OAUQHT BY A TOY TBDNK. Hotorioua " OoUeotion Agency" Swindler Behind the Bars at Last. now HE DID i;P ST. CATHiRINEB. Mr. John A. Ward, of BuEfslo, boanht a toy tronk for 60 cents at a recent asle of nnolaimed packa^ea by the American Kx- presi Company, and on opening it found that it ooDtaioed indoraed nolta aggreuat- iaii in value S'^OO and alao a bundle of old letterB Tne romance waa in the old lot- ter«, for they told ot the lovo adventureaot C. W. McAllister, formerly of St. Cathar- inea, hia runaway marriaKo at Ucadiut;. Pa., with Ida Milky, a girl he bad mot but twenty-four hours Kforo, hia tliarp linan oiftl practuea, hia lll|>ht from juxtice, hia wanderingrt about wbile hia faithful wife, trae to her hnabat]<l in spito of all, aent bina under h xmany aliaseu worda of cheer and love, arjii k"pt him posted on the move menta of tli- police. Finally, as shown by the letterd, ihn was to join him. Shu packed up valuable papers in a child's trunk, includiri; the *H00 worth of notea that BubMi|uenily came into 'hh. Ward's potH .s^io^ and also the pictures of her- aelf, husband an3 baby. The trunk was addrcsaed " Mrs. C. W. Merrilla, Corning, hotel opposite depot.' I'rorn its contents the trunk was undeniably the property of Mrs. C. W McAllister, and whether it was miedircctKl to throw the police off the â- cent, or whither a â- ,! ranger had directed it at the r> .jiuxt of thn owuir is not known. If il w«h the iiilontion to throw the police off the Hr.-nt the scheme failed, for C. W. MoAllist.r has been arrested, and all through that liiiln trunk falling into Mr. Ward H hands. Tlio letters showi d that Mrs. McAlliatcr came of a good family near Lebanon. Fii. Borne threads in the story that coaM not be found in the letters are DOW revealed by lettera since received by Mrs Wt.rd, and alao tell of McAllister's â- abit<|ueiit doings. A few daya after the story was printed Mt. Ward rcjei»ed the following Ir^ni Louis 11. Myers, a detective of Cairo, 111. : 1 tii^v ill htinriay'B ^/'.^ ^ iiti mcouiit ol V. W. McAMistira Iruuk In-iiin Ki.jil liy an f.x|iri-ss coni|iaiiy uml nwiiii- lotti-rs heini; (.laiiil from bia wKo. Till! aonllomaii, .Mr. C. W. Mo.Mliitor. is a IravelUi.i! nwimlliT. Ho ilid iii' tlin people in Meluliliis lMt*L .XtJt^ust. l-rniii tl.i r4) lie welil U> Toleilo coiiiit:;: thuli to I'liirM. Ill lli.re li'i Worki<l Uf.l.r llii- lialiiB of C W Miller, Trllici pal of till' II nil.. Law I'rottctioii ami folleclion AcetK^^v of th.i I iiitij st»ttK ui.,1 (.'uta'la. Tln' lady with liiui In of tine faniily nii'l litir oioilier livetatMt .Seho. within ti'lt lijlU-N of l.iliajiuii. Pa She liin an unci.- liviiiK in liiliainfti, fa. Her uiuil.i I a naioi, I thiiik. ix .MrH. .Miily Hi- did up I.t'i ..noil iMiiiiiy lu il < fame »ny. tool. the youiiK laily without the mrrffiit of her ^1111111- hiolu her. 1 want McAllimer aliaa illor. ai.<l I will Kivu i^'pO rnward to loiatu him Tliey hoth j'.llinl the iMithciliBt ( Imr. h hire, and boUKl,' n'al iiiiil liirke>« for the prearhtr, all ou I rtili;. hut loft without paytntt tor tluui. Last week Mr. Wanl received a poatal card from lietettivo Mjira, of (lairo, 111., posted at Huffalo while the detii tivo was taking a lUing trip from wedt to oast. It explains iti'^tf : I'auKt il iliroujjii your eiiv to-day en route f,.r IlOitou. .Mahs. where I lui-1 C W. Mi Allixl.r arri't-tt -1. Hiiil will return hiiii tr> (.'airu. 111. Mr liaji he, n ill iiift huslnenH In New ^ ofk city, Caui- il**ri. N. .' . and ronmled up at Hoblon. Ity this time the slick swindler in un- iloiilit.illy laii;{i: iliiii^' in an Illinois jail and Alr.4 .MiiAIIIhIi I is with liir friends in I'ei I ••vivania. .-ioeiida the roinanoe of the toy • link. McAllister carried on bis col locli .11 at;i iic\ I itiiicHB in St. Catharines a lltlli- over a year ii^o and leltllio liwu lUid- ilenly, leuving n number of creditors and patrrrii in the lurch. I.al<4!it Neua JutllliCH. In NewMiarket dog tags ooi-t S2..')