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Flesherton Advance, 9 May 1889, p. 7

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'-^ « I A Dollar lo Spurn, Tho Brass it ia Rreeiior. this sntw it ia whiter, Thu world ii uuriiiiur autl hfo it ia briuhtor ; Tho roHo lias a hue of >i liu-fpor t;a uatiou, A lovulier halu unvu opt^s i;raation, Anil tho KoUJifSs of fortuun 18 suiilini; and fair VVhcin your wallot iH fa', »ith a dollar to sparo I O a fiio to despair and duath to all rartj Is tbkt aum of all blaasinKB, a dollar tu spusl O tho pliitbori" pockot, the big, biilginij wallet, HowovHr Tou iiioi:k ,t, whatevor j'ou uull it. Is filled i«tU h halm, undisc .verad in Gilaailâ€" Pit thume for a imri liku th» author of Iliad I O tlie wUolo World i8 bathod with a roso-scuuted air Wlioa your w^llut ia fat," with a dollar to spare; Stroug to d ) add to daro, aad a hard niaa to scare. Is the mau who is biust with a dollar to spare ! O age bright and sunny! O era propitious! When the poi>r will have money, unless they are vicious. Come on at a pace th%t ii brisker and iiuicker. Don't stray, like it not that is loaded with liquor; O list t ) the wdil of a poor fellow's prayer. And make all wallwt^ fat, with a dollar t) spare Come a^e bright and rare, have a seat, take a chair- fair aiju when a 1 m-in have a dollar to spare ! In I he Hulli. [ stand in tho old gray weather. In ih« white and silvery rain ; The ureat trees huddle together And sway with tho windy strain. I dream of thu purple glory Of the roseate luouutaui height Of the swoot-to- remember st >ry Of a distant and dear delight. The rain keeps constantly raining, And the »ky is cold and gray. And the wiud in the trees keep complaining That summer has passed away ; But the j^ray and the cold ore haunted By a beauty akin to pain â€" By the iiense of a something wanted That never will come again. A RVCK WITH "COFT." Bow Live Newspap«>r Man Outran a Cowboy oit Hornebaek. One of the most interesting incideats of the op8uiu(j of Oklahonoa oocarred apon the return lu Arkansas City tbiti afternoon of the train carrying newspaper correBpon- dente. Seven of the Cbmago and other Weatern correspomlente had pooled their iSBQeu and eu^ai{ed a oowboy to meet them on horseback just after the train entered the yards at Arkansas City and to gallop fariourlv to the telet;raph •ffioea. Mr. James Cox. of the St. Loaia Olohe-Di^mocrat, was sent out of the combination. The plan worked beaatifally antil the oowboy had galloped half a block on hia wtty to the telei^rsph o*licu. Then Mr. Cox saw the auheme, and leaijin^j from the movio); train he started on f loc after the horseman. It was a ran of more than a mile to the tele- graph offioe. By a apart Mr. Cox overtook the horse, and then a desperate raoa begac. The uo A boy lashed hia horse vigorously, but he could not shako off the fleet. footed correspondent. On the last eighth of a mile Mr. Cox spurted like a sprinter, and by a trrritio effort reached the telegraph office -10 rods ahead. When he entered the offii^e he could hardly stand or see. His exploit wa3 the talk of the town tonight. The oowboy has not sinoe been seen. â€" At- kiinias City curr. New York Herald. The (jaiue of Hoaaeii in May. (Adapted.) What the agent says; " It's very aheap •t ^'25. The people in it will show yoa the house." What the people in the house say : ", let 'em ring. After a while they'll go away." Whnt the husband a»y9 : " .Now, what's the matter with that house? You can t expoot a palace on Upper John street for :J'i3 a month t " What the wife says: " I wouldn't live in that house if >oa'd give it to met " What the relatives say : "It isn't a good neighborhood. The house is out of repair. Plenty of better houses for same rent. Where? Oh, everywhere! " What the large circle ot friends say : " How we shall miss yon 1 " What the neighbors say : " That family in the fourth house in the block are moving out. Their waggon looks like an auction furniture shop. After all the airs they put on!" What the servant girl says : " I'll be afther laving. I always go to my aunt's for a couple of weeks about the 1st of May, and then I gets a place when the hoase cl'aning ia all done." What the truckmen say : " these narrow stairs I " What the tradesmen say : " Here's