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Flesherton Advance, 14 Mar 1889, p. 4

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. 6E0. MITCHELL, lUlMdilTS fioLUllT Ayi) SOLD. Sfiriial Atlfnli<')i pniii to thf coUfctiim Siit'f and Anoiiiita. fiici door -Vui(i» The Liocal Ne-gvs. I> liat is llH|i|M-iiiiiu ill Our Otvii Viriiiilv. Our miiiply 'if tlii (":iiiiiv;il Stnr n ei- ll.l IHli d. A viMV uiti !rstiiiL4 letter fi'^lii W ujlii- ('0^ will ii'i'i ir iii'vt "•'•!;. lu-iiii'iiihcr llie l.ii.-. \iil •.â- â€¢nici-rt in l!;.- .Mc'.hi/iiisl Cliiinhwii Kinl.iN i-\ ulilli;,'. l'.o sure iuiU atli-iiJ llie h. AS â-  ,ert III : iic MutlhMlist ('luurh Friilny ev.'unj.;. Till' L^HiMtv ..f (in'v li.»« ii ;â-  .|.uliiti.pii •'! ..f lHh7 'I'll.' < 'i-eiMii"rH Suir » new ln';iiim,' • 'inirltully linpr'-vi'S itM l_V|"p_'i ;i]'liical .t';»oaiaii<'f I ».|T lii'liK ..lliH :iri; t.illuiu' â- â€¢'â-  n•^lVlllâ- _' I'll-'i 1" of (.)ii.-HM H",.stlior, ll'i|.u- llic tthciiiu «ill ii>;ii<*ri;ill/'.e liimii;ii"« liarL'nlnii ui l'"1<1 nmi M'wr MAtclien, lailu-t ami i;i!iil» »i/..-h .it llin â- â€¢I-. In, |-']»-.*h''rliiii l''i>K SAI.K Two l>Bauliliil raii.irv liHiU for Hall'. Hoth tint- singers, .M'|il/ V. •' ' i. HuKKoll « \ S \aiiilii»i-ii, liailitt, «ol,i a straw < .•t.-r on Monday for iM.'lit liollars It w ii alioont ii«H uiiil on:.Miially coxt }l.'H. Ml. l; r. l.f/att- |iaiiiled for huii- »â-  ;:' a new mL'ii wliioli now aiiorn.t th« fi III of iii!i iarriaL;<; factory. It is a U'lUtV. too ^tr. â- ! }' ' itl.'wcll.vftorinar\ iuri.'onn, ha« i)ftii i-oiilined to tln' liou.if |oi a weuk |'«<t witli >-rysi|>idaK in Ins liami, romilt- ID;,' from lilood [loiaonini;. If you want your watt'h or riock ro|iair- (••â-  |iiifiT;ly III) suru ami taki! it to Uiiii- >ill i«, Kli-slititoii. F>very J ol, :{uaiHt<'ud I. I.t jicrfirt of ij.) |i»y. QuHK a i<;>|><tLtu)ili! nuinlitir i>f KloHliBr- t>'iiian.t t iHitud the Sunday Hrlmol tea- ni<ii'lui^ at Kiit(i'iiitt oil 'I'lii'iday ovuiiiiil,', II. I Uuiiii^j the (ilco Cltih. If you waiii your watoh or clo,:k re- I'iiiifd |i«M lurtly. Ihj suru and take it to lliiMni'll > KlualiHrtoii. Kvery joli ijuaraU' ii'f.i t' In- |,fif(.cl or no pay. i":t!l at oiicHif v'lu would HtM-iirp Hoin« "I thii>;raat l<arL;aiiiii in watciiuH, ciockii. |.-woliy, mlvtu-ware, ct.v . at Itun.seH « iiotpil jL'Widry itori-, KlenlnTlon SccJ^. .Sccdd, SftfiU ' A frimh slo^'k "f tiiiiiithv atid cloTtir at vory low |iriiOs. • .I'l and iii.iiiCM't and net 'iiiotation» hofom I <:i' haiMiii; idbouhvri'. Kn hariUniia 111 II.; .slou'. N-'w Sjuiiii; i/oods jiist arrnod at .1. Hiown.s, I'licuville lii.ots, «hca;ii. ^r .•â- .ri...s, drv L'ood.s, rl. , a la'i;e a»- â- I'ltjuioit and prn'us ri^'lii, 1,'all and us- â- II. .in.' 'i lit' rutllf f.iii oil .Moiid.iy w .'tH .'*' arcflv n â-  rtljy â-  filial u.inn' .\|.. i.t a d../.i'ii aui li.a!.i KL'li otiiui d, hut lliii\ wcn; |ioiil, i"iy |.o..i, and thu l«llâ- â- l^ ankcd' I â-  I. I'.s. • 'oii.-.i-.|iii'iiily Well.' alninat Tl." \ IvalM-i' n just I ;i;ii/ l''n'ii !'â- Â»â-  .slll'.s. I ll.i'lK flolU oil.' ii.jst in »M''I\ niav lid ( â- iii.iiil.ui''l I'li'ttv Ian. 11"! that Is wi. .sii-nieil \mi1. , ^^ 1' llMii! . ah V al'KSIIi'/ Ml . r .Miin.sliart lo.j ;, valnalil.- i-on â-  1 \\ i'\ i,i-hl A I ".I III.. I ti'ui was ji'-ld on till- riiiiaui-. hiil llie i:i l-r o| d.alh i-oiild 11,, t h.i lu.iiln-d. 'I hi' llialaily w a.s a kI l aii^iii luii- Mr, .1 II. < 'ani|iHiu'n di.t|io.sid of llii... H'l'd dnhsoii fair iliiy Any person desir I'l.; a di ill caniiol do l.eii.i than .nln vi.'W .Mr I' He nelU the Nox.ui. whirl, 1. Iii',l\ ,Ii'siril,ed III his aiU I ilis.iiin,!. IniinenHH nai'./.'iinH htill '.'o'li'^, <,n al ItuHltilr.s, l''h'«liello|i, ol Oalrhi's, |.lalli ami i^Miii rin:/!». silverware, eha-kn. t le , do not iiii.s8 thi'iii hut inll it .ue-e .u ihev aid noiiii! I.ut at llieni' liTir ly h.w |,iii;i.«. Miw Mmid RichanU'iii has huen iii T'ironlii (iiirin(! tliv |ia«t week m'le.tine M[ii MIL' intlliiiery. This will lie •_',>od iiphh f'lr the hidiuH, hut. noiuewlnil iiiiinterest me f'U the {loor liuahaiid.i wiho jiave to lull li\ii bill. MV. ('.'old li.'u remove. 1 iiil.i Ur rhristoua hlouk, whiira liu will have ijreiil I'luaauiu III takliiu' ord<'r.i f.U' thu lie«t. |>iAiiort, oruaiift, Hwini4 ehiiriis. waali- iiii; iiiaeliiiiiiii.chi'.liea wringers. fruit trees. tite. K'larduin taken hy thu week, day ur hy the aiiiLidu iiiual at hiw ratu*. It H. IJt;tiJ*r«<iti lis* leeii ill Wmm !»'){ Ulidy, and on a iiostal laat w uik aayt ' The weailiHr nt warm aa in iiiininir Hiiow all ({one. I'»i>|i|* art) iiiwiiiL' lliiir uiii|i at liranilon, I'M iiiilu* west of liuia. (Jiaiid uouiiiry." V\'o aro iiidehtrd to Qr. llHiiil«riioii for oi>^ia( of ^\ i|iiii|i«){ 4i/tiii|{a .4)1(1. Tiiuf*. The Caiiadisii Horticulturist for Marcli is one of the hem nonihdis of that eicol- lout imhlioatiiMi ever imued. Oiiu dol- lar and choieu in plant distriliutioii. For ilyRjH'psia mid liver complaiiit you have a nriiited nuarantee i,ii every hottle of Sliiloh's vitali/.cr. It never faiLs to cure. For aule at the Medical Hall. NVe had a idea-ant call last week fnuii a t^'eiitleiiiaii who i^i not afraid of travel - - Mr. .M.:.MiiUhii, of l'.,rt Kloiii. Ilo left here iiitendiiii; to strike ai;ru»« coun- try, luakiii;^ nuK only of "shanks males." I,imt Saliiialay was oiu; of tlie most hluHt(>riii^' days of the winter. The road hetween here and I'nceville was "full so full that It e'liild not keep the road, hut had t" ziL! /.«'.^ oir tlirou'^h the helds. The town of Htfi-ton has not '_Mt asinj;le resident niiiiister. That expl.iins the depravity "f 1I.S one and only edit'ir â€" t'lawi! «lio, however, sliow.s sioiis of re- pent. mce. He IS chiiiiorili;,' for a minister of the (hi.spel to Hetth,' ill his midst. Rev. .Mr. Kuies pri'.iL'liBil ;i.;aiii .Suii'iay HI tile I'resuyleriaii <'liureli. 'I'lie j:eiilhinaii is R pleasui:^ speaker, wit!, a iiinsieal, tliou:;h Hot poweifid Voicu His seiiiioiis are strong;, viL'oroiin. and fer- Teiit. All elTort wiU he made to .-eruie .Mr. Kmes ns tin; perm tiieiit niinistei. .1/1 iiiitliut . .Mr. I llo.^. (iiainu'er met with ipiite a painful ii'',i lent last week. While draw- in.; timhi'r he aoi'ld'-ntaly wreiiehe,! his ifi;, di»),|aiinu' the knee joint. With as- sistance he t;ot it replaced, ami has had an "inipediiiK'iit ' in his walk ever since. (1ft Miirriiil. Kvi'ry ii'wiy inarriud cuiph' may have The .\dv»ti,-e as a wediliiin present free f'lr Mi.x nioiitliR, upon furnishin'.,' satis- factory e\ iil.'iii f the inarnaije. This ] is a Htaiidnij "tt'i-r and application must he iii.idu si.\ ni'Uiths from date of mar- riajje. Mfflui uiir>' /iistitiitr. Till: .Mechanics In.slitiite is still mov- itiil. (Inly a few more dolhirn are ru- • piired tosuruie the '.government L'raiit of ^."Ml. V\ hell the .iiiiouiit has lieeii .suhsciiii- eil a meet. II.; of llie meiiihtirii will he calh'd and a coiiimiitee appointeil t" start the maehiniry. Those dusiroiin of hein;; iiienih«rs sleuhl hand III tlleir IiaiuM without delay to,), (i. .Xuderniui. would he the walking; sn we struck for the station (Kle.^herton) which wo entered to ijet wiriiied and met a fine youiii; gentleiiian who was i^reately )ire- possesscd with my appeainiice. But I am Hottiii(( too confidential .Mr. Editor. Sutlice it to 8iiy I expect to inct him anon." Hare ihey met V oh, have they met a;jain y ( 'ould you throw any li'^ht oil the Kiihject Mr. M. ? Our soul wait.'* ill all^;^lsll for the reply. In the iiieaii- tiiiiu yoiiiit; men ill the vudnity of the station Would do well to uiid''i'staiid that this yoiiiii,' lady is a ''inasher" from Not- tawasa),'a, and don't you forj;ei it. SrhoDl KejKtrt, Moiitlily repoit of pui'iU' staiidiii;' in S.S. no. ti, .\rlemesia, 'or Kehruary. - - Fourth Clans lila Stone 7 I.Sarah Haz.ird (ill, Nettie Stone iV,), Jieli Sfui* 4f). Third CliLSs â€" Millio Slonu 71. Harry Stone G.'), \V. J. Beatty ."..">, Alfred Stone 4(1. Sec ll'hiss Clric Stone ('.7, Meda Whiltaker 411, Noruian Fletcher 44, .Ma;;- [,'ie Hazard L'U. Four «iiily aro uiviii from each claas. Cinnirt lit I'rirrrillr, The Methodists of I'ricoville held a concert III their chiiroh on .Monday even lii'„', which was lareely atteieled and pi.,v."l a veiy ple,i.saiit all'air. Kev. Mr. • lltewell orrtipied the cli.iir. There 0.\i>vicr. TO M»/rHER.â€" .\ro .rou ilihtiul,«<l at niuht tiiiit lirokeu of V'Mtr i-o-.! l,v ii slcli chiM hntToriiiiiaiiii crviiji; with pain of ("1111111;^ feeth 1 If M. uMi.l St "lice siel tiel a Iv.rtl,- â- Mr, Wili- siow's Soothiiu; SvMip â-  fur Chil.lrun Teethint-' Its vullle Is llicttlculill'lu It will reli'.v,' til" poor | little "iitreri'r iiiiiiieiliutel v Hep, 11, 1 upon It. iiiotlinnt; tlioi,' le, iiii'tnke ii!..eit il It c.ires j nvsmitc v ftii'l I>iarrliii'B.r«'4iiliites cheStomiLcli 1 anil How, I Is. cure-. W iiel c'.'ll'-.soft.jas tie- ( , am-. | re,tiici'k Iiitlmnalioii a'lfl (ilv,.«* tfiic -o;'! •â- 'u-i-tj\ to the whole sihteui 'â- Mrs. W Ills], .u |. S,n,[ h I lll^ Syrup" for ehil'lren tMi'thiiiK is phxisaiit to ih,- taste HM'l is the pruHcrijitioti of "li" .if tlio ol'lest Hiid laHt female pliv.^u lan.s ale! u'lrios in th») I'liite., States, nli'l 'i< for sal,, 1,\- 111! .Inic-^ists tiir,,ui,'li"iitt thu W'l-M P) ici- t^;-,'ilt\-lU-,' cnts II Iwittln. Ilu sure iilul Hsii f,,r 'â- Mits U'l.\^sl,.,\v'.s SVKl 1'.' ami tiiki- no .tli r l»in.i. NF'W .^DVHI'JISK.MKNTS. FARM FOR SALE. N )rt!i I (lit of ,..t ll.l'nll. 7. lliil'l'ru-'i.i lii'l »i-rt V -Oil If- fi â- :ii fl. h'Mis." Mill I..IIII. *7'"»''. *#J- J Cll^ll . I'liU c â-  ill tiif ci. ! i.f 5 \ 1 -t r •- tit 'ilK I .-LMll AM.: 1 Uwliu'- â- ^n w,'re spi lies, recil.ati'Uis. reailiii'_'«,M cal | .1 .V/IC .»//>. .Mr. Will U'ri'jht received a teleuraiii fr 111! New V"ik "11 'Saturday, iiiforiiiin){ liiiii that his JO, II, had that liay re- ceiveil the de;;r«u 'if M U. .\moni{ a host of friends the .advance teinlois cm siatiilalion to Dr. Will SVrighl. It is l>r. S\ ri'.;lit s purpose to also take out a iliploiiiu for (.'.tiiada ami with that end in view he will lesiiiiie Ills stiiiiies 111 Tor'iuto aiitl uiideru'o the exaniinatioii there. /)rr/iiic(f .â- \ coiiiiiuiiiiiati.'ii from Ku'.jiMiia, re- ferriii'.; to a matter iiientioiieil hy our Kiiiilierl'V '"rrespoiideiit last week, has I eat-^hed t hi', oltice, hut as no name ac- coiii|ianii'd It till' waste hask el is thu only plac' wlieieil can he insiuteil .-M'.vays seiiil voiir name when Wiititn,' to the press. That IS a standini; rule of jour- which this paper will not iliscard. I'h sliirliiii ihiir }ti>ritit tlir I'^roiil I'lesli,'! I. II'iit has oiiie iiioie h,','ii heaid lioni. Last wek's Siii'olilic .\iiiericaii illustiate.s a patent which has jiisl heeii si'iiircl l,y Mr. .loliii KIcsIki, of Fd'.'in 'I'lii. s.'ii ,.f \V, K. Flesher of this plaee. Tin- IIMMllloll is all lllLjf'in. ous s.i'.v iiiill ,|...; for lio|,lin_, linn any sl/e'l I,,.; nlin n Is hi'ill.' ,i;ielated Upoll. .Illd'.'llrj Iti'll, the attl,-|e .â- ! , illustrated .Mr. Kh'sliei s II, ventioii .shoiil.l he a lia\ .1/ .S ,S. OiiJii stril. The ii.^v. .Ml iii,,.ii,i Sill, ,1 IV s,^i : ,,| ' 111 ...ll.i «,ls , ,iiilii,,>,l ,,ii llii- lii^l ,S|||, oay to l"o iiisi I iiiin'iil.s. Ml. N'an.'.aiil liail iiiiloitiinatidy iiil his liiiid with a chisel and .Ml lull. liny was sii He 11 in.; from a siviTi' alta, k of lieiii,i|,;iii llowever. ill,' l,.l-s M"! an, I llille were there, •iliil ihise. Ill i;inicli,,M with the or'/ali. made ,t â- 41,', It iiiipniM iiieiil in Iheniiish.d 1 .\,l , iM.s I h t w ., ::,'iitl,-ijieii l,ef,.|c nam,. I u i!l II , '1 â- 111, I he in I hc.r placus III â- Â» t ."-MUl'l.l' i'.iiili iiiii S. .S. till iilii ti ilfl. The .Mell'odist Sunday Si-liool tesineei iiio lielil al I'lii'.'eiiia 1,11 Tuesday eveiiiii'.> I was I iiia'.'nil'.,','iii sue, 'ess. l,.,t!i linanci lly anil fi.,iii aii enlerlalni no p,,nit ,'f view. Tl,,: cliiili'li was Idled with all an pi.'iialivi nil, lien,','. Tea was served iioiii .1 to 7, aflei which the intelluctiial pol lloli W.I. Hllloled ll| .M. lil.'hald- Mill, Ks,|. ,,l l''lesllerli'll, oceU)ileil the I'liaii. '1 he speakers were i-iev. Mi. Mult, ,11, liev. Mr. Madden of llealli,"l,', l)r. i'lniRloe, ami Mr. Klipih I'.inl. The ri citaliiins, dmlo'^'ues and sin'.^iii'; of the cliildieii were all excellent. The (llee ('lull, of Flesliertoii. ftis,, entertained the aiiilience. The clniiriiian anii,iunced thill the pr,iceeds Hiiiouiito.i to ^4(1, which sliuwH that ^'leal iiitorrst must have hciii lakuii 111 thii l\rst annual ten- moetiiiL'of the Kil^emu .Methodist Siili dav School. II ho lln.-i tin- MoMh f lly ii'feriuio to a coii.iiaiiiication in hut wi-ek's Advance headad "A Seven l)ays Tup," il will he noticed that the two parties retiiruod lioinu with a youne lady guest. This yoiiiu; lady writes a letter to the Creeiiiote .Star tHiliiiL' ahoiit her drive and closes hy, sayin.* "I have made a mitnli here alread v. When we shouldered our kpaiii.v^k.s wi! thoui,dit the laihi-sj and instruiiieiital music. There vvas one recitation hy little .Miss Martha Miaiider, entitled â- 'Tliere IS a lly and My," which waa well woitliy of special mention. In fact the wli'do |iio;;iaiii showed caruful and paiiislakiti;; tiainili;!. Thu ohjecl of thu cmi ert was to a».sist 111 payiim 1 tf .1 small deht which haiijis over the or^'aii. One of the speakers a .Mr. .M,rl,eail was not III aci-ord with the ' ,hject in view, and did not lo'sitate P, deliver Ins opinion upon tlie folly of haviin; or','.-ins in ,-liiircli- es. Our repoitir has fi. I '.gotten whether or II. ,t a v.'te of thanks was teieleied .Mr. .McLean. The procecls were SI'").!')'!. .!/»•«. Shiltoii, .Mrs. I'laraK Shilt'Mi, who will sn,;; in the Methodist cliiilih on Ki idny even- 111;;, IS a lady of rare attainments .Shu has received a thorough musical trsiiiint;, Uiiii; a (;r.uluate of the ISostmi < 'oiiserva- toiy of Music. \i the concert in the I'avilioii, Toronto, mentioned in last week s .\iKance, which uiui held under the auspices of the Toroiilo Conservatory of Music, ami at winch Madame Alhaiii and suite were present, .Mrs. .Shiltoii re- ceivod the '^Toatest honor of the eveiiiiu;. M.adaiiie .\lhaiii leaned orer the i;allerv, slappiiw her hands eiithiisiaHtic. illy recal- lini: .^Iis. Shilton twice. This from the i;reat piiimi diuiiia, who ranks ar.cond lu none in the world, proves that we \fill have with us a star of hrdliant maijiiitude, and one which Fleshertoii will seldom, if ever, hate the op|H,rtuiiity of heurint; a^jain. .'Vliy person who has llie least musi,' ill their souls will lon^ rc.'r-t it if thev do not hear iLw talented lady on Friday eveiilim. It iit Itiiuiort-il Tliiit The 11. T. of T. will |,Iac9 a new or:,'aii III their hall very »o,,ii. .Villi that (Jaiey Tread^old, Ksip , will receive the order. .•Mso that .Mr. Trea,li;old has opened a shop in T. Duncan's old stand That .Mr. Damiida is doiiiv! a riisliim.: trade 111 stavo holts f,'r which he pavi cash. In fact is "staviii'.; there. Tli.ii we will ii"t have any more carni- vals tint winter. That another of oiir youin; men is _' â- - iiii; t', the No|lln»est in a wev k or t w ", .mil willtakeliis smiwshoes iihuii;. He says he W ill i;, ,. That we w,, n't all, iw any nn're of our handsome yoiiii'.; woiiii'ii to leave tins low n foi f.,|eii;ii l,'irit,,iy. The exodii.s iiiu^i he stopped ' That .Mr. ^ll•lilll has alemliir,' lihrary. "Illy acci'«silile to m,iriia'_'eal,le yoiiiio l.i'lh's. We think, however, that tlil-s 1 unior is in,"i lect. .Uari ifil. IP, 111. ins M, M, 1 I t \ 111 I >>prov.nii'ri]o«,lav. I ah Ills! Ml II, uh II,,l„'ils. of Mi'IiitTl,,. to Mii-.i .\iiui" .M,' .'.I all, '11. ,'t iKpiey. iti»ie\. l.iwui â-  , i \l Kiliil'iTli v.on 1 riPiv, sth iust . liH'wil. "I Ml las l.iiwii'lice of 11 â- en. M ,..iil III Klesh'Ttiiii on Moielar. MaU'h l"il, IP. V ;!,â-  .'< ,1 1. M,„.li- ,>r ,1 -on I'l I, ,i 111 Fl.,sn.'il.,i, ,111 Tliin.ila\.\l,iicli7tli. tl." w II,' ,.t \\ 111 P., I. I, of li sou. Il.vvvi. Ill I'iesli,, 1,111. 1,11 !â-  1 i,l«j , .Miiicli 1, ti,e w ife I'l I, W lliiw k "f ,t .,'11 \\'hy will you cui'.di vvlieii Shilnh'scuro will '.;ivi' iiiimeiliale relief. I'li.'c It) els., '"ill cts. .mil 81. Koi s,ile at ihii .Mcliciil ll.dl A 11 i«al injector fr,.,' willi .â- I'li hottle ot Shiloh'n i.iiairh reiii>',lc. I'l ice ,"iO ets. li'or sale al Ilie Me.lical Hall- TIIK MAllKETS. FLKSIlllUTON. i'n-ifiilhi Corifitrtl Eiuh Week. ri.'ui I'-nll Mpriiiii Whosl Hiiil«y liut.s I'.'IIS . Iliitter I'.uis. fresli ... . l',iLatos busli Poik ttiiv pur ton ... Ili'les shii'ipskiiis fia.'SO I 1 1 1 k H V s 1 liirkans p,tr pair n.lcks pur ill Prizes for Farmers' Sols aud Dauirhters. Thr.ificct â- r'' <if Ci.iit.r i,:.*\ I'm -mm â-  - ]\ <i , tulH .irtiM llUf I ul"\* I II.: !»::/..» I..- I.-..' . . I tM. wi iiliMi iiii'l rc.i 1 I'v tiif t.iii ' I--: ,1 .' t 1 â- -U-. - lit fi in--, tr t' i.f t ho Iii-t itiHi- I., l-t h.\.\ 'ii vV:m S HrWi,:i!! ^ t;ivv.-. ( i.iiii.^A. .,.,(. ..;i th., Lm, ,,] ilmif. iK-s'i I'ri/.'H 'if :«'.. ?'l liiii -S, will t... ;;iv.'ti l.-l- .' â- â- ;â-  nil! !•'.-«>â- â€¢ "M t'i" l>'»-t iiH-ii.-'il tl It I "I I- 111 urd.M to limit'* fariiiiri'.; )»ii\ cjt n fut mi nf liu nc. f- ->â-  mTi-4 cl'-in 'â- .!. wrll .illt.i !''â- â€¢ Ir ll.liii„'> . I'.-i t ' 1:, arc! wrl! Ot T" b." fHiMi.'-l -vit h :m1'm.v.-i| i > i''- nit'lit-* >*'i! (I . lrt\ liihfii.n'i't;, .il ]>im t'l. iiii; Hii iivt r-Ht;.' cr-'i' i'k f\i-.t v iill.titi'.- iimiit- s.iit'1 l'*'l iv'i'i R i-"i iiul "f .-'iH' w.-i;. : 1 r-rnrii Mi-^t-niMt f'f ^t'tâ- li I^-*'.! "rii- 1. 1...\.- pi.-. tr> hi* !-(.iti['ft<^tt I'lr (iv V'l'iMi; nii-ii n i li-.' li'i \ .-.i • • "f ;!;,'(* ri.'-i'hii^* i?! t'lc Ui'im ; . II -1.1 wljij il i\ ' 11 .*. hU til.- ftiriii .Vln'ial tiM? "Mm-- tMil.'llll'l |-'iii'»»,rvil'l ot[ tlu- . i:i,.f '"ii.litKm. ttnTr wiii U t'll«. .-tl tl. \-- I'lt: i.i lu*" 1. 1 If f'tlNtw iiil; |m ..«-..•* ., T : uii'i .-â- .', ti-i III i.idiil r»f>ii\s III! tin* In**-! Il ' Oi'iiN 1 1> l.,t mldp:.' I 111 ui'lcr I" II aki 11 l;uj'|n lui'i |ir< ti-inT'-ii^ inmiL' \ )M-i/..- or - . n.1 1, ai-o i-t! '.-li !n -f i Ills r'f OutuM" .â- \*s'i uiilturalCollfi^. m tin- iiilin,' for tliu li..-.t .fs^Hv I'll tl.. ;. oi.-l-.s ^.â- â- â- (iro I Lhiuiiuii 'tn .\^;i II iltnrrtl f>»n.Hi'* ciUi<.-iili"t> K lUi.litiofi .,( .•-niii.wtu.ij 1 Nu iiHiti ! will I'H mnilf Hlil.'-'« in till' 'ipiiii.'ii of llii Jill ^;t' '.I'.-v Ul<' «-1ltltlf.I to H X'iXtu. -2. rtu- rs^iUVN Will l»t' Jll<I|,;U'l I", lh>» I lifts. Hit (illCoHI'Mit -. lUIK'I-l'tlW^" ilikI I â- iifiiiiii!t> -.villi thu ^iibject iih.i nut l'> tii.j L'ruiiiinrtr I'liin-tuHtioii or i«jn*lliTi;i i Tlio #»-.hH\>. to Im- fiTwardil to t tif '*i'iif*tiir\ imt 'iitii tliiin t).,' ju'i ..f Mn. -Ahoiillu'^ will b-j'l ui tin* 1 (in Ih nf n i-.,iii|>i'ti'Ut. ili-inti-o -i f.l ("'•'•"'I'. w*i" liH-^ t 11 oho»«it n- jii'l'.;w.a'i'l wi!! '».â-  lyf.ii iifl ''* lhf» Sff,-, t<» thu -â- *i|<-i*«H»sfuI ot"«ii\ ist'* I >ii .III Jo- 1 ; A»i» flirt lu-r infonuntioti will I'l* irtven \*\ 'MMtlxinc U\ thu ^»t!cr»*l.irv (\'iUii! (iiry Km iiifiB liiHtit'it.'. .1 I (iUUIAM VitiileUMir. IfEMOVAL \n\- CARTKR. Al r IV AS.. (Int. ruYSKiv.v. sri{<;i;o.\. &,-. I'LKsHKl'.TiiN. Officfl. Strain'n i'lfiok Kesideri-.' .J (I I.u.-isi.'i J. a.TH-uiioii, >I D.C.Vf. Mfiiihur t f ti;j Ctjlle^a uf I'liV'»ij:;iiM mh Surtjoinm. Ontai 'n Kii<|i:ir.' ut â-  '!!:â-  i ,'.i g 'lot r eKi'.t >>'. < Irli > .i stvjp or Atkui.ioii tl I {* ii'l DRS. .P3UL': & e:go. .M \;;\Ii.\l.F. i>.\i' OJHfi' : ^l.iult'y's Oriiu .SIdit. â- ; ~i >l'I!llt 1.:. M ;) ., ,â-  \\l,l -. I-.II . y I. , • la',.' .,1 I'lito-iin*'. ; . , â- I.I |i'^ K- ' vi:. I, . ' , â- ; l„t At I'-k !,,:.• H n I'l.i ' J. P. OFTEWELL, ' V';i !:hl';.\KY .<! it ,<:n\ I li-idii.-i'-- 'â- :' I intario \ 1 t I', '!•'.."'. UKs.iiii:.vv I-. ,is 1- ii.i.iNcv' "(,., >i/ri;i • â- ,\l!. !i . â- !â-  .1 .,1 P..,.-li, ir la 1 ,. uca. l'";.!;siIKl{T-'N. ii^^ !)KNTlS'li;V. Thomas nenderscn. L.T. S. ^1 piiKi.'N u.':.N 1 H r '.'o/'i Mr,l,ili~t fllef //.«â- ..! Ilr.l.h.ittn Of' Will visit KI KSIII l.ll.N. Joii.,l,v. - II.'.; 1 .t..-l -i ..f -â- .oil ii,..i,^ 11 Teelii .Ml!.. 1,- :. in-, . : ,'l nil, I Hill'. I ni t.'io liii.liejt M\ l.s ,if tie' an. i St liloiierultt 1 ii'.iM. HkaD OfKllK -ir;! VoKviJtST roK.^NTo JT P, MAIDill.lLI. L. U. S.. U»% TIS1'. \'isits .Markd.Je the Istiuul :>iii Wednes liny v>f KMi'n luonlli. Kleshertuii eaiJi trip o:> t he day iuVxiv, inj I 'lesireto iiif'irm tliA |niL'I;c tliftt I li&v* re IllOVU'l 111". Weil 1,11, ,WU nil sll"p to MOORE'S Block. Durham St. A com I'l ft »• -t M k ')( iiiiWHi V Will 1>L' (iniiul in rny imw |>r«*iiii--'C.H. UKl'AlUlNC EAVKTUdlCHINi; Etc. done as heretofore. 1 have aecured the ayoiicy for the Celeliniled .Singer Sewiin,; Machine. U'-i|Ui'Stiliil mv nl,l fiii'ii'ts to couio an, I see 1110 111 aiy new .sh,ip. I leniuin. et,.' . iAS. SULUYAIf. (It) 7f> FOR FLOUR. KEKD, AND .•\ l.u'^0 stock .ilwdvs on li.iiul. I)r;i!tM' i'.i KRESH aud GURED MEATS- NEW LARD, BOLOGNA, ETC. r.rv ^(11 u i-.KK.r BLACKBUEN'S Fhorou^hbrcd Durham Bull FOR SALE. Mr \i H U r.'icli, H. hiJI lot I. f ill I. 1. 11 pi, I.t sill, olliT- saluil I'^fst .la^s Ll'yi, .11 ;P!-, 0.1 |lilll,,iu, I, ll., I oM. Vpl'lv olltllu pi. 1,11 â- vH.,.i l,u,;„ni.i 1'. O. THOROUGHBRED (lALLA' W^Y BULL. ^srl vii'i' "11 I ."t I I't.'inl 1 iin;-(' (.11-1, \itiMijO'-i»i / lis oin- I'l iiiL;iiii; . (â- ^.w.^ will oiiiy ho i-li,».r»«it ft. I- 1' 'li*riiiH, .^lAHt. ;H;r(j«l. ^ ) IIII to 5 00 1 Ul tl 1 On 1 im 1 (Al .16 II 4.-. Jl II 31 11 ,1:1 M HI U IH 1(1 II lA U-M •!!) n («i fi /K) !« IIU 00 3 .Ml 1 SO D 50 1 (n U.S 1 u 10 10 'A-, .so e oa OOt) t(».l TIIDUO lUlKJ) DUIMIAM WUIA., \\<t -,â- , VI." r.'lllM. ,.1,-t , •, ... :l rii<>i-oii<>^ht>i-«-4i;. Pol suiai," 'I'ei 1,1-. 7.,it> .I.Vl'Dll rHOMP-,OS. Pi,,|,n„t,,r viui \m:i:k Klieiij.tic pi,„liiin; i,,ea 'if r,',„l ,l,,ii' «cl,-l whowiint, s,',,in^. I,„ ih,.|,,M.U,.s I'lin iiiiiiiii from â- â€¢III m «'J . pov ivi'uk sillini; niv Miisiiy Htoek W^it.. ,,. me liefore veil eimawo for till. , 'on, mc seieioii's work. [ Inu,' S'lemlhl spiciilltii's nnil mv svseeia assurus siii'cess No ITi'Vi'.u.s i'\-|iHrieiu.u reipiiri'd stiil w,„K pel- iiiaiH'iit. .â- \pply liu terms to Freii. K. Vouilif Nuisurviiiaii. Hocliiistur, N. Y. Farms to Eent ! IMPltllVKl) aiiil UNIMl'KOVKll FARMS FOR SALE. A|>|>l.v to '' vv. .\.UM.STRONQ. PluihortoQ, Jao.TlU, ISMU J. W. FROST, LL.B.. Ittuvister, Sitlicifttr. Cuiu-ei/tiiirer. oaicK. Strsiu's BililiPjin. Ki.xsBKHroN. A. A. C-HKljt.KV. Sv'itc.Vr aiij Cou?e) nn^e, i^aisiit UunuKcr MH. KKUST •ill) as founJ «t the Office, ,i Thnrs^ftv* us lii-rvtufure. P McCrULLODGH, Bufrksti-r. Solicitof, <fr. OlMci', ovi^.v .Ucl'arlaiMl's .Stur»\ Nurktlalr. Uoiiey to Loan. ^nsiiirr'ii (fauls. Jotiii W. Armsironsr, l''i.i'.»iiiil:ru\. ('â- . liKkv. niSISlON llUHT CI.I-.KK lOM.MIsmoNri- â- Â»-'. 11 II It, (','iin'i,in,-n. ,t,' .Uii'iit loi piiiel .11 tti'd laiu or luiuis. .vjipuu,,,,- i,,i I 1, ^• ^â- ,,.„ an.i F. i' 1; AS. Seciutv. .M.uiuv to l.,,an oil t:,,. I",'""' "'" 11 1 'I "I I'l HIS Iss. f.ii I'F .M.viailAi.i-: l.UV.N~,i;s Mi[',m;v pi pile. MOM'IV TO LOAN. IT LOWtST « IKCiliM KML.s Oil Town I'l I'u; 'u I'lopel '» si li.VULDi;, Plesliertinn Mr, Wni. Karstecit, ^ 'â-  '/â- 'â- '"â- . /'/..â- /.;.„,, ,„„/ ri^.stn.; M.VI r.KlAl, 1 rU.M.SilKl) IMiiinilrx ./,â- 'â- ' H/'r,c. <>i-„,iiii-iil,tl /'l„^l,i '1.1/ ,1 ,S'y,,i-,,,.7,,. li' ^,l.e,,.. ,,m',i,„,i s.,.,11. ,,. Vihaiie.) Ollice. W. .1. P>KLLAMV f'>\ i' c; I !;i; \K-ii;\ii,.M V. < '''.V y y; V.I .vi â- /;/,â- . < â- â- iXiMis.-no va'V /.\.^^/.•.lA(â- /â- ; A(,i\ d-f.i T\i:rilS Mdliro VI.KS, I.l AKKS, .I-r.. prepai •'-' I'l Hii.l I'l.^piilv ^-x, eliteil iiitiim,!,-,' »IT,,' 'â- â- I 1,1 III .,t I 111., , ,'i,.|iaj,ie!-. iliiliiiv Lu luliililt l"Ue~llute« R. J. Sproule, I)n.SI .MAsl'KU, l''i.i-hi'rioii,t'eniiiiissioii *- ei in I!. II., [.ic'iisi'd AiKtioiieRr, Con veyaiicer, .\iipraiser aiel Meiicy Lender Ueul Kstate uiiil Iiis'iiain'c Ayent. l>eeds, MiTtL'af^es. Leases aiiil WilU ilrawn up ami Saluatious miiilu nil shoiteil iielice. All" lion .Sales attended to in iiiiy |,Hry of the County, ileiiey to I .an at lowest rates of interest. Cnlli'i'tiiiim attended to with liroinptiicss and despatcii. Charge.s low. Agent for the Houiiiiioii SteanishipC'uiiipany. Cheap tickets hom Flesherton to l.ivtrpoiil, (llasKow, laiiidon or ftuv of tli« liritjsh Ports. Parties intending te visit KujjlainJ, Scotland nr Irelaud, will please ask rates be fore purchasing their tieketH elsewhere. House and Lot for Sale. \ L'onrl Ikhi.^ (. and lot. oppntiito thti Motli'Hlisit t'hiiruli. KU'«lit'rton, ii now otluiuU for nulo. Thu Ikhibu ih laiijo an J r(H'Hi>, l\nohiti h'Uf'fl Rtablo Aud vAnl. siilfliMlia well on the iin'iiiiww, fruit, treea.otc. Thini"* n rarobari,;aln. AiiulvU A. 8. VA^^^)UaKN, FUatiertou. • »'''*>

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