DNTARiD mimi i Bavar^ petitions were prea^aMi prayinj; {or the amendoa'^ai o{ the AueMmeot, MaQi:ip«l kd S:ao3l Acii. Toe foUoviCi! BUIi vers iatroiaced and reftd (be nrs: iim-; : Mr. M .-ilihouâ€" To f»cilita!a ihe par- chkae of toll rjiu oy maoiciptlilies. Mr. Wit^rsâ€" To «a.6ud Ihe Ar:« reipe-:*- isg mor>i^«^ed and iba coaveyknca at per- aootl prop<fri>. Mr. Mo:.k siiie.! whetber ii U tha iatea- ioa of the Gvv-rament t3»53rd »o ih« city of Oitkva act tba uo3iiiy of Carleton I'a^ »dv»ni«j-i of tai Torreni L»ad Tr»n3fer A':: oa toe sisie tcroii %i waj kSsri-i^i to tbe city of Toroato aad tbe coaoly of York whea firjs latro'ia'j^l. Mr. Mj7%' 3>ti it wkj iaipoasible to m»k8 0::««» lal iha vicinity of C»rlaton >n excep;ioQ to • rale obtaining kll over the Proviace ar.d TjroQio b»d b«en m»ie eijtp:ioa»l m ths tirsi iaat»nceb*c»aje the Governaieat dejired to give the wbole Pro- vino au ei\3iple of the operations cf Ihe Act. I3 ice last three yearj the feed received by ih-: Mtsier bad bean qaita •ii£i:ieot to pay all exp-inses. la fact more thaQ aaS::^a:. Ii wad only daring the first year before the Act waa iu good work- inj, order th»t there waj any charge oa tbe pablic reaaary. Mr. Clark;; iWellingtooi moved for an order of ths Hjnefjr a retarn abowm.^ the location of any Hjutas of Indntry. Pcor Hoates. or aimiiar iniiitutions, for tbe cire and mainienaace of indigent paiioaa. aov establish^ in any of Ibeciti'ia, town] aai coQntiea la tha Province of (Jatario. at the total or partitl c-ya of any m^nicip«lity. In ipeakin< io the motion. He aaid tbe in- formatijn aakei for would beef ^reat valaa tc some of the mnoicipalitiea who bad nnder conjidsraiioa th-s propriety of eatab- Uahing theje isjiiiutioaa. He bopvd tha return when it came down would com- pletely eaii^f y other monicipalitiea of the ben-:iia to be derived from inch tcatila. tioaj. There vni: more indiijeut penoai at the present time in the Province than in any prtviom year, ncd the care of tbeie people was a matter well worthy of tbecon- aideration of law Kivers. In re|{ard to the amelioration 0! the condition of Ihe blind, insane, etc-, Oaiario bad done its duty, and was proud of her institations. Bat little bad been done on the co operative plan for the maintenance cf our indigent. The warm- hearted people of Waterloo were Ihe drsi •0 move in the matter. The County of >"crfolk followed the example, ihen Elgin, Wellington, Middleaex and York. He foaai that the law rdquired thai annual re- turns should be aenl in from the Hoad«t of K^fage, but no soch resuras bad yet keen rade. tie had, however, obtained ti<ar«« privately from some of them. In Water- loo the annual coal par inmate of the House of R^fuiie was Hi 87. EUin Jt.' Jo, Wellington 55J 5-', Mioaleaex »>â- * ^i, York 557 93 , or an average of J.io 35 At the Provincial Instiiuiions the coal per inmate per year waa Asylums, $l3o. hospiials, 8229 ; Central Prison, !169. Reformatory. »iy^; Mercer, J2U ; jail. HiMO. He thought Ihe Goverumeni might deviae some pUn to uliii/ia the House* of Indus- try ihroagbout the counlry for the accom- modation of the inaane. instead uf sending them to Ihe jails. A Gofernaani inspec- tion of these institutions would then, of oourse.be necessary. Some of the Uoosea o( Hefu^e had inmaiea whose mainlen- anoe properly belonged to Ihe Province, and he thought thaGovemmani mii$ht con- sider the advisability of extending soma aid t:) them. Mr. Meredith said that ibe House was indebted to bis bon. friend for brin^in^ up tha matter. Ue was sorry, however, hu bon. friend had inault^ed in one of the usual pessimistic utterancea peculiar to ^'enila- man opposite. It was somewhat singular, however, that tbe poorbouaea were eatab- lishad in wbal they called the banner counties. One thing they had to consider was that there was gradually springing; up a clasa of professional poor, especially in the large cities. Where Iha teal of actual work had b^n applied in Toronto this clasa had decreased. Care should be taken that they did not provide conditions under which the professional poor would be sup- foried at the public expense. With re»;ard to many of tha insane in the poor-houses, they were not insane within tbe meaning of the Asylum Act. The Blind Institu- tion, again, was only for those for whom there waa hope of beim; benefitted by Ihe treatment pursued there. He went on to refer to the evil of outside maoicipalitiea sending their poor and feeble to the large cities for aupporl, and said soma legislation should be devised 10 check this. Mr. Hardy said that some years a^o a law was passed making it compulsory upon counliea to establish poor houses, but so much opposition to it was aroused that it was repealed. Public opinion was divided as to Ihe advisability of erecting these poor houses. Whenever one had been ealablished, and there had been a fair opportunity cf its being worked, the general opinion was that it had done good in the public iatereat. It any plan could be devise%i, jiijt falling short of making tha eatablishmenl of theae institations compulsory, a go«d end would be served. A gooa many peracns thought that by establishing theae inatilnlions a chronio class of paupers would be enooura(^, or a number of men and women woald be brought up to look at tbe poor hoasea as the ultimate aim of their life. Hi doubted that such a result would follow a system like our own. Mr. Gibson ^Samilton) brooght down the following returns ordered by the Hou-e : Respecliog tha fees payable to Judge Laoourse, juige of the I'ounty Court of the county 0'. Waterloo ; also regarding the fees payable to Mr. W. A. McLean, local Master of the Supreme Coari of Jadioaluro for Ontario at Walkerton. The report of the Minister of Kiuoation on tha subject of teohiucal education was also presented to the Uouss. Several petitions were presented prayiog for amendments to the municipal law in tbe direction of abolishing tax exempsious Mr. Dnry â€" To conirm a cccveyance made by the town of Barrie to the Quien. Mr. Garson â€" Respecting Ihe eiamication of â- â- agineers for sianooary en^nes. Mr. Kerna - Respecting the town of Oak- ville. Tbe Honse wens iato Commiiiae of the Whole oa Mr. Fraaer's BJl respecting voters' i;3tj. The B.U coas«lidales the law, and appU^a 1:3 proTisions to voters within the meaciag of ih J MaLCOo-l Sal- rajje Act. Mr. Clancy called attention to the fact that the names of ali-^cs had appeared on the lijts, and they could net be scrutuiiz<:d, tbe lists bemgcnal. Mr. Fras:r sail the reason the lists were .made final was because a s<:nituiy would involve eaormcis expense. If an alientook theoash and voted, the rerae<iy would be to proaecate him for perjury. When the clause relating to appeals to the ' ouaty -Judge to have namea struck c? the lis! cams up Mr. M-^r-iiith drew atien- lioa to tbo apparent injuitice in sabf-Jiua- lag men to attend the court on the ground that ihev were not entitled to voie, and because they failed to attend through car^- lessneaa, alihoagh entitled to voce, their names were struca onf. ilr. Frawr said he could see co reason why a j'udge should stnkaa man a name o^ the list simply for non attendance. It was a ^^Uistion that required some consideration, because appeals migbl be aiade on frivolous groancs, ani sometimes might be done tc empower tha judge to order tbe appellant. if it was showa that hi apfjaled oa frivo- lons grouads with (he txpec'.a::on thai the voter waild not attend and coase<]uently be struck c?. to pay the costs. He would give Ihe question bis ccaaideration. and perhaps something might be dca-' to do away w-.th what might re&Uy bexme an undoobied evU. The committee rose and reported the Bill, wiih certain verb»l ameaimects. In reply to Mr. Clancy. Mr. Frassr said the reports 0! the Factories Icspjcwrs were m Ihe hands of the priaters The fcUovfirg Bills were fntrodaced and read the first time : Mr. Balfour â€" To ameci the Ontario Election A::. Mr. Bisho-jâ€" To ameni the Act rtspect- ing iasuran.yj comp»a.-s. Mr. Fraser. in mov.ug the seccad read- ing of the BUI to ameni the Uatano Fac- tories A::, explained the prircipal al'.era- tioca wh::h it u proposed 10 make ia the existing law. At present any place or premises «hi:h would be otherwise a fac- tory, where there were employed a number of persons (x.xediog t-«ecty. came under the operations cf the law. HLs BiU pro- vided that where the number of em- ployeea exceeded five, ia such caaea the Act woold be operative. A schedule was supplied la the Bill giving a list 0! tbe fs clones aSecied. s<j as to prevent m:s onderaianding. Another claus: of the BUI provided that factories should not escape the operations of t e law incases where the work was sub let. The word " ccild '' in section five was changed to " boy," so as to prevent its being wn- slrue-1 to inclade girls. The change wooli prevent girls under 11 being employed. The BiU provided that caaniag factories and fruit and vegetable- drymg factories should be given the additional month of (.>.•! jber wherein employees might work over ten hours a day, but in all (acloriei where women and girls are employe-d 15 minutes additional wUl have to oe allowed for aa evening meal. No children would be. however, allowed to work after 'J p. m. in su:h canning factories. Persons charged with violatioo of the A:l wocli be allowed to testify in their own behalf. The Bill was resbd tha second time. Several petitions were presented praying for the abolition of exemptions. On molioa of Mr. A. M. Rosa an order- incouncil was raiifiei placiag the 5i. Vincent de Paul Hoapiiaj, BrockviUe, on Schedule A of tha Charily Aid Act and granting aid to it from Nov. i.'>ih. lS77,and also placing the sum of $277.80 in the eatiznaies on account of work done by the hospital. In reply 10 Mr. Meredith. Mr. Hardv said the Government could not refuse aid to a hoapilal merely because there were two hoapttals in a town or city. Tha line had noi yet been drawn in this respect. Mr. Meredilh said ihal soma settled policy should be aicpled, as the expendi- ture on charities was increasing to an alarming rale, and was now about $S0.0OO a year. At the request of Mr. H. E. Clark (rorontol, Mr. Fraser allowed the order for the riouw going iato committee on tbe BiU to amend iha Facloriea Act tc stand for a day or two, ia the expectation that the report cf the laspeclors would be printed then. Mr. Fraser sail that the printing de- partment appeared to be in a congested Slate. Mr. Meredith said the Govenjaient should take steps 10 prevent the cciigea- lion taking place. The H.>ase oughi aot to be inconvenienced i . th.s way every session. Mr. Frtuer in ived the second readicj; of the BiU to amend the Workmen's Com- pensation for lojuriea Act. Ue explaioed that tha Bill extended the Act to cases of injury caused by defects in either '.he maohiaery, premises, etc., or their arrangement. The Bill removed iha restriction which der.aed superintenJeats to be men not engaged in manual labor. Another so.'lioa corrected the mistake in the Act which made tbe words " signal " '• points, " a compound word" signal-points. " Section oaf the Bill prevented an employer escaping Uabilily under Ihe Act by sob-leitiDg the work to a sub contractor. The snb-coutracior was, however, not relieved from liabiiiiy, but a workman waa barred from gtMting donbie com pensalioa. Section 9 permuted a work- man to give evidence that there was reason- able cause for his neglecting to give uotict of any defect he may have observed in Ihe plant or machinery. The Bill provided that compe-isation awarded men be r.ci ar.i which the hon. gentleman had then resisted. Tbe Bill waa read the seaood time. Mr. Fr^U'uh moved the secoad reading of the Bill to ainend the law of slander. He ezpUmed the dif erecce between linel and slander, the former referring 10 wr.iten or printed utterances and the latter to spoken, and pointed oat thai oader the present lav a person might by worda impute uachastiiy to a woman, and cause ner much misery and tuferin^. and yet no action eoald be taken againai that person unless some special damage could be proved. The pass- age of ibe BiU would help to preserve the peace, aa male reUtives of women slan- dered had now to take tha law icto their own hands. The BJI provided ia brief that ia actions fcr imputicg unchaaie con- duct to a woman special damaga need not be proved, and tha: s person usiiLg de- f ampler-' language regarca.^ a woman could be punishable by fine or imprison meet to the extent of Ssi) and coats or six montkj ia ;*il. Mr. Merediih thought the Bill objection- able becauji :i gave slandered women a rem»dy and cot men. It ougit to be an c^ence 10 impute ucchastity to a man ;urs as Eu:h as to a woman. Anoiher iii.- culi) was that the utterers of slanden against women were priaripally women- goasipa. In niae casea cut if tec where actions were brought under this BiU. sympathetic juriea wcoli find for tha woman plaintiff, although the maa might be iaaocent. Mr. Mjwat said be liisd the sentiment which prompted the icircduciica cf the Bill, and he was gla.i it had been brought before the coasideration cf the H;ase. Mr. Harcoorl supportea the pna-riple of the Bill. Mr Connor said ha sympathi^e-i with the measure. Mr. Waters supported the Bill. Mr. Hardy ihoni;ui the Bui would {.rove fruitful of litigatioa. It woald open tha gales wide to frivolous litigation and m-ighl cause more harm than good to women. Tbe debate was then a: :!umed- M:. MiLe- s Bill to amend the Municipal A:t was read the second time. Mr. Meredith asked wne:her :he attection of the G . vercmeai had :-ea called to the recent decisi;;a cf Ihe High Court cf Justice holding lhai certaia prcv.juns cf the Act of las; session iatiiuled • Aa Act tc proviie agaias: frauds .a tee rappl>i=g it milk tc cheese cr better manufaciariea are beyond Ihe powers of the Legislature to enact â€" whether it is tatecded tc a?.juie«ce ia that decision or to appeal therefrem. Mr. Mowal answered la the a£rmaiive to the first query, and said ha did not intend 10 ac>:uieS'--e in the decision. Mr. Connorâ€" To amend the Municipal Act. Mr. Murrayâ€" To amend She Municipal Act. Mr. Hudsonâ€" To amend the Municipal Act. Mr. Balfour â€" To ameni the Mechaaica Liea Act. Mr Gilmourâ€" Tc lacorporate the towa of West Toronto Jaaciioa. Mr. Watersâ€" To amend the Municipal Act respecting the appciatmeni cf jailers. Mr. French's Bill to amend the law of slander was read the second lime, and refer- red 10 a special committee. Tha following Bills were read the second time 1 To amend ths 3aow Fences Act â€" Mr Dack. To amend tha Asseasmeat Act â€" Mr. Balfour. To amend tha MunicipsJ Act- Mr. Gra- ham. To amend the Municipal Actâ€" Mr. Bal- four. T^ amead the Asaessmeal Amendment Act. !>•<,'â€" Mr. Fraser. THE LITTLK SIGH Ca.SIK. TH« PE-VMSILVASIa DCTCH. tu a>« Old ' A. Straac. A Scene Tliat Broo^iit Tears aoetioawer'a Bjaa. Ther'^ was an auction at caa of Ihe down town auction houses recently. A pale, sad faced vocnan, lu a plain caiix gown, stood in a crovd. Tha load voiced auctionear finally c»me to a lot o< plain and socwwhai worn fomiiure. Ii had belonged to the plain woman, and was beti!;j sold to satisfy Han 7 Lnh«rs. from the ciiv of Toronto, praying tor an exceeding either three years wages orasum Act lor the re-arrimgementofiliecity debt; ino« Picetiiiag Jl. 500, whichever award ia from iheciivof Hamilton, praving that the ; '^^<iad to be Ihe larger. Other clausea of the Assessment Act be amended so as to j Bill made good defective provisions in the exempt JiJOO dwellings, and fcr tha exien- ] Act relaiuis; to " want of notice," "dislri- siou of Ihe Factorv Act to workshops and 1 botion of compeDsalion." dwellings, also thai the grams made lo Mr. Meredith said he was glad the hon. universiiiea and colleges be transferred to gentleman had decided to adopt a more the Public Scho.-'ls. liberal view of Ihe compensation recover- The following Bills were introduced and »bl>>â€" a view almoai as liberal as that advocated by the mortgage on it. Go* by cae the articles ,h.r j-sc leaiur.ea aio So-^- wer« Bci-d, the old bcrean to one, the easy ' • â- â- - ~ rocker to another and a bedstead to a third. Finally ihe auctioneer hauLed oai a child's high chair. It waacld and rickety, and as "he auciicneer held i: up everybody Laughed â€" every'oo-iy except tne pale faced woman. A tear trickled down her chfek. The auctioneer saw it, and somehow a lump seemed to come up his throat, and bis gru.? voice grew scf i. Es remembered a little high chair at home, and how it had once filled his life with sunshine. It was emply now. Tha baby lau»h. the iwo liiiie har-di ihu were cnce heidoul to greet •papa â- from ; hat h.g'c chair were gene fcrever. He ja» th^ pale faud wosian's piteous looks aci knew whati: meant ; k.aew that m her e;e the iiitle ricJuty high chair 'fas more precious than if i; had been nuade of gold aai sluiced with diamccis. In im- a^iaaticn he xald Sce the Utile dimpled • caerub wb.ch it cnce held . :oaid see the ' OoD'ta for Narsea. Coal let stale fijwera remain la a sick chamber. L'on I be unmindful of ycarself .! yon are in Ihe responsible pcsilicn of aurse. To do taithftil work you must have proper food and slated hours of rest. Don't appear iaxious, however great your aDxiety. D^n't forget lhal kiodsess and tender- ness are needful lo suoceasful nursing. Human nature longs to be scotiied and comforted on all occasions when it is out of tune. Tbinfs Oq<- WoaM Kather >'ot Have S^d. Mrs. Jcbeonâ€" Why, m;. dear Mrs. Hob son, 1 am surprised to see you rj. this sombre dress. I bad not beard of any aâ€" iciion la your family. Mrs. Uobsonâ€" Oh. yea, indeed, Mr. Hob- son died six weeks ago. Mrs. Jobaonâ€" Why. how shocked I am I never Inew of it al all. I would have been ogiadic attend his (uaeral. if I had known. L>«ar iSjuipAthetlc U»i*rt. Emily â€" What are you crying over, dear ? Juliaâ€" Langfellow's Evangeline 1 It makes me sad thai women don't appreciate love and coaaiancy as they should. (Servant enters with cards. 1 j-dlia after reading them)â€" Chollie Jones and Freddie de Browne. Oh. how lovely ' Come down with ma and help in Ui« fan. I am engaged to both of them. Keady to ilrmduAte. Old Lady â€" " Po you think, my dear, that you are misireaa cf all the housewifely accomplishments which a woman should have before she marries '? " Sweet Girl lecgageoi â€" •• Yes. indeed. 1 have learned how to knit smoking caps, itnd yesterday a married friend of mine took â- le to an laielligeuce office to teach rue the diScolt art of selecting servants." I'p •Jt X^ I ii .s nc! geaera^y iaowa. even bv peo> pie who have viji;e«i America, tiiM iber« m m Pennsy.vaaia. vtry near ine cuiea af â- Pai^addpcia anc Sew 'i irk,a acculauingf â- more snan two mil, on LahabJianis waicfc , IS laniaay respects s;raagely liie v'z%; ;ta rura. a^.eascrs were in Germany mora yeara auea there were lo oe ieca la a sh.; la Pn-jd«i- phia several Urge 'oicas of Li:neraa ievo- non. in tea type ana speiiia^oi ti^ij, oooad in deeply siampec wa.-,e veuuui. wuc heavy brasa ciaspa. They ui i not .oca ]â- X' i m iia lions of cid 'oooks. sa-a the B.»:oa r-ia- KTifC, they seemao tc i:e inetcLai .;i«J," bai t(s« dale was recent. They are tor tha PsnnsylTama Datcc. ikii :=.'. 'ocok- seller. •• They woold not believ^ -.aai tbs Lord wcold hear the ir»;.e-iio Him oat of a modern . .c. And tboM books, as vcu ^.^. .-.-.. aave oeea printed and bouni m tna: i-.y.e fcr uearly iOO ye*n for ihe Pennsy.vaaia I.'u!ch aiar- kai, JOSS as they were iriaied for their an^eatcrs daring the Reformauoc Ihere is probably no mere strLiiag m- tlanc« of conservatism kj be foaad any- where in Europe than this but in^ spirit maniieased by the worthy - Dut-.-amao" is carried out bv them oonszacent'V AttrouaiUT M»ae Kas;. Hoateas â€" And jo you really believe the moon Ki be inhabited. Professor ? Prof. Eiazuiiiacbeuâ€" Ah. veil, I do not say ist. Bui lere is van moon in which ^ere mas' be vun man. Uoateasâ€" And which might that be pray : Prof. E. (patiiag on hia party matsners* â€" Vy, .'.e â€" vat you call it 'â€" iehoneyn»->on read lor the ftrst time: Oppoaii sgo. and laughing la glee â€" and acw. the little nigh chair was empty. He iae-sihere was aa achmg V';ii ic the pale !»ced woraaa s bean, there was m ais own. Somehow the iay may .-ome and go. but you never gel jver it. There is co one to iresa mthe coming, no one to put tc bed at night. "Don I laugh: said the auctioneer, softly, as o;me'oody lacitionsly cfired tec cents . •â- many cf you have Littieempijhii'n chairs al home which mcaey -wouLi acl tempt you to part with. Then he haaded the clerk a bill oci of his own pcckel aad remarked. " Sold to the lady rigot there. " and as the pale faced woman walsedout with the htila high chair clasped 13 'ner arms, and lean sireaming down bar cheeks, the crowd s:xd bacsL respecifoUy, aad there was a su»pioic-3 moisture in the eyes ;f the man who had bid tea .-eats.â€" .lei-vt; .-''ee Prtu. Th* Har««a were Spared. When Mr. Cole, a well iaowa cirous proprietor la the South, soli h-i stock 13 New Orleans, three inn nag horaea thiH he had owned f;r years "eci with '.he ethers by nistaie. Mr. Lcie at once 'ocughi them back. aa> lag thai he would never ccaaect to have :ae hcrses beoome the property cf aay one who *juld m a te them w'crk. aad ha nad decided to pat them 10 a painless death. H-.- proposed bleeding ibsm tc death, bat W. b. LeocanJ. a hveryman, sujigeated thai the use of .hlo- roform would Oe a belter aad less paiaful mode. This was finally decided upon, aad a reliable man ^r-xored. who was to 'nave performed the operation. They were all ccllactad la tbe circos tea'.. There was Cole. Leonard, the ndera and the clowns, the ringmaster, ihe tumblers aci the leapera. and the ihree pel du»s. Calhag the little mare by nance, he lolJ her to kiss them ail g-ccd-bye. The lateiligeat animal, iireicfcicg fcr*-ard bar heai, kissed eacn cee. This was more than they .-ould staad. and ice sacni ce was put off. Cols bad no place to take them to. so Mr, Leon- ard proKiised to iad some are who would assume charge of them, uadsr a guarantee never to work ibam, bat to kset them la goo<l order until daatii should claim them for the grave.- cI:. 1 ."*u .-l«io;i..--i>«. pea^ among ' selves a singular pa: ou called Pennsyl Dutch, from the wcri Deutsch. â- It be- longs, says I-'r. H. Haroaugh. ' t-; tba scith German i.a.ev:ts. aad. while par- taking 0: aU. " 11 la moat closely a^ied to the Pfalnsca 'â€"that u, to the rlhiae German cf the Fala:u:ate. In tee valley cf the Susquehanna and 'oeyond the AUs- ghanv 11 IS much mingled with English. Further in the west we fiad in ii traces of acoitish, Irish. Swedish aa^ French. It li sp«:ciaiiy reoaraabie in its having r». ia.aea great aamoera of old an J cunooa German words, such iS »re nc " 10 ba hear-u only la the remotest places of tba iatheriaai We fiad Ihe lafiuecce of iba uachanAea'ole Eagush article the la dec. Thus a man wi^ say . Henâ€" s-.-nerr car b-ind Gaul u*. mer weLe up ier marks fahr ie " Henry, hamesa the blijut horse we wil. iJ to mariei.' OMi.a^'--.^ I Wm tzitrry . i ,.. .. j V-:i » i::,;.*ry i.J *,!-. w»i _e- I But His Rcyal Ma;e--ty woald nererhafa I 'jeen so merrv aad he suiered from cocsti. ! paticn. or deranged liver. :r ijspepoia, or I fil-^ra. or aay ether ccmylaiat that cornea i:om a system cut of s-ris and causes im- purities of th-:- biocvi If you su^er from aay of theae things you will feel morosa, melancholy, mouraf-il. aye. mad or aoy- thiag else but merry, i'a be merry yoo must 'oe well. Tc 'oe well take Dr, Fierce s world- famed t'.easani Fu.'iaiive i'eliela. Easy to lake, purely vegeiiCle. perfectly harmless, promit aai p.rasan: la their action cni.- ;ce for a lose. a Cl«Ar Conscience. niitor Cheap Moaihly-I tel, ;â- :u it makee a mia feel g-.-v>i to do aacble aciioo. 1 - s.eep well :o aig'nt. Aoimiriag Wife â€" Have yea rescued ioma ch.ldren from crueliv or sa.ed a -fe. my dear .' Well, no, act eiacily. bat today a young woman who has been (umishing as with bea-..t'ful poetry for ih.'ee years wiih- oal charge, ;ame into the i.'^ce and I gava her iiiT cams. Ingratitude. •Jnst think, here I have been paying for my nephew's lessons ia ainging, and what do" you suppose he does in relucu? Ha al- ways sings his songs to me ' "â€" Fiir^<rfuif Blttitr The Spanish Senate yeaierday, by a vote o! 6? to 53, rej-ccled the motion of Senator Cueala. a proleclionist. to raise Iba import duties on cereals. BUaa Bay* on BicrelM. A very novel feature is to be introduced mio iheAsyluai for the Bliad i.i be estab- lished 13 tcis city. Dr. Campbell, of the Royal Instiiute tor the Bliud, la London, who IS eipecied 10 be la charge of the asjlum here. a.-oas*l the greatest interest m' the world's metropolis whea la last September he lelecied » class pupils, whom he tasghi to riia oa the bicycle, and they, with him ia tha lead, rode frcan London to L''erby. The iistaaoe belweea the two rlaoee is Ii-,' cuiea. and a remar-able fact in connecii:n with the I f^^i^-^ri, thai it wili was thai no accidenta occurred on the Jaw*]* and l.ac««, ..'i. isl »i:!! :c,..- .rwn-.fi izita .'a. -a. i * .-â€" vzt .*cea rare What are your .ewels aad what ar~e your la.-ea worth ::; you You would give ihem all if > ou .-culd gel back your health. Well, you can aau you can keep >our jewels aad your la^es ico. Thcnsaacs cf wcmca know by happy experience that 1 r F-.aro« s Fa- vorite Frescrini.a restores ihe health. It rill fcUow out his ideas feat way. L''r. Campbell on this sub;eci when be ukes charge of the asylux here. Besides teaching Ms blind pupils how to ride on bicyclee, t>r. Campbell beli3v«s in puttiag them through other -ourtes of athleli.- training He leachea his pupils how to box, jwim, pall an oar. run races. eK-. The speed and pro- fici-.-ncy acvjuired by Kme of tha papils ia theae athletic sports are regarded as phenomenal, and 11 ia said to ba one of the moat interesting sighls imaginable vc *ee IWO blind papiis put tha glcvea oa and have a regtilar scientid*: set toâ€" Pi ."•»>"•;; blind ii i pcaitive remedy ;cr laoae oeranga- menta. irregularities and weaiaesaea to ccmnioa to woman. In fact, it is tne only medicine for women, soli by drugguts, •Aad-.-* A r-.'.ji:i;^ ."*--r-ii.-.'e. from the manu- ka iisf action in every case, cr money will be refunded. This gnaraaiee has boen printed on tba bcllle wrapper aci faithfully carried oat for maav Nears. A SeU-Made Man. New Chicagc pastorâ€" ' Of what State i vour huaband a native. Mra. Veneer .' Mrs. Veneer, jf Ctiicagoâ€" • Connecticut I believe, air. ' â- Do you kaow in what part of the State he was t-^ra * " - I don't think he wa> e^-vr bore. sir. I soofien hsarhiraipeai of himself to other as a aelf-made mac. The ButtarflyGlrl is ColulDf Hack. The tailor-made gown was Eaglisb Its strong pciais were chest and sboulders. But the tailor-made gown is g^â- 'iug. Woman, kind IS French theae day s. Look at the Directoire maiden m her cliagiag robe. Jiui HniuAn Mature. When :he cash of a bank goea away to Canada 11 is perfectly natural thai some o( toe bank cSiciais abcald go with it.â€" >'<» If ail so-called remedies have {ailed. Sage a Catarrh Remedy cures. Dr. Baba Asutcah M.>cker;ee, M, A., F. R. A. S.. F. 1>. S. E., of Bengal, has been made a foreign meai'oer of the Matneruatical So- ciety of Ediaborsh. Scotland. Jadgiagfrom his nanaa she Indian is a man of letters. VASELINE PREFARATIONS. Ca recai^: it ivsia^e siaiupi «e wiJJ seed trva Vr aiaoi ibe Ivilowia^ •i.-.eadiJ arvic.es . One tsux »f Par* Vaaeliae â- - - lO canU. i>ae H«\ of V*M«Uae 1. :auiphor Ice t .a cent*. On* Box o(\***lia« Cola t.r««iii 13 cents^ N.> N'aaeasiie is genuine uo.eas .^ur aaoie is ja (.Ha ',i^ei L'HSis.sa.ovjK Mx>-.tg Co . i4 Sia-.e St., Ssw 'V-'ax. Sbe MUaudarvtandt. Miss Canada blushiaglyi-I am sorry, sir, but I can never be anything more to you ihan a sisâ€". I'ncla Sam , aghast ' -Christopher Col- umbus, young woman 1 Tou misunderstand me. I'm not courting you. I am only offer ing to be a father to you. AOameUia Millionaire In Cooaraonga, Cal., a pretty servant girl has captured a axillionaire aged 79. and named Daniel Hamilton. Ha has four children, thirteen grandchiliren and one great-grandchild, and all objected to Ihe' marritk^e, but coald not stop it. Tbe United Siatee House of Represents lives has adopted the conference report on Ihe Nica^rsguan Cantd BiU. Yeaa, 177 : navs, $0. aEt»^0-^ vd: ..-.-,-...j-,»*a ki»«L«. '.â- •TlfS, iliJ '.-x. l"ert;av-»») !oc ^w-s. vv-w ?â- ' â- "^. *li fvr2^t4mca .4c^aia.> !».-v Jcwr â- ,..-%>: .kc.tt->.'.- T-:: l3 TOW rr.eiyijs. s. w . rsjjt, rsjissTTsaffM. ra. r.i,Be Prompt, ThiJo2erw.;'.»f?ear i 1; twlc«. D O II I, S $9. SALESMEN? We «isn a few ai«a t* sell ,>ur jocds bv (ample -.0 iis9 wcolea&le and ta- i&i, irade, l^aryawtiuaBa. (acicrera in car ane. Unclose i-ewot "--m- Waswa (3 per day. r>iiuaaMi poaitioa. Ila roeia-s ansaeted. Monev advaaoed tji vagas advet usia^, ew, Cei. t«auiAl slAaulavttutaa Co.. Claclnaatl. Okt«. DUNN'S BAKINC POWDER THE COOK'S BEST ^RlEN-v