FLESHERTON ADVANCE. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR-"-" PRINCIPLES, J^Ol MEJ^. VOL. VIII., NO 410. PLESHERTON, ONT.. THURSDAY, MAY 9. 1889. W. H. THURSTON, PROPHcKTCR Clocks. NEW Watches JUST ARRIVED AT RiisselFs IToted Jewelry Store. FL.ESHERTON. And the prices are a\v;iy tlown lower tli;ui ever. Just Note a few Prices : Waltliam watches, four years warrants, fruni JD.OO up. The finest make of uicl(el alarm docks from $1.90 to $2.50. Fine American spring' and weiglit wahnit clocks from $8. '.16 to $((.50. I Tlif fiiH'st make of rolled >;old chains, >varrant('d fiom ton to fifteen years ^ from $;«.50 up. .\ beautitul assortment of ladies' n;ein nn>,'s troin only ll.SO to $t5.50. | The famous ]>. Laintnce spiX still going at half price. 20 wer cent, offi on all silv<.rwarr sales, IF YOU WANT BAIUJAINS C'O.ME ON.' WE HAVK 'i HKM HKHl'". FOR YOF. T.MvK YOL'IIKEPAIRS to UUS- ! SKLL lis he attends to all repaii's personallv and a perfect job is guaranteed -very line or money refunded ;it IM-SSKLjVs .NOTKD Il^WKl.KY STOKK, j'lesheiloil. It is riuite amusing lo iiuu^ iho elo- Don't .lliirry a Mail t» KeroriU' ipieiu s.'lf-luudauon which the people j H'"'- of ihe upon themselves. Last week they eelebrated llieir Washington Ceiilen- I mted btalGS are showering Dont mun-v n umn t<. rHlfirm liim â- I'd (ioii uiiU your nwn sulf btt true ' Uf'ii t link to his vices yuui virtuo- Vi.u 11 rur it. iluar nirl. if vou lio. : nial, and till the newspaper^ and oru- TllE \T)VA"N'm^ tors in ihitt country vied witli each ! other in a hoarse shout of triumphant Is publish. Ml glorilicalion over their Every Thursday, FltUM THE OFI'ICE. Si/deiiham i^lreet, - - Fhshtriun, ihit. TERMS OP aUlmilllPTION: 51 por uniniiM wlitui puiil -.ti'ictly in advani'« $\.:>li pttr iiiiiitmi whuli nut su jitii'l. -Nn rnRt^crliciw (ervdnt liiti plcftilinns. Hu not bv hjM lirnnuscM led , It hi' (tan t bt. a man wialu n-\v(«iinK. H,' II nuv<M- lui tntv wlion lit- s wud : Don't marry a man to roforni him â€" 'I'o rnjitnit it, alin. when too lato ' Till' njUKiun of wivi.s UaKt nuuouHiitnl U tho Miakinii of I'rookml limbs str&iiilit, Tlu^rM 3 many a niablou has trird it. Anil iiroved it a falluri! at Ibbi : aciiu'vemenls. ! Tho New York World waxed particu- 1 larly idociucnt and rolled out bombastic ! rodomontade bv the s(iuaie yard, after ' i'«"«r'trBad litospatiiwavaiiono ar. I - * * . I I nun wud withtt lover that s 'faKt. ' ! the following manner : "Sing, muse, ,, , ,, , ^ " ^ Mankind -i mmh thi- saim. tin' world over I of the fes-.ival of a hundred voar: !„'''"' """ept'""" V""':' »"d am imt fow ,. *. ' *> hun tho rnlo iH dofoat and diwahtur Smg the song of the centennial of, I'lioehaucos iroHmat anainm vou. .VUVKUTlSIN'ci iiA ri'.H. half iMil,, do,, .*J7; One ir'>liin)ll. 1 ynar, ^:m quarti!!' col, do,. !?1.''», TraiihiiMit iwlvt'rtiwMni'ijTs 'diarj^i'd at tlio ratu of HctM. p«r line for th'Ht lUhui'tlon and ;Jct», por linu uu(di tmb.sutjuunt insurtnin, W. n. THUBSTON, Editor and Frojrrietor. Freemen, of Progress, of Enlighten- ment ; sing the anthem of Power . . . Sing tho Credo of Enfranchisement and the Gloria of tlie commonwealth of eciual men." The average Aineri can is busily occupied just at present Tin tohi m thufmwu admiring Don t tnift your briiilit hopoii for the futllro, Tho liu&ntifnl crown of vuur vunth. r .tho koapini; uf ouu wiio Iiuldi, Uuhly His fair J}amo cit honor and Irnlh. lo honor and lovo ' yon must proniiKS Don tploduo what vun cannot fulnr If ho II havo no reapuct lor hinisoif, dear ,Mtist Muroly, Ton thi-u. ni'Vcr will. -fa wonnin â- <. , 1 I^ -â- troni4 at. Out ijiowot a iiittii, IIS mngnih'.Tiit plumage, A„d tho world will b., i„.tt.M wiion wom„u I'rowri at nrror as h»rd as thov can. THE METIS' CLAIMS. THE ONE PRICE Cash Store. That means soniclhin^' to the purchaser as you get the ca.sh discount instead ot heljiin,;,' lo pay ior bad accounts, etc , and then it also helps vou to ECONOMIZE as you will buy only what is really needed, and come out further ahead in the fall. The Cash System pu rchascr as \ Sjieaking of CiaOriel l>umoiit, the Marlidalc Standard says: "In our immble opinion he should he .