Da!ch Lallabr. Wynken. Flycken iod Sod on* ai^bt b&iled off in & w- -o-irn sh â- >« â€" Sailed oo > nv^r >j( ruiity light Into ft &&& u( de«. " Where »r« yo i :{ :>iaj tai wh»t dj jou wiih T The old m'ica ftiktvi '.h-s three. •• We h&ve C'jza^ to liia for toe herrisg-lLsh Tb%t live ia triU b^Autifal le* ; }ieta of silver »â-¡<! j >ld owro we, " Sail Wvuien, And X >1. The old m x>n lan^be*! and sung a song A3 they r eked in the wx)den fthoe. Apd the wind tba: Jt-«d them ali night long Koaed the wavrs .jt dow ; The U t o 4 »r3 -erath* h-rring-ftjh That l;vr^ in th^ beaariful se*. •• Now ca-t y-'ur ae:* wherever you wiab. But never afcartd are we"â€" S3 ciied tbe sttrs tj the iihermen three, Wyi kec. BlvDtceo. And Sod. All nigh; '.org thei- net* they threw Kor tbe dsh ii the twinkling foaia. Then 'Iowa trou the iky came the wooden sh'"e. Bn.i.iDg the fiihannen heme. 'Twas a 1 >a pretty, a sail, it seemed As li i: could not be. And acme to^ks thooght 'twas a dream they dn-amed Of sai'inc that bcaatifal sea. Hot I (hall nanae von the hshermen three : WyLk ci hUnke::. A^d Nod. Wytkcn and Clynken are two Uttle eyea. And NiJis»!i::iehead, And t! e w^;en »hM ^ha-. sailed the sk ei Is a wee on-'- tmndle-hel; 80 ehu: your eyes uhi e mother sings Of uoiiderful bUhts that be. And yo.i sh«<l see th^ beajtifnl things .\8 v<;u rock on the misty sea Where the o.d shoe r,x:ked the dshermen Wvr kec. Blvuiei:. And Nod. ONTAEIO LECtISLATUEE. m BJli were reid k third .vKnr !iu.&uii>. Complete List uf the New Tints Se«a This !«prlo^. to b« rbe " Domtsii,: Mjnthly " (or Marsh The following time and p*6i«u To give reprKeauiion io the Legislative A.ssembiy to the DUtrLss of NipiWag â€" ilr. Hardy. Hsspacting steam threablrg machines â€" Mr. DruTT. To protect the b»che« and shore* of the Provitce a^aisss depredation â€" Ur. Drory. The Bill to amecJ the Public Health A.ct (Mr. Gibson, Hamiitonf waa read the third lime. Ii pro'-iics toat in the acorganized diiUicta the stipeodiaty majjiiiraied may act as fx cficio ciedicai aealih <iS.xn, and that the health board may, subject to the approval ot the Licat^^nant Governor, ap- point sanitary irepectors. The Bill has been framed to meet the exigtnciea of an epidc-mi: in Nipissing. The Bill to amend the Free Libraries Act (Mr. Ro6=. Micdlesei) was read tbe 8tc3na time. It ecopoaers Free Library Boards to establish evening classes for the insttuciion of mechacict. etc. Mr. Gibson iH»mil!:;ni ictroaaced a Bill to amend the Ontario luaarance Act. Mr Whitney « BUl to amend tbe Elec- tion Act came up (or a secand reading. He explained the object cf tbe Bill, which was to amend the present la 7 in the direc- tion of adding ptinishment by imprison. meet to that of the money penalty already inflicted for cf enct.8 of bribery, intimii^ tion and nndae indaences. According to his proposition persons foacd guilty of bribery thjild be fined J'.'OO, as at preaeni, and also be hiole to a term ot eix months' imprisonment or more. He was very strongly of the opinion that the pecuniary ptmishnient alone wss quite iradtquate. It also provi;ed that persons receivine bribes should be liable to a term of imprisonment in addition to tbe existing fiae. Ferfoni using undue induenoe at electioas should alao be subject to imprison, ment. He said that the present znt 0'. $200 for bribery was a mere public farve great deal gives the followirs list of the principal »=>i. «tere was a K«at deal of ocrrupl.on â- - " . . . r . ^.^«^ taking piace auricg the general elections. His eit*rien.-e had proved conclusively colors of tbe seas,.