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Flesherton Advance, 11 Apr 1889, p. 6

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Oil. cattli ' ti.ou ar' II ruliiit: powur » A uittjUly ikiiiu. Ill Imsv Irmrr iit i-v'ry Imiir, Xli\ V ii. •: il.,lh In papiT iirvt'ti. un'i y* lli* jji.l-l. Thy . â- 1:1.1, l.ilv. », iiUli i- '.ill . Ti.jj»iii till t'""'. !'-"â-  .'"I'll^ ttfi' â- â- '>M i''or whiit Ui"y liritiK iMi.eavi.l 1 1 ivi art a li mlwl -lnvo, lu'lemm' A d»\ 'I 111 â-  'IT MIU ITIIV.), W'l.'i „|l Isilrili- Al iwt^ «t> >. I>. ik mid' all I (1 ^^,llr- Ml'l 'ioHII, III"..:!,;*, « rowiliiil Imll Wl.iil lilutli 1 , mm iin.l 'ii. n, u full ' l.t(u H Jiibl )<• ;'iii Ittii liv and IjV n n.iviiti-n fair Voull 111', ri-. Ir..' , \\u\, liir',1 luiii.'. mil ;"li|. 11 luilr, All 1 !•>. -i •â- ! !â-  11. â-  And tlieu Hiu 111. Ill Wtui OWTIt thf pliir.- UUl l.iiw l..l,.r. 1. >i t.'i.ll.i .;riic,v H' ( H- *- u ill i^ttiii 111 )i.tir â- ^wi-it ftiti-. All I tiu >mU > nil â€" /Vilr' Aiy/lliy« III Jt,,l.i,\ ESIELLE'S l?iF.VIi:A'l'll)\' : A NOVEL. 'â-  She id t very Hirikin(;louUinn woman, ccrlaiuly, " said L»dy Kiiit;ahouHe. who horaolf liail Ikt own 'â-  cituhiil " â€"and kniiw tlmt Bhii li»d. But I don't tliink Mr. U&rfurd nj dLHiiernltly ./<rn tid all ih»t." She did not b»y what • all that" meant, and no one adkoi. "Ah. well, thin 'b no saving! Andthf-n- ari tliu liiTSi :!." uikid l.inl KinnKhuiiii-, luokin;^ M iho .:lii:k. •â- just thrcu imimlf.-i behind tii.ii\ I shall Hprak to Muki. r I'l:; ;,'in9 and aik whut he mpans b> it, ili> iniiat not (.'row uniiunctual, •â- l- 1ih will liavo to I'm 1 a nt- w ruaalir. v o i.e. 1;hi , let lid 1m- .1:1. ' .\iid Willi A 11;.. • hull' â- â-  Con Iby, 111 1 dear, " lo hirt wifu, iiic twu |i fl the rnu'ii , and atti r a -o!i-i>iii " Behind limp, l'i(;niiw.' lo tlm i.jaeninan, wuru h. 1 jn â-  mtiriri; bridal;, alui't; th(! hard melullie road 0:1 their way tc the town and the lurivihoii.-ie Ariiit). IIiv^' heaiitifiil the wuy wa-i ' Tie' t-kv wa^ aa biir' a>i the blue ^^,^^â-  (welU o( .jiriiii;. and the hoar front nhoim in the .'Siin like :<u much pr-nnlled (rctwnrk wrou.jht by the (ircat .\rti.'i;er who t;ui'H th. beetle iU .shinine (;r>en onit the huUerlly ii.s dufier pllli:iOd, I'or a moiiiont I.ady Kli/.abeth fur;;! that other life in whleh hIu; Imliitiiallv dweltâ€" that life of »ulferii:(' ul)i.;h --he Boothed c>f H irrow wlii'li -'n Hhared. She talked and Uiixheii, an I w.ix n-, radiail an thoBe huu linlilcil 1 loll (h will I. can>;ht ih yleam on their white il">!c/( . „.r ilmi il.i da/./Ied llioeyen which I mki ! »• tin ,:i. and how Bhe moved, aiid neo her aa ulie waH, perfeotly natural and nn«>rnbarraiiT 'd. (ilad 10 bu luit ulouo, uhu did nut uuo that bIiu was beiin< watched, and the now man -inother'H new cra/.e and favorili eavo her no kind of diHtreBB. Anthony, too, made nu raiHtaken, and lid not Bpiul hiH ohanceB by pretipitatiiiM. ile ahuwud uono of that hunger for an amiwer in;; love whleh repelt) far ofloiier than it ineitea. KpeakiiiH one evening of hia rclatiuna with the .\HplineH. and how is, waH that he had coinu Ii'Tb on that bininenH of the trusteeship, which he had tak»n .-ver afti.-r hid father'B death, he chanced to mention, Tliorbergh aB the nanio of the town, the dijlriii where hiH place wiiB â- â-  Thrifi. by 'lhiirberi;h," aB lh(^ pontal direction ran. Mr;). Clanricarde looked up at ihe name. • Thorbnrgh. in IjuamBliire ' " dho abkod, with keen inlereet. •â-  VeB," hu aiiBwered. Do you 'iiow it 7 ' â-  (jeortjo," Haid Mrs. Clanricarde. foryet- ing to aiiBWer her mieid. â-  what do you think ? Mr. Harford'a place id near Thoj-bergh 1 " â-  Never !" Baid Ueori,"), with hid fataoiis amilu. ' What an e:ilraordinary ojinci- deuce ! ' â-  Where '.' In what .' " anked .\nthony, duddenly grave. ' < Ih ! " laughed Mrd. Olanricarde â-  there id no greal mvulery in 11 after all. Duly al Thjrbii.;li lives a c;ertaiii Mrs. I.aiiiner tie- wiii.v of a of my liiHband'H. nn wh ,.h.; d'-alh we shall r- .:eive a Humll K' â-  :..