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Flesherton Advance, 28 Mar 1889, p. 3

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ONTAEIO LEGISLATURE. V The following Billa were read the third timie and paaaed : To amttud the Act respecting the federa- tion of the Uuiversity of Torouto and Urii- Tersicy College with other univertiicieB and ocUeyea â€" Mr. Roan (Middleaei). To incorporate the town of West Toronto Janotion â€" Mr. Gilmonr. The following Billa were advanced a â- tage : Respeoting a certain by-law of the cicy of London â€" Mr. Meredith. To enable the town of Cobonrg to aid the Coboorg. Blairton & Marmora, or the Co boarg, Nortbamberiand Ss Patifij Railway «r other roadâ€" Mr. Field. Respecting the consolidation of the deben- tore debt of the city of Toronto - Mr. £. F. 'Clarke ( Torontol. To revive and amend the Act inoorporat- ing the Sarnia >S: Lambtou Southern Rail way Company Mr- Graham. Reapecting the Toronto, Qamiitoa A achoola institnted like tboae in Sootland, wbere tbey taogbt the olaaeioa. He main- tained that the High Scboola abo«ld not receive any support from the Governmont. Tbe High School inbiadiattict waatwaBly- tive milea away from where he lived. It waa no o^e to him. Mr. Meredith â€" But the jail is seventy mil'-9 sway from yon. Mr. Hardy â€" But that is not the point he is tryiuif to^t at. Mr Gibaon (Huron), continuing, said that be never knew of any person yet who had entarwi a Hi^h School to return to the farm. The money spent on High Schools would be (nacb better spent in developing and building railwa>s in the unsettled diahrkiM. l)r. .MuLaugblin said he knew nnmbers of prcfei^aioual gentl>-men who would never iiave occupied their (^resent poaitiona bad it not been for free schools, free hitih schools and a free university. An hou. member bad referred to Scotland. All be (:(]i:Ki hay wan at the time he visited Great Brutia (kan «•â-  mo ehanMa of <»>»•â-  "O'^ple ily loh ed. ha ud en In ;r •7 la e- >lB iy 10 ES difficult to get Conservative hotel-keepers to promise bim either their votes or sup- port, so apprehensive were they of disas- trous resulia to tbemaelves. He did not believe the same abuses would occui- if the County C'ouncils were again given control of the license boards. Mr. McLaui^hlin challenged tbe hon, member for- Ea..,! Northumberland (Mr. Willoniihb> ) to formalate his charged so that an iuvcsiigatioa might be held. As to the retrogressive change proposeil by the Opposition, tbe whole temperance and ctaurun sentiment of the country was opposed to It. Mr. Awrey aaid that tbe hotel-keepers were tbe aopportera of Dr. Willoughby in Ease Northumberland. His agemu were hotel keepers, and it was very amudiug to see him call his supporters martyra to the liquor license laws. Mr. Awrev continued the debate. He taunted the Opposition with making; vague charges in wholesale which they could not substantiate. For fourteen years in bis rilling there had not been a complaint against the administration of the Crooks A't. Mr. Clancy said that the adminij'ration of the Crooks Act and the Scott Act by the Government had brought both iito con- tempt. The principle uontended for by tbe Opposition was that it was not possible to •ominister the Liquor License Act in an hon>-at manner if the Govemmeut â€" any Government - had control of the license faoardj. .Vlr. Ballantyne contended that tbe Crooks Act bad been admirably ad- ministered. Under the previous system iu- •|)ection of liquor places was a farce, every- body who appded got a license, an>l liquor was fold at all hours. As to the Scott Act it was impossible to enforce it because the people did not sympathize with tbe mea. •are. Tbe House divided and the amendment was lost. Veas 'Si, naya 43. YKAS-MesBr» BIytli, Clancv, Clarke, E. F. (TorKuto), C arhe. H. K. iTorontoi. Craig, Oniiftjto'i, Hauiiuell. HadsoD, Inuram, KuriiH, Le«u. MHacham, Uereuith, Muuk, Murijau. Preiitou. Hiirkn, Smith iKruntuDaci, -tuwart, To^'ley. Wlutuey, WlllougUby, Wood lUastintjsi â€"IS. ^AVS â€" MoDors. Allan, .irmstning, Awrey, Balf ur. Ballant' ue, Bishop, Hlezar.l, HruDsuu, Cal<i*i'll. Chi»L .Jul Clarke i, Wulliuiji,,- i. Uin:k. Oavu, Dryilen, Fumuiwu, F'leld. Fruer. Fro«- inau. liarHun, Uihuou (Haiuilioif, Ciib»>n (Huroui. (iiiui')ur, Graham, (iuiliriu, Haruuurt, Har<iy. Lyi>ii, .McAndrew McKav. MoUabon. Mack. Mu«itt, Murray. Pacauil. Pbelpe, Kay aide, lio-9 ifluroai, K bs i MiddlL'sox , Smith (York . tjuider, Sprague, Waters, WooUiBraai) â€" <S. The House than went into Committee of Snpply and passed several itema of the esti'Mates. Mr Meredith asked if there wis any tmth in tbe rumor thai the Government had changed its policy on the railway qaes- tion. Mr. Mowat said tbe Government policy would be found in tbe notice of motion given by Mr. A. M. Koss. TELEGRAPHIC ST7MMABY. I New Vcraloa of the Butter Jok«. jSew Boarder â€" Will you pass the butter please ? Old Boarderâ€" Every time. Haven't in. (•rct-ptru It in four mouths. You'll pass it when you get acquainted with it. His K«Ue«uilD« Fault. Harrison (fcndling a pet dogi â€" Mrs. " Such a dear little fellow as be is I I wish be could talk." I he Presidentâ€"" 1 don't. He might Mk for an oBico."â€"I'htlaiUlphia liecord. A Pentunal Ouvatlon. " We would tike to rent a house," said a aervous }ouug man, accompanied by a 3laiihiug maiden. â- â-  L'ouble or single ?" a>«ked the agent. " Married," stammered tbe young man. MetHphoricul Only. Beâ€" I am carried away with my paasion or you. I She â€" I wish yon were, but yoo are not ; oa are still here. The Quaker. Is ir Kdiua by a Lady ? A new periodical bears tbe name of the i/ngue. As a rule, there is not much in a anie. but this is one that is bound to tell. •Barpa't Baiur. alog* That One Would Kiither Buve Kxpre,«a«<t Otherwise. " Well, I must say good bve, Miss Green. ra got my sermon to prepare." â€" " Oh, rely your sermons need no preparation !" Punch. ^ ^ ......V .w vi^^iMtu* au ueiween (De tormet and any oorporation or asfistant Police Magistrate on a majority \oti- of the Muuiiipal Councils. Mr. Meredith objected to a bare majority pereOLf, rtlaiii g to the owierehip, sale or lease of the Uundas A Waterloo macadam- iz'i road, together with copies of any papers , the possession of the Govtrnm>iil relat- ing thereto, subsequent to that already brouthi down in the year ISSU. Tbt> in ition passt-d. Mr. UanoB moved that this Hi>uso, re- cogMZ iig that the High Schools and Col- legiate Institutes of this Province have in tbe past proved of great service to educa- tion, and while not questioning the necea â- ity of tin ir being maintained iu au elli cieut coii.lilion, ia of opinion that the time Laa arrived when such schools should be more lar , supported bv fees, and that tbe law bv so a uended as to make it com- pnlru^/ttbat ftea shoiild be charged to ^^^plendiug BUob schools. Uen.xplained ihatJad brought the matter before the ^^^l,Jr tbe jurpose of having it dis- ou,,»^ bo tnou^ht the time was ripe lor soaJ'iou, If "*>' ''"'* session at least nexssiou. jiloss (Middleaex) explained that the irnJtion of fees was increasing. Many of ^e who enter the schools did so for •hf^irposB of qualifying themselves for thtfaohiug profession. The Oov-jriiuieut ticS consider tbe matter and perhaps takitction. a|. Motcalt considered that the imposi- 1 tioabi fees would be a retrogressive step Jin (ubiio education. Ue believed the 'igj Schools bbould be as free as tbe Public chluU. , . .VK .Miredith said it would bo unfair to oiup^l Ui«h Schools that were ivillingto ive Ir- e e lucaiiou to charge fees. At pre. lut the High Schools could char>;e foes if ley wished. Many of the schools only (."d feea to outsiders. ^lr Wood Bupp ine.i the motion. Gibson (Huron) wanted parish of tbe Council passing on tbe matter, and proposed an amendment to the tfftct that It vtould require a twothird vote of the Council present to pass such a resolution Mr Mowat said the olauae dealt princi- pally with the city of Toronto, and asked for Mr. £. F. Oaike a opinion on the clause. Mr. E. F. Clarke said the city had not parsed on tbe advisability of appointing au asHistant magistrate yet, but he thought perhaps it would bti as well to amend tbe clau-e as suggested by Mr. Meredith. Mr. MuMat consented and the amend- ment waa adopted. Mr. Gibson's (Hamilton) Bill to amend the Division Courts Act waa passed throU(^h Committee of the Whole. Mr. Meredith otijected to clause 21, which authorized the summoning for debt, and the garnishee of their salaries, in the casts o( )0ung unmarried men, irrespective of the extent of their salaries. lie said that, in many of these cates a summons for debt woulil mean a dismissal by tbe eniploJSr. Traiiesmen oUKht to be taught not lo en- con'-age these >0UDg men tuj^ke credit. Mr. Hardy thought tbe^Pugmen ought to be taught LOt to run iiA debt. The clause passed. ^ The committeo rose a: A Tranafuriuatlou. <^Iqd â€" He isn't so attentive to her aa he ed to be. Snubâ€" She's jilted him, eh ? Flub â€" No; she married him. A Doctor's luHdvertence. It is said a bnsy doctor sent in a cer- tificate of dtatb the other day and inadver- tently signed his name in the space for " cause of death-" â€" Sanitary Era. Moral, l>i»a t lirink«. William Wild, of Newark, N. J.^ arose from bed to get a glaaa of water on Sunday niubt and broke his neck by falling over something in the room- IT reported pro- gre.^B. ' The debate on the mcAi^n for going into Committte of bupply, Mtd Mr. Meredith's ameiidmciit thereto condemning the liquor license Jdministration, waa re- sumed, ^jjfc Ms. Wylie aMH the Government control of tholii»n»e boards worked injuriously in caofs nf close election couti sts. Partir-an ii.tlutnce wa.i eairt to be e.xerted in these iniiancts. At hi* own election he louud it The friends of Mr. 8eymourJif(»ter, who disappeared from Torouto a^l the Ist of January last, are offering iHM reward fcr news concerning bim. It is estimated that thero is folly $5,000 worth of hides stored in Kingston and for sale. "There were nioi»hitleB brought to this city," says the itttrt. " this winter than for seveial season!. The prices are lose" nnp Moxv C.uiii' and Mr. Oscar Wilde arn editing a uurioaa little bookof sk«tches. A friend of Mr. Wilde's amused himself while the " Ik Marri^ae a Failure" (piestion wa» raging in Londonby making imsginary fhetches of the writers of tbe published let- ters These sketches are very curiona and Mr. Wdda will make good use of them. Jamks ('.\MriiELL,, of Paikersborg, Mary- land, appreciates the witdom of old Sam Wi-ller's advice " Revaro of the vidders." Some time a^o he was out riding and when passing the house uf Mrs Chas. Osbnrne, a dashing vonng widow, hu pulled out his handkerchief to blow his nose. Mra. O.iboriie thoUKht he waa trviug to flirt and, drawing a revolvt r. Bred tiiur shots at him, two takii g < IT^ct io hii face. The Ughiing lady is now on trial for attempting to kill. Mr. John Briijht baa taken a fresh cold and baa suffered another relapse. The condition of Mr. J. H Pope ia criti- cal, and very little hope of his recovery ia entertained. Advicea brought by the steamship Zea- landra to San Francisco aay that all is quiet at Samoa. There ia an exodaa from North Carolina of negroea, who intend settling iu Arkansas ana following agriculture. Mayor Grant, of New York, yesterday ordered that theanaborst of Eriu be hoisted on the City Hall on Monday. The Cz*rewitoh will visit Darmstadt in May, when bis formal betrothal to Princess Alice of Hease will take place. Atlantic City. N. J . was flooded by an unusually high tide on Friday, and railway traffic for some hours was interrupted. The Provincial Grand Orange Lodge of Quebec has passed a resolution strongly protesting against the Jesuit Estate Act. Forty million francs have been advanced by tbe Bank of France and other parties to keep tbe ' omptoir d'Escompte from going into liqnidatiun- The trial in Montreal of Benaon for wife murder resulted on Saturday in an acquit- tal, tbe jury holding that the conduct of the woman justidtd the act. There was another tumultuous scene in the French Chamber of Deputies on Satur- day, caused by M Laguerre making an attack on Minister Coustans. The First Chamber of the Swedish Diet has rejected tbe Bdl for the imposition of an export duly on iron ore. The Bill bad before been rejected by the Second Chamber. It is stated that the French Government have warned wealthv foreigners, who are Boulangist aympathuiers, that if tbey financially assise Gan. Boulanger they will have to leave France. The British Channel squadron has arrived at Tangier to support England's claims regarding tbe cable and other matters. 'The fleet will not depart until the Sultan's reply h-is been given. The Duke of Cambridge, commander of the forcea. has issued a royal warrant, declaring the Qu^en is convinced of the Honorable Aridlery Company's loyalty and restores to the company ita ancient privileges. In Lennox and Addintiton lO.J convic- tions under the Scott Act have been ob- tained, and tiij>00 imposed iu dues. Of this amount So.iiUii 5S has been collected. Four of the fined were committed to jail and nine absconded. Charles Nanjack, an attendant at tbe city hospital. Savannah, Ga., committed suicide yesterday by shooiing himself throuiih tbe head with a horse pistol. He stood in front of a mirror and aimed the pistol. He was believed to be insane over spintualiam. Mr Fred 'ngram, of Dun, Wiman ^t Co., London, waa walking along I'undas street on Saturday with a friend. The two young men were "fooling" with a knife when by an unlucky accident Ingram received a severe stab in the side, which re<iuirei the attention of a doctor. A measeoger who has arrived at Wady Haifa reports that a battle between tbe followers of Senoussi and the Mabdists baa taken place at Sinan, to the southwest of Bara. and that the former were victorious. Both sides suffered heavy losses. Among the killed were two Muhditt chiefa. Maloney, the Montreal gambler, was arrested on Saturday on a charge of having stolen SlJ.OlO worth of jewellerv from a commercial traveller named Ueinhalt/,, representing Messrs. Ellis ^t Co.. of To- routo. Maloney, although the empty jewel cases were found in bis safe, came back voluntarily from the Statea and denies the charge. An imposing service waa held in the Belgrade Cathedral yesterday in honor of the accession of King Alexander. Tbe Kinti, the ex- King, tbe Regents, the C»0bit:t Ministers, and all the diplomatic refreaen- tativea were preaent. Tbe cit^ Was de- corated with flags, and the ollebration closed with illuminations and ^torchlight proceaaion. Iu the coura^ U the day officials were received in a laww^ll audience by ex-King Milan. Peter NearsbaUky. after afty hours' im- prisonment in tbe Black l^mond Colliery, near Mount Carmel, l^L, was hoisted to the surface at 4 o'cloc^ltB Saturday after- noon. Uis appearance Was the signal for cheers from thousands ot throats, which were heard for miles. He had been half buried, and had given up all hope when his rescuers reached »1|«»" breaat " in which he waa impriaoneLi./8t»nge to say, his in- juries, aside fr^m nerroua prostration, are not serious- Last everifee about 10 o'clock, while Mrs. (JuQJgeJtlorne was driving to the Michigan Central depot at Windsor to meet friaods, the horse became frightened at the express coming in and backed over the platform in front of the engine. The dtiver jumped from the carriage, leaving Mrs. Home alone. The engine struck tbe carriage, completely wrecking it and knock- ing Mrs. Horno out. She was found be- tween the front trucks and the driving wheels of the eukine. She was only aligbtly injured. Only for the depot detective sig- nalling the engineer she would have been killed. In the British Houae of Commona yester- day W. U. Smith moved cloture on the debate on the address iu reply to the Queen's Speech. The motion waa carried by "247 to CO. A despatch from Zanzibar says that a fight took place between Arabs and the Germans on March 3rd, and the Germans reoocupied Bagomojo without loae. Bu- shiri, tho Arab leader, was wounded. Sir Julian Paunoefote, the new British Minister to the United States, will start for Waahington about the end of this mouth. After a abort stay he « ill return to London for the summer Bntteriield against Denmark for the lOaJ of a number of vea!:els nesr St. Jbom>9 many jears ago. J. H. Baker, employed to make publio exbibiiions with a self acting tire esoapa, fell from the Ryan Hotel, St. Paul, Minn., yesterday and was fatally injured. Robert Garrett, the ii.sane millionairei left Ringwood, N. J , yesteriay morning in care cf his physician and attendants en route for Mexico. Mr Garrett's condition ia greatly improved by his sojurn at Ring- wood, but be ia not couoidertd out of danger of a relapse. Mrs. Ann Driscoll deca(;itated her aleep< ing husband. Timothy, with an a.xe during a temporary tit of inaaniiv, near DelafleU, Wis., yesterday morning. She attempted to murder her son also, but was restrained by her daughter, who awoke in time to prevent the act. The woman bae recovered her reason. She says i-be was impelled to murder her entire family iu order to save them from some unknown calamity. Catherine Taylor, a widow aboat 50 years of age, waa brutally murdered in her bed at her home. No 330 Third avenue, West Troy, about 9.30 o clock on Tuesday night. She was strnok on the head with an axe, a terrible wound being icllioted. One of the Angers of her left hand wa;4 cat off, as if she had tried to ntop the blow. The assassin is unknown. A son, William, 25 yeara of age, is under police surveil- lance. Tbe Washington Inauiiural Committee has achieved an unprent- <iented financial sao- cess. There were 12.000 tickets to tbe ball sold, netting S60.000. and it ia expected that tbe receipts from the sale of ticket* to the promenade concert held in the ball room on Tnes lay and from the sale of souvenir ball tickets will bring this amoant up toS70,000. The $.50,000 guarantee sub- scribed by pnblio-spiriied citi.^ns will be returned. Nathan A. Wilson, Secretary ot the Cleveland Stove Company, shot himsell dead yesterday morning while sitting mt his desk. His father is President ot thft company. Yesterday afternoon the oom- pany assigned. The nominal assets are $200,000, liabilities nearly $'.10,000. The M- signment was made, it i-i said, to tide thft company over the excitement caused by the Secretary's suicide and to preveiUt hasty action by creditors. It ia thoagttk Wilson waa depressed lieoause of too close attention to baaioess. -^ DISCOLOBKU .1 KWKLLKRT. Somelimea the Odd, -omatimcs the Wearer Cauaes It. Sometimes it ia the gold and sometimes the girl that makes jewellery crock, aa ia evidenced by tbe following from the Jewel- lers' Weekly : bhurily after the holidaya there oame- into my place a pleaiaut-mauuered young, man who expressed a desire to look a^ some gold necklaces. It is needless to aay that I sold him one. It was foortsen carats and very pretty. Two days later the door was fluug open and in rushed the same young man, boiling with rage. He threw the necklace on tbe counter, demand- ing tbe return of his money, and tbrcatunMl to expoM me aa a swindler. It took halt an hour to learn bis story. < t seems that- after presenting tbe necklace to bis lady love be had taken her to a rei;eptiui^.^ ornamented with bis present. After th9 * hrst dance there was a commotiocrtn on0< corner of the room, an i the rivala of oar cnstomer's beat girl wi rt). tittering among, tbumselves and »hj|fbring about her. 1 he young lady li^xd m tho glass and almost fainted as^the sight. Her beautiful neck was aloSoat black from tbe friction of the necklace. She changed bee mind about fainting, returned home with her brother, and sent ibe necklace back to her young man wuh a note that she did not like the braaa. I tested tbe necklace in his presence, and proved to bim that it was full 14 carats. About that time a young physician ca'led to pnro'naee a scarf- piiu He bad overheard part of the story anlratkad to bear the balance, as he b»- Ueved he conld throw some light ou the- aabjact. Pretty soon he laUkbed outright' and aaid : " Why, sir, the trouble ia with your girl and not the necklace. She haa- too much sulphur, iron, mercury, salt or acid in her blood, and as any of these suh- stances haa an affinity for gold the explana- tion is clear. I have patients for whom, mercurial medicines have been prescribe;d, and the result is that their fingers upoiv which rings are wcrn discolor at once." My customer cooled off and carried hi» purohaee away. _ â€" . ^- Time KveuH Things up. Plumber (1889)â€"" Where are yon going?" Wifeâ€" "To sell my diamond necklace. We must have bread. ' Householder (next door) -"Where are yon going ? " Wifeâ€"" To look at a diamond necklace which, I hear, is for sale cheap." Householderâ€" " Wtli. ihe pipes haven't frozen once this winter I f \ ou like it buy it." A Bluut Conrlualou He â€" What a charming woman Mrs. Bar- blue is. Sheâ€" Oh, she's a bluestocking. He- She may be, but she is sensible enough to wear her dresses so long that the fact is never unpleasantly ptrceptible. The Ulffereuce. " I'ts eating betwetn meals that's giving me the dyspepsia," said Kilious. " Its working between meals tbat'sgiving. it to me," answered Bunly. Mies Oldham, who is not so voung as she used to be â€" " Speaking of fine laoes, Mr. Jackson, here is a lacu han<tkercfaie( made expressly for me on niy liith birth- day." Mr. JacksoT', gallantly â€" "Simply bL'autiful? Ah, Miis O'dham, one see* nothing so fine as that nowadays. Thinga were made much better iu those good old times, weren't they " â€" Persons puzzled by the word "ohm," In tboautumu as a term of measurement for electrioforoe» he wTlftako his family to Washington for a will be glad to know that the original ohia permanent residence. ! was George Simon Ohm. born in Bavaria, In the Lo«er Honao of the Danish -/ RiL'sday yesterday thf Minister for Foreign Affaire stated that tho British Minister at AtheiiH had consin'edto act as arbitrator iu lh» dispute between the United Statea March IGvb, 17S'J .\ statue will be nn- veiled in bin honor at Munich on the 16tl» of next month. â€" Seme men " live and nam." Othera devote their time exulusivily to forgetting â- #' and Denmark regarding the claim of Mr. all that tbey ever ki.uw. â- 9~-j /i

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