THE LADIES' COLUMN. Feminine FaoLion* lad Fancies Al.oon. : :ze SprLr, ,V CilHI. S HiiU Urj:.- Ki.i-:. riiic ri B.::.;i.t Pr.-.-. .7 Zi -i 1.-7^. J-. .:1t Couiii. Ka;c3 Weekly i^uiget. Finishing Touchy*. kcLie piaited ai&ccQilin in while ream anj (be aark ociors, ala biae. roiewood or bright icarlet, i: scld by ibe ^&rd to add as a turred over frill lo jhe :;e<;k acd sleeves ul drtsa wiists. aUo to form ihs lar^e ;»bci or crsv»t now ia vcine down ihe atl.<;r part of the frcLt cf the cress. Cciciy.Zii :c5j<:»d cf iitir^. ia n«d by Frecch modijtea for the frilU on dreasea (bat have accoraicn fisittd sk.irn. Sbirr'rd ribbw;:i piised »roc::d tb? neck oatsiie the cellar of the dr-s3 ^'â- '•-^ a pretty it.nk to i plain -^ivv.. acd li a ^coi plan fcr renewing or oocc^ahci a partly worn collar. For this parpo«e take a'ros t;ram riobon i»o atd a ha«J i^chei â- m:^ the color cf ihe dre^a or cf us irimrEirg then pat srven rowi of j^athrrs --Ty u-ir tos»-'hcr alj! ^ the inii iie. leavu ;; a lulls rcr".e at II. p ai.d bottom. Have th:i coilar lapped tc tnc left iiir ar.i fajteced v.::h a small b;w. Kihi> n -...ih a satin tdie .-r corded eV-H Uj- J. '.V»;5to«'-Jj can bs m».ie the same w»y. An ecC2omi_-al a:. 1 .".re^sy way :'. zsicii ribbons icaide the neck of Jhe Jr\«j u tc get liros k'ram r:bb;!. iha; '.s only i'»If an inch wide aL -. iasceruw its Iqwcj; edgt. •ew it yzi\ ;ni:de the drcM ocUar, l;avlt J scarcely more than a fourth of an inch •howictf above the eOie . this etcuM be Tery full to look well, and at each end is left a piec' cf lii? rit)b<:n. four or ?vt inches lon^, t? br: ticu m a ssiill bow yen in front. A (ilrl's Sad Expvrl«n<e with Etectrlrltr. The i/j;' rt$ifr pr.ats the foll.wiLs; â- • 1 read, said a briiht ycnr^ rcarr:rj woman, " that there is nj*" a way ^f r^- movim; hair from a woman's lip by the use of electricity. That is not nsw.and I- an to so-and a note cf warricjc ;o ajy wcmar. who may be te-.Tipted to ase it. I hav- a \er\ dear friend who was a classmate of in'.uc in college. She was a real pretty i:trl but she was greiktiy annoyed at the fact that a fe'A- hairs were srowin»; .in her ch:n and ji.i>-r lip. They really did not look bad, mere liKe the down cf a beauii.'ul pTra.h than any thic>: elso. but they were eyesores to her. She tried every ih;n«[ to k;et iid ol them, and anally was persuaded t.i try electricity. .Vli e\^v:r;enccd physical: performed the operatica, and l^-fi her face as smc.i'-- as a billiard ball. Sii Weeks later the hair.- returned, ^really in- creased in ii :e and several darker. Tbis time th-.y really cii lock bad. and the poor i,irl Wis aliucst wiii. She hasne'-cr been able to do anything wi:h thtm sine. and unless she clips the!!-, every .i»v â€" a very tirescme operaticr. h;r fa.e 1. 5is »=â- thoa;;h sbo wire re»lly :;r.i«-;-i^ a ;vc»rd The best way f -r a wcmar. is to !e»\e her face alone. She only sivils it b\ tit-.; cr mfi." Id lt>ptlr-*ir*«-a \ elvrr At a I.e. !'â- >•; vetdci-a a few .lays atti thf Frin.e^s if ^V.