a little bill." What the people moving oat say : " He wouldn t do a thing for us, but now he's got to paint and paper the whole house before he can rent it 1 " What the people moving in say: "It's the dirtiest house I ever saw I " What the papers say : " There is more moving this year than ever before." uuRRBNT TOPICS. It appears, from a British Parliamentary just return issued, that in course of the thirty years endicg 1887, 2,784 suits for judicial separation were raised in the English Divorce Court, and of these 985 were auo- oessfnl on trial. Petitions for dtvoroe or dissolution ot marriage numbered lO.uUl, of which 7,321 were sq^eesBfal. There were 3,892 oaaaea which did not proceed to a hearing. I.N the centre of the gloomy African forest Stanley comet aoroes the famous dwarf tribes, Urst described by Paul Du Chaillu. Du Chaillu reported the tiny savages to be exiseediogly shy, but not actively hostile. Stanley reports them to have been the most annoying foes encountered on his whole march. It was their eastern to hide behind trees and shoot at the white men with poisoned arrows ; and no advances could win their friendship. The railway statistics o( the Dominion up to June llOih last year were brought down to Parliament last night. The total miles of completed railway in the Domin- ion at that date were 12,701. Capital paid, S7'27,0O0.0tjO ; Government bonases paid by Local and Dominion Qovernmente, $134,- 000,000; earninus, 842,159,152; working expenses, 9.')0,052,04fi ; net earnings, Sll,- 500,000. Passengers carried, 11,41(3.7'J1 ; tons o( freight carried, 17,172,759 ; miles run, 37,3<J1,20U ; passengers killed, 20, Lono La.n,iuuwnk continues to be exceed- ingly busy with the multifarious duties imposed upon him by hia oneroas and responsible position of Viceroy ot India. The Council having concluded its labors for the time being. His Excellency left Cal- cutta on April 2nd, and has since visited Allahabad, Cawnpore and Lucknow. Be- fore leaving the capital he laid the founda- tion stone of the volunteer headquarters, on which occasion he appears to have delivered an excellent " volunteer " speech. M. P\CLii.\.N, a French psychologist, has performea experiments that he thinks prove that two thought- processes may go on simultaneously. Whether conclusive or not, such experiments corroborate tho testimony of introspection that mental processes may take place in addition to the activity that mainly occupies the attention. These ideas in the background ot oonsoious- ueas are allied with the one in the centre or antagonistic to it. While a certain amount of distracting elements may be necessary to preserve the healthy dux of thooght, and while in very siicple operations two diiparate thought, prouesaes may be carried on succeaefully together, economy demands that, in the main, the ideas in the back- ground of consciousness should be harmonious with the one in the focus of attention. The waste ot energy when these ideas are of an unessential or distracting nature is a matter of oommon observation. A single illustration will sntlice. A atu'Jent ia passing an examina- tion. He ia ill prepared and nervous. The qusstion be ia answering, orthe problem he ia solving, occupies the focus of oonscioas- ness, but in thu background are such dis- tracting ideas as the fear of failure, the tboa;<ht that there will not be time enoagh to answer all the qaestions, the query whether it were not better to omit this particular question, the self-conscious fear lest he is growing nervous, the aound of the proctor's footsteps, the scratching ot a neighbor's pen, and tbe like. Most pupils know the waste caused by sach dis- tracting ideas. Even if by an effort of will these inharmonious elements are kept strictly iu the background, still there ia some loss of energy, and the effort of will demanded to repress them also takes energy. ^ A Fool and Ula Sloacy," etc. Mrs. Ammon has become a paaper in Sharon, Pa. She was the mother ot "Coal Uil Johnny " Steel. Uil was struck on her husband's farm along in the sixties, and her son suddenly came into possession of millions. These ho soon S()oandered with a reoklessnees that became proverbial in that section of the State. He sooa had nothing and had to aupport himself as best he could. Via was killed near hia old home not long ago while walking on a railway track. Uia mother now goes to the poor- house, a sad example ot the Uckleneas ot tortnne, when the jado is not cautiously treated. â€" Vlica Herald, Stranjc Situation uf a Kobln'n Neitt. In tbe autumn a redbreast took up his <]aarterB in the loading end of the salle at Uallionfield Paper Mill, Invergowrie, spend- ing most of hiH time in the building, and becoming exceedingly tame and familiar. Daring the recent springlike weather the warbler of the woods turned up one day with a companion, and the two sst about building a uest in the roof timbers. There they remain as yet, undeterred by the tumult of carts, horses and men on cause- way and pavement not 20 feet beneath ihem. â€" Wett Luthian (Scotland) Couritr Itoardlus House Indtcatloaa. Mrs. Crabber's boy (to the star boarder) â€" We're going to have chicken salad to- day. Star boarder â€" How do you know ? Mrs. C.'s boy â€" I saw oar oook chopping up some veal. • A book on church bells has recently ap- peared in England. Before the reforma- tion tho names on bells were commonly " Jean," " Mary," or a saint's name. But after tho time of Henry VIII. the inscrip- tion became " God Save tho Queen I " " Prosperity to this pariah 1 " and, later, the name of â€" the church warden I The cliff dweller relics recently disjo^j red in Now Mexico oompriae human skul'e the skeleton ot a child, hands, human baa etc. There are 85 pieces of pottery, from gigantic ooiled vaaes to tiny fragments of painted earthenware. Among the relioa arc a num- ber of turkey bones, and the discoverer relates that in one ot the cliff houses he found the roosts of these fowls, also nests with eggshells still in them. Tbe oolleotion baa been taken to Durango, Col. Tbo Daughter of Dr. Chaluirm. Helen Chalmers, the daughter of tbe noted Scotch divine, lives in Edinburgh iu one ot the lowest sections of tbe city. Her borne consists of a few rooms in an alley. The drunkenness, poverty and suffering of men and women distress her but she is con- stantly with the fallen. Every night she goes out into the lanes ot the city with her lantern to light her way before her, and she never returns to her quarters without one or more girls or women she has taken from tbe street. These people love her, aad aha is never molested or insulted. Two of a Kliiil. First atranger (in tho far weat) â€" Be you one of us ? Second stranger (with dignity) â€"I do not know what you mean by " one of ua." I am President ot the International Aggregated Trusts to Force Up the Price of tbe Necessaries ot Life. First atranger (genially)â€" Your hand, pard ; I'm a train robber. With the view ot facilitating commnci- cation between a broken train and the nearest station a novel application of tbe telephone has been made on the railroad between Saint Valerie-aur-Somme 3nd Caveaux (France). The stations are al- ready oonueoted by an overhead wire. The guard's van ot the exparimental train was fitted with a telephone. One pole ot the battery was connected with the framework of the van, and in thia way put to earth, tbe other pole was connected with a hooked wire, by which connection could be made with the exiating line at any deaired point. Upon ringing up tho stations in front and behind tbe train receives tho signal. The Concord (N.H.) Monitor thinks that Qnthrie, Olilahoma, has thia advantage over Rome â€" that it was built iu a day. Dr. Dowling, tho new pastor of one ot the Albany churches, is evidently well on dowed with the gift of humor. In the course of a statement of his belief which he read to his people a few evenings ago, be remarked : " I believe there are some things which oannot be answered by any theologian iu the worldâ€" not even the youngcat." A TBL'B 8TUBY IN KKAL LXFC Is Life Worlh LlylUK '." This queation has been asked so often that it has been worn threadbare. Still its application is au pertinent as when it was first uttered. ' &* one time in my lite I - determined to pursue tho study of medicine. Circum- stances compelled mo to abandon it as a profession, still I bad more or lesa practice among personal friends, s a Hicient lo keep up my intereat in it. One day 1 received a .isit from an old friend, the captain of a coasting steamer. He seemed much worried, and for a time made his visit anything but pleasant. At last I said to him, " Captain, you aeem troubled about something, can I aid you in any way ?" "Nol" he replied shortly, "at least I don't think you can, and I have pretty good reasons for thinking so." I felt hurt tor a moment, and rather angrily replied, " Well, I don't have to. ' " Of coarse you don't," he responded, " but It is an infernal shame, and it makes me mad all through, when 1 think uf the way that I have been bled by a lot of frauds, that call themselves doctors." Then he continued rapidly, â-  You know that boy of mine V" I nodded. " Well, he has been a aerioua tax upon me for years, not that I begrudge him any- thing that he has cost me, bat I do curse, every time I think ct the hundreds ot dol- lars, earned in the hardest manner, disap- pearing into the pockets ot men who promised much, only to do the worst kind of damage in the end." " Now, I have the cheerful proapect of having an andvrtakor's bill to pay, besides losing my boy." Bat, he added savagely, " I have spent the last dollar, that I ever will for medicine, and, as he has to die, the quicker the better." " You have no right to talk in that way. Captain," said I severely. " Aa long aa your boy lives, it is your duty to do every- thing in your power to aid him.' " And haven't I?" was his reaponse ; " what is the use of year talking, you know just about as much about curing as the rest ot them ; although," he aided, " I be- lieve you have a cuuscience ; the reet that 1 have had dealings witb, don't pan out so well in that respect. I tell you," he con- tinued, " that boy ia doomed ; he will go just like hia mother did, and the doctors can write down in their books of failures, ' one more death from consumption, a dis- ease wo know nothing about.' " Ha relapsed into a moody silence. .Vtlaat I said, " Is your boy very low. Captain ?" " He can just orawl around," was his response, ' and what makes the mptter worse for me, is the painful way in which be asks me to do something for him. How- ever, he will bo here after awhile, and 1 want yoa as a friend of mine, to tell me to the best of your knowledge, buw long you think he is going to last, so that I can make my calculations." While he was talkini/, I saw the boy ap- proaching, and just as he stepped into my office panting and gasping, from his exer tion in walking, I said to myself, " The grip ot death ia too firmly fastened on you to be ever shaken off," After greeting him, at his father's request, 1 examined him and found him in the condition that I sh 11 describe. Ue had evidently inherited consumption from bis mother ; bronchial tubes much tbiokened, ao much so as to make the operation of breathing extremely difficult and painful, Chost cavity much contracted ; auscultation and percussion showed extensive tuberculous deposits, and cavities, aapecially in tbe left lobe of the lungs ; body much emaciated and blood- less. In fact, unless (to my mind) some miraculoaa intervention occurred to stay the progress of the diseaao, tho pationt could not survive but a few weeks. I talked as cheerfully aa I could to bim. but be was too much depreaaed to pay mach attenticn to anything but hiu saffering. Tbe father sent him to a restaarant near by, and turning to me be aakud. "Well, what is the verdict ?" I had been chinking rapidly, and as he apoke I had made up my mind to a pro- cedure, aa regards the boy, that I deter- mined to follow oat. In answer to his queuiiuii, I said. "Captain, anlesa aomc- thin<j is ibne fur that boy, you will bury him within a month." Well, what can be dono ?" he aaid ex- citedly. " Do you want to try your hand in exporimonta ? Do you want acme of my money too ? Are you going to sicken him to death with rotten cod liver oil, blister bis akin witb plasters, drag him and rush him into his oofiia ?" " Hold on. Captain," I replied ; " I don't want your money, but I am going to try an experiment with your permission. It ia a matter ot duty, and in bis condition, can do no barm, if it does no good. ' "How much is it going to cost?" he asked. " I dou't know," waa my reply, " Whatever it is," he rejoined, â-  will come out of your pocket, not mine," " Don't bother yourself about that, ' said I coldly. When the boy returned, he seemed more