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Flesherton Advance, 9 May 1889, p. 4

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THE F L E S H E R T O N ADVANCE. GEO. MITCHELL, BAIffKGR, h' L K S H li: ItT O IV . DKAFT.S BOUOUT AND SOLD. S]><-iiiU AttiiUum paid to thr coUt^ition NMft iind AicounU, Snd door North HichardMni d- Co'$. The Liocal IVTe-nrs. Wiiat is llaiipfnIiiK in Our Own Vitinitv. If un H and an I ami an o and a u. with an x at tlimnd fp< 11 ' Su ''" *inl BM c and a V ami an c spell "I.' I'my wlinl ia a siJeller to <io '' I'huu if alK> ail h and an i and a i; and an li-u d t-poll •â- cide." TUoro H nothiliK luft fur a upcllor to do but to yo audcouimit Sioux«yuitit,'l»<I An old UiddU* Kcjuvrniited hull TIIK (^IIILI>K|:N What buy or ^irl can (und us the cui- rect answer to the loltowiii); riddle I ••Kroni ynndor ivall.l heard a call," And looked to nee who it could be ; A body drepsod in supur-boat. Not cloth, nor fur. nor hair, nor wool, Hut yot it Borvod tho wearer fnll ; A red, red crown upon hin boa<l. Worn cvory clay, and when "to bed," Legs, fui-i. and toes, baro as cotild be. Hut yot tor thin. uau)jht. nauKht carod bo. 'i'wo uytiH. twt) ervrs. a puinti^d tonyuo. WliR-h Korvpd bun wIuHi be talkttd or aunH' "His board was floiih.hiH nioutb wan born, W'a.'* aiu-h u uruiitura ever boi u '.'" Winuipetj. W. I'. The auiKuees will i atock to-dav 1)11 J (i. AnJorsuii's Hnuac and lot fur sale in tho village ..f Kh-sliertoii. Apply to Holiert Kawcetl, .senior. ViV f,'(«id huef go to Fetch & Mitchell's butcher sliop. (iood dry pork, (fanner's cured) for sale clieap at Petch \ I'ltcholls butcher fihop. Oo.)uet sot for sale cheapâ€" second liaiul, ill ijood order, eieht balls. Tins ..met- Tho express south ou Monday met with an at^idi-nt near Chats worth wliich det:iinod it some time. Democrat wagon for sale. Kiin only alH.ut one luoiith. Apply to 0. Keef«r, riiahertoi;. Th« cattle fair on Monday was well !»tl.-ndoil by buyers, but very few fat ( attle were olferod. Dr. S. Hates returned home from To- I onto on Thursday last. "He luars his honors thick ni.on him." lie Kisln'riiiiMi are thicker than tUcs thcRp day.", but iloMt you \>e a bit afrani the fly will 'V>'t there" yet. yuarterly siMVices were held in t!ie Muth' (^linreh on Sunday last. Sun ilay school was dispcnse<l with. Mr Perley Harriii({toii, late iiijjht oprrator at the station hero, is now ma- iii| ulatin^' I'lictricity at OraiiL'eville. I'lne bamboo lishini; poles, fnun ton (ent.s ii|> : lish hooks, lines, and all tinh- onnon'rt ri'iuisiles at W. Uuliaidson's irun store. rio-iM Will !••• baseball prai tne on Moii. day, Wednesday and Kriday cvcnini;'' Thc'si- mtuiosli'd will [ileasi- ijovcrn thoin Kclves ac'Mirdiiiyly. 'I'biiiT«iav last was a biu' clav for tislier- iiifii, or lather, the lishennen were biu' the day. Some of them liml coiLsider able SUree.H.s, Mr .\rlliur .lohiision's "Voiini! Nutreiil' will in.'t travel this season, but will be I'uuiid on his own premises. .^I'e .I'i yertisenieiit. Ml W sp*'ekle'l II Writs. ,11 lie.llltv .