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Flesherton Advance, 31 Jan 1889, p. 3

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TBIiEGKAPHlC SUMMARY, i Rev. Canon Bclcber, of Grace Charcb, Montreal, is dantjcroaaly ill with pneu- moni The MorriBbarK electric fire alarm was tasted ou Saturday, and works very satis- factorily. Albert Dafoe, 20 years old, was drowned on Saturday while attempting to cross Hay Bay, near Napauee. Rev. T. W. Jeffrey preached the anniver. â- ary sermonH ol Elm Street Methodist Charch, Toronto, yesterday. The weather was very ccld in Montreal yesterday, and the Carnival Committee now hope to have the ice palace bailt in time for the Carnivul. A theoloiiical etadent at Albert College, Charle:! Edwards, has been advised by an anknowii fritnd in Euffland that he is heir to an estate valutd at several hundred tfaoasand pounds. A depatation from Montreal waited on the Oovernor.General an 1 Sir John Mac- donald in Ottawa on Saturday, and invited them to the Montreal Board of Trade din- ner on Wednesday. Celina Muta>er, a 13 year-old girl who was confined in a dark reom at the back of • Montreal barber'n shop, and kept for im- moral parpodee, was ou S*tarday sent to the Reformatory for dve years. Her â- adaoer has eucsped to the States. Jailer Sparkd was tarprised on Friday when the dour o( the Wiuddor Coart Uoase opened and in walk>-d -lames Smith, the juvenile prisoner, who touk French leave last Tuftjday. He said he had been wandering around the Graiid Marais, and ma starving. The bolineiia doctrine, which has caased considerable a mmotion in Gale, has qaite a few devoted followers at Uehawa. For several mouths h'liuess conventions have been held there, the luembersof which give ntterance to the beliefs held by those expelled by the church in Gait. A brakeman named John McGaire living at Puiut Eilward, ruanio^^ east on a special ou eiaiiirdty morning, was sqaeejUid between the bniijpers while coupling cars at Konioka. Upon the arrival erf the train at London the uuforiunalu man was con Tsyed ia the ambalanoe to the oity hospital The steamer Cariboo Fly returned to Tiotoria, B. C, on Saturday night from an exploring trip to the Cjueen Charlotte IslandH. The vessel brings news that on December 15ih, while Conniugbam's sohoooer Skeua was making a trip to Bkidate she sprang a leak and sank. Eight Indian passi'i^gers and Cunningham were drowned. The captain, a white boy and seren Indians escaped. Thb eloper, Charles Clarence, who took •way with hiui ibu wife of Mr. Buck boroaKh, of lugersoU, ap^ieared before the London Police Magtslrale on Saturday morniog. Ciart-ii'-e iu his flight took a borse and bug^y tx-loiiging to Fiaok Sage, livery keeper. Mr. Sage, having recovered bis prop> riv, declined to prosecute. The |irisouer was therefore remanded for a week «o the obar^^uof asHaultiu^ the lady at whose bouse he stsyi-d wbile ui London and whom be refused lu pay. A terrible accident occurred on Saturday in the uew IVrrrault block on St. James street east, Montreal. The buildiag is of an imnieueti bi-i^ht.aud the workmen were eog»K*^d in (iftkiu^ down the internal scaf- folding- A lat>orer named Louis Kevel was etandiiig on tlx.* ground and was in the act of lowering (hcee scaffold planks, which bad beeu lakhed together, from the eighth Btor>, when a heavy pine block sud denly fill lr>«i above and crashed down tbrouMh the centre of lie building on the poor fellow's bead. Uis bead was terribly Mcturtd, and be died shortly fterwards. John Buruey, ilriver of the Bhedden mail oart between the depot and I'ost-cffice at London, wss the victim of a most brutal assault ou Saturday. The teamster iu diarge of the Shedden stables, it seems, has orders to clean ihem every morning at a certain hour. This order has caused more or Kt-s trouble, aud several disputes. Barney fuuud it necessary to go to the â- tables ill tbu morutug, and on attempting to go in was ordered back by the teamster in charge. He insisted on entering, how- ever, when the luau struck him, knocking him cff the step to the ground, a distance of three or lour feet, aud breaking his collar b<;u<' and one rib. As Buruey is an old man upwards of 00 the injuries to him are very serious. At the Ordoiifeat yesterJay Emperor William cjuferred 1^500 decorations, chiefly of a military character. The Manchester Cotton Spinners' Asso oiatiou have pasee.l a reiolution by a nnauimoui vote to form a fund to be used for trying iu the Uw courts a test case relative to the exccstive dampness of American cotton. I>eapatRhes from Bacioa say the Qer- mams have burue 1 American nsuees, torn down the I'nited States dag and sei/.ed •ome American cuizeus in the neutral water of Apia harbnr aud taken them priaoDors ou board a German man-of-war. The Bril<>>h steamer Duke of Bucking- ham, from Norfolk .Jtmunry -Jih for Bremen, waa iu colli»iou yes <Tday <.