iii'l eioduil those imUv idual.1 w ho iiionke) with I be lloia laniia into HMtiiiig out llieir loiiiitiii yduiitH, cilciiin- 1 uls, and other teiideu»lirubi anil tliwuis S.I soon as It got ihe.4u wujI 111 the ground tlii'< blooming w'v.itli.'r with 11 lieiiili.ih shriek turned Its biivk upon us and a blood curdling ciiuliiess develupeil on Its part. Il Hiiuded it', sword, loo, and eiit olf 111 llioir jiniiie the iniiocoiit plants and Mowers ; it snowiid and blowed, and, ami sii«iled, aiul snorted, just like an siierktetio pulitieaii 111 priiiiM eoiiiliti.iii. TliH peuplo 111 a hiiily are now imitating Ita smieimg, â- ntrliKg and •nurting. T)ie Advance DFNTISTKV Dr. Concert. I'hu concort held in the Town Hall on Friday evyninc, under the auspices of the I'reshytenan Ladies \.\A was a pro- nounced success III one sense, but 111 an- other sense it wiu not. The eiitertaiii- ineiit provided was, with 01 e or two exceptions, but the audience was surely not a representative one of the Presby- terian Church here. We would be sorry to think it was so. There were nut a large nuuihtr present, but fully une half of thoHe who were there were outsiders. Why cannot people at leaat patronize their own church to the extent of In cents occiMionalljr, and their own U,o(ti I Uev. Mr. Emes u'laeefully ulfioi- ated 111 the chair. The Flesherteii (iloo Club provided a large portion of the jiro- itrani, and were never in t>etter form. Their selections were heartily anddoserv- in.;lv encored. Master Eil. Ui.'haiiUoii sill pri.-iid hin own friends by the in.iiiiier in which hesaiig"l'oniiuilte.l tothe I'eeji.' Mr Kvaii.s also sang a solo, and his iiiag- luliceiit loice was fully appreciated by the audiuiicu. Fleshertoii has some won derlul musical laleiil. and she also has iiuiii.rous well iiib'rnu'd critics .vlio do not po.HC us singer.s themselves, and the latter were all iiiuiiiimous 111 deciding that the iiiuii.- proviiled wa.< really good. Mrs. W. Irwin rendeied a recitatimi in a evcelleiit iii.iiiiier,.iiid was heartily .ippl.iuih-d. Ill lail,;liahle compariioli to be' s was the atleiiipleJ lecitatMii of the editor ol this paper lie faihd most ig- iioniiiiioii.'tly, ami after tloiiinlering help- le.Hsly tliioi|..'li two venc-., Jipidogined ami t. 10k his sent. We knew before that we were no polished elocutionist, but this br.'m;lit it hoiiui with a disaereenble foree tlial bully " us silly" Had we been til.' Riidieiice this item on the pro- gr.iiii would havi' tickled us iiiiinelisely. As It «a.H the eiijoyiiiei.l on onr part was not .jtiite HO keen liight heiio wo iiiiubl iiieiitioii .Mr. .lolinsloii's Hiir^inij of "I'll take yoii home agiiiii Kathleen." and •â- (io'.ilhje HWeeihcait, goodbye.' Honestly we belnue the audience enjoyed our lecilalioii mole than .Mr. .lohiistoii s »iii'.;ini;. Kev. Mr. Shiltoii gave a sh.o't addiess, replete with golden get-as of wis doni Mis.s llella Clinsloe, .Miss Maud Kicliavdsoii, .Mrss Aikenh.