Â¥ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCg % OEO. MITCHELL, BAHTKBR, !'"â- L. KS II lie I ^ ^i-o X. iin.ii'oJiTs iiouoiir amd hold. SfmUtl Attfiition puid to tin- calliction S'lIcK aii'l Accoiiittt, Slid door yuilh lli<hard6uH it CVt. The Local IV>ii-OTSi Uhul is liiipi>«-iiinK in Our Own Vi«-iiiitv. Tile »tre«t awiiiu<{ now rears il»i-lf. i^ivision Courtis in session lioru toiky. fill here yuaterdi.y ,u j:,- ?«B- Mr. W, Wood it utir authoia'd aijinl at tlir StatiiiH. Sithacrifitinns nviy he paid til him. SiwjU ciipiet nf The Aitvuncf for tale at hit atore. F.ir liiiiie back, side cir cliisst, u>»e Sliili.h's Porous I'liiHtor. Price25 contg. Korsaluiit tlie Mudiciil Hall. Ki'iii inches of sn Ml a few hours. Uev. .Mr. Enies will outer chari/o hero ou Sunday n«xt. upon his Concert. A coiicert will bu hidj in the Town Hall, Kleahurton, on the oveniii;; of the 24th i>( .Vlay, uiidcr the iiuspices of the Ladies' Aid of the I'lesbyteriaii Church. Full |)!irticu!ar» later. Queen Esther, A uuetiii<r will be lieM on Wediiosday eveniim, .\iiiil 10, ai 7.^0 o'clnck, in the Roya' T.'iii|d.ir's hali, fur the iiurposo of amnyiiu; for the rfproiluotion of the Oratorio of Queen Esther in F'le-iherton .Ml wlio are wiHin-;,' tu take a [ art are in- vited to attei.d. A [larty would like '.o exchange npjilos lor i>olatoes or oat.s. Apply at thi.s otlice. A lar.'u numbur of tine sucks of limlier were l)roui,'ht In durinsj Ilia past Hcoli on wheels. Wui. Clayton lifis a splendid l^i of l.ii.ts and shoe* fur mens' and li"ys' wear. Try therii. .Mr. l*.-»tli>ii, of Toronto, oceupiod the pii'.pil of the .Melhudiht Chuioh on .Sun- iliiy allerni«'n. Tcrdi-rs are aakeil for the carryiiii; of iho mail between Kevernliaui and Klesh ••rton for the next four years. Kist (irey Te.-vclicrs' Institute will hold tlioir annual nnotiin,' in Tlioi nbury (.n 'i'luir^'day and Kriday, -Vprd -â- '> and :;ti. .•^chool teacher waiittd fur sclio.il sec tion N.i 1, Kiiphrasia and Artoinesia. See adverti.senieiil elsewhere. Km ladie.i' fine wear in boots anil shoes SVui. t'liiyl'iii h:i» a very laifje ahuortiiieiit. ('all and see ihein. Miister John Karstudt loit a valuable HjiatiiH iIcm; ill the Tieinity of Klesherton iiut WHiiu;, ilii^ wi^.uld like to hear of his whoreabouls. The Ladlgs Aid of the MethodiBt (Miurch will hold a parlor aorial at Mr. Heard's residence on Wednesday next, April 10. AdruiaaioD 10 cent*. An auction sale of household elTecls will be held on Monilay, Apiil Kth, cattle fair day, at 1 p.m., next door to the ytustoffico, Fle»hert(Mi. R. J. Sproule, auctiuDe«r. Aa Ibe seaiou for horio billa npproacL- ««, are iroutd remind all those interested lu Bucji matters Hiot wu have a ti\r;;er se- lection of f.'U|s ^o r^iovsu fr^iu than can be found eUewlieru in this ioc'.ion. Mia* Davis liaa aectirud tli^ services of a first chkss dressmaker, and will be pleased to receive orders from tlw) lathes i>f Kleahertoii for lUiythiin; in her liiii'. Miss Davis li.is alicaily rei.'eived a lar^e nii'nbur of uriluia Attention will be paid In the niakiuK of b<«yn' suits. The Pifikcriim News tells a story of twii yoniii; ladies whu w«ib sellini; watch- es with alliiimrn eases. 