•' TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR-"-' PRIXCIPLES. ,\07 ME.X." VOL. VTTL, NO 413. FLESHERTON, ONT.. THURSDAY, MAY 30. 18S9. W. H. THURSTON. .-re 4 NEW NEW â- «?i Clocks. Wtches ^ JUST ARRIVED AT THE ADVANCE. Ra^selPs ITof^d Jewelry Slore. FLESHERTON. A:ul ;uf [uices are avr-.iy down lower than over. Just Note a few Trices I Fr..>M T!TK OFFICE. SuUiil.im Sti-'^t, â- â- Fl^shfrtiyt,. 'hit. TERMS OP 8LH.SCRIPTI0N ?! per an:n:r.i when ritl «trict'.y ia liva;!*.** f 1 VJ per auQti!:i when n*'l ^f^ »>ai ! ii!a;i. \v!iic;;. wl .ir>^ happy ;o say. we Lavc aiwavs iomi<l Mr. Rntledge to be. a:i.l ia ti-is ro^rcct we ca:iuot Ltlp bi;; uvoi-H^ly compare that ;:«!u'.'_n".. i. •.v;:.i -.l.f iij'iiviJiial wini^ ,..,• j, i wh ,i> i)U>;i. >?? ;;: lUni-i.i.k. There :- a w.l: i':.."!". .•.iici' ii; iIj. ia>.-a:.:i.-: ni" '.i.'- woris ••â- i;^c•^•,--l•)ll aiii •â- •[â- â- .ai ;â- â- h •â- vhiL'.j vjur hit'.v hratu cai-L.-j". ''.i^'.-'.r:-. Mr. Hiiii. \s a •.vi..,i ;;) 10 .ill prt;v-.,.,-j= cd'.j.ti in tlie luio uf falsifvuiir. ti.o Iiaii'iaik H-; ' 1 :.!'.> â- H. M.-. T;i"r,to:;: Wiilihani watches, tWiu-yoars warran's. from SO.O;") up. Iho hnes^t iiiako of nicKL-l alarm clocks fr.jia SI. 90 lo Si.^O. I'iiii' .^nurio.iii sprinLT luul wci^tiii v.aUiui; clocks IViun .S3.:»5 tn S'i.SO. The fiiKSt make of ro'lctl ^'jIJ ciiMns. AMn-ant-ii fiom t<?n to fifteen years from S;^.50 up. A biaiititnl assortment of ladies" [,'«m riuj^s Irjm ou'v Sl.oO to 8<5.5«). The famous 13. I.aurt'iice spcx still ;,'o:ii,' iit half pric-. 20 ixi-r o.-iit. off on »il silv.rwar,' sales. IFYoU VV.\N"T B.\i'.u.\INS COME (^N, \VK IIAVK IHEM HERE FOR Vol". T.\KK YOli: HF.rAIHS to TJ/S SKLL as ho attends to all repaii-s p.>rsti;;a!lv ai;(l :i r-M-fi'c; j'-'h :« ^'"araiitotd . v.rv !i-.. or money refimded at CV.^.^EI.L-S NOTED JEWELRY STORE. Fleshcrton. ib EVMS. \n town. McDonald ,v. evans, Wright's Old Stand. Pumps! Fumpslllorj^es lor Sale. < >no co! tiuij. 1 year. ^'* Transieut >i lvi*rti'*«ii:'».'r lint* each -ubs«-.r ha,'. f ool . W. H. THURSTON. I^iiit- r tfui Fr'-f-ritt'fr. .\L<() A r.AR(l.\" MryCHAlSEN. l:; i I CASH OR TRADE Aotl One Price Only. i V.'c n)i;s» sava few wjrds abi>'kr ocr Boot & Shoe Department this week. j Sclcctiuj; our goods, we tried to get the shoe that would give the most | wear for the least n^oney. and think we have struck the right tliiug. Those I •iiiU kid. with solid leather soles for $1.35 cts.. cannot be beat. SEE THEM LADIES. also a nic« 0\ford. in Freucli Kid for $1.15. Full Imes m rVittoii. Lac«. Oxfoixl and Shppers. for ladies, misses and childreti. Onr men s, vouth'-s and boy s sh:>e cannot be excelled. We Arc jjoiu;; to show a whole leather •iihoe at 41.(50. splits for jl.15. SEE THEM GENT- . JUST ARRIVED. A Japan Tea to sell at 20 cts. S II I R T I N ft S ait I'J^ ets.-«ecm to be just the risht tliiug for me f*r«cr«. You can relv on the colors. They are v/arraatvd fast. Cottonades in the very best quali- ties at lowest prices. Full lines of (ottons. Prints, Press Goods, Lace Curtains, Euibiwideiies, Ulo.'ts, Hosiery. Etc. Give us a Call luul bo convinced that wo are showini; the Best Goods for the leas; money J. McCulloueh. Markdale, niamifaouturnr n( piiui)''. 