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Flesherton Advance, 4 Apr 1889, p. 1

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r FLESHERTON ADVANC 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR-"-' FRIXCIFLES, .\01 JIEX. VOL. VIII., NO. 405. FLESHERTON, ONT.. THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1889. W H. THrRSTOK, "';g^4,.ETc.. \r ,r t t Oemnne Bargains ! the advance. iVatchy's, (Jlof-ks, Jp^itefm. Fanrij Gnods. Silvericare of the Jineat qual'it'ij, HazorS' Knives, etc. it Itii'i.^eirs SToted Jewilery Store FLESHERTON. I'OR THE NEXT t;v> DAYS as tlio soods mii't be sold thfv wii! bo cleared c.iu at wliolesale prices. C'oine at i.iice auJ yet the cUoite. A bcatitifal stock ti) select from. No rei^sonable offVr iefiiso<l. If you need a w^ach now is vunrti'MO. If you need a emit oi" pickle stand or aiiytliitn; in siiverwarr, it is being sold at It-.^s than half price. Fatiev flu.sli goods, toilet sets. etc..almost 'of'i4"t""v*ru'ncf'orfir»t^inBertlon'»nd acts, pe:- i.;iven awav. DO NOT FAIL TO CALL" AT ONCK AND SEClR?: SO.VIE ' «" "*>' "'^'^ uF THESE TERRIBLE liAKGALNS. ALL SALES and \V(>KK POSI- TIVELY CASH AT Is pnblisbed I Every Thiirsdajk', ' Faom thx OmcB. Sydenham Street, - - Fletherton, Ont. TERMS Oy SCBSCBIPTIOS: • 1 per annam when paid strictlf is adruic* •l.jO p«r kaaum when not (0 iMi.1. .IDVEKTISIXG RATES. Oo« column. 1 year, 960 ; hmlf col. do.. tS7: qnartercol. do.. $15. Tr&nitieDt btvertitteiuentA charged at the rate 1 lies not in ; .â-  own numerical strength, bnt iu the moral support of tbe papal siaews behind them. The Government admit that i: was within their power to veto this bill, and yet they did not care to d 3 so. while the oppoaitiou did not car-B to censure the Government fornotdoin^ so. The cause for t!(is union of po- litical seaiiment is patent to all. Tbe farce has been played. let th« curtain drop upon the scene. But it may rise THE MARKETS, FLESHERTON. Cni-e fully Corrected Each Week Fall Wheat .. Pvriiu Wheat Harlcv .. . 0»t» . -. Peas . .... . !"-;tt.T . F.«u'» ireeh Pc ;ito9 bash. . For,. Hav por ton Hi.ies She»'(»akin? .- Turkevs aeaia upon another act and tlie di-ama rhickeo!< per pair . " ^ Dacks par H> pi-oceed until tbe innocent 71 are .. -.« 0Q%o i r*i .. I 00 to 1 OJ ..: â€" 1 «• 1 (^.• ... :^ 3» «) , _ a) «i .. _ 53 , » S-; ... „. 14 .:« 1- _ • la IJ .. ... 90 Oiu . ... 6 10 a M .. -. 9 00 9 UU . „ S 30 « 3U ij .. OS IT. . ;., • to 11 . ^ • » • .« 06 OK -:> laent lasertion. forced ro seek refuge in some foreign A" anas»d fc>ar-ce»t British Guiatm , ., • â-  p<ist»^ stamp of I860 WM recentir sold country where their "innocence can â- ^^ ^,^^r,„^„ i„^Lo„<j„„ ;„, ,250. be appreciated. History is but re - .^j,„,.g ^^ M.vrHEE.*Ar. jo« dia.arb«j »t neiitint? itself here and the areument '''«?V»'='^ broken of your rest by a »Iok chiM that the Jesuit of to-day is not llie " â-  - It no sen.! at oiiee ai:d a«t a bottle "Mra. Win- jlow 6 .â- vx.tuiivJ Svrup (or Children Tnatliing mm \\m mm miE^ T.rzsin i:>?'i^f»' I Jesuit of a hundred and Hftv vrars auo â-  f" .**'-'-â-  '» incaJculaWti. ItwiU reUeTo the poiTr W. H. THURSTON, ' JesuiSOI a nunarea anu nuy >tars t%^ ,,„,^ .ufforer â- ::iin:e.iiat«iy Depend apoait. i iii npffativpd hv the fi'ct nateut, to ""^hers ther.? no nii<>tKftc about it. It core-i Editor md PropriHT. I i» negativeo Dj liie tact, paieui to ^^ ^ ^^„ ^^^_^^ ,^,^^^^,^ 1 every one, that then- strite- fomenting ."'.'*'*"^-t- 'â- '•'«« ^^•'"i*-'J">;Jo'«eo«*oe Gum. ijualities and DIS COUNT S ALE! Ik. Trimble, Flesherton, Will for the nexc nfteen days give a hlg discount off all Winter Goods, in order to make room tor .spring importations, which will be in tully com- plete by the 15th of this month. ISo Rrins Alonis; Voar Cash THE JESLIT ESTATES BILL. Yeas 13. nays 188. That is the way tbe Tote stood on Col. O'Brien'.^ motion Friday morning last upon the Jesuit Bill. The mu- i tioD read as follows : I Thai as addreu be prueented to the OoTtaor- I (General. Mttia« forth liial (tua UooM rai|anl< I the power of duailowiuj; tbe Acts of legialation ' of the Li«4i<Utive.\i»eru alias of the Provinoe*. Tetted in bia KicelloncT in Council aa a pre- ro«atiTe raacatial to tbe ejustence c( tUe t>o- miuioQ. I That tbiagreat i>ower. which abonid neTer l>e ' wantonW exerciaed. aboald be fearleaaly jsed I for tbe protection of the (uodatueiital pnucipltfa I of the conttitutiou and for the saiegurdinii tbe general iiiti-rasuof the peopl.' I That in the opfnun of thi» H>ni«e the pasfa^e 8f (be bill hv Lesi-lature i>I tne ProTioce of Ijuebec. entitled an Act re»p«ctia„' the scttlo- luent of the Jeauit.-*' Katates. is beyond tne power of that I.L-4i.tlature : yiriitlv Kocaa«ain en Iowa from public fan la a relicioua omniaatiou tberobv violatiui; the unwTitti-n, but undoubted, constitutional yriD- ciplea of the i-omplete aepention of Church and State, and of ab'>o!ute equality of all deaoiuin- ationa before tbe law. Secondlv. Hecauae it reeoo^nixea the uaurpation of a risht b» a foreieo *athori»y namaly hia ness have. the fabt â-  »"•"â- â€"â-  •" "ysenie y an.i L)iarrhu?«tlMj(«o!ii ad Bowels. L- ires Wiad Coiicjoftena toe Gii._ reil'iceii Inflamation. .tud give* tone and eneniN insinuatin" aggressive- ^ ''•* ''ho'" s'l-rtem ••Mr». Win«low'e Soothinc ^ ' ; bynip ^.r ciiiMren teething is pleaaaot to the m the li"llt of recent ta^'s^n'* 1* theprescnptiouof oueof theoldaat '^ an. I Ivst ft^u-.ale ph\-siciarn and uur«a!< in it* events, undergone UO chaUSC â-  fnitol stare*, and l? for »aU' bv »1! fli-iiuglata ~ Ithrouahoutt the world. Price twentr-S»e cent* a The members who voted for dlS- 1 bottle. Be sure an,i ask for -Msi. W'Oiii(.ow'!< STSiy. ' and tiike Lo uther kind. allowtmci were Messrs. Lanou. liell, : ,, , , ^ â- . 1 j .1. 1. ..u I It !s cietjriitelv aunouiiced that the Ciiarlton, Cockbum. Denison. Mcdou- British Cabinet will two IrUh aid Huron., MoCarthv. McNeil, 'â„¢'?'»"re8. "ne providing for » schema of „.,, . t? â-  c .1 1 " 1 U7„iu..., l*"'^ purcJjase .ami other dealiug with Bnen. Scnver.Sutherlaud, Wallace, j^ca! go»erument. Tyrwhitt.â€" Total, 13. The American people have met ., , , m, • WiLroMâ€" GaEE;« -On the 2Bth alt., bv the With a tenible CatastlOPbe. ilieir Rer W H Madleu. at the r.iidence of the . bride i mother Mr John Parker Walton, of .\r war tleet. consisting Ol three war temesia. to MiasManba Auo Oreen.of CoUing- vessels, has been annihilated in ' ^_ â€" . Married. Saiuoan waters bv a cvcloue. TO THE DE.U' -A person cured of Dsafneaa and noi.-eti in tlic bead of as vears' sUaiiaiug rij£b n« _ iai doaaats. asd alK> IfL- the Pope of Ko ma, m declan:i« hla neeaaarr ta mifotmt tba Prariociatl L^atofw to diai>«a»of a parttaa a( *»0 **1^ â-  lao baewna the A«t b«tM <aad«1» 1 ikMftMiiinrrIa' aftha And secure some ei -the extra bargains which will be given, as the balance of onr^-inter Stock must be cleared out. We haye already' received a large consignment of Timothy Seed, Red Clover, Mammoth Lucerne.and Alfalfa, jd^ Also a few packages of No. ^ Salmon Trout and Split Her- J?r??^«e'b*iIi!irt*ai!b»S^V>t'>w oonuoi •< rings left. In order to clear out our large stock of Coal Oil :'^ThTX"'iwS^'«i"h. «ci«t^ of •we will sell at 15c in five gallon lots. I ;rwhieh'R"iiJ'':::il'^chr^L'''o?n"mtiu" WE MEAN BUSINESS ! Come in and get some of!:;irb^Aa'"lur\Sr"nr"r.'l"n'iu1.T hi • a J t. ' meddlim with the function* of the civil Ko»«rD- e bargains now Orterea at ment and. therefor., thi.Hi>u«opraya thai hia E. TRIMBLE'S. s?ot''".'Lt'"" *" '"""" •"•^"''* â€" - . J-- jt. Yov three days tlie matter was un- .>»-, • I der discussion by the most eloquent talent in the House, and the result is that our astute poUticiaus of both Mrs. W. TRIMBLE and Miss MART WRIGHT have just returned Lorn } parties have seen tit to Uphold the ] Government in its refusal to call upon ' the Governor-General to disallow the JS^ew Millinery Opening. Toronto, where they have complete*! their in Spring and Summer Millinery, And wiU on the First day of APEIL OVEE E. TRIMBLE'S STORE i i*arelallj selected stock ot Millinery, under the management of Miss Wright, late of Chicago \Vright has this season attended the openings of the i Jesuit Bill, k paltry eight Conserva- jtives and five Reformers supported I Col OBrion'.' motion. Sir John Mc- ' Donald in Lis speech said : "There are at the present time iu I the Dominion of Canada 71 Jesuits. ! .\re they going to convert the whole i of Canada ? -\re the vouth of the I Dominion to be seduced by the 71 At a convention o!|Reformers held in j^.^J^fi "^^^ Durham on Thursday last, J. U. Hun- ter was selected as their standard bearer for the next local contest. There was but one nomination. 1 by a aimple reiiitdv. wi'l send a dencription it raisE to any Per^oc wiio appiit-a tu N'tcxoi.- onaldStreet. NewYurk. The oty of Toroato ham % biU be- fore tbe Houae by whi«b it is ett- powered to compel the telegraph, telepheua and electric light companies to plac« their wires nndergrocmd. Tbtjbill will receive much opposition. The past week hat witnessed tb« passing away of another great English statesman. John Bright was the orator of tbe masses. Although not a college bred statseiuau,hi3 power of oratory was such that he could move an audience even more powerfully than Mr. Gladstone himself. Mr. Bii^'ht represented Birmiii,;;ii.'\m in the British Parliment. llo was born in isn , and entered political life just a^l years ago. His remains were inter- red on Satiiiidav at Rochdale. The Past For SIX ycai-s I have labi^red ti o.siablisli a hving business on the basis of honorable dealing with alJ â€" handling rtliabK' goods r»: fni; pricos, and ondcavoriug to â- jivi^ "value received ' every tiinn ijooil* are exclianged for inoiuy. ii.>t<' o crodit. I liavc been "thn;.-:" ini > soiiK thing of success by tlio i:cun Ilk' support of a iargc scoliou of "Conti'ul tiroy ' winch would not iuiY" comf if ••I'.ndi.servo'.l." Tc the Editor of TI>l- .l.iiiiu.