& Deal with the British ship Oenbighshiru. The latter sank aud two of her crew were drowned. The stea'uer's bows were stove, but she proceeded. The Duke of Norfolk is expected to ar- rive iu Kuuie soon. He is still desirous of takint; holy urdurs, but it is understood that the Vo\.v obj'-uts to his doiug so, as he does not wish Uia Grace to abandon hie position at the British Court, iu which capacity he is capablx of rendering greater service to the Holy See than as an ecolesiaatio. New York ice companies are forming a traat. Serious racial troubles are reported from Ty Ty, Ua.. where in a recent riot two netjroes were (-hot dead for resisting a bailiff in nmkiii^ an arrest. James Thomas, alias Wm. Brenuan, who waa arreslid for writing threatening letters to fallen women in Be. Louis, signing him- self "JauK the Ripper," was oa Saturday committed to the insane asylum. llobert A. riukerton has written to tho New Yo^k Ueruld emphatically denying that paper's stntemcntthat the Pinkertou l>etectivc Ag- lu^y waa hmiiiug up evidence for the London Y'lnKiionlhe I'aruell matter. Gen. Poe, who is couaricting a new channel for the United States through the St. Clair flats, says that part of the chanf nel undoubtedly lies in Canadian waters but he anticipates no trouble between the two Governments. The Bill reported by the Ford Commit- tee to the United States House of Repre- sentatives on Saturtay, on contract labor, is a very stringent measure, and consider- ably limits the class of people regarded by the authorities as desirable immigrants. Ths remains of Henry Becher, Q. C , were accorded a very imposing funeral in London yesterday. A wild cat was shot by Alex. Erakine in A. McMillan's woods near Button yester- day, weighing 38 pounds. Queen's University has reelected Mr. Sanford Fleming, C.M.G., Ottawa, Chan- cellor for the fourth time. Three persons have been arrested on sus- picion of being the principals in the nefari- OQS petard explosions in Madrid. David Mills, aged 60, of Kingston, was poisoned on Thursday by taking the wrong medicine. He died from the effects. Owing to the mild weather in Montreal yesterday a portion of the western wall of the ice palace, which was about 20 feet high, collapsed. A band of White Caps recently disci- plined John 'Welsh for living with a grass widow at North Salem, N. H. 'Welsh has caused the arrest of thirteen of the regu- lators. The Governor-General was present yesterday at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers. Mr, Keefer delivered the annual address, which was listened to with marked interest. Brandon Presbyterians have decided to extend a call to one of the three following ministers at a meeting to be held two weeks hence : Rev. Messrs. Unjuhart, Regina ; Pitblado, Nova Scotia, and Carmichael, Ontario. The will of the late Alex. Murray, Presi- dent of the Canada Shipping Company, was filed in Montreal yesterday. It leaves the bulk of his property to bis wife, which, on her decease, will go to the Montreal General Hospital. The young man Lapoint, who was taken down with smallpox at Adrian, Mich., died on Monday, and four new cases are reported. Great excitement prevails, as Lapoint attended church at tho time when it is thought he had the disease. Mr. A. H. Rennie.of Aberdeen, Scotland, was married in St. Andrew s Church, Ottawa, yesterday to Miss Miall, daughter of Mr. Miall, Commissioner of lolaud Revenue. Rev. T. \V. Uerridge performed the ceremony. The young couple left for Scotland. Seymour, alias Martin alias Shaver, arrested at Whitby on Monday nighi ou a telegram from Chief of Police Bay, of Prescott, on charges of bigamy and horse- stealing, was