THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE leaeral Rews. Joliii Bri;i)rt died VVuAvesJiiy moriiiii<! last. Robert T. f/incrlii haf been notiiiiijitt'd United iStatcti Miiiiatur tv Grent Hiitaiii by President Harrison. Mr. McCarthy lias rcctfjted a tlire«teii- iiiL> letter fniiii Hustun in coiinectiuu With his Rtand on the Jesuit ((uestion. A Dtinvor robber succcecied in friefrten- iiii; the [jreHideiit of the First National Hank of that city into Klliotr out a cheque for 8-1, IXX), liaviiig it cashed and leavini; ill safety with tin; money. The Methodist i]arsoii,if»o at Syien- iiain, .Aciiiinytoii County, wa.s wrecked by a ilyifaiiiite e.xplosion on Saturday. The lemaiii.s of .John Jlri-^ht were iiir terred on Saturday in the cemetery at Uochd.ile, the fm.'eral ccreiiionies lieiiij; of the simplest and plainest character. Two freii;ht trains collided at .ianies- towM N. Y..Siiiiiliiy. Hntli eii'.;iiics iveru wrecked and tifteen frei^dit cars destroyed. Coiuluctor Yefiiiian fat.-?My and two others hadly liiirt. Hon. J. H. Pope, Nfinister of Railways ami (^'anals, died^at Ottawa on Monday. The deceased minister wa« (iT) years of as(e. The remains wero iiiien"ed at ^ CoiiUsmro, Quebec, yeslerttey. COf.NTY AN!> msTPIcT. Hur^lars burtjlarizcd in a Collingwood store last week. No due. Diphtheria i» iirevalcnt at Canitlla and Mono Centre. ! Sanuiel NobK>, (Wfrested iff theft ir» ' ' Shelbnrne. escaped from the kickup last i and will be prepared to show their numtroMS customers a "'"^'^ •'"""'*""" '"''^'â- "'â- '"-â- •'•'""â- ^^' . 1 â- /â- 11 J • » I ^' '" rep< rted that a cmiipaiiv has Iweii very choice selection oi scasonanic floods, comprising novel- f'omied m chesiey to bore fr.r "as. They bei;in operations in tha Leather ig Sole 8ui)port Mun ! the of FIEST AIM. consi'Tumep-t of M c:; .<, jVit'TL-^Wlfc M.Richardson & Co. ,ire opeiiin!.; up this week their extensive purchases of SPRING- DRY GOODS QUALITY OUR I have received a ve."v larj,' Women's and Children's BOOTS ^ SHOES From .-orne of the best inanuraclurcrs in Ontario, and a-:n better able to supply my custoin^rs fh^^n ever i)efore, at jirices uhich, consi'lcrins,' equality, ( ,innot be surpassed W. CLAYTON Photos, intemi (o council chamber. had a most successful clearin'r s'al'e their stock this , The Dundalk Herald and operations in Ilruce Herald. ties in both colors, stvles and materials. . Having' had a most successful clearing s'al'e their stock this , The Dundalk Herald and Markdale _â- 1 , .• i.„„. TiU~ K_ „ ^ _ 1 II 1 Standard jvre howlina Iwcaii-se two news season is almost entirely new. It has been Carefully and ^,,,^.„ ,„,,„.,, ;,,„„%,.,„„ Photos, rithouf ^iTiii^ credit, boo ! (Crceinore Star. their paper Biny h»n) ' Boo closely bought, their foreign manufactured goods being Jm- norted direct from place of production and Canadian goods „ ,,,, „, , ., „,, ' „ . I Mr. 1 hos. I urn«r. of the San con., contracted foratthe manufactories before the recent advance '. Brant, h«>t throe valuable fatteiiini; cat- tle one day hiat week. He let them out in prices. , f,,^ water and they broke tlirou);h the ico on the Saui,'ee>i river and were drowned. ' Mr. Turner has been most unfortunate in this respect, as he lost a number of cat- tle in thn saiiio way last spriiij}.