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Flesherton Advance, 14 Mar 1889, p. 3

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[. Sach a Fool! Ho waa always a foolâ€" Tom Lakeâ€" and we a:- waya were t«lhug hitu so, Bat where »aH the harm a that ? It waa just as well bu ahoulii kuow, And be didu't mmd it a bitâ€" not heâ€" or but oaco in a way- Vex him â- .' I think that he lihoi it ! What elaa wuuld one thi^k here to-day '.' ' We'd a holiday divi-n last wettk, and w* walked â€" dye 8t.*e it, thu null A-twirl like a tl . nu n piu ' But that moruiuy Its tiails stoud iitill. Well, just below it, tlio lane and the railroad meet Sumu deuerve To be hunt^ for that lovdl i;rc83iug, not twenty yardb ftom the curve. And there, as we came to the place where we saw the snioo.h uueialu a ahme, The mil ' bit of a child that'3 blind hud strayed <lowu on to the line. And hati Iobl ituelf. and t^ot frightnuedâ€" it couldu't have told you why ; It owns little wnout^h to luae, since it'a lost both the earth and sky. But to fieo it ervint,' there, in the dark, with its curlH in tin; sun. Made you fi;«ii lik«' a Mort of foolâ€" only ft'el, far you'll bear / wau none. It a hardly :l vcar old. and it d blind ; anyway, no better it knew Than <o staixl rifttht between the rails, with the Wutiteru Mail jutit due. Due'.' No but tliuuderintj round with a whirl and a i; unk and a Hi-ri'tich Dowu I'U herâ€" down oy thnm bothâ€" for Tom aoni bow had rushed within n.'ucli. And had lobriLMJ the child sufe > u thu bank, and H'ti knocked duwu dt^ad for bisi iiaiiis. Killed un the spuc. witli a frucLured ukull. Well, well, if hud nad mort* brains, He'dmavbe have stopped to considerâ€" n-tf did, as you'll please remark- Before he dadhod out of the liijht, to l<tavo the child hern in the dark. Yet we didu't cali hini a To<j1 when we picked him m>. Tber« H uo n<i-<i To be celliuu a lad thu truth, when he hasu t the sense to heed. And [ don't think Konl'ti thu word well get carvt'd ou yon slab of a stuuo, Chouijh b<! u'tiH Huolt a fool â€" oh aye, su-'k a fool as I've seldom knowu. THE GREAT CONSPIRACY. Full Text of the Famous Forged Letters. TBM VOL'.NU GIRLS Blest lofltitnt Death lu a Bull«r Bzpluttlou â€" Th« KD};lu««r AUo Ktlled. A last (Mcndayl ni^jht'ii Plymouth, Pa.. de- spatch Baya : A lerribla diaauter occurred here to day by which ten t>>rl8 and one man were killed. B*ck of the Uaylurd abaft etood the factory of John Powell, ia which were manafactured squiba uaed by the mioera iu looaeuint; coal la the miaea. The factory ^mpluyed Idl K><^l>'< raoKiiti from 12 to 20 yearM, and aeveral male workmen. While the majority of the ifirla were home eating diuner the people were startled by a deafening expluaiou. Ibey raabed terror atricken to doora and wiodowa and saw clouds of amokeadcrndiax from the factory. 8oon a lar^^u crowd leathered around it, and women bet;an wiint^iDg their hands aud men turned away when the charred body of ayoanij t<irl was Been in one of the rooms, and the fact became known that at least twenty peraona were in the buildin)> at the time of the exploeioD, eating their lunob. The scene was frauxht with terror, aa the girls, some bleediuK, others gasping for fresh air, rushu 1 tu the windows and screamed frantically for help. A do^en minera from tbeadjoiuiii^ colliery arrived and rushed toward the ouildia)i, but as soon as th«y stnpped near the door another ternlic explosion took place, and tbe entire building collapsed, buryinx iu the ruins those who had stood cryiu^ for assistance. Thu brave men, when tho amoke and dyiutj debris had settled, rushed amonK tbe ruius, and one by one the bodies were found and taken out charred beyond recoKuitioo, blcudinK aud man((led. Aa tuotbera recognized aome familiar token or piece of dress by which they could tell their loved ouea, the scene was heartrondinx. The bodies as f«st aa taken out were removed to an undertaker's. Their features were ao badly mutilated that they were scarcely recognizable. The killpd xu far as known are: Kate Jones, atted 18; Ma^tfie Lynch. 