() each. A lire at Ucnton l'»ll'i,(,'uo., on Hattirday caUH'jd !f 100,000 damages. l>r. Mcl'liatter, of UnoLpli, ha- gone to Cleveland, <>., to practice. A '.I > ear old lad named Milligan wan drowned in the Don, at Toronto, on Satnr- d»y. A Mh(x>l for the art of ti .toring pictarns ((ho lirht ot its kind) i> about to be founded hy thn l'riiii:e Regent of Havana .Mr. Win. II. May. a well known druggist. iiied at Toronto on Katurday after a very brief illiii ., from blood poinoning, arising out of a tliroat alTection. Dominion Inspector Cowan reports, that there m no danger from hog oholem at Til- bury Wi-s^t, tloit the only oasih are very light, and nri! I urtNultof laxt year's epi- demic. Mr. iJavi I Miillardy, of Nichol, went io aboutain'ki- and young foal in hi' '.table on Tiiesia, iifiernoon, when the mare Hfii/.id him l>y the cheek and tore it na badly that a doctor in lUing tip the wound had to put in xnvcii stituhei.. llev. Mr. IJaiinington, of St. Ilartholo- mow's Church. New Kdmburgh, in bin Hormon yistordav forenoon defended Ida pOHition in regard to the alli'ged ritualistiu pracli;! < in the chiiroh. lie maintained that the prinnipal iiiatlerii to which ubjnu. tioiis weru taken wore in accordanno with tho Uiibrir, and have been followed in thn ohuroli I viT xince he came into the parish. Iletrayeil bjr h UlK»r Ktllll. \ I'ittiiliiirg despatch says: II. .1. Cook, formerly of .\llegheiiy (!ity. who was ar- roated in 1, on Ion, Out., veHlenlay, lor rob- bing the I'olirHVillo Kaviiigs lUnk in Mercer cotnity, this Htate, ot -'2,(100 two weeks ago, was formerly employed in the bank building. lie wan an inveterate â- moknr, and had thn habit of chewing tlin end of hi^ cigar. The morning attor the robbery a stiiinp of a cigar was found on tho Moor of the bitnk, and it gave evidence of having been in (!uok'a mouth from thn pf^eilliarity iiieiitioiird. Iltt was arreatud yesterday and made a oonfenHion implioat ing othura. ^ Du. n. A. Oi NN,M D., Prof, of Hnrgery of the United Htatis Medical College, editor of " Medical Trilniiie," author nf " Uunn'a New Improved llami book of Hygiene and Domeatic Meditine." over bis own signa turn Haid, in referring Io and iiresnribing Wanier'a H*fe ( tire : " 1 was greatly stir priaod to ohservo a denided imprnveineiit within a month. Within four niontha, no (nbfl oaatH cnnM be found and onl> a trace of album he fult pe A HLOODV SOaoOL EI.KCTION. Fromlaent Citlieiu Shot Down and Murdered â€" A Coroner Invited to L«uve Town. A laat (Batorday) night'a Forest City, Ark., despatch aaya : This city tvas horri- fied at '-'.10 o'clock tbia afternoon by tire most terrible tragedy in the history of the oouuty. For aevenal daya excitement haa been high over tho bjhool election, and A. M. Neely and (!, W. Ingram (both colored) have been making incendiary npeechea, advocating the ousting of the whites from the control of 8cbcM>l affaira. .Veely has been a diBtnrbing element in the politics of this county for some time, having almost abaolnte contrt^l ot the negroes. To-day a large crowd assembled at the junction of Washington and I'ront Btreeta, in the vicintty ot tho polla. The exact origin of the trouble cannot, in ccn Eeijucnce ot the terrible excitement, be aecertainid. It eeema Nocly had a li^^ht with a white man and was knocked down by a bystander. He then ran to Captain John I'arham for protection. Marshal M. I'olbro interfered and commanded the peace. Thomas Parham, eon of .John I'arham, beard the diHturbancc and came rnnning downttaira from the Counry Clerk's otlioe, where he ia employed as a deputy, with a pistol in bis band. lie aaw the Marshal and hia father close togeilier talking excitedly, and raised the pistol and fired, the ball striking Folbre in the back of the