- [Bruce Herald. ., , ,, r . 1 /A-i !•! • »»• -^ young woman in Dresden, named on Monday the first day of April, on which occasion Miss Emily steel, a^ed i: years, died a short Oil she Grand 3Iilliiiery Opening close and careful buying can give. Maud Richardson will be pleased to see as may of hor lady ' *;"'*^^'"<"; 'â- """' " ''^'^""'^'r '^'T'"'^ ' -' â- ' the Sunday previous t,i hor ilestli ti lends and p.itroiis as can make it convenent to come and coinmenceil smc/.m^. and nithouLdi imth- f , â- . 1 r »»ii- 1 . • » • Uii;' was tloMi'dit of it at tiist, it continued, her choice stock of Millinery and trimmings. An inspec- |a„d on Monday a physician w«s called m. tion of goods and p.iiccs will evidence our determination to ^ "*'"'"< '^""''' .^' 'i"!'.'"' '"'"f*''''' •" " ' . check It until the fuUowiiix Saturday, give customers all the advantages that long experience and « "hen sleep overcame the malady, in this itnts she soon became unconscioui and died Sunday niornmg. At the I'oUou Work*, Owen Sound, ^ 1 tliinf{i are b«iii(i put in thap* for the laz- ing u{ the bh>cki for the lieel uf the new boat. The new steamer will toon b« readj to slide into the water, if Capt. j Canaii can only ){et that dirt throwu nut. I The dredffo ia didnn immense work now j and keeps things fairly "huinpinK." The I lirst cut is completed, and one can stand and look down into abnut tifteen frrt «f water wheie the drnd|{e liss been. The soil seems very solid, niul there dosen't seem to ho a bit ,>f slip oren at the shore. OiiKndav, Duncnii McMdIan, an employee at the tilcn Mills, in Sarawak, alioiit six iiiiles from Owen Sound, mot with an accidont which ileprived him of his riL'ht hand The man who was ein- ployeil at the •â- dijiiii; niacliiiie wns called away for an lioiu to attend a sick person .It bnhoiisi-. and McMdIan took hiK place, and w.w Ml tlu' iul of ehMriiii» a pieo"- «»f id.;iir<; ffiim the .side f^ftlW j.'a<li;e. wheu Its hand raiiie iij contact, with the saw, wliicli resulted in suiumarv auipntatU'li at the wiist. l)c ICidwii, was called m, and IS atteiidiinj the unfortunate man, who is doint; :ut well as can be cxpeeleA rituus. TliK llirmFOIIII 1,1(1111 STHIIL l!l\lllil{! Ov<'r Tour TliitiiMiiiHl Hold In Hoasoii IKMM. ittMiiu .>l<»r«' llnirorall Otlirr KliHlor.s made In ruiiatiii. Ilef<irn|i1iu-lii;( til. ir .iicliM* tm iHt J, <v., rr<| ttulls 11 ijiiiitl till, fiiriiii'!„ li' 1st i!«r«!