-s,un c>f iiicoine. 'I'iiAl id all. She niiHt be It \ery old woman hy i.o.v - pant li^hly. (i.-crm . iinheieit! lnU „he li-.iw on a.-^ ih'ie' a'lriuii intH\s no. and I dare tiav she had t;')0 1 tin vi nrM b-fuiv h. r â- â€¢â- t.' .'-^iie Uii.;':i'-d auaiii. Si.i' did hi r hi-.t to lail;;h e*r«l!\ and naluraiiv, hi*, the lor:.- â- larp. uiid iho 1 Ii m paintul n;id .â- li • live " a-ik-'d .^nilriny. f.ll lo khOA- lliat hU'lli' " cl.-.lile l.-tue,' . .i 1 (.. .irge I'da. The earl 1." ar' â-  ty K:, .s h ill her row nii&d. The villi;'. TM ha 1 tiMie tc take rr make ihiir hmridi remark^, mil h' iutemle t. Ai.;,''- til ' â- w.A her (at hi r the dour ef tl 'â-  .piaini oln faihim, ;l.t inn - ihit â- â-  !l it- Mdlliir lp 11 1,)I for .\ Mtie " ', 'fl n j'] Tile Uire!' r .,1, town, an I tiie â-  •â- < he«. i< an 1 wai;,;' rl ' l''Thn|' 1 ll" I'l I her hiiril'an !, u! < 1 !..'IP pai.- that (ll I ti The r le â- Â»Â»Â« o le that Ti .V 1:11 •» â- â€¢Ih iia'l •1.'- I..,,,!, milii .' til II c 11:1' :â-  . 1 •1 1 w r . , I â-  . 1 ' , • ' inn. I. 1,1 â-  : ilf Cai'i â-  11 la ira! 'â-  I 11 til III- ip J ' 111 1 lid't a*i 11(1 I 11 a'lil itma.iit . l.-!:lv .: ".'I at t mile . I â- ;! Ill \va I evi'l-nl 'â-  \\'liere '!.j,-d " I,alifie-f I m .â- \' .So .;. II with the patiieHd of uiipl'.ariant perfect I 111. tl.atH it," reluriied .-V'llhn.iy " llighrtlile l.'tne h.'Ioiiga to m", ant rdie ia (\ne of my lenaf.'n." " ll'i'i' very i-in; dar ' " aaid !\Ira. (Mauri oarleagain , aiei thin tune heru,'r pleased fir. wad not forced. It wad a link. .\nd when om' iii ill want of a chain, any link Id hi Iter th.^n nniie. • I will g.) and louk after h. r von," Haid Aiith my, ulio alao warf glad ol that litik, ali'iid'-i aa it waa. .Shall I call 1 n her whi'h I g 1 hioi lo 'J'hrifl aid r. pjri on her ' 'indition .' ' ^ ea. do, â-  iMiii i iMrn. rianri . "It will be a a»tiifaci:j lur hiiao>i. 1. It C' 1 1'.iiiiN will " a I )' .It 1;. ll 11' . i.liimcl in t will k. , .d 1 v. I n.i i-!i I l-tl.- r ll periv d 1 'll.'' '1 , it -'â-  fill t' ,ln't in, \ op Ih- II r 111 I idv ui oil tl., : ml-., t her,' »li. ll tlio moat v-i ha i. 1 cf.' Ill 1 a.-.f'il U alK Ile 11 h 'h • '.LT t. .l.'^l' '1 "1 1 1 .\m; i 1 1 â-  VV" I at 1, fa I f ',â-  1 1 â- â- â- .'• II O' 1 â- 1 Ml ar- t r •â-  III ' n I 11' f ,.l' 1 1 1 1 r a W . 1 1 I : r I 1 iviip â- iinle. -tai.l I! it I a 1 .1... „f ll,- â- ' ir I.- trying to remove the immovable block. " 'Jh, I play pretty nigh every game in the pack," Bald .Anthony , " but thedeoue- hahded concerns are beyond me. And 1 do not think I uhould care for them." "They are very intercating when you know them," said Mr. Olanricardi". " I prefer an autagoniat," aaid .-\iithony. 'â-  Vou havu an antagonidt, ' returned the otli'r. " i-'orlune, ami sour oaii want of bkill and fore.-,ight." Anthony laughed. "Sly want of dkill and foreaigbt I " he aaid. "X don't up to thai ! Ml p'ay with my .-skill and foreaighl againat f jrtune or any olh'.r oddd you like. But want of akill 1 I reckon tbat'a not in tho Bchediile 1 " "Take care; pride goes before a fall,' >-ai<l that foolish C'eorge, in exactly the dame worda aa Ura. Aapline hiil aaed. Anthony tossed up hid head like a lioree unduly chocked. " I'll follow ray pride and risk the fall,' he Baid. with a certain ouiburat of teni|i r that made Mra. Clanricarde aay to hera.lf: - That man wai.ta caref,il handling, lie will Bland no nonsenae." Knon after ihia Anthony took hia leave, and went ba^'k to the Kingfhouae Arniia aa if ponaedded by aeven dc Vila -he di 1 not clearly kno-,v why. ciiArrKK X. "I \ I â-  I.U-." Let those who can e.xplain thia a?amiiig contradi.,'ti..ii. Thfl lon;;er .\nthony Har- ford remained al Kiuiiahonae ttie stronger ur-iw his p.iaaion for llatelle an I ilia farther olt he tieeiiied from Us t-\ iire-tdion. Klie had llie atrange-it power of eiiilling him, Ml ih-il he coiiiil nut -jp -aK to In-r tenderly, nor evil 1 lok al Ivrwiihthai unmi tak- able in'-aniiig whieii Inveilii'ca Uko ao much t;oldi nil; t iMt-i a loai.'