^ilS v. re a cOct.iu-.' :i iirs my rtie-irten \eK>t ^ir.' bi*,.^ -.v.; -, a silk bcnnft .'. ;he Si»ne ]•:.: re.iorvi â- .%:'.!â- . a little wlv.U'. The three vouas! Prir.e.-'ses were aitired iu >:o*c» cf tiall pink silk. ...â- .hhat= ii â- :<• and ehiri jackets of drab homespnn clctli Ch<M.'lLlt>s tii>blt-*nt HalU IS the latest wrinkle, s.^ys the Hurialc N Y i i'.'-, < •• . :.' At a ball i,uta m that -ny recenti> » »cm»n became tired cf carrym.; her Ii;i:;'ci:r abv u: in hrr ari:.s. Sr.' tcck the chili ic the hat nvm and pal it m a box. Th? hitie sleeper was then duly checked, the !:'..ib..-r pa\i'-.< K) cents f-.- the priMU'..:e 1 li l^eep ine baby hiretili It wakes up. bn: > .'~n mnst come and »;it it when It be>;ii;s :c cry," said the man in chars-e of tlie hat-rxxnu. • AU n>:ht " re- plied the nioiht r, and away she went to the ball room, wht -e she erjoyevl two hears' reoreaiiou. \t the end of that time the mother was calltd out cf a set to take care of the baby. liurtlly the Corr^vi Tbiuc. The list cf words, phrases and eipres- sious to be avoided by yonnt; ladies of >;c>od breedui-; includes the fcllowiiiij â- â- I guess so. " for 1 sappoee so. or I think so. â- • Ki-\ thi;is;s par«> things. The use of ride " an,'. â- drive " inter, ohar.ieably. • Keal !;ood or " rt»l nice ' for v-.ry good or really nice. â- â- 1 have studied sen.?. ' for studied some- what, or â- • 1 have not studievl any " for not stadied at all. 'â- N.1I as 1 know, ' for noi thai 1 know. 'â- Try and extvrimeut, ' tor ni.-«ke an ex- periment. " Ha.l rather " for would rather, and • had bt'tter. f r woul.l better. •â- Kit:htaway ' for immediately or now. 'â- \Vt U jvsted, ' for well informed. â- â- Try and do.' for try to do. cr â- try and »;o, f.^r try to sjo. • It looks !;cod ouotis-h " for it looks well enonch, .« • does it look i;cod enoash. " for does 11 look well enouiih. • Soiiieboviy else's, ' for somebody's else. KedirnUtlluie a Farlor. Stain your •.\vr a darkVaaluut ,.vansels the •â- .Vrl Amateur \ and »;el a ru^; of iiiiicd colors cf whatever material yci can artord. Those of .Vraenoaniuake uiii!»tiu»; Tersian ruijs ar-.' toA.! and will no: cost more than, if as luiuh as. a i^rassels c^r. pet. Taper the walls with a '.'.ledium sba.le cf olive »;rsvn. with ^tv.all pattern cf a darker *ads of the same color. This will harmonise with the w^wUvork. Year walls blue, re' I, old gold and while, w::h perhits , a icrea'. of jqU I'izir.iL^ throCi .. Icrow i an af^b an of harmoni^ug colors over year -iswh.iy sofa, if yea cannot maXe np | ;. 'arniind ;o rtn.cve it frczn t'ce room. Cc?er the rtish Lrn-.-naed armchair with the rich dark iii£ r^eembiicgcid tapestry, i w'oich comes in j'^a.nt designs; this i*li ,^-, better than the sp -a siik yoc sa^este-d Cover the small chair with •• jld #:ld | ^-, p' .ih aid ebcniiie the frame. Do not think of sa;h a ihi--;; as painting year •• ^inier ;ar. Lta^e it as i; u. Pat a few p<a:o>:k feathers ;n ;: and stand ii on year corner shelf. The cl n,»i of a iic'crew wt-ac:ng is the breaking of a wiirilass, sibich the bri.:e- groom crushed angler his feet. Mtue. Booai^XA** ?.30.0O0 Gown. rVLLY * "aery >-1(jHTI-N«* WOltKJf. Trac to Bruciier Sp ur . sau ever nis i.r.iic The rr.ndewb.;h l» si ;. car swore :b»t Mrs. ilackay was p»p^r.n4 me smsiin;;- room of her â- â- boiil w:;h back n^.t-es no icabi ncd sh» tit cf ^:.