>.. and their deacxiption Ea-pire tireon Dull yei;o«i«h gretn. Keeoâ€" Sha.ie lighter than tinjire. Dragonâ€" A blui.h green. £sterhsz> â€" A foliage iireen. Chambreâ€" Faiut tone of grteu. Printemps â€" Light lettuce shade. t^outelle â€" Faint jjrass grsen. Lime or linden â€" The inner side of the lime leaf absde. Garajn â€" Turf grten. Rcseau â€" Graviih reed green. Kesedaâ€" Mig^cLeiie. Vert ae ^rw â€" Dark green. Florentine â€" Dark bronze green. Snowballâ€" Whitish grten. Willowâ€" Shade of a willow trte leaf. Nile â€" Fale ursen (or evening wear. Linooln and lijbia Hx)i â€" Pwitive grccQ. Yewâ€" A deep green. Chartreuse â€" Yellow green. Water crefs- A clear faint green. Ivyâ€" Pistacbe â€" Uarjolaine. Canard â€" Duck* wing shade. VanJvkeâ€" Is nniiish terra cotta. Bois do rcsiâ€" lloiewpod shades. Francillon â€" Dark old rose. Aur'ore â€" Deep rink. Beige rosi-Uall fawn red. Bapphoâ€" Lijihl rosewood shade. Scabituseâ€" Farplish red. Vernis â€" Oolden red. Etruijueâ€" Brownish red, V emoteâ€" l>f opt ieh skade ot red. A;*lcaâ€" Kveuinu ahadL't of pink. Bamt roM â€" Brii:ht aabee of roaes tint. Shell grayâ€" A pinkish (jray. Steamâ€" Litsht-ttaoogti dull gray. Graniteâ€" Bloe gray. Oxide â€" DoU silver gray. Columbeâ€" Dcve sr»y- Heron -Whitish gray. Tbe list describes U brown shadoe, with all of which we iire quite familiar, and eight blue bhades, inolnding the new pea- cock, which is a grayish blue. On tbe French color cards there are eight shadea of gray, eight of blue, sixteen of Kreeo. twelve of red, seven of brown, five ot pink, sixof \eUow, four peach shadea, four of white.' three prune tmts and a newvellow white. Many lovely tints are pro^laced from these. Yellow will be a favorite color daring the summer. Kind Uerds Appreciated. All the friends of the late Deputy R<<eve Martin who attended him daring bis suf- ferings besr testimony to the great care and attention shown the wounded gentle- man and indeed all the sufferers by Dr. Kitchen, of St. George. His residence since the accident has been transformed into a hospital and all that medical skill, money, caro and (orethouuhl could do (or the in- mates was done in the kindest and most open-hearted raauner. Dr. Olmsted, of Hamilton, who was not only a ph)sician but a nurso to Mr. Martinâ€" attending him constantly duriuij his illnessâ€" will also be gratefally remembered. The people of St. Oeort;e have by their kindness towards the snffertrs plaoei hosts of friends of the suf- ferers in all parts of the couutrv under lasting obligations to them. â€" irooditoi'': â€" ♦ Tale of the restive Grasshopper. When a Kansas > .iitor makes an alViiavit that he saw a tirasohopper lit;ht down on the back ot a robin and lift him two feet high, inanefforttocatry him off. It is simply one solitary instance of the richness ot the soil of the Stale. Next year ihey are ipjiug to tame lht< i:ra»sbopi'>er and use bim to hunt rats. â€" 2fM.n.',«ri.'i'<' {AU.', Mrrcury. T. GiuM.KB STKWiRT, M D., F.R.S.E., Ordinary Physician to H. M. the Queen in Soo'l-Aiii. Professor of Practice cf Physic in th > rniversity of Edinburgh, in an arti- cle on Uriiihl's disease, says: •• Dyspca-t (diftk-ull breathing) is fre>\ucntly met with in the intUmmatory and cirrhoiio forms of the discasi> and may be in.lepeudent of any loo*l lesion, baing probably a result of utivmio poisoning." And it is well known that utivniic poisoning arises from kidney disea-ie. So much Known, it remains to recogni:?? the fact th»t, to remedy an effect the pause must be tvmoved. and it i-» uni- veri^allv aoknowltdgetl that Warner s Safe Cure is the only reliable remedy for Kidney discaso. King Alex»ndria ot Servi* is 13. The h«ire.*s ot Kun: William of the Netherlands iai*. King Alfonso of Spain is almost 8. •• luvkaby, baby, oa the tree top ; when thowindbbws the cradle will rock," and " when the bongh breaks the cradle will fall." that the pcnishmect imposed by the present law was eutueiy inadequate to the magnitude of the o3enoe. The present law had n^t decreased bribery aid corrup- tion, and it W9: within his knowledge that many men consented to have elections voided and a ne\7 election ordered t-o save further revelations. The propc«ed Bill woold act more as a deterrent than the present law. Hon. Mr. Mowal, in rep l>ing, said that hia difficulty was that he was afraid the proposed Bill would do more harm than good. The present diS;ti:ty was in ^jett'lng a oonvictior.. even when the paaisbment was merely pecuniary. If the defendant was liable to impriiocment as well as a money fine his friends would be all the more aciious to shield him. and the diS": culty of coarictinij would be augmented. He would be delighted to find a way to lessen tbe amcuat of bribery done, but he waa talisQed that the view of his hon. friend to increase ths punishment of it was not cno which would be of any good. In the l'.>minion law they had iraprisonmenl pto»i-;ed for bribery at Dominion elections, •nd tkere was more bribery at the general elections than at the provincial. He thought that this addition was not one which would MTve its i>aipoa*, be«i«iss it wsis too late ia the session to consider a BiU of taoU tssigBiiitde in aU us datails. 3Cz. Meredith fallowed is support ot tbe Bill, lie said that sotaathing mtial be done in the way of ii;;'.oti:aa; a term of :m priionmsnt in addition to a money fine. The rsa«t]B why the Damiaion Act had not operated as it was intacde^ was that judges had not seen their way to enforce the Uw harshly at present. More than one jud^, however, had staled that in future persons convicted ol bribery ne«d not expect to escape as esisily as on previous oocasions. It tvas an anomaly that men should be punished more severely for impersonation, a comparaiively minor oSanoe. than for wholesale bribery. Tbe motion for a teoond reaiing upon being put to a division was lost. Ykas -Mewrs. Clirk. H E Toronto'. Clarke (Wellingtoni, Oruets. I'ell. Uar»i>t!. Hesa, Had»oa. Lee», Meachani. Meredith. MUler. Morsan. Ki>rke, Smith iFrontenaci, Stewart, Tooley. Whitnev. Willoughbv, Wylifr-19. Nats '-Meaan. Allan. An-iutrong. Bishop. Bl-rard. Chisholm. DetJce. Uiurv. Ki»ld. Vre'- man. liibson vHaunltou'. liilmour, (."toii'J. liraham. Harcour;, Har'y. L>ja, McLanghli-j, Master, ilcri-'. Mowat. O'Cot nor. The t>s, Kay- side. Iks* iHnroni. Koss iMiddlesex'. Smith (York, Snider. tfpra<ue. Waters, Wo^.^d .Btant)â€" 30. Mr. Snider'a BiU respecting Municipal Fire Insurance was withdrawn. Dr. Gilmoar's Bill to miuire the owners of elevators and hoists to guard against aooideals was read a second time and re- ferred to the special txmimittee on Bill 1 'J. ! Mr. Cbiaholm's Bill to amend the Act n-speciiug mortgages and sales of personal property was witharawu. Mr. Balfour's Bill to amend the Manhood Sutlrage ^ct was withdrawn. Mr. Meredith in^iuired of the Leader of the Government as to when he intendevl 10 take up the railway resolution. Mr. Mowat replied that his own impres- sion was that the matter would be taken up Wednesday, but he di.l not wish to state positively just at the moment, as he was not sure. The following Bills were introiaced and read a Crst time: To Amend the Ontario Insurance Act- Mr. Gibson. The Manicipal Act Ameniment Act cf 18«;<.lâ€" Mr- Hardy, The Assessment Act Amendment Act of ISS'.)â€" Mr. Hardy. The Ditches and Watercourses Act Amendment Act of ISSil- Mr. Waters. Mr. Uoss ^Middlesex) introduced a Bill to amend the Public School Act The BUI was read a first time. The following Bills were passeil through Committee cf the Whole : To amend the Public Health Act - Mr. Gibson (Hamilton). To amend the Fri-e Librariea Act â€" Mr. Kosa (Middlesex). On the oriicr for the House going iulo Committee of Supp.y, Mr. Craig mowd the following amend- ment: "The EPiilish langusge is the language of the Province ot Ontario, and no system of public i.istruction which does not insure that in exery school aided by Provincial funds, or suppoited in whole or in part by local taxation, th.^ teachers employed are capable ot imparting instruction in the Eugliih tongue, and that every pupil is iu- i:m:ied in it.iod which doe* not rtcogcizs and act upon tbs reccgrition that the Eng- lish lacgoage is to be the language cf su:b schools, and rtqoire that the boukj in use in theaa, except those empbyed in giving religioos iuatraction when and where such instraction it permitted by law, shall be ipprovei of by the Departmsnt having the charge cf eda:tlional af^rs. ii satisfactcr? to this House or wiii m-et with the appro- val of the people of this Proviacs." He sail that the letter of Mr. McLaren, a supporter of the Government, in the 'J'.^ shewed that Uhle^s precautions were tasen Frenih would displace English in the Pro- vince. Tbe PrescoM Jir-^jr/, of L'Orig- nal. said in an editorial : " It must be adniited t.iit the Mi-i-ter of Eduction most have been misinf irmed when he j»id in the House that English was taQ.iht in all the Pabiic Schools cf Ontario " It Slated that many of tha teaeben could not speak Hn;iIisQ, and iiccali be easily under- stood why is sach cases Eaglish was sot taught. He had re examined the book '.ised in the French schools, ana from which he had quoted, and which the Government had oontecdsd was a catechism and not a text-book, and found it was entitled " Syl- Isbair," which translated meant •• spelling- book." (Applacse â- Mr. Mowat sail there was na objection t3 the motion cf the hon. gentleman so far as related to the Pabiic Schoolj. but brought '^rward as 11 was it was 1 vots of want ot confidence. Bat the motion referred to Separate Schools, and he was cot prepared to say theG:verntnent had any j-irisdicucn over them ia reuard to text-bocks. Ii would, CO doubt, be a a'wd thing if tbe Government had this po»-er. He referrsc the Hoase to the 93rd se.- 3. N. A. Act to shew that the Separate Scbxils could not be icterfere-i with ia this matter. 0:i th^se grounds h? must a^k thi House to rtj-ct the amendment. The House then w=nt i.".lo committee oa Bill 53 to ameni the law cf slander. Mr. Frehcli moved Eoms verbal altera- tions. Mr. Hardy describe 1 tbe mearore as one of the mostasloundin;; evvr attempted to be put on the statute bo-oks cf any civilized country. Mr. A. F. Woods opposed the Bill as one which wculi simply be an inducement to young lawyers to get up cases. Mr Fraser supported the BiU, contend- ing that many men sneered as keenly as women did through certsia slanders. He saw no reason why men s-.culd be cxduded from the operations cf the BUI. Mr. Mowat would support the BiU if it were made to apply to women only. The Bdl was amen^Jed and repotted Mr. Levs' Bill ITS- To Prevent the Spread of Contagious Diseasesâ€" was read a seoond time and referred to a special com- trittee composed cf 'Messrs Drury. French, 1 reeman, Gilsjour Waters, Wiiloughby and Leys. Tbe BiU to amend tbe Act respecting the study of anatomy , Mr McK«> i was reai the third time an.i passed. Th! remainder cf the session was taken up in the cocsideraiion ia