-f. Sir,- III your U»t week's issue V'lur station repi-Ttor statcii tliat his business would take him i>ui to the ooutr.rv the next few weeks. For fry p.trt I ain : The Preseiit I Jesuit priests ? They arc armed with and Detroit. Miss '» string of beads, and sashes around i sorry to hear your reporter h.os wholesale millinery ! their waist, and with a mass book or' ceased to c.Trrosp..iul to jour raluable i houses in Toronto and is in a position to trim in all the ' missal. Wliat harm can they do ?' I V-ar^r, .« his items thn..u-h.iut the winter | i What harm can they dn ? The an. swer has been givpn by the Parha- rioafo call and sec the new designs iu I __ . ___ __ . , --.., Iment of the Dominion of Canada Bonnets, Hats, Featners, Flowers, themselves iu this instance. This in- Fancy Ribbons, etc. ,.sign,ticaut:icanlayaspurionsclaim Wo 'eel confident that we can please you if nico goods and mean anvtliing. I to public property and receive an ac- ikuow'.elgemout therofor of nea;!y half 'a million dollars, wliilo the protestant portion of lO'h'bec receive SGO.OtXt â€" ' for what purposL' '.* If the Jesuits hail ~~ I any moral, legal or any other claim FLESHERTON | uP''" this property why was it divuUd STOVE iwith the Protestants? The fact of EMPORIUM t'''s ^'^^ having been altowetl does not quite demonstrate to our satisfltciion A large a'-.ortnient of STOVKS. ml thc lUabllltV of thlS lUUOCent ll (O do makedi STOVK. Kl KNISHINOS, TIN', mi' cc. â-  ^ WAKK.COPPKKWAKK.LA.MP GOODS haim. 1 hcy are sutbcienily power- etc .cou.taiitly on hand. ^,, „^ _„ „^.„„,, ^^ „„t „,„ ^.||g|^. EVETROUOHING ALITY. F. G. Karstedt, ful at all events to set the SPKCI country by the ears, and to demon- p , , ijOi , strate the fact that they can, if need Otrain S old 0tanC/.\ie, command the will of both our Jb''Ie»4herton. igrcat political parties. Their abihty sensoii as disliod out l.- the readers of i The Adraiioe were /resh and luiii;'y. Hi» ; struck from the shouUifr ei'ery time, and , always covertU a point. They hail a I Sjraiul t'tfeet on the citizens of our; Bur^li. V'Ut I Mil of the opii.ioii th,^t | your nportHr is a jiermanent re<iJeut of â-  the station (house.) But 1 hope he will i soon return frt>ni the country and take ; up the gauntlet asaiu, ».â- Â» th« items of the st.itii>ii were aUays iiiterestiiiL'. 1 , Avoiikl just sity he has steered his Ktrk well, as it is pot known for a positive i fact who your reporter is. But tlif re h.ts been a giH>U deal of surmisius. Hoping ^ we will hoar from him a^-aiii soon, I re- j main vours, J- •^. i Being fully estak>li«li«(l on the above lines, and having a verv complete stock in all regular '••wel- ers' lines. I s! all expect imkI en- deavor to still deserve thf coufi- dt'uce .-xnd support of all pas; pat- rons, aiut will liofx" to :,';::â- â€¢ new onosas 1S89 rolls ulono. The Fiitii e. Get Married. Every newly ntarrieJ coupln may have The Advance as a wedding present free for six montha, upon furnishiiiK satis- factory evideno<^ of the marriage. This is a standiin; offer and application must be made six months from data of mar- riage. I trust to ho able this keep my stock even better for customers t.i select fio' continue to buy IVfiii .\ 1 closest possibli' prices, aii'' buyers reliable watclus. "bed rock " prices. A c ited. Goods and work v â- .r 10 irted Will 13 at tr all •.. at solic- .iitt'd. ^3 Cr- f'J^ V ,M Jeweler Br:* MAKKDALE,

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