'I'his is a nuw in- dimtry and will no iliiiibt tend to raioc llw.' price of e;.';,'8. Jt is said to be a bi}{ iinuroveiiieiit on tlie old aluiitinniii case. Mr. C TrunJi{<dd has reiiii.ved iiilo Dr. Chrisloe's bloek, where lie will have )/r<'ut plejisiuu in takiiii< orders for the bt.st pianos, iiijiaiis, swniu idiiirii*i, U'l.bh- iiiH nia<hiiies,elo'lies wriii^'ers, fruit trees, ote. Iliiardei^ taken by the Heuk, day (11 liy the Bin({le meal at low mtes. A Slight Rnor. The Advance i.s sorry to aduiit that it made ari er:or last week in leadini; the ladie.i to Ijcli.iVK that both iileitibeis of our III w r.iercliaiit tiriii wite 'iiiniaiTied. Siiih is not the c:i~.-. Mr. McDonald Inn ill:; renounced b.irlii'...rliood some time a'-'o. W'e ha.s'en to mnke the correction befon, any terii us coiiiplication eii.^uia. "As N j;il as a Pin." ?.l. Ill hardsoii and Co s st >r« now [irc- siiils ah ( x.-crdiii.'iv mat ajijiearaU'e. I'linliavis (if two Weeks njin wnuld san 1 h rei'o'jni/* it to-dav. The tasty deci r itioiis and new komiil' i-oods make j it apj.iar a new sir re. We have not I seen aii\ lliinL' outside tlie <-i*y to at iinii.iii- w !â- li it. It Is Rumored That The U.T. of T. will ahortly reasurrect Ten Ni(»hts in a Bar Room. The Presbyterian Ladies Aid will have a .tpecially ;,'ood entertauiiiient for tbe eveninif of May 24. All that the atuiosplierc requires now is a ;;cntle emetic in the shape of a liico warm rain Local au'.{lers are already talkin-.^ Hsh. Personal. Master Joliiiiiv Fields returned to Streetsvijle on .Muiiday. Mr. Ueo. Sinilh has accepted a situation at Culedon Kai>c. Mr. Karle Strain retured from Penn I'linersity, IMiiladelpiiia, on Monday. He will remain at home all summer. Date Chaugod. The South (Jrey Teachers' Assix;iatioii have decided to change the dale I'lf tt)eir convention, to bo held in Flesli carton, from May 22 and 2'S, as announced two Weeks ai;o, to May ;»0 and lil. This has been fi'Uiid necessary in order to secure oiit.side talent, and also favor local in- terest. Prof. Lewis, of Toronto, the re- nowned elocutuiiiist, will bo present for Silas Leslie, LV'tef l))\v, J. li. I.iltlo the evoiiinueiitiilainment with a choice J :iuie.s Knox, Ail Lew Dili^wjU, si.lifction <.f readiiii;.s and will al.so deliver ! J;l"'*"* Viuice, Joliu Caiupijel!, IL two addresses before the joineiitioii. W.II. Thurston $7.90, W.J.j Bellamy to aalaiy, §37 50. Carried. Holaud â€" Cainis â€" Tiint Duncan Campbell be icfimded 52.85, over cliaigu in taxes and statute labor. CaiTitJ. i'liymeiit was ordered for the day's se.s.slou find indigents' inoutlily allow- ance. The Council then adjourned. l"'ollowin'.» are the appoiiitirtents made of pa'.liiuastora, feiicoviewors and poundkeeiiers : I'.VTHM.