Committee of the Whole of Mr. Hardy's Bill, " The Mani- cipal Ameodmect Act, li>t>9. ' SappUmeBtArv Esllmatesi. Following is a synopsis cf the amounts included in the supplementary satimaies : lands in the township of Provon up to the 30th day of Octocer, iioS. Sach returns to include aU coUecuons up to 1st July, 1^7. Hr rTnlai-i~-i ihtrthi'i irsi a msnrr of vast importance to his constitaency. The motion was carried. NSWiPAfKJt CKITICUK. It is a priviisge every newspaper reserves to itself to criticize, adversely if needs be. for the public benefit's, aaythiog in which the public is deeply interested. It IS the custon of H. H. Warner i Co , proprietors of tae renowned Kidney and Liver Core, better known as " Warner's Safe Cure,' to flood the country with medical pamphlets The writer has takao tbe Uaerty to examine one of these mar> el- loos little books and finds food for criticism, but, before indulging in it. wiU give otir PXKCMONIA. Tlie STeccssliy 0/ Ke«pta« Tptlie Teatpwr*- tore aad the Borfy H ars:. A docier says that March and April an distincuvely pneumonia months, and pneamonia stalks in wherever the fire is permitted to ges down to tbe rBtnimnm, whether in efaKrah or prirate men, too, who throw off their and run about the streets in the tecih ot a north or northwest wind are playing a losing gams with poeumocia. The man whojast "nms across the street " cat a< his warm c2:e withcai an overcoat is templing pceamoma. Lord Bacon ooee said that an easieriy wind is " neither good for man cr beast. ' The same may be said cf our March winds ouleas Euan ani b ea t are properly protectsd. Ot coarse the only way 13 meet the pieamonia mocihs with reskaers some quotatioas therefrom, from ! any chasce of viciory is to continue the the highest meoical authchties, which we operation of replenishing the coal bin. The 'oeheve worthy of oontideraiion. Under : choice is limply between health a=d a fuB Symptoms coal bin. and the Utter is not nearly so the head of " So Djiinotive Apparent," we dnd ; First â€" Mere adults are carried off La this country by chr:>nic kidney ijlsrewi than by any ether one malady exoept consumption. â€" Thompson. Sccosdâ€" Ceaths frsm such rt;ia».«« ar^ increasing at ihe rate 0! 'JoO pet cent, a decace â€"Edwards. Ttird â€" Brijiht s Disease has no symp- tc:::s of its own. and may long exist with- cut the knowledge of the patient or prac- titioner as no pam wiU be felt in the k.dne>d cr th;:r vicaiity. -Roberts. Fotirthâ€" In the fatal cases â€" and most cases ha'.'e rnherto been (aia! â€" the symp- tcms of diseased kidneys wul rrst appear m extremely ci:?-,rent organs cf the body as stated a'oove. â€" Thcmpson. F'-fih â€" Only when the disease has reached iis ~nal and fatal stages may tue usual symptoms cf albumen and tu'oe casts appear in the water, and will great pain 1 racs the aiseased organs. â€" Thompson. Sixthâ€" Brirfht's disease, which usuaUy has three sta«;es of development, is a uni- versal disease in England and America. â€" Roberts and Edwards. Tnompson is authority for saying that more adults are carried c? in this country by kidney disease than any other malady except consumption. I'nder Warners â- â- Safe Core' article on Consumption, we find a paragraph claiming to be a isola- tion from a publication issued by Bromp- lon Hospiisl (or Consumptives, L;aio=. Ei?gland. which states that oJ per cent, of the patients cf thai institution have '.lu suspected kidney disorder. Ur. Herman Brehmer. an eminent German auihonty. also says that Consumption is always due to deficient nutrition of the lungs, because uf bad blood Medical sci;.ice can no longer dispute the fact that the kidneys are the principal blood purifying organs of the human sys- tem, and if Ihey are .diseased and thus faU to expel tbe uric acid poison or the waste i~:aikrr of the bicod, as the blood passes thron^h these two kreai organs, the " Safe Cure " claiai is ccr.