-i â-  y â-  a I'h'd li-r;e tiir;no!l in .\i iliony 'a h-art 1-)*-; an to --eow ila-lf in hu l0'\k-c f I c Mil i love (..a'ly l'.li.'\bfrth ' " h.-ofti n thought " ahe w-ould have been me tit wife lor iin- lliat o'Jier hail not bettitc'r,e,l ine. f I i-onld love her' liiil It ia Inj late now. ihe die Id caat. I will hold ll-telle in niv anna ai my wife, or 1 will kill her I.rai, then niy aelf ! " .Mean.!, ll lie l-^atelle held fa-^t by her faith in (liiarlie , and, with jiit m.e covert lock or wurd that hi-r motlurci' iM take hold nf. spread thai apell over .\nthoiiy whicli fro/- bin' into silence and red'ictd him to that alaie which waa like lo a gHyat;r under a ylacier. She knew that if th'.nga biiuuld ciirne to an open d'-claratiiti. tht y w-iild not be 00 easily niaiiaged as with puor ( al.-i). d i I at t'ids [11^. 'lore Ciiar'i' i' h ti. â-  ao ; -inly cea.-;ej to wriie t.> h-r. Sli l>.-»-'1 noih:r;g of him ami kne.v i.'';iiini; of hi'n. Hid la-t letter ha', h :; fr ".1 V dcoiiao: i, whi'iihe -laii ;.) h. rthal h- h I Ic-ke 1 up at theatarB and th lujlit -,•( her â€" ni ire bea-r.jfiil til 1:1 any in tin cliy. \fti r ti-..< , ame oni- ilia', dtli! t.Uck I -11 ' - in -jf j;.. ;.'_•.. «lii.-hln ita -If ia a 1,;!: 1 , f i: i-.ti;. .\i â- ;.-.â-  I.d I!'' I, ;•» -'e • h- r t;!i;th' r of the 1-tt. 1 ..; v^ I ,. tl-;|e ! 1 r. .t 1 v'..; â- ll â-  r - tl 111, .I'l h|.. :. -It- r f; l>r.-,l f; iIkiucii 1 (ifll-.i- '.ai-'. â- â€¢â-  :â- ! 't' . . S . II 1,1 of lir '•ll- \: .Mr â-  1 - t .- I, I , ' 1 1. in in I :i .1 r II' did I rl, didJol /â- ' II .a% liie a , ' i > I ' .;iii 1 'Ireati; nf to Olio ' : l-le |,.M ;. out I'l fa.- tii whnin n Hill wh' o i-.iad 111 ll I'OAIer Uil iiiiddi'iily H( blue I'l ha became pale htiiI nilent. and the ind foonlain aank once more beneall I" nf t "ndir^adiuaa lliroii;;h wl • is ll 111. we have ridden faBt, ' mIu c'lmeH lo the same thin:; .' " :• Haid, with more- m.aiiing ch.' id of hi, ,\. :n )„. -. . 'lii'l ih 1. 111.- I I'lrii •i I iiaii.:ili tle-y ptrli e town and the nlll MO - the atiii H»«'iii'',l 111 li'iv-i I for I ,ady I'lli ;alii'lli, and Ihe I' drnpn-d nut iif the ,Hk>. She •ellt Ihe ll 11 had hrnkeii. Why, |i'-lii;ht, ymi are .|iiiti- pale and lilent. .-\ru villi ? " aaked the earl aa ho noticel the Hiiddeii droopiiii.; and llii' Miiddi-n pallor. " 1 think 1 am a litlle, d'-ar." was her genth- reply. " And yet we have not nddiii lu very far, ' he aaid. " No ; hut relnriii-d. " And t^Kil " >'eH," ah than hIio knew. To which ll llinu; haik can an in bin " I'-mr p.ippet ! " half limt iu Ilia hnrae's riio;ing hoofs aa lln-y canteri-d on to the galea nf home. ('II.MTIIU l\ nil iCNOI I ulN.i. Mra. Clam icarde waa eBamitially ' Ii ver. Hhn nnderatond differenccB and prolileil by miatakeg. ller insight waa aa di'icnniinat- iiig as her touch waa delicate, and alif> neither miifoniided anhidaeccH imr cniifiiHeil experii-iH ea. To Anthony Ilarfnrd idie adoptud a now set of lactica altiii;etlier from th.iae sin had used with Caleb Hlagg. Kind, frank, lioapitahle, fn< ndly, she waa canifnl not to let the falnteat shadow of a aeooiid intention appear. Hln- oediiloiidy kept I'^atelle III Ihe hacligroniid. She did nut lip lak of her at all, and to lur hut rarily. She aaked nnthing of her that slionld show oil her ai'-iimpliHlimenta ; and it waa Anthony himself who foiiinl mit that iihe could sing suently and play iliviiiely, and that her alietches were far hoyond anniteiir average. \VaH this the woman who had, aa Mrs. Aiipline iiaid, tiling her daughter at Iho head of Tom, Diok and Marry .' Anthony's hoarl rose and aiokoneil as he thought of this (laliimny, which he tried lo baiiiah from hia mind and could nut. He waa too jealoiiu by nature to bear patiently the tliiiilght that Home one else had lilleil thole BWeet eyea with (he longing ti lulei- nesa uf love, that any other man had coveted what he desired and iiieani