exhausted than when be first entered my office, and aa hia father handed bim a chair, he said to bis son, "Del, the doctor here thinks he can do yoa some good. What do you say ; do you want him to try ?" I shall never forget the look on tho boy's face, and his words, and the heading of this article came forcibly into my mind : " Is Life Worth Living?" Evidently it was to him, as it ia to all mankind, when tor- tured with pain, with the clammy hand of death encircling their throats, they struggle in his relentless grasp, and cry out iu an agony of terror, " for God's salto, save me." 1 put him on a nutritious diet, oggs and milk heading the list, and provided him with a preparation of medicine, that I had never used before, or over expected to. It was a sheer experiment on my part, aa recklessly attempted as anything could be. The result â€" immediate improvement in breathing, and general atrength of body ; better color, improved spirits, increaaed appetite, and an increase iu bodily weight that was aatouishing. .Vt the oommenoement ot treatment he weighed '.12 lbs. In two months witb con- stant progress to health, hia weight had increased to 1'20 lbs. Ia three mouths he accepted a situation as an errand boy, indulged in running, boyish games ot all kinds, a well boy if ever thore was one. Ask bim now if " Life in worth living?" " What was thia wonderful preparation ?" do yon ask. As a matter ot right you should know, and 1 solemnly swear to the oorrectueaa of my atat'jment. Tho boy is still in the land of the living, and well at that, and both he and hia father will back my statement. It waa Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis- covery, and the entire cost of treatment was just no. :Tho name and post-offlco adiirosa of tho author nf tuo forogoiug truthful narrative will lA furnished any mtorosted party who may "â- Wly therefor, either in person or oy letter, to tlui World's Disi)enbary IVledical Association, of llulfalo, N, Y. for personal reasons the author prefers not to have bis name published broad- cast, iiud it is iu deference tu his wiblies that we omit it.â€" EniTOii. 1 Latest Neottlsti Nt^ws. The Queen is to go to Balmoral at the end of May for a month. Mr. C. McPake, formerly of Selkirk, has started a woollen factory in county Sligo, Ireland. What is called popularity, according to Dr. A. K. H. Boyd, of St. Andrew's, ia made ap of a mass of more or less ignorant olijter dicta, A Roman coin, of the time of Maxi- minian, with whom tho Dioalesion divided the empire in 28(i, has been found at Lossiemouth. Hon. Mrs. Maxwell Scott, ot Abbotsford, ia preparing tor the preaa some hith^to unpublished joarnals of her great-grand- father. Sir Walter Scott, Ex Provost Mathieson has presented to the Carnegie Free Library, Dunlormline, a cast of thu Rosetta stone, the key to ancient monuments in Egypt. Mr. T. Miller, for over 20 years tacka- man of tolla, died at Comrie on tbe 2ud April, aged '.)2 years. He was one ot the oldest Freemasons in Scotland. A committee are taking steps to pre- sent Dr. Francis Edmond, of Lingawells, with bis portrait, to be placed in Aberdeen College iu recognition of his benetactious to the ohurch, Colonul J. Bongbey, formerly of the Wiltshire Regiment, baa been appointed Assistant Adjutant-General to the forces in Scotland, iu place uf Colonel Black, C.B., who proceeds to Gibraltar. A. Whitelaw, engiue- keeper, Townhill, and Dr. A. Leus Bell, DanfermUne, have been presented with Royal Humane Society medals " for gallant conduct iu aaving and attempting to save life from drowning. " The Duke of Portland's Scotch tenantry are to preeunt Miss Dallas Vorke, his bride elect, with a portrait of thu Duke aa a wedding gift. The Welbeck tenantry will present the Duke witb a portrait of Miss Yorke. Tho Scotch confirmation of the Right Hon. Walter Uenry Erskine, Earl of Mar and Kellie, has been re- sealed in London, the value of tbe personal estate in Eng- land and Scotland being sworn to exceed i;4(i,000. A brass band has been started in a Midlothian burgh, and one of the, rules is to the effect " that any member guilty of raih cursing or swearing, either at tbe meetings or during practice, will be fined one shilling." Fasquo House was built iu 180'J, and cost £30,000. Tbe estate was bought