-=:p very pr';ba- ble that she :s awaitirti the arrival fr.m : ari! cf a i;c*n -.vh. c is e.-nbrcii^irtd a., ever with rtil ptar:5. and for wc;ch see has aireed to pay i'.O â- I'.'O. A Hint f'»r t:mra*-fX \>otiiea^ V.';=iTn »ho want to ic re^.. earnrst worii in«hc wjrli reiiara a pleasant ex'.eri:r as pa.t :f treir e::!pr:en:. They c::.i-i^3 pal JCTn-.jclve^ m ih-r hands .f a clever milliner wpo wlU dre*s them well w.ihrai thrir h»'..L» tc ir-.c;e cii: rr i.aie cr attention ic a s--b,-:Ci â- : f.-.vcirnsin r.sel' bat so ioifcriant :. ..s results. M. Re: an says, in hw â- • ?Tnv-nirsde veacesse, as I see jocied ;;. my Ja-'. â- that talent. ijeciis and virtue are nothing cc::: pared w.ih b-raaty. ' Ihe F.-en;h iita a^am. y:Q see. and ^v no mrans an :xa.SeC :z:. bai it has In jrain .'. ir'^ih. Le«4oti of KTv*rleoe*. Ca-»dian Girl (abroa i â€"rather. I have a :ha:.:e ij marr. a lit.e. Wi-icFaiherâ€" ilicnph I th.ak. my dear, it will i-i chsaper to bay cne. 1 U« LAt«»t T<4ble LVeor-.At lou. Cb%:!-.e has . Hi 'c.^.en telr.ri as a'>:at a new^ii .cry i rrtty taoie it:, rati.-n that he >«-.s- as a C.J :.-r ai :h^ K irl Vi.-:,r:a. •1 N Ti'':um'c»-rl»ni avci-ac Nc« Y'crk.last Xbara;a>. Ii â- *»» a IcUs:. cv»; table, with a la-i-,- tank ?ar.'. ;r. -.he centre, nearly a. ltd *ita wa'.ir. ir. which itcldish swam ar.i 1. .-'s :*. .jattrl. In tnis aiiniatare lake were three tmy islands of i ewers, from -ach ;! wh ch r-cs,' a f.aatam, the whcle illamiaated by electric liibt. All r:and t'ne -.die was a b^n-ier of mess and dowers, the blossoms heiui ctiedy white. .K simitar, bat smaller. lake was arranged at either en J f tbe table, bai in these thtre were no i^'r.. eniyaratr. lihrsv.i ba'rashes ipriCiini; from the water. It tnasl have been pretty. I thins. A k'ssin^ schccl is She very latest I'arisian ieve' .pmecl. Mrs Cleveland j pictar*3 still catsell Mrs. Harriscn s. e.. As car reaiiers wni remember, a lener Wis pacliehed m a .ar ;i:.anans a f-:«" :a". s a^-i, iuned •â- Sa'ascrrce.' ' wci.-h a welt at scme .eniith ap..~ a sao;e'Ct ef ienfcrai m- aid wni.h loctaiced -everai m- airies winch wiU be fcand ans*e--e-i m tie foiiOWl'i r. ii-f i. 1 :.- â€"Several days a.40 I no- ticed a cmn-aaicaticn in y :a.r paper from •â- -a'-^cnb-ir. .a wtiih ccnsideraoic com- meni was in;ali«'i in ccn'xmnij the pamphlets whi.-.h are widely distrioated bv Me-s.'S. H H '.V».-a« V Ch . of i...:be*u.-. I '^'-* '" -^' N v. Thtse patnphleii are paOiisheC 1= orCcr that ih- paci; ma,. o.:'; i-rr. versaci si'h the sytnptcxs ani ircaih :t disca.-e p^.i.iar :c the kiln^ys. and wci:c IS. It naast 'ce ad^itt^d. the cndariive j can:^-' m a majority cf 'instan.e<. I of other o.