^a^fKKS. Geo. Drew, Robert i-os'er, Wu). Dtirueit, Will. Davis, Geo. Stewart, ("lamliiis EkiiiH, Sauiiiel Irwin, M. *i. Orr, T.M. Dannon, Jolin E. W.iniLr, Tlio.s. Talbui, Tlios. Klhclt. H. M.-- l^utij'hrey, James Foister, W. J. I.'.aver, V. Lmicic?, W. J. Talbot. A. W. >VoU. .L.hn !!!aekbai:i. W. .1. Whyte, Jo.^i pli \Valson,Kd. Uo^s. \V. H. I'uvlor, ll.-iirv Wilbon, '>Vi,i. lila-r, VV.J. McNa.", .1. A. K<-inftiy. Jolin Wliittaki :•, Andrew Cnllo!:, P, tjuaig, John Duncan, II. J. C":M.>)n, Will, j^udlow, Do^'ttld McLean, Win. Fci;,'ilsoii, Will. Ueid, Jolin .McVrthc.-, ^UAlal DR. CARTER. M.CM'. &S.,().\T. PnY.SICI.4\. SIR«EO\, FLE.51IEHT('X. OSxoe, Btraln's block. lUttidence. J. G. ]lur<p!' &.-, Maiiilwr of tlio CoUuijj of i'liysiciaos sj Sgii(<-'»ns, Ontario. i',iii|Uire at eftice.oiie door east of tiricr'sstei- or .^tkiuson d IJt tcl. i'riccvi!'..-. Xov. 19, ISBfl. 03S. 3?^UL^ It ESQ. M\!»KI)A;..K (>NT. ©CL'M' : Mssali'v's Wriiit Siorc. , sriuif ;.i-.e •.; To'.te:ill.lui. Uii J. P. or TEW ELL, vr.TKi c:.\uv s'l; .':oN (inuiuate • i Oiiiario \\ â- t. ''•' .-sixtli Iv>jr '.. N COl.UI.SliV, l.t ,.f l\c,ii.U- OOL' .McF-ivdei Furthur particular will be fortheoniiti! ill the proi;ram which is shortly to be issued. ' Kciizie, J. J. Lvii' --•< jr , Anthony K.aii. A!cx. Mcltao. iho.; .Mu- ..'i;i >[.-L-.d, \V. IllOMS, J >!lll iV.llli.:', i'. Pedlar, jr., Johii li.i -..'v.iv.' Gee. S.".M-t'ollii:n, tlr.-.or Joiiittliaii llic';ie, .J.tiu.s . Win. C.in-, .\Lusha:i Dt K. S:i.i- li:,;,',-. s. .!)..! M.-- K'.Mir' ly, na-t.on,', Jonu ri-K ;n:Ki.r FLESH KUni.V. IJi'uti'jtvu. DKNTIS'iin'. 1.-" in A Tonipi rai'.ce Scbofjl. At the -Methodist Sabbath Sclio.d Fli-shiiloii on Sin day, the 'Mat of .March, when the Teiiipiiravre KuU of the si-h '•â- ! WIS proiliK'i'il.and after the pledtjo had bi-iii carefully ri ad over to the ». hoiil, Hfty-nx siuiiiituies were libtaiiied thereto m ad lition to :,ixty names pre- viously appended. Tliij is solid teinpor- ancu woik. Mr. Jenkins Squelched. .Mr. "Alpliabetical'' Jenkins, of the Brus.sels liiid-et, IS about "dowsed." I ^^''"- 'â- '•^'â- 'â- ' -HiUSoail lioiu ^ The folluwiin: fr..>n the lirussells Post I \^ ^'â- '"'-- ^â- â- 'y'^-r.^^'"""''^""- .^^ '''-'''"'' ! , , . ..I . ,v 1 I .\r:iiscioiio J,. \\ ii[i;i|,|soii, h. r rce 1 ,,11 I explains Ills situation : "Last \> euiies- i i. â- ,i >â- in i, . i , ,.,,..,. I. o . , niaii. li. .'-n well, banuK-l Mia tin, 1.0 i'. , d;iv iiiornin'' l!u litl r.. S.Scott seized the , . ,, ., i- â- i i> (. urrullieis, iliiirv ren.Mc!., 1.. | plant, etc, of the P.russeU Uud-et .-vud | ^;,..