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Flesherton Advance, 24 Jan 1889, p. 3

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I* i f I GO SKLL TOCK STOMACH. Oyfpeptlca May Now DlHpoae of Their Own Worst Kuemy. The extirpation of the stomach, an organ hitherto regarded aa vital, haa been accotn- pliahod in the case of 9 patient named Marietta Holly, of Waahinston, who came here uome time aijo for boBpital treatment. She wiia an inveterate ohewer of gnm, but whether that had anything to do with her malady haa not been determined. Her first aymptom was loaa of appetite, and food hat "she ate aKiinst her will was f re<iuently ejected. She l.;Bt tltfah andatreiiKth rapidly, anfl when she was admitted to the hospital ahe weighed only 70 poanda, and waa entirely helpless. The diseaae had affected her mind, and she labored ander the delu- aion that ahe waa wealthy, and talked incessantly while awake abont her moaey, and what ahe intended to do with it. The natnre of her malady waa hard to deter- mine to a certainty. It waa known to be located in the stomach, and it was thontjht to be a tumor, bat whether a (j moeroua form or not could not be foretold. The stomach waa aliyhtly swollen and there was another protaberance above it, f jr which no explanation could be giveu. The woman waa starving to death, and it waa only her splendid physical organization that had kept her alive at all. The patient's consent, in her mental condition, could not be obtained for an operation, and Dr. Jacobus took the responaibility mion him- self, and did for her what in hie opinion waa beat. For this he haa been condemned by certain sargeona, who are built on the narrow-gauge plan. The patient waa put under the iufluence of ether after careful preparation had been made for an emer- gency. An incision waa made above the nav..'l, about six inches in length. The ab- dominal wall was hardly thicker than paper, ttnA so tender that it tore under the alighteat pressure. This faulty tissue did net promise well for the succeea of the operation, and in order to remove the strain the incision waa extended several inchea. A portion of the inteatines was taken out and wrapped in hot flannel. They were very small and very transparent, and the network of arteries waa bc*utifully «hown when held in the light, a very rare sight indeed. The surgeon litially found the stomach and drew it forward through the opening in the abdomen. It waa very dark in color and had the appearance of parchment. It waa dry and hard and can- cerous, and without a single element of a healthy atomach. The aargeon made a careful examination of the adhesions and found that the pancreaa were not eitensively involved. He freed the atomach from them, and was then ablo to get a good view of it. Instead of there being trouble only i» the pyloric region, aa had been snppoacd, here waa presented a case in which the whole org»n waa involved. It waa an unpleasant posi- tion for a surgeon to be in. To t40 ahead waa dangerous, and to atop, a'ter the atomach had been so much irritated, was fully aa liable to prove disaatroua. Dr. Jacobua haa plenty of nerve, and he only heaitated a moment before deciding to go on. In making up his mind he was in- tluenced by an experiment which he had abont a month ago tried upon a dog. At that time he removed the entire stomach, and the dog still lives without manifesting any inconvenience from the operation which coat him the loss of this useful or- gan. The dog waa healthy, and the ques- tion that presented itself waa whether such 3,n operation could be performed upon a weak human being with a diaeaaed orgiiii. Dr. Jacobua thought that it wouldinake no difference and that there waa aa good a chance tor one as for the other. In either case the chance waa hardly oue in a hiin- drtd. After a ligature had bton tied around the duodenum and ujophagus, they were out with blunt aciaaora aa near to the atomach aa poaaible, care being taken to go beyond the diseased tisane, and the atomach waa removed. The hemorrhage waa not troublesome. The arteriea were all enlarged and the atomach would have bled fright- fully if it had been cut. .Vfter the abdom- inal space had been thoroughly cleaned a anion waa made by drawing the pyloric together. It reciuired great ingenuity to unite them, as the canals were of different thickness and did not tit well together. The other swelling was found to be a fluid pouch in the lejophagua, and as it waa not of a malignant character it waa left un- touched. The abdominal wound had just been closed when Dr. Jacobua was called a murderer, as before related. Dr. .Jacobua did not prove a murderer. In fact he saved a life. The patient remained unconscious for several days, and then rallied. Her body waa robbed with oil and food waa given her, per rectum, and she gained strength rapidly. At the end of two weeks ahe was given food througli the mouth without any bad effect. Digestion went on in a perfectly natural manner, and from â- this it would seem that the stomach has been thought to play a more important part in digestion than it really does. The patient will be kept at the hospital for aeveral montha, so that the hiHtory of the case can be carefully noted.â€" New York Graphic. Worthy of General Iiultatluu. The following notice ia hanging in aeveral bar-rooma in Ottawa. It will be welcomed by the law-abiding: ^<)TRâ- K Ti) l>A'i'RoNH. -At a ineoting of tbo Li- ceusoil HotolkeeimrH' AsRociatloii, ut Ottawa, whieli Wtt.i held iMi tlio IHth Uocuinber. IH»8, it waa resolved, " 'f'hat iba uiomhcis uf iliih asao- •iatiun will in future coinp'y with the law roaardiug the sale ot liiiuorH from Satunlay uight at Buvrn o'clock until Monday nioruiu« at six o'clock." We, tlio uu(ler9iKno<l luouibora o( tbo abovo associatiou. Imvii ai^reod to strictly com- ply with tbo abovo resoluiioii, anil roi|Uo8t our Vatroiia to tjovcru tliomsolves aooordinqly. Then follow the signatures of OW of the moat prominent membora of the aaaociat ion .â€" ^ -^ â-  i;aeso(I>rlHuu Wallf). Missionary (in a prison)â€"" My poor friend, I suppose you regard these walla with hatred, but " Priaoner â€" " Kegard them with hatred ? No, indeed, I regard them with gratitude. They are my protection. I am in for bigamy, and both wives are furious." THE OBKAT TUNMBU ProKreaa of the New Underground Paasace Between Canada and the Statua. The work on the tunnel on the Canadian aide, says the Sarnia Canadian, is now be- ing puahed with energy. The working force employed now numbers 13.5 men, and two trains of cars are em- ployed in removing the material, which is being hau'.ed eastward and usedin tilling up the low places along the track. Temporary tracks are laid down into the excavation, and the earth, having been first loosened either by a team and plough or by the pick, is shovelled directly into the oara. The ex- cavation is 2'20 feet square on the surface, and the sides will have a alope of one foot to three. The tlrat tier of six feet in depth has been completed and ground waa broken on Monday on the aecond tier. Aa the " hopper " ia to be sixty-five feet deep, it ia not likely that the diggera will be at the bottom muoh before the lat ot May. On the Michigan aide the force, which had been only sixty strong, waa increased to 1'2.") on the tirat of .lanuary. The earth ia moved by teams, of which twenty-five are employed, and it ia an interesting sight to see the men load the waggons. The teamater will drive slowly between the two rows of ahovellera, and when he reachea the end hia waggon ia tilled. 'When the tunnel proper is fairly under way the men will work by electric light, and the work will ba carried on day and night. It ia expected ihat the work on each aide will come together under the river about 700 feet from the Canadian shore. The approach to the shaft on the American aide is only 300 feet, but on the Canadian aide nearly one mile. The reason for this is that from the .Vmerican aide there will be a drop of 'JO feet to the mile, and the up grade will all be on laud on the Canadian aide. The approaches will not be tunneled until the tunnel under the river ia com- pleted. When completed the tunnel will consist of '2,300 feet on the American aide, 2,200 feet under the river, and 1,000 feet on the Canadian side. The Pretty Girls of Ireland. The Irish ladiea areperhapa the prettiest in the wide world. Their features, it is true, are leas regular than those of Knglish women, but they triumph over them with their soft, creamy complexions, their large, appealing grey -blue eyes and long lashes, and a sort of indefinable charm and demure coquetry, yet thoroughly modest manners. •• Every third Iriah woman," wrote the Queen in lior diary when last visiting the country, " ia beautiful, and some of them remarkably so. Their hair and eyes are simply lovely." .\part from personal charms, it is impossible not to admire the gentle grace and digiiii,y of the wivea and daughters of the Emerald Isle. Go where you will, I defy you to find an 'rish woman who ia otherwise than naturally distin- guishedâ€" the very barmaids being superior in bearing and speech to many duchesses. The list of beauties ia a long one, and looking back we can recall bia- toriea of the extraordinary loveliness of the three Miss Gunnings, who, when they came up to London, bad actually to be escorted in Hyde I'ark by a guard of soldiers sent by the order of the Secretary of State, so overwhelmingly was the i.rowd pressing upon them. Then there waa Lady Denny, Lady Cahir, Lady Clare and many others, to say nothing ot the present young Ducheaa of Leinster, one of the most attractive women of this or any other day. A CURIOCS OISCOVEBT. A Bayonet Found In the Heart of a Tree at Lundy's Lane. Another reminder of the battle of Lundy's Lane, which waa fought in the year 1811, has just come to light in the shape ot a bayonet, which waa discovered in the heart of an old apple tree. The bayonet ia almoat intact, and ia in the poa- aesaion ot Mr. J. A. Orchard, who ia col- lecting trophies in connection with this battle for the purpose of placing them in the monnmont when anch ia erected on the battle groanda. The apple tree waa up- warda of 100 yeara old, and waa planted by one Pier, whose biography Home members ot the hiatorical association are endeavor- ing to discover. The property is now in poaseaaion ot Mr. B pence, who had the tree cut down a short time ainoe, along with others which were getting old. Uu the lat of January this year this remarkable tree was being cut up for firewood, wlien the bayonet was found in the centre ur heart. The tree haa been an excellent bearer, and was two feet two inches in diameter. A great many of the older reaidenta regretted to aee theae treea cut down, but, aa the land upon which they :itand ia valuable, the owner expects to reap greater prolita out of it by ntilizing it in aome other manner. This dnd is undoubtedly one of the most curious that liati yet been discovered, aa the bayonet haa evidently been in the tree for nearly aeventy-tive yeara. A Special Inducement. Friend I to very sick youth)â€" "Charley, yon must brace up and get well. I have aome glorioua news for you." Sick youth (feebly)â€"" What ia it .' " Friend â€" " Your Aunt Minerva told mo peraonally that if you'd only try and get well she would leave you every dollar she's got in the world." Sick youth ( .vith morestrengh)â€"" Is that ao, Fred '.' Did you auk her how muoh she is worth ? " * â-  .Vunther Postponement, Damley There comea Brown up the atreet. I owe that man a grudge, and I pro- pose to pay him with intereat. Uobinaonâ€" Going to pay him now, Dumley '? Dumley â€" No, not now. Lst'a turn down this way. _ Our Slippery Streets. Crallant Cld Gentleman ( ruahing to her assistance)â€"" I'm afraid, ma'am, you've had a fallâ€" I hope " Short-tempered Old Lady (snappishly) " Why, you don't s'ppose I'd ait down here, you old stup I " He helpa her up, and makes off hastily. Punch. Ahead of the Doctor. Surgeonâ€" You'll have to be man. Patient (faintly)â€" Been. was here halt an hour ago. bled, my Landlord The English oruiser Snout sailed from Malta tor Suakim yesterday. The Berlin Post yesterday withdrew the allegation of forgery made against Sir Bobert Morier. Mr. Farnell haa delegated Mr. Maurice Healy, M. P., to collect in Munater all available evidence bearing on the investiga- tion ot the special oommiesioD. A VICTIM OK Tin-: AJ.M.\N.