in 18'28 by Mr. John Gladstone, who iu 1845 waa created a Baronet by Sir Robert Peel, and who iu 1851 waa succeeded iii the title and estate by his eldest son. Sir John Gladstone. Ruv. Dr. Marcus Dods, who has com- pleted his semi jubilee as pastor uf Ren- lield Free Church, Glasgow, was on the 11th inst., at tbe annual congregational meeting, presented with a cheque for a thousand pounds, and a silver saiver and a diamond brooch for Mrs. Dods. Hon. Mrs. Grant, Glenearn, Crieff, has died suddenly at Boarnemouth, England, where she had recently gone for a holiday. She waa tho widi w of Captain George Ebsl'X Grant, a youmjer son cf tho sixth Earl of Seafield, and was sister to the emi- nent Ulleraleur, Misa C. F. Gordon Cum- min g# The jubilee of tbe Rev. David Russell, minister ot Eglinton Street Congregational Church, was celebrated at a social meeting held on tho 'Jth inst. in the Waterloo rooms, Glasgow. In the course of thu proceedings Mr. RuseoU was iiri'm ntod with i;550, and a gold watcii tor Mrs. RuascU. Several addresses were also presented. Until within a few days ago there resided in Uban, Argyllshire, an old lady, Mrs. Eli/.abeth McDougall, who had seen and spoken witii men who were "out in the '45." Uer father was full consiu to uld Major McDougall, of Soroba, referred to in Mrs. Grant ut Laggan's, "Letters from tho Mountains," which were written at Uban iB 1773. She passed away at tbe age of '.13 years. Dr. Henry Douglas, the father ot tho medical profetisiou iu Dunfermline, died there on tho 8ih inst. Dr. Douglas waa 87 yeara of age, and retired from active daty some years ago. IIo began business in Dunformliuo as uarly an 1823, and in 18'2*i ha took the degree of M. D. at Edinburgh University, ilo was a keen sportsman, and fur many years was well-known on the hunting field ot Fifeshire. Mr. Olipbaat, of Gaskf, Perthshire, has just had urcotod a beauiiul white granite urOEH to tho memory of his grand-aunt, Carolina Oiiphant, Baroness .Nairne, tbe authoress of " The Land uf the Leal " and many other favorite Scottish songs. The oross, which is in the grounds immediately tu tho west of the garden, is beautifully chaste and artiatic, and bears tbe follow- ing inscription : " Carolina, Baroness Nairne ; born at Qaek, 1706 ; died at Gaak, 1845. â€" Carmeiit murle carent." We may add that Mr. Oiiphant is the author ot " The Jacobite Lairds of Gaak" and other works, and thia is only another proof ot the desire to pay a tribute to genius by this ostimable gentleman. A UIKL TU FLXBT WITH. For !Sli« 1h a Liw.s Whom It is <Juil€t .Safa to Liivu. Vanity Fair recommends one kind of llirtation â€" t. ^., dirtation with a view to honorable marriage. It thinks the beat kind of girl is the rather heavy, good- tempered girl. She should be a little greedy â€" fur that will mean care in the arrange- ment of dinner. She should be inclined to be fat â€" her mother's weight is always to be noticedâ€" for then she will probably be domestiu and disinoliued for much gadding aboat. She should have a charm of m homely kind that does not attract foreign- ers; and there should be no sparkle, or diablerie, or any other French quality about her innocence. She should be fair, witb blue eyea and a white akin that will easily freckle. Strictly Honorable. A atory about Lady Cork, which I re- cently heard, relatea to her energetic efforts to marry off her daughters, who it aeema did not find husbands for themselves aa rapidly as she wished. Lord Foley, whose intellect ia supposed to be none of the brightest, was marked down as fair game, bnt after dining several times at the Cork's bouae, and being made to dance with the Cork daofhters, he still gave no indication of any mad desire to take any ot them to wife. Aa the end of the season drew uear Lady Cork grew so desperate that she actually cornered the luckless lordling one day and demanded to know his intentions. Lord Foley hemmed and hawed, blushed, and finally stammered out " that they were •jiiitu houorable, as ho had promised hia mother on her death-bed that he would never have an intrigue with a married woman." â€" Luiiduit Tncii I'.qnct. YhIIow as I'^gyplian uiuiiimy NN'as his sallow face, .