* c- «t \ THE F L E S H E irr O N ADVANCE I â- *9SB-5H5!â€" fv^nsesBf -.l^ ' JilL li ^JlJ ) lillLj L i s P»-^ â- ^ />?^ ^".!'<y\vr â- •r,.-. >. ^IllllYliiOhyUlliiniLUi lii\ll;,ii! C;>4»r Fonr 'i'hous.uul Sold in Season l>iSK. Coniu ^loro Halt ot all Oekii-r ICin4lrr> nnuiv in C'ai<a;i;i. iliau I . i>i ; Ino JJ.M.'jt. (,cai- L"-iJ luaii'ifii. • I . '-. II... tin. I) I t iilrif 111 .,1.1 . 1 ila. (arrii.:rrt I'j v.Tii.^ut . i'.-i I lire li.ift, ml jiift II. '(If ilh •i'.IIlOll (.f tiitLM utiy ithln than Hof*-Tt' pliiritiy their '.rd.Tti fcir l^'i, wy r.->-i>L-'?u '*t ("it .-fill 1> .'XI iiiMD iJio "ilr iTf -r 1 \!*«,.i I- â- 1:\ I l.n I'lu.- "I (. ni. ii'-iulil"'i - wh" II t,v. .-v i t -."ir w< irk ink' Hiui lu-.iiit^ »iUii!iii.-- I; Vi . : vt .11 i..iii^w lii'- J;i' 'VC a lufrt, V'tU v, i li I;. > f â- It Mint f â- r.l M 'i':iilt;«i' UIv' ]ii'nv,; -,-1 1 i ,; ..I ..the- inaL'iiiiu- . in l.iiia-lu -•ui â- â- Hruiiiii)r.i Mtt'-hiiiis' nro u\irv p* j- il.ii ;,!â- .. j lioitor kiImIih ;i .11 . ly otb'T liiaohiDon III < uiiiuin â- rnorcfiirtj : 1st <iivo y-Ki. or<U'i Y' \H1,V *â- » ;i I:mi :j' fnr.j lliini,-! ,,r M..w. r â- itnl. And yun will bo siirt- t'« Im* ]..j r. rti v r-at .^:i.) j w lUi il «â- in.u hnj,. wii r"t No ottur (iiiil but iho l^niblu «i. .irr 1 Hi ill wi.i ^U! i t-. ov\ ihu ih-mij^thi h inovi-f* uillier wuv. Noothrr «'i ill cnu bo tt'ittpl'-i I" t"W \Min oitutr iiu.ii ui a t.i.ju witH'nit .-.i.>|i|.ihj; tlii- liuifrs or I o.tiUKorTthf driJi J- fit n\l.l. ),'. TJIOS. A. J3LAKELY, KLK^IIKKTON. PRICEVILLE SPRING GOOiiS! BAKERY. A. W^ • J^**^ I iJusircs 10 inform tht public can turuiBh that he CAKES AND PTKS I'Ut-'T <LkH HHPM) ALWAYS ON ilAM>. ; :• ;â- ' '.'.-toti iwica ft w-'-k 'tt T-ill \> n mi'l imll*\ S.vritki ft L'U"l' \ <u;i» IK Vor NIK 10 I'M, I,. DKSIUE Central Store,' Priccville. Ida New CJoths, New Drcr.s <700(I<, New I'linls, New Ginghams, New Shiriinj^s, New Cottunrules. ThoHo j^oodH wore lH»i({ht wluiii the ludrkut W&!, At llK luwi.>yl [t.'iiit, ami wtU bo liold «)ii tliut fiO^^rS iivZ) SHOES. .\], ;:..-l.. 1 lint til.- hdirli-l .iir.r.l^ ;.( will ti ^K. I;u\.- I, . â- l|.| .1 !â- .1 ik .It J'l U MS I |,.i; 1-ltri t M IS I )| ) I .M ; aH«l K VN ( ) V cakes a Bijecially- A. WATSdN. I'lmeville. 'I'liiM V<«;» f'K MYRTLE err ii„<i fuu; viyy.K THt.\ i;vt:K. Sec T & >n lir«ti/v on 1 .4< K :'i.i(; .-I iri rAHiiiiiK ! « B*avs T« le::, In?::: id fed [!•?:« Stii; (Mti-.'. .11 ij.j'rflo im(»i.» Iti f.h'.it Oiii SiaCK IS CODftPUTE (.nn »;.! ' I.- til* '>^.'ftt ip;ii ]irii-i'H Ti^ht .'/ /•';<// Sit II /ij 1 1 (I J Euphra .sid '^raiiii '] imtiUiy 11 n</. ('lorrr Seed' Ccntial store. rricoviUe. ^v. .>i«rcj.viJi<:. e A bt A.NL> THAT IS I'lli: Itfci*thf5rn Business College, OF owi';i\ soi/jv[i). ". h.i tiii.ii unci most pi utiu -ul r^iiuvne ot stiiOy 1 liv iKiti toailiiiii; tHlaiil 'rni| S.1M auuoiiiiiiiidnlicii for Hluduuts. T.iti ti.1-11 iiiRtni..l.