" It Could >'oc Happen Now." £n eoan'.ry wavg b»T« lurced lotree: And l^o^ erv wc wuru burn, A Ud &ad a<« wu-jM ^ h&ace lo meet BocDe merry April mem ; de wiliuws CKi«e-l c*j Da ige Ihe crook. The c')«aU(>g Q'xided gfty. And be would i^ok. ncl >be woald look And b'>cc VQU ri 1. ok Away. Yec »&tiaâ€" «Dd tuit u iu aJjAurl^ W'jaid dre&iii ab«ja- ihe otijer. And lihe wuu d uevt^r bre^che « word To ihi: gooU d&iu*:, ber m -cb«r. Ou' giris *r« wiAer aow. 'Twts very iiuti:3t, twa^ very jtr&cge. Kxtremtl) i:rayte, V'.u must *.l<jw. Dear me : bl)W la-.drii a::-! castooib change ' I: cju.d aot bappea aow. »xt â- !'> :ha: : ile, na ii:hty Idol Woui'i rear* anse t-.er bair. And p*-a<1er ^oti^ bef^ re lue t^tasd WTiich Ixiw «ho oajbt tu wear . And often afae'd ne^l-.**;: ber ta^sk. And Scldoui care tu cbat. And make her m<.n'ier frown, and ask - Why do y u tj i-iii I:ke r^at '.'" And li^'w ahe d hauiit »iih f--ocat«pii slow Tbft:ri;»-ad with cowslips yellow. l>owu wbich she d m*'C « w««k a^o Tbat ttupid. stant'S fellow Our ri^ria are wiser -O"^ *Twa5 very quaint. 'twas very dtraage. Kitrtmel> atrauge. >ou tn »•. allow. l>e«r uie ! how mxiesand customs cbange ;*. c^Qld Q'-t tappea cow. And as for fcitu. iha; foolish lad. Hedbardly close an e>e. And Io<.'k so woe-o^-tj ce and sad. He J ujake bi- uiotter cry •* He g-j«s. sue d **» "' froMl Lad :â- ' w;r5e ! My t-oy so bli'.Lf alii brave. L.as': Li^ht I foUL i Liiu »ritiDg versd Abau: a i â€" c.j {;r»v- And lo â- aex: lay iier cvrves be ; sL-.ck With laUiiU aud *â- a.; %ud ca: er And there :â€" si-e d a.ii a i;- '. i'-u lock Wrapied Ul' 111 ll-SUe ^^^pcr. 0'-rt^.->-» are wi:ier33w. 'Twa> very luai:;*.. lwa> very rlrange. Kl'.remel.v -"Tar-le > "i mujcail-W- I>ear!i.c ' b^w lu u 5 at 1 cu-sV-ci* cbai:*;* ' I-. c. Ida t happen 1; jw The Befoud. It aeenivih su' r. a !.:;.â- .- wiv '.^ u;-.. Across :â- -' iLa: -.traujie v- u!;:r> :h- I^evead . And yet ao: »:raa-'' t.-r it â- a^ (;rv«c to I e Tbe b"llie â- ( t^ '<â- â- whvtu I 4:11 »o foud , Tbvy ii.alie it se* ::: fTUiihar at-.l LU'->et dear. As jourue>in^ fii-ui> ir.cis iiitant cou^tr.-.-: near. Bo cKiSe it l.e< th.a" when n:;. >:-;ht is clear, 1 tbuik I -ife t' r l"fuailv-.;jtraii:ii;(; «traad : 1 know I ;c<. that th.-te wh.- ve goce frvm her^ Cotce near ec- ti^h t-.- touch mv band. 1 often tmiik. but f^T (-ur Veiled eves. We should htlvl Heaven t< llLd abv Ut us lies. X cmnuot uia^e it set.'ui a duv When (r 'm this d^ar earth To lliat -till dearer c ut-try . And ;oi:i the 1 s: "aes* 1 loTe tbl-i world >e: sLail I lov.- to . And uieet the friends who watt for t: :.' dread 1 S'lall ] "vurtteV out : t.he J»a.! irvanied about. , I kt: 'W 1 Oliver stand aU.>ut a bier an i -m e The M'4 of deatu fct .-a sou.e WelMcved fact Hut that I think. i.-i;e m >re t ' i*el.->.iue n.e Wbeu I •(â- all cr ^» th mtrrveni-:,; space "Between ttl* ai d ai:d 'hat one i*er taere â€" Obe mere to ii.aae the ttranitv lAc> cad ADd *o Icr tile tber- * ti .> -tiag to death. And so the crave ha* 1 '^t its vict :ry . It IS but er', -ssiirt; *i h a''4ted Sr- a h An i ahite, *«-t f ac.' s litt t "trip f sea. To rtt; 1 the .-•vi.d . i."^ w.»itiii.; T! the shore. Mwre t^ea-itifu m iv pre -i us than before. Tifte Touehlnic Tale of the Pismperwd Puc. TliK- I a t\ tt'-raldit-e M i.tn^ . sat by the 'hif.i- oieru..; rea. And 1 erd ♦ la* •A:^**tiet K.irte^cue was reading »loud fr-'Ui â- She. At her fre m rei •â- e eij a Kcrs'ati rtir. With b > suub of A u -se .ay her ptecuuJ r '-* In K'ltitnert t-".! sfl 'atiii -h^ea the little dar>iiii; w^4 ire-^*e.l A poiutlscc r.il â- • circled his neck be .1 a iia- Ul. •;..'. -:; '.ji* â- rva*t And >er»i-i; â- •â- we^' a^ the ni "»op 1 ubt pale. \Va-3 tie l'.iiii;! s i\ am rr u; d the puvj^y * ta.. .SUMKTHIN'G YOU SHOULD KNOW. Many of oar r««den have often ujied ' Whkt ia Bri^iht'i DUeAae cf the Kidneys. •boat which we hear bo mtich ?" To answer their juettioa '^a bare aectired the following eipianalory article, written by a oompetenl aa:hority : The lymptomkof Bright! Diaeai^ei which U bat an advanced form of Kidney Dikeaie < differ iu diSerent indiviiaalk. bat {generally the patient preaenls a dabby, bloodl««d look, ii drowav and e&aily fati^aed, had pain in the back, vomiting and febrile aijtarbanc?. The urine is reduced ia qaantity. is often of dark, imoky or bloody color, and exbit'.is to chemical reacti^t: presence of a large amoant of albam^n. whiU nnder the microacope blocd corptu- cXea and casts are tcond. There are several forms of the malady. bat their common promtiient ch»racter- iatic is the presence of albamen in the â-¡ rine, and freqaenily also the co-ex stence of dropsy. These asscciated sympictitJ m connection with Kiiney L'lsease was first described In li'il by L'r. P.i.-faard Bright. an Kbgliih phyiician, who dcst investigated them. Sometimes there is a defeneration of the lissass of the kidney into fat. thtis impairing the excreting pcwers of the organ sj :hat the 3.rea is no: oiiSihently separated frcm the blocd The dow of ihe blood, when cbamrd with this area, is retarded throo^h the minaie vessels, cocgeatioa eusaee, and exu- dation of aibartien and ibrin is the resa.:. The disease is oflen accompanied by erup- tions on Ihe skio, as boils, etc.. and is fre- qaently asscciated with eclstrgemeni cf tne heart. ' The causes of this terr.ble malady ire. indulgence in too much ix water as a beverage, strong driik. high living, indi- gestion, expcsure lo wet and cold, vatfcdj kinds of fevfrj. malaria, pregnancy, atii other bodily derangements s-A as a oomplicition cf certain acaie disease? like erysipelas, iipbiheria. and especially scarlet fever :f which i: is one cf the most frt'iuent and serious after effects . disease* jf bones and other scrofulous affections. Common-sense ireaimecl cf Kidney Dis- ease of the character referred t.i neces sarily involves removal of the causes, recti- fication cf other secretions and increase in the numt*r of bloodred corpuscle*, by the adminiiiration of Warners Safe Cure. It ia a speciirc even in the advan.-ed stages, when the blood has pcisoneu the nerve centres, restoring the secretion .'. healthy fluids and relieving ihe congestion of ihe brain. It speediiy arrests the ihiammatory action, which is marked by an increased amcant cf urine. I he albumen grad.:ally disappears the dropsy subeides and the patient recovers. Iheie is no standstill m advanced Ktdnev Disease . these who are affected with it are either constantly grow- ing belter or worse How important, there- fore, thai this terrible disease be taken in band in time and treated with a known •pecin;. The l.or) P.a;ita»;-n, his k-iee. he .(r -l W ith a l.i'-cu^ir^:..; 1 the ffttet'i! pi- s'l Al&a (or the l..>r.1 a-i Uc hal elicit t.l.u d. - 'Cl i U'e'k d be t *' Ari«:»l divi-> wil quite «u Ide;; ee He tel: A kiT-.p ^u^l a »U<1.1 III bi* ku-e. But never .« m an v r *.);V And Ills veu-e a as ca.u a '. k 1 er h â- 11 i-.piv 1 1 t's* f -r bi< »u « 11 n t::a: sleep , ta^'.i le u.iUe ' down oa x-k and na brute, be stopped le teeth met a> the shixtuemu •<•.! "Oil ' 't*eak, my !^-ve. aud be xt .|aick as you fonveuie'it > en "Yoor prei'i. -1. puv> !â- * catiiii; tue up 1 he lias ^-rtuieh'd niv -iitht feu^e pan Let tuui fcii-AW aaa* lu hi- aiiipered pride. 11 yvu will enly sa.i you 11 Iv uiv bride 'â- Oti. Heaven * >he cried he 11 surelv die. and »hc sprang t*» h'-r "aau .*e Teet . " He ha*livp\tup r- i ruiie."« and uiacmrex^us. wilh liev- r .1 ta-»te ef nie«t Anel. i-r t; ete â- * a 1 u-e-e f v uir trousers le»; In hi^ sweet lu.le m.-iith fly at ot ce. I b»({. "My love b*s ;urtu*-' t > litter\-*t bate â€" lier tears were tal'ini; thick . " L a:» sure." *he â- *.! ! ai-V, It « ^pm^; b«aj. ' that you hav,' nia-U- h.iiii •'â- .h. 1 c&n never tee tie f-atue It ^ »a - It ij> W-st i%e part .\di- u' adieu I'TeakerM plav. Mv d. w !. tiic r jcky steep, and *aak He hiii^vdawav w ' life 1> »te. W- d Tbeu save a i» ap d lU the -OIWIL^ 1 :de AuU the latl> jjaiu-t".! %\ -h-* I'ersiaa ru^; . •* Ah. life u sbor-.' she ?^id t<* h,* puj; â€" Mtr-i /li.<.iell It'.ifcT' the CauadlMU t'u»tt>iu« l>«clatoBa. Tbo folU'wt: ^ deei*i,-ii-» uere reudered 1 BiWLld cf t'll-t. !.:« Ml Wau-b. Adams colup\'AitK>u fercleauiu»;audivlisb.i:if( luruit .ire. .li ivr vt ut Itna^s. shee". s'a!iip*M or tl^Mrevl. cut into narrctw stnt'.i Jii p* r mui Ai^ittt.i;.'!' /,.,-.-i.i 1 cent each. HmruofSs ap. il."' i*''f cent Jt-ll> tuiiil'Ie IN \* .ta tin covers. .> ^*ents a do-cu. and A' per cent •â- Wa--*v' ene' furuitaio vvh*h. etc.. $1.30 per im^H-rial (fikll' 11 Pmt«-tit bioei-ievl seatiui; iii mittatiou of bair cloth. sJ* IHr ,ei:t Time deleciem. 3o per ce VeedlUK .t pplea to Dalrr Cows. A farmer retx-r.s iiu txivrieiioe iu feed- iO(( apples 10 dairy ivws as follows: •• .V â- mall Devon beifer Ibai dri>(.>i>ed her first oalf ill January rau m an ordiuary v>aslure the foUowiiii; suuituer and was fiM windfall apple* nixlit and uioniihg. gradually in- creasiug the aiiiouiit uiiiil siit* had a bu.4hel per day I measured lh« milk every dav and fouiul a general uu'rease. then I fed li>S8 aiui less two or three days aud at the olo* ' of the week she had none, when she l^ve two >|uarls less, beer measure. I was »ellin>{ the milk «l o cems i>er quart. I repeated Ihe e;tivtii<u'nl and obtained the same results. I a (eeoiiig, I have found it safer to cut the apples than to feed them whole, as there is less danger of iheir get Lateat Scuttlah .News. Prof, l^laikie. cf Edinburxh. starts this monili for the Uuiied state* 10 visit his son in Califorai*. .V movement is on fcvt to raise ftiiiJs for a -.lai! for the dagstai which marks ihe spot where Bruce s standard waved a: ihe bailie of Bancockburs. Kiihi Hon Charles Thompson Kiichie. President of the Local i.'tjvernmeul P>oard in Ihe present Itn'.isb OovernmeLl, was born at Dundee jl voars ago. Mrs. Jessie Macaalay. or ilaciecjie. has ilied in Slornowav at the remarkable aijeof 105 year*, hhe lived durinc the reiitis cf four f'overei^cs cf Cireal Brilain. The Ediuburuh Town Council has r»- solved by a tuajcriiy of -'J to 14 net to elecl represf.itative elders 10 'he t.;en<ral -Vssembly cf the Church of Scotland. A memortai tablet ha* been placed next 10 the ilciiirose monumeni in St Oilts'. lldinbark,! recording ihe execution and burial aloi^ with the Mai j'us i.f his friend and follower Sir Wiiliaiu tlay. of Peigaty. Uev. John Koberison. cf Stonehaveti. believes he will see ihe poei Burns 111 heaven aol far distant frotii the apostle Paul. Ue says " Hobbie Barns was ten thousand limee belter than mary cf his while lied coutemivrarie*.' At the instance of the Mai'ims cf Bate, who is now proprieior of lUe Falkland estate, e\ avaticns are at pre^jeut bein^ carried ou at and iitar the sue of the 0.\i Falkland L'alace, vtiih the view of discov- erioai any objects cf historical interest which may be lying among the rnins. (.'aptain Edward Scolt, who icoX part in the Ciatibaldiau lueurrectiou against KiDa; Bomba of Naples, aud at Cireeaoek 011 ihe lt>;h ult. Captain Scoil eniereil Naples I'ay after the iusurtection. and lauded troop* without losing a man. Ue was for some time m coiumaud of the sieatiters of the Trans .Atlantic trade. Surely there aic fewer salmon in this Stream now than there were some years ago. a keen Scosch angler remarked 10 a west country itaiive. " Ou ay. uae doul, ' he replied, •â- Kver since the Disruption Ihe Salmon have been leaviii' the river . bu»." he added, in a more cheerful tone. •â- l^r MacKay savs that whctiever the church will get her tichts again, which be thinks will b« very socu, the fnsh will all oome back." WO&SaiPPl.VG A WIJMk.H. Singalar Delasloa of the ' Cuocrejatioa ot Ihe LurJ.^ A singuiar religious delosion i* reveAied by the evidence taken m the equity pro- ceedings of the " Congregation of the Lord " to recover from the beira of Anna Meiatert-" rn^-rt; 1.1.; South Eleventh street. Seven member* of the congrtga lion pur-maaed the building m l;c'4 and had the deed rscorded la the came of •• -J. Elimar Mira Hitta, which meao* thi daugbier of Jehovah. ' whom the congrega- tion worshipped. This person was Ansa il=isier. a S-vus woman, and th-? faacih* tion she tX;r.;s:d upon :ne creotil.ty .-; her followers was remarkable. They paid 53 OCO fcr the house cf worship, ba: found open the death of â- the daughter of Jeho- vah that her heirs wculd inherit the property unless legal mtasuie* were taken. The ;i-e has been before a master f:r two years. Lawyer William H. Staake locking after the interest* cf the Meister heirs, and t.ie matter is now in shsM :: be presented to .xurt. From :ne evic^nce submitted is appe&>3 that the wcrship began in Itroo. The woma:i wa* lookeo upon as the ihird person in the Trin.i • and in her house a temple of worship •s'as set up. The front part of the se.-cni iicry cf her home wsi dited up wiih an a.tar pulpit ani ail the paracherna.ia nectsiacy for an impcsing ser-.ice. Ceremonies wer-.- held every Sunday. ilyra Mitta. i::r- motinted with a crown studded with brilliants symbolical cf her high es- tate, encircled with a girdle spark- l^i with gems. ;n a loose silien rcbe [-reached ty her abject fcliowers, wb; bcw-,'i before her. A coetiy cicth ccverevi the chair on wh-.h she sat. m order 10 protect h:r frctn .•cntac: f.'ctn a.i that was sinf-l. Lisietie Mui:.ieri. who wt-i in Ilyra Mitta s hcuse'-.cld. teatiied before tne master â- I think the Lcri formed the ccnjirecatich. She ws-i brought to Zi ahi It was shown f.'tii:: the Lord thai w,- had :o take care cf her. I believe she wis tht Third F-.*rscn cf ihe Holy Trinity. Miis Mic :eri ilso said that she b--li=>ed llira Mitia .-cold io more than any ither person -a earth and that by nierely p'a: mi her hands on sickly persons she brcu.h; ifaem baa to h^ih. Mrs. Carclme Lang, another witness sail that an ansel appeared at the itifetmi of ihe cohiregalion en Riiiie avenue if. Iv"'.' J he actei bcre a scroll ca which -las written m golden letters that Mira il.ita IS the Jacibter cf Jehc-ih and the si-ter cf the Saiicir. The isuihier f the ireal Jehovah was possessed cf 4. -.-d. substahiial comtncn sense ou some points at least, as cne nci- dent luUstrales On one occasion as she was abjut raising a glass of hydraTi water 10 her lips, an unseen p«*er iashci it from her hands and wrttmc *ppear««i u|.vn a table to the eSecl thai hence forth iiira Mitt* shc-'.i nci jritik hydrant water un less It was lirsi boiled. This astocishiiii revelaiicn waa communicated U the mem ber* :'. the church, and they thereupon unaniniotnly resolved never to iruia Schuylkill water a<3in wiihout bcil.rj it. â€"Ph:ijdi:>tt^ ,';.',c-i. TEE LADIES' COLUltN'. Tricks la the Dnasmaien' Tr^de SOTELIlila U siAeC'SASLE ritlTS. '^V^,CIlerl aji O^jUp;^*? t*r<?Bsi*-itr tCuilw'AV O'.'.-nei--^. ^2-jiiin Ka'.e 9 '^'-.---ily Bullet. The LAteac kvenin^ Fashions. Dressing for the cv-rtiing. wniee a Lcn- ccnsccieiy ccrrtsccntient. ts;ist beiiicnmi m earttss: . until lc* ihe ircsscs «cru a: niiih; have been raiher juitt. The richest silks are w.rr and luastities if ;?weLlery. ba: no tl:wer«. ilse Kcrtescu? locked charming on Saiur-lay n:ght m a cream colored Cjaii-tcilette •*tth a high masocite coilar made cf transparent creaâ€" i.l;r^d lace am wearing a vrrv beautif ;! necklace and cres-:enj brc<xh cf iiimonciâ€" cot the white iiam ends, but these wc.;h held *.l the cclcrs :f the ramb-.-w. Lady Drrothy Neville made a tnarveLocs K 'et:e ;: verv r.ch dc«ereci ii.i x-ver-.-i with enor=:c'is r-ses. and made lu the lua.r:;;: way. sc that she l:>.ii»d .ust liie a laiy .z an eld p.:iu.-e. N';w i-at ;e«eilTry .s wcr- to such an e.t.:ect any cne ^hc p-.^ssesses cli- fashicned truiaets can shew them tc aimiraiicn. as 11 seems impctsible sc put .n :co many. Lacy I crothy Ncvt...e were a m»in:d:ent neciiace. and a ri .^cn rcund ner icroai. on which hzsui three luaint and bri.liant t-^nisnts. Mrs. L»3C.i;h=re wear; v-ry rue while ciamcncs ani mairs her S: <i s'cbcrcinate to them as n.a.-v persons do ;usi new. 1: ts a sub;ect .' c.-cussicn among Mrs. Cnanic-riain s a03t:rers whether her i.acncncs cr ber fear.s are the i'.i i bus I be. e ve she pear.i reaUy carry cif the palm. ;cme la lies Wear cctn uia.mcn.1 and i>:ari neci.a â- es SI the same time. ;n ;â- .- r ic ce :n the f'.-n: cf the lashicn. Lady Uuffertas Coqu« mara Clo.ik. The papers hsve been ta^iiui a'x'ui who brcughi the â- . ,: Cccnemtar* cloak tnio fashion, and it is ..ie me lai-.es* evenmij coat. c;i.i.tcd to ever) social perscnajje cf any impcrtan.-e. The Isiliess :c*:. by the bye. IS credited to the duie. while the c.cak IS .-rtiMed icsbebdi. The Irush about :t .s tna: it bad its c.rln in she i-ttari world thr. c-h Lady I'u:fer;n. Her ladvsbin nad been :n Irelani and •va- there p.-- -?as<d wiih a.ery Ine tiece cf Ir-.ih f:-.c_e. She tcoa 11 to Londcn wttc • asd her tai.cr if he .-culin t Icnsi wrap cut cf it soujethm.; â- â- cmntc; and which wcc^t be used as aft«rsoaa receptioiuin New Tcrk. The voauBin En^nd exoced ihe zxa by 3 »0 000. Thite i* pretty for house iiiene« all t'-a year arccLnd. The cotiilsa if only ;asi becoming fash- ionable ha Eaglish socieiy. Pale green is a oolcr worn usuch by Lacy Haudcipii Churchill s-ci* season. The gclden wedding cf the GladskO'^-t Will give 3»c-:ision for a Liberal •' jobilee as Hawarccn shcrt.y. Near'v one-half of ihe itockhclder* of the C ;nsclidawd Kailrcad, whose haad- luirters are at Hanf crd. Ct. are »aid so be vcmen. ilrj. Burnetts joc. %r.iin has gr-:â€" 3 Inred cf bein; ca.led â- Little Lord Faunile- roy. I .-n ,iss '..•..an Burnett, thai s wh3 I am:, ne iaj s. The l»:e J. E. Ffei~er Londoner. left baJ a million so hii wife â€" Esily Pfetrer. she writer cf virses â€" to be used fcr ths advancecueni of womeo- 1: i ali.apered amocjjfcs inowic^ ores that Mrs. 0.adsicne * best icwn is still tba royal b. ce â- • -jjvss with wh.ch she ceiehraied ber husoanu s ac.esaicn tc pcier. "^.'...lam: S. Isekscn. the husband c: -.ha late E=»en Hu;t JacAsoc. Setter inc-vn la the literary »:r.;as H. H was married :c h.s sn.ru t :-: :- Colcradc Spr.ris a day or siv; aic M.4S V .r.a- iam-e' Ficcrl.r .: iir.s cf Bcmhav "..'.ersity an i iaugbter :f a Frrsian mcrchanr. baj .C'lne t; Lccdon to study m- i-.cme s.h :b . .n:it.t. en cf ^ric- tismii â- '- - icc.a. " â- =;i;. ccl.ege ?re*i- . tttm â€" Mise Lcssca â- : i."»l:*ell College .\. i: a.iks. Fresi- icjs sue :J-. i.-e ner and tnaie ber cut of the siatri-ed as ic.iieil;. individual. V.'.sh luici wit ne sUixesiev: usi such a .â- ii^.i as s.-e Iriao reasa: t wears, and so it had iss b.rth Lady L^ufenn l-.ai a number made and socc a.1 Lonicn was •v.-ar::'C ihem cwause they were tC usefcl an.s . .-uld be sc easi y assumed. Kcwever. I ic not think btr ladvsh.i; eii-ecseo. them 10 be worn as street wra^s nor d.d she f jrese« that ca'uht m the March winj. thev ?le»er Tirw^l. When this country was -ni settled there was an impress ..^a amonicthe colonists that the Indians had no mtei.isieiice cr crals m iheir relations with the while men. Tee latter soon found, however, that this vas uc! the case. Some of the farmers ai tempted to ittake farm servants cf the Indians, has discovered that they haj a propensity to â- >iel tired ' so soon after they oeiiaii work that ikeir service* werecf lilt.e val le. ' 'je Jay a fartiier was via led by a stalwart Indian, who said ' Me want work. No, saii the farmer. you will gei tired. ' •No. ho. said ihe Indian, 'me never get tired : The farmer, taking bis word for it. sti ibe Ine'ian as work and vvect away about some other busi.iess. Toward aoou he re lurued to the place and found the Ino..an sound asleep under a tree. Le'ok here, look here. shouted ihe farmer, shakmic the Inc.an violenily, ycu told tue that \cu rever <ot lir«.i. ai.d vet here \ou are stretched out on the ground â- I .10. said the lucian. rubbing his eye* and slowly clamberu i so his feet. • i! me nol he Jowu. me gel tired like Ihe re»l ' A l>>iupUeat«l Ktamily. Mack Carter, a sou of Bill Carter, mar- ried Tuck Phillips' daughter, and Tuck Phillips iuarrii\i Bill Carters daughter, aud Bill Carter married Tu.-k Pliillipe' daughter. Bill Carstr is therefore Tuck A SialvaUoa Aruiy llAby. Mr*. B«ll.a>iicu Booth, wife of Com mander Booth 01 the Salvation Army, has a ve'y preiu. plump little baby, which on pleasant davs last motlh was trundled aloU(i the avenue on the West Side up- town. Baby Booth i* preiiy much like other babtes. and would have altraciei.t Utl.c ailei iicii had it uoi been for Ih- cunous bads'ts which adorti it* small breast aud s>i ''ulder*. Coos Infaul.' Dedicated 10 J«sas," â- â- Cue of Christ's Lisile i.>nes, ' â- Holy to the Lord.' • .\ (.IrowiLii Soldier. ' " The Little Corporal. ' â- Enlisted for the War, ' are a few of the emblems which at one time or another eroblatoned the babe. Isualiy ihey are worked on gold tios* on purple or scarlet nbbc:-.s. and serve tor sashes or are pinned from the neck 10 ihe waisi of ihe child* gowu. Tfcey are Mrs. Bevlh s oue-dres* mania â€" .V<u- Y^ri ci»r» ..ie 1 je t: wtt'n L'ue -* VJueer WurlU to Hlvu. The minister callevl ot'-s afternoon K< see Mrs. Brown, aud at a momeoi when she was out of the room, beiug iu a sermoui.: I ing mocd he said 10 little Johunie . â- rhi* is an unreasonable world, mv PhUlips' son IP. law and father-in-law, and | young ftieud. ' â- \cu bet it is. ' aseentevt Tuck Phillip* is his father inlaw's sou's: ij|,;^'j,jhu.iie, in a wav that left no doubi father inlaw, while BUI Carter's son'* ^ »g ,(, his smceriiv. "Teacher licks me wife IS his father inlaw's dauchter. Now j v»heu I doni know' enough, aud dad lakes if InckPhiUipe has a daughter born to ,, out of me when I know too much. " him she wiil Iw Bill Carter's father in- I ^ law's child and at the same time his son I Vaaaee Boy a Triek ou HU rather. li,w ohoked and lens daiwer of teltiui: sore »"'•*'» 'â- â- ^i'd- Bui the thing to tell is I .\ n.taraliced cili.'^^n of Fuglish birlh Uug choked aud less dauber c^l selling, sere ^ relationship wou d e.\ut between ihe ^,11^ a..keei how he liked guuss, as somenmes han-i* ,f'^^'" «•«"'« j ,e.peotive children of the three couple* in l'^''^*! *-^»''^* f'^'*''* "''*^ hard apples whole.^ _ln.,_e '_^ ^jf-* muoh ^,^,i,ey have children. Ca "- • " ' danger lu feeihug all lar^e or siiiall apple* alouo. the danger is with medium-M^ed mUe<l with largo ore*." A Stajer. Id the parlor at liM am. : •• Excuse me, Uarry . papa is calluij{. " "Cetlainly, Evalme ' Evaline (on her return to the parlor^ â€" the birthday of Ihe father of his adopted coutitry, told this story: • The day before the Fourth of i' July last year, the teacQer lowborn my boy goes to school I xplaineel to her class wby the day was celebrated, giving full particu lars. The ue.\i morniu^t the boy, who wa* ' born ill Ibis country, said 10 me: Dad, this is the dav we licked vou.' " â€" Tr-i,- Flaj Tombsione. .V T , is famus for its apt naniee. Its leading uew.<t^>a',<er is called the Kfimph, aud the abenff of the rouiOir ia OoloKol S'aQ>ihter. He liefeatrd MQor ., .- 1 n.e ,^ â- , ^â- BWa by 1*0 vote* ai a re^-et'l eleoiiou. I"ui soirs, Uarry. bnl vend bciler ^o. ' The greatt.-i weaiher prvai of ihisatasou Captain I'.ius was also a candidate, but Papa says he hasn't got a license for ruu- is the money savn» byvoung niea who wa* nowhere lu Ihe race. uiug au all night place. didn't go sleigh riciug.- ft.ct. male ine siecier woman loci oalloon and the iicut woman whole earth, nol w;in a fetce. bet clcai about 11 Lon.Iou t'.aael**. â- ' I. '.â- usin Mad^e writes lu I - We Went tc the Salen -1«. a' c fcun i a *e.l cressed cr-c*-i asset-'. b^e-i toere. a few cf wnotr. were luiecit .1 10 t.tt; music of the Ked Uuhaarian Band Inere was an exh.c.tion cf i-.:!ur;S ccne b. tree:"?;:- ;uss ecca^h to io rcuni the wal.scuce. .\ wel. known singer wore a iovtl.- ;'wn of o.i.e arten sila. cjxnmic cverwcise saiiti. anj t\iuisite Xuraish t croiceries m pink. gold, clive erven and ra.est flue. An ariisi with a Circeaa face were wc.'e brooace. There was cne fancy ball costume in the erc*c so 1 so-ivse the wearer was aoiuac en to some gaiQerii'i of a tnore ianlaslie sici A Grtea cress at Ira. ted sotne atteniicr because there was so l.it.e thai was (.'.reeji abv'us n. ll was a very aaaoving dree*. 1 loiiie i 10 ijive i: a «.ooJ { ill ai the oacA C.-ee^ traperies lever • hare up ' ::t the mi idle as :i jiJ I *t-.i s-re. Or if they Jut. Crees, wculd tniuel Crtci m the shape cf d-esstnaker and drer* A-.arer. and then wctili come a lui cf war. T*c 1 . 'neiic sisters, cressed a.ike. hc.re.t axu! ;i; sad sa^e-iireen. appa re:iil> unaware icai the day fcr I'c*! son of thin.; IS past and none. A very preity wouian was to verj preity snai 1 do nci remember what she wore. .a Komwutio Kecouctlialtoo. Wartvn B Westcott and Miss Jane F. True man were marritd recently at Sara io»:a. Fcisy years aiio they were lovers and cn>,aieO, but Mr Westcott ;ilted Mis* Trueiiian and marrievi a wtaiiny ^idow To vino.icate herself Miss Trucman >3C- cessfuliv prosecuted a breach ct promise suit ajiaicsi Mr Weslcoti. but refusevs 10 acv.-eps ibe damages which were awarded lo her. .\rvc5 three; years *»;o Mr. Weeicott became a *ido«er The oi i love revived lu the beans of b>nh. and thev decided 10 t 70. aud she nearly .'0. d=nis n i A Camnb- .1. l:v = ai l.'anv..e an: yi -s dens e; ,"..- sen Cci.ege. Ibe .^ue.rn if Ma:s;»s:a: .- ies • Se i as asms... senior ..^cs crown *.[:â- <- »..a a ver â- sau ii:v. % jwees smile. »..u n . ccj of Farts ee-vns. ~ne .s J- y-ar-. clc. h*i 'oeen feur yr*.-s» ineeii a.- d .i rea.ly wer- shit'c^i by uc- veccle. >ioveUU4 .a the Fa.*!: 1 iti*. 5n:i>s of uia.ien ha-c lern .n cree.t enamei. .ncrusted w:;'.c tiny iuetcnds. is a charming cm. Lc» 'X't. --es !cr evening cresses ar? cul in 5V-, ry pcs^siile shape j me en corur c- -u er> low at 'rack and frcnt and l.led with iUi.e iasiered to a band at sh« threat. Scnrte are :us cv»,' t. c.sf.a in* shculcers acid bn.sOed oy an ..i lasn.crevl lace certha- Tb? Hading ve.l such a . mstiiuti.'s ^ec many reasons, .-an ce wern with a.:;, :r\:t^- crtu;_- i nas. lelesi: nani wit;- a fnli abcus the neck is well enoUib. bn; when •r*«n .vscly icier see ce n and iasherr: 1 b cc as the lack cue c-cn;vs nearer S-S latest fash.cc. clreat .lusters ;f pond ....ts iery pop- pies byaeinshs. ielu ia.s.es etc . ar* lavishly U3<?ci en bail tonlets T '- 1 -ng, trans-eaten; iree-i irasses wish -sbieh these :'e«ers are occicmed are anex-elkfc: 'Dack- lir-.'unu !cr >c nine . .. ; u .-cl.r Seme cf ih« •! -aers »re t, ..bed w.tci fa. .; e:crsa.mies» nai',iral. Lrim iitlo inrcans. so :ues and capctrj »re .-fit worn win int se i.ra^ ! . is .V ;i» cf she iress tctaterial -a-c he -•i-c.<le t ever a ss:-- fratne and inir rvi at ibe eiie-s by % o*cd el r.tesiiicr irav --..-i. an -t a â- *b-te .r i.rav b re as i;:-* .ra-^r s fancv tttav c:clal«?- -spreads : is w -S a: d an che* his neci m f rent. A .vert ; -am â- »•'.- : u re -cn-.lv bv sua voa:u Cert-.. an .- cr VSS W». j 1 va c* Icn. a- 1 .: sue :ers : wo te L c-s SlJl. :rt^::i> :tl V rntbre: dired *C. -I and ? .-.er Tb* nrice of the mate rial wraa aaoui jl â- OC and tne e mbr-e .cerv was done bv s»el-.e young ^irls wc *â- . :• wer i^g at II fcr s wo months. The plaid* iive wav oefe -^ th. rei* 11 .^t stri-f-vs that Set â- to uom nale in r : -rv vatieiv shades cf iray cr â- e preferen.-e. these C-ay and white have tb sum being oflen wcrti wriih short coals ."'( so.i vtay severely jitciple n -ciake. soine- si-ees with a bis ef braitmi; and often srixmed -.d: irav asirachaa or som. cihec fur, I'rap ce Fans :j » ne v fabric w'nich well .••-mmerd iiseJf tc i.. levers cf bne icvcs. Is .* nci kn.ti.'d, bii woven Use elolh. and has all the . '^sticiiy cf Jersey cleih. It is wo-.en m rtSs .1 JiSerent siees. .varse and ntie. ihe he*vy ..-arse blac.<, 'ceuij! esp*- ciallv ju. table L'r mourn ing. Is .vmee la all cclcrs and is ust 1 fcr any iartnent I'eial can le made of Jersey clcih. rhe fu.l waisied .e:-; y* are verv popular fcr those who cantei siat-i the severe s:yla ef she ta.lor ma^'e article. The-ie hav« .' , the wed. he at the a^e A Mew Trick of the l>rr-.*iu*ker''. Trwde. One of the new tricks of the dresstttaker s Irate is 10 baste a steel cf wadding and a ihiti musliu ititerli-ung unOrr ihe ba ycaes e: ;• aits. lucks »:id cf stnc.king. :£!« fulness be. ted m at ice vvaisi w.ih a wide celt and crnaniental b:ile. They ar9 made cf pla.nt and striped ixvls. aco. m many cases embroiJereci wtb braid her- ring bone stitch or ha»e a plastron cf Fer- siAU Itiniuinnj;. The Dire toire .ersev is cu! awa\ ever ft ! vest and fastened wi:-. t wo bijih tuttoc*. and mervtileuse ar« breadths cf F. mp re frwks. plait all three together ana se\.ure ihe lower ed^e cf ihe liain>; sad wadding to tapes sewed nine cr ten inches below the waist. This -jiakee Ihe plans look full and soft, and .s not so cbetiuate as ihe tusile which even m this stable of high civilieaiion is capable cf exe cutmg such fantastic iricks bvfci-e huh heaven as- bai it is nol necessary to cou iiuue Ihe juoiaticu. Angels are free from earthly trouble*. t'rlDreaa He*irlce'< Si*ter-lu-lj»w. Mrs. Crawford goes en MoUe. Loismger is a nrvai beauty . She is like a gtxiies* of Keubcn-* befor* the divine beiu^ fell into lUsh. 1 never saw a liuer tone of color cr Itxtare than her face, t:eck and arms. She came here some wiDier* ago, hopit'g, tftrouaih Cieueral Tu:r and other Uat^garianj. to obtain au engageraeul at tbe o^vra. I wa* asked lo write her up, aud was lakeu to sae ber. The voice wa* uoi ti rs! rate. and. as she wautevl vibral lug o»t>*cily. ihe style was tuechanica! Hal she had spleudHi plasiic poiuls. and her h<aiof hair wa* a ikOldcn deeoe. Uerlau^h was open a:- i good natures and the K'eih nvllny white. In short, the i1r< ard of the barei of Kiiketmv of ihe hti- oh of npeslraw- berii s siiiolhered uj cieatu. was iealt..al. I'ertainiuu to W,*iiieit. Kuisian tea at S l a pcurd is she kind Matalees cf sils >z a pett'eci Jeliiiht 10 an ease-lovinc woman There ;s comfort ia iherei and i;.x\i lo^k* is. I the vckeesrv shirred iuoke\l cr smocked ; Ihev are cc-nictu le or gtrille the waist Thev are with • moetlv locwe bell srimnievi with lace and are maie in all tho new Jes.rable shades. A Cordial Welcoiue. Visiting mother inlaw- Flow gl»d I asi 10 see yc ; nv dear Jauiihter. Daa;ihter 10 law I ain so <!».! to see yoo. ll ;s so kind r.i you 10 travel that lonj{ dislance ; usi lo see "me. Take erf yoesr things. New thai ycu are here vou tetas* not think ef leaving us before thebrsi train in the moruui;;. V'ower o( AjUHx-iiatioo. '•Irs. Pe Temper ('o.ikinic up from th« patter' -Will. I declare' Another womaa, siuxle handed, has captured a barxlar. I should think *h* would have beeu killed by ihe brule. but tbe paper 9»y s the niomeus she urabbeii a poker tad made a ilash for bun his knees tremhl.dand his teeth shook, and be sank 1 â- the door m affruhl. Mr De Temper -Us I* i'robablv a mar- ried man. â- I ha\-c an aocoant of a b ^i Uud slid*.'' Mi.1 Ihe rew rf pvrter. ' W-hat head hall I pus It ander .'"' •• Fttt i- nttderlhe â- Re»l Fs-ate rraiisiorj. ' r-.-'l:-.d th-> snake