r>/. n ESHERi ON TRUTH BEFORE FJVOR.'-" PRLVCIPLES. .VOl MEX." V^OL. Vm., NO. 897. FLESHERTON, ONT.. rHURSDAY. FEB. 8, 1859. W. H. THURSTON, "^l 4 The Local INfews. OeHuisH^ Bargains ! What i- Sllow. Ice an>i HaiMX'iiiuK In Our Own Vii'initv. -Vr, ir. n'.,././ i.< ..?ir ritliorzni â- i^hvt tit tu* Si'ttijiri, i!>n''itcrii t,nns m/r-/ h^ jntidi ' • hiiii. !>iii-ilf •.â- •â- pi -i / 77u; J /rjuz-f r^ r ,r . , , .1 ; r • •- ^. I i- • I Cattle fi;r M"iK';av i.t-xt. I* atches, iloi-ks,-frirci7-ij. j-aufrj ',on:J.f c-iirrrwrtrc o/ â€" : . Nic prii'nt (jnalifij, Razors. Kiiii't'S- etc. R^r.!emi.vr Kusseli* auct-.ti s.i!o. \\ .11 y^u siiriVr w,;Ii ItvBi.cpsia i: Livtr C in;. hunt ' !«!!!!.•!> s Vnal;2cr :;^iiariritff<i :•> cu.'-r V'.'U. F t s;i;e a: :' Me.::cai Hall. Af Riisseirs IToied Jeweiery Store FXjESHERTON. Lic',iten.int-C\l. (irey !ns;.<?ctd ihe irm- • rv "II T'j^.-silav. Mis.< Came Davis is visit iiii; irii:;ds in llr;"r'./etovrn and TonniM. Bunker Miccliell visited friends iu Fon THL: NKXT G(i l).\Y.Sa.s the -joods inanbe .sold they will W cloarod ^ <jut at wholesale pi-ices. Come at cuoe and get tlie cuoioe. k wautif^il stock i f Imnibu ry on Saturday to .-iclect from. No reasonable offer refused. If you iK-etl a watch now is i ~' vonrtime. If you need a cruit or pickle swuJ or aiiytlnug in siiverwars. it is beiiit; sold at U'ss than lialfpiice. Fancv flush so.ids, toilet stts. etc. .almost ' Siven awav. DO NOT F.\IL TO ("ALL'.\T ONfF. .\Nl) SECLHE SO.ME i UF THESE TERRIBLE BAlUi.XlNS. .\LL S.\LES and WOUK POSI- ! TIVELY C.\SU AT Mr. Hu;;h Rcnnic nf \Vatt;rl.>. itiiis our vill»i;e this week. m\m \m mm m,:^ Daii McTavish has purch;ise<i the prop, erty of James Sullivan, tinsiuith. Mr. I SullivMi intends leaving; us. i.KSisni:i?i'o>' The Mi'Dtreal caniivsl Stnr lias been received. It siinplj uixcountJi inythiiig iu that line <-ver produced. Rev. Mr. Patter*in. fmui the county of L»i).\rlk. will preach in the Presby- Ufrian church next Sundar. Take a piece of paper, and upcn it • jt : :i r!^'jr<."3 your a^-e in years, dropj in^ months, weeks, and days. Multiply by -. hJiI '•' the result •obtained the tijurcs 37T'5. then add 2. and then dividu by 'J. Subtract from the result obtained the nuiiiher of your re<irs 'ii earth, and see if you do not obtain figures that you will not be likely to forget. â€" Ex. Orchestrit. Some of our band boy« have formed themselves into an orchestra, with the f.iU 'wi!,i{ personal ; E. Yanzant. the tw.> Parks Bros.. Ed. Chausse.Pete Munsha'w, Will. Bell.iiny and Ge-i. Stewart. Thev can furiMsh music by the «<iiiare vard at reas.jiiabie rates and i^f the verv aiiest quality. Whjitcier else Fleshcrton i» detici.-nt hi. she has inusieians 'lia: would d'l credit* o a much larger plv«. Titer inometricnl. Wiiirer arnve.l in full f.irce on Mon- d.ay, .H!,d has remained with us. A iarj? anivunt of sn.-w fell . n Sund.ay and >!.•:!- •'ay. T'jesiiay it did ni-t sn^w. but ti-.- <-ienuTts were busy jettiM.' in their «•• -.^ by tinttiii:.: ii.-..> ni"utita'.'i ranijes wl..i- li.id before : ii.--ii. Then the thermoiiin'Vr :â- â- ik a n. !!â- n :•• hy: •.•ri::ire and :;ot d- •.<-â- ! u Tuesday ev. :in._" .13 :a- .as 7 I'-wlow zer < •:! Wrdneodav iii.n:it ^ at S.3<)whei; «• fxaniuied W. Kichardson's th<-!ui..inettT the mercury was curUd up in its lit:!-' rMUid ball. Munshaw s tlierm<. meter *a'd 11 below zero, and was still slippiii_- ,'ently down towards the Ma:i:t>ba poin • Catarrh cur«?d. health and sweet breath secured, by Shil.ih s Catarrh Remedy. Price .yi cents. Na.'al Injector free. For saie at the Medical Hail CV ' take *â- ! : week Ft>R SALF.-.V (food dnviiis horse, four years old, will be sold at a har.;ain. .\.pp!y to J. T. KEEFER, F'es'.ierton. , ... - . . \ R. J. Sproule, Esq h.as di9;i'jod ot his plaiiiiiii;: mill to Mr. H..ward. late of < >raii;:eMl!e. The latter ji'utlem.Mi »;'.'. take up his rc'dence au;on'„' us nett A. Harris Son S, Co., BRANTFOED. The Branlfurd Li»;lit Str<-I Uiiuler, ItraiitrorU Reaper, BruiitforU front rut Mower. Braiitruril rear eitt Mower, THE BEAVKB COMlilNED SEEUEU and DUU.L.TilE MASON IMPROVED SILKY KAKE,.JOHN8TONS IMPROVED ONE HUUSK CILTIVATOR. LAND ROLLERS. (iAN(i PLOWS. SCl'FELERS, CULTIV.\TORS. ROOT CUTTERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS, ETC. FOR SALE BY THOS. A. BLAKELY, FLKSHEllTON. A Sabbath Sch.Mil ertertainuiont will •• held in Kniiberley on Wednesday, Fob. US. Sp«'e<"hes. diab-jues, recita- tiiUis, etc. Tel served fr^'in 5 t â- 7 "clock .\dmi».->ioii 2.) and !.'> cents. I Mr. Alex, .Moore, of the Hack Lin.- , east, cut his foot very soveily wliilo I choppini; 111 the bush. Dr. Carter stitchetl 'it up. -Mr. Mo -re will jribahlybe i laid up for some tune. That hackiim couyh can K- so •juick'y cured by Shiluh's Cure. We ^.-uanintee it. F r s.i.le at the Medical Hail. We ; aid our neii;hK.riiij; village of Markdaie a visit on Friday. Tiie nicr c'.iatits there were â- .•ruuibho:; ab-.ut sta.;- iiati.ni 1 f business, Br... llutled^e of tiie Standard iironounced tbiii:;* m his hue :is bt>oiiiing. Friend .lackinan ••; the san:." ; i,'er li.w ornwa a iii.>.i4;.(«;ie tliat wi'',r.ii do fVK^' til the -Manun* ..f Lome !.:inse i and tliat is nuK-'.i superi.>r to the .ine Worn by by Maj r .NIiiMh-u-in. It is the very c 1 r of t.'apt. .\iisi n s of theei- C, veriKTS statf. We have heanl it riiiii. red tha. WiU s luoust.iche has c;iJi;i^: • n and that he intend* t.- jot married. Ti. s »:i> decided last ilea;'" _ ^-ar ' SK'cpifsa nights, inado n.nerabie by tii.it terrible ci'ii,:.i. Shu-dis is the Reniedv for you. For s.alc at the Medi- cal Hall". (ijH^n Meetiiuj, The open teraj^erance meeting. Under theauspics .>f the R. T. of T.. held m the town hall Tuesday eveninst. was weil attended. Mu«ic by the glee club, reci- tatiiius, spWches, etc., formeii a very in- terestimi pro-^mm. A. .\. Chesley. Estp , •Hxupied the chair. The two speeches by Re». Mr. ShilMi »t â- Dr. Christ, e were short, earnest and jxaiited. The prv>oram thrfuis;litout was atlentifrl* listened to. and all intereoted may con- ;:ratulate themselves up.>u the sucoesaft;! entertainment provided. .V ip>od com nitttee always provides a 4"od thing. Shiloh's couch .and Consumption Cure IS Si'ld by us I'll a i:uaraiitee. It cure« C.nsuiuotion. F.r sale at the MedicaJ Hall. I'.ard by the week, day or meal, apply t.' Mrs. Jas. Kester, Sydenham St., Fleshert^u. LOOK HERE • .\11 parties indebted t. me either Vy N •te or b>H>k account are reijucsled to call and settle by casii -r .-iherw-.se un or before tlie loth of Feb mst, R. P. Legate. F(_iR SALE 'â- .\ roadster mare rising lour years old. also .)iie Portland outte.-. .and siii'.'!e haj-iiesx. will be sold reas. c- ablv. For p.irtK-iilapi aoolv to Jt>eJEPH SMITH". Fleshertor. Sandy McAulay, i-ear Dundalk, has a imiay lioi:. This 8;inie noisy doif fri^iht- , ened Mr. Wni.Karstedt's h->rse on Monday eveninst, causiin; it to run away, bre.-ikio;: I the cutter badly and injurii':; itself. Mr. 1 Karstedt thinks that do;^ should have ai P'll. ^ I W> Would Like to Kmur [ ' The wliere.iboutsif one ,J. -^eph .Mlison, ' : lately i>f (ir.aven luirst :ind Eni.sdale. Said | iiiforniation will be thankf'.illy received I at this olhce. HOOSIERSTEELFRAMEGRAINDRILL GUARANTEED THE BEST IK" THE WORLD. NOOTHKU l">UILLm»decRn b«iniit»ntly r»g\iUted to run ftt any dMired depth without •tuppins the teftm. NOOTHKH l>KUiTi will «ow all kinds of grain thoroughly even, and proi»tfrley corereii at uiii oriii depth ill all khuU of Hoil. NO(.>THl-.K rUlLLcouinuMico" to low the instant tlio hornea comnionce to uiovo.and niit-ncft nv Kttmud when btartiutj in, aftt-r turnln(. NO OTHKU I>Ull.l. iKinnU the M<Mti4i«r %fhon used %» a cultivator and no tinRlo cultivator inr- l<afHt>s it. ihiiH coiiil>iiiiu>; two iinplumttntii isi one. Itfoxon's Nemr Steel Binder. See the »;roateiit iuvciiti^^n of the hgo in our new Knotter wliich cut* but one conl. make* no ftastetMuit ai»d«vo*oonl in biudiiiR. J. H. CAMPAIGNE. NOXON BROS Mfg. Co, .ACFNT, r.O\ 107., FLKSHrnM't)N, lomnsoll, Ont. Rciirt Our »w Heserlpitve (atiiloxue for ISStt. till nil llevsflf. Oil Fiiday iii::lit hi-tt a .••â- "• belun^uii; ti) (.'arey Trf:idi.;ild, £.â- >.].. trieilto walk over into the horses ii'.inkter fniiii hei 1 .>wn. Her h.'riis causjht III the rack in j »>>nio iiiaiiiicr and she liie't Ivmi the ef | fects lif a fiactureil vertebrae. Mr. Trcaii- j U.'lds 1 '.xs IS considerable, as the hidei was the only tiiin^; of maiketable valuel .About her which c-'uld l<e utilued. ; 7'(> .sâ- ^)y> (( Htnne f'l'oin Kirkinfl. j If you have a horse that is in the ; h.abit of kickio;;. put him in a narrow ' stall tliat li.a.H both sides thickly p.adiled I Siisivnd a s.ack tilled with hay nr >tiaw I so that it will strike his heei«, and Utl horse and sack h^^l.t it 1 ut. He sine toj have thiii.'S arranued so that the hiosfj cannot Imit himself. The »,nk will le victorii'Us every time, and m the end, t!ie horse will alisohitely rofuse to kick the sack "r anrthin-..' eUa, /â- irr lit Kiti/cHiii, "'^~~"" iâ€" ^â€" 1â€" â- â- â- â€" . ^j^^ Satuiday foreiKiou, about 11 o'clock, r LrioHERTuN the residence of Thiw, Crowe, Eugenia^ STOVE i w" discovered to )>« on fire. The faimly EMPORIUM *"' ''***-^ from homo at the time. Xiijihbors flocked to the scene, and sue A largo a,',or*n,.i,t o( STOVES. „/ . '-•<'^''"''' '"' »"*""'« ""«">" ''" ^^^ "t'"-'''^* skes) >>T<f>yFLFrKNlSHIN(;s, TIN I of furniture down stains, hut the fiit had ; acnuin-d t.'o much he.adway to be extiii- jjuished. The huildiui;, which was of ! frame, was totally de«tri'yed. with all the The fire is .supposed kitchen from a de- >V.\KE.O(M»PEn\VAKr t.,\Mr HOODS elc.cotistsntly on hatul. EVETROUOHINO ALITV. A SPECI ri ^ K •! i>uf Oil t "^/ram's old Stand "!!tZZl^^. J • \Jt lV<llnlvtll> Kleshofton. ] fective stovepipe. I'll n't Iimert it. If 1 ur corre»| . ndent, ••Caii3di,wi,' wi'iiid C' i;ch his !ain;iiai:e in a m-'re tern-, parale strain, we woiiid 'o« >;lad to publish his letters. The one n.iw Ivfore us. in answer to ••Pnvress in the Th.rnbury paper, is anythini; but moderate in tone and we cannot pulihsh it. .\biise is not an^iinient, and criticism must n- t descend to aluse. Therefore we It-el jiistitied in refustn:; ti> print the letter 111 its present Slate but would be i;Iad to receive it m a moditieii form, as "Proi-ress " is one ot tliose leiitlemen annexationists wh" shouUl 1>«> "choked nU"' by fair ti^jhliii::. Sceil Ciitiilinjiie. Wi- Iiave just lecened the in-ist h.ij:d- some Canadian St I'd C.it:iIin:uo »tt liaie vet Seen ; it is issued by the Steel Hm.s. Co. ^Ltd. . >Tor<'iito, and contains descrip- tion aiui'piices of eveivthnn; in seeds, ' ri-ses. chiiibiii'; viijes.lii.wt.riin; bulbs and i^rapiN ; x book â- •! U'J pa^es, pr\>fusfly 1'- histiate<l, li.as als.i a chromo-hthogniph plate, sli. Willi; four varieties of their "New .\rt Collection of Fl.'Wer Seeds." New ami '.ire n-'ieltios in fi.iwer. veije- t.iMn ami lield seeds ivcnpy a lari;e p,'r- ti.'ii .•! the Work. Th- hiiii ocou-py the Maiiiiiiotli Seiil Ih'iise, crner Fn-iit and Jmtvis Htieots, TMroDCo, ^visit-rs ti> which are always made »elcome\ and havo nn immense eatiblishinent, empl.-yinj; 100 hands, and doini; bu.sine.-a fi.>m the .\t- Untie t-' the Pacilic. We besneak for this house the patroiiai;» of all wh.' are desirous of biiuir' first-olass seeds and eiicouiiiL;iu,' C.'inadiaii eoieipiise. Send yoiii- addre-is foi a catalogue. Thoy are uiaileil free. Robert Fawcelt, sr. Esq., and Mrs. Fawcett, 'eft ou Tuesdav for Detroit to visii. their dauijhter, Mrs. Henry Do>vn, who IS very ill. TILL FEB. IsU 1S.S9. ir.^ PER CENT, off ail sales c{ WATCHES and CLOCKS I Of CINE SIXTH otr marked price. •iOporcoitt. ofi RINGS, CHAINS, SILVERWARE. MUSICAL GOOL^ ill M. '1 i>er cent ofl r;cii^f»l lines in JtlWELUY. SPKX^ ETC- Married. NsvtNâ€" LoM.ts.â€" Ill Prii-eville, on W(-dne»day, .Ian. 'JO. bv the Rev, Mr. â- McLeod,.vietiander Neviii. Es,).. of Ral- sam Valley, to Mi.ss S.arah L.>mas, of .\r- ) temesia, stepdauk^liter of R, t>livor, Esq. ' BOKN. Mivkdale is the only pUvi' in :his section when you can gtrt CLOSE COMTETITION F KICKS. \, â- will pay you to drive hero, ti? vou cau tiud ,1 hu-oo stock to choose from at eut hLriiies. CALL THIS MuSTH ! If yoit iv.'vor liitvc before, - ANDâ€" Test This Statement ! tliat I Inivo a very fine stock at Hed l<<yi^ii^ t»rioe» I Piseouiits cousidcred, b\n« re- pairing receives jjetieial attention. MoKKowâ€" On Friilav, Feb, 1, the wife ill Robt, Morrow, Flesherton. of 1 a:uii;htHr. \ JEWELER .and OPTICIAN, MARKDALE. ONT.