^ad, ot Toroiit.i, and Ml .1 II KiiKsell were also soloistit. iMi-s .'\ikeiiliea<l lull a good voice and lier solo was much enjoyed. \ >oie of thanks WHS passed to those who kiiul'y assisted with tin' pi.i';rnni, iiiid the coii eel t closed w itii "tiod Save tlie tjueeii. I'lii' proceeds aiiioiinted to 9KI, Hpeciiil Annaniiuomont. We liaic made arr.itl 'enieits with I >r II. .1 Keiulrtl Co, publishers of "\ Treatise of the Horse and his I'iseases" w hull will eiiuhle all oiir Hiibscrihers to obtain n copy of the valiiiible work /iff by Hi'iidiiig their address (enclosiiii.' alw.i cent slaiiip for inailiin,' same) to Ur, It. I. Kendall I'. i.EMosbiirgb Falls, Vl. 'Tins Ui'ik ;s now reeoi;iii/ed as stiiiidard au- thority upon all tbseases i>f tliii lierse, as Its plieiioiiienal sale attests, over four iinlh.iii copies have been aol.l in the past ten years, a sale never iM'foro reached by any pulilicntii,<u ill the saiutt pcriml of Shiluh s caLarrli r«it«d|»>-a positive cure for catarrh, dipthcris and i-anker-uioutb. For tale at the Medical Hall. General News. The Queen â- » Plate wa» won Friday in Toronto by Colonist. Mr. .I.J. It.ibbin continues to preach III the Orange Hall at Caledon East. .\ nasal injector free with each In'ttlc of Shiloh's catarrh remedy. Price DO cti. Fur sale at the .Medical Hall- Tlie of Mr. .f J. Dobbin for a new trial Inis been refused by the ( traiigeville I'reshytery. For lame back, «u?C or chest, use .Shiloh's Porous Pla»r<?r. I'rice 25 cent. sale at the Medici'1 Hall. A Mono man natiied .Tas. S^ott. near (Irauoeville, vVas killed by one Atkinson, who hit hiiu ou the head with a stone. THE" MARKETS. FLKSHHUTON. Citfrfutlfi Correctetl tUuh Week. Flour »i»to S .•» Kail Wheat 1 U". lu 1 a^ Si.riliu Wheat 1 05 I U.1 Ksrley «l «< Osls Ofti 0» I',.as .'S) O 60 lllitti-r 1 ."> O Vt KkKS. (ie>ll 11 U f.ililt.n hlisll a) He I'ork Il 10 10 llsv p.'r ton a i«) '.' I'O lll.los I .VI I V sii.'i'p»kni« .'SI 1 Ki (l.'.'M. II II'. 1 k'. riiikoii. ,,. , II 10 II Ul ( luck.'iis p,'i i.iilr ... II 'i'. :« Ducks per »â- n <v. Oi\ Durham Bull for service. Mr .Vliix Siowiiv'. lot 1.^7. :tnl rKn»ji' wist, Ai- tiMiiu-hi. JoNirt -t 1' infiinn llu* piililu- tl.ul In- iiiv^ II l\m' thtinmt'hbro I liiirhAui Uiill T-r soi v K'«on hiA |ir«iiiiMii« TKKM-^ *l.inuiiliU'lst K» I. , l.-^lil lor four I't^wH ul iivur A Itl'iiai iciliu-t ii'ii will l>i> i;iii'U> COURT oF REV IS /ON. Thomas Hcnderscr. slItOKoN Dl.NTIsT l!M .\{,\i.,l,.<t iiitil llutn-r iinuh iff ,.r n.i'.D.s.. Will vJMt FI.l:SHl:lcTCN. J|,u:..lsws Helf 1 aii'I'Juf eacii iii..iilh T.-etli extracted. .i..cit I'.l sn.l nn.