'If'ireo to inform tho )MiMi^- tliat 111' is im<car«J to fiirnisli pumi'K (or Deep wells, gravel wells, etc, rartioswlui tiave liaretofortf haiUlilliculty with llu'ir wells ari> Guaranteed Satisfaction bvusitiKniv nrticUe. I teamed my bu«i!n*f;s with the U'to J. W*r.of Mt'afortl.thei»upt3riortt\ <i( whoso innnps wiisi a bous«?hold wordiu Grey a fpw voar^Riio He snre aiiit call on me if yon dMire anjtoio^ u the i>umitUue. J. UcCulloush ' Tbo un^oru^iifl<lhrJi ai;otxI span of (.icMi:);:-^ risinj( ( years, wbloh ;:o ilesiri':^ t,o ^eU. A rare 1 bar^in! .Vi>plv to I L. J. Williamson. ' La< ly Itank.JVcr Flesherton Lmrv Subles. iLlYTO^, Proprietor, First clans bor* e 8 a u il vohicles f o r hire at r«aflo n » b I e rates. Stables op- jKtsi t e M mi shftw'si htitel **^>ecial nt tvntiou |.>aid to t'o w iu« r - clal busioeM TIu Dunkalk Ileia'.d ::..i;; f.'v'.; '.:c '..a.s not as yet qiire m:nl.' ins jfimd, a :^-l desires to v:- â- !•;:_â- :!.-• â- .rovirsy on ra.lway u.o;..niiiiy tin lait issue, unci. .â- t;;v .,-Ji<e summing up, i.e br;:..'' :u ui.rxrs which are entirely i:;liv:i:i: t) ::.â- (â- ,1. -ition. aijii iuaki.s ;i,sscrtiJi;s ti.t. :u-:.ty ..fwluch conl.i i>:;iy bo rivallid L'V a r.arjii .^l uncha.;S'.-c. His thst ulsfhooU IS ti.e assriuin that wl were adi"isi.d to ''p/.^jh into th-^ Hfrald.' The little r:>oster of tii. IRralu ^wjuld be wise lu rcfruinnii; from pittas ng his feathers with li.e ;dta ti^at any notice w:is taken of his articles by those most interested., We never even heard the mattir mentioned r.iuil after our tirst art.cli ap^teartd. It was an uiubrtunaie day for this little man 3 vanity when Tue Advance drew tht publics attention' to his jKjmposity. Mr. Hall says wei Lave not proven tho falsity of iuforma- lion given to him. Tiiree individuals gave hiiii figures : two of them tallied, but the ibird was 2i cents below, aiui I correct. He based i.is st.itistics on , llic higher figures. Tiie public inirst bo a better judge than you. Mr. Hall, as to whether all three could be cor rect. We ignoreil none of your sia;. • . monts, and misquoted none of your sentences. We published all your, most imiHHtant "pKunts, that the| public migiit judge of them, and thati is what you have not dared do with j oiu:s. We accused you of witlioldiug , tlie fact Ih'it the tariff ou certain articles was lowered correspoudingly with the raising of others, aud you,' have not denied it. Why '.' »Ve accuse you now of being actuated throughout this whole matter with a personal auiuius towards the railway company, and an insane desire to "get even." You understaud what wu mean. You alse> .iccused ns of iieiiig intlneneed by political exigences. j Wo askid you lime *ud again te-> m- ) form the people what ptilitics had to .lo with ll'.e iiuestioii. but sucli in- ' fovmaiioii was not foriiieoming. T'he ; siliv assertion was latighed ;U, like a i * ,Mod iiuiiiy m u'o eifasmiliar kind which appeared in the Herald. The .\dvance an ''unprincipled assailant." indeed! When v lowed 1 side by side with the priueiple>5 pro- mulgated by the immaculHte Theo- phihis. The Advance can await judgement with no misgiving heart The Herald also accuses us of at- tempting to pick a quarrel with the Markdale Standard. That is also one of Mr. Halls exitggem'ions. Wo di not desire so quarrel with an honorable <iid Ins level best to ony :he H.ralL li.d ooulJ:i t ..â- '-•t it. T^^L-.i tljt prtSi ;.: proijrietL'r c:in:.> al >r!i: ar.-i !'o-igi.t ;•. \lU Sec now wt-v n.- vcuts i.s V'rn'. i- at the Herald. Thi-. fr'MU an ex- nuLiater. ahr.:s; lakcs ',:. bn-a:;. away. We de-^i.-nate r a lie niau!t- faciured out ui wholt ciotii. \^ •.• d. i at one iiin.- thiiik 'H bnymg ti:- paler. Lnt ;t was long befon.- M.'. H.i.l -i ia-t advent nron ti;e res:r;T!n if ••in.al- .-n;. II. 1-^ :.. \. iiiH. t'.;t delii"; 'a"." 1;. ..Un- s Lis ; '.a i..-S nn':..'-: n. I :...i; ..i :..â- â- ;. 1 - .1. . .1 -ri.'. . W: ;. \w ;:.: . L.. .: 1 1 .luti â- ^ '.. J'. 'â- 'â- •. : .; : '.'.'• .r::.'.ud j'ji.ais n.iire 1 r Tl.. .â- "•. â- .v,i:.e pla:." ".l.a:. tl.c Ih .alii 'vas :'•..<.â- [ :\:. t!;< V will miii' rst.i.id ab'-.it i. y.v -.n'-o.. •.\e â- •e.f.l !:. â- - _<.t it 'A". iVlI tJiat wt- owe a:; a: > ; i,'.''' '- o'tr ;-uuii.rs!'jr answi-ring tLiuSc person al slu.3 and f.'ili<.ii nHis. an i iK-r'W.-'. teud'-r t'lc saiiii.. O.ir c '.itrcver^y with Mr. Hall iias convinced ns that a uian with tl.e sarae prufessioiiS w!:;e); iio b.as made. and who will dihberatcly falsify, as he Las done, is an L\iit!iii.i\ nnwortiiy onpoiK-nt f^rany iiewspap.r mail to mate:: s\\ '.ds witi;. \\ e ,iri •Mt Wfll v.^rstd IS sv.ch disiioiiM- ab.t taciioi, and will therefji'e leai^ tiiat tield to Mr. Hall. w;:a tne observation ti;.vt his remarkable caii t r iias added another golden maxmi to the loug list, quite worthy of a place besi'ie the bnglitest gems of King Solomons Proverbs: --.X. poor preacher is rather to be ch'Seii ti..in a silly journalist. â- Our cnticistu Las only had tin ed'vct of exemphiyitig th.. old L:it;n pr'.iverb. â- •V'-ntis .jJium I'Kirit tiilt.i ul'.ir. caoiSis i;atreit. i.iirhways shall be 25 feet apart. not nearer than f' fert fi-om bou:;.L aljUL' Hues between lots, i-) fee'. inspector is provi.lrd %o see th.i [ui.'\ .si'_>ns are carried o.,it. .: T',r<v: :)f M.-. las. Br'>.i:-". wlijs • .; 'v .; rii to examme me trees ul. â- wA C:r:fy to tiie fact that such '. wi-;-e planteii and arc uroi-in;;. : 1 be ij pcd that thr bylaw will '. â- -1.'.- J- sired effect of stimitlatin ; plinni;,' jf .-lijde trees alou.- n.,'l.w.iys iind around car I'arm-. -in.'lo act I the farmer will mor-r i.- iice tb^.- iji-anty auj value o: f.i:-;n tLa:; t.ie pLmfing of rov,- siiiiie trci s iin>und his farm : and ::..it a bo.Tts Las beer. p!aced : nnicL dfce;-Htions. ;io uonbt the â- - â- :id An ii' S '11 n.y-v i!'!S bi. prod:;ctr.\- cf •^â- <oa in tin* tow:is:;iii. .Married. .'.:-â- ' i-t ._:»:.i .-.. *: -.J.- re.,i K'!jce ,. *. .•• 'â- â- ... â- ::!:. .-r :-....': ri if. Mr ivi.i:;'. L. -.-.^ ]. : ^Wk... >..:. u. li .