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Flesherton Advance, 7 Mar 1889, p. 5

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THE 'â- I .. \l >i ADVANCE. â- SRce â- â- H^ The Right DEATH ON THE lEACK. .' al'tor 10 kllhMi aiKl :tO Wounded in it 4; T l^ Uailway Disasivr* expi'ess tiiiiii I'uniiiiiy; east ou ''ih* main line of the- Chvat \Ve.ster:i Dif- ision of ihn uniiul TiMuik laiiway.m.^t witli 11 teiTible iicciiifiit ut tliia ijoini as slie was pusiii'j;- tllll)^l^''ll at lisju iiiuLj spcod. I'lio l;t:\'; u-oii biidi;u abijiil Unci; (i:ui.rl,e)S. of 11 mile sduIIi cullapsed, carrviii'^ witii it the latlor part of the tiiiiii, ciiisisiiui/ of ta./ dinin;,' ear, a i'nllinan and a tirstclas.s coach. Th(! ri.'st of tlit train ciOii.iL"! ill safety. Uf lliose shruo eii.';i twj ftdl to t)ie 1,'roiuid, naiiiely. t.u' ilinuu cariuid the cojcIi while th'.' fnlimaa liau'^s sili^joiided fi'om t )u hi !,'!â- . wiiicli bruk(; uboiU the â- .niaad from 'h J Olid, The biid^'e la an i^'o:i tru'Slk- witli st)iu! 1) lua .â- iils,i:).):V. MO.) fjL't loil;. Tik; OCt.'il[),l;liS lif 111.- tW') tars, wiiich \Vi'r>! pfuliiV •"â- â€¢dl cr )\vdod. were linrled hciuw to a di-,>;li of ovi;: 00 tiHH and iii>st of Vni-.ii will woi'.- not l:iil.'d iiniii^lit wore iij.L;i,_^U'd i.i u shi)i'liin_; luaniii-i . ijij'; KiLi.i-::.. U'.M.W, ;i;r. London ; M lil'.airiis, Lmdnii ; (.iti;. lA'/.iiM, Miiclv.dl ; A. \\'. 1t;u/<'1'-. WO.iiistocIv ; Dr. iSwun, W )od>t(>i-lc : M; -s ^h)nlâ- l•, Kvantford; NVoodtitocll •More SWEEI-IKG rcluc tious made this luoiitli, every Une mukcd away down 'n prices to suit the present SfRINf^iliN'T eniM-ijeary 2 DOXT Say you t'aniiot jifford to Q R Y Mr. Mc liilruii; Harry .\.n;-'li', Firi'- .\ Waiter, iiami; uiikuowu. M A S i t.ji lunuturc is uiinost being f;iven away at J. E. Moore's. LOOK HEUE ! A uDod double bed at iioin $:: Woven wire springs at from •50 §: l-'irst cla.-s sea sea, with W( ol all al §4 ^5- <;rass ma'tres- h und Chairs for a Song Tables of every descript'on. Lower than ever. See our bedroom suites at §14.00, net, uauailv sold at I7 to .18 dollars. Cradles at $2.00. Co.,s, Cribs, and equi 1. ly ow prices. Good ha.dwood bureau at $5 oo. DO^'T FVIO. . ,» iOMK A\«> SEE IS on l>l KIIAM STRKET rLE.SIIEKTO.>. Ihah-r ht Fwaiturr. Mimical In utriiiiiriii.t OK* Seiviiii; M<*- chinia, h',.»iial FurHish' F LESH'^ltiTON URNM'RE WAREROOMS. FLESHERTON SEWfNG MACHINE NEEDLES ON HAND Soft Elm an4 lias&wood luynher .l()S|.|lll I.ciin. I mail ; 1 t;ie in.;ui:i;u. ( MisK Mi-f,('od.liii;i rsoll; ^hlly ("hafio, I I'ontiac. Mich ; -lana-s Hyslop. Crod- I i-vicli ; Joliii Mclunl.-y.Doiroii ; Friid llancoclv.ii.Huion , J'iios. N.lJoniney, I lectini'.- ; -In!.!) il ^* ilson, ('o;it.hani ; ' (.ieor','c .M I i-.,i ".!.-, .\i'i,'.tia I »l!s ; K. i Hilton, Si. C.Uha.