-iL'he.i 1 lb. n IIIC liHii. Hnii'.j alonu I'lieeville, eaviulit a jii Mcuiiiay wliiili ., and measured lli| â- iir lisli stories now Tho Durh.ini Chronice displays a re- niaikablc lack of taste. It heads its births, marriages and deaths, "hatched, iiiaiclied, despatched." Mr. Mitchell may think it quite funny, but people pos.scssiii'.; a uiodicun of refined taste will know I'ow to ap[iteciatetlio diseased bnun that palms otf such humor. Would it uot be a oood idea for the patliiiia.->tei>, while they are about the re- pairiiii; of the IJoyne Bridoe .sidewalk, to place said walk outside of the bridge, as the buck work is alroady very narrow, and iiotliiiii,' more than a narrow walk could \>e placed thwre ( Wc think, if there are suthcieiit funds on hand, it would bu much the better plan. The Durham Chronicle lias lost its two Kleshertoii subscribers, and to net even remarks ; "The earth is now clothed with a mantle of xreeii, but its verdancy IS nuthiii({ compared to that of the averujte native of Klusherton." This, of eoiirse, coiiiint; from the source it does, and eonsideniiL! the cause wliich prompted It, will tend to yive the •'avorai;e native of Klesheiloii" a very hiyh opinion of .Mr. MiUhells vindictive propeiisitica. will . about I'riceville some of these days. MoNTIII.V .-illKM'l. KEl'ORT for April, S. S. No. (1, Arleincsia Fourth Olass, Nettle Stone (I'.l ; Thiril Class, J no, Wlâ- i^^llt(i.^,l!ory McLeod44, Alfred St.uie ;tO ; Second ("Ixsj, .Meda Whi'.taker 7:1, N,,rmaii I'letcber liT, Vhw. Stone •1,5, l.iz- Mc.Arlhur (V4, Susie <iee .vJ, l'>ella Harrow M. Kloroiice Stone 411, Maleolm I'.a,xler 21, Alex. Mcl.eod 'H) , I'all second, .lohn lloyce 50, .lohii (iibson '.'>'> ; l-'irst Class, Maryet A. MeArllmr liii, Annie Williams till, I.aiiia Wliil t.iker 5'.'. S. ilooi. itKP.iKT The followiii',' is llie slaiidim; of S.S. No. ;!, .Xituincsi.i, for the moiillis of .Marili and .Xpril. otli, licna'.4e , -Uli, K W rii^lit, .\. lireeii, Kvft hwiii, II . Aikins, Wm liwiii, J. I'.ii.wn, M. tlialmin, Iv t'ullin, Win. tlweii, A giiiL".' ; Ihcl, W III. SleWRil, N (iraliaiii, .M. Wiko,-k, K. Wilcoek, A. Allen, K. Wilco.ik, A, Winters, ll.l.lui.:- M. Mitchell, K. Allen, Wm. < »i r, .1 Stewart, K. Larp' ; Sr. liiid, Wm Itlaek burn, S. Tucker, L. Stewart, Iv W iKoek (i. White. 1.. Waller, <iuy I »rr, .lane ( '.ir 8(111 . .Ir. -lid, l.i/.zio Tucker, If Katie, lieiilham, V. Wiirt, R. Beotli.iin K. (Jiiin«, Kllen l.iiiii;si- nineteen years and a month. While we olhr our symputhy to the bereaved family we also feel a pleasure in recordim,' the death of one whoso te.rors are veiled beneath the brightness that lightens the Valley of Death, and crimsons the dawn of the future in anticipation of a ;^loriou8 rBsurrectioii. The funeral, which took place oil Friday to the Methodist cemetery, Salem, was atteiide<l by alartje concourse of friends and iioiyhbora. Inquegl.. All iiffpiest was held at Eu<;enia on Saturday afternoon upon the body of an infant child of Mary Walker. l^'ly iiimors had been in circulation, and hai- iiicj reached the corner's (Dr. Cliristue) ears, he laid the niHtter before the county (,'rown Attorney, who iiistnicted linn to proceed. A 1 o'ch>ck ..n Saturday, a Jury was accordingly empaniielied in the Orange Hall, Eugenia, :'ii<l etideiice heard from those who were intimate with the case, after which the jury unani-^ moiwly exonerated everybody fi.mi blan e and delivered the f.dh.wing verdict : .S. iPwiii'Tt;'"- Bcrtioin .M ,srs. McArthiir & .! be and is hereby 'lie proprietv ot ipeniiig tlie town •'The jury on this case aru unanimously agreed that tho child was drowned, but that while the evidenc' clearly shows said child was born alive, there is nothing in the evidence to .show that there was any intent to lake the life of the child. ' Henry Meldnnu, Foreman. Special Anuounoemeut. We have made arraiigsmeiits with Dr, B. J. Kendal Co., publishers of "A Treatise of the Horse and his Dineaaes" which will enable all our subscribers to obtain a copy of the valualde work frer by .sending their address (enclosing atw..- cent stamp for mailing same) to Dr, B.J. Kendall Co., EHosburgh Falls, Yt. This biejk IS now recognized as standard au- thority upon all diseases of the horse, as its phenomenal sale attests, over four million conies have been sold in the past to be taken from placed in No. 4 It was moved b Sharp that .John Hola instructed to u,\aiuiii building a bridge and line between Arteincsia ami F,iiplirasi: , opposite lot No. ',»(•., on the 2ii) con*es- siiiii east, Carneil. Moved by .Mes.qi f'airns S; Sharp, thalJohn Xobl.n.u paid .VS cnLs for reimiriiig scraper f' '. ^Vm Waikei. Carried. Moved by > li land* McArthur, that Dr. Clirisi â-  â-  I e p.nd the sum of :84.50, expenses iijciii red in .sending iii- dig«ut to iiospi al ; also Mrs. Thomps.ui iXbO, fore.-vre o; s'.!; f..r nine dayc. Also that the reeve i.isu.- l.i« order for day's sessii-n of i'. .iin.-i! and indigent moiitlily alloWBiiee, ruri.ed. M'lved by .Metsrs 'le.Vrihiir i Sharp, that this ('oimeil me. t ., . a coint of re- vision oi- first MoikI .,• .if ,Jui,e next. Cirried. Tills complete I the business, and the l,'ouiicil adiomiied THE MARKETS FLKSIIKUl'O.N. Cant'illljl Coritrlrtl l.'mli If rrl:. Flour Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Itarl.'V (lats . Peas lllltUT I'u'cs, fre-b I'otatu* btisli . l'i.rk Hiiv per toil HilOH Hhiitipi^ltinH Tinkuys (')iickens per pair- nu'ks per lb a«fiuci\i. D\{. CAin i:r, M.C.r. AS.,UNT. POYHItlAX. SIRtJEOK, &v. FI.ESHEHTON. office. Strain'* block Kcahlonce, J. G. Knseel* Monibi>r of tliu Cwllogu of Physirian* nn Siirnoons. tnitaiio I'.uqiiire at office. one door cast of tirier's.slor or .^tkinsim's Hi tul. I'rieeville. Nor P.l. Ihkh, DRS. SPDUlE: & CGO. JJAUKDAI.K ONT. Ofliiv ; ManU'v'.s Oriitf Stoi'c. T.S. M'KOULi:.M.lJ.,vt.:. .\Ma s IXiO.M L' ,eiL- I latu of Tntt-inflKiii. ' Tit I)r.I-:j.'o wilt !>e foul 1 1 at Afarkd.-i!'' Ho- He a: iii:;iit J.P. OTTEWELL, " Vin'KRI.NAnV .•^IRnKdN. (iradiiutu of Ontario Vet. ddlege. Ur.SlDI-i.MK O.S r(ll,i,I.S(iWO()D STItKI.T Si.\tiiUoor l-:a...tof Pre>.b.ti)riiiu L'bul.;h. FLESH KRTON. •J ;ij to 5 ml 1 lO to I 0.S 1 (» 1 (HI I) ,S', n 4^. 1) a; () 27 M U .W n u: 17 in 10 U 8) (1 -id c tu r, 10 !) Ill â- J (HI •1 HI 1 rdi M I uo a 115 I I') ID n in n ii .10 uc Of. NKW ADVKRTISKMIvNTS robably be saying the same thing | ten years, a sale never before reaclieil by any publication in the same period of time. We feel eonhdeit that our patrons will ai-idcciate the work, and be glad to avail ihomselves of this opportunity of obtaining a valuable book. It IS ueeessary that you mention this paper in sending for the "TreatLse. ' This otler will remain open for only a hhoit time. Fi8lu:i(i- 1 heard a prominent