21. Uettie Jones. Ii'i; Gladdia Ueeae, 15 ; Msry Wal- lers, 17 ; Mityifie Kichards, 17 ; Mary A. Lake, 17 ; Kuth Powell, I'.l ; Bstber Powell, '22; Jessie Coniirll, llj ; (jieor^e !^. Keeae, en^iueer, 40. John Powel!, the proprietor, was badly injured. Business here ia at a standstill and the community is pluntjed in gloom. Several ke^s of powder caused the explosion, but how they were exploded is a mystery. » .lACK THK KlfFICK. Horrible Mittilatlua Hiid Murder uf a Stjuaw lu Calgary. A last (Kri'lay) ui^ht's Winnipeg despatch aays : " Jack thu Uippor" baa appeared at Calfjary, N.W.T. Late laat night the body of a squaw waa found horribly muti- lated ill a room over the Turf Club saloon. Tbe abdomen had been cut open and the bo<ly otherwise shuckiu^ly slaabed. Wm. Fiak, a notorious character, has been arrested ou suxpicioii. The accaaed mur- derer, Wm. Fiak, came to Calvary in 1882. It appears that I'iak brou).;ht the murdered squaw to a room over the Turf Club hotel. Bho was foond later covered with blood and iu the last throea of duath. Fisk has btun Kambling a threat deal of late and drinking heavily. He Kave himself up. He ia a nephew of Itev. T. Cr. Williams, President of the Montreal Methodist f Conference. The deceased equaw was called Kosalie and waa a tough oharaoter. The room was beopat- tered with blood, and an e.\amiuation of the body went to ahow that the wound waa entirely mailo by tiutjera, and a couple of pieces of Hush torn from the body were found by the Chief of Police under the bed. Dr. Lafferty says that tho pojtmortem reveals tbe fact that it is a regular " Jaok the Itipper " case. The coroner's jury tonight brought in a verdict of wilful mur- der a^^ainst Fiak, aud ho will be aeut up for trial. ♦ Fruiii 'lent to Karnviir. The little boy had come iu with his clothes torn, bis hair full of dust and his face bearing unmistakable marks of a aevoro uoutlict. "Oh, Willie 1 Willie!" e.\olaimed hia mother, deeply shocked and grieved, " you have disobeyed tue again. How often have I told you not to play with that wicked Staploford boy ? " " Mamma," said Willie, washing the blood from his noao, " do I look as it 1 had been playing with anybody ? " â€" . ♦ MUories uf Trttdu. Druggist (awakened at 2 a. m.)â€" " What do you wiah ? " Voice (at the door)â€" "If you'll let me look in your directory to see how to address this letter, I'll bay tho postage stamp of yoa." HOW PIGOTT WORTE THEM. Bascally Propositions Spurned by Home Rale Leaders. Patrick Egan, who is now a resident of Lincoln. Nebraska, has made public a number of tbe letters on which Richard Pigott founded the clever forgerioa which he sold to the London Times, and which formed the basis of the " Parnellism and Crime" articles in that paper, leadinu up to the Parnell Times Commission and tbe exposure of the forger, as given in our cablegrams from London. One of tbe principal forgeries, purporting to have been written to Mr. P. J. Sheridan, waa based by Pigott upon thia letter, presumably written to Pigott : lltli March, I.hhI DKAnSui,â€" Ab I iiudt'ratacd your letti^r. wliicli re&cLiud uji) tu-<laf . yuu cauuoi ticc at) directed unlesti L forward you iU4)iiti/ by Mouday riuxt. Well, here tu il^JO â€" uiuru if requirud. L'tii'cr existini; circuiiiKlancea wb&t yuu nugfjeat would uoc bu uuturtaiuod. 1 reuiain. doar bir. youi'b ruly, I'ii uu K liiiA.v. In June, l^iHl, Pigott oefured to sell out his two papers to Mr. Egan and Mr. Par- nell. and in the coarse of the nuiiotiation for the purchase Mr. Kgau wrote Pigott as follows : I'AItlS. .IllUO IKtU. l.SSI. Ueau Sih. â€" Vour two lottera of i;Kll aud l.)tb iiibt are duly at hand, and 1 am alan in rocuipt of a couiuiuijicatuiii from Mr. I'aruitll iut'oninutj uio that Uo hurt Ht-tcd ti|)ou my Huui^t-Htioii mid acci>ptutl ibe ollur cuntaluod iu your tirHt lottor. Iu fact, 1 bavo buforu iiiecupiiju uf bis two lutuTd to > ou. aud [ am iti a pt HiLioii to nay tliai iiuy reigueat to incr..ai4U tuo auiouut uauiod wouldnot l>H tjulertaiued, and tbut auy tlcttitatiou or dulay m carryiuti out the traoHffr would loud t.o tho t>reaklni{ "t^ of tho puri-battu alto^Htbor I ru- mmo. doar Hir. vuura truly. rATliu K Kiia.n. Kiobard I'ljiott, Khii. now rUK KORDKIIV RrAl). The for){er twists thia letter into the fol- lowing shape : Ihth .Tuuo, U\Xl. IiRAii Sill.