hciiil. In falling Folbre raised hia pistol and tired two shots. Tom I'arham fell mortally wounded and died in a short time- SberiCl D. M. Wilson came running to the scene, when a stray ball atru'.:k him, piercing hia heart and killing him instantly. Ilia only words were," lama dead man." It is supposed a ball from Ncely's pistol killed tlin ehoriff. Captain John I'arham ia thought to be wounded, but he refunea to allow the wound to be ix. aminod. Wilson and I'arham are what is known as I'uaionists. Three of tho best men in the county were seen lying mur. dered upon the street at the eamc time. The criea ot tho aillicted families were heartrending, women from every part ot the town rushed through the streets, search ing for husbands and brothers. G. W. Inigram, who in coroner <•'. the county, was wailed ou by the citi/.uuB thia afternoon and invited to leave town, which he did on tho li o'clock train. TBLEaBAPHlO SUMMABY. AN AWIII. I'O^SIKILITV. Wa- HInil llraUer llUliop Ileul lii-r.re II.- Will Curved ? A New York despatch aaya : The wife and motlier of Washington Irving Bishop, this mind reader, have arrived in thia city, and both claim that liiahop was not dead, but merely in a tranc ,; when the physiciacs made their poat-mcrtem examination, i;nd that his death was cauaed by the ourgical inatrumcnta. It seems thnt but four hours elapsed from the time ot bis reported death until l>r8. Irwin, Ferguson and Ilotiae were making a post-mortem examina tion of tho bo<iy. Tho widow of the mind reader Btates that he has suflered several times from c^taletitic attacks, and haa lain in u trance, apparently dead, for periods varying from six to tlfty-two hours. On one occasion in Malta, ebc aaya, phy- sicians pronounced liim dead, and advised preparatioiiH for his iuterme. t. His friends 111 Id a dilferent belief, and in a little over tsvo days ho roooverid. .Vbout two years i^o liishop, while sunuring with a danger oiia illneaa, wan treated by Dr. Thomas S. Uoberleon, of No. Jx oast Twentieth Btrei.t, this city While at the dootor'a liouae he bad a cataleptic atUick, and remained in a trance like condition for two daya. The physicians who perforinnl the antopsy, however, say there can bo no donbt of ISishon's death lipfore the autopsy wng de cided upon. Ilt*y lliiniad to u C^rNp. A Moncton, N.II., special says : A child, o years old, eon of a ahoeuiaker named Mo- Ccary, waa burned to death here at noon yesterday. Tho attic of the two-story tene- ment in which McCeary lived was found to bo on lire. When the uroraon reached the scene, Mra- BlcCeary, crh/.od with grief, waa ahouting that her child was in the attic. The place waa llllvd with tire and smoke and a search was unavailable. Shortly aftcrwaril. tho llames being partly subdued, the child waa found umler the attic, where the tiro evidently had its origin in a pile of i-lraw. Tho child was burned almodt to a orisp anil presented a dreadful appearance. Il waa with ditliculty that Mra. McCjeary wax got iiway from the burning building It is xuppoaed thu child set lire to tho straw while playing with matches. There was not much damage to tho building. An Kto|i1ii|c Kot-tor'a lluiiftyitiuoii. A Kyraciiso despatch says : llev. Charles Kimball, rtitor of the Kpiscopal ("hurch at Oriakftiiy Fallx, N.Y.. and .Mre. Kim- ball are topping at thu F.mpirn Iliuise hero oil their honeymoon. Mra. Kimball was Miss I'annie Putnam, ot Oriekany Falls, and she elopi d with the rector Inst Hattirday night, her friends btiiig opposed to tho niatoh. Sho won tho hollo of tho town, I'.l yoaro old, and is wealthy. Mr. Kimball ia to be ordained a priest at St. Paul's ('athedral hero on May 'J'.llh. Ijiieer AiitlOH of u C'otideliiiind Itlaii. Keimiiler, who liax jtiat been Hentenced at llull'alo to death by eUetriiity, ia re- ported to be taking mal tors very c jolly. He la heartily in favor of