-ua-.c .lisor-iers. The pao j listers ^: these yamph.ets ».-s ai^c the] iis-.-'iverers a:, i n:»cafa;:a.-ers zi "nc 1 ncied '.Varner s safe Ca.-e. is snc w:^ | s; be ihe only mear t fcr the prrVtnticn â- and cure cf kidney d:t^a=e. as :»n be | to in every .-cmmanity. in the pamphlets rtterrec :c ihere appear a nani- .-ir of sesi.-ncnLals free- nacties whc inea.£ U6fvin<r« Who Went 10 the Wara with Their Lieiee I_or>l* In warlike 11=1^3, when 'tatile was ihe cisL.tss cf .lie ani v.ctcry ever a I hiii-;it h'.n.or ihai xa-i be hai home Lu ice trie senie •.nrce was none and snti. i& Were less n.ases for pleasant nen .;•. .ai man itroc^h'^s :â- . am resist assails wcmen »• ibeir a^e. :f they were -a tneir amn as the arifcers. icc. :er rai aers w-re as heroic ic! sc a-jcorate of whom it li 'cere inder cc ffmac iwentvfoar S..o;4 iney in-. - ice ramparts ani lefend the brii^es as will as ic=.r lor is icems^lves. '.V.maniineaa m ihe ccwer. aiinisy m the 1»... ccar-afce m ice casile â€" tnat waa ih; wnc.e daij of i-^se ncole w-jmen :f a raie cat ma-'-ly a^e and :c in-;r eiamp.e. iCe.r Liziaenc their saai.i^ p^^wec as mcihers Ea^land ewes :.. i.c t her iceatness Jkzi half 1; h.c sir-n^in. L-:ii.ns B»c •*» pais as an tiampie .f I-ame le Cimv-_.- an earl;, speci- men .f ice wariiie wcmir. Sne tee : '.Varaer :e5t te.-:_. t ;i 1»: CeS aeen safe Care. L.'X icev cave in est. rt i tc by afler hiT.ini b<.-«n 1 1..'.£ :ce r^ U:.:-rl c= j j , aftcwans : .r fam: -! war â- *.- -. Tat Br.'^^er 5u« Sever . -li*": -«.i 2i« â- •*.!- : tT-fji .nAâ€"c- lo •:•: » a; .re '.1..^. ;,r-. -â- * '.-: :_ai . 11 ' *-!« : ce .1 haII in Tie s .- Mr&r-.-H l^e ;]1T j.yW ±zi ~^ Km i n-j -ce «.!. T.a n«Ar f*r -r r, -: ai wn*: ma' ! Q«ar y.Tii, &- 1 fa :4C.» -.:- age .i_r ---e i L. He -r-.--. A »:. : Ir.l . ritc I '•ai.- fc^a.asi .l:;LrV - . . -â- a..- Cviiti:'; T .- '. .n ; i.c 3r . •-- a^r ii'i'^'ec lll:t< cf C».J..:V. a: 1 ^at iivei. ap by a..;tirs to cie. ana atta.-bed tv iciee staiemenis art the fac simile siica tares :f ihe larties tcemsclves. I am p«:rs.caally aware that all the ' "''"J testimon.ais paa.ishea by ;his arm are 1 ;'-"' ana are iCe vc.anta.-y statements i' " cf persons who are aniicas :o mmjest. ihe.r jjratitai: fcr the aneipec:sd reiam j :f heailB and vi^cr VTaraer s : Safe C'.re ia" 'cr-a^h: iheai. Tc make ijsaran.t; icab.y sure ii ."an be aided thai Meesrs. E. H. Warner I \ Cc. have f.r years pab.isied â- a sianiinj; :f er of i' >l<i tc any | one who will prove to an impartial referee 1 thai any lejiiEcnial pablished by ictm .s , nc: sofarai:h?y 'in:* t; mi an s;:ateiy tras. ''Vhat mere a."vs •â- Scrs'ri 'c^r " desire so ccnvir .-e bini ic ai i;:i.-o ;c his own stiiemeni. ibat his neun'ccrs all leli him that Warner j Safe Car-. c»> acne 1 mere i£'.>>i .'cr : aemthm la-. > ha-. = :-.xe..e.a | ircm It-.' icctcrs , I In v.ew. Mr riaiicr. .f the many p^rscni | who are sacr • led daily to the b-i.iry ani ' .iucrance :i physiciacs who per?.-; m I p... treaiini patients "fcr s>m:-;cms .