-ni 's ; Mi'. Mc- Lan^clilin. l.on.ion ; Wiu. JJeiu-'dict, I hainiac. Mici ; J).il l.i-jii sno, Ciev- la:ul : W. Vincent, I'aii-i : li. Johii- son, Wiods-jr ; 1)J). Cit);) ;-, Nia;^aiu Falls ; Miss AiiJivws,Laiuo.-lli ; Mrs. J.i-ndall, DcU-oit ; Mi. and Mrs. Mar- shall, J)orc!iestcr ; M"s. K â- â€¢uns.lliini- . i!iun ; Mr. Martin. Woodstock : .Mr- I Kii!nlit,VVo.)Ustock ; i\lr. Kai-;i, Wojd- 8 ock ; Mrs. Higgiiis, TuroiiD and] Mrs. (J. Pye, Clarksbiu-,'. A Olt.U>UIC DK.SCIU I'TlO.-'i o.-' T.i:: \c- I CinE.NT. Coniiiij; dawn from tlio r.phu.l; lo tliii viadnct there is tlio djwu j,'.-adc befori; nu-iitioncd. This duclini- is ab.nit throe mili'H lon;^ before slak- ing tilt" biidj,'c, and down it ;^'rcat speed is ahvays attained, as is the under si!iiil.\r circumstances on every road. When tne express c;uiu' iilon|,' ut >ix o'clock ye-^t.erilay cveniii;,' it have been !.;oin^' at tlio rate uf nol less than .jO miles an hour, and veiy likcjy, nearly (iO. \ Kenileiimii wiio ii-e«' ill the iiei^'hborhood of the tiuT* '"''^*| '"'â-  to-day iha't had often tiuiec, i'l^' •• 'ain at UD uiile.s an hour goiiif,' do\vn|'rad>3. Tliu express does not stop at Ht. George station so tlicro is lU) necessity f n- slackiii{^ ui). A bmst tire. Wlurling alou;^' list night caiiie tho express. Just \v« â-  of the station is a swietli, just east of i another switch. Wlien between these two Euy;iiieer Blackwell felt soiiic- 'bing give rijrbt under his feet. What that was nobody knows. About the same Moment a piece of the lire of the ri'^kt or south side drivin;,' wheel of t^,- enf,'iiie lltw out. Past the station Clashed the train with a roar and a rrsh and tlio tremendous whirling suc- tion of an e.\)iress nnder a full head of steam. Nobody saw the piece of metal fly. The engineer stood with his hand on the throttle calm biu vigilant. Filty yards pist the station, and witliiu 150 yails of tho bridfjo, tlicre came a terrible bump and the giant locomotive reeled as though struck iu a vital part. The steel tire had sprunxlVcm its base and tbe cast iron wheel waii smashing; into fragments, wiiilo tiic tire whirled around independently with each stroke of the pistons. Great frag- ments of the broken wheel were flying iu all directions, the cii-inu was laboring like a ship at sea under stress of weather, rolling and groan- ing, when theiQ came a report like the bang of a cannon, that sounded loud above the i oar of tho train. When tifty yards from the bridge tlio circling lire had burst its bounds by snapping the driving rod, and thus freed went spiiinitig down the embank- ment, crashed through the fence, and now hes two hundred yards out in the Held. It was just aboul thi3 time that the looomotive : ft the rails. The ends of the broken driving rod, wliirling about with each revolution, were working destruction at every stroke. A moment later and the trail* i;:tL' l'^ ••'>" bridge. Bump- ing aloi'»Ml(,'e sleepers, tho stvaiu thrown I- *\ remaining d.iving rod pro^d.ti'^ °^ h and it also snapped. Bu*, ^'W" -^ -' he other cars off the fail There »i le engine rushed oi\ â- .'