H r II L FLESHER'ION ADVANCH. SOME CANADIAN SCENERY. A Bo^ur.iful Valleyâ€" The Fishing Islands of Laka Huron. That Oi.tarn posse.'ses snme bits of iiiiiJucai'..- as pr.-tty »s can he f.iund in the "â- •â- rill J.1 t!:e verdict of tnvvelers wlir. Vii. w .,'â- what they ,ir3 talkiiii,'. The A.ivan->. |,a;< .i^ -idud to write uji a few ?i<i'tc!i-;.s .if [.,a.>t.iral ai;J .ther soeiie.s, wliicli u ventures to h<.pe will he iound f'f some interest to ita readers ; snme i-i w.iuiii. lioweier, may have vit-wod for theuiaelvod tlie acenea we depict, but if so they wi!l pr-hably Eud them j.!eai,i::t tu reo.T,;;. .lud cau compare their own im- t're»3iOiia with ours. We would Vie haoov to receivf ,.ther skotches fr..m t!io3o of our redclvi-s wlio havu aiiythiii- suitabie <ii the.r minds eye and are wiliui;,' to place thoin u;.oii paper. To be.,nii witii, a;id very near home, we wiU n.jtice THB QCEEy's VALLEY. This heauuiul vale lies .iirectly r.ortli of Fle»heit ,11. witti lu termiuati..!!, .r head proper, about tw.> miles distai:'.. 1- :^ one • f th.,. in ,si p:ciurt.-s.)u..- i.a>!, ral s-e;.f. lu the w.-rid. I; ;,.« „«: t:i.; .â- ! ,- ; ii!u ! eauty or sonio S.., tdjij ._-:<r.,s. n.ir •he f. vv,,;;.^ su;To;i,.i:..^i of Uu^ky -.1 ill 11 â- _->:-^oo. out taiiej lu a Wloe ;.i'. â- ..^v.i' i-. leaiitiful 111 .•â- it!:i:e. <!r...;ie 1 '• '•" " â- "â- -â- â- "' » < Ac.ji- i.;i_' rca:fai auJ |'.t..i.<..,L- t • the eye. From wiiaiever 1'. in; it i... a;.proac!ied the v;ew ii superb, .i\ . w;., . ;:•._•«;â- ,. i;^ jn ti,^ iiieui iry ui tii trav. ,,r ivln, ^^.-ej a f..r tiie iirst and hast time, l'frli:([.3 r,iie of the prettiest v:cws I'i t.'-.at oijtaiiiahle on tiie rad from Eugenia to Kiuihurley, wliere u begins to des.-end ; and the uio.>t favorahie sea- si<ii > f year i,s when the S'lJea ijehis of uniin. waviiu' in its fertil.- d-..,.thH. are ihecken-d ..!f into bh->. f.i il:ej-.;.i;ia^ with patcii'.-s of emerald wo .iia.ol. Tlio view fXtends here f..r ei','ht miles to tlie north troiii hill to hiH. A- your Ic.'t the valley .« pri oably two miles across, Ironi 700 to eiHi net ill depth, and descends iiu;te abruptly. Cultivated fanus of -rca^ ier- lility line I'f sides and slumber in its depths. The Beaver river winds throutjh lis Uittoiu l.-iiidg and forms the aii:.der» haven of Wiss. At the Ij-ittom of the valley due north licJi the little villai;e of KunberJey, iiesiliu;; beiow crag;;y rocks that rise on the east to n great height, and from ihetop^of which,aIso, is obtained u 114 oat aweiiispiniiij view. The Queen's Vall.-y. from its southern e:t:reinity to Thoriibury, wliere it iiieots the eienrman Bay. IS fuily 2-' miles long, and forms one f the most fertile strips of farmiiij; land in tiiis whole Dominion, It is noted for its salubrious eliiiuto and healthy atmosrhcie. Kimberle^, ten miles from Fiesherton, is a ^.Towiiii; and pro»porou.< little villase. The beautiful tj;iee:i'» Valley is associated with our earliest rccollectious, and will reinaiii with ua to the end of life as a scene the beauties of which cannot be faithfuily de- picted upon paper or canvas. The pen seems too weak, and the painter's brush could only show biu here and there, whereas it requires the whole to make tip this perfect picture, THE riSHINiT I<:.ANl>S. I'll the eastern shore of Lake Hun>n, seven miles due west from Wiar:.!!, on the Uruce i>eiiiiisula, lie tlie Fishiiis' Islands. They are easily f.iund on any Rood map of Oiit.ino. Those is'.ands lie in L-iL-at luiiubcr for a distance of six 111. le.