-al.-^i ccn. fnmpti:n. apv-pleiy. bra. 3 trcables anil nerv -as diK-r-ier-s. when the real .-aase is ' iu»aK cf the Sidneysâ€" whic'n *b: .i be 1 aetecied ana -laiis.y e»di,ated by me ase 1 jf Waraer s Safe Car*â€" I cainiin ihat the vaiae cf tn.-se panifhiets. wh.ih place 1 m the hin:;s cf the pabli; the mea-ls cf ' krcwin^ the tra.h cannot t-^f .treeti. ^ mated. c : . 1 -. . I Tvas M araeni... le.c.ed ;y wan vas an. 11.- .nsiaa -• as a^i. .4 It." . - - 1 B.^ii Ml J 1 . p 1 1 a 4 : . ni^i y b t ; ae..i..n ileaner'wfm !a a !i-r- ish »; N»».ri 1 acres bad In 'nis arm â- .ei;iar^"~Vf ihi.r""ii la.-siarei a;n:c : tce;: : .laraie a.-i er-- IS ;.-a.. ; II" . Le : nara m»ay i»sp»:r ii.e the al lai fiajint t iy^- All a: me :ai .: i: = cf th.s e .a.-t abcai atrs :a l^i arm â- i-a as ial.aail.- as m :a. 1 ria.-e «. •TeS j ! e r-.Mc .:;i. ha-l.t at ine le .vas .a ! :ad'.-f Ctr , ':av .e. i.i. : . ie cm m tre-en l.-aj^.r^s lnnnme^a Her 'nair was ilea behini .n .. ana .\-.e feathers arr.ed a she '.vas : V 1 . ; . . e : :*e ba.kles .in s-"»r.ri a ib.i !.^.t tio*» Ue C»-iihl •u ow , for arrange things, or pre- :w ma a cw tba: wit.a (xx'iets cr s cr phct.'«crapRs a Ne.> I* t-n...a'a biea-h cf cf.ers are : the parels fcr ; Statistics s':-. fei-a ca; cf i-a v : ic..s aiic: wit'nin t .V'c y-. »r- Tr.e I. SI t? ..»i.'s :.: r-ay t» h;»ers u ill cat ccii.ii..i;.n» a -.:' â- •. lit IS u rvaj;- ;.. Miss Redmj:id. the- scaiptr-s' who has ;u-l •-.â- en .ca -ussi. je<a to n ake a bust cf Mr •iadatone. is an l-i-h mrl. II:-.; - '..It r . a; 1 c..->rJ *:â- : fi aiaui ; r tab- i.a-.n. ai.d this t;-..- - .1 wlier* fcr anisitur div.ratc."s. Mrs. Ca^htl ti.ev. :h- aathcre^s s ir Irish laay between ^O and 7. She :-.»?* A Jackson Mi.-h . i-sp- I'r. llrocks. ireai iLisnirai has Cwen Se.cral ..seli! 11: hardreas :'. paircns ma: t .a ja\ s : te - :n the ,.:â- . •. 'cv.a, u M-s. snicn tne :: â- 1 . r .1 a V a . k.-oa .-lana.i-^ ana late. .ta . -J. â- tests as!.-anied t'ae .r:!;. 4! '!*?•_ li s, ar.i -bt s-;.*cet ie i ia .'-eat.- i :.- a »i r Mr Ct M Slanl.'y •â- .-iie-i b-r f.r ibe .i- -lar-d nar'.'.^se -'-Tit--.-^ her -vib.-i- a' i sa -'.•ee !.-'. 1 r T re- 'r* scr-" -Aas e t'~e vi:i.-u iV-'.ic a ccr-mau •ad fr.-: a ^^'r.i.n f â- i .vt : re- e I • to ca^ to a di pr..-- . â- •e s J.'.xv -4r c. n-. r i-. Mrs are t,o low fcr a frie.-e. but vou f.rjjht have 'i'^'^* upon an avtrai Jrray Lieu :.i-i:i: a irai r an it: 'Ded en Friday niiht. I'lil it was Lmd, cf New Vers. The real Jnn'. is dead. j The r.nest sir^Ii'sarf r.ire .:: ih.s .â- -"a::i:> | is o-vr.ed by Mrs. W :l lai:- A.-lcr. a:.d bir, ne^-klace of en:-.'ralcs ana a.a;:-cn-s ..- j aniO"'»; the cosiliesi ;twels in -\merica- .\i the birthday rtc-pti^u :n Schi. ss at Ptrl'u last wtek the lliiipress wore a .iress .; i.iac saiin .lubrcijereu w:tn s.l%tr. with a superb tra.a of velvet Irimiiiea with ermine. Frooklyn temivrance women supix'rt a coiTee booth wb:,h stands in fr-cns of the oivu plaaa befor-j the City Uall, where for " cents a haii,;ry person can j;et ho: oo3ee an.i a slice cf bread. Hats for ladies are broader-brimmed than ever, wiih the very low or.'