\e'. O patent medicine ahnauuc! I was a towering Miallt, With a woaltb of health and a viui of limb, To ills and pills dellaut! Hut Mo^v I have the ]>htbiHio. And ittkoovury kind of physic. Have a touch of sharp bronchitis, Aud a raging tousilitis. And L foul tby awful twiugos, eorebro-spinal iiiouiugiliu. O patent modieine almanac! { road tbvfoarful pages With teats and fears and groans and moans And shakos and aehos of ages I And now I have thu vortigo, And tumbling in tho dirt I go; HaVM a gonoral blood corruption, l.oRs nf vigor, lack of gumption, Aud 1 fool that I am travolliuB down tho last stage of cjusuiiiption. The tobacco men, at least, have turned over a new leaf. Tho ifuarantino haa been raiaed on all the houses where amallpox haa recently exi.sted in Buffalo. The craze tor gold and ailver handles for oanea and umbrellas ia beginning to leasen. â€"You can often determine the value of a man'H character from the character ot bis eneniios, â€" II iuse and viaiting gowns are slightly trai[<<d this season, but the ball-room dri ss ia as unmanageable as over. -Blinka was taken into custody for being full. Next morning he was taken out and fined. He went in to oaatody aud he oame out to onsa toddy. Teinperanue Notes. Ex-Chief Justice Noah Davis aaya ; " 01 all the cansea of crime intemperance stands out the unapproachable chief." The Supreme Court upholds tho law pro- hibiting the sale ot lii|Uors within one mile of the Soldiers' Homo at Grand Uapids, Mich. No li((uora are sold on the veatibole train of the Pennsylvania Uailroad. or upon tho limited express on tho New York Central Koad. The brain ot tho chronic drunkard, aaya Dr. Forbes Winslow, becomes surcharged with alcohol ; and often, on examination after death, if you apply a light to the lluid in the ventricles of the brain, it ignites into a tiame. You can actually distil alcohol from the brain of drunkards. Drinking batllea ua, confounds us, sliamea ua, and mocks ua at every point. It outwita alike the teacher, the man of business, the patriot and the legislator. Every other institution rionndera in hope- less difficulties, but the public house (grog- shop) holds itd triumphant course. The administrators of public and private charity are told that alms and oblations go with rates, dues and pensions, to the all- absorbing bar of the public-house. I'nder the accumulating ictluence of alcohol, thu honest man turns knave, the respectable man suddenly loses principle and self- respFirt, the wise man ia utterly foolish, the rigidly moral man takes a plunge into libertinism. Let ua do aomething toward ataying the huge miachiet which, one way or another, confounda ua all, and mayâ€" for we cannot be sureâ€" crush and ruin us all. â€" Lotuion Timet. IHM'h vie TIM. â- ' Yob have indeed fallen low," waa the aad remark of Jnatiuo Solon B. Smith at the Tomba,jNew York city, to an a-ed man, who showed every indication of a tramp. " I'or God's sake, forgive mo, Sol.," pleaded the man. " Liiiuor baa been my curse. For ten years I have been its slave. But from this day forth I will be a changed man. I will <|uit drinking and make a solemn vow that not another liropof that poison will pass my lips again." " It haa now auch a strong hold upon you that you couldn't stop it if yon tried ever so bard " remarked the judge. " And, bo- sidea, where could you go .' You have no home ; your -wife won't recognize you any more, and your frienua paas by witli horror and disgust." " Well, what of that '.'" said the prisoner " I can live on forty millions, can't I '? What need I care for them .'" " Forty millions .' Why, you haven't got forty cents," said Justice Smith. " I tell you, Sol, I have it." " How did you come possessed of it '^' " Why, I've earned it, to l)a sure. Where else do you think ?" " Drinking has somewhat overbaliinoed your mind, and I'll change the complaint against you into insanity," said the court. " You will be treated better in an asylum than in the workhouao. Uflicer, remove him." " Please, judge, will you let another otlicer take him ?" said Court Ofiioer Maurice Finn, whoee eyes were tilled with tears. " Why can't you .'" said tho justice in a tone of surprise. " He was my general in the war, your honor," said Finn, " and he was so kind to me that I don't like to repay him in this way, though I know it is done for bis good. Ho treated the men who fought under him as he would his brothers. It is sad foi me, sir, to see my old dear commander in such a position aa this, and I and others will see that he is property cared for at the asylum." The man was none other than Brigadier- General Thomas W. Eagau, who fought in tho battle of Gettysburg under General Meade, and was a participant ot almost every battle at that time. At the dose of tho war be was mado an internal revenue Oiliocr. ^' Scented the Ualtle. First Stranger (in atreet oar) â€" " I see you in these cars quite regularly , but seldom atthia hour." Second Strangerâ€"" No ; this ia an extra trip. My wife wished me to go to aatoroand match aome trimmings for her." " Ah ! Glad I met you. Here's my card. I am a divorce lawyer.' â€" New York JVcekiy A BBILLIAMT SCENE. The Stanley-MovtaBU Wedding at the Uuards' Chupel, London, a Ureat Society BTentâ€" The Dresaee Worn. Edmund Yatee, in his cable letter, thus deacribes the Stanley-Montagu wedding : The Guards' Chapel, with its marble and mosaics, lends itself admirably to great ecclesiastical ceremonials, and the dense fog which hovered over Piooadilly merci- fully spared Bird Cage Walk from it8 clutches on Saturday afternoon, when the marriage of Eddie Stanley and Lady Alioe Montagu brought more royalties together than Imd been seen at any social function for some time. The soldiers of Mr. Stan- ley's company lined the aisles. The Prinoe of Wales had aomething agreeable to say to everybody. The Princess ot Wales, in brocade {ura, listened amilingl'^ to the Marcheaa De Santnrce's respectful invita- tion to her daughter's marriage. The Prince of Wales' daughters looked wonder- fully well in gray co'ats, trimmed with fur. The Duchess of Teck brought her daughter in a drab dress, which eau hardly be de- scribed as becoming. Prince George and Prince "Eddy" appeared to be in eciually good spirits. Beauty was admirably repre- sented by Lady Randolph Churchill, wrapped in a long gray cloak, edged with fur; by Lady De Grey, iu brown ; by Lady Forbes, Lady Clarendon, tlio Ducheaa of Hamilton, and Mrs. Arthur Sasson. The resonant voice of the bridegroom almost drowned the weaker touts of Lord William Cecil. Itwas difticult to believe that tho tiny bridesmaids in caps were the grand- children of the evergreen Duchess, who never looked better than she did on Satur- day. Lord Hartington was among tho spectatora; Lord William Neville and Miss Louise Murieta looked on with the keenest intereat; Sir William and Lady Harcourt were obaervablo in the crowd near tho door. It was nearly dusk when everybody reached Great Stanhope to take tea aud inspect the Derby tiara, tho Hamilton necklace uf dia- monds, pearls and emeralds ; tho Kevelatoko brooch, an ornameut of diamonds and moonstone, which was the gift of the Prince of Wales. The wedding liitta were bewil- dering in magiiitictiice. It was very late when Mr. and Lady Alice Stanley set out on their way to Holwood, which Lord Derby had placed at the disposal of hisbeir during the honeymoon. ONLY A DIFFEBKNCK OF BIRTH. Profensor Boamer'n Couiparison af lu* BuKliab King and un American Pr«- aldent. " By a rough estimate 110,000,000 people in tho world call English their mother- tongue, iu institutiuus, bluud aud language, for the must part, derived from the Ger- man woods, ' says Profesaor Hoamer, in bis life of Sir Henry Vane. " Uutii 100 yeara ago tliu Engliub-speaking race was conliueci within one nationahty. Then, in oonsa- qnence of a bad colonial policy, a split touie place, ao that to-day the world has two Knglish-speaking divisions of about equal strength, the British Empire and the United States of America. " The President of the United States hav« under the constitution, the powers of an English King of the eighteenth oentnry â€" oC George III., in faot. 'Ibeouly ditferencaa lie here, that the President is elected instead ot being born, to wield them for » abort term ot years inatead of for hfo." .Vu In»uraiieu .lluniu. The caae of the unusual amount of insur- ance carried by the late A. D. Koan, of Orillia, who sucuuinbed to fatal injuries by being run over by a train, seems like a case of insurance mania. The amount he carried is found to be S-ld.OOO, and this amount (or a young man 28 years of ago iu surprising. .So far as can bo lirarned at tho time of his death these were tho policica issued to him : fanada I.ifo ^.