THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE tM> â- aa^"" , f The Liocal IVemrsi IVhat is HappcniiiK in Our Own VU-iiiilr. flnow 2 fast iticlivs on th« level. Rev. Mr. Rtewart filled the Prcsbyteri- ftii pul|iit 111 Sunday afternoon lost. Tlip Ma.xwcU Htjmu runs diiily from Fleiilit'i'toM sutiiai on arrival of train. (Irt'cn wood waiiloil in t']n.lK4Mne buoU and shoua at Jim. Smith \. fur J. (i. HubHell visited Hnniiltun last weuk on busuiuiH. L»ok out fur bargains now. J. \V. A tin«tri)ng, EH(|.,:tnd Mrs. Arui- litrung, runted ralatirea in Turontu last woek. R.v. Mr. McFad^en, 15. A., of Lind- say Presbyturyn, will preauli in the I'resbyterian Church next Sabbath. A three mile skatiuK race b«t«etn Jos. (jibbona and H. McLean, of Priceville, wdl take place on PriceTiUe rink next Tueiday erening. A First cl»ss farm of 100 acres t<> rent on reasonable terms. .\lio a ^'ond horse for sale choap. Joseph Le(iard. Klesher- ton. A nasal injector freu with each Ix'ttle nf Shiloh's catarrh remedy. Price 50 cts. Kor sale at the Medical Hall- Mr. Wni. llutledge, of Acton, gare us a pleasant call on Tuesday. Ha is visit- ing at Mr. Patche's. KOK SALEâ€" 8et sinKle bobeleixh* and a liebt wagon, in good cuudition, fi>rii«le. Caab or time. Apply to K. J. SprouU, Fleaherton. Dr. T. Henderson, denteet, will be in Kleaherton Friday and Saturday >ext, March 1 and 2. Rriu|{ you rebellious molars tu hiui. FIvsberton orchcHtra drt>v« down to Dund&lk on Thursday uvenini; last to \m prej -lit at an iiysler .supper given by the i'l'i'.ou Agricultural .Siiciety. It is with pleasure we learn that Mr. Jas. Jieecroft is siiniewnat recovered, and wa« able to )>• amuiid town en Monday, ' he liist time for several months. The paat w«ek ha* been one of extreme cold for Ontario. Bnt then we suppose iiinnt of our readers liave noticed thiii for '.heiuselvcs. On* nt Mr. W. V. Croaaley's little inarrs cut herself the other day hf over- reacliint: and bled hi-ixelf in the inoMt d'.sapiin.ved stylo. Shu had a narrow escape. ShiliiliH cure will iiiiiiiudiat.Oy relieve croup, hiMipui^' coiiijli and bronchitis. Forculu at the M«<licul Hall. .leroine Karewi-ll, editor of the Thorn S'iry Slaiulaid, larl with an a<^cideiit iii I'oi .iit..,,ii I'liil.iy. IIl- was driviiiu' witli li lri#ii'l when tlir horse ran away, throw 'i<i^ liiiii out iijioii the pavement. Tliv tijury IS not likely to be serious. Mr 1> H'.air in now iiursiiiH a sick â- .IniiiiK. Ilu wa.i wieliliiiK a Veiy liPavv hammer and tnrKot t.) take Ins dull 4way. It will likely be a week or no Im- for* Davo is able to repeat the experi jiient. The.Briv. 0*o. H. Thay*r,bf Burb.>ue lud.; My* : "Both mytielfaad irtjr wife *w* Aur liv*a to Shiluh'a Conaumutl*i. <iur*. For •*!* at th* lUlieal Hall. A credit auction sal* of brin itock and laiplenMnta will he held na th* <arni of r**ao KlneUir, lot Ul, 3rd ranf* north e*»t T. aaMl 8. R., Art*ai«ai«,on Wednos- .lay. March 13, when a4*rc* auewont of •took aad iaiulemento «Ul b* •fere«i. fife bills. Hoard by the woek, day or, ap|ily to Mrs. .Ia.s. Kcster, Sydciiliain St., Flc.^licrton. Seeds: S«'imIs t.liist arrived from Sieel ItrotlKTs iV Co . at Itiehard- son'.s drii<: Miore. a lull stoek oT Kiirdeii seeds. Ite sure and eall at Hni. Ki<-iiards(Mi's. 