^.,,,,„ i^,,^^.,,, J,ji;,.j,„_ .).,_,. j;,^.. | leiiioved t!ie same to a vacant store n<-ar j i.i.,.ii_ .Im,,^,.; \(,-,.,,.,.^ .lohiisron Liuk', } ihebiub^'e. The plant i.s announced to j Wm. Hd-^, .Vndrew Ilisloj). > bo sold by Uaihirs sale oil Friday, Mar..-h | l-i-'.M EN luWKRS. , 2'.itli, at ;5 o'clock p m. The ".NiLditiii- | Ricl.aid WbiitakLr, jr., J.is. Au.-isaiu, j (.".lie" chattle niortijaife and a claim fioui j D. .Me. Mil! la ;i, Alex. .Muir. Di»;;ald the Sheritr re costs of nio recent hbelsmt ^•"'â- lit'. H.D. [rviii.-, llobt. Shannon, Wir. r.lair, Win. Hill. Geo. :.r»re, | Gei). Stewart, sr., Clias. Ikdlaniy, ( Kdwiird lliiss. W. II. lloin^>liill. ; I S!'l:i,K,..S LiL.Mi^T I (.'./iW J/i-.A i'i,«t (i,:,i iloi.ur Unul I /.•.'â- ,/'..<.. 1 Ksii::i.T('N. N:ti..i â- !•^ c Endcrsod. A corresji'^tideiit from Wari'hdiu Jicnds us the follow ini< : At a re;iiilar iiieetin;; of Loyal (>ranKe LodiiH.Ni). H),")ri, held in Wareham on March Ltth, it was unani- mously resolved that this lod(;u heartily endorse the resolution proposed by Kev. Hro. W. K. Wilson at the mass muetini; held in th* city of Toronto, for the pur- |H<ae of proteatiiiK njfainit the JtsUit Ki- tate Uill. Mr. Will, ('laik has shown us a handful of potato oiiiiins, aix inches lii>{ll, which ){it'W on a shelf in his pantry. The onions Were accidontly placed (hern last fall. This Would lead a person to sak why a priilitable ihini; coiih'. not be made nut of early onions tirowii this way. ftleaforil Mirror : .Mr. Ohnrles Lovett I iia l«ft at lliii l\lilTor ollieo some line NpcciinuiM of rhubarb of this spring's Cliiirth. Illiiibarl) stalks "i inrhes hi;{h aro rather iiinisu.il at thin sea.son of the yoar." Oh, pal aw ! Wo revelled in rhiibarl) pie and rliiibarh sauce three weeks ago. Flcsherloii is two weeks fur- tlier aontli lliaii Aleafoid. NOTICK- llaviii;{ dinpoHud of my lairiaue hutiiiesa to W T. Wilson, I would renpetcfiilly reipies! all patties in. didiied to nil) to i^nll and settle thd saiiiii by t;nsli ur note on or b«fori> M.uid.iy, the 8th of April, aa f am alwnil to remove froni this iilai'o. }ly coniplyiir.; \.itli the aboVH will save unueeeisar)' t'Xixuiitf. 11. V. LEU.XTE. ^ Oroup, whoopiuK coukIi and liM^ichitia uiiimllately relieved by Hhiloh'i pure. itr sale at th« Mmiioal HalL A Fiflo Span. Mr. Hodnuy Stewart and Mr. John Aditui* own two niat^niricent draught horses. At ^Fanahaw^ 4«ot«l nn )(o*.Hay ' a dispute arose as tu which waa the heavier horse. To decide this the animals were weiithed, when it was found that Mr Adam's horse wei^'hed lifttuii puunils more than Mr. Stewart'.. The uniteil weiijlrt of th.