genlleinaii say the ether day that be never tished in his life. I wanted to t-ll liiin that he was mis- l,ikeii. I'.veiybody tislies. We are born lislieiiiieii. Fiom ti.e tune natal day ushers us into a happy or uiihsppy existence we are all plislunl lishermcn or women, luiuiny bol'oie a tobacco store Jfutiotvu. DENTISTKV. Dr- Tli:mas Hsnderscr. SLUGKuN DK.NTIhT <l(tl<l Mnliilid and ihiHvr ilruduiit nf, Will visit n.KSHEUTON. Oliiiifl BW's Hotel 1 ail.l 'iof earli Mic.ntli Teeth extriiuti'd. iiifcit ud and ftllod in llie lufjliest styles of Ibe art. at iilotU-rutw rates. HuAl) Ors-u K, 701 VuKos St., Tokonto. NOTICE '..-.iji- Ml W H Ashley. ..f the Hanover I'.ist. lias sold out and intends going to ihe Northwest. The citizens of llaii'Ver will give him a bampiet on Thnisdiiy evening. The I, idles' .\id of the I'lesbytermn Churrli will \\'Ai\ n social in the ehureli on the evening of tho 24tli. Tlie (ih-e Club and local talent will provide the program Mr D.iMil Stiiison gravel load, swiitli, IS eieiting a tine brick residence this spiiiig Tim buck «oi k i.., nearly con,- plcti'l, and IS 111 the competent hands id Mr. Kaistedt. .No less llmii live deputations waited Upon fin: C.oiiicil on Monday to present tlieir vioivs with regard to the cliiiiigiig .•f s' sections. The result will be louinl 111 the t'liuncil report. We have reieived .iin/tljer lOmmunna lion from Kiiiiberley anent the Ku,'eiiia Orange matter, but cannot see that aii>- thiiig can bo (gained by pursuing llie imatler further, and therofoie do not give It insertion All item iippeartxi in the Maikdale pa|i«r last week stating that a ){untlHiiiaii I a that Ticinity owiiad 90 huail of farm stuck.. Mr. Jas. Stewait nf lot 'i, con. 4, lupliriMia, can iliioMUi t that niiinlier to » eniwideraUu aitviit, m Iiii liaa on liii (â- tm 141 hcaU of farm stock, fix. ; 4 ylirtf*, 81 MitU, 03, aliMp, 23 |«i||», anJ ^•N St|l«ot«li. Arbor Day Arbor day was oliserved in Flediuiton liy a general cleaning up of the sehocl • 'i-ciiiiids and planting seven or eight trees by the scholars. Klesliurtou P O. Hours. Otlico hours from H a.m. till T p.m. On liolnlays the othee will be open from '.I till i). 30 a.m., and I till 2 p.m. Acoiflent. Mr. <J. Howard met with a paiiifu accident on Monday. His hand iicci dentally came in contact with a circular saw, anil the result was that he lost the third linger of his left hand and had his ihiimb nearly amputated, but will save the latter, Drs. Carter and Christoo dressed the wouiiileil member. Got, Mtirried. Every luwly married couple may have The Advance as a wedding present free for six iiioiiths, upon funishing satis- factory oviilence of the marriage. This is a standing oiler and application must be mai'.e six nioiilhs from date of mar- riage. Ill '""â- 'â- â- 'â-  Ul- an ICCOlll- Eveti the tislies for suckers, just .IS much as the youiig lady eijhteeii years .d' a«e. The young man ea.>l.s his line into the sea of niatiiiiioiiy and pulls out a fat llounder or a sworil hsh Iha'. will in turn catch him on its sword and waft hini aiound until bo ran I stand on his legs. The young holy ooe.s lishiiig bir ice cream and a gold t .li, and generally laads both when she under- takes the job. The pcditiciaii tislies for votes, the storekeeper hslies for custom ei-s, the boy for cattish, trout, jiercli, wet pants and a thrashing from dad when he gets home. The married man fishes eiiergelically for lucre to keep the pot boiling, the n.arried wcuuaii for news about .Mrs. .Kmes and Mr. Jollygaloot, and the newspaper lieiid turns tho world upside down to catch a few subscribers. Oh, you but we are all tisliermen every day ill the yea: and sometimes more. Call 111 and subscribe for this p«iicr. 1 licr<-l>y Klve notice to »11 whom it may con- i-.Tli tliiit 1 will keep luv sWllloii. YoiiMU Nutent. at home this-cK-nii .IS I cannot iitf""' to travnl liinl lit tbo low rutii the averBi;estulll..ii isdoiiii; Ml who wish li>iisu lilni call .lo ».oitii r.-iUulloii that will I'liv tlieiii ."inilit; .\UT(lt'H .lilHNSION. ,\rtuuioaia, lot I'.l. eon 11. \aliduU.ur P " Flesherton Livjrv S-.ables. I». «'LiYTO>, Proprietor, l-'irst class 'r^ iJiplli I II .1 vcliielos f 4 I hire a I 1 1'lifo u a b I e liltes. Stable.^ op- post t e .Mull hhrtw's botet. Special at- . .iitioli pal.l to (-0 111 too r cial businuss. Obit, All esteeniod friend from Eugenia sends us the following item : On Wetlnesday evemiig, Sarah, daughter of Mr, Kennedy, aftsr a luiijt, but patiently borne illness, ipiietly passed into her eleinul rest. Ky ruasou of her long ill- ness her death was not unexpected, vat • ven though uot uiilooked fur, it fell with satldeiiiDK i{lu<ini ou her family aud friunrfa. The ycutiK Isdj wm iu th» blooui u( wuniftuhu»<l, hwr •(• Mng on(y Arlemesla Council. 'Ihe above ("ouiicil mot on Monday Inst, all the members jirusent. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. .V commuiiicatioii was read from the Minis- ter of Kducatioii re separate school mat- teis. retitioli of school liustees of sec- tions No. ;i, 4, and H wcru presented, op- [losing any change in said sections, also petition of Thos. Elliott and others, ask- ing for bridge over Saugeeii river, town line .\rtemesia and Kuphrasia, allot 0(>, â- Jnd east, liylaw No. 4.')1, to regulate and encourage |ilantiiig of trees in the township, was passed. Appropriations for road iinprov>4inents were made as folhiws, on uiotimi of Messrs. McArtluir & Sharp ; Ward No. 1, 81.")0 ; ward No, i>, »12ll ; ward No. ;i, »IH0 ; ward No, 4, ^1.50. The councillors were appointed coinniissionen for expending; said amounts, to be allowed 8 per cent, uoni- iiiissloii for lotting; jobs. On moliuii of Meisr*. Cairns and Mc- Arthur it waa decided to allow the echool •ections %• remain as they are for the preaent, •ieepliiig lotK 179 and 180, 3nd WMt, and 180 3r4 WMti whitk luU tn J. P. MAilSHiilL, L. I». S.. D£.\TIST. Visits Markdale the Ist and ord Wtdms day of each month. Flesherton each trip on the day folluwing .). W. FKOST, IJ..1].. I!tifri.t4< r. Solirilor, Conn i,itiii i f . on\i:\^. -strmn s lliiii.liiii;, I-i.kshi uros. A. A. (.â- HKN1,|.:V. Solliitor an, I ( on vevaiiei-i . Kesident .Manai;er. MH KltilST Kill Im. found at the ('fl.f.i.o 1 lillrsdav s as lier,.tofore. • P McCULLOUGH, lid iiistcr. Solid I or, i\i\ Office. ov»r .VIol'arl.-iiHl'.s .Stur*-. .Warkdah'. .Money to Loan. John W. Armstrongi Fl.KSUKliro.S, l_'0, UllKV. niVlHION lot UT ILKlilv, ('(â- IMM ISSKIV nu , " '! 'S'',""\''>'""^*^'"^"^- iKvUt for pill ctias aud sale of lululs. .