.vn wreathed rccnd with feathers. The latest modti IS the Koinso. sliicbiiy raised at the side with a bow of velvet ribbon. The fashionable â- accordion " dress may well be called a new wrinkle. It is all wrii.kltd frciu waist to hem. hke the folds cf an accordion. The e2:?ct is ovi.i and rather pretty, bat its cheapness may aiitaiioai.o iia popularity. .\t a Kansas weodiiiri the ether day the bride s father i.ive the happy couple a che>iue for $1.'0. The nr'cane bride»;room raised the che.;ue to Jl 1-00 and started c ' on a solitary weJ,':iii; toar. .Vncther case of •â- Where IS My Wanuennj; Boy To- night I' I.acies it would seviii :c h.^rj;er aye their hair. c">. dear co 'â- They never tbmk cf dcii'!; anythini; so crude as that. What they dc now it yea pUa.-c. whtn ihey wish tc iiive to their kvks that bn^bt ijcldea or bron?y tint which 19 so fashionable, is to " 0S.101M it. ' Jtrs. Mnneraitsn Mutsn. the wife of the Japanese Minister to NWshiniton. is one of the most richly and expensively dressed ladies in Washini:tcu. Many of her dresses are made by Worth, but she is so dimina. live that it is ;ckin>;ty said that she p'ays only half price for her sowiis. lac> Uarberion, Ihe Fuatlish champicn of the â- divided skirt," is descnliedaapilain, ahne-t masouliiie in form and feature, while her simple and cataral di>;nity of maneer liesfvaKi ihe lady jjeuuiue and I reactd ihrouuhcat. A draivj ovenskirt I fallici; to the knees conceals from the casual observer the iveculiar ioatute of her 4-: i w-.'i;. :'-- ret' \s "-- lei It: t* r' lei-. <rAb':ed she larle. rei:4ril-ss 4-- :•!' a Ira • â- â- a? so was vr l.4r-ae sheet cf ar'r- â- - uia-:;cl.i 1 4iN--r. aLierneatb w^.:'c. »4S 4 she»; cf V, - : e paper. B. â- 1 ; s --t !-'^ letters â- ' :•.' t;ms were rerr'.xia.'ev a> -• the pawr r-4d 1 ana answe red b-. r â- •» â- » i-e. Sh^ a^ S':.'W 1 leo>;i 1 her >:ailt ar .1 ras rack.-d ii-anil departed f â- r iVtre; Jtiubit U'0'» <.'>al. Citv Bi sinees M an - â- .Vi last I am rich enough tc retire fro m ba s:",ess. Friend - What are v.-a ccirs; t dc ' â- t am C-ir^ ic biiv be eld farm that I ran away rom and liv^ 'n It. .Vi;.. -41. .t:^. e; .i .en.. ,*.. . .^ 4 ch :-a ..1 Menit i.-ii 1 ^ olace ;s *.. r- • tie V- --", ic Me:. It . ^rl les ai.e Sa.h .at 4:. a .at . startliij; in a Bishcp that I ihii:kia>; there tnasi be s.^me 'cwhind.' Is His l.c-isnip afra:i that the ttuvtatic: t vi-vl.- I e - c t .' .- t. 10 ir^ I e ea.' IV n i eann.t rere ether ir.eti'.e ef C;brAltar i cf Mcrav ni i " t â- r. e too fcr 4 :ei:cent a simple border of a li^htsr color thau the I'leld. lu year wuidows have s.ash curlaiiis of India or Torsian silk of a soft shade of yellow and lotia; ourtaius of Madras muiliu with a very li^hl olive^reenish tone. Your ooruei shelf way be •hocieed as you 8u>;>;e«t. with the addition of a curiam of Peraian silk tiuuiiii)! on a narrow brass rvxl, raatohiii(! the sash curtains. .