taken east to day in charge of two constables. His sixth wife went with him. He bad only recently Snisbed a term in the Provincial Penitentiary for bigamy. Charles Anderson, a resident of the southern portion of London, met with a serious accident last evening by which he will probably lose the sigkt of one of his eyes. He was throwing some wood ashes into a box in an outhouse when a strong hree/.e caught and blew a lot of the ashes iuto his eyes, one of which is entirely use- less. Mrs. and Miss Rounds, living in tho east ward, Braniford, were nearly suffocated with coal gas yesterday morning. The daughter had just suflicient strength left to rush out in her night apfarel and alarm the neighbors, afterwards fainting on the side- walk. Mrs. Hooads' condition was critical, and two or three doctors had to be sum- moned. One of ths messengers sent from Stiakim to Khartoum early iu Kovember last has relumed. He was H days in making the return trip. He brings a letter from a European, which says that I.nptou Bey died on May 8th. It was reported that the Equatorial Provinces had yielded to the Mahdi. Nothing waa known of Emiu Pasha. Slaten Bey aud the other Europeans were well. Moses Diggins (colored), of very bad repu- tation, went to a danoe in SpriugweUs, Md., on Thanksgiving evening, and wished to escort home a colored woman named Frances Bowles. She declined, and Dig- gins then knocked her down and slashed her with a raror until she was nearly dead. Ue was oonvioted on Monday of attempted murder, and yesterday Judge Swift sen- tenced him to the Detroit House of Cor- rection for liij years. The court remarked that a person who coolly tried to kill under no provocalion deserved to be severely dealt with. Diggina showed no feeling, and waa immediately taken away. The Western Ontario Dairymen's Aseo- oiation opened its annaal convention iu London yesterday. The total expenditure on the Island Park, Toronto, during the past two years has amounted to $71,180.37. The number of vessels registered at Kingston this year at thu Custom House ia I'Jo, measuring '23,4'JO tons. Mr. H. A. E. Kent was yesterdav elected Chairman of the Toronto Public School Board for the ensuing year. Gabriel Dumont, the Metis letwier, is laid up in Montreal with a dangerous attack of intlammation of the lungs. Agents of the Canadian Paoitio Railway are purchasing a right of way through Chatham for the Western Extension. Lord Stanley will be present at the an- nual dinner of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers iu Montreal to-night. The collection of one cent a month from each Roman Catholic for the completion ot St. Peter's Church, Montreal, realized for the month of December, in four parishes, the sum of 91,063.07. Principal Cirant, in replying to the School Board address, says tho best feature in the Canadian educational system is the comparatively important place held by the school district and local board, and he advocated the gradual increase of the power of local boards, both of Cammon aud High Schools. The residents ot the east end of London are agitated over tho possibilities in con- nection with an alleged elopement case. Some time ago a uiau named Charlen Clarence eloped from IngorsoU with a womsQ named Pucdarry, accompanied by a boy, the child of the latter, and going to London, engaged apartments iu the cast end, where they remained for some time. They left suddenly in a buggy, and it is feared expressed the boy to some unknown destination. They have not since been beard of. The woman is of rather pie- possessing appearance, but lame. Mr. Smith Moore, Eon of Mr. Allan Moore, of Corinth, was returning in his buggy from Springfield on Sunday evening, and when a abort distance from East Springfield he received two bullet wounds in bis bead, one a ecalp wound on the back of his head, and the other struck him above the right eye, ploughing a farrow across the temple. He fell from the buggy in an unconscious state. When he re- gained conecionaness be made his way to the residence of Mr. Nesbitt, where he was taken in and kindly cared for. A doctor waa summoned, who removed the bullet. Tbe Baptist Conference at Leeds yester- day agreed upon a union with the Particu- lar Baptists. Confirmation has been received