THE F L E S H E R 1 N ADVANCE. CO.S'RESPONDENCE. Eiizli>h and (aiiadiaii Forestry. j 7'i, t/it: Edlloi <if The .l./rt(/.,-f. SiK â€" 1 trust th;it tlie ['i-eso'-.t sprircj; will see ii cuitsijeniblt: iiiuoniit "t tree pliiiituii; â- Ji)lie. Wlmii travellmu li'st i suiiiiiier tliriMi','!! Eii^l;ii)(.l »uJ Sc>.*JaMil, [ until iiiu: Was sii ]'hu:ily uli.ser'';iljl<,' tn a raiKidiiiii iis tlie lai.-t tli:it the ouuiitry «a.i well slieltereil. Evt-rywliere wert; hedges, evervwhere line trees, .il iiig gardens, sprayiug fniit treis to ilesaoy Vermin, wailiin;^ high win- I (lows outside, etc. I've had a brass Olio iipwanls oi twelve years, price SlO, i:i L,'00(1 couditioii yet. It will throw a L(uixl stream to the top of a tw<j story hour^e. Tin pumps cost about S2.5II. (_)il tVeqneiitly to pre- Tlio :>Iotic Saccessful Remedy ever dlscor- eivu, a3 it Is t'.-rtaln in its effe'-tsaud doed not blliWr. Head proof below. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Office of Charles a. Sxtdih, ) EREEI>Ka tip \ Clevhi.a^d Bat am> TitoTtuio Bked Huesicfl.) KuiwooD, 111., >'ov. 2u, l -jhS . Dx B. J. Kendall Co, b:XT 6ir-v X iuive ((Iways purpMbied your Ken- lili'i Soiivlu Curu by ihe a^\t d'-wu "b"ltU!». I would :ike prU-*'9lnlttrift*r qn iiitUj. I thluk it Ii <me t)f ttie btjst llnlniL*ntJ* on t-iirUi. I huvo u-^ed 16 lu my 8t&blei> for three ye&ra, Yvurs truly, Cha3. A. S-vyoca. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURL BaouKLrs, >'. Y., Nuvwmber.J, litiS. Dri. n. J. Kksdali.Ok Dear Sirs : I (tesliy to give yon t^sttmonlal of my K«>.'<lopUiioaof jour KemiallsSpHvin Curt*. 1 have xm-d U r-r I.ameiieMB* SciU* Juincs and Spnvlns, iiotl 1 havefoitu*! it a surucuxv, I oorUl- a!iv riioninieiui It tuaJl liorst-mea. VuLirs truly. \. H. Gu bfbt. UaDai^r Troy Laundry Stablea. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Sa^t. Wiirm» CocMTT, Omo, Dee. IS, lass. Dr. B. J. Kic{<i>Ai.L Co. t>vats ; I t*-e\ It my iluty to say whmt I have done with your Kfndatl'ii Spavin Oun;. I have oureU '-' ' horseji that tiail tipavfns. leu ot veiJt rusting. Now, Mr. Editor, if by pnblisliiug the fore;,'Oiiiy:, only one house or valiiuble biulding is saved. yun will havt,' your reward. Ilopiiii; your readers will take '..M! ijiii',' ill time, and renewing pn->iui3- of further disclosure of ••thing's which have never seen the !iu'!!'" tliiough The .\dvance, I dis- patch this message for the u'ood it may do. " \VM. PL HDY Wiuuipe'-'. .\pril. 1^89. ,' them every here ainl there [â- lantntiHiia. TliLr:ie wln' owueil the hind ai'jiareutly were far ir"iii i;rui.l^;iig the trees t'.ieir stiunhii,' rift»i]i. ami the result well i>:ii'l thej-i. Such cri^i'S lit wheat, sueli wei^'it "f L'rass [ler acre as there .ibtaiueil d..ubleJ, "V • 'tler> irel'lsi! (.' ii4ii<iiaii iip'iiiiet.s. Coin- ;Mii.^^ C'.in;uiiau with tii^lisli laniiiii;; [â- rao'-iee, ii'' "lie eiKiKl duubt that tiie sJi'l'er 4'veii had luueh tu li" with the t. rt.'.ity "t the laud. It wa> a (laiiiful cnutia.-i' t.i many â- â- { Mur (.'aiiadiau farms where It l.'ks as it the o» m-r had cut ever".' tree i"i"ni the surfac to [irudaee a s^iuare exj'aiisrt ..f bare earth, as bare, is, hard and as lu.Mxhtly as an stock I bas made sotuo very L;ross errors and vard. veiiieut for themselves at the expense of otheis too far otf to atteuii. But i take the original standpoint and view for what the public ?cliools were o. i,'!