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Flesherton Advance, 21 Mar 1889, p. 2

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GOLD URAZY CALlfORNlA ! A Big Discovery to t'ju South of 8au Dli;gu. EVEHYBODY RU8H1NU 10 TilD MINES. A special dcspatrl (roni I. a Aii);eliu. Cal., d*tcil Msruli 7ih, iia\d : Tlit fuUi didooveriL'd in Lowcrt^alifirtiia hinecreauil ioteiibt' t-x itt'iiicijt in cvt r_N town in the aoutliL-rii part u( llie Hutu. 'I'hu Hauta Clara dintrict, whiru llit- crowds »!â- <• rush inti, 18 I.'jO iinlud mouiIi of San l>K-tu ami 40 iiiileB wtrt of Ku/.ria>la. All iiloni; tlic line thonBan(id arc tn t.^ilc to tin- iirl Is. At Sail l)irt;o llie strcfln af" lillL'd wiUislriiii;;- t-ru oultillin^ for the mima and witli wn^; Houii and pack inuks loailcd with iniiierti' OQlltd. .\ii a\erat;L' of 'â- â€¢lO inc-u a day liiivi; left for the niiius fur the Unt four davH. and jeaterday tlie nmnher was much larjier. WailerH at the hotila and ri^stan ranta have lart;ily lift, and t wolhini^ of the furce on llie ('nvaihara Kiilroaii are (,'one The bini iniiualioi.H renardinn the value of tile mined are that no one has re. liiriu-d i-.\:ept to repleiiinh " t;rub stakeB." The tehf^raiihera have aldo joined the proa- [lectori. James Kerrane, of l.js AnnuleH, returned from the camp Iftet niylit. He said : There are already oier 1 ,000 iipni on the liroiind. '1 lie oliitl brought out is |iliirer colli and lif^ht and ilikey. The valliv in which the mine wad discovi red lias Itireu well dilitieil tjold cjii»rt/ loded. Xhey ileecend fr^in the nioitntaind above in Heparate filches. The t:ulch to the north m ill'! n,-,e m which lb' i;ri-aleHt (iiui had been in-idi. .\bove ari- to he fuuiid irop[niic-i of rUtc and [.orpliyry.' .\ trac mH l;aB been made of one lode. I.IUO feet fro:n ll. .• niper fide of the valley into the inountaiiiH. At preaenl in tile valley four dry vvaulii i.i are located, only one of wbicli ie in operation. A i;rcat niaii> ro< kern iind ground »h.i ch arc hi inc worked. Tlio din Id easily lianolid ai.d the richcnt of ri.'liirnd ar-' had in Home in^^lanoirf. I saw one rim who had knocked out i 200 in four lc}nr». liut above all thini;d the jiriced of pro'. i'-MU.) are dimiily "Ul . rajjeoue. 1 paid f '/ for a ."o pjnnd sack t f Ihmr, - > ''U f jr a 10 poutul .da ;k of oatmeal, and drii.k.H are livo hits a jdece. Han iJe-Ko has about ;.• m a I'.Mv to the cold c.oun. try. I'our li-l,-i;r»nia lnw been recciM-d in thid city rojucrtiiic that liulel wailtrd be dent at one- to San liict;o, as none could b,; had there al anv price. T he i^uPdlri were Irfl to i;ct ill' ir icA.'i lueala out of the kitchen for oi i entire ila\. A dii-panb dirci:l froni the camp lavd : New arriv^ii.-i poured in iii a coiidtaiit Blrean: to day. .\ company of iMe.vican rural t:u»riia arrived lliid iiiornini; aurl III-' coiiirnariHtnt put the camp under martial law and dii-ariiied every "ue, the ariiid to be returned wheu tiny leave the caiiip. I have Been to day over S'Jo.UUO iu do a and iiiii.'netH. I'ew take the trouble to wadb, nonply die hard pan and pick out the ^laind and iiu^tietii with a lioriitpjori. I believe many payini; ijuart. leailH will be worked. One lode can be traced 1 li>0 feet up the nionnt>in. Iri waebiuc, tlie dirt id I aeily liandled, ad the ^oM ih li^lit and tlakiy. Heportd of a lar^^e lind at Jical J.)el, Cautello ji-it came in tin 4 ovonini;. The camp ia wild over the liod of a Ml M an named .IibUi' lioaelle. Ho came yeslenlay moriiini.' and t>ok a claim. Thin i veuinu bin tlenu upweicba rl il.'iO. The camp ii orderly . lliere are ru;i:»iH, but all work. Teaiiia ply regularly betw, :ii KoHenmla ami here , the cliariie id S'lOeacli. rrovi-.iono are dcarce , (lour nelld at SlOauack and cierMhiiiu m tile name proportion.>;e Htockd of t;oodd are reiiorted on the road. I'ive women have arriicd an t are now workint; nciijliboriiii,' clainid anil doim; well. 'I'lii- nichi are cold. There are a few dun oiilH. but no one id will- ing; to ttcp work 1(1 build dhclter. The whole e«mp ^Iccpd on the tiroiinil. Tin re 00 people and more are coniini; eviry an 1 hour. A IMIHMtAlll.K KMI \4Mini;Mall I'iiIkiiiih llliiiiti^lf to Kne.ip*. Ill*- L'uUdetj iii-iieeK of llln Crliiii'. A ladt ( riiuri-d»> I niijht'H l.aiidiii);, Mich., despatch Bay s : lidwaid M. Mnrietla, a Landing man, decojed from (Canada to I 'etroit yealirday by ini-and of a letter whicb liie oili.MjrH induced Mrs. Miiiina I'arki'r to writi , and who was wauli-ii lien for criniinally addaultini^ u Oyearold t;irl naniid Kettie Iledijed, was hrouKbl home cli-ari b> Deputy SlierilT Cook lust iiioht. Marietta indiicid lii-i iTUthcr in law to bail him for the oflenci. at;ainm tlio Hi-d|.'eH l^irl, and last week ibni to ('ana laon money furniibid by Mru. I'arkir, who was to join liim later. Hhi! waB dim 1o A-ed 10 I'elroil on Monday and there arrehted. An olloier indiicid her to dend a litter to Maiietla at Chatham, tcllini^ bim dhe wan ill in Detroit, and afterwar*! tii'-pbornil hiui to rrodu the rivf r. He wa-. arrested aw be dtcpped olf the ferry boat. The olli -er iiUrteil for home with both bifl prisoners on the train last i-\eiiiii|.'. Wlieii half an liuiir's rule from Detroit Marnlta remarked that he did not feel well. A drink of water Hi cnnd to revue him, but in a few nioineiits he B^ain complained of illiieBU, uliicli was not BO readily relieved. Kljildeiily bid lunbd Htilfened out, and he tlien coiifeHncd that just before leaviiic Detroit lie i-wallov\cd a doBe of dtrychnine, piirihaHed iu \\ iiiddor for tbnt piirpooe if arresteii Ho pn w rapidly worse, expi^rienciiij^ coiiviilsioiiB frit;blful to witnedH. and died nbortly before the train reached I'lymuutb. Mari otta was '.'<i ye ird old, and leaven a youn^' wife. â€" ^ A Clerff.^iiiau l>«>|MiHril. At tho Ash Wednesday servioe of Trinity Clinrch Jiidhnp depoded from the iniiiiBtry rjf ihia lOpiditopal dice .Be tlioUev. Kidney \\ ilbur. This action id tuken in fiarryin^,' into effect the verdiid of tin- I'incli'diadtical Court, xvbich found Wilbur (jiiiltyof not only vielationB of Iho canon lawn, but t^roBH immorality Wilbur was called three liniPB by the llidliop, but did not appear. He was formerly rector at f<uapBn8ioii nrid^e, but in now Hiip[iodc.d to ba ill Florida. His name waa coiinec I with a scandal two ( cinnT. I years a^o. /; r/'ci/u A lliilipy Collide. Wifeâ€" What a happy looking cotiplo tlioei two are I I wonder how long they've been married. Unabandâ€" Ob, I giioaa tliey'rc only en UUtV UK (ior A MOTUKK-I.N-LAW. ViiiiuK Nun «ii Soiijfht anil l-*«iiiii(l tin- Long AlUdlui; MotlK-r uf UIh ISetrolheil. A New Uaveo dcapatch eaya : In the ijuiet wedding; in the little villiice of Terry- ville, Liicbtield County, this afternoon, of I'hoinad 10. iNnuan. » reporter fur the New Haven Morni'iji .V-u>, and Jennie Hart, the •idopied dau^liter of J. T. liart, a wealthy resident of Keudington, culminated iu a love story in which a dearob for the mother of the bride was an important e|iiBodii. In Honth Coventry, iu 1h7i;, a Mr. llayden died, and his wife. K-fi dpdtitute, had to no to the pojr house. Their ijyear- iilu daiinbler was a lopted by 'Mr. Hart from an orphand' home in which Bile had been placeil by her grandfather. Mother and daughter had not eince heard of eacli other. Mr. Hart subaeijuently died and left part of hia ealate to Ilia adopted ilauniitcr. who took the name of Jennie Hart. She went to reside, in i'^l'', w.ith .lames Woodruff, a brother-iu law of Mr. Hart, at 'Jerryville. Here she met yoiinn Nunan. who then conducted the Terry ville lUi'ih. The paper had but a brief e.\iHtouce. and when Nuiiati deserted the l:ii.ilr\ nest ho doci led while lookiiit; for a position to try and find the riiotlu r of Midd Hart, to whom ho had be- come attached. He knew only that the daunhtor had been taken from Hostou aud her mtme had been Ilayden- A M-iit to ino.-it of the instiliiliona wan made in vain before- Nunaa tdruck the Little Winderer'b Home on lialdwiu place. Here ii wad sai 1 Ibo rules forbade niviiii> information, ad in a maj irity of ('as-sit waa well that such chil.lren bhuul 1 not l;nruv who their partiita were. It was -sub- de-juently found, however, that elie had he -n received from Kouth Coventry in l-sTii iiud thither the rcp.irter went. Tbia ^ illa^e wad n^.\t vihited, and a lonj,' dt-arch rcHult'd 111 liiidinn the iiiothifr at K ick- viU... She had married a^ain, and had Three clitldri-n by her second bu-ihand, (o-oriie i;i )ridt;<-. But she had to continue worKinn in the mill at that place. The III itlnr wan ovi-rjojed ij learn of h-r lonn lorJt dau^bter. 8he, too ba 1 sought fruitleiali, for lor olf iprin;| with a phclo- crap'i I flier taken when very \uuiii;. It \'.aH dho.vii to many, but none seen the lost ono. Nunan in e\e:utiv( s -deion toll hia in- teiici. ,1 bride of liavint; found her mother. Tliry Went â- ., .\t day to Itjckville and viiiiied the mill where her mother wad working. An ai:.fctin|.' scene f^ .llowed whi-ii the iiMllicr was calli-d otit into the o;:'ije. Soon after tic i:idridne children were care-iHed by a bister uhoiii they Iml luvi-r seen before, and the siater, bet-i lea lit r motluT, found reliitived of when she had never beard. The intimacy baa been maiiitnined, aud the yoiinn man received the niolber'a bli sa- iiilj when lie Id to the altar the daughter wbo.e baud he had earned by the lonj; acanh. THEY DIED TOGETHER. Extraoi .licary Donble Buiciile of Two Young Eoglish Qirla. AlKAln <ir A .Sf.VIKK SCOI.OIMCi, They Tie Tlieiiirtfdvea Tojj;ether and l>i-uwu 111 Khi-Ii Other a Aniiii. iboiolon Kditlun ut the N. V. Hnrald.j Two MIsritKSS OF THK 8KA8. TreiiiendfiUH Inerean*^ Propuael to the llrltNIi Navy - f'llfhttliff Charlie WuiitM Moreâ€" Tlie lliidlealii tj Opiiune Mie luirrease, A LiOndon cable aaya : In the House of nommons yistjrd»y Ijord George Hamil- ton, I'irst Lordof the Admiralty, stated that tha Government proposed to build eit^bt first- class men of war, of 14,000 tons eaoh, and two of '.),0U0 tons, nine first-clabsoruij- ers, twenty-nine smaller crnidora, four of Ibo I'audora t>pe of cruisera, aud ei(4hteen ;e nirld Ui c tumataoces STICK Tll.l. UK UIKO. The llorrllile llrnth i>r a .Man who lell friiiil a Cliarlf^ltin l>uf-U. A (Charleston, N.(;, despatch Bays ; .John D. Wredc, a drniniiier for a cominiaaioii liouae in thia city, met a horrilile death tbi- other iii^ht. He left hia home at about '.> o'clock, ami waa not beard from till the ic'M ilay, when bid bodv was found in the mud at Ilnntera dock, on the eastern water front. The body waa biiriej in the mU'l np to the arnia, wdiich were i'-\tended. It ia Biippoacd that he fell from the wharf into till dock, and while tryiiii^ to e.\tri<-ate liiniself sank do deep in the mud as to be unable to t;el out. At that hour, 10 p no, the tido wad low, and at hii^li tide there id not over three feet of water over the Bpot where he pcrislied. He tnimt have been slowly drowned by the riaiiii; tiili.. Tli'-re are residences wiiliin 100 yards of the place where he was fouini, but his cries were unheeded. He luiidt have hi en alive for four hours before the tide reached Ins month and drowned bim. Wrede is the lonrth victim who has perished there in the same way. A ll^tiy l-'ariiier Si'iitniieeil. In the Hicli (Court of Justiciary. lOdiii buri^li, uu Monday, Jessie Kiii|^, or Mac pbersoii. was tried on acbari^eof iiinrderini!, at dilTerent times duriii){ laat year and ibeprevioiH year, tliree babies entriiated to her to briiii> u|i. Kiii^ in her declaration admitted diilTiicatin^' the children, with each of whom she Iml received a preminin but when placed at the bar abe denied the crimes. One charge was wi'.hdrawn. and IS the jury returned a nnaninioiis verdict of nuilly on the other twcj cliari;ed, prisoner wad condemned to death on lltli March. (Ju beariuf^ the suntencu the prisoner almost fainted, and was carried downstairs by a policeman and waa beard moanint^ by the people ill the court. Kbo afterwai la rlaiiiitd to the Police Inspector, " ()b, to be baiii^ed ! What a death !" addini^ tlntt she e.vpt-idcd only (-i^hteeii inonths' or two yoarrt' iniprisuiiment, â€" Trtni liiuliji' Chroni'!, , â- /â- â- .(. -,11,. Ili*r(ilii«> or KtKil of MiSd liowe, a pretty 17 year old (^irl l.atoiiia, I'a., eloped from bat place on Monday with I rank I'orsytli, a iiiaii who bud lost both le^a above the knees. cirl had to pudli the wheeled chair m ber lover navinates. They reached M Keedport on Tuesday, ami there suoceaa fully eluded the ollicors who were after llieiii. A Ueiiiarhiilile Alan. Wife (oominij homo from church) -Mr. (liiodman ia certainly a remarkable man. Iludband Why do you think so ? Wif(. liecaiiae be only retiirneil from I'.iirope laat week and he didn't he^jio bin Herniiiu with the remark, ' When I waa in au-and do.' A OliiiHt Layer. I'irst Wife Why did you have your hiMband cremated .' Kei'ond Wife He swore ho would hanDt me. Now let him haunt. An Anlelo|ie In a KIk. An antelope was found fro/.en to a block of ice at the mouth of Caapor Creek the other day. Ho had nvidtntly slipped and fallen while croasin^ the stream, and when discovered waa sittin)^ upon hia haunches waitinu for tho June thaw. C'lL-jnr, II'i/om- ing, Mail. with themselves are circumataifSes which would h<- re>;arded as the wildest tlit;hts of fancy if narrated in the paijes of some latter-day romance. I'he two yirla were mere children. Their named were .Sarah Aun Ward and Elizabeth Wylde. 17 and li) yeara of a^^e respectively; and, as far aa can bo learned, they were both of excellent character. 13oih were domestic servants, both were employed in tho same house, both started out for a holi.lay on Sunday forenoon without a cloud to shadow their prospi^cts of enjoyiii),' themselves. The ne.xt mornint,' their dead bodies were dratjyed out of the slucnish waters of the Birtnintj. ham Canal, where they had dro.vned them- selvea tot;'-ther but a few hours before. When found tho two holies were lied to- i;etlier with a red woollen wrap, and the arnia of each were entwined around the ollur as though they had Ml Ii I.N' \ lONO KMIJUI K, iris tied themselves together and ^'"'ff^H'uoter typo of torpedo veadela drown d themaelves iu the Birmm^hara .^^e lota lonnarfo of al these vessela will Canal on Sunday ni^lit. The particulars ^"^ '';,'^<J"' '""''h« tot*' ':Z\"V'T^''''- of the tra^edv are without parallel in ,he H'°''< .'^f" ,^f »^ked that £ OOOO^UO be «p- annalaof .selfd -atruction. 'The pathoa of propr.ated from the consolidated fund for tho caaeand the insiijniticanceof the events ^e propose-d mcrease of the navy ami that tile remainder of the sum reipiired be pro- vided for in tho ordinary oaiimatss. Ue promised tiiat the Admiralty's pro;'r8mme would be e.xejuted withiu four and a-half years. Lord Geor^je did not think tho pro- posed increase would induce other iialiona to attempt to rival Entjland iu naval atrenuth, bacause Kntjland had refrained from military rivalry. He did not believe that any other power waa capable of eie- cutinc such au eitenaive programme in so abort a time. Lord Oharlea Beroaford complained that the (jovernment ("ave no real reason why jiiat so many shipa, no more and no leaa, bhoiild be built. He nuvo notice of an amendment, declarinij that Knyland's nav*. Btreniith ou^ht to ba eijinl to tho naviea of I'rauce and any other great power combine i. The Uadicils will oppose every stajje of the lei^islation connected with Lord Geort^e Hamilton's achemj. It ia expected Mr. (Jladdioiie will bad tho Opposition attack which ncvi-r looaened even when th" cjld ' on the Government. \'. aura closed over them and liuahed tluiri . ^ l*r«ife».* »r |{lu<-kle uii the Cuvviiaiitrr^. Kiiierilas Professor Blackie lectured, the other tvpuidi', on th-j Scottidh Covenanters in 1 1, .an I'ree (Church, Kdinburch. At the still.'d nadp.a in death. From the eviJen -e i;i\eii at the iiii|uest it seema that the i;irla Were driven to their mutual death tliruunh fear of baiuK reprimanded by their employer. They j!ol leave only to stay out outset he remarked that he did' not think until 1 o'clock in tin afiernoou. but wli.-n ibe (Joveiianters t;ol fair play in public it came to -s o'clni k and th -y had not yet , ,.alimati.jn . perhaps thev i^ot this ill Free returned to their- ho-ne. they .ieem..d to Church eatimatiou, but he wa^ not a Free have become ternic-d at th.- poaaiblo con- 1 Churcliinan he was only a lover of all cood te.(iien.;ed and d-ciUd not to yo back at mi-n. Ha cave hia riylil band to the Katab- all What f lolidh i leaa cot into their ' hshtd Chun b. hia 1-ift to the Free, and his childish irnat;iuationd, ai..d what thouchts l.ctrt to both. Ho did not see mi;;li dif- theui all throUiih the Hahhitb fcreiice betwi en the two deuoiuinatious. or oveiiine, no one will ever know. When he should not have been there on that tlc-y Were laat sen they Were trvini.; to imt occasion. I'roctedii.;; with his addrc-isâ€" a bjld face en the awlnl intenti n:s they | the pcrio.i covered datin.; from 1 1)0 to had all. aciy conceived, and the cirl Wylde , liisjs - he laid down three propositions: Uii-bcd as she told a boy friend cf herd ( I , The Sottish nation, aa a natijn, was that ohe was ^cinl,â-  to d.) away with herself isseiitiallv Presbyterian ; u') Kvery diatinet 111 the canal. No one saw them alive after people h;ui a rich't to a national cjnacieuce. a -piarter past '.i o'clock. No one heard of j That was indisputable, let them deny it if ilieni at;aiu until their b i.liea were taken they dared. (:ii The Church was an ethical from the canal next morning. aasociatun or a spirituil brotherhood, over James Amphleit, a lioido driver em- which the Btate or secular power had no ployel at the l^ast Cannock colliery, stated aulhoritv none at all , and any iuterfer- at the in.|uest that he had been " keepinji i nee of the Htato in tho admuiistratiou or company" with Sarah Ward for six montha I >n Sunday evenini; be went t back. III! Sunday evenini; be went to tho Salvation Army barracka at Iledneaford, with a friend of his named Lloyd, aud there saw the two uirls. They were outside the barracks tin n. but later they went in and attended the service, where he afterwards a^ain saw theiu. .\tH o'clock he aaw them acain, and they talked tot<elber for a while ; tet;ulation of the Church was an act of usurpalion and wrouj,', which juatilied resiatanee and repulsion on the part of the olTeiided conscience of the spiritual brother- hood. He afterwards touched briitly on tho leading events of the period indicated, elicitiu^ a Kuot deal of laughter by his reference to the famous incident witneased St. Giles' on the introduction of the and tlum the girls told him how It was that I liturcy. Ue sutiyested that they should Ibey sic. old have been home- at 1, and Were i kiss the memorial braaa which marked tho uow J spot from which tho utool was thrown at Minii. 10 iiKiii.s. j the Dean, aud asked "throe cheers" for Thev then turned away and bo»{an wliia- j Jeuny (Jeddea. whom he characterised as pcriiig to each other, .\mplilett lntened, ] tho tirat t ovenauter. l.VpplaUde). and overhcaril the >;irl Ward dayint;. " Wo i â- â€¢- will t.e ouroeKes together;" hut at the time] * HlKliUi.iler'» Adventure. be c jiild not understand what they meant. | .\ person arrayd in full Hi;4hland coa- 1 be nirls then went down the street to-'tuiiie cauted terrible commotion in a lail- Iledneaford atatn-ii, and Aniiihlett I way carriage in the I'errache station, near went off in aiiiippoaite dire.-tion altogether. ' L> ons, yesterday. Two ladies who were in About an hour lat. r .\iii|ilil .'tt and LKnd j the carriage shrieked aa they saw the awful wen- returning to their houio when they spectacle presented by the entry into their again nut the two ^jiild. Lloyd weiit ' conipartnienl of a man withoii'. pantaloons. lioiiie and .'\iiiphlett remained with the The lliglilamler, who was on his way to girls for a while, cndiavoriiig to perauado | Nice, nevertheless took his seat with Cale- tbeiii to go home, but his attempts were , donian co.ilneas, whereupon the ladies friiitleati. I screamed the louder. It wad in vain that " Why won't you go .'" ho asked. | the a[iparitioii in the garb of oM (ianl apj- " IJecanse they will begin reprimanding logi/.ud and e.\plained the situation in bid ua," explained the girls. i I'roncb, aud eipially futile were the el! jrts " Well, what do you mean to do 7" 'of tho atation master, who assured the " Make away with ourselves in tho ladies that the gentleman with the dirk, canal," answered Hli/abelh Wyble, with a the sporran, and the tartan acci.aaories or laugh, and Amphlett went away thinking propurlioa was perfectly hariiileds. " Voii the girls were only jesting. don't run the shadow of a risk, Meadames," Ho went and asked hid friend Lloyd what iiidisted the atation master in bin blandest he thought of the matter, however ; but tones. " The gentleman cornea from a Lloyd took his view of the caae, and said country where tho tnon wear petticoats and the girls were too sensible for anything do not wear trousers." Despite ivery- wroiig to happen thcni. . ; thing, b jwever, which was said in order to .\nd so Amphlett went home and forgot calm llieir apprehensions, tho over-timid about the girl he had been ' keeping com lady travellers bad to be placed in a car riage at a safe distance from that in which tht. (Cale. Ionian, stern and vvi'd, ba. I taken up hia poditi m.- r<trii /i.-.-/Mh-/( tu f/e' I.uii- iKiilij ifl,-;ir<')'li. pany with' for the last six months, aud apparently forgot all about her child coin- paiiion too. .\iid the iie\t morning, when the canal boatmen were dragging theirslow boats np the slii.;ciah waterway, they found the two girls aliiiiy and cold and dead, li.d i together with a ml woollen wrapper, aud , each other aa though embraces Were fi-lt by tile dead. I Alio her .Mai l > of Die 11 mill " ('hrinl laii Sileiii t- Iltirlv atlofi of I'Miiilllar WonU. The dollar waa the Gorman thaler. 1'he guinea wa- tirat made in Guinea. The florin win tiiat made in Florence. The mark was etaiuped with the lion of St. Mark. I Sandwiches were lirst made by Lord Mrs. Mary C. ICdwarda, who has just Sandwich, died in Syraciiao, N. Y., was a believer in Klectncitv, from " electron," amber, tho Clirialiaii Bdeuco doctrine, and herself from which it was discovered, profesaed tii effect cures through the , Superaiiii on, that which lingora after an agency of faith. About aix weeks ago she opinion has been exploded, went to ICtica to treat a patient. While Blue ia of uncertain origin, probably on her way to the cars to return home she from the Gernian for " lead." fell and broke her hip. She was inline- | Velluvv coined from the trees with refer- diately brought here, ftiul two phyaicians oncu to their autumn foliage, were called in and reduced tho fracture. â-  Green ia from tho same root aa " grouo," Then tin- (^Christian Kcientista took charge referring to the tieoa and vegetation, of the catio. the patient being attended by ( Inlluen/.a, ao named beoauao tho epidemic Mrs. Lllen IC Cross, principal of the was supposed to have been caused by the Academy of (Christian Science in thia pianola. city, aiiil another disciple of the school, i Magenta, a rod or crimson dye derived Mrs. ICdwarda grew worse, and regular from aniline, t^rst brought into use near physiciaud were again called, but they Migcnti. Italy. could not aavB her life. They say that Uoae, pink, velvet,, bron/..i, orange. tiieir failure was due to tho interfeteiico lemon, hazel, chestnut, ochro ash, from of the (Christian Boieuco people. The ubj ictd iu nature. " Scientiatd " say they could not save , » â-  the woman's life for the reason that she i did not have sullicieiit faith herself when the crisis came.â€" .S'i/riicn,)C i'or. A'c/c >OOI. I CiiiK'llrrelll Ka<-ls Teacher â€" In what part of the human frame is the liver .-' I Hoy Kight in tho middle- -the bacju ia on tbo other aide. Souiebody, Long Ago. " Kere lyetU " aoni' -name utikDowu. K ,r tbo i-rwejiin,^ IU isa half (.'overs Llic stone. â- â-  .She did ' â€" Lioud d.jwn, you eau read tUu difcte - " In Bevyiiteon hundred and eiKlity-elKbc That \va» a hiiniired years uiio, .\ ud of â- â-  Kunicbudy " wuat do wo kn-jw '.' ' Somebody " oneo had a place In life, I'layed her itii.rt in iis pi-nee ami strife, ila-l lier share in lt.s hopes anil tears, ^U'i Ladled lovu wi-h its sniiiMK ,in'1 tt'ars. Hut she caret b lltllu, niuthiuks, to-day. ii the loug-pasL hours \v.,-rt; ci ^^oel or gray. S.oiiebody diedâ€" we know net how ; U inaLtera litlK: to Souiebodv now If dear o.H-s heut o er liur il> lug ned, ' Ir ions and fn-'ndl.-sa her .snirit lied. Soniehouy a sle,-|i im ealui and still la tile lutlo kirkyal'd below the hill. The sun baa sIioiil-, and tliu winds have wailed, I'iie ros,-h al«ove lier gi-,Ae i an, I paled. .\nd the il(!wiir,,iis ;.':i.teruii liko an^iels' tears, -Ni.^lit and ni-.rii for a iiumired years ; .yud shy lieu'lri not .liie-^ti ,n or (iraise or Iblaajo, .\nd God remembers S'.nieltndy'fc name. Alack-a-Uay. ill ra38 liini by with a distant h.iw, ThoiiKh It hreak loy heart to do it. I uaver loved hiia th.rn. hut u>iw I would I Im.i never auswereii no. isiii pride wi.l not let mo tell him »o, .-Vud liicileaty wmild rue It No Tell-talo blush shall mount my cbuok. No ulanee oni;*|n. my dye . liiii. with thr.ildniK' h.tari timt burns to speak 111 coidly pa.-is nini tiy 111-;. I 1! pass her hy with ii careless liow . hhel; .^nreiy liil^t:.,llstnie It An.l tiiink tha'- I have lorg'jtteu how 1 loved her oue« a year ago , Shej,lt,-il tnt wnen I t'lld lier 80, Nir blgh^'il that she imist .l,i it , And again my tate at her (eui I d seek. Hut her glance is c'old and sliy , 1 1 ive hfr -.till. Init I daro uul spoak , I'll coldly pass uer hy, ^ la Marrla;;-! a Katlur*. *.• -Ml speakingâ€" â-  Wo take this n|ip,,ro.iulty t.i nientioil. Tnat inarriaiie is a nl.irlous suceesa. Anil hi-.; to call your -.eri nis attention I lito tlij prooN h" :oru you in lull dross Papa- " I il not lie siiuh' , veil for a iiiitiute : lief. .re \K^â-  I.. rill a nia'.riinoniai trust y .Hi -i ii,-ti,-r s.-.-k a Icvm,^ Heart an-i win it. Th, cnildreu earueoll) ' -" \ ,n nuiat ! Mainiitaâ€" " We Weill in t pan with an v of oiir treasures I'*iirall tho Wealth that Mont.' ('iiri>to knew. They halvii our paiusa-id d,.,ihl, all our p. la- sures." Tiio treasures voelferouslyiâ€"" Wo d j ' I'apii - 'rii'Hiiilt all I earn i^oos lor tiieir too,! and .iria.'^ing. \\ itl.'.iit a pieiny h-fl on no o, lay. Wo had I ach little straiiiier as a bles'iing. Tho hlcadiiigs cxcitedlyi -" Hooray '. ' Miniiiia- " It s only when the l.loc.i in anger hulihloa. Producing wiiat thoye*!! a ' laniily lar. That wo rei^ar 1 cur tots tt.~ Ocint; troubles. Tho troubles iiteujurejy,â€" ' \\ c are!' I'aiidâ€" " W a're easting now our hrea.l upon the waters. Which is a gjud iuvestiuonc When we re i;ray We il live in clover on our niarrie.l daughters.' Tho daughtiTS vigorouslyi â€" Vol! may!" Maiuiiiaâ€" " In spits of spankiniis when they are unruly, .\n-l ipecac ati'l castor oil they Ket. We !tn-.w our 'hirliiiga Icvo us very truly. Tbodarhiii,'a loviugly - " Vou liet : ' I'apa - " We ve built a bonU' aacrej by a mother . We vi' g'lt more I'tyslbaii ainglepeople know We love and elierisU teu-ierly each other i .rano eh Jtiin oiiiphatieally • "Ttiatssj. .\ oi.'i.ivn I'lt'O'i'i < t . \\ hell ' ho "pntlu i'^ Hearing, .-\n>l slvo-- are ciearilJi;. .till In 1 0,' lio.o-t of wiLith an.l ictl-i A IU".', Is inaking. .\ii'i M 'wcrs aro wakiin;, Afi I rl'e birds rotiirn to tin- urovo aud Lila \\ lu'ii the brooks arc Ihiwiug. .\nd the eoiss Is crowili;;, .\ii.l lliowaroi w inds I'low iii^ over gieouiug le.i-s ,\!i 1 th. oalcirolls With Hi,' hill, bii'.ls ,'h,.rus. .\n i ilie bii.l.s ..ppoaroii the clierry treoa . 'i'ti^n tlie buiisowifc niuslors Her mops aed dii.sters. .Villi tied II t'lvvei roiiiiil her head mid chin .\iid tile liuHbaiul Imniblo, W h,i dare not Krutiibio, Well Ivuovvs apruiK cloaiiini; will soon begin. At night returning. For ijUlet yearning. He lllids his wife iu il tattered g'JWll, No snppor waiting Ami ^ow aguravatiln; Ills licin .-. p^ior man, tiirnad up.ddo Jiiwii Loiit;l'tdtovv 's MiiUleii. â€" Strawberries are selling ia Uoatoti at ^ 10 oenta a box. | viaiting foreign! r- ily man, why is all 1 To take ink out of linen, dip the ink spot this dirt heaped up aomi periodically on, in [Hire molted tallow ; then waah ont the tho streets'/ Laborer -It's daiiiii' the, tallow and the ink will oome out with it. atreela we are, aor. Foreigner -But why I Tbia is unfailing. don't they haul it off instead of leaving it Kmpire and Directoire coatumee are iu to be acatteied aud scraped up again? a measure responsible for Kashion's decree Lvborerâ€" (Jit out wid ve/ ! Ve'd be afther in favor of a return this spring to arlifloial takin' the bread out of a pcor Uborin' flo .vera aa draaa ornameuts. man's mouth. who is " Staii'li'ig with reluctant h'st. \\ niT" 1 In* bro'.tk an 1 nvt'r meet. Weill lun jtnl and chiblli loil licet' ia a ty pe uf thousands of yonug girls who are emerging from tho ctiryaalia stage of their exioteiice, aa they enter upon their "teens" Nervous, excitable, irritable, atirrnl by strange, unknowablo forces with- in lliein, each a mystery unto herself, our girls need the teiideicst care, tlio most lov- ing, patient ov . tsight, and the aid of Dr. Tu-rc Favorite I'reacriptioti. to safely carr them througli this p-rud, d'..'ing vvnic u too man) lives, alas, are sown the aoeda of didtreaaing forma o( diseases peculur to the female sex. liut this boon to womankind will prevent all such diseases, or cure them if they have already sei/.-.'d a vKdim. Woman owes it to herself, to her family, and to licr social dtation, to bo well and strong. Lot her then not neglect the sure meana of cure. " Favorite Frescrip- iioii " is a legitimata inediciiio, carefully compounded bv an exiiorieuced aud skilful physician, and adapted to woman's delicate organi,'*tion. It is purely vegetable in its conipositijii and perfectly harmless iu its elfects in any condition of tho system. A Point hi Wenteru Ktlquette. Ho â€" Will you marry me? She -Wait a minute. (F.xit). ( Reappearing with a shot gun) â€"Hold up your bauds 1 Higher yet 1 am sorry to aay, Mr. lirown, that I can only be a sister to you. Vou must panlon my seemingly rude conduct, but ao many young womon are getting killed nowadays by rejected suitors that I thought a little precaution would not be out of place. â€" 'I'crrr Uaute Kxiireii, Maggie Watson, of Cincinnati, who died there a abort time siuce, loft a clauae iu hef will which read aa follows : " It is my will that tbo two ohina dogs now in tny room be eaoh a-jparately put in a bo.\ wttf glass fronts, both alike, and one placed o my dear fauaband'a grave, at Spring CifOi and the other on tny grave, and all to paid for out ol the money I leave. " 'i \ i ' \ / *^f ^^

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