-.i lu the highest tivU-s o( I'n.. art at mu.leratti luli-s Hkad OrncE. 7C1 Yonoe St , T^ iii.nt.v j7 P. Ml siiTl L, L, n. S.. UKMTIST. Visits Markdale the 1st and I'.rd Wednes- day of each m.mth. Fleshertoii each trip .>ii the day foil. .win-. J. W. FROST, L.L.B., llurrlitter. Solicitor. Com, !;amti: Omoe.â€" Strtiiis Huildiiii: Ki sswkbtcn A. A. CHKSI.KV. Solicitor nu.l C u ve> niicoi , UvkidrDt Mauatier. Ti'!,^ f'"*'Si; »ill I'e foil,.! at tlie 0(r.o„ on Tbarsdavs as hrrmutorD. P McCULLODOH, Barrister. iio/ici/o?\ Sc. Offire. •Mtr NcFnrlniid's Sioriv- Markdulfv Muiicy to l.uaii. John W. ArmstronsTi rLKsiiKUTi'S-. I'o. Okky. niVISION COIRT Cl.EIiK. COMM ISSIONEl: r:.i" 1 ''â- t,«'»'<' A«,.m for psn-lis.. MO^'EV TO LOAiN. AT LOWLST 4 1 KKE.M KATE.S On Town or Farui rioi»i'ity. Kiuahttf.on i:.'Hi.l.-iu, Notiiu' tn iM'r.'^v tfivi'ii tliiit tlu'lli-^t -irtinj.'-'of tlu>l Din t 4tt Ut'ViNtnn fiu rowntthui i*1 \vU*- ini'siu. ts«v». willU'lii'Ul i'l i.xo T nvn ll<vll,rU'Hli til tiill, .Ml Monday.'iidday of Jiin-^.lSSa .\U p;irti. s lMltiI.'..te't are l"'lillv.'il t*> tftkl' lutti.e loel i,-iiv.'in rh.'iinelve* sicorilitiKlv Dslu.l thi-. 1 itli of ll.i\ 11*^.1. \V I Hi;i,l,VMV. I'U.r'ii I lii!< ^ <';i r ?.< YRTLE err ar.,/ ru <; muwmwwuw F!.\ii:K TIUN t.VIK^ In bronar on EiCH II<II4i an4 PA(KA«E Mr. Wm. Karstedl, M.\Ti;iil.-\L Frii.M.sllKI) Kitim,itrx,inr,i ',;,. On.,:,.. , tu! i','.i>f.r- I,' .1 f( Sf>rci,i'l .. .. ,l..,.r H,.uili of I Iv «,,,.,, oiVn.,, W. -I. BKLLaMY 1»1-. Cl.KlSK IIITI lllM.i. I 'I ' V r i; V .t .vc a; /.•. i\ ».»/ .w / .v.n / 1 (.y /. /; i.\sri!A.\ct: AiiT. ,10 " ''.' ,111,1 .i,.pcvli ex.'.-iit.M liiso. «„.... ,*,.,.. rlvcMr:;.."^' """'""'" ^'•â- "'•* 'oi««d.t H. J. SproulG, 1>I'.-^IM.\ST1 U. ^..^iu.:lell,,â- ..;:onl^,l..ll- ei 111 li. R . l.ic.iiMd.Vucli.iiuer, Con veyaiic. r, .\(ll.lal^.'r utnl M, i„. Lender. T.eal Kstale amt In'<ui-»uc,' .\i;..iii, IicciN, Moitiriiijes. Lenses an.l Wills .irnvn i.|i nn.l \ aluatiuiis uniil.. ou (.liorlc'l iintice. .\i\c titiii S.dcs siton.lej to in any pury el tl .> t'oHliIy. dcnev to Innii Ml lowest rates if interest. t'elhetiens aUcnde.l te wi.h proiuplnciis luid .lespatcii. Iharnes h.» . .Viiei.t for ilielV.iiiiiiimi St. lo-sliipl'iinipaiix i'l. eayi liekiln from Kli-slinlen l<- l.iverpi.l.>.:,-i>w I.eiid.iu or miv of tli.' Uritisii l'.iri>. I'.irlies iiiien.ii|i^ to vl^il Kiislsn.I, Soo-J»ud or I,-ehti.<l, will pl.ase a>k rates he. t, re piirehishie their tiilicti elseulirre. House and Let for Sale. »,,,Jt .\ iie<».l ll.'lwssii.l lot. I'peoill.i t: « .â- i**H» M.'tli.nlist l'lniul'.llo-.henj'U. is ii.ot !;;!)â- I'lI.Ti.rt fpr <iil(i Tlu. ti.'ii... I< Ui«4 |I«IIBk«ii.l I'.H.uiy lln«l..i. i:.>.>.i .(Kitlv «|,,| I" IJMIBvsr.l. hiilaOiliU will en tUn pieuiitM, trvu* itsni. ul,. Tldtit aiaiv t'lursui Ann|i% A a v*{(i.ifvijN, ncihvtop. *'*'''