of the news that the Bishops of Tirnova, Varna and Vrantza were dragged from their beds by gendarmes and summarily marched ontaide the walla of Sofia, where they were left shivering in the biting north wind. Because of this violent treatment of the bishops, it is believed that a " holy war " will be declared against Prince Ferdinand. The Queen will leave England for the continent, according to the present arrange- ments, on Tuesday, March 5th, for Biarritz, where she intends to reside for a month. It is highly probable that Empress Frederick, who entirely changed her plana daring last week, may go to Biarritz next month, in which case she will stay there until the end of the Qaeen'a sojourn. The Empress is a most accomplished player both of tbe violin and gnitar, and not a day passes but she amuses herself for an hour or two with one of those instraments, which accompany her everywhere. There are four cases of smallpox in Adrian, Mich., and one death has occurred. Jodjie Tuley, of the Circuit Court at Chicago, haa decided that Anarchists and Socialists have not forfeited the constitu- tional right to assemble peacefully and dis- caaa any ijueatiou which interests them, provided they do not plot to carry out their ideas by the aae of force againat constituted authority. Special Agent Dey, of the Customs Ser- vice, has returned to Port Huron from Huron county, bringing with bim four eight- pound packages of opium which he found in the wooils in Lincoln township. Mr. Dey saya a most thorough search of the woods haa been made, and yet three packages are missing. -An accident* occurred at tbe Union Dry Dock Company's shipyard. BuCTalo, about II o'clock yeaterday, which proved quite serious. l;'ive men were working on a high scaffolding, and their weight proving too great for thu structure it gave way, carry- ing them into the dock, and severely injur- ing all of them. Une had his leg broken, and another was terribly bruised. They were taken to the Fitch llospital. William Griffin, tbe 17 year-old son of Obadiah Grilhn, who resides on St. George street, Aylmer, was found dead in bed yesterday morning. The deceased, from childhood, haa b«ea subject to epileptu fits, and on Thursday evening had two light tits, but as this waa not unusual, but little was thought M it. About 2 o'clock his father arose and went to the bed- room of bis son and found him breathing naturally. He then retired and arose about 5, and found his son dead, with froth at tbe month, showing that he bad died of a convulsion. Thu jury in the case of Manaon Hunts- man, of Belvidere, N. .!., indicted for impersonating tlic Son of God, allowing his followers to pay him divine honors, aud passing judgment on those for whom be conceived a dislike, brought in a verdict of guilty last night. The court next morning sentenced him to si.\ mouths in tbe county jxil, and to pay 3100 fine and tbe cost of prosecution. The prisoner made a speeuh setting forth that his life was in keeping with the life of Christ and the apostles, and that he stood ready to suffer anything for bis religious beKef. " Capt. ' Jack Finnessy, who was sent to penitentiary some time ago for a brutal attack on his wifo. will have anotberchargo to at swer to when he is released. A woman in Mauiioba has written to Ottawa claim- iug that the gay captain married her while on a dying trip through the Prairie Pro- vince. She was lately delivered of twins, and was anxious that the father of her children should know of the occurrence. Since his committal to penitentiary Fiu- nessy's real wife died. Tbe Manitoba woman baa been apprised of the present address of her Mt-dtrunt husband, while he has likewise beeu notified of tbe additions to his fainilv. ODO DKVELOPXKKT4 1J< AFRICA. Explorer Stanley, it seen.i>, 'las been having a good time in the gr»a: Central African wilds, albeit bis journey 'r^^'s are au yet a tritlu mysterious, 'ihe present ^•r.prt of affairn m regard to Central Africa is, t-r? say thu least, a trifle ludicrous- Thelci. «; t»f Stanley to TippoTib, the ex- slave driver who has always been a friena to the intre- pid explorer, shows pretty conuiuaivcly that long after the outside public had sus- pected Tippu's loyalty, aud had accused iiim of being privy to the maraer of Bart- teloi, thu second- in-command of tbe relief expedition, tbe moat cordial relations existed between him aud Stanley. That is one point cleared up. But the doings of Emin Bey yet remaiu a mystery. When Stan- ley started oi.t. it was with the object of rescuing that E uropean who had mauajed to retain control of a vast territory iu tbe centre of tbe i-ontinent long after Gordon's butchery at Khartoum. Then it wae asserted that Emin was in imminent dan- ger, and that hia only uhance of i-iicape lay in sending en expedition to him with "fighting supplies ' and men. The expedi- tion went, aud it haa returned as it came, down the great river Congo, but no Emin accompanies it. That much- pitied indi- vidual haa, according to Stanley, all that be needs. He ia living in luxury, and ia apparently pretty much monarch of all he eurveya. It looks as if he bad refused to be saved from all this comfort, and tbe expedition to rescue him from his supposed perilous position has degenerated iuto a huge exploratory caravan. One woald suppose that after tbe evidence thus ad- duced by Stanley, the white ruler of Cen- tral Africa would be taken at his word, and left alone to work out tbe great problem in which he is engaged, until such time, at any rate, as Stanley finds it convenient to return to civilization and report the progress which he made with the remarka- ble man, whose career is not even second, in point of romance, to that of the dead hero of Khartoum. But the would-be aavioura of Emin iucreii'"e. The latest is Mr. Stevens, the bio>clist. who achieved notoriety some lime ago through bis ac- oomplishmeut <>' » journey by wheel through many Eastern lands. Ho will try bis hand at saviug Emiu, and at the same time endeavor to get at the true inwardutsa of the African slave trade. It can no longer be doubted that tbe traffic in human tlesh is the one great obstacle to the extension of civilization and legitimate trade on the African ooniiuent, and even though it does look somewhat stupid for explorers to persist in trying to reecuo a man who does nut want to be rescued, the other part of Mr. Stevens' mission, if intelligently car- ri'd out, may be fraught with important results. Yesterdar, My (ricDd, he siiulio of a woman face ; It [im.iled me, and I paused to tliinlt. He tiild iif )i»r I'ye^ and mnutb, tliu trace Of prayer â- â- â€¢^ l^-r 'row, and quick an wmk I y&id : " Oil yes, .ut yuu wi'»DK lier yiars, ... â- 'â-  -.'y » ?*>''i. -.;*'i faitlis and khi-, â- '.â- â- ' c.ui'thood at. I u.;i till-* :ia;' Kbu Mils a nir: jaot yesterday. ' " Tho years ar<^ swift and Hure, I trow ((jHotli hu: " YouBiieak ot the IcugaHO.'' Once I Htrolled iu a garden spnt. And every ilow«r upraised a head (Ho it seemed i, tor they, i wot. Were uia ea of mine ; eaeh bloom i^a bed, Tbeir tiours fur sleep, tbi-ir merry uiuod, Tlio livf-H aud deaths i)f the whole swett urood, Wore known to ma ; it was my way To vihit iliem but yesterday. Hpsko one r*)d rose, in a langua^fe ]o\i : " We saw you Ja*,t iu liio lunji ago. ' EnteriLf; tnder the lintel wide. I saw the room , fniis all tbe same Tbu oaten press aLil the Hiielvea asme Tile window, sujall tor ti:e sunset t ai- 4, Tlio t> lok I l«»ve<i on tho tjible larji*: ; 1 opu'd, and Iu ! in the yellow mar(je The leaf I placed was shrnnk and uTby, I bwear It waa i;T"i:ii but yesterday 'â-  Then a voice stole out of the riunr-et tiiow : " Vuu lived here, uiuu, iu tUe lonti mi'j, 'Ti3 tl:o pamc old talo, tbouglj it cornea tc me By a hundred paths of paiu aud glee. Till I t;iiesH the truth <it last, aud knu^s Thai Yesterduy !h '.lie Long Ai-'u. Itii HAKO i:. b.nroH. Women's Work. " Wbi<.i can a helpless female do iiocli tile cradle and tiake and brew. Or, if no cradle yonr fate afford, Uoeh your brother's wife s for your boaru ; Or livu in one room with an invalid <;uuhiii, Orcew (-hop buirt* f<jra 'lollar a du.-.eji, Or ifieaee s. me man by lookinu sweet. Orplo^sa hiui by giviiit^ him thiiif^s to u(.r. Or please him by a^kiiiu luueb advir-e. A;ul ihiuhiug wiiateV' r h«^ due- ih :iic^. Vjhit ih'i [>^ ur under his hupervisiou , Doctor t,tj<! sick who ean't pay a pbyftician ; Have men's time by doimc ineir pruwug, A.'ul other odd jobs there it oo pre^.-ut pay JD. Uut if you presuini: tu usurp .-mploymi um Hest.rvoJ by them for their spetnal ou ovmeiita^ Or if they succeed when lUuy knew yoi» wuuidn t. Or earn tnouoy fa«t when they said vou iOuMn t. Or learjod to do ihiugfi :tiey d provo,i were abovo you. Yoir I hurt their leelinga and then ttj- y wrtn't IciV'j you. â€"Joumai oj Tl'orniii t IKorfc, â€"A carat of gold received its name from tbe carat-seed, or the seed of the Abjssiuian coral dower. This waa at one period made useful when gems of gold wore to be weifehed. and sj came about the peculiar and now geueral use of the word. Twenty two carats tjne means that out of twenty four pans twenty-two are gold and the rest alloy. Just so (aiiitly (alUag lij;htly. Meltint; into iiothine there, Ou the *;roii[id L'fteh dake contritely Tiiriis 1,1 tearH at uairth's despair. Wirols blow. Kire!» ijlow. All 'j.iil '.he tlrst show ' W^'.iie within thi' fair one siniletb Ou tho youth beside yrt chair. And with' tender word*! be^iiiloth llim his pa-<siou tu declare. Oh: 11 '! How slow! Chilly ia tho i^rst uo. â€"The high bonnet will soon be only an unpleasant remembrance. But as head- gear takes on shapes of reasonableness, fancy tiuds play at other extremity of feminine apjarel. The latest freak ia heels of chased gold and silver on white kid dancing shoes. Minnie Palmer, the actress, told a Cin- cinnati reporter that she valuea her diamonds at ((3'2,i,0OO. One of her gems is envy thu nuts that other peoiilu crack, and the Cleveland diamond, that weighs 42.i deteruiine greedily to possess tho kernels carats atil cost oiigiually 8-10,000. Joarnallstic Kqalpweiita. Philadeli hia Editor â€" "I understand yon bought a newspaper in the west, la it a well- equipped cSicB? ' Old Friend (from the west)â€"" I should smile. There are seventeen Winchesters in compnsiticn room and two gatliug gons at tho head of the stairs." â€" I'hiladelphia Uecord. VhUi* IIK SOtlUTK. '• Ah, .Mr. Do Dood is your face lor rout ' She laouoidly anked aii,l slow. " 01 course uol." hu said. " but why '*â-  8ho rtald- - "" it looks vacant, yuu know. A cat-boat ought to be good in a s<iua'.l. â€"Hair may be plaited and yet begi>lden â€" Getting mellow every night is no way to reach a " ripe old age." â€" It is bard to tell at this time of the year whether a man has caie on bit< mind or a piece of mince-pie in bid stomach. â€" It is not necessary to travel in the South to liud clay eaters Just call on any family where they have a two-ytar-old baby. â€" A oux of lactate powder and thirty leeches were the eveuin^ meal of a pet cat in a Pout;hkeep»iij drui^ store the other dav. The exact coat of tbe supper was 8.s;50. lliNDaa.VC£S TO IIAJ'1'INK.-IS. When sirt»eta ar« nwayine to and fro. And, sHayiug with them, .oi you ko. When we'r >uu huow twill li's your pligtll To sit. (.mt I u ttae step-* al I night , How very, very uico 'twould no If now >tm had >oiir ulii night keyâ€" lint vou haven't. When rain couaos down lU torrents awitt And iiiel:s to siutih the r^leety drift WItoij cl<>ud,« ID blaekiiet^s aro unfurle«l. And water ou iheeairth ia hurled. How nice "tviMild be if now you owiiimI The Bilk um -â-  ...,* -'»at you loaned. ItUt V' , iiou't. Wb.iD 1 1 Hiring lung with her you waai Au(. talk of iiopeantl lovu aiiil fate. .\i]d sit aii<i Riijli aud hi^h and sit, And «.ihh tht* clock win, Id halt a hit. H,tw «Ky wiliij oy *our lloartutnild lo»ip Were lier dear tatJier fast asleep. Hut ho't. - Parisian women have carried the watch- wearing mania to tbe point of wearing time pieces as oruaiuenta for the bair, and dainty time pieces adorn the ball-altppers instead of rosettes. â€"Servant man (to colleague in the employ of a poet) â€" " What doea your master do for a living ."' ' Ho aits on the scfa lor six hours at one stretch waiting for ail idea. " â€" Begin now and seen re tho aeeda of your garden vegetables. Do not wait until you are ready, only to be delayed by the mails or aome other cauao. First love ia best, ot course. Indeed, there is no other kind. No man will ever admit to his last love that he ever loved before. Nothing so persistently clamors for protection as the tongue, and nothing haa auch positive assurance of always keeping a roof over it. lli>I-I\o .WD IS<)T» liAVlSO. Bef ro wo were tiiarriedâ€" My wifo and I - W« uscil to biiiUl eastlos fp high ill thi.1 sky .\ud now we are iiiarricil. My wife ad 1, Tho eastloH we planneil tbi-ii .^re Rtiil in thu eky. â€"There la an old Pcotch proverb which has a lesson cf wisdciii contained within it, " He that would eat the kernel mtmt crack ihe nut." How much trouble tni^-ht have been aud would be saved if people) did not Kqual tu the Ocruaiun. â-  Tlieso books, do-tor, aro my be-t ii ;euda^ And with them for hours I comm uo ; Tliu spirits >)f the authors ecme To loiter iu the dim old room : ' A siiiilo the doctor s thin lips -tirre'', .\s jue by one the botika he sbuv . ' I rojtiee. Mrs. Gray, ' he said, ' That many volumes are uncut. â-  bhe ItKJked at hiui with thiit sh.y gh. o o WbicU such a charm to bea,aty lemls. And with a iitile taugb she said : " Ah, sir. I cut nij( Triends. MaaoQic. The New 'Vork Masons have resolved to establisb their State Home for aged Masons at Utica. Tbe institution is to be a home for indigent Masons, needy orphans anil widows ot masons. The money invested in the establishment will be ?200,000 at the outset, and this will be increased by tba .tddition of new buildings as rapidly as re- iiuired. 'Zhere is already provided a hand- some sam for the maiutenance of tho institution, oco large source of revenoe being the income from the Masonic Templs in New York, which waa crecti 1 at a cost of a million and a half ot rt dlars. Allow- ing each lodge iu the Btate to send ons inmate only, the population of the pro- posed Home would be 717 at tho start, and ih*" tendency would bo toward ati increasw all thu wbile. Feiniiiiue Pervemlty. Aunt Betsyâ€" I wonder, James, at yooJf encouraging young Cadby to be ac muub with Madeline! He's a bad match, and not a good fellow, I fear' I'apa- Coufouni him, no I I've given him r<uli: litanche to aome when he likes, and she's getting rather tired of him at last, for I'm al ways cracking him up ! Aunt Belsv â€" And that nice fel- low. Goodenongh .' He's never here now ? Papa â€" No ; I've forbidden him the house, and won't even allow his uame to be men* tioned. She's always thinking ot him i* conseijuence. I'm in hopes shi-'l! marry bhn some day. Neglected Oppurtuiiitlea. Sympathetic Visitorâ€" Poor man Whak are yon here for ' " For stealimr a gold ring. Miss." " Poor fellow I And don't you sometime*, regret your wasted opp.irtnnities '? " " Indeed I do, miss. There was a five thousand-dollar i?ecklaoe in the showcase that I stole the ring from and I never saw it." Mrs. Her >°erves Were .Settled. Pallid 'â-  Don't you tiud that the noise of the boiler foundry across the street- affects your nerves, Mrs. Youngwife .'" Mrs. Youngwife â€" " I seldom hear it.'' " How strange !' " Woll, you see, baby is teething now.'' Happiest Period In Life, Probably the happiest period in life most freiinently is in middle age, when tho eager passions of youth ate cooled and the infir- mities of age not vet begun, as we see that the shauowB which are at morning and evening so large almost entirely disappear at midday. John Storms, ot Elizabeth, N. .1., who was bitten by a pet spaniel tf^n days ago, • died of hydrophobia yesterday morning. I I he man's death was agonizing in tho ' extreme. by fair means or foul. George Washington, of St. Lonis, was ' granted a divorco from hia wife last week. Une allegati' . iu bin testimony was that bis wife once chased him over a quarter section of IsuU with a batcliet. Never Saw Uiin Before. " Now, children, " said the visitor, oreaa- iug his face into tho Sunday. school smile, sun-baked and kiln dried. " why do yon think I am a Christian .'" Young Heedless, in back aeat â€" " Cause we don't know you 1 " ♦ â€" . Facts are Stubborn Things. Doctorâ€" I see little Will has fully recov- ered. Mother Oh, yes, doctor, little Bill waa cured by your big bill. â€" A head gardener â€" The barber. â€"A boa-constructorâ€" This winter's girl, â€" London ladies aro making odd-oolor eorabiuatioDs a conspicuous feature of their theatre toilets. At a recent per- formance at the Drury I,ftne every box was occupied by one or more of the fair sex who wore dresses made up iu pink and black. These two colors seem to b* favorites iu the big metropolis and are worn iu all imaginable kinds of combiu*- tions. (

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