- nated, was it not that all the ciilldreii of Canada should have put ivitiiin then- reach the means of oLlainiiig a 4<iod common education, and not to keep Hp e.\tra good â- jclio^ds in ceiitn s of larire circuits at wliicii \ u'leat part of the children could no. attend'.' Let ^ the sciiool sections i.if this towiisli.p ue at oiicj cnuali.sed so as to beiietit tlie my I whole pnpulatioii of .\itemesia. and let people desiriMi,' better tlilliiiS ['ay out of their own pi)ckels f If tiieiii. Yours triilv FLESHF.RTdN SlWTbiN '1 liis Year's MYRTLE ('IT and PLUG FI\KK THAN KVEK. T & B 2'./ t'lf £'litiir .jf VI'.: .l.(iv(»ii''-. , l>EAuStK â€" Would you kindly allow me space in your valuable columns to make an e\pluiialion in regard to this Kimberley Crlee Club bill. There are goueraUy two sides to a story, anU when both are heard there is a chance to decide which is right. In liis ar- ticle of la>t Week the Eugenia writer tit U f^ ill bruii/.e on l'H«; and PAt'kitE > I :\v 2«~ Central Store, Price ville. Kins Bone, niiif aAllcted with Hiu Uead and sevi-n of Biy Jaw. slue*- I haTeTiaa oue uf your books auti rollo\>(.'<l thu dlrectlutiB, I txave never lout a ca.<^ of any kind. YouDiCruIj', A-tDRBw TcajrcR. Ho DM LKx.-lor. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Prtee $1 per bottle, or six boetlea for $5. All Dru^ Kl«t3 have ic orcaugoi U for yuu, or It will be sent to any addrvtid on receipt of price bv tbe prt'prle- ton. Dk. B. J. KuDALJ. Co., EuofibiirKh Falls, Vc. SOLD BY XLL, DUUGGISTS. Everytliiiig Fori,' THE &AKDE1T. ' To Our Fiieuds and Patrocs Wc desire to tiiaiiU vuu for your liberal i-at- roiiafio i:i tho iia^l. aiul lu>pof.'ra contniiianci' >f tilt* •**niie. Wo liavf tlu^ year iiia«it.' ^ruat niiprvJVwiiu'titH ill oiii stt'ok. and haw not ^otiie of tliu l>»st vari>Jtte> ol thu itilTurtiut i;laiit». \Vc havu at prB^i-iU for salo B I' L B S (i^atiiolun and Dtkhhtis. H O I S C P L A \ T S . \IiiiONt too iHuiii'rous to uK-iitu>». iucin<!i!it; Uiultlc Jiu I 'iiii^li' (M-riitiiiuin ill nmiiy ^liado^. â- -;i'ld aijil s'l\«r. tricolor, ivy aiul ••ci'iitftl ^.'craii- UllllH l:l tiCt-at \.U10LV. tilllK'IllI MS. I'rilMlllUH. i,'alcfoii4*-ia-^. r»aiiiiuis. Holiotr-'pet*. I^om'jmis and l*o^v»nia Kf\, .Vl'utilloiis, l-'uiii^, laliy?.. t'actu", HydrriMu'i'as. I'ciiiri^oimitii-*. Kosom. luo**. Ci»le«s, .Vi-IivraiithuH uttd >I 'oiirlower,, In B E l» IM N <; PL A \ T S WV" ha%o Aati'r>-. I'lilsaius. Stv'ck-*. \ crlx-ii.T-s. . \antlm**. Miiijiilns. I'*'._».\jilove, l,ol»fliti. I'Vir^jt't- ji« Not. China rink. SeJuni, .Vlvwiiiiin. ^aIl^\. V E Ci E T A B L E PLANTS l'uttba^;«>. faulilluwor. Celory, 'I'oiuato aad i'lK'llIiilit r, 4'ur Floncrs iind Floral llesii^iis. All onlt-rs to (••'"I'M'tly .1 \Mi:s ItKECKOFT. <1<* TO ULA(kKlR\'S KOK FLOUR, FEED, AND F»>toviHior\ss. A large stock always on lumd. Dealer in iKRESH ami CURED MEATS, NEW LARD, BOLOGNA,; ETC. lU Y Yt>UK BEKF BLACKBURN'S HEW HAIR DRESSING PARLOR. Mlt. W. J Nl'UiSJN. having opuno.! ont a nuw I'aibor shop and hair ihcssini^ cat lor. in Mcors's Block, Durham St. IS pr.'paroilto attoiKl to all work in liis line, aini woiilU tlivitu pati'on&^o. Hiiiv cuttiiiti, shaving. HhiirpifuinL; ray.t.i-fl, etc.. all duuo iu the highest atylu of the art. W.M. NKl.SOX How dilicreiit tiii.s to ii^iat a farm shuuKl be, with its reserve "t f'Test rtcll kept, free I rum the intrusuMi .jf entile and 111 >;'i"il forest ei-nditmiiâ€" lU bed Jeei' wild leaves,it4yi'Uii2 trees fismg eiiiuhn* to the heii;hl of the old, ready to rejilace ,eiii when they are cut d'lwn f t use, its 1 iflassive wealth nt fi'Ii.i.i;e. its pleasant walks coul and uiiibra;;eous in the hottest I day. its livui:; spriiiijs preserved by trees. Its lines of wind bleaks opposed to the cuttini; blxsts. Such a farui so kept is a I place of beauty, a place to live and die in. The other â€" shaved tiat tu the a lace to toil, to make iiMuey if farniiii:: pays perhaps, but it is never a [deasure to thi'se who inhabit it, if they possess any of the tiller stfiitiiiieiits of i<ur nature. It is iiot'always even the best place to make money by farming, for he who has the trees will have the <; crops, he who has the i;r»ss crup).s will have the inanurt and he who has the manure will have the wheat. The new forestry report is now being distributed, and »iiy one desiriii.; it, b\ seiidmii his addre.s.s tu me will receive ii by mail. It is a iiaui|ihlet distributee free yearly by the » int.uio ^overniiient there isnopiice fur the bo.ik and m cliarue for [lostaoe. It will be found !• contain niiich uiforiiiatioii iiitere>tni',; t. all wli.) interest theuisolves in the forest Yours eto. It W. I'HIC.N. 233 llicliie.ond street. T'lroiito. iluuse oil Fire. I ]i.' u- 1 ail 'ise .'( iiifii aiiU boys. â- rile tlri'iiian ruttit'.l to... rlio lire ' tli.'v en,. 1, ittil th.'ll eri.' I I. Ob. .l.,.ir. what si. all 1 .!.> ' C>I 1 >oiil' Editor .Idiiiuv. The drv. iiot weiUher is at hiii' when a â- cidental tires ail' iinire liabl to occur and proLjressive Fleslu! ton â- 'boauliful for situation." cannot wel atTord to have its progress impeded b' the ••fire liend." If voii have no lir. eugiue would it iiotbi' advisable 1 1 ii ipiost 'he "city fathers" to begin iiii nieiliate preparations to ••meet tli' foe '?" The .VdvutK-e is (and alwiv- lias boon a true friend to Flesherton and I am of the opinion that a few le marks from von upon this iinportan' subject would be iieeded by the tow: orticials, and better protection froii lire be the result. N.r>. Strange to say, al this mo- ment the NVi'inipeo fire alarm sounded.. aiul the cngiue rusli,\i past! To- '•tieiuV is agi>in at work. You ai' also a friend of Knoeiiia's •'beiuleoii- citv, "therefore please briiii,' this "a' devouriii',' I'lcineiit" iiiatttu' before tli minds of tlii>se citizens. that they iii:i\ early prepare for tires accidental o< otiierwise. F,n'.;eiii;v has already had a little "hot taste." a full meal mav vet be in store if not lieailed off in time. Ne\t C'lmes Kimherley ••ill tlie vale" lorvallovl the vesicleiits tln'reof many glaring misrepresentations. ^ liithetirst place he says ••the Eu- i taenia choir, owino to unavoidable ( circumstances, w;is not iu a position I to get up th-' music, "making it appear as though Eugenia had a choir at that time. Now, tins does not, con- cern us. but we claim that a person [ who makes such slioht misreprtiseuta- , nous H capable ni eularoing them, j .Ygaiii lie tays. "Line of the committee, appointed to look after the music, i asked a member of the club on what terms they would furnish music, and he I the member I replied that he could no: tell until he saw sonio of the club. " Here his memory either rambles or else he has boeu misinformed. This person whom Lie mentions proves to be the organist, and nothing was men- tioned to her about terms. When the club received the invitation they ac- cepted It under the agreement tiiat 1st. I'hey were to receive free tickets. •iiid. Tliey were to be conveyed to Eugenia and back ; and they were also told tnat the organist would ex- pect pav. L' He former clause of the agreement was very politely carried out. 'I'lie second owing to the gener- laitv of tlie club was ruled out, and tiny I'rovided their ov\ ii means of con- vevaiice. Hut ihe third clause is the To Thr E-iit<.r .â- / l'\.- A.lfu,.:: Ni^'.wi'.hstaiidi:!4 tlie fact tint l'..-- so-caiU d editor of llie Mark lale Maud, ani is iiot.n-ious for iiis viu-aii, s nnil ilieoiisistencies, yet he atliiui'Sa lau- criticism upon our npiu't of the l.i.~. conceit oiveil here by the wi.>:' ._n members of the". He -i â€" we attempted lo slut the 1 r) > 1 T by declaring the whole thing a boa.- â- farce, which, upon its face, is niisiwi'i iiig, as he m no place siys tnat w. were simply reporliiiir tlo. coiicer', What we may have said in a;_\ . report aduded to tlo! concert ?o.> .;. and not to the order, as we an: as fully iu accord and sympathy with it and the principles which it inculcates i as the saiictiiiioiuous i^i tin Standaid. In our youthful "zeal and inexperience we may be iiieoi.. sistent, but we are honest and adiiu; it, and suggest that the Standard j ^^^ -po A \l n QU/IPQ man, if he a.spires to h. come, a critic, ' DUU 10 n 11 U O/zC/LO. stick to 'uhi' truth pure .mil simple. New Clo'hs. N c '.V D re s .s G uod s , New rnnts. New Ciintjhams, New Shirtings, New Cottonades. rii .-..«â- u mIs were LK.u;;ht wh.ii LtwfSl poirit. anU will be „ -uVR .t.f in.LrkeL old I'll tUa. ht lilflt ti, L--.'li.I-i.-te market affords, ol ., .tuck at pi'.cws that one which Stuck in their iligeslive or- gans. The Kimberley corrcspondeiil feelin,\' somewhat concerned in boLiall of the organist, concluded that he would oeiitlv remind them of their •,'eiuleiiiaiily duty through ihcjolumMS of your papier â€" a scheme which w.irked very satisfactoriiy, insomuch hat the oiganist has re -'cived hei dues far her paiim iu practicing and training the club for the oct i-ion. The reason wiiv a bill not sent m llC- ea; ;ly e\i''aiiied. iii fa ly 11 1 e..\idaiia;ioii at ill.'. .IS ocallcnieil all. It W.I.- to ascei tain | Thoroughbred Durham Bull FOR SALE. Mr. W. H. O'Urieii, B. half lot I. Con. a, Ku- Vlirasia, oIter« (orsaloti first ^hiss thor^>iijthln-oil Durliuin bull, H vcara old. Vlipl)' ou llio pieuii- HIM or Kt itiBiiiaP. O. h^M Mn M For Service. vvlKi;, le, pined, and as to 't ngiv i!ig tiie wroii ;" 'US they term K ' '•on account of the veid.ilicy of ih,' C lee e'lub's secie .1 y ,i:id, mos' .ikely the wrKi r spoits a ciiie an I a ,'iei'ii evc--;l.iu-. d loidi.oku lv (INK CONCEllNl-:!'. Si'ituul nattiTH. Tn Ih.' EilU"ro/ Th- .H.d- (lie-. The letter of ryrone lu your is,siu of IS iiist. is belVre us. .\s the write! lias made a sneering fling at Fleslier- toii Station, and his stalfiiients n )â- agreeing with our opinion and kii ow leilire of facts, we bi'o to oli'er reply t â- parts of Ins letter. We catiiot bla n- the angularities of the township for ,clhiol dilHc iilie- so iniicli as we dame the fnrmatioii of tne council • f the t;e,vii-;bip. l.ct the whole af ,'tirsof the t.>\V!i-;lii[i W- adiiimisteri'vl without fear or favor, and schoil sec tiiuis and evervlhiiio else can then be e.|uali.'.el [ustly and for the proper, riglul'iil beiutii id' all coneeriied. The I'leslierton .Stati'Hi scliool is a success and rejoices the hearts of tJie peopli I in II,. .VII the ditVicultie The thor. AU'AWY, will ed shorthorn bull. UTKE OK ft>r Horvicfl thin soumoii ou Lot 4, U»B. *, Oaurey â- TBR.M8: One dollar. , A. McKTlCHNIK, Vro^^. have also had â- •experience" not ot ! interested ri H.. .Ml tlie UUlici desirable repclilioo. y,,,, |,.,ve ;pi hi-' ami extra .xpeiis,' that have been suf terest of more tlniii nropertv eonsidcra- ' fered were eauscd bv the obduracy ol tion. I'roe the entcM'risin',' villaifrs j the 'I'ownship Council, and their ac- to protect themselvi'sa','ainst another | tion was at once reversed liy the in- tier v visitation beftre it is to.i late, i telligcnt ami disinterested Ixwal of Yes. I luu aware that not many mil | arbitrators appointed by _ the County lionares ivsidc m either of the "rtfore ! c uncd the school was forme I from mentioned localities. consei|nently a, fully well consideration of all the first class tire brigade cannot bo "ex- ' circumstairjes, and has had. from it'^ pocted to but ihoro ,ire j tVsi iuvptioii the full st.iluary ^ehl ol aevcnil kinds of tire exliii>jnisliers| population, and although the territi ry available for villasers of nioilerat.v is small, that is not tin- fault of tbe uieaiifl.cliemieals verv efToctive in sub ' p; es, iit ratepayers, they are quite wil- duing lires in incipient stages. One Hug to welcome in all surrounding of tho,sn small portable band or torritoiy whicli should liroperly belong t,'arden force pumjis ought to ho m to litis so.-tion. d'yi-wae's attempt to everv house in town ami conntrv;a bo v reason people into twei'ing <iuiet tn or KJrl can use then They w'H qni''k school matters is quit* jood for people ly V>nt ont a roof '>ii fire if not too fai centrally situated in scliool sections, a(ij;;t,ncfd ''^^•â- v ii.v us,d for wpte- and ari? helped twXeei) «v schools con LiiiTTERS FROM THE FARM. Spri-i.lU'j U'ntl..ul'..r T',..,,.-. , ila. Em roll â€" .Y considerable period of time has vanished into the â- •ago ' since you published my last letter â€" five weeks. 1 have been very busy since tiien. I have chucked five years of hilarious fun into that four weeks. I tliiiik I pn>iiiised you that I would send nou one of sister Mar- tha's . L dasseii t call her â- •Mat" in the newspaper any in ire i loveletters tin- publication. It i^' m- that cir- cumstances d i not wail ant iiie in iiu- dertaking *^ great a risk. Martha his dad eiilisiei.1 on her si ic.aiul those tu 1 .iiid the bri.lli' strap make liiscre- tioii tile better part oi va'"r. I don t â- ^[w grass for either of them, but the strap IS an argiinieiit that tloors me. Ihe other evening wlien my beauti- ful freckle- faced sister Martha hud eoiiipany in the parlor and the only light there was that s'.ied by the coni- panv's »in'-biio i. c. ins liaii i I had ihiuos lixed for a litlh' jubilee. 1 rai.'-ed the p.t.lor wiiphiw high eneuioh to insert a pea-oiiu. L'l.c pea-oiin is a little tin l.ihc f'r blownu' peas lliioU'.;ii. .Yt'lcr the coinpaiix ai rived and 111 I g 1' fuily seati'd \Mtii its anus aro tnd .^l.iitiia s l>\oo waist I slid catiou.^lv around the house, planteii a pea in the gun and pomteil It for Kediiey's ear. It st.uck liiui square on top of the nose. There is a mark on the ceiling to-day where Ins lu'ad burned the plaster when it s.ritc'i. .Jump I Well.iftiiat fidlow didn't jump a tlea never jumped. He didn't know where it came from, nor what 11 was, either. Wluui his tiery ilisposition had cooled dnvii, thanks lo Martha's syiiipallielic atttiitioii. they commenced talking about the strange experience and decide I tliat i'l, arose from some ii:i leoitntablo co'.i traction of the nuiseles centering in his -p.!ily a mimeiitaiy paralvsis. They were just iiboiit right. 1 paraly.^'vl his no.^e. \\'ell, as 1 was s.iuii;. ihiiu's ciioled down and 1 iirep.ired another pe.i, and was ju^t lioing to shoot his whiskers when an earthquake lit on my rudder and father's band gently grasped me iii its enibruce. Header, if you are a father I neetln't tleseribe how tliw trick is done ; and if you are a long- suffering, innocent voting man like me, you will fully appreciate the deliciu;y of my siluatuin. Father ilidu t say much. Ho IS a man of few words and makes the baiter strap talk for him. Us persuasive powers arc more fully tlovoloped than his. What puzzles luc now is to know whether I had ciiougb tun out of it to counterbalance tJio agony. Yours doubtiiiglv ZEKE BR.\DESH.\\V. SISGK IS COMPLHE iliir i.;'K.»iis tile '>est .'ur pitees ri.^i â- . ./ Full Supijlij Of Eu/ihni d'ia Qruirn 'llniuthij and Cloi-'T Set'd- Central St:re. Priceville- A. MeCJ.VlSi:. PRICEVILLE BAKERY. A. W iTso^ : Pesires lo iil'oim the public can turnisli that CAKES AND FTKS flKst cL.VH nRK.Ml .* 1. W A â- ; S I'N H.VSD. wi'.t \,s.t l-U'^hcrtou twiew .1 wt.-k o rt t M'-AN s aii.i n.lO.Ws. Willi a lull -.ul'pl.v ^'( (,0O4ia. DKiX' .\ I' aKD if YUC 1>KS1KK MK ro C.AI.I.. WK,l>l)INi;aiid K VNfV kes a sj eciaity WAl'SdN. I'l leevole. FLOUK, FLOUR, STONE FLOUK! MK r LOi'CKS U picp.irod to vio >oi;v lin^tiug on :*hoi '. uoti*'-- itud til uids .>ii tlK- old Tuiius of «vwr> t\M'liilt Int-^ht^l. Scviii eoiiis \>iix biMi of two bu'-hi-ls f-»" i.'hi>\'pin(i lU-ueoviry day Tho l.itil .- Mi i^- b!f4 ill tl e ostjiuaLioii of tho publ:o. Sikti»ia.ati>-<u Li^uunujcod. IV L.l'C'KS. KroiTiclo. CJ-»otl -Atablmu tor hirHcs. ». .^leTavhh, ii(nisEs;H(»i;;R and GENERAL BLACKSMITH. t'oUingwood Street, FLESHERTONv - ONT. ManufactliiiiiK ot Wkmoioi. Hleinha, Itii^Kies. T>wtuocrnlt, otc, HorHoHliovinif. prouipit,v at tuuilod to. Spvuial attcutipuKiv«u lu contract 0(1 or teii(1*r feet LocKing ixnA Plow Cliain^ t-ou. fl