-sn iiinKiiitieent Biiiiimls watt il,'JI.'i, pounds, Two In\portant Cases. .At tli« Divsii.ii (,'ourt which is being held 111 FlBslierton today two important cases will be tried, Firat in iiiipi.rtance is the celebrated ori(an ca«e ofCoiiiiell v. liraiiilor. The next is thai <it Kkins v. iMoriow Defendant rented a farm from plaiiititf, but elaiiiis t'hut lie did out find it according to roprosoutations, and va oaled it at the end of a year. The see<ind year has now elapsed and pliiiiitill' sues to rec.i\er .ninouiit of ywii'.s rent This case will be tried by a jury. Real .Estate Tranafora. .Mr. Van/.ant has pnrcbased the resi- dence and projierty of Jlr. .1. liorcji.n. Mr. P. Leii^ot has exehanifod his eai - iiaj3i' bimiiipss for a dwellins and lot on .Mary street, tie plopiirty of Mrs, Tlioinp- 80II V\ ilHon. Part of lot li, 11th con. Kupliraaia.soii tainiiiK lifly cores, waH a<dd to Mr Sim- son last week for the Bum of ;Jl,(i()0. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh li edy Price i")0 cmts. IS'ahal Injector free. For sale lit llie Me.lic.il ll.ill Wi!l •.-,! ! ! Hil (i..f .-at i-l UM i tUJ.v! ftC l.io'li .-utv il l.IO! Ij tile nil i.r . lsl..»l> Oi'MUl.TIi! 'i,.soCSV of (iraiit vs. Jenkins, aiiioimliin^ in all to above :ft.^K), will have to le settled before the "oods can bo rele.i.-,cd. J. p, riiisii.ui.. I.. i>. .^.. i>£:.\ J isr. Vl^â- •t.^ .Markdalo tlie l.it and ;'i I Weili.e^ day <"â- e.icli iiiourh. Fi.shertoii e.ich Iri.. ou the da\ ud'owiu... Will you siltl'er with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint I Shiloh's Vitaiizer is (,'uaranteed to cure you. For salo at the MeJ.leal Uall, .loiiatlniii llu'ldiii, J. l'>. 81;i;ui, .la-s Sic wail. I'.lfMiKI'Kl'Kli-* Wr.i. Hnrt. llobt. Wrif^'ht, A. Mini- shaW. M. .\kitt. A Drop 111 Eg;;' Wafjoiin Oil Friday last while Hawk's eij;,' w,\!(on was s,uhi|i< ai-ouitd Andnrson's e iriior one of liio front wheels started oil' ou an hidepitiidaiit oxuiirsioii of it* own, which caused the front end of the wa^i'ii to 'bite tlie dust." The three oceu;iaiit|) tdok llyinf* leup.s out inUi the mud. There were no oi;>{8 in the waKoii i»i the time, otherwise tho t5ii(.i»treph)i would have been L'leatei', Henry ssys he wouldn't take the aain.' risk i»i,',%in for a tluiiuuind dollars. Shiloh's eiira will iininodiately relieve croup, lioo|iin^' couxli and bmneliitia. b'oriale at the Msdioal Hall.' Burned to Death. A despatch published in the daily papers last week i^ave the particulars of a •ad aflTair at Lawrence station, N. B., by which Mrs. McUre({or, wife of R«t. Mr. Mdirefor, liaptiit luiiiicter of OutTalo, lost her life. Mr.McOrogur *aa aUtloned in Fleihcrtoii a few yean ago. Mrs. McGregor waa daughter of Mr. L«Ti Riub- ardson, of Lawrence statittn. She Weill home last fall to spend th« jrilUw with h«r l>«;4i«l«i iiu* !t*iM traublrd with sciatica had tried many reinediei. The only one which Kare her any relief was kerosene, and whila ap plyin(f that riiinedy too uear the open stove her cluthiiu! cauj!lit tire. Kvory shred .