% al.'tij; the coast, and 111 » line dis- tant from the slioie of a quarter to two miles. Tlie small viUa/e of Olii.liant is sitii.a;ed on a bluff which foriuod at soino I'eriod ill past a;;e.s the slioro line, but from whicli the ivater has now receded a lum Ired yards or more. Tlie lake bot- tom at this point IS of sar.d, level and hard, and the water is sliHlhiw f -r a Ion;,- dibit, nice out towaids the island,... This beautiful sandy bott-uii, at tlie iireseat season of year, forms an extensive spaiviuniibed for innumerable black ba-ss, which, a little later in the season, may be eiu-hi in large quantities witii rod and line. Herriiit' in shoals coma inside the islands and uisport themselves in shallow water. !>alm..u .iml pickerel inhabit the deoi'C- waters, and an occasional sturijeoii IS c.iptuied. The islamls are iut>3tly small, but all have local cognomens, and on Main Station Island is a ^ood wharf, stone bouse where supplies are kept, aud several hsliBniidii's residences. At least such was in euiiditi«in when we visited the spot a few years a;;:o. lUher appro- priate names are given to the smaller islands, such as "Helimoie's, ' "Smoke- house, "' "S<|uaw," "Whitefiah," etc. These islands are all nK'ky, and are iBustly Covered with thin soil and a •tuutetl undergrowth. They formaixiast defence froiu the heavy storms which f^e un the lUiMoia uf Lake HuroD during the stormy seasons, such as only nature can supply, and the mountain waves from the west break m wild foam upon their rocks, while the inner waters are but sliohtiy ai;itateu. Years ajo the in- habitants 1,'ained a considerable portion of their livelihood from wrecka;:e waslieU ashore frui.1 unfortunate vessels. Manv a barrel of flour and [nrk have been ves- cieil iroiu these waters to be added to the old settlers fruijal tare of tish and p<it«- toes. And m.t infrequently, also. ha.-, the hc/rntied wrecker discovered au'lastiy floating remnaii't of humanity washed landward by the waves. JLiny an ui.- marked ^rive lies along this sln.re. the n.imeless occupant perhaps in unieii f r in ooiiie distant home, w'.iere wife, or parents, or brothers, or sisters, are dwell ing 111 ignorance of t!ie fact that tlie lost oiie luas reci-ivud a christian buiial. lb, W hiteC.^U Island suuds a lii^h, solitary cedar tree. It is trimmed of all branches nearly t • the t,.; , and pegs are driven II. to it at regular intcrv.ils up the trunk, forming a rjiie living ladder. The object I .f this bidder was a c*riosity until we learned that it formed a l.iok' ut for ea'.er- r.siiig li.iiiermcii who us>d it fvr ibe purpose of discoverini: the wiiere- a ' ;;t.i o; no.'.eosli s.i'^.il.*, \\..cu il.. v would .iraw a .seiio-- ar uud the ijjli and hau. ti.eiu aahorj. I'ue islands 111. «t:y u-ed r>y rMi'e.-iii, CLirii;,- .â- ; ti'h T..ey will pr ''al/y iv- iiiaiii iu iiatar^f uivi,; tliein to a great extent, as the harbor ii v,..ry shall-iw an.} the situati .11 not g " 1 f.r a bu.sincss cei.ti'e. 'I'iiey w.jiild form very pleasant retreats i,.r men of leisure t.> jiassthe h.t sumiiii-r irij'itln u;on, indee.i we can tli.i.k of I: . m.ire .nv.-.ii.g a spot for nuch a purpose. The air u nearly always cool, with .1 soft breeze b'ii-.vi:i^. which whis- pers â- ('â- I,'..' fir i,i,'itt, to the idler on the.'ie ulecj. Ill fancy even as We write can be he:u-d tlies.ift plash of the waves as they kiss th--. [.ebbled .shore, and we can still .see the white-wiuged tishiin; boats is they skini over the clear, cool wa-ers. i"Ti^llB]'B ilWI I STORE LSSHERTOW. ire f r the Maxwell frnvi cur ou-it i.vnrsponlfiit. Ga WcJiiojday evei:iug. ilay 15di. the i»fOpl<i of Maxwell aud vieinitv were siupn!Jei.i to hear of tlic marnao'e of Mr. .John Graiiam tj a yotuig laJy of CoUiugwo'.iJ. Tiie cci-ciujiiy t.w k place at liio resilience of Mr. tTi-aliam aboiu nine oclov.'k p.m. On Tiuirsd ly evciiiDLj ill'. y wore sercu.iiied by the boy<. Mr. J. r.cia is shipping: lumber to Tdi'outo Jiuiciiou for tlu- purpL-so of br.iidiiig a iiuiiibcr of lioii.-:es.opor;itioii to c.oumiencf iiboif. the I=t of.I:uio. Mr. itid Mis. Win. Feawici; are visiting fneiidsalo.it Miiiwell. tiiey t.iok well and st-eiii plea.soil to be uick afttir an abseiu-e of su Nears. .Mis3 .v. Hn-! of C visiting at Mr. Wni. Ilorton's. Mr. J. Carr's stock of dry g.jods and groceries i;a?t been pureha..-e 1 by Mr. I.'. Me. D. Williams who had it moved into hi? own sioro. Mr. U.M. Iloroii left for C.iliing- wood last week, wlii-ro lie iir.otids stiiyltig all s.iinmer. the -Hih will bo cclcbratod i:i Max- wlII. The bills say we arc to have a grar.J tiuie. Carter's twi lambs, calf and dam. have been sohi to .Messrs. t'ross X Lviin for ?'b'<-'U cish. Since accepting that he hais had oliera as hi-h as j^Mtlil. On S.itar- day lG."i went to see them, on .Siindav it »as a [ erlect streuiii, but only a few were ucc ided tlie privile^je. Man.vger Uill. of i!k! T.routi Industrial, w.w one I'f the Sunday \isitois. Monday a chari^a of -J cents was made, but the vi.siturs did not let up. What Me.ssrs. Cross A" Lynn intend donn' with tiie freaks we have Hot heard. â€" M^ceton World. Calaiili cureil, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloli's (^atarrh Rc:ii,-ay I'rice 50 cents. M.isil liijectiir free. For sale at the Medical Hall (ireat Sale of Bankrupt Stock of J. G. ANDERSON Goine On On the premises occupied by him. OVER $3,000 Of General Merchandise, consisting of Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Siioes. Hats and Caps, Gents' Furnishings. Floor Oilcloths, Wall Papers, Crockery, Glassware, etc.. most of which had been purchased for this season's trade, and the whole will now be offered BELOW WHOLESALE cost prices for cash or trade. This is a rare chance to secure good bargains, and an early visit of all close buyers will convince them of this fact. Butter, Eggs and otHer produce taken in trade. Richardson & Co. Everything " For riOIXEU"" FLnURTU/T^' 4 ^ f\ THEaAHDElT. ^â- •-'â- --^"»; *V aillCU Blackburn s. To Our Frieuils aud Patrocs. ICE Cream Fariors |.HtLES1IE.\ t. « sell c â- â- N'l -•err -M-.^ 1 ibi- K.VL b.Vi- i,l' VllAN : !â- •. 1 ' AEKKI.V. No ext>eri.' ir.j 1 : e.i. 1 . ii.m 11 •.. .1- '.ini't .11! 1 - . â- -> .ri'ii. Ar.:.. KsK? K. Yorso \ :r>Kf Jii.iii. .. >â- ;:.