In male hiH own, that this pearl of inice, this proaiona trtiRflarn of delight, had henn mutely offered to any man alive and had hiiou rejected. No. he would not believu this. And all the more would he not, seeing how litlle Ihe mother now put her forward; and \>'l he, ,'\nthoiiy llarfnid, waa a belter match in all wavi; aa a man itnd a forliitiu than either IhiH coiisiiniptive artist or Ihla enriched miner I Always apparently onmipied with Mrs, Clanricarde, Anthony used to plaee him self will re he nonld see Katello when- In- oould watch hur pose, her liauda, her hair. Mil ll -v ti'i'-i- a iiiati -'le ' nai I 111' a a I ,Sa\ MiBa Clanrica iiig m ,| I .' •' caked 11-itelIe, waki le from la that 1.1' Unci, • -1 .iln-e, the I iL'lll I I • What , a I- ind of d'cam, la It n-.;hl to speak aa we think ,' ' Aiithonv aakeil again, Siiri-ly 1 â-  i.nid llstill". Tlni- w-itha rapid glance al her mother Bhe ipialilie 1 her boldi r aaairlion with a innre 1 uitiuna ' .\l least 1 tuippoae no aoinetiinea." l.ike all iiiiiiil peo[|le, she waa afraid of Hiidili-n '|n.--itioii. I woniier if we do any of us .' ' Haid .Mrs, Clanricarde. with her philoaophi.ine air very charming and very lalae. .\s much aa we can I reck in," said Anlhony , but his phdnsophy Hiiiacked of the hai-kwonda. nut nf the drawiii.; room. It would be rathi r hot if w-e aaid all we thntight at all ti.nea. We'd raise Cam, and liiat'a a fact 1 " I'lsi'.retinn IH tiomelimea the belter part of valor," "aid that fnoli-ih ( i ,11 ge. a little wide of the I'limediate poiiil. as he alwa\ s \\ iiii, ,\iiil we luve g'lod hreeiliiii,; locniisi ler ' put in Mrs, Clunricarde always mildly philoHophical. And Iho policy of waitine" said .\ntliony, with a sudden gleam m hi-; eves that made Ihe wiilching ninlhera heart leap for j ly al th, meaning of us lii;hl. " Vi's, waiting," ahn said, ipiietly, â-  VII eoniea In him who knows how to wall, 'llial ia a rrench provirh, and n line one." Ml ',' " aaked .Anthony, with eni|ihaaia. " All," ahe repeated, also with eniphaaia, I'latelle looked at her mother. .'\iut Anthony caught that awift llaah to ni-.;hl a-i her mnlher hud caught it then. It stirred him with a sudden movemunl of j-'alousy and aiiHpicion, " Then, you think, too, that all comeB to him who kiiowH how to wait." he asked, Bpeaking to Kalelle with a strange little toii'h of Blernneaa in his voice. " I do not kiinw. It is to be hoped it iloea," she replied, not raising her eves, " ,\nw, dear," ahe added suddenly to her falhi-r; " you have spoiled the game. Vou cannot do it if you put the king of clubs there over the ipieeii nf spades." " I will try. I think I can work it," said thai fo. ilish (leorge, who at " patience," aa with his inveatnieiita, could never see an inch before him, and who always thought thai he could work tho most inipoasiblo lUMiihlnalioiis ' The game is Inat I" said llatelle, with a sigh The king of hearts wan hemmed in so aa to be iiaeh-Ba, and Ihe ipieeii nf iipadea could not be moved becaiiae of the king of chih-i, whioh hlockiul her in. And that- llercc, ii.piare shouldered Itliieheiird of the pack snddenlv looked to Kati-Ils like Anllimiy Harford'. ' Shall I try to straighten it out '."' aaked .Vnlhoiiy, coming lo Ihe table. 'â-  \m\ cannot," said Kalelle, rising and leaving it. "l>o yon play Ihia game,'" aaked Mr. I I 1-1 v, aa m in K-d 1 --. re c. deairel 11 It u ll I'l , ;,.,1 I II t 1 ' I r" â- Old handc ifti-f , and h:a f t t'l fl 1 1 alar . Ihia I: Iter 1 - ilUi.n,-arde \sna r n V oili'T r r.; ''o t'e u-e -f â-  •! r,>;:,inc â-  ih,- ; iir; I , for ah" li.-r '- i I i' 111 \ the h.t;; 1 ,1 ,' the ro oil : a",l a-' i hjt a li',e nf - ii'i' Tt ir ,ii -pur . ••'Iv'-'l, A I- 11. • ly the .S'!r ! n ;v:i[ -[-, . '. I .-i^c-h â-  () ,h r ^ l.-Mi-in. .1 - I ;--'â-  ' lie r. i I 1-. 'â-  ii 1.1 ll-.e I, 11. r ndli i 111 i;id wo'ild h-! w 11 einla at K ;n;;-'ii"Mii'' I. \\v him., If I a.i he writi, n to Mra. what ia in your heart and raindâ€" to feel baftl id and prevented and off the trail altogether â€" â- ,vli»t la that, I.,aiy EU/.ihettl ,' beetna to me like magic, »o<r.e^ â- ", la it man like myself who nevei oinrK.ed a danger, and never funked it when it came ! " -' Bat arc yo'j iri lint slate '? " she asked raiaing her eyea in wonder. Coaacioua of the broad avin;i-ithie>) betw-.-.;n them, she could not take tii.a to h-raelf. It w-aa a htalft to'i'-hing a .-no j!;e. i;l?e doniething thai she did not k'jow. " Yud." he aaid, a little euUeuly. Again ther.; waa aile'i;-' 9) dead that it eeeni .-d aa if the very air wad fro/.-.-n and coull not h • moved. • 1 dhoalci not think you ciuld be hi::! :i in anything, if you ouca folly d-teriniajd tu au.v.-ee.l," ahe ihea -» d, speaking with the tfTort of - iC liftins' a h'.-avy weight - br, aking throngh a strong enclosure. Hia face brightened. Vou think not .' " he aaid. " No," ahe answered. • .Vod you adviae me to perservo â€" to overcome the sp-jllâ€" to be maaier of myself and of fate .' " Hhe turned as |nle aa the linen atrip abjut her throat, rihe waa oona.'ioad that she vvia look:'ig into onknoivn d,-ptha an 1 standing on the brink of an antatfaomed pool " Vei,' sheehid. â-  Persevere." He got up aad look bjth her hands in boih of nii. I will remember yonr advice." he eaiii preasmg tliem hard while his eyes lock,- i dowii iutober fac; with uautt^rable 'er.der- heda. aii-!p,-akabli- gladne-,a •â-  If 1 --.ime t j my liappiiita^, it will be thrjugh you am Ko.\ he bv-d and r-v-'ren'-e-i rhi^ 'air and aaintlv coUi'-eller at this tnnment 1 ll i-.v del. jiy he I'lveJ her ! !^ii" felt hialei,,:rr ntoB, hu love, aa it raiclit ha\e bten the an iden .iTjl'^-nie of the aun. Br:d all her heart went oat n hiui. aa a tl )Wer that opeii'-ii to the hyhl. • Nn.v vol! Know my secret," he said ; ami now y.u can j'l-lge what 1 ft, 1 -aim feel for m". .\c.d you will know what I owe to you when ihe lime comes,' H" dr.-w her hands up to his breast and kidded iheni with the most loving, Jthe moat reverent lenderneaa. But for her habit of a- If control ah . w.uiH luve ;'. mg heraelf in to hiB arms t.jl.ave off -red Ir.m of her oau fr,-e-will more than he had claimi->d. Hut ^llâ- J reaiemhetei ia gojd time that he had not oaid the oil; deciaive. irrelrievablc word, and -li:-, refraiie-d. " If I wi-i h"r,' h-' a,aid a.'ii-i â- â-  11 will be thaiika to you who hav,- heartened in-.'. l-.aicU, . alnvsi slater no*-, you wdl ba mv true ei-ter th n. and our luppiovai will b-t -.oura. Ci >'i bl--^ayn'i. b, <• aiut di-areat of :ri. i.,ia ' V -1 do net know what jc^ii have iicnt^ for me ! " l-'or a i:i,'r.i,>nt the earth re led and' r 1.4d> l.;i.;ai" iiid feet, and she mie-.v noth- .:ii; of mil' ,â- â€¢â-  aiuj.i ii- -K ai-. .• th- on.' -,.arp Cii',? inudii'-aa of pain. Then, wiili a ill) ri-ni" I iV >rt the 1 tl irt of a martv r at tin- elake wco prays and dc-a not c,-v â€" si:e aai I. ^lad. A:; O- 1 1 lir' in a strai : and level voic 1 aiT- 1 A- â-  ;• d 'i-.i a â- , h I. H Vl'i , â-  ' h-r IlK \I. BBITE HlMANITr. Oace in the city of Vienna there waa a dread of hydrophobia, and ordera were given to maesacre all the doga which were found uoclAiined or UDcodajred in the city or euburba. Men were employed for thia purpose, and they gentrally carried a short o.i;K, whuh ihey i!aQ»{ at the poor pre- a' nbod animal with bu.:h certain aica aa ejtier to kill, or uiiiu it mortally at one Iji'jA-. ll happened one day that, close to the edge of tht river, near tne l-'erdin«nd'a lirticke, one of these rnen ll' his atick at a wrticb'.-d dog, but with scijh bad aim tiiat It iell into the river. Ths poor animal, ijiloxiug his ia=;i:ii :, or hia teaching, imciediatfcly plunged in, redt-ciitd the alioK, and iai i it al the feet of ita owner, â- ,vlio, snatching it up, dadoed oat the crea- ture's brains. Whi ;h waa the brute '• There are men ia whom ia no spark of gralitu 16 or generosity. There are Othera aUo appreciate beueiiia received and are happy la making .gratifal acknowledy- mcni. Iljv. J, W. Aaheman, one of the most el:.f|uei,t oi-. :--;es of Detroit, Mu-h,, writes March ird, la-u: â- â-  lu l-'-'l 1 vijiied Chat- nam, iJni., lo lecture and preaoh. 1 waa in »goiin:;:ig pain iihe rebuh of kidney dia- nr :.-rd), aiid jtiabic to dine with my boat. 1 â- .Aplaiac'i tj J'lige Wcv la -.vhal wad the lontur. Uj a-kc-1 mi if I was too pr-ju- .1. . I by -n;. n.e ii -al clucalDn to try War- ier Sai-- i.'a.'-e. »,i li:-g : • .\i;h.)U.;'-! i have i.e'.i-r tried 11, 1 .I'l taKe ;. ja to a gentle- iu»;i whom it r,»^ h-.- 1 ;>•_-! W'i-iierf-,ill> .' •• 1 used -'â-  b ,'.'..-.s .'f V,'ar::-r'a .â- iafe Cure ^nd wan ;:; c,".,i.-i; ilth ; »u fjr i-.-.-jaty. r. .'.-years. 1 hiVc ev-ry t.^.ic.; t ^ ijj-i aud net'. lag 1} gain jy miSting inis asate.iieni. aavt- the a; proval uf a goj^i ;judCi--:-r <.' I'nere ar-.- t^i.s of thouian is of people la ihij C'. lairy .v.i ) have gaii.ej the approval of a gjjl Cj;-.= .!in;a : ; a -lie ;!iia:i-.-r. aai are not too bigoiiei to do good. l> i.ii\ 1. wiru fai.s »»iFE. Tlie Miu Mil" i- -i.) l!ii.ii;iii,-. HIiiKrll i" le ii,ii;iii< 1 I. > . Clviin _\ - III ih*t r-air, tti- â-  1,-Ui,'- a; '1 1 10 Aiith .n v h -1,1 nl -. ' a r ,nr.f,i! m-iniei ta'c, la Alio-..' I pro.v lie no dr-'U .â- \ll-a. of .Mi. ten yei enj,iy f- Clanricarde, atlli lingering tho oarda and ^*'''''' '" »pe»l'.--to be nuablo uvun to show < 'lanricvrdi who w-aa adjur-d In hr nl, Ihe ni'.vs gently lo ll-telh'. aid 10 le- u'"cd 10 hia darling ill vav a his one a, ion. I aud faithfiiUy belcvevl 1 ller,', then, waa a loophule, for whuh IMra. w-ia -,.irro» f-illy grateful. Of courai' she was sorry. Vmi cannot Inar of the dangerous illness of a handacme y.uing cr.-'kturi' yon havi- known all hia hie. and not he in,ive,l in that part of your nature which g"ea l.y the name of bowels of coinpaaaion. Hhe tol,l her the aad news with really admirable snfinesB of manner ami tiniii-.'lar,,!, hut implied, nwnpathy. .\nd she did not fall foul of thi' h.-aila-lie wlu.-h kept the poor girl inviaihle in Ihe nfliriioiii when Anthony Harford called, an.l a- ni her lo bed bi-fnr.i h r natial tune 1,1 make that headache ileciiiedly worue by vvieplln.-. 1 liable to aeellr'tclle .-\nthonv role cfl to th. Hou-er Houae for l.-ity llli^^ahclh, and waa comforle,! to liiid that she waa al home. 11 iiv deeply h,- reveieil her ' how liMiderly 1,1 admired li"r I " Vou are a, arc like a w.mian 10 m -," he aaii\ I . her lo dav. " Vou are like one of those biiLiililiil p :, .-an goideaaea run iiil- llie nioiiM of an llni;li.ali young Indy ! " She laiiglu da little ally I) and color,'.! with embarraaHinont and pli aaure coinbincd " Iho oKl gcldeases were rather vague and vapory crcalun-s," slie aaid, speaking ill the air, aa pi.ipK' do who have to say iiomi ihiiig wlun llnir hr,'aat la thr.ibtiiug. and iheir lirain confused 111 conse<)uence. I know sumo like to them" .\nth.iny llonKing ot Mall lie , " as vague, aa vapory'. as unattai. table. " "Shori of cr>ini; for the moon, what ia iiiiatlainable ' " ah,. asked, thinking neither of llatelle nor of Icrself. " Khoiild be to a man, nothing," said .-Vnthony. -lu active life there wonM be nothing if hn were strong and kiiosv his alphabet. Hut whi'ii yon come to eay and how she is to he approached, and how ahe ia to he won the scene changes, and what he has learned in thecamp dotsan't .juite 1 ve him in the drawing room." ' ll depends on tho woman," aaid l,adv Kli/aboth. " I'o you halievo in magic ' " he asked, abruptly. "No," bIu. answered, " Surely not 1 I'o you ' " I don't ijuite Know," ho anaweied. " A month or ao ago I would have shouted â-  ,\o' with the loihieat ; but now -1 aoariv know what lo think." There was a piiiuo. Then I.ady Kli/ahclh Raid, in ralher a low 1 " I'doirt ,piite | Mrs. Mary l.-.timir, relict of Andrew know to what yon are alluding, ao 1 oaniiot | ],»timer, gentleman, late of Harlev atr.-.