>f her eloihea was burned. Her sister, in making; an eH'ort to extinguish the tlanies, waa severely burned alxuit the hamls and arms. Mrs. Mctirnktor Icavss a family of Hto small chihlrcn, the eldest lieiiii; alxiut 13 years of ag«. Sliiloh s catarrh reine<ly---R |>oaikive cure for catarrh, diptheriii and canker nioutli. Fir sale at the Medical Hidl. • Aroiiiia tli4> Tuwn Hull Tnblo. Arteincsift Ciniiicil met in the Town Hall on Monday last, April 1st. All till' inriubiis were pn sent, the reove ill tile chair, Minnies o( last niect- iii,;,'r<'ft(l andniiproved. Petitions, a.s follows, wcio presented and read ; till). Peiiiiie and others, iwkiiit; that a new .seelion be I'oniied in tlio Tyrone Mei,\'liliorlioi.d ; .las. McMullen and othern, askiiij^Vur additional territory IVoiu No. :! to .No. 1(1. 'I'lie following iieeoiitits wore passed; W II. Tliiirstoii, piiiitiiifF and udver- tisin-. S7,!l() ; \\J. nu!lani.v to sal- liny ws eieik, $37.53. liy f^aw lot), np)Hiiiitiiio tovvnsliii) olVieeis,w,-is eoni- plited in eoliniiittee of the whole and piissed tlie third ivadiiio. M,. Mc. Altlnir liioved,.M(coiideil by Mr. Sharp, that tlie polili iiisofGeo. Pieiinie and ntliiT:;,!'!' school sections It, 4, 7, and 8, iiiidof,!. McMiillen and ulhcis rede- liicliiiijj certain lots from S.S. No. ;t. and ..tinchiii;,' some to No. lo, h,- l,ii,| over t'yi next meeting' uf Couiieil, on Lit iMoiidiiy ill May, tlio Clerk to notify the truhtees of the said sections of the petitions. Carried. Me Vrthiir- Molaiidâ€" That the aiidi- lois report ;,„; iliiully an lited by pjiecial coiuuiittee, be adopted'. Carried. McArJiiur- Sharp- -Tliiit the audMora 1)0 p.iii('eiKlit dolhirs euoli for their Kerviet,;, and tlial John Hreeii's m-kiiie b' iicci'pted as treasurer's sure;/ in lion of Win. Stone. Ciirrii d. Sliuip C'airiiH That aeeoiitif.s as followtt he paid : I'.Muiishaw for mjv. iii« Hiiij^w from bill near stfttion.|1.^5; Shiloh's cou'^'h and Consumption Cure is sold by lu on a guarantee. It cures drgal. Cunsumiituin. Uall. Fi^r sale at the ModicjU NBW ADYKllTISEMKNTS. llorfi^es for ISale. Tlis unilersiiineil has aitootl iv>au of Uftldiu^>i, risiiiC 4 y*ar>, which b«i ii«Hlr0« to ssU. .\ rare barKaiii. AppW to h. J. WIl.I.IVMKOS • - •' fjnirBaiit. r.o. Teacher Wanted ! Taaohar hoIdiiiKiieaoiiU or third class c*rtil\ estu, for liiloii School Soctiuii No. 1, KuphraKis Mill .\rt(tui)i<ia, ihitles ti> I'ointiit'iice iniiiicli ateljr. .\|iply to rhmrnmii HoriJ of Truiteen. Hl'llll W.VLTO.V. Ku(!»ni« IV O, Everything For THE GARDEK To Our Fiieiuls aud Patrons. \V« d.i»ii-o t.) tliioik you for your liberal |i«t. rousk'e ill tlio past, anil hope (or a cotitiiiuaiu'c of the -.muii Wujisvo this year iiiaUo i,'r«"" iioproyiiiieiits 111 our Htoili. alul have uot aoiiie of tho I'oit varletiiH wJ tho aiir^iuus plsnts. \Vo havo At pi-LMi'iit fnr sali« U II L â- « » . (lift lioliis an 1 Duhliua. II O V S K J» L A IV T S . .\liyo»t tiH' uuiiieroua to im-ution, IncliKlhn; double mill iiiiif;h>t}oriniiiiian in oiuiiy siiaiU' . Ki'lil mill « Ivar, tiii'iilor, ivv ami scouted noraii inms ill Kruttt virioty. v'lnnorarisa. I'l imilla.i Cal.-eiiiiel.l.s, r,.'.'i;ii,iH, ll.ili.ilroii.is, Ho«oni.i-i and Uei >nia llivi. .MiatilliMii, t'uilnia..., l,|lu,!i. t'.u-.niM, ltv,liiiii,i,.us, I'ularnoimiiiis. Uo»t-^', Ivies. t'lU'Un. .\i lurautliiiK iiMl .\toiiM;Un\,or '-In UE|»UlMj l>LA:V'rk Wo have .VstmB, llalsmuii, stockt. Vorl>ona« Oiamllll!>, Mliimlns, K,ix;;love. Lnhclia iVrnet Mo .Not, China I'Ink, Sinliiio. .Mv.<»iimi Pali-iy V K U E I' I It I. E VL \ .\ T S '. l'aliS:i«i'. I'aiilirtinvoi-, Oelor,-, I'lMiiato aad t'llcmtibiir, 4"iu Fluwors iiiut I'lorul Utvsigns. All or.lora attondiil to pvomptly, j.\.'vji:s m-;Kt'KOi;.T. f^'ff^AWMorfsjs:, AS IKESEASONFOR .]. W. FKOST, IJj;.. ISnrri.^cr, Sdlitilor, l\:nr< i;niii 1 1 , OJlce. -Strain'ii liiilMin,". Kn-HXhTi N, .\. .\. 1 IIKSl-HY Soliiltor and IcaveN ano-. , Huiiidoat .\laua^fr. MU VIIOST Vill l)« fou»* at the Oflcc .t, Thurtdavs an hirdtofio*. P McCUUODGH, Barrister, ISoUcitor, 4r. OfUrr, ovrr Mrl'arlniid'M Mturr. Markdalo. Honey to Loan. §u5uif^!j (jfants. John W. Apmatroog, I'l-KSHERTOK, Co. GUHY. MOiNKY TOLOA^i. .IT LOMEST «ri:i:r.xT ritea Ou ToKU or Kami rrop»rty, n.\.\lll)K, J-'Ioshorton. Mr. Wni. Kaistedt, &vne .Uu....M. Jirickl,,,,,.,- „„d /â- ',„(,.,-..,. M.VTKUIAI. tTUNlSHF.l) £>(imu<.s i,ii¥„/r,c. Onutmaitd I'la^t-f. iiij a Speciii't;:. KesiJenc. ..no ,uvr .-mnth ,.f Adva Ivance OOic VV. J. JU-LLAMY TWr, Cl.KItK iBTK\ll sr,, C( >.Y r /;â- V ,1 XChl:. ( •( >MMISS10XE1{ AjiJ A'.-l.NCf." .K.'T, .i-c H i.T\ \ V"'""''-^ "ecutiM. l,iMllal;ce alf.-. 1^. J. Sp':*©!!: J, piisr,\t.\si'Ku, ri,'*,i,„.. ion, 0,1 M in h, K., I.icoiisd Aiicti. veyanser. Apj.riiisRr au.l Mcu. Iteal U.^tate and lo.^uiaiice J^i., , M, O 'IISSIOII- :. 'r. Com I.euibr l>ei'il», tti:at;e», Leasies am! Will., ilr. m, up and Viihiations made on sliorlcs' i tion Sides ntteiiiled to iu im.\ County. Mouey t,> loan ntb, interest. Coileetioiis atleiel. proniplnesa iiiiil desputcii. C .^Heiit tor 'JiePoiviiiiou Stca „Ki llieap tieketM fioui l-'Ieshevl.ii â- lilasyow, ii,ondon or anv •, i Ports. I'arties intend'tig i,, ,i Soothiml or I.-eland, will p|. i„ lore purchasing tluir ticket . â- '•â- Auc oy ot Ibu !>: rates o( to with • ;e8 low. ' oropsny. i ivcrpool, nriti>.h KiiijUiiJ, ^ rivtrs lie- iiore. Horse ]>ills! House ard Let u Sale. api'roaclios.wM would roiiiiiid all those in»erus- t.Kl In moll iniit,.r«tha» wiihay,, a larcoi no- iiHwo from thau ciii ho loitlon of cuts to ol! .oiuid B'miwhorii in tliln sootlon A Kood ho -sc ,r, Mp^hodlit 111 uch, . ofTurvd lor lialn, '|',n ai : rootnv. I\iui!..; - at-ii, Kpliimlid aell , o-iitn Mil III. is iin* is lani^ »lo an^ ".oRv Thisi, a UUSKN,t''lmhenon ;ah prom 1 I *