-^truug up. even should lynch law be rr^^tirteil to." It is a fortunate thing for this country that such opinions are exceed- ini,'ly "humble.' The advocacy o;' lynch law is something which no paper 111 Canada, excepting tlie Mark dale Standaril, wcnild be guilty of. .Mr. Kntledge should einigiate to Oklahoma, where sucli suggestions might probably be acted upon. The Metis of the North iVcst had a genuine giievance when thev resorted out I to arms. .Ylthoiigli rebellion is iipx- ' disable in almost any case, yet these I)eople deemed it their only coiu'se, and sacrificed themselves in a forlorn hope lo butter the condition of their families. Dumont was pardoned by the Ciovoriiinent, and now simply asks that his people bo mdemnilied for thoir losses in lighting for rights which the Cioveriinieiit conceded. Diiinoiit is not preaching aiKJlher re- bellion. The following horn The Week will probably show the Standard .Make virtue the prioo of vour lavor ; Place wroiiB-.loini; under a ban \iid ipi him who would will von ami wed vou I'rove himsolf ill fill] incHHun: a man, -U'omiin B Work. MivKK TO MolliKU,-Aro vou distuibcd al un;ht ami brokun of your n-t bv n sick i hild snlf.o inijaiid .nMni; with pam ol ( 'nt tint; I'.-.'ili If ^o f.und at .MM e ami i^ot it b<.tll|. -.MrH Wui -,..n ., x.oilmu; Svnip for r|iil.ii,.u I'cvthiiii; It., vaino IS iiH.ahulai.i,. |t will i,Ii,.t,. the â- . .01 lUtlo ^ulfon'r imiiicliati.h Di.p.'iid npoii it iiothorj*; thult. ao iiii-tako about it. It ,11 res Dvsi.iiti.i I iiud I)larrli.ia.i..|julal.os ihoribimaoh 1111. 1 n-.w. Is. I ir.is Wiii.l c',.li,-.s,.ft.lis thitiiims r.-.lii. .s Inllmitatloii tui.i .;i\,,s ;,.ni an. I .mu-.i's l.i to., whole swloiii. Mis W ins|..w o So,,thiii'i â- ^.vi ii|. b.r .â- Inl.ir.iii i...,iiiii,j; m pleiisant to ib- la-li' ,111.1 IS tho pros.ri|iii.,M ..1 i.ii>, ,.1 ihf oi.l.isi nil. I b.-si toiiiah. |ilusi,iaiis Hii.l iiirsos 111 â- |„. I iiiti..l stalon. lui.l is i,,r ^alr bv all .Iriituisia thr..iiMiio.iti the wi,i Id, I'li.o twuiity-livo .1 .i;s,i b.itti... lid sure 1111,1 ;is|, I,,, .Mil,, Wi.s.,!,, Smu r, ' and tako 11.. ,.tli, r kind .. w . <'.i(;irrli .mii-.mI. hmltli :iii,i swept hreiilh Hei'urcil, iiy Sluioli j, < '.itarrli Hi-m.-ii) I'rice .')fl (lents. Niiwil Injector r'reo Kur Male ;it tile .Mi-diciil Hull IS the best system of business as it helps the well as the merchant. LADIES Our stock of dress goods are well assorted, all the leadin shades at prices that will surprise you. Novelties in Prints, Ciinghams, Chambrias, etc. All the newest designs^ qualities the very best and y^rices the very lowest. AS HOUSSK CT^lCA^fl^JCJ^ will soon commence in earnest, try and see our lace curtains, ' NnitliweMt,aiHl lliere u uiidcniable force j mii. of tlium tmtil after the 2'.ttli. scrims chintz, etc before buying elsewhere. See our ni h... statement of the oas... tii«| written iiy plamniT t special line of cashmere hose at 35cts. Dont be afraid to \ eiev.rn.nent .«, i,e aay-s ,.s ert'ec. ask to see our goods whether prepared to purchase or not, ' ''"" "-ause tUu Uaif.breed» o. .Man,t,,l a aoiv lu .->«-v- v-'v>» f-,^^ It r ' yeni-s ago aocBl)ted certain tenii.s frmu the Oijveniiiioiit ill liou of tlieir vlainis as .jritjuial settlers, lliuitsfuru the Half broed.s iif the territory who have inithiiig wbatHver like the beautiful bird with a large tail, and has even brought himself to the state of belief, with .lanii.'S Russell Lowidl, that Ins predecessors were all "men with i.nipires in then brains, ' and he has iiihi'rited bulh. Grey ,l.ssiws. (Iwi:.s' Soi'sn. .May li, Tlii! .Sprint; ; .V.ssizi^ .siltinnH were upeiivMl licie Ii.-.lay I .It 'J p.m.. Hkii, Mr. ,Iii.>du:e MacMalbiii ; |iresiiliiit;, 'I'lieio are set lii.wii i..r trial ! oiojit jury ciiHus, tiiiir nun jury ami 'iiie iriiiiiiial. Pile case of Stoisiiii v, l..«i! wiih taken ii|i, 'Pile ))laiiitill', Rebecca .">tiiisiiii, a 1 married wmiinn, and iliu (ieleiidaiii, .V.l''. I>, Lee. wore utitil lately both ii'sideiits ' .if Stralliayeii, hut mnce tlie iiiatiiiiiioii I of the present pr<iueediiii.'H dcletidaiit has left tho country, and oid not appear at \ tlio trial. Pliu i>l*iiiti(f had formerly lieoii oiigngod at tiiiies to assist in do- I iiiCHtic work .ittheliouse.if the defendant. ' who w.aa postiiiaater and kept a sloiu in ' tho village, mid she alleged that lie liad al diffureiit times between the ITith .iinl :.".ltli of October last .;alleil at hor lioime ill the abseiise of her iiiisbaiid. ami against her will kissed her, and on the •J!) ,ilid 30th had been irmlty .>f further iiiipr.iprietios and imido insulting |ii'.i- . |iosals to her. ruder cross-examiimtion that its suggestion is an I'xtremely | .jI^ admitted that, aliliough ^lio had made j unworthy one : [ entries in ,1 book ot the dales on which 1 "Mr, Davin has channiioiied the case] the libeilies eoiiiplained ol were com- ' of tho di.salleotcd Half breudK of the | mil ted, she htid never complained to any | WalllUt aild Nlcfcle ClOCkS. \ letter â- j ,^|„ represented by \ 1 rtiitelns niiii rlockji. lefeiidant inviting; hnoki'ii up by reliahlr warrants, in nn r< Hic; > 64 Bi£ Se££ Gold, filled gold and Coin-silver cases. I. a. lies' an.l Cm til.s' si/.es. iimiiiu' linn to c.iine anil settle by o.-wh iiaviiient "<dui s ,„, .' „. , .loiiiL! uiz, in IhiB M.clioi Pile plaintill as If IS part ol our business to show goods. GENTLEMEN As the time has come to fit yourselves up for the spring and summer, don't fail to see our selections of Tweed (Suitings, Worsieds.Pantings. FELT and SfRAW H.\TS, SHIRTS, TIES, SOCKS. ETC See our light, naturiil wool sock at- 25 CtS. Cheap Ujf that agreument and those terms, this lines in overalls and coarse shirts. Our BOOTS & SHOES 'mode of treatment would hardly be sub- are'an advertisement in themselves. Don't fail to see them. """"J '" hy»"y v-'fo of .,p.nt. -if, aiC an auvv-iii <- .,,•<>• 1 .1 .. aavs Mr. Davni, with loijical directness, to do with those of .Vlanitoba, and were 111 no sense a party to tho compact, are bound by the same iirraiigeinout and must accept the same terms. Apart altotfetlier from the fairness or otherwise Fresh Teas, Sugar, Currants, Rasins, Spices and al ies Goods at cash pi ices for butter and e^gs. Mcdonald & evans, Wright's Old Stand. Pumps! Fumps!, Horses for Sale. 'I'ho nndursigncdliaii aaootl flpan nf (leliiiiiK,^. rising 4 yoarH, which ho dc'sirestu aell. .\ rare b&rfjaiu. .^PPly '" L. J. VVIt.I.IAMSON. Lfttlv Bank, I'.O, J. IKIcGullousli. Markdalc, nisnnfa.mt,urerof puiiipH, dowrus !..