'I'liu FloBliertun Methodist choir and a fon friends were entertained in a ri^lit royal iiiaiiiier by mir enfceiiii'il niiiiister and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Shilton, on Tues- day evening. A stroll through Mr. Iteecroft h sfrseii house on Monday l'uvb us a irreat deal of pleasure. AlthoUKh not in their jiriiiie, and the bloom of Howers snarne at this Heosiiii of year, still the pniiiiises were there ef exijuisite beauty yet to come. Foliage plants are pushing out their tirst new leaves, clim"ing vines pushing out dainty tendrils, roses bursting into hud, and rhiltarb growing fast and rank. .Soon our dining tables will be suiiplied with Ilia latter and favorite disi', and our center table* adonied with b<Hiuets of living fragrance fruiii the greenhotiae. It is pleaatnt to contemplate with the mercury at froin 10 t« lH below zero. The following remarks from the Do- minion Illustrated can be vouched for by every publisher of a newspaper. This description of people may be found in every locality ; "A line or two may ap- pear in « newspaper that may make a man an enemy to the newspaper for life. He will slop liis subscription, but this .ict does not deto; him fnjiii reading the paper. It simply changes liiin from a subscriber to a Iwrrower, a llldier of the editor's work without compensation. There are numl>ers ofe^individnals who will read this item and appreciate it.H pith. People of this class sometimes get into public life, when they have a nicu time of It. It is a poor mail who can't either take ur gite a crack occasionally." The Canada Presbyterian marks the comuieiiceuient of its eightueiith volume by a I enlargemi'iil that niusi make this old established journal nioiu than xver welcome to tliousands of reader". The lari;e aildition to its sue, and the high character of its Correspoiideiice, Kiiitori- als and Ci'iitributed .\itirleH <'an not fail to adil to Tlie Prcshylerian '.h already wide circulation snd greatly extend it.i indu niicu for good. "KiKiiouian s " racy and able article, published every neck. is alone worth tin- yoarly subscription, which, not withstanding the increase in si/e, remains at lis old price, ^2.0<l pur aniniiii. The otfer of a "Peerless" Itihln as a preiniiiin to the getters up of a cliili, slioiilil lie the iiiuaim of ciilisling a host ot willing work- ers ull over the coiiiitiy Send to The Presbyterian Printing and I'liMishirig V.O., J»rdon St. Tormito, for free spoci men copy snd circular. Bhiluhs catarrh remedy-- a positive cure for catarrh, diptheriu and cankurnnmth. For sal* at tb* M*dical Hall. Mr. C. M. Field lias opened oivt a new tailoring establishment at Maxwell. Figh ! Fifth .' Fish .' Another consigninent of â- <plit hirrings just arrived at I!. Trimble a. Colli on> I sell coal oil any quantity for 18c. per gallon. U. Tninblc. JSutter Ma III III. I am payiiii.' H>c. for any <iiianti';y of '.'oimI butter. U. Trimble. Coir for Suit'. A yount; coiv in c.ilf. Cheap lor cxsli. R. Trimble. Sri-dH .' Scrilfi ,' .