^ Turcoman striped portiere would do very well if judiciously selected. Try and »;et Kcr a stvor.d marriaije 'tis no longer re yarded as a crime cr heresy to Jon srow white bndal >;«ruients, says a fashion writer m the Niw York '•' ' ;. '» elvet was the widow 8 tirst move that has slowly beooino white silk. Orani:? blcsscm.s are ai>empted by only the audacious, while the veil is an nnsettleil problem. Althon>;h the pTocess may 'i>e slow it is >iuite sure, at^dia the cvMirse of time one may Ce-lehrate a Sevond i^eremony with as tnnch pomp and one with olive ground and stripes of Jeep ' circutustauce as the tirst. Puric: the United Stales eiv;l war .''. T I'r.ion solaiers were evecateu fcr iesertien It is esiiinated thai the damage caas»:d to roUins st.vk bv the laie coUisica en the Interccionial Kailwav will am.-ari 10 *â- :â- •, OCO. It IS estiinaied that a:ae tenths ef the travel don-e ;s for the pleasure cf people, r-asuiess neceisity conies next, and a:j.ent demand as m ease ef .llness and se en. comes next, l:i et'ctr wer\is. men and women, ef whatever siatas and c-.-capaiien in life, iladly embrace » beliday bance fer chan!:e 0:i Satardav mcrr.ri V U Sean-ans. a tel--s;raph civraier at S'narcot Lake. wei:t tc 'Ain^sson, and left :'er Keekp^-r! so s-pei- 1 a holiday. He left she Ci. T. K. express at J!fcu3downe. '>\ hile walkire cu the track a tram comit's; around a curve strack hini. niuiilatics Ills bv>oy, from the effects cf which he died several hears afterwards. Peoe.Hsed was .'" years of a^e and un- married. F-ns iii;.ii> for the care cf .•onscrupiion has a-tracteii much attention of late vears, •cither for ieneoiliri; cne for inhalation or for its influence on ihj vaso motors as a current, or as static electricity in baths. Vt. l.ibermann, of Strasburv. employs she continuous current, his view be:a>; thai pulmonary phthisis is due to a lesion of the pneum'^^astric ncrve>s, caused by a ^vld ::â- predisivsevi subjteis. .\ecordin>; So Tr. Libermanu, the i.rut staice c: the di.»ease, that of oon»;esiiou of the {Mieumo»;astrics. is alaays acoompanie<.i by paralysis cf one â- r boih'vocal corvis. In the se^.vr i pctuxi miliary granulations appear in. tbe larynx. Iui':,s and elsewhere. With the third sta«:e. ihai of prvUteration of the connect:. e i.ssue ef the aSecttM nerves, com e dyspriaand b*moptysis. The last staio cf phthisis ocr responds 10 tV.e destruciicu cf the myeline from fatly deter eratiou. Tr. I.ibertdarn denies the spec::eity of the baeillas which he s*T8 may be found in simple bronchitis and catarrh pneumonia. »w Turn to the Ned -So she saii sh: to yea Jack-\es. say tc that jack - ! .on:: remise ca a ant to 'c^ ber br-cther. • »l«ter Joke ' wculi b^ a Ned-Wbai lol '. her We . was t.X" ; n a v ,ei yea wo U.d V c ..Hi I r . Wv. K. ... I roles^-er ef Medicine IB tbe 'wens Co.lei;e, ilanchesir. Hni ri w:iiii:e e; r<r'_'ai s disease, sa;. s • lb; cI.nM becomes s'jveviily deterieratec. by the aaaaiiral drain tbroaj-h ihei.inevs. I: l'ecc:::fS mere watery and pvvrer m alba tner while urea, a::; acid ani tb:- exsrae t.