.-â- â- ' L .e u.iggaj > ar -.-.I â-  .â-  ,. i closi Ml. 1,-.'. .•)!:, ( . .- -. ..iig over tno •'.-''• ' - • .-1 efi'eci.. As a?. „.ii; rails from â- .- • ... k;,u d.)./ii ill • 1' _ .1 -1. Til • li. . . . . • t'n lOwill',' ftfl,. ' â-  . s 1)1 i VI- i s ntlW" '•' i'....d uji ''.-ftttc ;'â- Â»: g.'eal oak I'l-atlS â- ' â-  -I ao > 1.. IIS Liioi'.gii ;:i. 7 W>-" 'â- '. SL.iiw a;.d were (.ill- I np 1 ' f.ii.' winrow. .'ill-re ',vas I I ti:c pi'o^ ilsio I this wuiri'. : I s, i;ii!. and tills '.viis f! :i-- - -" . nii-.Ulii- uf l.,i- lirnii^-'. ; . . amher was stack fist. . -. ilf of til" iruiii bi-i.lce ;i.'.' i. '.. ; Lrta-iii 1 iis coinsf. T'lie I' 1. ;:.!•. .1.^1 â- huing c.irs p;ini.; â-  -'I oi.vid v. . 'no trelileiidons ! ill.)::.- . .ain i:i -ivild .aco d.iwii the I ^ra.. . :t i .;â-  -â-  :. .ll'ti'd t,ne p:isseir,'i I r I i' '.a ils :i-- '. aad liurle<l it (•'.•aii ! iv r tai' o i.i^ down to llie depths I il •...-.v. w.ieri' K. K-ll crasiii I •• iiila ihe- I snow and ea.'t I. a u-iiii,i.el,' wreck, I ellt.iaibiiig wit.ila it dead and dyin-,' a.i'l tri-i-il).y iiijiir.'d. A = I li.i-. piissi.-iiL, r L-oiii h wa.-, liiiili-d aside Pillimaii took .'s [iliiee, tanistiiig it.n nose into the liia^-' of tinilier ami wedding I'.is;. But right acre a m w ho.row eventuaU-ii. The gi'-'a-r ot tlie piecedin-_, span. strip|),-i( 'la the middle beams, fidl outwards and over tile sitle.s of tlie piers, i'lwii thrini.nh tliis gap fell ine dmiiu; cur, end fonaosr, the in- iirites crashed to t.. â-  bor.ton under tho weight of t!ie seal., and range kitcl en paraiiiit-inali.i .-Uioii: uiin- fourth of the i^uilniai ov.'riiang lids gai), and in part drax ;ed by ;(;.- dining car and in par unable to sns- laiu ils own wci^h'. broke cleiin oil and frdlnwi'd llic e In r eoaclusin their six;yfive' plnii'.r' I'l-'' 'iignn's mad race. Meantime on rush-.-d the engine, tearing eveiythitng out of its' way. dragging the ba.;gage coach and I smoker alter it, clear across the I bridge' and two hundred yanls beyond ' before it sloppt'd â€" a langlf'd wreck of I rods aii'l pipes aad running gear. \ The two cars .WL-ry tuiibly jolted but | not wieeked. | - â-  I i#i I-* Honor I(<>]l. TiiC fi>lli>wiiig IS t!i«sl;unlll>g of S. S. \o. .'J Arteuio.sia f.>r tlia months of Janu- ary and FebruHi V. till cluss- :E(iwiii Wright, Aildie Brettii, Harry Aikins, Win Irwin, .M - i iiie (Jralmin, Win. t Iweii, Ge.i. Irwin, .J. White..), lirowii, Eva Irwin. Kliziv C'lil lull, .Maria IJimkin, S. farsoii, K. Wait. ;!rd -:T. Wilcox, Win Stewart., li. Wilcox, Muj^gie Wilcnx, -F. Slmvai-l, .â- Vlico Wiut.n-H. E. liifi<e, X. (iialiimi, Miniiio Mitchell, Aiiiiio Allen, K. Mit- clioll, R. .-Vlleii, .). Uir, Wm. Orr, H. yuiirg. 2nd â€" :\Viii. Itlaokluirii, R. .McMal- luii, Surah Tucker, «J. White. Suie Stew- art, Jano Cawon, Guy Otr, J. I'eiiolton, Moitgie Duncan, Wm. Beiitliani. part 2i»<l--:Cha». White. E. Best, Lizzie Tucker, Berk. L»i-),'e, Katio Ueii- tliain, Fred(be Wurt, A. CuUeii, Luna Be«i, Miiniio Sanders, (i. Bent, K. Hcii- tliaiii. A. Rbiu, teacher. the'"'®"**®^ ' • like giants flailabeat- 10(5 re and hurliu^ (be [Dundalk H«rtld. Kimberioy !»MbIi«' S«-li»ol Report for l''«'5»ruary. FORM I Class IV Sr. I'.eii C;-ii-nithers .â- !0!»,Ella (Jarrutlwan '^'K, ,J<din Dynes 2r>4. Cl.i.s..i IV Jr. Herbert F.-iwcctt •!!•, John UainiiiDnd 40, .T. Catruthera -I.'). Cliws Ul.Sr.â€" W. riewe»40, R. Dut 'er -to, W. Lawrence 41). C1.-U1.S IU Jr. W. HakorG4, R. Hakor ij;t;Si»in. TlioiiiiiaDii -l.S. Class 1 1 Sr.-- Fred linker 4!), Robbio L&wreiice 42, Wm. Thompson 40. Average attendance 40. FORM II. Clas^ 11 Jr.-II. McLean !!•!•, M. Ab- ercrotnbiB 199, A. Wickens 184. Part 11 Sr. â€" T. Thoinpon 140, W McLean 12«, Leslie Plowes V2-J. Part 1.1* Jr.â€" .\r IMtrick 110, M. Kimtt 90, J. Mundlo 72. Cltt.s.<» A. Rubt. Fawcott, E. Abor- croijibie. Class B. -Man.'. Raker, S. Fa-rcctt. Frozen' tothk kkncf,. -One of oar townsmen reports being dinturbod throuKh th» night by the uiioarthly screams of a cat. The morning dawned, he proceeded to invostigale, and found that his catship had sat on tho fence until his tail had lieeii frozen to the buardn, and for the tinia beiny he had be- come a fixturu. Of course our townsman,, being "fa human disposition, lib«rat,od the unfortunate animal, but whether he out the fence down and carried it in and vlaced it uosr the stove, or whither he built a fire on the fence around the cat- to thaw him out, wo hare not Varned; â€" â- i. Harris Son S, Co., BHAHTFOED. Il'lii- Briitiii'tuNi Liglit Steel Uindi-r. Itrantford Kca|MT. Brsiiitlord Trout rut .Mower. Straiitt'urd rear cut Mower. Till-'. P.KAVFi; ( D.MPl.XFl) ShKDKli and l)|;ll.B,THK .MASOX L\lPi:tJVEl) SILKY BAKK.JOH.NSToN'fc; IMPKUVED ONK Ii(;U.SK ClhTlV-VliyB. LAND BOl.I.F.HS, CANd PLOWS, iXFLFLEiLS, CFLTlVATol; r.OOT (1 TTKIIS. (iRAI.N ClUbliKKS, liTC. FOR S.A LE BY THOS. A. BLAKELY, Ff.KSHKi;T')V. PBB^^I^^ SMS Hollil 0«|d Wftith.- llV9^^^^^ »oldrorl!»ia9.UUUl«l«l7. I ^â- ^^^â- H I'MltCt UtnsAMperr. WA(-_ " BIIBffCMM. Hutll \-ii\m' funl gwnf MSM, WUk WoelM 1 VhM»t of M^Bftl V«lD«b I One K*«r»oa tusftcb l». y 1.1U »«<u(e uiii fr««, rih-i vvitti uur IniRf And T»i- u&lilo Itiia >if III (•uaelcultl .Humpies. Th«sr unplu, •• well Am (bo watth, «• ••nj Fr«)e, and aftet yua bftve kspt thnm 1* yoot ta«fB« Tor 9 month* muiI •huwn tb^m to tho** wtM juy h»v« cAllad, iher bccunra vosr own pnj\rmnr. Ilioko >«Iii> writ* Bl out.-* &n It* Rir« -it r»«ci*iiiir Hi* lVtt(«ll Mtil ItmoiBles. Wnjinjr kU uprvM. ft^ilKbl, •!€. Addttc* ttUMaa m G0., BwK AUiw l*orUaj»<l, MjUa*. ll VEii WEEK ,. I, >â- )â- â- .; 1 ,<â-  t'lif iiiJii; lit* M Ml ;,â- ,.. I I .