\ la>-_u'u colisigiuucnt of rod clover, al- sike, iiiaiiiuioth and lucerne. Also tiiiio- tliy in stuck tins week. U. Trimble. Clwa/t (ioo<ts. I will .sell any of my winter goods at Cost. Do not wish to carry any over. Call and ask iirices. R. Trinible. Social anil Convrrt, Look out for particulars next week of the best entertainment yet given this wiiitei by the ladies <if the Methodist coiiyregatlon. It will take the form of a social and concert on the evening of Frid,\y, March Intli, in the Methodist Church. Mrs. CUra K. Sliiltoii, one of Toronto's favorite singers, has kindly promised to l>e present and assist our well-known local talent. //« Wouldn't bf Hnptiited. The other d.iy while visiting th» neigh- boring burg of Markdale *o heard of a funny inciilent which happened in that vicinity some time ago. A certain father had neglected liaviiiu bis Xmy baptised in b.\byhiHid, and becoming oppressed with a .sense of hi.s jiei;lii:eiic*) in that respect as the younijster advancrd in years and had reached t>'n .Hiiiniii> rs. he coiuhided to put it otT no longer Acoordiinjly jiepar- ati'ins were made to have the tliiiig done 111 pro|ier style. \ few neiglibori. and the minister were invited without consult ing the y,utli, and ou the day appointed guests arrived and the boy was ni^de ac- ((uainted with the grave ho was expected to under.-o. lie did not say anything but lliought a '^rvnt deal. \V hen the curtain was aliout to rise the hero was called bin l.e was i ot on hand He had "sneaked.' One of the family who was s>Mrching fi>r the culprit just caught oiif _'liinpse of him in the back fiehl as he was a bi-e line tor tin' bush. His feel wlth sliovclin,; snow at a fearful i.ite. It could not be learned whether he is yei liptisedor not. Kavetiiia Farmer's iiislitiite. GEO. MirCHELL, l?i|oM Sil.'i.-. then UBlla B^. â- * 1 â- " j . J :-; • i ;ii 1 OX- % bUAUGllTs \ }t '< iifid A I- â- , .: '.,'.' r AZ'D SOLD. . ./I o V Ul *iiÂ¥ â- oil'i-fiim V* ;. • . " ,.i 'imii- \urih ot ^ • i;;h rr./.M,n .L- â- â- .'â- 1 fl !iiv;U. humbugged in the past by foHowiiiJ party lines tixi closely, ami was prupalen to "ivo credit to any government whoso ( regislafinii was in tlio interests of tlo- country as a whole espioially the farme. s institute. -Mr. .luuies Siraohan deliver.d a sliort but eloipiL-iit ailclres.s. The ine^-t iiig then acljourneii to meet at 7 ocIocl p.m. KVKSIM. MKKTl.v<t I. Ill |.r.,_. laniine was ii'iideied. 1 •â- â- uhMir t'.i^ able le.ideiship of Mi H.dlett, ^ave a uood accoinit o'' Ive.-, i.y n-iidciiiiL' music in theii \ci,-llrht 81WI-. Mr. Fred .Maisii spoke etl'ictuaily on the iiiipoitalicc ot tiie agiiciiltural collo',;". .Mcs.<rs. Irwin. Kells. McCoIman and Walker ja' <â- in- terestiii'i .-iddrc^.^es on v.irioiis subjects of , a'.'ricnltLiral )iiiraiiits. Mr. .lames; Strachan gave a thrilling reiitation. Mr. • W. F. Heivgill gave a reiding. It was \ resolved that Ihe m-xt ai titial nieeliiiti oi | Centre (irey Farun rs' Institute would be held at I'aveiiiia. 'i'lie meuibeisliip was I increu.scd to 110. Thus ended a very | T rj. IT^jtl^-)} succcisinl nieeiiin:. notwith8taiidin'.i that ; J ' ^' some of the pi-oininent men who were to Msuibdr of tlia i\'. read pajie r« and many otiieis were l>ie- jjurcTOns.ontsiio. vented by the storm from attending. Euquire a(utno«,ou* Cour aast uf Clrior'sstor We iiinjlit jnst add that tlie IvstitUte i or .\t:iinscTi'i ll»tel. .M : i Pi;vsi(£v^. KI.!: O;i:co. Strain'!* 'i.wjI < . \ I i I I .1 Iv, i .V â- :.. »>.ST. HKKldN. : .1 I- a: â- . J (;. r. fcV* M D.C.U. ..'^'1 o' I'bviiieiaDs W.1S heartily welcoin«d to Colliniiwood i township, and jinigini/ from the interest | already taken Collmgwood will give a j tlo.jd ucccuint of ifsell in the future. I'riudvii . N.JT I'J, T O THK DKAK and [iiiitM'N ill ifio )tuA<i tif -tx yxar l»y a simi'I** icino*!) . will H.*ml h <i«'n it Twy.v. to (ifiv I'«r«(»n whn AjiftlifH t KjiN. 177 McDniittlMStrHMt. New York \ ])«rHOti cure*! of D»ibf nvbi NrcH -:. I NKW ADVEKriSK.MK.NTS. House and Lot for Sale. A ;•.>(. <1 >|()I|K4' und Uk. o|S'*»»*Um tlu' .MothoilUt I'UiiiA-li. Klcuhorion. i-t now .•i:.'ifil fo/ ^ttlu. Til.' lioti«.M .3 lai'Uf A'nl ivi'iiav. rtnr lot. j;,ukI -ttlMi* iiiul vtn .1. -;tl«ntlirt w«II on thn i»ronii*f«, fruit, trt-f. .tc TliiHis a rare l)art:iiiti Applj t V, S.VANllL'.^: N, Hyithciton SKAI.KD 1 NiLfnixl. I Jlrntictvit. DKNTJSTHY. Thoma- Hcr.derscn. L D.S. SI UOB<lX PKNTIST Oolii .W'(/((/m< ami //oio.r dVuduaft nf li.C.P.S.. Will visit l-l,KSHhltT(i.v iMnnshaw's Hotft 1 aud )ia1 vAch month 'I'cetli extrsctu.l. iusrrt e.l sn.l HIli'.l ill tlie higbost iljlo ot tli« an, 4 al>rsce rates. Hrsn Orvica. T61 Y sos .St.. Tt kinto. IUin*inb*r Dr. Sinolair't visit to Flesh- erton ou PHday week, March 8. I)r Sin- clair I* a sucoassful specialist for the treat in*<i( of all chrome diseases, private uis- eWvH, diseases of the brain, diseases of the heart and lungs, and diseases ..1 | i-osinvely treated sucoi'ssfiillv ' nsnltaii.iii free. ir. iiia.le 'yon iiiaJe niiserable by iliiiit'estion c.inslipatijii. oL'^/uifSs, loss of appetiti', .ellow »kin I Shiloh's Vitalint.r isaiiosi t'vc cure. turKulu at tlm Mudieal Hall. n.ank.s are due .Mr R. H. Ilendersoii f ir copiMS of the Port Arthur daily Soiiti nel. It u a sickly luoking daily paper, out. lovertheless, thanks friend Meiider- • â- II Mr. Henderson is energetically •nsoiiig iuMurance along the liue of the t\ P. R. For drapepsia and liver complaint jon havrt a t>riiited guarantee on every buttle o* Shiloh's vitali/.or. It iigver li^ls luuure. >-or sail) ut tlm Medical R«ll. i;.nneiuU'r "Vl. Rioliardsiin and Cut â- laniiiioth cleariiiK sale, now going on. 'i*e a<lTertis0inent eUew^aro f.'t particu- As a result of tin/ir aniioui cement tfMKtor* has iMwn cnnrded .very vitft < .t;:er buyers, and if you would ' 'iH . of the best barniiiw it will be t<i call early liar get veil Why will y.,u a.uifh'scure '»ill give immoidate relief Price 1(1 cts. . •fl cu , and 11. For sale at thu Muilical Hall. MarkiUItt lirass band went out to I'rice- 'ill* on Thursday night last, ill "full Irssl nniftirni" tor the purpose of givinis % cniuArt. Their audience was liiiiileil to th-ee or four, as 't was vorv late when 'u.<v aiTived. and an iiantrdiate retreat '•%»* ordnretL fhe t«nd bad several "u)i**m" on the aay and lost soma of the nio>itb|dp<>«s of liielr blowinK nm cfiine*. Tli»y (»»l "alU '^iUm^vc ii|m ' «a tit* Ohuiausait said. Th* Moupt Por**t Cuafedersit* says it Is *'th* best local pa|^tu this part of the eoantry." It also tfif* tkat it "has the beat appointed book and job printing tle- partment uutmde the cities" aud "can pruduu* the finest and bast work turned out in this section of country." Twice among its liH-als the announceiuent ap- paara that "the Uanfetl. speaks ritfht o«t in iu**tiug, and doesn't consult ai /body as to what it shall say when giving advic*. and don't you forget it gentlemen !" Modesty is not a eom|M>nenl of Mr. Hen- ner's nature, judging by the alxive. However, as no one c<mld recognize the truth of ihi'Se statements by observation, the editor is probably jiisiiliabU. in his attempt to chuck si'inctliiiiL' into tin* Imads of Ins readers by force that otlier wise ciuild lind 110 bidgeliieiU tiicr.v \Vc (h> not know who Mr. Iteinicr is, but have heard of a man just like liiin in an eieiit iiiytliology Ho was a kliani ami had hut one tileary ey<( set in tin- centre of his forehead. .