uleutrnity and thinka auch a death preferable to banging. Tho man is i|iiito jovial, and xiiigx aiul daiii-ts occsxionally, tho songs being hia own com poailion and the jig xtepa decidedly eccen trio. He ia not a sinceHHtnl ejnverser, and hiiu said but little sinua the eentenoc. laTliliMIn OD llerfioiiir Oh, No: Nut So. Tho girl of tho period is respoiiHiblo for the dude. Thia concluHion may not be diaputiHl, for it cannot bo donioil that if thn girl of Hio period Were to insist u] on soniethiiig better than xuiall tall<, were to disooiintenanuo tho cigaretto acliuol of philoaopby, the diido would no longer exiat, for tho instinct nf self preservation would lead him to kill liiniselt oil. - .l/ii »,•;/' « Wffkly. I'aating tor heallh ia a modern inven- tion, Aa old ax tho hills is the Arab hrv in, and as tlie p\tieiit oiproBiod it, 1.,., ',, . ,.,j. »•. ., i ,, .,i.„.iio ...II " 1 "'h' '^ ^"'"' » 'pe'"' Mi>l. presnmablv, .rfectly ^vell. i in^ni^onoe j,, j, .. j^ » HIaok ia now stylish worn with color, from the patent to the deepest. ilgonoe in it " ia a sign of long life ' I'Uercino out of doom, lead a godly life and ""y eat your regular rutiona ; to xholl your daya bo long in tho land The German Emperor will be preaent at the Goodwood racts at leaat on two dayi. The Eiffel Tower at Paris was opened yesterday and wa« thronged with visitora. Halifax haa Bint a abipment ot thirty cats to Sable Island to deatroy the rabbits which are too prolitio in that place. At tho moating of the Kingston Board ot I rade on Tuesday night attention waa 'called to the recklirM destractiou ot timber in Fionteuac. The oflicial returns ot the rcceiit vote on the Scott id repeal in Middlei^ex county show 2,b'J°2 tor tne Act and ,5,4:i0 for the repeal. Majority against the Act, '^J'SS. There are a great many men at Budbary at prtnunt looking for work, but there is none olTering, aa the mines have been sup- plied for some time past, and the drives are about out ot the small creeks. At a meeting ot L O.L., No. >'>, in King- ston on 'Tuesday Li;jbt, the Chairman re- fused to t0B.sl the Dominion Parliament, as it had forfeited public confidence by its vote ou the Jesuit ijuestion. Tli9 indefatigable Princeaa Clementine o' Orleans has betii endeavoring to arrange for a marriage between her youngest and favorite acii, Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria, and the Princess Helene d'Orleana, tlye second daagbtdr of the Comto de Paris. War is reported to have broken out again t)^tween the Dutch and Malays in Sumatra. Immense namb^s of natives attacked the port of Atcbci, but were re- pulsed with a lots of 100 killed. The garri- sen lost live men killed and 2o wcuuded. Keinfurcemeuta have been B(;nt. The ferry-boat Peerless, plying between Philadelphia and Gloucester, N.J., collided with the Philadelphia iV Heading ferry- boat J. S. Hchulu yesVrday, badly itjur ing five young women, paasengtrs on the Bcliult/., and carrving away a portion ot the ladies' cabin. I'lora Jackson and Annie (Juinby are badly injured, and will probably die. Mr. D. Cameron, freight conductor on the C.P.Ii , was hurt yesterday at the Sud- bury station. While trying to jump ou a car be niij&ei and was kuockea down be- tween the train and atatioii platform, uliere be had to iiu until the train went by. He wax struck in talliog. bis leg waa broken and he waa hurt inwardly, but the doctors say bo will recover. Messrs. Crossley and Hunter have com pleted their evangelistic labors in Wood- stock and It ft for Hi. Thomas yesterday mornicg. There they will rest tor a few da)a and then proceed to Kxeter. Their ftrewell meeting was attended Tuesday night by about 1,600 {leople. Tbey point to between :J00 and ,sU0 converts in various ataxia ot advauciment us the result of their visit. live brijjands Aero hanged in the court yard of tho prison at Hcfiaye>ierday. They