« ti/ liiHtiuirtloii. Till liuu roiilia fro-n tliat iuotruction itltir sj i-lfintft t^'liiUlHOll .•',!.• i.iin iikl (niiii ino«iniintti .Tivinu imrtionlniH |--'ii,lijH ttiu udutMiril .It iidy,lwriiifi i^c . n-'iiiiL'..Hi I . A ri.UMiN(i, I'niNiii'Ai.. I .Ow6ii;j,iiui4, ^luv.Jnt. 11* I WW It* ^ ;j:ii C/D UJ I o _J ♦ TniaOUfillBRED UALLA ^ WiY HULL. |.*.( i.firvio.. fill I.. it llt.lrJ luiiiriM'int, .Arti'iiiixia iiuiuu J cow .< wllluiiiy bd i;liurt;>!il Tuinm, |l.(X) iOnitKD JJUKHAM lU'LL. Formii, .'Octu. Alio • "C lliiHSKSHdKH AND GENERAL C'oUiugvvoort Street, I'LI":SIIKKTON, - ONT. Maiiiifactiiriiii! o> Wrkuiih, SloUllis, HuguieK. DaraocrfttH, elu. Hoim'iitioelag iiroiiiptly «t- iniided (n. Special attention givuii to coutiact (.1 ^r tnnder fni*. Li!;TTERS ROlu THE FARM. SjifciUly li'rilt'U fur Tin- AUi-<i:ice.. i.lt'i (ill llir I'll 111 i-i |i|tl liuiliiilig 1 u.iv,. .j.iivii two iiio'.iiM since i '' 'ul Mi \\. i-h f'llii I 1: ].m;ii(I-= iiifrf- 11 1 . £t li.i M, i.ii.i ail nil iici-Miuil cl' Pill u .1 !'•â- '• i i.' n is iiOlL iii'-j tvil- .â- iilm, .1 ! 1 , , -fi a I'lll. IS I'oiii s lUi.l iiiii--rli s li!.. L' iikI s"liii t \( u'l: .â- V. r 11 a i' Hi" Ji Hill.i aNr. Till-y Mll-C C^-.'iV....^, i-'.jiiB, i:,i ' ;. .1 I ; I'i'i'ii â- •; (111 iiiiik aial e .iliit,', 1 It v.. 1 ; in !.:i\i- I i i xii'iu! 11:1 :>•(.â- ! Vfb uji i iM!:(: it.: I liiioii ;.' ul, wiiii;.! ill iiiV 11,'i.ii 111, i-; nil ucc.ir lii'^' \': thr ; â- . I :il liliii -;â- â- • n:' Uiilr.;.-!. 'I'lail . cii.iia. • ii.'!'. Visuii'lay our toaria'r Hi'iil liic ml fir MX liircli '/ml.^. Slic w.itii' il lo H .it-ii ii.i: \,\.c j,'ailily (liiin-'O. I t;'i'>. li.i- j.;a.is, liiiilv Hum to n;y lu- IdVcil itiiciiii' iiml ;.,'t)L I'cclii u/aiii. WiiiK' 1 wa.-i .i,'i-'.Un;,' tlulii llir liiol linif 1 ti lull I iy Mi.-iil lii( laik ill phifi'.i una liuciiifi iia ill, liLi (iic.ri,'e \\ ii.^liiiii,'U)n, only i .â- innDliicil llie Imik liiu-li so tliiU 1 wciuKIiii l.iivr to U'll u ill ubiiiil it mill >:iy 1 lii.inl ilti it. Iliicli iniik is i.i.( l.itit toiio tliut with. VVlifti I ^;iil llicni tiio .second time llicy fell on ni\ lnu-k liki- lla j ;.,'fnlle tinis of a f.iil-ics wiiiul aiul didn't hurt wortli a cent. I HUiilid| hliindly ul my fullow juiinlsand stouil it all witli a h( riii.siii wurtliy of llie early inurtyrH. live f,'uti!i W(.'re thin niaik' into uiiitclies. The sixth lUfii htartcd to f,'L-t ill its tine work, and wlirii tilt: first blow fcdl I knew tlieiT was .soinetliiiig wnnif,'. It whistled llirounii llif atnl(ls^llllâ- r^• with a busi- ness air liiat informed me I had for- gotten to hack it. Wlien it lit I knew tlie iiiforniatiou was correct. The recoil made me jump two feot high, iind the magnetism engendered i â- my body just mado my two legs Hy aroniid that school house, 'jvcr desks and under thcni, hut that gad attend- ed Btiictly to busines.s and kept in- dustriously whacking away fiercely, with a tfiiacity worthy of a inore just cause. Till' I'lily sati.sliiction 1 got out iif tlii:-! lliia-.^liing was to hear falliir I't-laliiiriiig -llic woiu^ |iili- liitf at lli^'lll wliili- 1 lay in li'il, swatlu d in Imuilages and liniment. Tho mor- al of lliis Hlory i.-i, whin you undcrlttke a job do it well. 1 don't much care, thougli, for 1 bIuiU lay in bed a week, if hugar making don't start in the moantime. â- .Martha and her young man had a good time in the parlor last niglit. Vou Fce Martha's dear little brother was out of the way. Jiiil I'll fool tlieiu some night soon â€" see if I don't. We have four new cahes (including Mat's beaux) and tluy are all beauties ex-' cepting the beaux calf. Ho is red- haired and wears side whiskers. The othei'H are red, too, but they don't have to wear any sucli measly-looking red clay mutton chops ns the beiinx calf. Wait till Mat reads this ! We have eight lambs, but Jicdney isn't one (if th(!in. He's no lamb. He held nie the other evening while Mat hunted through my pockets and stole :i letter. t)f coiirse it wa6 her Icttci, Imt I don't believe iniisingX force un- til all kinds of argnmont 'are exhausted. Thai is what makes .so much misery in tliiii world. Man arrayed against man, and fight, fight, until one is cowed but not convinced. Now I'm going to Hteal another letter, sure as guns, and I'll show it to all tho hoys, and Send it to you to publish m Tho Advance. Sec if 1 don't ! When I think of that coersive measure of theirs il makes me madde.r'n the lick- ing did. It makes mo so mad that I can't writo no inon\ rover, as as tlui Fretichman says. . Zl'iKK TU:M)SHAW. A lltrii>r If'tiiiteil. AjnciiUiuiil iiit})eri ara full '>! "liow to riiiue ckIvcb," Mow to iiiite good Ininh.s" ;an<t<|iU kinds of Rardia truik. Hut I lli«ro is never a word in tlirin .iHnnt the BLACKSMITH 'â- ^'s'iiK of oats. 'I'hat is what Tho Ad- vaiuii wishes to learn. We wish to bo instruflwd iu the ]iroper iikkIc of raining the wliiile lilaiiied tiruud na hit;li that they'll nove: ciime down. One of tliem Htule our beefsteak tliif morning and the me^\ had to be madel off cordwond or A large Assortinei Men's Women's and Children's BOO 1< I i J...- ^' AlTD SHOES for WIlfTEE WEAH. k _AT- i^ W, CLAYTON'S The Remainder of our WINTER'S STOCK will be Disposed of at Astonishingly LOW BA TES. J i â- » jiju» » L . .. 'i fti i i i«iiliMmM r«i w^7r^-»â€" r- Photos, Photos .he the thiij, .inale otbet . -Prefore no.- »nil N«d J i* .1 Photos H e arr now turning nut work far iuperinr in style and Jiniih t» any ever pro- duced in yiethertiin. COPYING and ENLARGING at MO PER HE RA TES. PICTUEE FEAMINQ done in all itt branches. A good stock of FliA.VES and MO l.'L PINGS kfp« constantly on hand. Will also introduce the new BROMIDE FORTRAIT, at picture that is f/ioinri entire satis/action icherever introilaced. SAMPLES cam be seen at my Gallery whert all particulars as to Price, Style Slc, can he asctr- FliESHERTON HEAL If [ FOR ALL* i r(â€" \ CO [i'i fair â- ecnt never [ -. one â- 'Jl THE PILLS rtirifv the Blo«d, eorruct all Uitfordei- <yi be TlioT ir- vJ;i'jrfttMan'l rp<tt>rfi to boalth I>uHMtftteiI f'otuititttticnu. fcnd are ^'avalnahlo in ail Co }>lau]t^ tiici'Ujntal to PciiialoB of nU aj^t^s. I'V>r C'tiildrun and tb« aifi."' ibej aru pnculeiM. TIIK OINTME^^T au infallibU r»meav ff»r ilad LcRn. Hiid Hroafltt. Old Won mis. Snrfs and '".cers. It iflfameuBf Ootit nn'l KhoumatUin- For duordors o( the ('hot*! it bas no «qaa For SOU I-: Tifh'o.ri, /{iuK\cNJTis. coroifs, coins 01anduUrSwolllngs,ftiid«Il Skin I>i«««i« i« h»« no riral : »nd l.ir coniraeteU and ii»i« utiitK It actH like a charm. XI%mif««tiir»id on It at rri>f«iiiior nor.t.'.>w \t< Eatalilitliinont, TH. Xew Oxford litrert ( late 5»a. O.cford Street ), LoHd»R. and ai-ftsdld at 1« IJd.iri 9d.. 4«. 6d . lU.lKs . and »3t. each Hox or Pot, and may be had of a' I Med cine VendLira tlirongliolit thi; '^ or'.d. fUr I'urchiiiers shi>uld look ti. ihe Luhul 07i, the I'ots ami Hoxes. I) the address i* rwt .'I.^.?, Oxford atretl, lA>ndvii, tJuni are spuruAU. i ^1 > llearirs Carriaiix^ Works. MANlfKAOTUUEK OF a o Carriages. lUirj^ie,^, Wagons, Sleighs, Cuifers, cfe-. <S\'. ^> ,â- Sr.crial Att<'ntioii civen to PAINTIKO. TKlMMINtl, HORSK-SHOEIiNO ami al] '♦(iiiii.s (if .I» >H WOKK. Ni>tUiie.r hut first i-lu.-H iiiatpiial tried thiuughoui and Riitiafsctioii jtmuanteed. We have fi.r sale I^itJ"nl>ei', Ijjitli and J?*liin<*-les!. .'^Iso .Atreut fur Dick's Kol'iorn, Mnwcis and lUndcri. ))ick's Cliami.ii.r. Kov.il Kov, (itnuiter and Slmidard Plows. Two and Three luinow (lauu PIowh Fl.r.se PoweiB for 4 Horses. Straw Cutters, Scuftlers and '.runup Ihilla. JOlIXir. in:.ini>, Durlmm Strnt. n<shi)to)i. WANTED ! V.lin AiiVii bt^lti*. ('tii.b \)jAii. :< liAMtJlir,FljaIn..ltt.n :t|.' WJE isi m mm. K. l>.i-.:n.H- .'ff '.'i f n -;>'" wt^»l half of b»C IC, Cou. U,U:»|Mira. m. Iti' liiU'i't fainj-t^fj n>-i-*'i;. in'ftrl'. k!1 rl«r'»' .^1 â- nui un.tur i'ilLlvalion| ?ii,"-0. ^.'AN)rti-h. bMiiincociin vomaiu on mbll^ttifB at 6 pnr cent. M«t1v<Iji1«' l*iM>pi'i-t3'. i ftâ„¢ in^HIHISrr, a ml^irS' wh« tMV hftT* cftll.'i. llx-y hcninie v 'WT lot wte who -aHm It on< /T ^.J' Dwelltng iKitixi nn 1 Kho.iou Mill St •tKH) (n. WttCi-ORin ti<. TOW^ITIP of A i'. ">:ri..;siA ^ - nrick houn! .ir ! ...ud •• . -u adjoiten,. Vii . <()fi; i ui,ii,,i,'„ i>, ,.,,,.., i-,, , of FI L.im-.K !(J,$l.,ri F,„ tnvf./i • .:iio« ^»> "» » ' ' "l-V ' ' lull! arr'f to -t :)\M'„l'. , PUi-'.i' i â- . , for sal'J u( (.'.o Mudi: For lam â- hiek, h l^V \ ...JL '"'-'-- ^ *'i**: 9>*r. Mqllil Sa|<1 w>icli. >..l.ll.it(ln»0. utifltaii.1'. Ueil 4-.1 I'AKIi :ii tht wild. I'.rltti iun*li...i . r. Vui- r.ii.i..!. IWT