-.< :.T N V, \--si W,. .i.wir^ t,i thank V'Hi f^r vnir h nrfi! jat- I ru:iii^'Bi:j :!,d ! U'^t , Aii.l i.v-pf !t'r :i i>'ii*.i;.u.i;:ci* [ , . ^ ill li... --iriii* W :; ;;uve lii.-- \'-Mr :;;.i ii.* i;'i.-.i; . [\., .t.lUlS . ^ <' ' < â- 'â- '-^ ~" "'..!..â- - xv» n.v. a; r.c. .:• 1..: -u;.. , uure ci Meats ii r L B .s U'.aiK.'l'.ib i:ii ' Uh.i.i--- 11 O I S 11 1» 1. V > 1 s . .\h;i.'~; 1.10 Ti-l-n-v.. -1.1 ;'. V. â- :•::.â- â- •, â- â- .oi.'-nu doilli... oi.l MUitfi.* I lortinniiiis in i ni.iv ^na.loi.. ^;'ll^l all 1 - L v. V rn..' -.or. iv\ t:it nf.-lt'i.-i .;oliili- l-.i: :.-â- .- r..-.-v.. H vt-. '.M.:;..ioa:. .1 1 . 1 . 1 . . I U.>1.. lilt. 11. >i.\>l'.N | ,„rf ,.„,,.r,.,.,.,.^. S..t, Me, '.M oi M .t c'. all. I IV-,' -Mil K«x. \'i itill'.ii... Kii.li«tx.i. I.ili..^. i I \ a...-. ^ -M't;. h. . .-..M,.i N '- l'(M.;.o. rl V i:-a:K..M^. I'l-l:. i ;,. U...1JJ... Kt«*.-.h. i _ ^*[' I'.iJ.,. I .... :j. A.'.. . :iu;:]l,;~ .1., i M â- u:'.. A. V- l:i B E 1) U i M; r L i N i' S Wo liAVt* A-^tiTS. Mill Hams. >:»»,' k ». \ L-rin^iin-. Ji(i:ir ir:--. M .â- .. .^. !â- '\u. '\ 'â- '.â- ':•. i i- w ^. ' McNoi. Cniii.i i:uk. >e.'.l.i:n, \i--^i;i I'l:;-. V E ti E 1 i It L E 1" I, i "^ r S Calibii^;. . Cii..^i:lo\vc/. C'i.'.('r\ . -' . lualo a.iil (.'uviuiib. •â- . cm l^liiwcrs and Floral Ursiffiis. { Ail .u\idrs u',to.-i lea t.i pioiui'ii). | J \Mi-:-> ii.-.iiicuof'r. Lard. Bologna,^ i§j[Uati0n i5LA(.'.Hiu\spRiCEVILLE NEW HAiR DRLSSING- BAKEBY. D. HIcTaviJili, HORSESHOER AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH. Colliugwood Street, FLESHERTON, - ONT. ManutKCtutuigot Wsgnna, Sloighs. Huufiiet DMUooratH, etc, HorstiHbotiiuR prouiptlv at* t«aJed to. 8)ii>cial attautiuu glvuo to coutraot- •d ot tender faet. lifgytaC and Plow Chalas t*thti •taa.tly •o,|iamd. K^r »''d7"A' r."?V» V" I ^'"i "' ' ^â- ^'l -i.'N. 'i.'ii'.' i; "I'.-i"-' 11". ft "•"» Sr l4'&^Af.4i. It A f*? : barbiTs!'...!' »jm linii .InsKiiix ].iiri..r, .ii iiUM^^VMorsA'. [ I^,,;p.'3 Block. Durhnm St. ' ""'"^ ^^' "t.^ i^::;;;'" ''"' '' PL.i\ 1 \ (i }» LLS 5Sâ- S"£?;^5r;T;K^;r;:;;â- 1 c A K E S a M > l ' l K s FOR SALE! liinlilint,' !.'l ii th..« v., ;«*â- .. of I'".,'ht^t.rt.Tii \)Hi; HiTiiii; imrchA.o'.l lln' Fli'sin^rton l'laniM„' Mills ir.iu K. J. Spuiule. K»\.. luuw iifMri) to iiifuriii tlui PUBLIC ALL KINDS General plauiug mill work, such Iks S.\Sn. DDOF.tJ, DOOR FRAMES Plitnitig iiiul M;\ti'nin>;. ro s;\\vinL:.etc. *:»odWttrku»aiiship«uaraatee«L| 72 RECRUITS Wanted! A largtj quimtity of good dry piiio f;hst (.x.^s puf.m' .ii.'v â- , . s cs HAM\ M,' ^^^]•j I will visit Kl.'.Hh.irtor. ti^ ./ . ...-'i. o V.eVl„M-l-v,"stBti,;,) I TCl•t^l>.^YSall,iKHnM^^ .,l!i » fuil i*Uli|i|> .'f u.-.'.li. 70L'J^:TEEI13 I n lumber UQ haud. W* I. B9wmm»t No. booMpanr of Toiiinttipr« will iiioet iu the drill shed, FteBbertoa. evorv ThtirRdav and DROl' .V CARP It" >'"â- 2iE81RE ME TO CALL. WKDDlNi.! ajiJ VANCV L;ik.^.>ii si.ieci.ihj A. WATSiON, rrui'ville. That hacking couijli can In- %» quickly cured by Slnloh » Ohio. W.. i;iiarauto« it, t^T »*1« at the Mulicai U ill. SleepIusB nights, maUc mi erable by SaturdayoTeniDK at T O'clock' until further or- that terriblu coukIi. Mului » is th<» den, for drill purposM. RIcned, Remedy for Toll. For s*i1b at tli« MeUi