were led separately to tho scatfold and were hanged in aucc^ssiun. Kach was envolo[x>d in a bag passed over I. is bead and reach- ing to the waiat. llicir t^truggltx were pro. looi,''d s veral minutvs. A mob broko the cordon eurrouudiug the jail and tho gen- darmes had great ditticuity iu keeping them from tho scaffold. John Shroder. a grocer and saloon- keA|ier. of Indianapolis, yeaterday morning walked up behiiii his wife as she was standing with their '• months' old infant in htr aruif. and out her tliroat from ear to ear with a razor, killing htr. The baby was seriouxly injured by the mother falling upon It. SbruJer then walked acrosa the street to a vacant lot, where Ilk) cut his own throat and died in a tew iiiiiiutea. Ho waa uutTi'iiug from an inxtne freak, and imagined liiK family would coiiio to want, though ho waa 111 corafurtablo circuuistance?. There waa no plenary sitting at the Samoa Coufer(;nco yesterday owing to the nnanimous ok>JL'clioiiu of thu Uermau dele- gatts to transact busiueaa on a day of humiliation. Sir I'Alward ami Lady ICrinyiitrudo Malet entertained the delu gales at dinner intbe evening, thiity covera ueing laid. Lady Krniyntrudo sat between (oiini HiHiuarek and Mr. Kasson. Sir Kdward x«t between the Couutesa Bern- storlf and Madame do Benevondotff. The wives ot the delet;ate8. (.'oloncl and Mra. Ituaaell, the whole of tho ataft ot the I^m baxsy. (^'ount Ilismarck's Private Secretary, Herr Von Hulow and thu secretariea ot tho coiifereiK'u were among the gucata. iiord Stanley and party will go to Casoa- pedia on Thurftlay for a tialiiug holiday. Hon. A. («. li. n»iin»tyiie, a prominent resident of Winnipeg, died at St. Paul dn Saturday. Tho will ot the late Sir Thomas (lUd- stoiiu, brother ot tho ex Premier, bt<|neaths an estate valued at £'J01.07',I. The remains of tho late Maj.ir Short were conveyed from y'lobec to Kicgatou, wliiro they were buiiod to-day. (loiitracla fur llfty miles ot tho Morris- Brandon branch of the Northern Pacitlo A Manitoba Itoad havo been awarded. Tho t^iuebec outlaw, Morrison, who is recovering, atatea tbiit ho did not lire, aa ia allif^ed. on the ocoabion of hia arrest. The military tribunal at Met/, haa iinpoded a lino of liOO inarkx each upon ^17 young men for iviiding military duty. 'llio Kxooutivo Council ot the Swiaa Coofodoration at lleino has promulgated an order forbidding exhibitions of h) pnotiuiu. Hiabop tlloary's vieit to (ianano<]uo last week resulted in tho raising ot S5,000 for church building, and his vieit to Odeuaa in the raixing ot $l,UO0. Tlui 'J y oar old acn cf P. O. Carnovsky. of Kingaloti, drank a ciuaiility of brandy, purobatod tor medical purpouee, and died in twenty four liouix Itoaidea thu naval review at Spithead, a yrand military review is iu preparation at .Mdirxliot III honor of the coming visit of the (ierinan Kuiperor. The general lines of the aettltmenl of tho Baiiioan diflioulty having btion agreed upon, it ia expeutud that tho (ontcrcnco will soon close its labors. The annual inspection ot tho ;ird But talion Viotoria Uiflfs of Canada took piano ill Montreal on Hatiirlay. Tho bioydo corps attaidied to it waa much admired. Dianatrous (tornia awi-pt over Austria on Katiirdny. Three pus ii;'.i were kill; 4 near \iiniia. Fearful culaslri phtu ociiiricd noar Pilsoi'. Housfa oollapaid at It.'cUo- witz and Bieckowitz, killing nine children, and at Zlno, wbete thirty persona were killed. While some boys were bathing yesterday morning in the river at Wingbam, one of them, Arthur Long, a tinemitb, aged IU, took a cramp and waa drowned before aaaiatance could be called. Prince Albert Victor of Wales will go on board the royal yacht Oaborne at Uolybcad on Monday and proceed to Belfast. Mr. William H. Fiaber, MP. for Fulham, will accompany Hia Hoval Highnesa en behalf of Mr. Balfour. Upon inquiry at the Vatican on Satur- day it waa learned that the report that the Pope had been taken euddeuiy ill waa not well-toanded. It waa stated that His Uolinesa is in good bealtb, and that be gives daily audiences. In the Montreal Court ot Appeal on Saturday, in the libel suit of the Jesaita vs. the Mciil, Chief Justice Dorion granted the defendant:) an appeal from the jadgment ot Jadi^e Loranger setting aside part ot the allegations in the exception to the form. Violent hnrricanea, accompanied by heavy rainfalls, havo prevailed in tb< Evelengeberge district ot Moravia, destroy ing the crops and doing immense damage to other property. The viUagea ot Kaach- bach, Kchmiedegrand and Slieraenfersdorf are completely inundated, and many of their inhabitants with great difficulty escaped to the bills with their lives. The Arcbdncbesa Btephanie, widow of Crown Prince Kudolph, has returned to Luxembarg, near Vieona, where ahe occa- pies tho Imperial summer palace. Emperor Francis Joseph paid a visit to her on Tbarsday ai-d remained in oonveraation with her tor several boars. Near the foot ot Weat Pass. Miss., vej- terday, a party ot nogroea were returning in two skiffs from a trip to the Ltsuisiana shore. The wind and waves were high, ttud the people in one of the boats became frightened and capsi.:ed the boat. Nine out ot tho ten passengers were drowned', a little girl being the only one aaved. The German Government has ordered Lieut. Francois, a brother of the noted explorer of that name, to organize an armed force to operate in the southwest .\.frican German protectorate- Preliminary to tbe extcutiou of tbia order, Lieut. Fran .^oiaiiad hired the nucleus ot bis force, compriaicg 30 picked men, in Bremen, and will take his departure for the scene of action at aa early a day as poesible. In tba German Keichstagon Saturday Prince Bismarck expressed doubt whether tho I'reisinnige party had not sopported the Army Bdl from necessity rather than from patriotism. •' Fie, " exolaimtd Herr Uicbier, resenting the imputation. " Who- ever saya lis to me," warmly retorted the Chancellor, 'it impndent. ' Ilerr Bam berger declared that the Chancellor's action could only produce persooALhatred. Piince liiamarck abruptly left the Chamber. No. 20 -Michigan Central liail way cipreEs, which struck and killed Jacob Bechard and bis horse at Buxton on Wednesday nif ht, on Saturday strtick tbe team and waggon ot Jas. Uolden, near Pellon, killing both borsea, smaxbiug tho waggon to splinters, and left Uolden lying Diicouacioua between the raila ot the track until Conductor Powers diecoverid aud picked him np, carrying him tu Windsor, where it was found no bones were broken, and be will recover. .V 10 year-old tirl named Myra Hannah lost her life at Ottawa ou Saturday. She wax playing on sjuio K^s on what is known as Uochester's bay, when she lost her bah\ncoand was swept into tbe river. No one waa at hand to givo her succor. She was a daughter of the foreman ot Barnes' box shcok factory. Pier father ia at present at Oswego, at which place the fatuily formerly lived. She was a pretty child, and tho occurre.u'O causes great regret in the city. Uussia was en I'etf on Saturday in honor ot tho 'ildt anniversary of the birth ot the C/arcwitch Nikolai -Ucxandrowitch, Grand Duko of Kuexia, and heir apparent to the throne. He ia still a boy in appearance. He is betrothed to Priuciws Alice \ lotoria ot Uusae. daagbier ot tbe late Grand Duchess Alice Maud Mary, and a urand daughter ot VJueen Viotoria. The marriage will take place next auiamn. I'ho C/.aroviich has bten appointtd a membtr of tho Council of the Empire and of tho Committee cf Im- perial >linister8. While Henri Kochofort, acoompanied by friendp, was walking in Hegent street, London, on Saturday night, ho met M. Pilotcl. .\ngry worda were exchanged aud I'llotel threatened to strike Uochefort unlexj ho asaciited to a duel. Kochefort drew a revolver and waa about to liro at Pilotel, when a byxtaniler seiz-jd tho wea- pon. A policeman arretted tho men and took them to the station, where Pilotel charged Kochefort with asaault. 1 he revolver waa found fully charged. Koche- fort waa bailed. Barry Koi^hler, while cra/od with drink, ran amuck throunh tho streets of Joliet, 111., on Friday night and ahot and seriously wounded a young lady, Delia Hurt. A crowd gathered and began to search for him among sotiiB freight cars. .\ freight train moved past, aud at the open door of one of the cars a man waa sreu. The otowd called out that it was Koehler, and an excited policeman llred at him, inflict- ing a fatal wound in tho head. Thou it was diKcovorcd that the wounded man was Win. Hanson, of Chieago, who waa on hia way to Oklahoma. Koehler waa captured next morning. Tho autopsy on the body ot Washington Irving Bishop waa made on Saturday by Deputy Coroner Jenkins. There wore also present Oi puly Coroner Weaton. I't. Biggx and I'r. I'ergnson, who made tho original autopsy. Tho exaniiuatioii, so far as was posdible to be mado that day, did not reveal tho oitue of death. Dr. Jenkins, however, removed various partiolea ot the vital organs, a nUurosaopioal examination of which ia expected to aetllo tho matter of whether or not tho mind reader died under tho postmortem knife. Dre. Hamilton, Janeway and Spit/.ka, who were ex(>ected to ha present, did not attend tho autopsy. Tho latt named physician ia said to havo declared that it i< iinpoasiblo to Eolve the mystery at this lata time. General Boulanger iiuito well ia Lon tlon, in spite of repotti from Paris Io tho contrary. Ho is niaking hia wny in society, but haa not yet ilinod with a Cabi- net Sliniatcr. Tb<) stno'ler fry cf tho Government, Mr. Yaikes, Mr. Marriott and Mr. Aahmead-Battlett, may sit down with him, but when Lord Croea found the Gen- eral at tbe Baronees Burdett-Contts' table, Lord Cross rose and fled, so powerful ia the frown of tbe French Embassy. People ask why the Baroneaa took np the General and lannohed him after be had been in asaociation with the Irish Left at the Honse ot Commons. It ia whispered in reply that the Baroneaa bates the Kepnblic. General Boulanger haa tbe rare knack ot fascinating all the women with wealth. The Earl of Malmesbury ia dead. The Kingsville oatural gaa well ia stated to be now producing t.3n million faet ot gas per day. The St. Thomaa Salvation Army intecda testing in the Police Court the right of owners ot vehicles to drive their horses through tbe ranka ot thesoldiera in parade. Tbe Pall MM Gai.:tte â- • pitciiea in " to the Imperial Government for the delay in fortifying Esquimault, and the Homo antboritiea in turn blame the Canadian Government. 1 he Michigan Senate voted down the Bill to allow women to vote at achool and municipal elections. The House of Ccmmots jesterday, by 201 to 100. rejected Mr. Labocchere's mo- tion to abolish hereditary seating in the House ot Lords. A man named Crooks, who had opened a safe at Newcastle, Penn.. and taken oat of it S2,200 in jewellery and cash, was arrested yesterday in London, Oat., and taken back to Newcastle. Tbe hotel-keepers of Pcterboro' are going to take action tj 'luaeh the high license law on the ground that at the recent vote a large number ot voters were iuipropsrly refused t-he privilege of yoticg. Mr. James Gordon Benrett, vroprietor cf the Now York lUralJ. haa left Paris for Khartoum, some say for a heavy wager arid others to rescue Gen. Gordon, of whose existence aa a prisoner of tbe Mahdihehaa received information. Diphtheria ia very prevalent in the southern portion cf Eltin county. The junior division ot the Sparta school haa been closed, owing to a member cf the family ot the teacher. Miss Jackson, being atlUcted with the disease. John 6. Kelly waa killed while working on