-t, really answer jo'i- 1 oaiiuot toiioh your 1 l,on,lon, and n,>vv of No. 1 tl-ehaiile I.aiie, t'"""' , I ThorlH'ri;h, u".,l hal foun.l l-r of a.mnd " aofnoconi>e,itienoc,"hnanawcreii ,„i,„i ,41,,^ ^vh , and h! and proper recipi.'ut with a slriuige commingling of cixreloaanesa > (,( ,|,^, trimes'tral two hundred pounds, am dea,H,tiiluin, " But I feel aa if a spell 1 "lUHitl" aaid Marv, There s no had been caat over me somehow. To try I oooaaion. Kverv thing ia' iiiat as it should and not anooeed -to be dumb when you be, and nobody's a penny the wiser." ' ' • 1 -\"i . : 1' ; I - : 1 '.: 1 ; â- '.! i , ,,1: -!. th vi-, --', 1-' ,! |,-_.ii-. 1 < .--aril, 'a b\ ;-l M,-l\.. 1 ucdt,-.! a V- i â-  %lly when one i-i ui mi ' ilraii,- ») wi r,' Ciac.r: -ar,;. - ,-,i iliia , el;,l't I;'.-; Ir.'.l a ', w , li-n •-; - i-.i,- i'|i:iil loa th' u-aii'l lo t) â- -•' ro:io,l . Iliac door no hia. k nn ' d u -i( la ', I'.n 1 ., ithiii w!. ',1' j;iil :, ;i n s.-rv,iir ht ma'^-a iiaclf f-.-It. Latiuii-r waa the widow of a conain Clann .aril'-'a who ha i .ii, d ab,.iit r.' «.;o. Iia\i-ig only hia r-lict to ir hr lif'ti-u". bat no children to divide hid nindct fortune after her di aih. Will' 11. h .vvever, Ciidn l.atiiiK 1-. then piite an tlierly mai . , ! ose to marry ac.riitin Miaa St.>'n',of wh mi no ooe ha,i i-v: r h-'arl of wh'.ise birth, pvr, ntag-.. odtlc ui in, and ant'cedenta nothiet; what: ver was kno.Tii tl-..n. maiidy ,nv: i.;io the iiiiervenu >n o' Clanncanie, h h,i r.--'e-ile 1 ihia i .iro Inction of a airanger, with poiiaihle ir.fanH lo f jl- lo'v aa a wroM-; d..iic to p lor licorice's exp,- laliona, ih-re had been h it lutl • between the former friends aii.i chiiins. There waa one â-  i^l^t link hi'twicn tin- hoiiai-p. but it waa a v, ry aliuh" one. It was ai'iiply Ihit- .-V K'in;slionac woman, one Mary I'mshv, who hi^ been Charhe Daborne'a i.uri,. un.l whihailn. d wrh the vicar a family 1 'I M r, I Kl .irn" do- I was now Mm I. atiioer'a servant She hai lirst nursed Mr. I.ttimer on hia death bed, aiul hail cmtinned in her plaic aa h:a widow's ath-ndant. .\fler the ,i' 1 u>-nlle mau'a liealh. her I'.vn motli-r, al-'.' a widow. Inid ri'iuined lo l.'.iiulon from'-' to ho near har d.inghter. .\nd with thia ciidod tho Crosby relalijiia with Iheir ,11 homo. No one ever heard of lb- 111 a^ain. savo thai Mrs. Crosby waa deal, and that Mary still went on taking c-ire of the old ladv. Meanwhile, about ten or eleven years ago J uat after Mra. Cr.isby .lied the oKl lii.iy hit l40ndon, aiul took a houae on the o at ikirts of Ihe village of Thorbergti that village where Th.'ift waa one of the genie. men's hotisea whioh enabled the scanty trade to live. One of .Vnthony llarford'a tenants, ahe waa also one of his moat a,itiafact..ry -paying her rent with praiae- worthy punctuality, never asking for a aet-otT on aooount of repairs, never asking for Homething lo be done to the drains, for new kitchen range, nor for another kind of cisternâ€" seeming to deaire nothing ao mu -h aa jioace and the abaenco of all causes for coiitt'ulion, 8ho kept only this one servant, Mary, and t-hc wanted none other she said. I'm always glad, Mary, when 'luarter day has come and gone," said the old la.^y one day 1,1 her servant, after the usual formaliiies hail been g.vne thri-iugh wh 11 Sir. Troll,. r had come to duly examine ami port on the pontinned existence cf There la no mi-iaking the man, says the Cli-v-_iar.,i ' ,'1, ri. who la 1.1 l.'.e witn his wife, lie iiuBiiaes hiois.lf the lu.-kiest man on earth, and hia little wife ia j'lsl eueagh a genius to ki-ep be.i-.-f =trencth- ene>i. Love is the essence of life, and there Id no love like that which endures throagh all the trials and tribulations of wcuJed hf,' an i 18 still strong and taiihful aa ea^h life nears ila close. Nowaiaysa n;an ei- pecta hia wife to be bcm-tl..;ic injre thai; a g i.-o i h .i3ekee|'ei er a laiihfal aiteujaat upe:i h;a missii-.g ^ill^l oattjua. Ii-- war.ta to ';â- 'â- ! in h, r a cc-ni-anij.' or.