â- â€¢â- <â- >â-  II'. I, T Wild WHUI. I" tlo >i)!ll(.>thiim f'il* liiriusolvii â-  lltll i.iuk.i I'l-niii <|:» to *a5plT Wt'fk .^tiilliv in\ Sursnv Sttuk. V\ rit<' tti uir hi'furw ynii tii^Ti;" for iht- i.;iuiiinn sftf-oir** work. I !invi' •< iltjiulnl '']tiH:iuiiifn aihl my sv»(tt?iu ftwiunt.i 'snrci'»«. Ni' itrMvimih t'\[it;. jfiKHi rtiiiuinxl ami wmk V' Nnr tJi-yiKuii. lit toi lilt* tu i-'r«tl. I.. n;;.'.TtllMK"» KOSF. U \ p-l ^ I.V iLvliUy K.rvl.> K.L.. jj^-^ TH 1ft ,h., ,l- i:s and 1. II. IV ).-l UK 1 Ilia 'I. -1.11' UN I'v ,llV •>rl;-v r, i»^i d • 1 c M'l >iit.r : Tiol Ml • .1 r)' ' -^/.'t' V,".*'"::/ " ''' V icK' 3 Floral \^, â- ^^-i^- i;rf Gl'ide at , ; In w r.».y 1 f â- Â» .«l »n4 <nl.ii:,.l -.â- â€¢ f' ..-r i -» I."iilJ,.t.,-R" >lur^fl I'liAt.-* t on .:>â- Â« .n 11!,:..- ,ii. i, ftti.l .!• <c^ » ^VB I mI|.i.o.i or cvr^ (->^"il»r (iUm. iluWef iu.«l »nf»ttl.l. Uid InKi »iid . - . , lU bwUj, tw ibltt thr l»M I* lira. .... -.g^^ I InKIowrrRMod Vpr-^i'l". IVt,«..f Cil'l>F. l". renl«, •â- rt)fii.;>l(; w^' I' ' ti.alui;t^L.i;it fr«*e. nuc}t«s>t.-r. H. V. A Seven Uays' Trip. I.^R.Vli Kdii' >u Ilfiviiii; jiiHt foiiit' homi' from 't trip to Muti.ftwa».n|{a 1 ih'iniibt ii nhort (loftL-r'ii- tioii of it iiitK'it l>o liKHiHrtthK: to V'-iir roHtlrrw. I left burn <>n tlm I.Ml) of F-V-hruary and \v«rit In* wft* of KiiiKhfiiripton,*^/ ('rtMMiM>ro:iuil vitini- ty. hatintf litid a plrtRsaiit jom-mn- 'iown, th*- i-o.i'lH brink' «'">'*. **" t*"^*' 'i**ibinL' of nionnwit. (ccurriMl. T wont ainoin'fiiy iimiiy frionds, nml can sjMMik well of tho bofltiitalitv of tho Nolta- I o FALIG002S! - â€" .^r THE- J^ â- "'iatt iCeiitral Store,:? Fricsville. WHsa^a fBVtnorH. Aflor onjoyiu^j nivsplf fiu u fo^v lays t tbouuht it wur tiim» to bio tun hnum. HO 1 propftred invflulf tint rii(;lit bcfons 'or a 'itiirt but ill tho tiioriiinjx whuii I aroso t> make liiv tlitparturo,! fotindtho snow I'ilurl rnotnitnitis hii^h rvtid -itin idli!(i.',MO that it was impo^i^iblt* to d't am thinj; but roinahi 'piift until tho -ib'nn subsiilB 1 whinb took it«tonio two or tbreo diiv-* to n.\i>i'nd it« fury. I tli«n tbouKht I wonld m>ikn traoks for homo, fio I h'ot my horso rofi-ly ftiid Htiirto*! about U ft. in. I took my way to Diinoilin. a Httlo viila-^H botwooii two hills, with or two inlmbittintt*. thon tiirnod up tho Mth lino of Mot.'»awas.%i;ri and siuuli a linn. sui>w iiIH>n«now. inount.ainKhiuU, with ntittrack**. "'• wo woro foroo I to !)r«ak oiir own roads with iiiinmronM npi'itM. wiiich wa^ n<»t niin;h ivliftlm I by on.iof t.ho fair dan«lit,<M-< of oeio of Mm Notta- 'n/^/lT^r* A N f^ Q U f\ C Q wasiUia farmnrs. who acrompanind w^ 'o s«o \ q[J{J j Q /{ /v/y U fi U L U somooftho fair nunU of Artoinosia. Woll at j laHt w« i;ot np to Sbmhampton side road but I found it no bt»ttor and wo liad aiiothor timo of | broakinnroadK audnpsoLs until wo arrivod at- Sint'hainptoa