>es are unduly a.eamalale^.i m 11 War ner s Safe Care «ill restore the kidneys tc a Veali'av ecnaiiie:: ae.i vi:.:/ lb-, bicco. luaer-stae ereaslv ie laas y . ei,swea>:el evial rates fc: "*es we ,er-< .. 4a s iiu; ! ;aee. t le â- krave reo. crie.'ii hcase which v'barles i.'':e.-ie::s beiiibtl' abcat lh:rsy years 4ie, ana .: â- .v::e5 b; die<.i a .ioceii years later, is sa.a tc 'Cr.- now j on tbe market. In lb? sonshtrn poriicn ef Ne« Ilamr-I sbire. wiiere a year a^so I'nere were two feet cf snow ,>n the eround. farmers are plant , , i^ fc ^r. »ne s- "S ha^a spel .' 43 .in ni ieitin ?.r„ ready fcr spring work li»i tbal the 'i\ cai .ve ;. -e t.-t.: names is : .\r- .als to tOi r-.poriers. .-wer Heuse cf l"ar:iameai at ^tsieraa, tbe I' M.nisler i;:4l she i,"abinet bad decided :e >vas ih.-apac:lated fer carry- everenient and .-emu -ani.-ated a to t;-e Slate Coancil, Tbe .lic.aratiei now awaited. I". ::e I.. lb. m.4tter is .>, ... h a roc r'.arsn re an e.d man who was soin. * fair. cas for b:s .vcen- tric.ties, had tallen as.eep while the mmis- He sa.iaenly aweke in â- moG lu a bewildered s han.i up to bis bead ai.i fin -ii-i :s i-are. aao. sbiu'^:i-; he was at ncnie en^sh ichi cav i' batv led 0: ..reicalic.- me 49- :"ar 3 ma mi ivas generally. i.,. 4-*,, - .-» i'- Ov cf :he dit^.cullies .vh;ch have stoovi i:: tbe way cf ibo substiiaticn ef paivr pulp fcr woo-d in ihemanui'acturecf ivneils has bee-i the toasbnees ef the paper -vver- iui. ani Its conse.iaen: resis'lan.'eto she ,.. ^.j,, .„^, .»,... . a..-iioa cf a knife. By a new prov.t.'ss wnicu , . ^,', V"^ ,, ."ti . . ha, re^-ently b^n ^.teuted tL. -o"---;- | ^^-.^^-^jf â- ;. cohesien cf she pa;>;r is modiEea in such - ' â- manner 4h at it'caii bo cut *s easily as 1 ! ^ ... -....j w,^; .tdar w.wl. Tne p.'iper :s nrst ef lU made ! '"f,"'!'.,' ,.',* ", V, :-iso taws, and a jaantitv cf them are ... .j.. ... place\l in a frame at the lower end of a evIiiMer. The sabiian.v ^^ -h is to be } u>e>i as a i-.iark.ea reatenal is plae-.d m the ' e.-::.sicnc.;ni. e>l::itr while lu a plastic -vadilion, ,4iid . »'• ;^il* -'^ i-^-*-*^^ sa"...fnt pressare is then applied tc icroe ^'•"^" â- " it into ibe hollow cealres cf the p.>ivr lubes. .Vfter the eompiet:on cf the process the p>encils are sra.iaally drievi al increas :i:»; tempera! :res darios: a period cf six davs and tbev are then pj :uj;ed into a vessel ef molten para^Sn wax. which has '° »li* -»i»: This course has itarwd anew ihe of nio.iifMn^ the texture cf the U^'"'"'"- ^â- '' *^*'-' "'-'^ ^-i*- ">-"' very thick. bat better than icne al all. writes a tc -seep r'cers r;i it. IS t«..i, t me. that 11 IS Ceil frc:v. she hair. I'on s lei I find w*tti"s; with water best. -Vl least once a week rub Tee yrlk cf an e«i;, cr half ;>: it, well mto the h4.r and sialp. acd nnse eu »horoai;hly with tepid water. It will piomoia growth and tvlcr, rrobabiy largely due tc the sulphur paivr pulp in tbe manner describevl