^ little man witli a red hot piiker put out Ins eye and despatched him. Hon 't bo a giant with iniu eye, llro. Ileiiner. (iet Ularrii'il. Every lunvly marritd couple may have The .\dvaiice as a wedding present free for six monti s, upon (uinishing satis factory evidence of the marriage. This ia a standing oti'er uiid application must bo made six nioiitlis from date of mar riage An Ilymfulai Vrrnrnt. Mr. Alfred Ward, of .\rtemesia, and Miss Harriet Madiil, of O.sprey, wei.^ united 111 marriage on Weilnesday of last week. The ceremony was performed in Hinghttinpton by the Itev. Mr. Cooper, in thu Knglish (Clinch. .\ the cteeiiiony tlienuivly iii«de luide muis agreeably sin prised to tind herself lec^ikmt of a hand S4iine family lllbhi. the marriage having boeu the first celebrated ui that church. Deitth of an old Itiflflmi. Mr. Jos Strain, of Inislioiju, died on Sa.lnrday night last, at the .ripe old age of ^ years and D months. J>cceasiMl was iii'dl^^r of Win. Strain, fe<«|. ,iif Flesli'u ton, and came to this counliv tliiity uighi years ago, setlliiti.- upoi tlie 'ano where they have htton residing oicr siti'' Her husband survives her, and is M years of age. Thu funeral toi)^ (ilaoo o- Tuestiay afterie«'ii to IfH^sben^ni cnm • tery, a large nunilMr <if TriMli* ai > .sjai)iathis*rs atluii^Uig. .\ meeting .if the Centre (irey Kariuer's Institula was held at Itavenna'.'nd. 'I'll.' wi-athi r being very stormy, the meeting was not as lai".;« ivs other meet tings of the liistiliite lu-UI in this district, but on the whole j;.., 1, and a live in- ten-sl was taken 111 the c.uise by those present. .Andrew Shore, 1-'.S(|. .was elected chair man. Kev. Paul Flint acted as secretary. The President, .Mr. Tlios. Kells. opened the meeting by stating the object in view, and also submitted 111 wilting a report of the Work the Institute lois been doing during the last two montliB, which was very satisfactory. He also gave a briof report of the business transacted at the Central Farmer s Institute meeting, h«ld in the city of Toionto on the 6th,(>tb,aiid 7Ui inst. Ha said the atttmdance was t>H> large, and thought that iKie delegate from each electoral distrii<t was (|uite sutlicient. Kusincss woiilil be done bet- ter by K\ than by \iV> delegates. Hy re- ducing the number to one lulf there would lie a saving uf %'tM. 'llie money thus saved could be used to good advan- taguH by the Institutes. The I'rusulent also read a letter from our wcrthy mem- ber, l)r Sproule.reiiuestiiig the Secretary of the Institute to seiiil to liini the naiiies and post othces of the liillcreiit inombers of the Institute, and be, tliroUi;h Prof. SaiinJers, of the Kxperiiiieiital Farm, Ottawa, uoulil -^ciul reports of new varie- ties of heed i;ia:ii, and other seeds. Mr. Slioie next addi'cssud tln^ iiiceting, strong- ly urging the necessity of farmers being united for tlui piii|>;.Htf of meeiini; to- I i;etlier, consulting 1 .wli otJicr, and hear- ing papers read lui Kcnntilic and practical ayriciilliiie, tlieniby learmng better metli'idsof w. rkiii'i