(iilh ••iiiiilt'ii) tloi "llri\tttr>>l' I M iiihuiHM' uli I i.iithriillv iiitliip'iie vvitli ol)i-tr,4. lilllll lo. s. I Saturilay w.t\s rui tuihu: ky <1uy for tiiv :;iiil i:ii>|iiii<> uf MHii iittichb'HK wlxi have iimtl 'Iiiuiitr<>rii MiK'liiiioA ' and Mft thxtr opinuiii o I luii'ldlo ol tli<t <lay Mr. Tliornhill luitl tUoir ifctikitiji ht\>\ ItiHiiiiM <(iiiilit»"* If you will frrllnw till' fllt.iV.t fttlviUlt, V<MI Will hn «M>:n i tU'O.I uf.thi' if tW.i f(l(t>* iHt. "ItirtMlfuril Miicliliii'H uii> plâ- llhtill^ull of iiitii't* iiit])ri>vi'riutiit>t itriil rirn Imttttr iiui<lr thiiii iiiiy othrr innrlilii(t« Iti Cuii (dii, iiiii "Urr\iitriir>l Mni'tniiih ' tiit* iiioin |i(i;iiilnr.t{i vi< I ml lor tinbnifimlioti.aiul niv iiuuu tin rub ti* than a tiv othor iiini'lilii<-K In <'riiiu<tii 'f hitrii/oni : iNl (iivn vniii iinltn' V. \itl.V f>)i' (I Urantforit ltirtrl<>r or Mower *lnt\. Aihl you will Imi tutnt in lin i>orfi'rtlv H^tiiitted with tliM itiAcltiiit* \iui ^-(tt ThA Kti'td Krnnii' ponblt' (irnr Itt'iivri- iMill. thn milv Doublo (4rnri«l Drill iiuinufiirturixl in CnnAflH No othor <lrtll but tht) l>nulil« ((I'ltrf^'l 1 >rtl1 will ntAit t<> kuw tlir niiuiicnl it iiiovoh iMtlior WAy. NnnUirr ('rill run bu n<tiititi"1 t>> mow witli rutin r bitlfnt. ti tinm witlmut ^ll<|'|lin^ tlu< lu>rHi<K or KntUnt;\i(rilti> drill rtiU s \I.): l;^ TllOS. A. HLAKELY, Kl,i;silKUT()N Heard's Cc^rriajji^ Works. to make a Imm' to pull a two v<Jar-old cdt uf Ills out of n cistorn into which it had walked, .it .m\ o'clock when .Mr. H. Woltoii wiMit to put hit valiialile throo yi'ar (dd colt up for the ni'.jht, it ifas niiss- iii'.' and search led to tlie .stardini; dis- covery that the uiifortmiate *hiuto had j;ot thr"in,'h the fence into the adjoininj lot, tthieh is a vacant one beloin;ii\s{ to Mr \V. ll.,Iones, and had fallen down a forty foot well, which had only boon covered with l,,"ise hoariU. The animal was, of coiirsr, killed, ami was left in llie Will till Moiiilay afternoon when it was with Boino tlitliculty hoistod up. The c<dt was a proniiMiiii; one which could not liavt* been hoiioht 'or $llH) | Ml Korest Kep. III«'ii-»r>wnr Wrcrkfd. MA^fUKACTniKKDF : Ciivrin^es, Jiiii^^uis, ]\'<i<i'nn.s. S/ri^'/is, Ciiltrt-s. iSc-, <\('. Hpecial Alteiitioii siven to I>AINTIN(I, TKIMMlNd, lloUSK SllOKINti and al kinds of .fOH WollK. Nothmi; toit f^rst class material iistid throughout aud satisfaction )('<'>'^<>t"'"'' ^^ " havn for sahi -Ijiimbrti', I.4titli iin<l Kliinjf lem.- «AI Isu Ag«nl for Dick's ilolleni, Mowers and Hinders, Diok's riiainpion, } •K ly, (lrana»r and Stamlard flows. Two ami Thrt-e Furrow (l«n« Horse I'owum for 4 Horios Straw Outters, ScuWers and Turnip «/0/fiVI/. tlKAIll*, Uurham Street, rir»hrrlon. I Ak'ki.vm), Miucli. â€" Advices ro- ocivcd licic ri'^jiinlinj; the liurrioiuic ' wliii'li.di'Viistaled Siiiiioii iiiui wivokcd II iiiniihcr of (ii'iiimii and Aiiievioaii wiir.sliips, s;iys the stunii Hwept iho isliiiidH on tiie llltli lu.Mt. All tlu< I WHlslupt) attoiiipted to i>iil to sea, Init only the Hiiiiaii iiiaiiofwar Ciilliiipo ' Riu'ceedcd in )j'''l'i"K »"^' Mi'ivliaiit vessels siilYcvoii sevonily. The l)ar()0 Telor (lodrthT)', nno otlicr Imniiios iind srven cimsteiR woro wieckiid and four imrnoiiH woro drowned. Tlio Koyal Rob {'allii)|)ii Bailed for Sydney. Tho I'etcr (iod"rti'tfy wan a (l<nnmii bar(]iic. She liiul aniviil hi Saiium froin Sytliioy. I'lows Drills Photos. n« arr note turning out work far tupertor in ttyle and finish ta ii;iy cier pro- duced in Fltiherton. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE RA TES. PICTURE FRAMING donein all its Lramhr*. A ^ood stork of' FJiAML'S and MOL'Ll)L\GS kryf consUintl/i on hand. Will aho int'oduct the n.ic KKOMIDE POIiTRMT. .i picturt that is giving entire salis/nction icherere-r introduced. SA.VPI. f'S can be teen at mi/ Gallery vhere all particulars ut to Price, Slylf if., can hi.<iji<:er. , tainsd. JUMS. MJ^LMMM, FLKSHEKTON . H0O8IERSTEEL FBAHE fiRAIN DBILl GUARANTEED THE BEST YK tc^iiliktoJ to THE WORLD U %( »>^ tU«Ui'U v.t«i>Ui wiilu. ^O (vriirn nKII.l. in»ao can l>« iust«utly to|<iiutk' tho tt'ftin, NOOTHKK UUUilj will *iow all kinds of crRin tU^rouKlily exen. ami prppcrley c^nvrod 9X uui onn depth in all kindn of noil. NO t>'l'HKU IMIIIJ- roinni«i)ot>ii to row tlw iuHtant tlw liovittfvccniiucnce to niUse* no t,Tonntl w !umi Htartint: in. i\(t»*r turnlnc NO OTI1KK DUIId. o<inaU thr Hoo^Nm- wbon uhihI ait a cultivator auit no aiuslc cultivator ant' A!>Hi'« It. tliUK conibiniut; two iuiptiunontM in one Itf oxon^s Itfe-vir Steel Binder. Set* tbt> Kroiitt"Cl invi'iitbui of the a^o In our now kuolior whiclk outit but ouo cor.l. rjakea uu wante lUidH nnd Havi>» cord in MiiiMiii;. J. H. CAMPAIGNE, a<;knt. I!(i\ ior> NOXON BROS Mfff. Co. KI.KsllKUToN. \\ i^eiM'll, Out. Rnid Our .\i>w BUvscriittho (atiiltttfiir for tKS!>. Ur^^al ltar«i:aiiis ON- FLESHERTOS miLABs Mi fM mmi S. Dsmiul.' ulTi'in lol vale \\M,-t liilK of lo.| IC, Con II, I-tiil'hi us(ft, tho 'l'iill>ot fnnii 1(X> Kcros, llvnth all , lM»tu>il slut unttei culliYslH>ii|. ^'JkWKl. S.VhU'uHli. l^dlsiK'c cMit reiuHin uii uh*i lifiUkO ikt 6 I'ltl cent. iVIi»i*U<hil«» l*i*op*?i*ty, Dwt'tliiiv: houso Slid Nliop on S^ill .-It.^yorn.r lot i »1"01MXI. I l8iiiro» ill 111.' t'OWNsmr of .\KrKMKSU j llrli'k lii.iiKi. itn.l Koo.l l>arn.i\,liotiiiitf; Vlt,l..\(l|C ol k'l.l'SHKISroN. »1 iSXl Kovdiltliol psitlon sri apply to S |i.K.Mt DK, Kluslimtcu North jiurt of l.o» n. foil :, ^'.ul>hr^^^>l^, 110 Acrt'i*. *) i*oi»is t'losro.1, Iu.uh*. siuI ham. ♦V.V. fixi eiwh. Iwlniioo at th» (ixl of S ycurs sl I PlaniiiiJ Ulhl MatCllillU, IV SiMirooiit. Aiipl) tu I 8, DAMtni:. Klf»sl>«rson Having piirchivxHl the Flcsherlon riaiiiuK Mills fron H. .1. Sj-teule, Ksn., Inowttesiia to iuforin tluv PUBLIC that I Hin ill a position to «\gi ALL KINDS Kor d,'f«lH<psia and livor 0(unplaint you hsvp a vriiited t;uamnt«<(< on every lH>ttlo of ShihiUV vitalirer. It never fails to cure. Kor salt> ^t th« Mvdionl Uall. Qoueral plauiDg mill work, fiieh as SASH. DOtntS. \)00\\ IMiAMl-:^ iwina.otc. (ioo«l 1YArkiu»i)Klii|i Uii»riiiit4*r4. .\ liirj,'e iiuuntuv 01 goiHl dry [viiv hiuibei- on hand, 1' lo.shwtan . 1 9 ( f 'V: