I â- ! THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE .F B 2I i83g. ^BH W ' 'I liiK Vojii'k MYTRLE CUT ami I' LUG mmuu\m Ff.M'K TUA?I KVI:K. Scr T & ill broii7.(> on 1.44'U FLI«; niid riCKGAE PRICEYJLLE BAKERY. FLESHERTON Implement Agency I J. G. C ARSON 'I'alif.s tliJH oiiportuiiity to thank liin umiiy ciist'iiMPrd for their ht-'iirly i);tt- ini)ii;,'o during tho [last 8 years hiuI to «sk their coi)tii)iii.cl siijipoit in I is new priniisfs on 11. Trjnilile .s ctirnor, up- iMisiti" Mniislmw'.M Hotel, Fleshei'lon. 'I'lie f'i)ll'_>\vi!ii,' is a. hst of tiK- Implo- inent.s I huiiiile, ail lIii: niiui'ifaclinv of linit f inioiiH anil I'liahh' oM liun, Messrs. l'.\'l'Ti;i{S().N J!l;()S., Wood- Htofk, Oni. ; A. VV visov ! 1 '•. sires to inforiii the iiuhhc that he (Mil Inrnisli (A KKs AND i*n:s I V." : i'iv'.Ii'-i t jri l\%;.-o It Wffk 'HI (1 I ^ In \ 1 u.\ . FlilHAV.H.Mllii a i.,:w.ii.i.,; ..(,-..,.,u, Dltnl' .\ CAKK 11' ViH DKSll'.K MK ID I \1.!,. n t:i>|(IN(;.ii!.l FA.NCV.akcsaHpedallv. A. W \TS().\, l'rit.'i'villf. liiitii^rs. '.')./ Ill hnll.i, lifttj}^rs, J!rii(iil-i ut Seedirii, Mou'crs^ Spriiij Tiioih liar- liuL,-f. r"ic.<, IT'/'/oji.^^ /i"f*n Hitrt'>>n'ii, Itii'i'iifi Two-Fnitutv (rtiii'i Strifjit.n, I 'tow, I'ull'-lt, /'/,..--:, f'llUtUi'l Mill r, *S'( l(_f//#T.l, S/iniiii Toiith Vul- Turtiip fhiU.-*, tii'ittorti. lAUid ilolUrs. l t I»a ys To l l-XJ-ILl Fever.sbaiB, <n> I'l.oLJi^, i'i:i-:i), AND A \m'^c. .stock always on h;ui(l. I )calcr in FRESH ami CURED MEATS, NEW LARD, BOLOGNA, ETC. lilV Voir hkkk BLACKBURN'S â€" ">• hi^\- â€" FALL GOODS! .\Mi TllA'l' IS '1111. 3>JoT»thnrn Business College,: 1 lir 1m- it kii.l tii.-Mt pi ai tii'iil L<j ii -t^ I'f jiudy 1 I..- \*c*i i.'nch'ni; i.iifiit 'I I It t>»-ht ivr(i,>:iiiiiit.!Bti"ii fttr i-tii-li-iiU 1 I t' l.o->t lIU'lhu'lH I'f Uisliurl:i ij It.w l.fht ii-*,iiiH Iri'Mi liiit liii.i .u-tiiin httrr lot (lllliual UIHM Hironu-nlH ,;lVtn'.; I'H! ticuitiri* rp|';it'.itii^ thiMMii t^otl wUMV, tm Iil^ Ai* . acMi »sH i- A M.I-.MIMI. 1 uihWi'Ai t!\«fi'tl Sotiii i, *.i * Ul. 1^6 FLOUE, FLOOR, STONE FLOUR! .1//.'. /' I.OUCk'S U pi upureil to ilu yiiiir (it i-4l:u^ on itluM-t iuUti>(> nii'l ».'! 1 iitU on till) olil tt'iiiit of avvi> twrUih l>u%tit<l hiivt n cDitttt pui lid^ iif twi> InihliLlK fur I li.ippiiin iltMiu Bvory ilav. 'Mitt I.ittl*> Mill is 111); 11) ihr iitotiiuiUiDU uf tlio putilu'. S.itit'ljiction (iiuii antco I. I' I.orCKS. I'lupriLtu.. (iov)U ntublins for li ntvA. 'tou .I'Ctntral Store, Ppiccvilic, IUv;iliM"Tr|v-' I .Hir Iwill SLnrli i.fl'iy (iOmiH W4) (iin 111 11 p"*iii"ii tu nil,-! ilic l.fM't Viilii"' iri Mm li'« iip. (K.r Mtock (H very i'..lt*pl»tti'. niiil hrt\ luj; Kt^uii HHlm'tt.l with K'rc.il run.' \v»i )iavM iMuirt i|' !!'â- â- Ill H â- |iiifK iIini'tirniMt; i^iiilili.; tli.a llu^y i an iippi . riuLj II \vcll lMiii;^lit ;il MlIc. BOOTS AND SHOES. Our iimv ntnrk lias nrrlvH't aihI ciiuipriHennonio- limiK K'»'>** ft'i't NorvuiMil'lii f.ii Mull nml lU»vf*, in fHc-t. BOOTS THAT R BOOTS I f-ir ovifi V iihimImii of lliii lioitii'liuM. Our ••till ooMtiiMio iiniij)pii>uolmMo. Our nuitto li«inc ^i-^o•^ ^^oo(\^ mal I.nw I'.'icoti. <!oiiij «iitl hiia tin. Central Store. PriceviHc- Farms to Rent ! IMI'ItOVRI) And INlMI'llOVKn . FARMS FOR SALE. Aiipiy to .1. W. lUMHTHONO. Klanhtrton, J>n. Till, N. SALESMEN WANTED [;:;. f^," ,â- 1, â- , I "â- • -ai'.-" .'.:'•''•!'â- â- ' â- •â- â- nr" Tl,,. IK 194 lavisli, lloltSKSHc licit AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH. I'liniiii^'WDOil Street, I'LliSllI'UTON, - ONT. Miiiuifrtct lUin.».-riit..H in iil»j nl kVaii.ii OlHtlhl H, KlltiullH. |lll^V<<')* lui'iH); piDinptW tit (.â- Ii.l.'.t to Sii.'.-ril n t'l lit 1. 11 KivHii lo I uiitrrtCt l.oKuinu Hiui l>lo w riialns oon- Kiniitl v oil hniul. 8 CO H e d ll! ^ if T X ;u:t 5 p 2^ Bh < Ijjs J/3 |S ^ ^ t^. â- ^ friitn ii'ir oim Currmpcndmi. The soiree that came off la.st ThiuK- (lav, was u great success. Proceedfi S48. I think our town is looking,' up, as wo are to liavo an iiuplenient shoj) stait in Hall Uros. old tstand. 1 think it i.s a Mr. Slnelil, froui Colhng- wood. Wc wish luni s.iceesii. Tlic organ a.i,'ent has left, town suddeidy. His ahsence is felt. BiusineHH has been ai. a stand still this la.st few weeks, ou â- acount of the stotni. We are to have a social on XloiiJay nii,'ht in connection with tlje soirie. It liaiigs out well. Mr. John Hudsr.n lost hin sliing e null and ciusher about a week at,'o by lire. It is a heavy loss lu him, as he' IS only partially iimured. Pat, line of our army soldiers, went to Dundaii; on' Satuniay lo help the ofBocra dieii. He must liave IVk proud of his iielp. Geueral News. 'I'lif tiro ill liiaiid'U uii WedncHclny uijilit c;iu»eil a loiiil lusu uf tieiirly Sr)0,IHX). -Mr. Colter, .M. T. fir H»Miiii.-\;ul, took his scat ill llie Huuse of Cuiiiiiiijiia Tliiirs- ilay. Or. LHiiilerkiu'a reiuliiilMU to iji*' frcdei'ii of btiiL'li the saaio a<ivaiila'.4e as ii jiraiitsd lo ilijtillcra 111 rc»peet of tlie (lutT on corn wan voted ilowii in the House of ('.iiiinona 'I'lmrsii.iv ui^lil liy ill to 71. Tlid iulf-liri-ed.f of D.ilo'ta arc re.si.iuiii; tlio piiyuitfiit of taxes, ;iinl bluuil»lie>l la le.iieil. •lohii I.en. wh'i shot ami kdlel I'luulos Clichiie ;il llraiidoii, na* li.iii^evi Krulaj . The kiliim; took place o»er a ){nl. .\ii elli/y of Mr. Jo»>i|ili I'liaiiioerlaiii was huniiil 111 I'uiideeoii fluiisiiay ije.:lit, and a lesolmi.iii of coiilideuee 111 .M^. < ilHilsti-Ilt) \V;ls pu.sSL'll. Mr. I IkiilstoMo p.asseil tliroii;,'!i Home 'rii\ns(l.'\.v eveuiiii; I'leiiiler <"ri»pi met liliii at llie slaiioii. Tho li.l'.M. declined III ri?i:miii in Kome. Sirtieor^rt IJ.-idoM-l'owell is laiiryinir Imck fioiii the I'neilie coast .-nnl «i>lies lo resell Kiiirlaiid for tlie opciiiiii.' "f I'arlui- iiieiit. He .s.iy.s tho I'. I' U. 11 one of tiie \)ut einlip'i'Cd r.'al* he eier travelled over. I; i.H ruii;oi.-.l lli.vt (l.'Uer.d !'.oiil.iiii;er Hill iimiiy » divorceil St. I.ouu woman if he obtains a liivoree from !ii»pre«ent wife. Kiehard llmediot, a..;ed '-'0,of tlie f. ivii- sh;p of I'lowland, went era/y Moiuhiy iiioriini;; and nearly heat Ins iii'tlier to death, after w!ueh he aisaiilt. d a in uli- li. r. to wlione l.oiise ho went lu a mule fit.ite. He was lilndly fa»teee<l d avn hy nelghhors. Tin- .Siir«i«:>l .Sirawriuior (".Iir,.f 1/1 liotnn H'.'iU. Opposition is the life of tiaih' and I the stiaiu straw cutter tlmateus to outdo the bu/./. saw in the art of ! speidy aiiiinitalion. When m re|>ese tiio Hlraweiilter's open face lias a cold but no; reimlsivi' o.- hl.iodtliirsty ex- piession. That it is 11 determinid article IS Seen at onee by its square jaw, and |iroviii by the way it goes ihroii'j;h anytliiiio tt take.^ hold of. Huriii;; the major portion of tlie year Its appetlli' i.; like that of a huiuan Cilflll Ins lirst lo\e exptlliliee. lull oiiee ll Of is on a wliii 1 its appeliti , is rapaeious. I ts niohir t( etli are at he back of its head, the incisors leini,' kt the front. .\ man pl.ie.'s the pro\en- di r in lis shoNel :l;iipid I'eak and â- â- . iitly hut s\Tiftly presses i; latweili its jaus, and the pnuass ot mastica- tion pioceids with the same taniest- lu ss of [luri'ose as a woiuan's jaw woikiiio a Kiim o;uih'. Hy conUantly panda'lu',' to itsahuoi- in.il (hsne liir stuiw a man thinks he may have comitio.edthe culler's desire for blood, but if he attempts to use liis Land or inittt n as a napkin to wipe Si JUi' olijectionable ledluiis from its upper lip his dioils are .seizt il and can iiiiually lie picki-d up near the front htfil'sofihe cutler ill delicate slices mid before il can he sloppid it lirs cairied the knife to its luoiith several time.'; and licked \ip so much of its feeiler H piivato L;oie that lieiicelorth he will need but one glove. Seldom does it partake of any portion of the himiaii I'lame but the hand, ditferiiio in tills from the toothsome bu/.z ?.;w whirJi cuts into a hiiiiiau at any point. The siraweiitter in a sense becomes doiiiehlicatud lull It never call be taiiKil; when driven to desperation ly « 0,0 uiiiiind hoisepower 01 throhhiu^' CMiioiiie It IS not aiUisahle lo attempt lopv open its inouih with the idea of telliiii; Its a}^e by the look of its teeth. I Ne\ri ask it to "take soiuetliing" for I Hiii'li is itH iii.staiablo thirst that the I usii I "Iwo tingeis" gives it no satis- ] hulion. Two M»liAii8 wore tahlntl in a qluuTv.-! Ileal I. M liiiie, (III I 'ill. ni.:hl, u.io oi tlii'in ''i iifi; filtall Wound â- ; It in iei> ' '•! To. 1', A larffe Assortment â- OF- Mep's Women's and Children's AITD SHOES for WHTTER WEAE. AV. CLAYTON S The Remainder of our WINTER'S STOCK aill be Disposed of at Astonisliirtgly LOW RATES. Photos, Photos 3 ]\ e art note turnivj vut irork/ar nififrior ill ilylt iind liniiii iv (â- '•v ti<r in.'- duced in t'Uih'rti>n. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE RA TES. PICTURE FRAMING ,/,)«(• in all itf hninchrf. A .joe./ stork or' FRA.Ut'S ond MOTI. IKSCS k-,],' fvnsttintlii vn hand. Will nl.-v int'vduce the nric Bh'<h\l!DK rOHTUAJT. <i f)iiliii( /A.i( in giring entire tutiff'action wher'ttr introduced. A* .,1. !/»"/. /,'^' tiiu be lefii ill my GMcnj where all pirtitulart <ts to I'rice. Sli/ic Si' . e la '/«• ain.fr- Fl.ESilEKTON. lIKAlll FOR ALi; K0Lll)l&PillCS^ nW. PILLS Turifv th-j lUo'ivi, cv rr»ct all P.iovder* of h» Tht't iiuiL;>>rti;.' .T.:: ! vp:tt.>r,> t.i lu'Alth !>fl'iUlat»'.l ♦\*ii»t.iuiioT:ii. ,\iM »r* .ii v uluiii ^ n; »jl C'oai- liLkiiiLKiiu'iluntMl to Kf intvli.-)i of tbli t^^o Kv>. ^ l.i\iu-ti xmiA ihu a^ivl t:ie\ 4l.u \ , .wclf6» TH V ()INTME^'T an infAp.il>;. ro-iuMiv fi»r WkA I.t-R*. \\\\ Itruatta. 0\\ W*.-»nii(i-*. Sor*-* ?*n«l ric»tr«. It li f^iuiouflf (lout ail! Ulii»iiui.nniui Por i.ti»orilui-» of thi- v h«-it it \\\» a*.» vk\^\ FovSOUE THRO.n. HUOA Cll ITTS. l'OU(!//S. COLDS (.. I iiulular .^\vjlUug», fciul iill Skin I-\i«a««>t it hai no riTal ; nn.l for cuQtracte<.\ aud »tiff oiMTu 11 AJtt likti It cliarin \I mufacturo I t»iilv ni Vrof«<*-*or II -i i ow\t h F.-itaJ'l:shinti:t . ^S, Se^v Oxford !<»treet i late 5:W, OxTord Street ), roiidon, Mill sroHoU at U lj«l-,ii. Od , U ii*t .»'•.*;•. ad. I AU, t.acii }'..-\ or Vol. ftnd may I'* bail of all U«d clui' Veutiors tlirout;hout t*U' World. p-ir ptuthiiten shonUi *">-k ^ 'A* l.nbel t>n tK* I\-ti ir^i /â-º'cxw. Ij the cuUitjk^ u ii4>t Hearers Carriage Works. MAXrKAl'TlKKKOF ('((/•ridtjfs. />i<:Jo-i('s, Wtt^ons, Slei'if/is. Cuffcni. <fi' , <Vr. Spoeinl Attent on aiveu to I'AlNTINti, TRIMMING, HORSK snOKI.NC. and »1 kinds. f.lOI! \V(>K!.\. Notlllll^' lait tirst-olass material used thiviik;hout and satisfaction |4uari«iiteed. \S e have for sain l.iinil>,»i-, I.titli nn<l Js'liinyrles. \l.so \i;ent for Dick's KoUers, Mowers »iu! Ihiidcrs, Dick's fhanipioii. Itoyal Rol. Uov, tiian^er and Standard Tlows. Tvu. and ThreeKunow li.inc I'lowi,. Horse Powfrs for 4 Horses. Straw Outtera, Scuftlers and Turtvip DnlU. ,1011 Ml. Ill: tl!l>, l>tiiliti)n street, Fleriherton. Weesit IJar rains I ON WANTED ! Elm »t»»e bolts. Cash t^aiil. H. D.^UUDK, t'lesherlon. ?F.U5E ui fiM nmm. H. Dmin.l.i otlors f..r«»l.' «"'«' >'»" ','♦'"' ""'• I'oli.y, Kuplnanm. tUo iRH'ot d*"" , lf«' •"•»• lu-.rlv »ll 1 Uivroa ami uii'lor ouUiv»ti..ii|. ».,UW). •,'*)llettHli,l.allttiicoc«iir»m»ln u" nu.rm»K« •« tl tun* ctiut. OwiilliUKliouM atul Blioiioii .Mill St.. coruor lol. | «viv/U.(W. ! 4sliiorei.lntli« TDWNSIHl" ot ARTKMKSI.* â- 'â- ioii >••â€" - ••' ' ""'a ii.eii,iuiii>iiuii>! \ n.n.uik. j fhtlot. Mr. W. J. NB:LS0N, haTi." op»n«l on. lu'w I'arbor tliop anil lukir i-lrt'ssi iMalar, in Moore's Block, Dn'' ".m St. is iiaopafMil o sttcii't ti* »U v\ â- WvMiUI invite catre'i Hair cntriitf. «hrt. t\'.\ .I.:.' â- e lis lina, all aiott, ut« â- ». 1 **(?*;