\ppiiii„>r lor t , I. C toin an.l K. IV II, ,v S. .So,.iut> ^b.n..â- v to l.oa,, cii tli» most roasonalJe tonus. Issinu ok m VHUIviii: LU'KNSliS .MirAUV MONEY TO LOAN. 4T LOHKSr ( 1 KKKM- KATES Ou Town or Karni I'rojierty, ti DAillDK, Klu.-'hertou, The Most H«co«»«fiil Remedy stot dlscoT- crixl. aa It l« C4>r**lii in Ita t.*Twts aad aura uut bUst^T. itsad proof lieluw. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Oinrt or 0&aBi,n .i. Sstdsb, ) BuMDaii or ; Clktslasd Bat asu THoimia Bau> Hobsis. ) EuiwooD, lu., Muv. an, liit& Da. n J. KixdallCo. „ Dear 81r»: I have always porchaaed Tour Ken- dall'B SiiavUi cure by the half down botthn, 1 would like lirlceiInlar»erquiinUlj, I thlukltls one of (be Issit Iliilnienta ou earth. I have tued It cu my scabli's fur tiirtsf years, Yuuni truly, CbaS, A. BsTOsa. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURL Beookltk, N. Y., NoTvnbcr 3. ISSa. DE,a J. KwdallO). , ^ _ Dear 8irB : I (le*lre to giTft yon t^tlmonlal of my irooil oplnlouof your KeiHlailBflitHThiCuru. 1 huve UHe<t It fur I.Rmeu««»* HtlfT JolatA nnd SBMTlnst Mi<\ I have fouixl ll u iiurttcurw, I eordt- ally rtiM^>mmmul It to all horwrnvn. Youn truly. A. H. Qn.BKRT, Maoafier Truy LAUudry Siablua. Mr. Wm. Karstedt, Siune .Vfiiwwi. liriikhKjer imd fliislrrer M.VTEUIAL FilKxNlSIIKD E.,t mutter yiveu free. VrnamentiU Pladcr- iny a SpirUtlttj. Ko>,idenfo oiio door Hontli of .\ilvanc.' Olliee. W.J.BELLAMY TWP. CI.KKK AHTEMKHIA. LSSURANCE ACI'T, dC rvKKD.S. MDKTti ACK.'.i, LKA.SKS, .Vc, preuai '^ eel and inopurly e.xeeutod. Ilisuniuce allet i*d in Mr!*t-elass coinpanius " lowost rateM line Money to lend at ;â-  Jaw. Mnce I tuTelaS one of your roUowed tlie dlnetioos, I have never KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. uo, Deo. 1 what X ha r«. 1 hav «Maone ofi»,X hav fOWiw To: Hor»« KENDAU'S SPAVIN CURL Pitee H M* boMIe, «r ita boMhi «iir Ilk AU Drw el.hai**irotMai«*l«l«r/oa.oc MwUlbaMat BOLD BT ALL iiKponrm Bait, Wurms Ctomrrr, Oaio, Deo. IV, I8S8. Da. B. J. KasuAU. t'-o. OeuU : 1 (oel It my duty to •» what I hare dons with your Kendalrs BpaTtii Cure. I have cured tweoty-llTe honwa that hail Ssavlae. ten of Klna Baa*! £''â- <' aHllotedittth |ll( lletid and teven of books a lost a CM* of any kind. Touts truljr, Axnuiw TeBinR, Eorae I>outor, R. J. Sproule, l)OSl'.\lASTKU, Flesborton.Comiiiisiiioi* er in 1". R., Licensed .\uctioiieer. Con veyancer, AppraiHcr and Mone r Lender. KphI Kstiitd and Insurance Ayent, Deeds. MoitL'ftgcs, LeascH Hint V/UU ilrawu up aud Vidiiiition.s made un sliortent uotiee, Auo tioii Side.s attended to iu iiny pary of the tkiuuty. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Collection.s attended to with pioinptiiess and despatch. Charged low. Agent for the Dominion SteamsliipConiptuy. Cheap tickets from FleBlicitoii to Liverpool, (ilu^Kow, London or auv of tho British Port.-:. I'lirties intending to visit KugUiid, Scotland or I.-eland, will please ask rate* he fore purchasina their tickets elsewhere. House and Lot for Safe. ^â€" ^a A good lioiise and lot, oppoelte th» tfgfl^ .Vlethodlst Church, Klusherton, is now G;5aM."''Srod for aalo. The house la Ivit* â-  •â- a^a^bd roomy, fine lot, Kood atabts wil ' ".^^Tartl, apleiuUd well on the praiatMa

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