\ y.: >aii,:,.:. M - -.v : .â- Uo ;-ct:i;a I hv'.'.i:i: .â- a,. â- -tl. -.J :;--..i:.-.. .; -.:., M -tr; .e'.--. i .: .; â- • - :â- •-::â- :- . I. Ii,: K,; ; W..;..., S:...-., - '.i -I';... a : :â- ..». :, .. 1 ! .- .-. â- I m - V.',' \ . it?:j 'â- :..r di '.•.3 .^.... .' -1 Li. ;.«t'.. ;: â- *; ; /.-iie-,â€" :;;- V .-•.::. >:S-Tvr .:.,::;,- !-..i:. . p..,...^ i '.'.'. ;, ' i^""' '.-t-.e -.-• l;..»:ai;- i. ..it ,: :•' , . .â- â- •..:. : 1 . : li. irrr:.. ».i. - .. it,.,::„,j, .;,; %:i i ^ H .- - ..'-^ V. -â- : • r , /r.-... : ,. ,; i> : ...â- â- - .art,.;. HI.. :; a .., ^ v. . ;, ... .,- â- n,.'. 'â- â- •â- ...>_ i^:, ... Mr. '.V .::... or. s., u * ^ •: ' r - -I •-â- 'â- <".:.. :.^ .â- > } .vA-.iUil -, â- 'â- • â- ' . : .. : . ; r«-. -, :: .; : :,„ ; th,.,.; ; I- ^ 'iL.,- ( . n : -rTrf. . r ...fc'.^.ir.'. la.j wori.l l>;i,>. tw.-i;;v.|Jiv c,..,' 'it.e ! o li'.'.re ai:.i ai-K'-r '.Miu Wisa;. iU-i liiK... ;.-â- .jtj.,r ^.r:.i -tatr.. la ; -.^ H >JiCi^> BiE Sui-L K^-l'.'tble Wii:i\';t>> 111 Gold, filled gold and Coin-silver l'nc';i Sam s department a: tl.e I'ari.-- F.\l.ibitioii is religiously closed on Sundays. It will b-' well wortiiy a journey to Pans jast to sec the ex- pression on the face of tiie Chicagcui who visits the exhibition oa Sunday to tind his countrymen so m!icli mor» virtuous abroad than they aie at home. â€" Empire. e>nJuue4. 11 and 1;^ the ClMl will run cheap exursious to pcunts in .Manitoba aud tho Northwest at the following tigurcs: Calgarry and return. §83 ; Delorauie. Gleuboro. Saltcoats and Moosouiin. andreturn. S2S. This t' rnble railway uionojHily will soon crush tie farmers with it.s ftarfully high passenger rates, will it not Mi-. Hall:' Jnst think of atrip of four thousand six hiuuired m;les (o): ?;',"). i.>i;tr:igeo;is I From statistics We learn ihal tho iiveiago rate f.-r passenger traffic over th.j C. IVl. system for the year ISS."^ was l.TM .'onts per mile. r>y enaeimeiit of the Coum-il of Arteiuesia at its last .session it has been made an object with farmers 'o plant trees along highways in frout of their lots, and along the hues ijctween lots. Twenty-five cents for each such tret? living at the end of three years is the sum which the Council guaran- tees to pixivido. Ti-ees planted along cases. r.i ll^S a:: I G- Tlt?i* >i/i «. Walnut and Nickle Clocks. [ am ri'jrr!-. !::• .i iiv A 1 « ii,!:- < luielji^k* M.-K-Kt-.i ".f t'V " !.ii.» wirr;ii;t^. :ti lu*;.* -..•iw- â- ! I .'..ir .. ilrcT th.m ,i:.;v _«iv,.:^..- ioii.j; bi.t. Ill n,.^ ^.-rlii.ii. If rfiofS irt' n, t .ii'd rock tr^.-y t.nii? QUALITY Considered, I woul.i iiot be ^ible to hulj stieh « Urj-e si;arv if 'irt.' e".j. trrijeas 1 have nt piest u;. "CAf^H or C^EDir' will ii....-i,iv;]y .ill lietter by reu. Goods, Work and Harraiits ( onsitlered ;iv>ii yi-.li ...in .-le t';«e\\l;.r»' S..."t .1 '.:.â- ;. •.Illy ii:;-.,l. Work Carefully L:iir, Fair Charg'}S. stock :i'>«' I'onipU'ti. ;:i ill hues. Can save you SI to $3.00 on watches, Ot}uT liues »ili hv lieM on live an i l-.t live niai uiM* W. A. BROWI â- , Jeweler aud Opti Lm, M.VUKU.\LK. Out.