-i.DOO 1' .floral l.iii.. of llttiiiilton ."i.UK) North .Vinfricmi .l.tjou The Sun, ip( .Montreal 6,UU0 .Miinnfailiirei-,' Aeeident uvitll $:>,UUI) rfin- sureti with tt:e Mutual .Vccideiit. of Man- cheHtori in.oon TraVBllers' Accident 5.1) U I'an AiM'idunt _ N.(»X1 A.o.r.w '.'.ooo Tolal *«,000 The annual premiums on these policies was over iiiOO. â€" "Cohabs" ia tho new western slang name for Mormons. H. G. Crobaugh, a defaulter in S,'),000 tied from Cleveland to Canada yeaterday. Lord DulTerin arrived in Uome yeater- day. He was rcoeived by King Humbert in tho most cordial manner. Prinoe Henry of Battenberg has been appointed Governor of the Isle of Wight, vice Viscount Everslcy deceased. Kev. Dr. Andrew M. Boveridge died yes- terday at Troy. He was one ot the oldest and boat known olergymsn in the Presby- tery ct Troy. HutdHbtllty I'roliioteni. Mrs. Greatman (reading)â€"" A social ob- server i.riticises what he calls the ' stupid silence' of moat Americans when dining in hotels anil restaurants. ' It looks,' ho says, ' as th.iugh every one had been quarreling. Instead of a cheery, quick iiiterchauge of opinion, men ami women sit solemn and sorrowful atth-j table, as though they were in a school.' For this reason he thinks that the general use of light table winea would be a good thing, aa it would ' promote sociability.' What do you think of that idea .'" Mr. Greatman â€" ' Well, light wines might be o' some use, but I just tell you for makin' men feel aa if every stranger waa a long-lost brother there is uothiu' ci(ual to forty-rod campaign whiakey." Slie Hent Saws lunteud of Fli»ivorf(. Misa Kate Fretwell was arreated to-day on a charge of being the young lady who furuishi'd fourteen prisoners iii thu county jail with two dozen saws to cut thtir way out yesterday morning. At the hearing it waa proved beyond all ((iiestion that tho accused had purchased tho aawa at two dilTerent hardwarestorea. She was alaoiden- tilieil by the jailer as a frei|ncnt visitor at the jail. She was committed to jail in default of a hoavy bond. Cliattamoiiu tii -;iii(c/i in .1 tlnnla Conslitutiuii. Live Men. Some men seem never to grow old. Al- ways active in thought, always ready to adopt new ideas, they are never chargeable with fogyism. Satisfied yet ever disaalislied, settled yet ever unsettled, they always en- joy the best of what is and arc the Qrst to find the best of what will he. -I'hilaiielphia 'I i/iiirer. Lncky StlH;o Drivers. Baron F. de Kothachild presented to every driver and conductor on tho Haniraersiiiith and Bayswater omnibnsesa brace of pheas- ants each aa a Christmas box. Each driver decorated his whip with tho Baron'a colors, the oonduotora dieplaying thoui at thu back of their omnibuses. The Old Familiar KnceH. Funnyman- How do you like my jokes? Friend â€" First rate. I like to ronow my ac>|uaintance with old friends. " Like Buuaiiiue in u shady iilace," '[']K! poet called a wolltau's face That gluddeiiod all wim saw its beauty. .\ faco. no douht. t)mt lieaiile<t with healtu. ThuL blehsmg which is more tlian wealth, .\nd li^iitoiis ovury daily duty. O how can woman, wiio-o hard life Willi many a wearing itaiii is rite. Kscape the grasp ol siii )i atllietioii. .â- \nd Ihi a power to hlobs aud cno«-r .' The answer eoiues Ijoth swilt ntid clear â€" Take I'iereo's f''avorito I'reseriptiou. Dr. Pierce'a Favorite Prescription is tho only medicine for woman s peculiar weak- nesses aud ailments, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee from the mauufao- turers, of satisfaction being given iu every case, or money refunded. See guarantee printed on bottle- wrapper. lie Was a lt«';;iitar CuHtoiiiur. " Who is that .' " bawled the dniggiat from an upstair window, having been awak- ened by a violent pulling at hia uight bell. " I want 10 cents' worth of paregoric," replied a voice below. " 1 want you to underatand that I don't open my store at night for 10 cents' worth of paregoric, except lor a customer.'' " But I'm ii customer." " I don't seem to know you." " Gracious goodHeast I'm in vour storo three or four times a week to look at your directory." ♦ An KnifliHli Medical Authority affirms that tho boat regimen for preserv- ing health may be summed up in the maxim, " keep the head cool, the feet warm and thu bowels active." Ttiere ia a world of wisdom iu the observation. (Jbstinata constipation, or costiveneau, ia an exciting cause uf ottier diseases; and, with many persons of sedi.'iitary habits or occupations, this inaction of the bowels is a sort of con- stant itnuoyaiiie, producing piles, prolapse of the rectum, tistula and various dyspeptio symptoms. All these are warded olf, and health is maintained, by the use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. Sure Aliout tile lJoIl»ni. Husband (handinL' over a bill)â€" ' Look at that fur a New Vcar'a rutiiinder.' Wife (reading the sura total)â€"" One hundred dollars and tifty-fivo cents. Bat what are you doing .' " Husband (desperately going through all bis pookoti.) " I'm trying to see if I have the .'i.'i cents," Don't disgust everybody by hawking, blowing and spitting, but use Dr. Sage'a Catarrh Uemcdy aud be cured. Governor Ames, of Massachusetts, rocoin- inended the extension of female suffrage in that State. The New York Court has refused to give Mme. Desbara, tho medium, tho cnatody of her children. J. K. O'Neil, of Ponghkeepsio, N. Y , dropped dead in the Kingland Hotel, Oswego, after drinking a glaaa of mineral water. Ho has relatives in KingHton. Dr. J. U. Nyer, of Hazleton, Pa., shot and killed his wife yesterday morning, and then committed suicide. Every circnm- stanoe points to a mutual underatandiug between the two. Doi;cH,\H 8i,\DKN, the Australian poet haa been elected a life honorary corres- ponding member ot tho Scottish Society of Literature. The society haa conferred this title on only five other men-- Whittier, Holmea, Mark Twain, Jules 'Verne and Max O'Bell. Comea UiKb. " Charley Suiitherson ia a nice youog man, don't you think .' " said oue young lady to anotliur. " Yea ; but I don't like hia ooUars." " Why not 'I " " Uu always looks aa if ho had fallen into one and oouldu't get out." Tin: Empress of Uusaia was more fond of her Uanisb home than any other ot bee aiaters and brothers, aud when she waa about to leave it for Uussia she wroto on the window pane cf one of her favorite rooms at Fredenaborg, " Mit olskede Fredensborg, farwell " (My beloved Fredeusborg, farewell.) Tbo following passage occurs in a notice recently posted on tho Court house door by a constable uf Wicomico County, Md. â€" " I have sessed and took into execution, a'cordiii to law and iniquity, the following aforesaid property." Probably the riohoat newsboy in the West is Moses Jacobs, who sells papers on tho afreets of Uus Muiues, la. He ia 1>-| yeara old, and haa sold nuwK|iapera for the last fourteen years, during wbiuh time he has acijuirod $1,000 worth real estate from bis aavinga. MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Wliully unlike lirtlllclal nystenu, Cur« uf uiiiitl WHuti«rliiK* Aijy book luitniuU iu uuo r<»M<ilii|{, Classoaof l,Ui»7 ai flaltiiuDru, 1,00/) ub UuLro 1,AtfO at L'tiiiihLluli'luu, l.LKS ui Wauhinstoo l,*>ilO ai boeiou, lar^n claaHtm <A ColiiUibiaCi^ it Btudentu, ati Valu, Wullubluy, OL)ertiu, University of i'eun,, .MioluF^aa Univortittv, Cliakitauqim, uto. oto. liitidurtibd by liluUAiib riiOUL'uu, LUu r^oiuu tist, Uona. VV. w. Ai.ruu, Juuah I'. Hunmmin Judge (iiBHON, Ur. Hhuwn, ii. »1. Ooott. t'rm N.lf matu Nuruial College, otc. Tauglu by «orrM pOUtioUUti. Prutif'UClUn I'UHT FHKK IfuUi i'hOi'*. i^oihl'M'TlC, Z-^l FittU Ave.. N.Y. i> 4; ;« U i 80, Wo wiBti a fow luuu to Hull our (.juudb by taiuplo to tbo wiioluBalu aud re- tail iradu. i.<ari;t)Hiiiiauu- factururfl in our lino. Kuclottu -.i-cuut Htarnu Whk«m i$3 per day. ]/uiiiiauui«t iiusillun. No poatals auHwerod. Mouey advaucud for wages advuiUfluiK, uio. C'fii< twiiiilal iM.Huuf»<;turin|| Cu.^ <jiuciiiiiHti, Ohio. SALESMEN; W^^ k'^i ^"'^ •*»« / 1 ti â- 

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