\nd he seemed a very dummy 01 tho human race. Now he's brimmt-d with sunshine o'er, His clear and spariiling uyu ToUh ustbat he lUus lu clover ; Asiiyou thu reason wliy ' What has wrought the transformation ? Dr. Pierco's Pleasant Purgative Pellets restored this dilapidated individual in a single week. Nothiug like them to regalate the liver, stomach and bowels. U«*r Coiihttlatlon. Bankrupt's wife â€" Well, at any rate, the Thompson failure was worsa than ours. Sympathizing friend â€" Why, I thought it waa jast tho othur way. Bankrupt's wifeâ€" No, indeed; Edward only failed for tfu cuninon thu dollar, while Mr. Thompson failed for fifty! " Itvat. Ahoy ! The rapids are below you !" cried a man to a pinaauru party whom he descried gliding awiftly down the stream toward tho foam- ing cataraal. .\iid wo would cry • Boat, ahoy !" tu the uuu whose life bark is being drawn into the wbirluoul of conaumplion, for unless you use t Ifeotivu measures you will be wrecked in Death's foaming rapids. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will strengthen and restore your lungs to a healthy condition, and is a sure relict tor coaglis and colds. The World Motc's! Don't disgust everybody with tho offen- sive odor from your catarrh jaat because some old fogy doctor, who has not discov- ered and will not beliovo that tho world moves, tells you it oannot bo cured. Tho manufacturers of Dr. Sage's (.'atarrh Remedy have for many yeara offered, in good faith, J500 reward for a case of nasal catarrh, no matter how bad, or ot how long standing, which they cannot ourf. They are thoroughly rtspoueible financially, as any one can loam by proper inquiry through druggists (who sell the medicine at only 50 cents), and thoy " moan buHiness." Proof I'oaltivo. Tom â€" I am quite oertain Mr. Smytho ia a foreign nobleman in disgniHe. Jack â€" How do you know ? Tom He has such a dignified way of aaking you to loan him $10. â€" "The girl of tho period," writes a fishion gossip, " grows sweeter and sweet- a.-. " Dou't know how sho can, but suppose she does. D O If L. 11) 80, rPinUTY LIVE FOX CUBS JL wantml by 15ih May. HAKOLD l..\.MUB, Hughbon street, llauiition. Out. MERGHANTS.BUTCflERS-Sr; Wo want a oouu man iu your locality to pick up CALF SKINS for us. Cash Furnished on satlsfaotory guaranty Address, U. 8. Paois, liydu Park, Vermont, U. 8 The Shoe (fr Z.Mi(/i«r Iteporter, N. Y., and Shot * Leather Heviciv, Chicai^o, Llie looUinK trade papers of the U.8, iu the Hide line, have sent their representatives tu iiivestiKate Mr. Pago's bufll' uesB, and after a thorouKi) examination and com porison the i2ejK^i«rgives him thia eudoraemunt " We believe that in extent of liyht-wei{jlit rtna material collected and carried, Mr. Page lyoitli the lead of any cjympetitor and that hi« present Htock is the largest heltl by atty house in t/iit oountr]/." And tbe Review says ; "After a most thomunh investigation of Mr Pace's bttsiness as compared with otliers in same line, we have become fully satis/led tliat tin ia Hiiocialty, li<ihl-weight utocK.he is unquestionably the lartiest dealer in (dt.s cmmtry, while in superi only of qmility he is confessedly at the hea<l." (^UKHY : If Mr. I'aije'R business is the larfjeal in Its lino iu the United 8tatu8, is it not the heal jiuBsible proof of hisability topay hifjhoatiirioea? If lie did not do HO, would ho naturally net more HlunslhauanyofliieoumpoiitorsiuLheHanioluie? According to a truthful Southern paper a live mouae in a Texas dairy fell into a panful of milk. It swam round and ronnd in its efforts to get out, bat in vain. How- ever, through tho activity of its movements tbe milk waa at last churned into butter, when the mouse was enabled to jump out ot the pan and regain its liberty. Hon. Edward Blake is having a splendid summer residence erected tor bimaclf at Point a Pic, Murray Bay, tor tho coming season. Ih3 regulation professional garb ot Eng- lish physicians and surgeons is the high hat â€" black in winter, drab or white iu summer â€" and alwaya a dark frook or morning coat. MWRER tALP SN AND PENCI. L STA W P. With your nnmo, to print oarda, mark books, linou, etc. Slnijlo Rtiunn 5c, C'hibof six, Cash to aoconj. _^ â-¼ paiiy order, II. BAKNAKU, Itubbcj Stamp Works, Hamilton, Ont, DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOrS BEST FRIEND

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