-ect, and the reasoning 0! Its proprietor holds good. 1 here is no doubt but that in too many instances the medical fraterniiy doctor for synaptoms, instead of striking at the roct ot the disease, and that under this form of treatment many patients die. expensive as the daily visitatioas of a doc- tor loaded wi^ costly praacriptions and profsssionsl advice. m Curability of Coa^QtnptloQ. This has been a vexed qaestioo anrtong physicians, opinions, even in the same school, being straogely divergent. Of this, however, the pobUe are coBvisoed : It is a terribly prevaleoi disease, and the average doctor meets with but scant success in treating it. Cccsumplicn is in reality scrofula cf the laugs. and is liable to attack any wboee blood is tainted. For driving out the scrcfulous humors, and thus re- j moving the prtdisposicg cacse, Ur. P.eroe's 1 GclicQ Miidical Discovery is a sovereign I reme-dy. It purifies bad blood, heals »crt>- I fuloii ulotrs, and, whatever diSertcoe of icg advacceu caaee sins that many pro- coazced â- â- inctirable ' have been by it broui^ht back from the brick of the grave to :estortd heidth ai:d vigor. I cpinicn exists as to ca â- -f cocsumption. it ren iiTi. icTemnjact.^ __._.,._ .._- ^^.' 1p~e«iiU,Qi..M.H â€"....»,... -. ^l.iD) Leji-lation _ 1.500 Aiujiniscratiac of ioscice... 4.190 | ilJuaation _ -.. 1*0 PuMio .naiilutiocs, maintenaae* ill A^r.calisre â€" l.TW i'sblle Buildingsâ€" LoEdoa Asylum. __ S.OM Hatnilvon Ai<Iuni «~.». _ T.xO Kington Allium. â€" - l.iv OriuJaAsyluai lAX) braatlord Asviam â€" â€" . i iW Noruial sk-bo^'1, 0:iaw».„ iXD liegutry 0.ac«, Al«-iaa _ iuM Coart-room. I'atry Aooad . ._ __. i.\*.0 Nipissmg Court-r.'.ni. •Ic - â€" ... .1.aV Uaskoka Lock-up. ~ --. SW Central Prison TT.as Kelortnatory. Fsnetaafv ishese A-X) Tor^-ato Asjlum . .._ S»9 AiCTicultaral CoUfje, Gaalfh. k\J I'u'o tc Works- - S.AV Col .>Diaaiion roads i-W Crown Lands „«.._â„¢.. «™.- 11. aV »li».-«I!an«vai _ S.SJO To defray sxpesses of le^ialatioo. pnbUc institui'oiis luainUsnance. and Ux salar- ies of the oiScers cf the ci,.veri:u'.tut and C:v I -ierxice. tcr the month ol January. I'V S.\») Mr, Cftij;hiyii, iu the absence of Mr. Meredith, called attention to the case ot Mr. S. M. Davu, who in July. 1>>T, was assaiUted by Mr. Macdonald, Deputy Clerk of the Crown ia Uaroa, and subeequeutly gained a verdict ol 5100 dsmagee in a civil suit. Mr. Davis is cow walking on crutches and is irjiired for life. So f»r as the pub- lic are aware, no action has been taken by the Attorney-General, aad ii ought not to be tfhiersiood that the Attorney -Genera! would condone sach an offence. Mr. Mowat said the eviicace showed that both parties at Ike time had be*n drink- ing. At tbe trial of the suit the doctor would cot ssy that the iojury (rom which Davis soffered was causevl by the assauli, and hence the small amcual of damaites returned. Davis wiabed the Gov^rumeni to dismiss Macdonald, but in the circum- stances they did not think themselves jas- lified in so doing. The House went into Comaiitle* of Snp- plv on the supplementary estimates, which were passed wiihcut ofi'osition. Mr. Guthrie's Bill to smeud the law in ceruin matters of procedure wss passed in committee. Mr. Coomee s BiU res;^ectil!g the Port Arthur Water, Light and Tower Company was also passed ia cotnmittee and reaa the third time. Mr. Metoalf moved for an order of the House for a retaru of copies ot aU corre- spondence t>,;t»een the authorities of the I' uiveraity of Toronto and the aathoriiies of any other uiuversiiy cr universities iu Ontario, relating to uniform matriculation oxamiuatioES and » nuifirra scale of tees. He explain* d thst be coiifiJered a uniform matrioulatiou for all the usiversitiesiu the I'rovince would be of much benefit to the cause of higher education in the Province. Mr. Koss (Middlesex) ssid the motion was of much interest to those interested in the canse of higher edcoation. The universi- ties had the rixht by charter to lix their own matricuUliou examinations, and such a thing as common luatricalaliou could not be accomplished without the coneent of all parties. Some corresivudence had passed between the universities, and no doubt the end desired would be 1. cared in duo time. The tuotiou carried. Mr. Blyth m.ivevl for an order ot the House for a return sbo-viiig the amounts due to the Land Imprv'>veiueiit Fund aris ing from the sales ot Grammar Scbool KUkinc Health (or ITashloa. Tbe time is now at hand when tbe averaiie girl goee in for getting pneumonia ; tbe sun shines, and she thinks there is no reas.ninths trorld why tbe should not wear her cloth gown without a wrap, thus showing the pretty carves of her hgnre. American women are Parisians in this. It cannot be denied that a very well fitting bcdioe, drapery arranged to look safiicientty fall and yet not to be cumbersome, a lace scarf or a boa thrown around one's throat is. after the wearing of a long winter coat. very attractive, but it can be mentioned that it is to nobody's advantage except to the dx'tor's and the apothecary's. .V few women who will dress this way, who wiU lock their best on the street, foUow it up by the very sensible treatment that they get at home â€" that is to say, they are rubbed eiiher with alcohol or cod liver oil. «- ' t'o^n rest a couple of hoars. It ta&es a deal of courage, this being rubbed with cod liver eil, and yet it :!i one ef the fashionable fads. You may use no end of pirfame ia the effort to make yourself sweet after it, but the scent of the oil â€" by no means oil cf roses â€" will cling to you most persistently, and in addition will do everything in its power to perfume everything belonging to you. However, if the fafthicnable maiden determines that this odor shall be counted suart, be very certain that before Lent is over she will be de>Jaring it the most delicious, the most healthful and the most aliouether delijihtful of sweetnesses. Systematic scrubbing at tbe Russian bath m»y. it is pc**.ble, remove the oil, bat it is very certain that a mere hot bath will only seem to make it come to tbe surface more and to miike one mora conscious of bting a fishwoman ready for exhibition at a dime museum on the Bowerv.â€" .Vric V.»rk C<.rr. CSicjjo llerjl'i. Foar at a BlraH. The W'.fe cf a ccUier ramed Isaac Evan, residing at C wmtarcb, near Swansea, gave birth to fear children on Tuesday. Two cf the children are alive and doing weU, b(tt the mother and the ether two expired in a few hours. Female Beaary. Ii is a fortunate thiaj that all men de cot have the same taste in female beauty, for othirwise they wcild all fall io love with the same woman, which would be awkward. Alihoa;;h the preferecces of mea for differ- ent style of form and featare vary greatir, it is, undoubtedly, a fa..t that an appearaitoe indicauve of hsaitn i:> pleasing to aU alike. A wcsan may be wiihoat regular featarea, I yet, if healthy, she wul be beautiftil to tome one and pleasing to aU. A sallow ccmclexicc, a au;i e>e. a system debtU- tated by unnatural discharges, in short, all the ills attendant npoa the irre»,3laril>es and " wraknesses " peculiar to the tr\. can be banished by the use cf Dr. P.eroe'e Favorite Prescriptici.. Ask year dnggtat Ttie Fashieas Safa. Wifeâ€" I declare I am almost ashamsd te fo to church with this bat en. Ilisn'tatall the fashion. Husband â€" Is this Bridget's Sandav osrt Wifeâ€" No. Husband â€" Why don't yon borrow hers t What s the sense io sayutK that Catazrh cancel be cared ehso Dr. Sage's Cstarrh Remedy is so sure and positively .