â€" Your two letters of 12th and 15th uisL. aro duly to hand and I aui also iu roowipt of oomiuunieati'uitt trorjj Mr rfiruuil luforuilnt^ me tha ho ha.sat-teil upon uiyNUt;i{osiioii audaccoptud tho oiler ijiado by I<. You hail butter at oiioo proceed to Duudalk. no that tlioru may bu uo tiiiio lost. â€" Yours yory faithfully, I'. Kqa.s. Mr. Parnell wrote Pigott in connection with this same matter uf the purchase of the papers : HotsK oP ("oMMO.NM, Juilf 16Ul. 1881. U. I'lt.orT. Km) . Dublin - Uk.vii Snt, â€" lu reply to yours of tiitH <lal,e 1 am r-uro >ou will feel that 1 .tlia.'l alwav:. bo anxious to do what I can fiu' you. but [ l-uii1i1 not c-oiiHent to onu of the ooudiUoiiH of the piirrliitKe bt-iiiK your outistatit umployitiout ou thu papur. That l.>i a matter wluoh wuuul have to b«* subject to after arrau^jemout. â€" Yours very truly. ClIAIU.l'.S S. Paiunki.i.. mis « tS THK WOIIST or \LL. And out of this letter Pigott manufac- tured two letters purporliuK to b« addressed tu Mr. U;;an, usiiii; thu same date, with the exception of the last tiijure iu the year, transposing the langtiagu and tilling out with words traced trom other letters, as follows : It-NK llilh. IHH3. DK.vit Km, 1 ant suro voti wilt feel that I otmlil not appear iu Parliament iu tile face of this thiuu unless I coudeiiiued It. Our position there IS always ditlb-iilt to inaiiitaiii ; it would bo iiii- teuablo but. Inr the •â- oiir^-u we took. That is tllu truth. 1 cau say uo more. â€" Yours very irtily. ClIAllLKS S. I'Ali.N K.I.I.. The second forged letter reads aa follows Uk.mi 8in.â€" I shall always bo ati.\ioiis to have the t{ood will of your frieuils. but wily do thuy impuKll iny motives. L eollld uot eousuut to the L'oliditlous they would impose, but 1 accept the entire responsibility for what w« have dono - Voura very truly, Cmaui.ks S. I'au.m-h.l. A.N ol'RN AlTEMI'T AT MLM KMAll. In February. 1881. Pigott wrote a letter to Mr. blgan intimatiuii that an attempt had been made by two a^eutu of Unblin Castle to get him to publish in his papers â€" the Iri.-ihni'in and h'l'i'j :'f Irthiiui a plausible and utterly tictitious set of Laud Leai^uo accounts for the purpose of damag- ing tbe Leaguu and its oflicers. Mr. Egan replied, pointing out that it was his (PitiOtt's) duty to make public the tact that such an ufTur had been made, figott then wrote tbe following letter : Irinhm'tn, Ftoi} of IrehituI and Sh'iiiiriM'l:â€" Dublin. March 11. 1H81â€" Olllce No. j:l Lower Abbey street. My Dkah Mil. KoAS I was «lail to ijel your note of the 6 h lust., as I thought you liati de cid.-d to not take auy notice of my letter, and I was about to take a step which [ could not recall It is well that y'.>u shotild unilerstaiid tbe iiaturo of the doeuuient 1 am asked to )'ub isb. it won d be, I think, very daiiia^iliK to tho l.oanne, eyeii tboili{ll It may bo proveil to bo mainly built up of fabrication. It proceeds iu this way ; It itives tbe atiiooiits re- eeiveil for tho Leui^iiu and aeknowledj{ed from week to week, and also the sums stattui to have been di^biirM'd. Tho total amount i as near as I eau recolleet) natil to have been received per the l.eaHUo up to Liio of February is t'lu.ijotl (iii r 'Uiid iiuinbers) ; tiikoii from tho ri'lief fund. ilD.iJtIll, ami surplus "f <K?fouce fund wetimatoil at 1-I8,iiuu -ill all not tar short ..f fTU.D^lO. Then the payments for which tbe l.uanno takes eredil in its weekly reporis IS put down at t'l.ihU, Then it is askoil what has heeolne of tilt.- lari^e bal auco, aud Koes on to say that so niueli was paid to one member of Parliaiueut, ao iiimli to an other, so luueh for this, that and tbe other el.ictlon expenses, and io ou, while, It isas-erteil. shoals of letters fro vieted tonautB for assist- auco wore beintj receiveil and disregarded at tbe Leaftuo ulllce. ANOTUKU l-YIMl ISTIMA ill >N. Then It is asked why the reniaiuini.; finels were taken to Franco and tho answer is i^iveii. " in itrder that they miKht bemit.d tho way not (tf tlio tioveritiiiedt. who Jar'* not lity a tlugur oil them, but of the peoplo. to assist whom it was -uhBcribod." It is to bo kei>t to sustain I'arliiiinelitary at^itatioii ami support inombera of I'lirliameiit Tbeti there is some- thing about a ohaiigo i:.f treasurers in Aiiioriea. made at y-'iir sujif,'esiioii, in order that the iiioiiuy nnght reach your bands diri'et and no one else. This is but the baldest outline of the thiii^. which ill my opinion is very dauiiiKinK- My rea- son for tbinkioK that the Castlu people are the primo movers is that articles have appeared in tho /•-â- j-y>rc.s.'j written uitich in tho sanio tendency, but iutluitoly more guarded ami cautious. I enclose otm that app- ared yestenlay. Now. you will seo from the eoclnRtd unto tflat. if I imblish this document I will «et CjOU and will not be required to vouch f.^r the eorrootncss of auy of tho atateiueuts it coutaius. UK UKMANllKK MONEY A f ANY lllsr. I come to the point, therefore. 1 am iu desnuratu straits. 1 must have uioiioy somehow or throw tip ihu sponge at once. I eannot adonl to let so lucky a chanco pass of saving myself literally from ruiu. No matter what the' i- aeiiuouc- s are I must and will takn this olfer. uulehB yi'ii como to wy aaaistance. 1 will close with tin se people, Btnd you tho full anlolitit I owe yon. ]irint tho thing and await even s, unless you will Kiand by mo, AH 1 *»iit from you is a teuiponii , loan of I'.'iOO. Surely you can mauafje that. It may beililMcult, but It Is to bo done 1 kuow p.-rfecliy well. This will loavo mo In perfectly smooth water, and 1 will take no fur- ther n tico of tile other fellows. The iiiouey will bo Ruro to be repaid, aud prove to bo tho best laid out money the League hai ever ex peuiled. He good enough to nivo this matter your earliest aud most lavorablo attuution. If I do not hoar from yuu by Monday moruiug 1 shall be reluctantly compelled to close with theaa people, because my ikSairs are uuw arrived at .such a crisis that delay will be fatal. â€" Faith- fully yours, Kiiiujuj I'liiorr. V. Egan, Esq. EUAN BEKCSKS ro BE UUI). To this Mr. Egan repllEd as follows : HoriiL 13B1GUT0N. No, 3It( RlK DE UlVOLI, I rAiiis. March lltu, IHNl. I Siu,â€" As I understand your letter, which reached me to-day. it is a threat that unless 1 forward you luonoy by Mouday next you will close witn the Goverameut aud lor tho cousider- atJon of a sum of fJOS publish for them certain doc uients. wbii^h you believe to be false, against the Laud League. Luder any clrcumstanees 1 have uo power to so apply any of tho liimis of theLeai^ue. But even if I 'uad the power I would not under any circuuistanees act tipnii it. When- ever auy audi actnlsatimis are made we will know how to defend ourselves, â€" Yours truly. rArituK EOAN. Uiohard I'igott, Esq.. IrtsUmait.«st Soutllsb News, Right Rev, John Macdonald, Roman Catholic Bishop of Aberdeen, dieil on 1th Feb. He was 70 yeara of age, aud a native of Btrathglasa. The Parish Church of Arbuthnot, Kin- cardineshire, was entirely gutted by dre, which broke out on Bunday morning, thu .'Jrd inst., a little before the time for ser vice. The late Miss Agnes Smith, of Cornwall Home, Helensburoh, beq leathed t;.'>,2()0 to Glasgow aud West of Scotland charities and to se.-eral of the schemes of tho Church of Scotland. The Royal charter creating Dundee a city waa received on the lih Fob. by the Town Council, and it was intimated that hence, forth tho Chief Magistrate would be deaig nated Lord Provost. Warrant has been granted tu sell the furniture and eflecta uf Rev. J. Jack, of Kiniioldrom. for payment of the uamatjea for breach of promise obtained by Miss Simpson, of Dundee. When the last mail left, in tbe outskirts of Edinburgh daisies and primroses were blooming in the gardens, and iu aome llower pota at Morningside even June- flowering t>illytlower8 weruiii blossom. Rev. John McNeil, late of Edinburgh, on giving a discourse lately in London, used the word " sough ," whuu some of tbe Cockneys smiled, he cleverly said : '- Perhaps I might have apologised, but this comes of tbe people having only .me language !" Tbe present head of the ancient himae of Craigdarrocbâ€" Captain Robert Cutlar Ferguaon. A. D. C, of the Scotch Guarda â€" waa marritxl ou tho .iih inst. in St. Paul'a Church, Knigbtsbridtfe, London, to Rose, eldeai daughter of thu late Mr. John Urant llodgaon, of Cabalva, Here- fordshire. It would appear that Lady Rosebery can, like Lady Aberdeen, make good speeches. The other day she made one in Glasgow on behalf of the deaf and dumb, winch it is said ' was neat to the point, and was much applauded." Lady Roaubery's mother, thu late Baroness Meyer Rothschild, waa one of the founders ef tbe Aasociation for the Ural Instruction of the Deaf aud Dumb. Mr. Alexander Ross, bailie of Uolyrood, died the olhur day at hia ruaidunce, Howe street, Edinburgh, at the age of T.i vears. Mr Uosa was employed in tbe otiice of I'ods, Murray A- Jamieson, writers to the signet, for more than a generation, lln was appointed bailie of Holyrood in 187'.l. and bis death removes thu last link that connected an old system with the present Uarrlane L'uder Frutent. The Supreme Court of Michigan has been called upon toaay whether a cercmouy periormed under theae circumstances con- stituted a valid marriage : rbei<irl charged her parents with forcing her into marriaKe with a mau she did not want to wed. During the ceremony she told the Justice ' if be tied the knot forty timea it would nut atay tied ; ' that she " did not like the man " and would not live with him. 'They made me atand up," she continued. " and when 1 waa asked whether I would taku him to be my husband I said, ' No. I won't,' and on every queation asked me that I ought to have said ' yes ' 1 said ' no ' plain, and the next day I ran away. " In spite of this very unusual conduct tho Jus- tice calmly pro.^ceded to pronounce the pair man and wife, with thu customary congratulation, and the ceremony was hold legal by the Circuit Court. The Supreme Court, however, says "a concurring con- sent by two minds at tlie same instant " is essential to a legal marriage, aud that thu ceremony in this case was not valid becauso the girl did not consent to it. ^ â-  The OtIkIii of "My Unelo." Tho term uncles, as applied to a pawn- broker's shop, is said to Du a pun on thu Latin word uncus, a hook. Pawnbrokers employed a book to lift articles pawned before spouts wore adopted. ' Gone to the uncus," therefore, is exactly tantamount to the more modern phraae " up the spout. ' In French tbeconcierge of a prison ia called unule beoauae the prisoners are ' kept there ill pawn " by government. In the seven teeuth century a usurer was called â- ' tny ancle" iu the Walloon provinces be- cause of bis near connection with apeud- thrifts, called in Latin nepotes, nephewa. â€" A'o(c< tinil 'hierie$. Liquor and Had Cuuklug. Admitting to tbe fullest extent all that may bo presented aa to tho bad elTootH of liijuor, may it not bu held that dyapepsia caused by bad cooking is as bad or own a worse evil, whether sonsidered materially or morally, than the moderate consumption of liquors which cunstitutea their average use '.' litlward Atkiueon in the Mareh b'oruiii. She Kuew Elliii. Brown- I had a little controversy thia morning â€" Brown's wife â€" Well, ho was right .' Brown â€" How do you know ? You haven't the faintest idea what it waa about, who it was with, nor what aide I took. Brown's wifoâ€"U doesn't matter. Who- ever differed with you waa right. •Juhii Leaperanco Insane. A Montreal despatch says: L'Etendar,! announces that Mr. John Leaperance, edi tor of the liominioii Illustrated, " Laolede " of tho Giizelte. has lost hia reason aud been aent to the Longae Point Asylum. There is no more sense in hating a man because ho is rich than there would be in loving one becauae bo is poor. Girls under- stand thia sort of thing better than hood- anxB.â€" New OrUam Picayune. THE "PaiirOE OF JIfASHESS." A Bold Burglar with a Wife in Every Oity Visited by Him. HE MAKBIES AUD THEH DISAPPEAaS. A wife in nearly every city intheooautry is the record uf George MuUaniela, the cele- brated burglar, who was arrested in thia city last week. McUaniela is one of tho moat desperate criminals in the country, and he is to bo returned to Georgia next week to liuish out his fifteen- year sentence for a robbery in Savannah. While bid suu(»jsses at robbery place him in the front rank of professional thievery, his equally romantic e.xploita iu the field of love make a remarkable chronicle. When McUaniels was arreatud in this city in 1885 for burglary, a pretty girl who resided near Uridgoton, N.J , and who claimed to he his wife, enlisted tho sympainiea of many by her devotion to the handsome burglar. Hia two years' contiuement lu tho Eastern penitentiary evidently extinguished his paaaion for this faithful girl, and imme- diately upon hia release McDauiela repaired to Florida, where ho captivated a I'i-year- old tioutheru beauty uf wealth and poai tion. The girl was fascinated by his appearance aud rtflucd manners. After a short conrtahip they were married. The honeymoon was celebrated by McDaniuls' arrest for a robbery. Uo was aci|uiited. owing to lack of evidence. This waa his last matrimonial exploit, and t le betiiu- niug of a career uf crime that resulted in nis capture and fifteen \ oars' sentence. Uu shortly deserted his youthful brido â€" ahu procuring a divorce and went to Savaiiuali. SHK TU.l.NllKh UI.U .STAllS. A few days after his arrival the town was startled by the news of a jewellery robberyâ€" oue of the leading stores had been hrukuu into and a largu aniouutof valuable stock takeu. Overcoufidence waa the cause of McDaniels' arrest. UeudiusB of tha olos-j watch kept on him by the authorities, he packed his plunder in a big hex. walked leisurely into thu express otiice, directed the bux to himself at Nuw York, aud a moment after waa under arrest. The proof of hia guilt was overwbeliiiiug, and he wae shortly afterward sentenceu. After hie sentouce the authorities began to discover what a prince of robbers ana liearibreakers their capture was. Thu iiivistigatiuu was prompted by a letter from the nirl wife, who suspected her mistake and thanked her lucky stars (or securing a divorce. They found that his launch upon the matri- monial sea was made ahcrtiy after doing a big job in Chicago, where he made love tu a young lady of good looks and family. Victim No. 2 was a popular miss uf Fre- mont. O. lie varied the muiiotouy of lovo- makiui; in Fremont by a big robbery. IlIH fOWKIl OVKU »UMK.\. Hut McDaniuls proved the completeness of his power over women wtieii he made love to a beautiful young Ohio girl who bad lived near Cinuiuuati. i'he authorities tracked five robberies tu his accuuut while he was stopping m Ibis town, and he escaped to ,Now York before they could catcti bim. The plunder was found in thu young lady'a bouse, and tb^- police arrested her. Rather tliaii betray her lover she aubmitted to iiiiprisonmeiit, but was re paid by MoUaniuls deserting her shortly after. .V mall iu New York, well aojuaintcd with McDaniels, said that he had a wife or sweetheart in every town ho ever viaitud, and that every city complimented by hia appearance had to pay dearly for it in the abape of a big robbery. A .UIvAI 1.1s I Ok ' Ul>li:s. McDaniels is also credited with cominit- tiug robberies at Kuadiiig, Usrrisburg Kaaton- -where three big jobs are charged -Cincinnati, Chicago, Hinnin^ham, Ala. ; Louiaville, Kochester, luuiana polls and suvural other tovne 111 Indiana, St. Paul, Ucston and Altoona. Several poat-oltice robheriea in Ulinoia are supposed to be the work of this remarkable burijlar The above citica are alao tbe scenes uf hia triumphu in alfairs of the heart. After his esoaiie from tho tiiiues last June McDanieio viaiiud a near-by town and secured a tinu out til. Mo worked his way north to fashionable Saratoga. Thu detuutivea say that there ia uo more dan- gerous criiiiitial in the i uuntry than ho. 4 OKATII IIAITI.K l.M'Ki IKO. When he starts for Georgia ou Tuesday morning next he will bu closuly guarded by Detectives I'ale and .lohnsuii. uf l^^aston. .\tiy rela.\alioii of watchfulness ou their part will urjbably cost them their lives, aa Mcl^aniels has declared that he will not return to thu iiiiues alive, if liu can prevent it, aud vows hia intuntion tu escapu at any cost, 'Ihe detectives say that they have not the sli|{htest doubt but that he will kill them if an upporlunity shall olfer. MuDaiiiela' own throata warrant the asser- tion. I 'or himself he aaya : " Hell couldu't have more terrora for a man than thoae iiiinea, and I'd sooner be aenteuced to thirty yeara in a Northern priaon than go back." â€"I'Inladelphui lUcord. X Pheauiiienon. McQueen's Lake, near Sydney, C. B." recently had a remarkable suiisation. Ice, with which tho lake waa covered, aad- denly cracked like a builer exploaion, and aomethini^ like a whale roae above the surface, showing between twenty and ai.xty feet of its body, according to thu reports. Then it sub- sided, but tho hole iu thu ioo and the dirt cast about wore left to mark ita appear- ance. I he aame lake was affocted in very much the same manner about twenty yuars ago, when the ico waa about si.x iuuhea thick. A scientist advances the theory of a hot spring or sort of volcano which ia affected periodiually, and throws mad, etc., from the bottom of tbe lake. Found at Last. In a Pullman sleeper: Bride (in upper berth) -Darling! Groom (in lower berth) â€" Yes, precious. Bride â€" I've found something I've been looking for since my sixteenth birthday. Groom What'a that, darling? Bride â€" A man under my bed. Clear Case of Bulldo/.lD^:. Judgeâ€" "If, as you aay, yoa found thia woman ao violent and headstrong even dur- ing tho engagement, why did yoa marry hor â- .' " Abused Husband (meekly) â€" " 1â€" didn't marry her, she married vie." Is aar " Flower Born u, llluah Uaiwen r* Tbe old wives tell us ' tnat bloflhiog ia virtae a livery." Bat, alas: to many • maiden, whose soal is parity itself, baa been denied the gracioas privilege of wear- ing the delicate crimson , and all beuaaio her skin ia covered with blotches. pimpJos, yellow " liver stKiiH." and other diacoiora- lions. Who can tuil liow such a maiden loathes the very sight of herself, or who shall intrude upon her as she weepa bitter teara over her ancomely appuaraaoe 'i Thrice unhappy aho, if by the use of ooa- metica ahu shall seek to hide her wretched complexion. But if aUe will aae Dr. Pierce'a Golden Medical Discovery, to regulate tha liver and purify tho blood of all poisonooa humors, she will find that her • floeh shall oume again like anto the flesh of a littls child." It oares scrofula, tetter, salt-rheum, pimples, blotches, uraptiona and all akiu diseases. Drnggista. A Miiltluuiuiuuus Wuiiiuti. Rarely has a woman changed her title ao often, with only one marriage, as tho wife of the former Chairman of the LondoB liaard of Works. She has been in turn: Miss Pennant, tho Hon. Mias Pennant I when her father was made Lord Ponrhyn), Lady James Uogg (when she became the consort of Sir .James Hoi^jij.Lady MuGarel- Hogg (when her husband assumed that preuomun on receipt of a fortune), and dually Lady Magheranurue -S. i'. I'ost. lUO.UUU Feulile I'erisll. More than lUO.UUU persons annually die in this country from oonsumpiiun, which ia but thu child of catarrh. iM) reward ia uliered by tlie proprietors of Ur. Sage'a Catarrh Homody for a csso of catarrh whioh they cannot cure. The Remedy is sold by druggists , ."jU couta. Luuiiua Vog, Blind Man " Now then, sir ! â€" Look where you're going to 1 " Jones â€" • I beg yuar pardon, my good fellow â€" this beastly fogâ€" couldn't see you â€"lost ray way â€" dou'l kuow whore tha dickens I am ! " Bhud .Man- '• Fjg, la there.' Ah â€" just you take hold o my arm, and tell mo where you live, and I 11 seo you safe homo. I'og iiiakes nu ditfurence to mo ! " â€" I'uncli. Th« Fa«t«>t Time uu Ue<:ur<l, in thu diruotioii uf the nearest drug store, IS nut too fast for auv person to make who is troubled with constipaiion, dyapepsia, liver complaint, or sickhuaaache, and IB, therefore, lu need uf Dr. i'lerce'a Ploaaant Pellets. Guutlo aud etfeutive; one a dose. Uunieahueluic Ual raordluary. Uu February llth, Mr. George Udlman, of Suaponsiou Bridge, NY. uudurtouk, un a bet ot JJ.'i. to shoo all around Jo iioraos inside uf 10 hours, making m all 100 shuua to pull olf, sharpen and put back again, Without any help whatever. Ua won the money by ehuoing 21) horses in I hours, which IS extraordinary (or one mau to do. How tu »nv« ItHd Llebla. Out iu St. Louisa couventiou of whole- sale grocers wdl meet next weeK to devise meaua fur collecting bad debts, protecting thu bonoat inurcbaiits and [lunisnuig tho dishonest ones. Wo oau tull the whulosale «rocera how to do all thia with abauliita iBirness and uerlaiuty. Sell lor cash only, â€" i'kiiudeiphui Hcxurd. Oue Uoor Always Open. Mothor-For mercy'a aake, diild, whatt do you expect to do lu tho worlu ' Vua can't cook nor sew nor toaoh school, ,ind you are not an buireaa aud will not luaru » trade â€" what can you du ' Daughter- Well, iiiuthur, 1 can get mat- riod, cau't I? tVbat In Cliriallaultj. Having settled the luosliou that niftrri*gB IS a failure tbe Luuduu journals aru uow taking up the problem, " What is Christia- nity '! " U there auy better anawer than tha Golditn Rule .' Chriatiauity meaua that oc means nothing. Mr. McEwaii, MP., has prusontcd T liu. DUO lu tho I'uiversity of I:;diuuurf4h, in Itdur that an .Viademic Hall may bo built, or Will bo oapablo of holding :i.uJo pursoua. 1» O H L. I I HU. rn>^ II n 1111 ^'^n TK.VUKltB gunural ly Wu waut a iloob sia-n iu your luoallly to pick up CAJ_F SKINS I«r U8. Caali fc'tiruiHhod <ju uaiiufactury i^uartuity AddroBB, C. b. l\iiK. Uyiio I'tktk, VuimouL, U. S Tho .S/too tt LeaUier lititfurUr, N. Y,. tkini .Sj/ioa (t LtHilhvr Hevww, Chiutk^ju, ihu luaJlii(4 Lrtul« papora ut Llio U.S.m tho ilulu iiiio, liitvo rioui liioir rtiproBoutttLivtib uj iiivoHLiyiii^ ilr. I'lk^u « Uu«i uuau, aud tilt«r it LliuroUKU oxauiiUttUuu twiJ ooia pariHuu Llio i<«P''r(<;rKivotj UiUi LliiBtJuaoruoUiou* " Wti Ijclicvti Umt in turtent oj liuni-wciunt rij» nuiteruti ouifwtwi <intl atrruHl, Mr Puye itoUia UutLdtiL of any anniHiUUjr and UuU Uuh j^rtvuMU sUh-K LS Um UiiytUii liviU by <iny Iuju-w in ttiit cuiintry." " AJtvr ii iiujul UufUJtiyfi mvtmtiijtUton nj Mt Payv'H biwiUKittn tis cAjinpar*\d tvttlt ulhtUH m ncWfM ami, we fuivti bttcwiw Jnily natus/wU tluU lUk %% spticiiilty, liif/U'ivftyht s(ttcti,/io !â- Â» unqiitvitunuiOiu tha UuytMt (UkiUr m f/iw c*/unlry, tv/uiv m nupurt only oj <{iuilUy /i« m cunjf.s!st'tiiy ut t/u Utuui." (^UKuy ; II Mr. I'iitju'» l>utiiiiUHa m liju larKoui in uu iiiju in tiiiu Uiiit.ud aLuLuit, ih tl ut>l Liiu iHHit putibiblu prout ul liiHiibiJiL> lujiHy lu^tliuMi priuus '/ 11 tiu (liii tiol (lu HU, wuulii Iju litiLijititly t;uL mure hkiUHiiiaii auy ul liiuut>tupuuLurMiii luu ;')aiiiiiiiiiu? iJALEIiMEN; Wu WlBlJ t» tow LUUU 11 uur uuuUb by baujpl lo ibu wnuluttalu aud r*- Laii irHiiu. LiaiKeul uiaua* facbururs in our lino. UuuIubu ^uuut, BUuup Wtitfv* *^ l»««* day. I'ttrujuiJouL puaiUuu. No puHitblB auBwuruU. Muutiy tuivauoud tur wagei advuiliHuiKi uu:, CeuUfUuial dliuiulttcturuic Cu.^ CluuiuuMli, Obtu* DUNNES BAKINQ POWDER THE COOK'S BEST PRIEfVP

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