whoro woi^or.oiir dinnnrwjand thou prooooiicd <)n our wav, whiob was unovoiitfnl nn- til wo pasflod through KloBhorton. and upon try- inn t" roach hoti'.o w«> found owr way hlooUod, so wo put onr hor«io in roniforl.ablo (pmrtors and after payinM a. friondtv visit to friend Mc(ii]l who wAHi^rofitly takon up with our Notta wn,sat,'a frion.', wo procoodod down tho track to our fthodnand wort» ^ooji wnippod in poacefni ^Inm- burs and our triulu wuro all over. J. Ii. S. navin*: raeciToJ our l-'all Stock of Dry (loot!?* wu ar« in a jjoMitiou to oftor tho bti^t vahm in tho td'aUH. t 'ur htock in vory tMunjdotc. and bav- \ii^ boon stdwotnd with ;;r«ni car« w»« biivv f ouli d.oiuo in a <|»iii:U cb)-curn n ( pul>Ii<: 'iLaihuy cut: approc-iuic a w«il .Juii(;iii .uticli'. .\T>virp, TO MoTHKR.â€" Aro you difitnrbnd at liit^ht and broUon of your rowt by a sick child snlToriut-and crvinfi withi>ain of rmtiim Tt'oth ! If so Kon.l atonoo and ),'.'t a b;>fM-' 'Mrrt. Win- '*Iows Soothing Syrup" for t'hildv.n Titi'thiny ItH vainc is inoaloulnbit). Itwill roli«'V(> t.hc pi>oi littlo snlTortn- itninndirituiy. Poiiond upmi it. mothorH; thoro no mistako about it. Il our*"'* l>vrttn»toi*v antl Diftrrhtra.rnunlatoH thoStomacli and ItowoU, <;nros Winrl ('olic.»iort»-nn tlmduni^ rudncos InMaiti.H ion. auil yivon tone and tuitvyv to tbo whole sisMnu. ">tvK. Wiu'^low'o .Soi^thin^; Hvrup" fi'r children tnt'thinf* iK ploa--atit ro thu taste anil \t\ tho proscriptioTi of one «)f thi- oUloHt >uii\ Ifost friuab- physlcian.t and uiu>c4 in tho Unitorl Stitc'i, and Ik fen- walo hv all druMnislM throuRllontt l-h« worlil. Vi ic.o twouty-flvo lo.nt** a bottlo. Uo -Huro nnd auk for "Miia. Winhlow'h Syhup. " and tako no othnr kind. Ottr n«w Mtock !iaH avrivod and coionriHr'iftom.- thintijiuoii und horviccablt; foi Muu and l.oy-.. iit (act BOOTS THAT R BOOTS ! I for i^TtMy nieuiber of tho houit hold. ( ui Htillconfcinuti unappronchablo. Our uijitoboU'-t; ^ood (ioodh auU l.<ow Prittjs. Couie anil ho/> ns Central Store, Pricevillev On Monday bvtnini^ as Mr. Ocorjjo Miirriaon, of Ei!;remoiit, iiuar Barbers Corners, was at work in his barn, tho lamp which be was carryiiu; ex|iloaod^ settii.y fire to tho Imildinu; which w!\s .U^ atroyed, ti>Ket,hcr with all the !<rail», flay, straw and iiiiiilenionts therein. As noon aa the explosion occurrmi Mr. >turrison cut liiDse all his live stock wlkto^ vtun-u ssthiI. The ham which was a very goiid one was, wa unilerstand insiyi^^ ll<,iii' (^iil^; $100. â€" [Mt, FQrwt.ileps 0. McTava^ii, llOKSESHdKK AM) GENERAL BLACKS IITH. ( 'oil inf; wood Streei, FLESHERTON. - ONT. y»liiifnitMiingo( \Viit;.iil«, aliHuli-, HiikkIos. Dimiioi-stii. etc. Hiir»i-iihiiuiii(( pr. iiptlv nf u ti.lAd ti>. Ktmcinl at'unlion givoii t< coiitriuit •d or toniioi- foot. LoKKlng anid Plow ChuiFis con^.. Mtanti^y o*. kaad. X

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