> inform Uio I public that ho is ,,1 opined t.i furnish pumim for I ^^^ Deep WellS;, gravel wells, etc, | Remedy for y.m. For sale at the Moili I'a.tieHwho havo hoiot..foio Im.l dilVio.iltv with | cal Hall. "rocer- ""^^^ ^^ '^"''"' *"'" '"^^ " I "vou want the extinguishment of the 1 Indian title, as it is known to rust in I these North west Half-breeds, you must ' uo and bargain with tlioui and with their children." This is sound and sensible advice. The failure of the government to act upon tins .siinple, reasoiialilo priMiMple in dealing ivitli these tirstsetllers has already cost the country dear Mi. Uavin's suggestion that a clause lilierally reoouni/.ing the claim of the Ualf-bieeds ot the North-west and lu-ovidiiig for or note, w.as also put iii. admitted that had ho responded she would h.vvo settled tho thin:^ for («o()0, Ithoiigh she now claimed ?!l,00(l. Tim jury returned a verdict of $lt)0, .Masson. l^.C for tho defemlaiit. .\lbcrt Porter, a colored man, charged j j ^^,„„l,l „„[ |,^. „1,U. to hold auc'li a liirrc with malicious woundiiiL', was found i sliiiiu of Grey Co. trinle as 1 have at loeniii guilty ol common .assault and released on I ,^ , ^ his own recognizance. | LcnLSlI OF C'tll^I'll ' f C'uutrnI Oiiy, than any jewele, H section. If|;riuo« ire not .lud reck every tune. QUALITY Considered, granting land scrip to them and their Sleepless nights, made miserable by ^.i,ii,l,.eii, should be adilod to tho act, and it terrible congli. Shiloh's is tip- the .liidgj fotlic tSuprcim^ Court in tlie iNortli-wost einpoweiod to administer it, seems simple and practicable. Putting aieirwellsarc , „ ,- r r- ' The Rov, Geo, H. Thayer, of Bui'boiie ,,ur„Jlvos ill the place of these poor people. GUcLranteSd SClllSIcLCtlOIl !lnd.,8ays: "Both myself ami my wife ,,„„, jf, „„t also seum just V .,\, id is it, â- hviininKniv articloH, I learuoU uiy busiuoRs I owe our lives to Shiloh's Oonsuinptioi. „„(, i„ koepiim with tho prime object of with tho lato J, Koar <.f .Moafonl, the supuriority Cuvv. For sale at the Medical Hall. ,|,„ fvee-maiit system-- that of furtherini; ?.!vrl'^:rr,;:<râ„¢''"^''"''""''"^^^ Fordyspepsiaandlivercomplan.t you ' the settlement and cultivation of the Me sure and call on ti.e it y,.,. deH.ro anythiiiR | ^^^^^ _^ Jj^J^^^l^ nt.arauteo on every b.ittle country ? There is surely land enou^rh inthepnniplme, .......lloilirll |of ShiU.h's vitalizor. It never fails to Icure for all, with.iut be.u.o mifair or ingganliy J. n«illUOIIKU. ,,<„„„,^. ^t t,,g Medical Hall. to the ch.Uheu or theor.iiinal prop.itois, Uay .\ very remarkable freak of nature I enists on tho farm of Mr, .J,H. (,'aiter, ' coll. 8, lot 20, Towiisliip of 'Pecuiiisetli, County of Lincoln, l-toiid Head I'.O. i On Saturday, .\pril 14ih. a cow belontjiiiy ! t.j iVlr. (barter '.jave liiitli to two lambs and a calf. Ho is a respectablo fanner who would not under any circiimstancea be -uilty of any .attempt to palm otf a ' W'Olk CarefullV D0I15, fraud on till! public, and the i.ssiie has be.'ii I _^ . y-^-i seen by .scores ..rii-s iio,.,]ibors. The' FaiF CliargeS Stock now coniplele in all liiioa. will pesitivily do better by you, Goods, Work and Warrants <:uiisid«red. than yoii ctiii do cIsch here. .Spox iirtisti- ciillv lilted. attendant circumslances wore such as to leave no shadow .if .l.iubt .ui his mind as I to coriectiioss ol the stateniont, T laniliH are to all appearanct^s perfect, but i laroer than ordinary, 'Pile calf, a male, is also perfect, Tho cxiire.'<sioii iii tho face of the lambs has a i>eculiarity, while c.iiisiderablo hair is mixed among the wool, both ill the lleeco and on tho legs, Mr, Carter has already refused an otl'or of gtlOO ff>r thj dam ami family. Mr, E, .lolf, lecturer on agrii;ulturi5 f.ir Oiitari.., and many other «eiitleinen have been visitor.*. So far as known tliori; is no liarallel case on record, ,;';;jiCan save you $1 to $3.00 on watches. other linos will bo hold on live and live niarf^iiis. let W. A. BROWN, Jeweler and Optician, MAUK.D.\.r,E. Out. \