the soil, managing the stock, and to be 111 a position to seek fair l>l(\y at the bamls of our ItLislatuies. Neil .McColmaii, K-ii . ev M P P , de livered a very excciU'iit address on Maiil- t.'ba, tlic Nonliwcsl and the proVHaoe of ( hilario. W Inle he spoke very highly of the Northwest as a great agruulturti country, especially for wheat and other grains, and cattle, lie .said not withstamiini; tins, Ontario was ^/o- prov nice of the l.)oiuiiiioii Mr. J It. Marsh next took the Moor, and thought that lu the Aiiiericaiis did not need our produce, and were prep.irinu' to do without it al- toi^etlier, we slioiihl set k a market in Kii'_daiiil for our beef, hiliibs, ami horses, lie likewise st.itcd the great importance of raising that of stock and gisin best suited for the Itritisli market. lie said ill barley tliu two roWed was the best Mr. .>larali deals in cattle, and slops to the t)lil Country. He was there twice the past season, and says farmers have iiothin'.^ to fear, but on the contrary will be well rew.tiilcd by producing a siiiiitble class of staicV and grain for the Itiitish market. Mr William W«Jter thought organi/.a- tion on the part of fvuiers luH'.easity by iiiei'ling together for eAMisultatlon they lyoiild be well able toatUmd to their own iUf-OICSS. .Mr .1>Ain Irwin, sdcoiid dept. reeve of rhe towwship of Ooiliin.'W<>od, said he vnulu not.ubjeet to aniiexi'>g th* U. 8. CAPE BRiJiTON RAILWAY. IVudrrs XiW a Urulz*' at the Graiitl >arro>%!s i'-B. TKNl>i:US akilri'H^o.l ti» the uikUt- MU'l iiiarkcvloii tti« t>iiCMldt». "Tetidsr fur Ifriiltie. will b>< rt'i-ulvei uutil iioou on Wud- iifMlar. tlif clli Mdiub. IHCJU HlaiiNiiit'l -iiwitli atii'iiif t."nM be i»t»oii at th*» oAlcv of thu ChU'f Kii^ln«dr of itovoniini lit iCoilwayd, Ottawik. whurtt furuit >>f tciuler m«v \w ulitftiiu'tl tiu ;kii.l alter Wtnlut.--.Uiy, X'lli fob- riiary iin^taut K»(*t) ti-iiiliT tuuHt tw accr>ittitu)ii«kl \*x a .U'- pOttlt tltlLiat lo '> pn) CMlltUlii of \{\V KlUtMl'lt i>f I Uic tfii.lor Ilii-* il->| â- â- â- sil . i>.. cousUt -f ca»tt i ot "f III! Hfi-tlptrU liUi/.v C^ ll'll' !*I1 to iiRvaMt* to ttio Mitiiitter (>f KaiiMaj-* aiid l.''i. aful it will bf foiffitfirl if tht^ tt-iiiUnn^' uonl«'»"l^ I i>r n'fii«i s to ftitiT into x ciitrrtct when callott ii|K'ijto.l(»Hi. i.r if lift.- r ontHTiut; irit»»tt<''»iitr(ict b" fiiiU to e«*Ln|)Ii>to thf vitwV *Atii«f*t'ti>riU atcort! ini: to tbo pbiu. ^pcL-u'^CiLiou aii'l iitoitiuct U tho tcu.lci isu«>l .u-.-opto.l tlK* Joi'.Mi: w'xW be rt'kiMiiiMl I'uiitU'iH iiiubt be' luaJo (iu tlm |iriutw>l ft>rtus KKpi.!,...! 1 lie Dt'iiaittiif i.t H ill ijot I'v bii ind to accfpt tho lowc»t',»r aiiv tcii^ler A I' imADLKV. Stjcretarv. Pfjifirtinortt of Hull waT>» aii'U'unaU. Ottawa, 7th Ful-rmuv. 1S^•J. J. P. MOSHALi, L. ». i»., DE.^TMT. Visits .Markdale the 1st and ord Welnes- day of each luoiith. Flesherton each trip on the day foUowiCi- 1 W. FROST. L.L.B.. lUirristfr, Solicitor. ConvrfiUHCtr. Omce. strain's BulMiuu. rixsiiiaros -V. A. lIlESLJtY. Solicitor sm] iouve) »uiti , lUisideiit .Usnsetrr. MU Kl;otT will l>e (ouNd at tiic (im«e un T litirndavk KM heretofore. AUCTION S,4LE OF Valuable Farm Lands ! IN TOWNSHIP OF OLENENG. rndur andbv Tirtutf of the power of laltt iu « corCalniiiortK&K«froiri HKLEV UoKRCHNIK tw thtt Vemlora whii'li will be ittXKlucttil at tlm* of •alu. aud ou ilofatilt tietitg-niattn Iti pavintiiat of th* moDuyt thereby ««our*d. tbiire will U» of- fertnl for Hale bv Tublio Auciiou a% iM^l^ NI1'(«S HOTEL -IN THK VILLAUKOr MAKKDALK ON-- Tl E8D4Y tho 5th day of March. a( 2o"cU»t'k 1' III by \. S. VaiiduHeu, aiictionwer the ftillowin.; rioi'orty. uanifiy : Lot muihIm^ tUf Ul tho t'lc\ t'litli c"i!fi'iiHi -11 .if tbo saiti town- shil' of OUuflK'. t't>utaimii)^ loo acre.