} wiih whom he can talk and ciijuange ideas, who syin- p*thi. s with hill, and who atrivea to be di emed worthy of his every coatiieii -e. Siioh a wife atl iom faila in keeping h-.r hiisUiiud'a alleetior. and respect, bhe is ahve to alj h.s vittiies arid faults, but r: •.- uo«9 not ignure the former entirely and re tlale hin i ,; V viiih a I.-!.'.; lijt cf his fa;l If there IS one toi;.^ ir.ire loan ai.oti;- r cal -.Ut ! :.- r li . . ;.'.ae. a .: "r.-.-su.- h i[ ; u.eas ana jjeace of mind 1: is th- nt-\ L-r var) IVi; f'.r'i ic cf a "r.v.-cirg wi;.-. 1!,' Very appreciati., ..' L.s -. .na s ai;d a litlle biiiut 10 hid failt: 145, that is ih, beat nicti' :i CuLiw r >.,':i, ( ri ;,l a i::a;-, \\::)\ lo.::-.' virta-a than h- poiseaa-,..'. »• .1 11 iA-:e .a-is ' -i: ,if t- -. h,- will • ' l-.-av.-r t.i be ; la; as ^.'.ilas .oUh iivM ., :â- â€¢. tc I,-. .i..e a.-oa i,'^ - a,l 1' -1 .1 for t,;e » ,c;,»l; w t-i.veidv 111 liT attire ano r.ap,cl ia ' 1 'se. No cue car cjrcer bIc .' IS t!-.- : to be Vle-A-,-,I 111 tl,,' ll :;• of a l.i_I -cted wife but in many i-iises ihe wife is more or less lo blame for being so nen|-- i- i. N,» l-*.«<'e!« at till' Willi. ,iw!>. New Vjrkera n-v-r ait ic. li; :.- w.oii.vs loei'j.y the entari,i;-.ini,-nl f ruishod bv the pre ssion of p.'opie ami venioK a, writes a N, * Vjrk correspondent .>f the St. L.-'uis li-i b'ic. I don « i'-.lieve I have Seeu a lienuiuelv fashicuahio Nciv Vo'k man or w.inian lo'--U;pg oui of iv window of liuir own housi'S 10 year.i ll is an nnapoken and unwritten law that you ah.all keep en of fuhl, and shroud the int-rior of ycir hoiiaes with layer on layer of lace cnrtains, i.flentimes with as many a^ fear .littereat s-uof ihem al i-ach wiiulcw. The only lime a man id privileee.i lo watch tho preiuenaders is at his cinb, and there many of Ihem do ll with a yeni;ear.ce. .\ woman never 1 'v'k~ into ih-.- str, el from her houae, \ cu may walk down I'lflh avenue :il any lime of d.ay. aiui in.der no ciroamsiances, uiiK s a military parade was in procreas. I wmil.l you see any w.imaii of that house oi.iei than the servants. I presi.;ne I liavc p>sa«l by the houses of :he Vanilerbills, t â- â- .' ,V»to.-a, t'le Hoelets and CiouKls hniidreds of times durii-g recent years, and not a sign of life have 1 aeon beaije that coalri nuled by the uieuiala. The custom is 'loubtiesa foundtvl upon common sense, because bv sitting 111 windO'Va pei-ple be oome oon:ipicu-'ua, and the alleged inten- tion ,if " gold for.n " is to remain a.-ree'ii'd from the vuluar sorntiny of ihe public. But it ia well enough to set l.nvn this par iiciilar featiuo of our a.ivauced condition of civili.'.ation, because, if I am not mis- laken. the eniovable habit of sitting in wiiido'va la praoliaed lu tnoal other cities, Ot I'oiirs*, wu lose a vast amount of enter taiimieut by foregoing th# habit, for a siady of human nature as yea liiui it on the Blroet ia educaliugand charming. Bat here we are, for the sako of that severe granddame Good Form, veiling the aun and our fellow creatures from our faahionable ga,-ea by these very stunning seta of ex pensive curtains. It ia like a theatre with the drop always obacuriug tho iiicturea behind it. iTo be Cvuuinuivli. I'lesident Uarrisou doos not kiaa babies nol bc.longiug to his own family. When at hia public recepiiona .•» chnbby child is held tip to him by a proal'mother he ainiplv pvi-i liie y.-ungater'a head smiles and it he likes Ihe lo ika ct th- babe, mav even say, "Ah, u'o 1 " This is very dllTe^'i.t from Mr. C tv land's practice. lie always kissed the baby. A New \ ork man was so oiaagreeably jwrsiaient in pressing his sin; ui.h a widow that she waa compelled to have him ar rested and he was fined ?10 He pai.l the line and we'. I ,<ireclly to her houae to renew his plea. She hid him again iiireste.i, and wheu aaked if hu wjiUil pr.'iuiao to stay away from her he t^aid that he i>ould not, aa he lovc.l her too much. So he went to the island for ISO daya. Two to one he will matry her when he get a oat. • It • .« ^ i*"

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