board the steamship Buenoa Ayrean at Montreal on Thursday night. A large package of merchandise was beii:g hoiated when the aling brcke and tho gcoda tell against Kelly, knocking him into the bold head foremost. Thoiiiis Carlield. who elop-:d from Cato, N.Y'., with the daughter of ot^e Charles Forbis. ia now in Adolphustown, (.lat. Ho will try and seek reconciliation with his father n. law, but if this fails he will stay in Canada. He stole the girl away wbile her parent was acting aa a grand jaror. Gabriel Dumont, one of the leaders in the Kiel re4>ellion four years auo, is visiting the half-breeda in Northern Montana. He aaya he is getting op a party ct them to take to tbe Paris exposition, but the belief in the neighborhood ia that he ia ort;ani/.- ing for another raid into the Northwest Territory. The Court of Appeal has unanimously decided in the case ot Lady Sandhurst that women cannot sit in the County Conncila. The matter will bo carried t: P.trliament. Although Lady S.indhurst was ejected from tho London Council bocauee the male candidate next to hi.r claimed the seat. Mills Cobden sits on b"cau3e t;o adverse claim has been made. Miss Cous also sits as alderman beoacae no contest baa been made. A young man named Fletcher, in the employ ot Andrew Dunn, waa driving into Ingersoll with a load of choeae en Thurs- day, and while descending Sharps hill, en the outskirtx of the town, tho load began to slip forward. The cheixs falling upJer the horaea' feet they became unnianageable, and tho young man waa thrown under the waggon and had his leg terribly mangled, prodocing oompoand fracture, brsidea in- ternal injuries. Hia only relatives arc in India. He has been iu Canada about a year. The little girla attending tbe third grade in tho Jtffaraon PublicBchooI, Washington. were standing in the aislea \ejterday after- noon preparing to go home, when their teacher. Mra. Sarah 1".. Allen, was fatally ahot in their presence by her wotthleea haaband, who then killed himself. Allett had been aappirted by his wife until recently, when ahe left him on account of hia diaeipated habits and frequent abuae and violence. The uproar which followed tho killing caused ipiite a panic in the other achool -rooms. Ihe children rushed liownstaira petlmell, knocking over one onother, but doing no injury. Tho tire angines were summoned by one pupil. Tlio Future of Kru' <r. MaxO'Rell, in an interview en Satur- day, aaid: Tbe French arc appro.^ching one ot their historical crixea. which ( ccnr at intervala, but the new inaator will not bo Boulanger. The Communists niav tri- umph for a time. Then will follow a Ciejar, bat ho will not be Boulauger. Tho Comto do Paris ia the man, oven if he haa to wait ten or twenty yeara. An Fnulish lady tnoving in the highest cirolea "aai.l Botilanger will never move iu the best Eng- lish society, iiuoting aa an examph- tho fact that thret fourtha ot those Lord Randolph Churchill invited to meet him at a dinner refused tho invitation. As to a Franco- German war, France will not take the initiative. Her niillions of peaaanta know too well what war moans. The real danger lies in tho excitable and erratic character ot the German lOmperor. Hia violent nature at any inonieut may make Kuropo burst into war. France ia far stronger aud better prepared than ia Buppoacd, particularly iu great artillery. Certainly no nation in Europe can com- mand her liuancial reaourcis. Uverworli. Polite Doctor (oautioualy) Your hus- band ia antToring from overwork or exoea sive indulgence in alcoholic atinitilanta-it ia. ahem, a little difflctilt to tell which. Anxious Wife Oh, it's overwork. Why, ho can't oven go to tho theatre without rushing out halt a doaeu times to see his busintxi partners. It isn't what a slugger dcoa in this world that makes him great. It ia what bo aiya ho is goirg to do, Stic Or.' ici..* Pic.ij/i.ih;.