-* imnfor Ioh-i, utoiitHi.xty of wbioh jiro taul to bo cU-aj*.!. TKltM'S mvi'V com ai time of Halo, tuid for till* balaiico tt^rniy will bi- liboial. and will he nifi<U< known ut liiLU' of hhIo, Kur furtbi r partictllaraappK' to W, J. ti«^l- laniy. K*t| ,KlM(*bort^'ii.or to M OSS. Ha U WICK Jc FU.VNKS. Vt'tittfi- a Si'lu'itotH. Toronto. I'nttfJ *>tli it.av (if Ki-b l^.i. Mr. Wni, Karstedt, flit'iii' A/o,«oa, Jtritklainr ami Plasierer. M.VTK.lfl.XL Fl'UNlSHEI) /.'..(iHiut.'.^ i/ncn/AC. Oiimmeiitid Vlasttn- iuf (I Sfii.ialty. lvfsi.lovw« tfue iVM>r soiitli <if .t.tvanro Ollica. P McCDLLODGH, Harris frr. Hoi ir it or, <Vc. ©fllcf. over Hrrnrlantl'is .Store. Sarkdalr. .1Ion<>y to l.uan. Uhm V. Arntirtag, 7i,aaKaaToa. Co. Oaai. T)1VI810« COUBT CLRKK. COMNIHHIOMlItt . ° , " • *-,°'".'-^"»*'' *« Areiit tor perska* !rii*n S'J'J"".' >I*"»'"'- f'<r<-' I-.CC.q, ami r. P B. A 8. BoeistT Muusr to Ij«u «â- iti* LlClHtiBB. NOTARY PfBUC "*"*'*»'* MONEY TO LOAJ^. .IT LOWEST I'lKKEKT BATEa On Town or Ifariu froiierty, U.\MUDB. Kle»herton. J. P. OTTEWELL, VKl'KlUN.^UV .STKUKON. t/rSidu.iie of Dntavio Vet. College, it::siiM;.\('K on i-oi.i.isuwoon sikkkt SIxlU Cwitf KaKt of l*ruHl>ytorluM Chlircti. KRTON. ^ THE lAMETS.. FLESHEUTON. Carrfully Vorrectrtl Knvh Wrek, } lo <..ana. la. lie said fanuaca hav« b«vi) piMksp*rlk> 'I'tiure lias lieeii very little cbaiiijo in tne learketH during tlio pant wevlc. On Tuesday u ^uw KubdH of wlieat HoUt at tt.*.*!. Kloiir »3 00 to i 00 l'«ll Wlioat OMte 1 0-J Sprnin Wtioat • «« 1 IM Harluy » «• *0 lists O'M u ^ l'eft« O.M U M Uutter -; 14 U Kgna. (raili 1« M I'uiatoi buah IU I'ork .. 4 15 Oil 6 IS llsrpertOD a 00 HWm »50 WOU «M Hbfe|"kia> - ' au 1 UO () •«•• OS f» Turkey* -â- â- â- â- 0* e 10 C hl«k«ni p»r pair • M e » W. J. liKLLAMY IWP. CLKr.a lUTBIIKSIA. COSyEY.iSCEK. COMiVIScilOXJiH. /A'.s'CiUA't'if AWT. dC •nKBDS. UOUTO.\tiK8. I.FIABES. 4e., propar- *â- ' ml and pioporlf aiM-uteil Inaurancv anec ,ecl in flnt class companiei. kfunar to leuU at lowuat rates. R. Js Sproule, VJltSTMASTKH, FleBherton.Couiinissioa- •*• er in It. R., Ijociised .\uotioDeer, Cea- Teyaneer, .\pprai8er aud Money Lauder. Ural Katute and hiRuranne .\sent. Deeds, Mertiiages, Leusen and Wilts drawn np and Viilnutiou!! made en shurteHt notioe. Aue tiou Sales atttudt>d to iu any pary uf the (.'eunty. Money to loitn at lowest rates e( iuterent. Collections attended to with proiuptneKK and denpiitcii. CbA^^eM low. Agent for the Doiuiidon SteanWi^ipConipaiiy .Cheap tieketa from Flesherton to Liverpool, (JlimKOw, I.ondun or anv of th^ Uritish I'oTtK. Parties iaieudiiiK to »ii>it KuglsnJ,^ iniVtlpnd er I.-elanJ, will pltase Huk rates be. lore purchasing their tickets elsewhere. a James Sullivan, The Tiusmitli, - Fleshertou Uanalring. BavelroUKliliiR. and in f80t«T»rT. (hinti iu ths biislnena will r<ii'ai«e n* prompt and catetui attentiooat reas<aat>le prires. Try Tkt Advance ontytf. ♦'oo* 06 M ' fo^. ,f I or tts months for 50 f/* ,