-ertain that ihe proprietor* c£fer $300 .-ewari for a case of Catarrh which they cannot car*. A fuU pint of tbe medicine is made by die- sclvicg one fifty ceci packa^of thepo* in water. Sola by druggists ; SO oenta. Aa Kasy Lanfaace. Mr. Winks (readicg^â€" Prof. Davideoo (ays thsi the Euglisb largua^e is easier to acquire loan any other Ismiiuage spoken. Mrs. Winks â€" Ot course it is. Even onr baby is learmcg it. Tbe Old Man's Views. City Lover â€" Do yea think year f atbt I wiU look with favor oa my suit? Rural BeUeâ€" I'm afraid not. He hatea store clothes. â€"This IS the time the ctreless man empties a barrel of loose papers intbegnttar to be blown on tne sidewalks and lawns of his neighbors. Whoever empties looee papers lu the streets should be compelled to gather them up one by one. This woold be simple jislioe. Rev. Jaccb Freshman, of the Hebrew Chrisii»a Church, New Y'ork, and his devoted wife have gone to Jerusalem ftjr combined reel and Isbor. T> O K t. 1 1 JI9 An .%piili<cy After AU. Mr. Stern- Yon acted very impolitely to me last night at the ball when you were in- toxicated 1 think you should apologice. Yonog Blowhard â€" I wiU not apolc^i.'S to or for any man. â- • la that so .' Well, don't you think you yourself are an apolosy for a man ? " FLORIDA Wontiscue, SSarlua C». Town lots asd rich lands :ori*'e. B#»t t>argaiasev«r ^ered n Fla . 5 minatae frvLu ivs » -•-i.-.v >«>»!. on Kla. S« Bail Koad. Ia.-'IS ICO 1 lie :t . tlO to »x' each. Oraag* (rove tracts *i5 10 tJC i>er acre. H sh rollia*. rich lanJi. Hraivhy. Je.i^htful climate the entire vear Church School. T O. a-.;d I'Vix't. Me Vellow Fewrever known tu IhU roaatj. Above rrioes good till Msy nextâ€" wi; advaoce then. Tru»*aTerli»en)ent will api>ear bj; ooeeu AJdr*M OSO W BKOWS .^ «.X> . iVala. Marion C«.. florid a lUteiances: Merchants Nat. Baok. Ocala t'lorida. " Bsiiiui's Pi-iEA^iK has no symptoms of its own," «a>» Dr. Koberts, ot the Vniver- sity of New York Citv. Additional proof why Warner's Safe Care cures so many disorders which are only svmptomt of kid ney disease. For the itficiual protection of woollen goods against moths the use of cedar wood boxes and closeu is insufficient, and it is stated that there is no other means of pro- tection against tbe ravages ot the insect bat to perfectly ir close the woollens in material j which is not attacked by tbe moth, such as cotton cloth. Woollen goods brasbed clean from dust, folded together and put iato cotton bags which were well tied, have been found fottecily intact when taken out at Ihe change of the season. Mr. Lewis, soliciKtr for the PatneUites, has securvvd Richard Pigott's diary, and wiU proil'joe it before the Parneil Commis- sion. Sinc« the 4th of March Presideat Harri- son's letters run fro-n 6cV) to 700 a day. sometime* reaching 1.000 letters. WEBSTER SOOO reory Wcr<l-« «rl co.i: y 9000 r- -re I°ln» traticn.< than any cuot AaiorxA-a I :c-.n.\carj. An Invaluable Companion ia etory >--â- â- > '. ir.i ^; ove-y Kin's'.; \ S^:i Vy All Evviso;: r^, r.r^iratoJ Paniphk'-t C. A C. MtRRlAM A CO. . IV-Kt^ S»rrmK**oW, M»a DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND \