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Flesherton Advance, 11 Apr 1889, p. 8

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THE ^L£sH£RTON ADVAKCE *'*-'7»^'' *â-¼:, "^ .W . _' ^' .''â- !'. â- , !â-  I ' |CO(y/VrK ^ DISTRICT. I â- SH"*^ â- â€¢ M. Richardson & Co. ;.re opeiiiiiL; ii[> this week tlieir extensive jnirchases oi SPEING DRY GOODS an<l will l)e prepared lo show tlu'ir luimeroiis customers a very choice selection of seasonable ^oods, comprising novel- ties in both colors, styles ati(', in itcrials. Haviti'' had a most successful cleariiiL' sile their stock this season is almost entirely new. It lias been carefully and clo!sely l)ou'j;ht, their foreign mainifactured j,'Ooils bein^ im- ported direct fnmi place wf production and Canadian L'oodsl* cuttii.i; t,"X. Drs Hr.mi. ai«l M ' .... . KfllZll- fcillMll if IIPl'l'! (tw(!ii Soiiml ha.s ffrineil ;i c"iii|iiiiy to I liiiilil ii (ilruet railway. I StayiitT lias an infanticide taso. TIil- I Ijuilty partifH are not known. .\lc. Fiiri'dt "Willi a yoiiiiL; liiily liained ' Bcioze. A villainous [Minster ri-inarkcd that iMr.â€" was i;<iiie on a ''liuozj'." The .-ditor iif the I'aisk-y AdM-catc lia« bon'jlit a u'Uii. He inttjnds •.•oin.' out 'collectiiiii next week. fl{rui:e Ht-raUl, ' The Stayiier .'^uii liaH cl.:i;;f<l liandu, Mr. .lewidl, a former owner of tin- pa|'ir, havint^ liutchainil froni .Mr. Neftlaiich. I \ y<nin^ man ri»ineil .loscidi Hntt. 2'i years of a'^e, ci>ii>iiiitti-d auicide in Mea furd la.ll iveek Ijy clrowninij himself. Mr. .Ian. ('riiicliKhaiik, <if Keope), ha» i a ewe that ijaro Inrtli to two laiiili.t on the â- Jtith of Manli, alid tho <lay fcdlowiri^' had three more ; Hvo in all. Thieves atteiiiptuti U> Bteal u harrtd <•( I thU fr.Mj) tlie store cf .Mr. Iliirnett in 1 Durh.'iTii. luit fouixl tlieir were tiKhuii; ill ; the » roiii; Htreani and riroppeil it. I Ttie Chroiiicle i,< afraid that Durham ! and vicinity will he depleted of , yoiii,'^ pt-ople, and "hoik; )>iit the old I folliii will be left at Inniie, ' eiiiiu'rutiiii to 'the Northwest from thai quarter in*.. I Weat. I Afi old :.'eiitleman named Hi>ppc, one [ I of file first nettlers in Hentiiirk, paid a ' vi.sit lately In the id<l h(.ini), in Enelaiid. I I He died there on the 10th >ilt. and wa.s ' I biiriej in tlie burial ^jvuud ii<Mr the home jof hlschlldhnoj. ' Mr. .Mi>r^'aii, M..\,, has a ijixkI deal to I answer for. He m actually traiiimi; the 'youiiir Udy nieinlieiR of the Hi({h »chi>ol literary .s<ioi»ljr to make ipeeclies. Hearrii protect their [>roc[)ective hiiHbands ! â€" , [ Bruce Herald. I A Hon of Mr. n>illi|X<, of the Drcinore I Creamery, hail .ill the lini;er» of lim rii;lit hand rut otf last Satuiday while riuiiniiK Leather is the Sole Man ! )p(>rt of QUALITY QUE FIRST AIM. 1 h:n-e rccei\cd a vcrv lar_;e cuasignment ol MtiiV, Women's and Children's BOOTS SS SHOES I'rom some of the best manufacturers in Ontario, and a;n better able to supjily my customers than ever be:are, t prices which, consulerinf^ (juality, tan not be surpassed AV; CLAYTON Photos, Photos J .i.saiy to amputate wriiit. - I Piirhaiii dliHiid Millinery Opeiiiiijf lu;r choice stock of Millinery and triininm'.;s. A,, uispet close and careful biiyin'.; can <.;ive. contracted foratthe manufactories before the recent advance I the hand at th , ChpiiiK-lf in prices. ' ., „ ... „ „ , . , , ' Mr H \\ Hell, ^ifftfral aijeiif of the Siin;er .Settnis; .Machinu Co., is sjiiil to hare received the followiiiK letter from » uoloied widow of Owen Sound : Deer .Mr. Hel, .\lv hmban's lied .in woni pay >eni>y in'Troii that 'iiiacliine. Hr doan , , â-  Hf ' want It, and wnnt ii.hp it eiiity inor, come oM .Moiid.iy the first day of Aprd.on which occasmn Miss an myke it away. v<Mir» truly, Ixzzw Maud Richardson will be pleased to .see as may of her lady i •'"'"'»'""" , „ , ' ' I .\ ten davi aj" a voiiiii.' man calleil friends and patrons as can mike it couveueiit to comt; and 'on several of ..ui cituens wantiin,' to re- I pair their wriiiL;ei.i If the wriiii;e: , neeiled repainnu he took it awnv pi onus- tion of ''oods and p.iiccs will evidence our deternnnat ion to "'« '" return it a.s s..,.n ai. tin ished. In j;ivt; customers all the advantaL;es that long expeiienct .iuilithe ms'trument'i. how m.iuy we cannot •ay. Itotli th« vonni; ri»an aiiif thf wnn>;«r» ha»e been iiKsMfn; ever siiirp, anil It IS Kilp|>o9eil he hiu taken iheui to Toionlii or Dome other plucv and sold tliriii. (Oraiiiiei ille .\dvart i."<er. ( 111 Kndaylaul the house of .Mr. .loliii Staples, on the -ml ion. (Jlulieh.^ about two miles from Durham wa« disoovereil to be on hie in the roof. I'art of the ci liteiitw were remoied hut the hini.te Mini eoiiHiderahle bediliiii;, etc. w,i.t deslroyeil. The lire probably started limn the stove- pipe or iliimii)) . The house \Mi» a loj; one, and not north iiioru lltan ^'2W but the incoiivieiice and contents are a more I Herioiis loss to .Mr St«ple« The lioxMe I w,\K iiiHurud for $ltHI and ftiere was iklso fi>{) on the eonteiils. The iiei'.;lilH>ni kindly proviiliil .Mr. Siaplea and family Willi shelter in the iiieaii time. .Mr Staples will lehuild as ibum lu tho ' Kprili^ opens. [Itevicv. ' Some two years a'Jo an miforiiiiiato youm.; man died in Wiar'oii of Smallpox and his dehth caused a .icni e aiiioiii; the j iiihabitaiils no iniicli »•' rh.-\t a ^reat dith- ' cully arose in obtaining; a place of burial for him. He wu.s ultniiauly . by the order I <>t crl tain members ol Uie| board nf he.ilth, ] biii'ieil 111 a vacant lot nitliin a distance I of suty feel of a house uwiieii by .Mrs. ! .Siuilli. In colisi-ipieiiie of the pioxmity ol the ;_'iave, .Mrs Siiiilh a I'enant left the boUM', and she was unable to i;et any per- I Hon to take the tenant a plaw. Mrs. Smith Ihereiipon hroiiojit an actiim I a 'aiiist ihe village nf Wiarlon, claimini; that the board of Health wa.s the aervaut of the Corporation ami that the Corpora- tion wa^ ihi^refwie "liable for Its acts. 'I'lie iii»e »a» tried at Walkertoi! Kail .Vs.Hi/.Mi ami was aii;iie>l in Toronto la.'<t S.iiurday by .biliu I're.i.sor, t^.C., for Mrs, Smith, 'and .Mr II. 1*. tCConnor for (he village ot \S iratoii before Mr.,liistice Kalcoiiliridne, who yive juiljjeinent in favor ol' (lie vill»,'e di.smiK.sin^ the action with costs. Walkortoii Telesco[ie My son, ilon't you jlo and iiiiai;iiie that the editorial saiicliim in full of rosea and swi'el-siented ^eiaiiitiins, and have \'our soul tired with a wild haiikerini; iltt\-y journuhslic bliss, so called Don t von <lo it joiiiio riipscallioii, we'll tell your I dad to wallop you within an meli of \our life. Ilo you want lo put in about a7i> ' davH Work every twelsM luonlhs and i-et I 4t) days salarv Iheiefoie / Do you want I (o send your "\aliialile lotiinar' It) veara to noini' miiijvvui.ip and at the I'ln! of that time have It n tiiriied with "don't want II any longer ' writleii across the corner, and iievt week hear that the said pel son - ajje "nkipped" for the I' S. wi'hout pay- ' ] inn yi'ur '•little" bill ( Do you want to Kpenal Altoiifioii t'lveii to I'MNTINlJ, TKIMMINO, IIOUSK SIlOKINti and al ( bo used as a mop for I ho elHce floor by kitiiU tif Jt )ll Wt>HK. Nolhint' but ttiat class iiiatei nil used throughout i ioimi person who has plat ed an entirely Photos. y^e art noir fuming out icork/ar tupn-ior in sfyle and ji^th t» «i:y ,re- /j;o- diicril in Flethrrlon. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE RA TES, PICTURE FRAMING •liitlf tit (ill itt Unnchr.f. .1 gnoff storl; of FRAMES om! MOLL [>/.\GS kiyi eontltintli/ on luinJ. fVill ul»o infnduce t\e nri." Bh'O.V /1>K FCh'T/iAlT. ,i pirtitre that it <jiiiug rntirr t'ttinr'action whrrerrr introiluced. SAMI'Lf.'S oin he trrn at trti/ (lidhry irhiri all prirlinil^irf a$ to Price. Htyif ic, run If akv HOOSIERSTEELrRAMEeRAINDRILL Tin: lllMMi'llllllLlliHrVTIi:!;), ItlMIII! Ovrr Four TIioumiiuI S<»IiI hi SruHoii IHNH. liriiii; Miirr lliiirArnll OtlKT HiiHlrrs iiiatlt- In I'aiinua. Than itii'U »l)o fai ui< r iiiiiriii V c<iii)i> II I Mdi'luiuib^' uiiil |i:i>l llutir oi>Juu>ti iKifon'plAclim tlnur oidtT** (or Irt'fl. wm losp.-, t f nlU \xy : Ht <'ilii:fi|ll V t' V-illi|iDJ tllU "It 'llltfi'ld -M 10 U'lnti uti I â- 'II. I I'iiDiiiiii' of voiii h<'U;l>l><>rK wId* tiiwc iiHt'd Id iintfi Ihi-lr WfjrUiiiu uiitl liiHtuit^ i|iialitirf li vtiu wtil foiloiv t)D- nUtfi* tt.lvlotv vo I will l>n rniiviticott <i(,tlinHo tw.» (attN t i-t ' Muwilf<H'<l MrtcliiiiiiH ' likw ponMiAF^n.l Df iiKti4' I 111 ) HI • voiuiuit -4 itiiil itm iMtrtt'i iiiiidr ili&n »n> i <ittl«T IIIIK tltlM'H 111 I'iIMIkIiI ;*ii<t "Itmntfiirtl Miii'hlii*-^ ' tir<« in ti* pnpultii .[^ivn lictttn ndtisfiictiDii.tviiil aro nioro <lin iiMo ttiun » IIV ollHT nilLI-lltlK'H In CtMliolu Thorofoiii iHt Uivit V'tor m <l«r 1) VltIA f<>i a IliKittfoi >! liindor <>r Mt)wi-r i l\\\\. AikI >*>)) will \n' Hill tt III III* (it'lftM tt V rtlitlR)\u<l will) tho hUU-hllUt V lit! t^<>t 1 Tho Hliii'l l-'i HIIII1 Ddiil'h'' Ui'tu Htmvor Iinll. llin nnly l>otiMi> (iohj ««il Drill iniiiiiiftkclnnil in , ( tiimdu N«i oltiAr 'hill Itiit th«' l><>iihl>* ( iiinrr I |)rill will Htm t to how tlin iniMDMiii It intivt*H Httltt*r wnv. ' Noullitti (trill ran tin mlHptttfl t<i ^ow willi it 1 Hit i luilf iil n tii>i« \f llhoiit h topping tliti hiUHt'H oi : K"tLiii«ofItlui drill Koll svl.i: \\\ \ TliOS. A. BLAKELY, I'lil'.SIlKI GUARANTEED THE LEST IN THE WORLD NO<vrHi:U I'lUV.l. um^o citu lii< iut>Canil> ret;uUltd to n at &u\ dt'Mif.l lUptli w:t>ifc tt'l'plUK tlu' tt'ttlll Not nil i:u i>liU.l, wvll mnv itU kiiuU nl ^raiu tboro'.ifjblv (rven. aiMl iiroiH-rlcv covdnnl W â- â-  »* nrni di-plh iii al! kiruN ff ».cil NO O I'MKU Pltll.l, ('ommeiueii to *ow tho inslant tho horf*s couiuunco t;) uu>\o an ui:*>i'* tio (^ri)unil whoa stHitiMK >». Bflcr turuiiifc NO 4) TJIKIt DUll.l. tiiiiftls tlit« Mt'.»*ior wlion iismI «^ a tnltlTatrj and m> ntn^^lo cultivfilt-r nr uHHOs it. tbvi^ i-v>)MlMiitii^> tnii iiiipltiiiiontH 111 t'lu' IVToxon's ATeiv Steel Binder. Stv tlu' KMi'Ati'^t iu\ ciituMi iif tlio a^o in our now Kiu>ttor w huh i-i»l» hut one c^>nt n>«kt • "â-  . wahto i'lKls aiul sttvo^ oord la bituitii^ J. H. CAMPAIGNE. NOXON BROS Mfsr. Co. AlJKNT, H(>\ UV.. Kl.KSHKlM't'N. Ii-ersdl. i in- Kciul Oiir ^f\v l>«'srri|iti>e <'aliili>mi«> Tor I.HSH. TON Heard s Carriaj^e Works. : .MANri'ACri ItKIt III" ; Carriages' liiili'Jios, Wagons. SIci'Jhs, Cutlers. ,\''c., ,V('. and «ftlisfa.'tion };iiar»ntti«d. We have for sal â€" Iw.«ml»«*»*, l^»Ml» l»i»<l ^?'lliilKfl«•«.- AI(ll. Anetit f<.r I»i<*'i K«.llfi«. Mow«.r»«iuM«iii«lor», Dick's Champion, Koval Rob It.iv, (4raiiu«r »iKi StWMiird Tlows. Two and Threw Kurrow (lane I'lows. Hoi** IViwets frtr 4 KmsM. Straw Cutters, Sculllers and Turnip Urills. ./OliJVfl. n-KAIll)^ Jhirham Strrrt, Flenhrrton. llHerelil constriu'tioli upon your "little jrtke' to that which you inteiiiled when you witite It ( If you do, then be an editor ! Streuttvillv Suview. SleepleHM nights, inatle iiiiseralde )>y that terrible couuli, Shiloh's is tho lleinedy fur yuu, Kof m\v lit tUo MttUi- ual Hall. (â- I'cut Itiii'gaiiiK I S PnuiM.'i' oITki" lor sale Ki'sl l\sl( of lul 16, I'lui 11. »;ii|iliin»is. tn» I'slliel tanii UKI m'les, nuHi'lv all i-UHieilsiiil'ri'ultlvationl 4ll.l»l, t.yill i'H>>l> ImlUlue oiiu ii-uiaiu ell liu>rt)iai,'>' St l\ i«er cent l>wi'Uiii|; house an.l i.hoi>on Mill St . oovnvv let ♦mi ixi. 4Jne'i.» in the roWNSHll'Af Mili:\ll'Sl V llvii'K house an. I ijooil hHrn.a.ljiMiiiiiK \ ll.l.MiK lit Kl.KSllKK'roN, *l.i<»i Ker luilhev |i«illiu art ain'ly to S. ILVMl'DK, Klwihorlcn. Si.vtii inirt ot Lot 7. KiiiihrssU. 110 si'tes. W aele" deareil. lleUHe suit lisrn. *7.'H'. f'JIlll canh. bsUnie at tile enil of .^ years at Oiiot cent *rl>l> to Kleshttrton. Krv you made iniserahle by iiulii{estit>u coiislipttliun. di/.Eiiieis, less of appetit* yellow skin t Sluhdi's Vitaliier it a post t<ve curt). ITur S*le »t the MaUical Hall FLESHERTOJI PLA\l\<i niLI.S llaviiifr piirchas.Kl tile Fb slurl. » rUi'u;- Mills (run K, ,1, Spieiile. F.n.)., I new iic-n« to iiil'iinii the ITIU.IC that 1 am in a poMtuii: t.i ilo ALL KINDS General planing mill work. mu'h AS S.\SH, lH)i)l!S, DOOl! FU.XMl- s riaiiiii); and .Matciiitij;, vc sawing. rie. liIooU Wt>rkiiiniishi|> 4sii)irniil«><'d. A hiryt <imiiitity of ojuhI dry piij« hiiuU>v on liftiul, IT. «A BoW.iflSDt V IvshorKHi , * f

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