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Flesherton Advance, 17 Jan 1889, p. 4

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. THE ADVANCE. IZve-x'y 'J."'hvi.i*sdn.v, Knoji THE OrricK, Sydenham Street, â-  - Flualieriint, (Put. TEUMS OP SUllBCniPTION: *1 per aiiliuiii wlmii imi*! strictly iti ndvanco $1.00 I'ur miuulu wiiuu nut ko pui'J. W. H. THUHSTON, Editor and Proifrietur. FLESHERTON: THURSDAY. JAN. 17 1889. AfoC'alluin 472, Amelia MeKarlaiid 377, (icrtie MoLeiHl .'!(•">, Miuid f{i>I)ert»iin 404, H.ittii) Slwire 417, K:itiii K.Suiniiieis 40H, Mary Symes 4:^4, .Jeiiuy TieH<li.'r>lil 47'J, Tliumiis D. AtkiM^4lHl 4',i7. •Ii'liii W. Kurd !t{i.j, The. mas Lepcjett .38(i, Lachlan Mc- Lean 4C-i, CiiM.iL'o Smith, iiS'2, David 8yp:i» 4();i, Kiediis TliiirHUiii, 412. 1)1 NiiAl.Kâ€" 14 Caniiidatks. I Liz/.ii' Carr 48!), Jennie Liiiiicii ij.'U, Au- nm McLelliin 380, J<iliii Miixwvll 4ti7. I Thohnbiuy â€" ()."> Casaman. Mi»K>:ie Cluxstdiie 448, Sanili Dales .'SOS, Mhiid DoniiliUf 4;i<i, Annie (irecii Vi'Mi, .Jissiii Cutliri.' 454,l{ir.lia Hamilton 'M't'.K been simmafully ueglected. To let such suffering' exist without extending 8 helping hand is not only unuliristian, but Bavorfi of cruelty. There are several case? of diphtheria ni Stayner. MarUdale Standard : On Tuesday last while runnin;; a straw cutter by hmse power, Wui. .lohn Rell, son of Mr. James Bell, Itell'i Lake, had his rii,'ht arm drawn into the coys, manglini; the arm fiiiui the wiist nearly to the shoulder, and cliewiu!,' the clothini,' into ulireds. Very little tiesh was left on the bone. Dr. Mcliride was sent for and dressed the torn and bleeUiii){ arm and will eii- The applications of the Manitoba Rail- waytJotumittee for liborty to etfjct cru«- iinis i.f the C. I*. K. lines at portage la Prairie and Morris came up a'^'ain be- fore the Uaihvay (Joniniiltue at Ottawa Thursday, anil nfter soma arLfuniBiil by opposini{ counsel were further postponed till the 2.')th inst. ( )n TuesiJay a sneak thiof jjot away with 870CO from tho Hull branch of the Ville Marie llank. GEO. MITC ELL, BArJKER» 1 I^b:!^lIl:lt'l'(>>•'• />;M L'oy/?'** no i' our .4A/' .iuLU. Sjjftial Att^vliuH jHtiii to the 'Mfitioii o/ Sutei uiiii .4ct('iod.i, ~iii ilii'jr Aur'.i nf iiiihardion A iU)». It is ail uluiOHt decided thin;,' lliat we are to liuve a two-cfiit letter post- age at 110 very di.-4taui date. Tliis I'.ns Ixeonio a necessity. Kxtciisivp f.beis of Her MajtBty s niaiis alun'.,' the boulir liave forincd t.lic bad l:ij i of shipping' tlieir klti i!i in bulk to tlic otlier side and posting; llieiii iIki-l fur di.stribiilioii lLi'.'ii;,'!n;iit Caiiiuia,tlK i-i - by Haviiio a cent on each. This with 11 few oilier inceiiliveti, lias caused the (ioveniiiu lit to think Kri;.jti.-ii_Y uboiu iiiakiiio our leilcr turilT iinifi>rin witli that of the I'liiteil Htai.s. Tin v caiil iliiiik loo seriously nbotit it. Florence Hnwe 31)8, Carrie Ilnrlbiirt 377, Kthul Keyes ;i7:J, Annie LainU-rt 402, jeavor to save it from amputation .Ma'juie McCillivray nl", ICiiimor Mc- Ciiiire 4:1.'!, liai'iiara McUii/io '.'u'l, Sarah Anna Lea 4H(), (ieitie Uorlie ;i7H, Midijc II. S.iiil 4H0, Minnie Taylor 441, Harold fainahan IIRO, Uichard Dales 420, llol/t. (ireer 47:i, Win. Howe 5'.»;{,Cleinent Keva 4114, Allen I.Htoniill 4()r>, Arthur Lat(.ni- ell, 484, .1. II. .Mar.sli 4;!7, .bbn A. Mit- chell »7(l. Waller J. .Moore IV.IO, T. W. Tyson 4l:i. Nr.i.vru.r 17 Canmiiatk.s. I Winnie McKiUvard ;i'.»ii, Ida Schwadt4l'7, (leo. Lllielt 4.S'.t, .Martin iM.stor 4:'.H, .Nath ii.iel llAllinaii 401, .I"lm llaimuer nil'. I. Till elections w. nt i^li qiiiclly in tlie city of Tokh::.! tlii^ jeur, andyct liiere was one .stninv, Kwift anil Kttie under ciiriiut tliut kjWaUiped a number of \Vi,;udlie nlilei- men. Tho Toronto World in at en- mity wilii unionisiu. It i.'' a "journal- i.stic blackleg. ' Om of kiVlii oainll- duleii. for aldcrniaiiic Iioudis who placed their election cards in llic World, one only was micci .ssfiil. Two fcciiool trustees were also Lnuckod out for llie same cause. The World has a iiard fight before it, and Ik now btuiiding with itH hack to .he wall, li^;liting everything and everybjily. Whin thi.s wall I which is of paHte- I'oardigivis way the ertlnvia lisiii,' ftojil Jleiii.da fctli it will keep 'i'lnoil- to's medieal hiiilth oflici r Lii.'^^y fiir Hi.\ inoutiiH. .1 Tcrrllir SItiriir (til \Vedii"tiday i.iglit of lait week a lerril)lo wind slorni diovu over weMeru IVnesylvania, part of New York State, and the .iniitliern portion of Canad.i. .\ .|i -pat' '.1 fioni Nlii'.-ara .says. On. of the n.ost di(ia.stroii.>i stMiiiis kiiurt-, l-r \ears swept over Niaijara Kails and vieinily Wedmndnv ni-lit, denlini,' out ilectriictioii on every baiiil. The storm ciinineiu-i-d ulioiit ri|i.ui., madiially ini^rea.sini; in tone until iiiidni^lit, wlieii It reaehed the hoivrht of it.n fiii-y and he- laiiie a veritalde liiur.caiie. Tho excite- ment wan intense next morninu' when it lieeanie kimwii that the upper (font) siis- poiiHioii hndite. nearly opposite the t'lifloii house, bad leeii blown iiilii the river. The »toiy al liist was Hot credited, but upon inv«>Bti','ation it was fuuiid to be only tiKi true, .^t ali-ott ;> a. m. .1. Itartbaw, lirid;;i! tender, who wasondiity, fttlieied lie heard a sliaiiijo eri-.ikini; sound the .storm, but he th.'uoht iiotliiie^ if It, t.ikini.' it for uiante.l that p.psHil.Iy one td tin' ','iiy wires had su.ipped. In a f.'W ininnteH. however. In- ti"'k il|i lii.i l.iiil. Ill and walkid outside the otlii-n to see It tile .storm was ahaliii..; any. .\s soon «i iliutliaw steppi'd oiitsiilo of the door the wind joikel thi' Iiuit-rii out of Autuiiui, Yo KlorioiiR niapU'S n.iy thofto !)lUsUog I'lHJli thy noklcn leaves ? TUehweet wiiitli winil bi'iiiijs soft rojily ; l-lviT llie niiiiiies, ere llifly tlio. Put 'til tlieir Reftiiet rol>es- tlien slow lint leaf by lost we bee tlieiii go. O niniik'S stay tliue. I am driukiug 'riiy iiiutfhlrsH i;lory in I The ilnwvrw ti)Hyfa<le, niay<lie iiwav. Hut lli'>u >o liriKlit. lo clieerillK. stay ! 'rituii art as .suiisliiueto uiy hwiu't. .Villi wlieii so welcome wily dei>art ? Yonder tliii reil loave< «ol) anJ truml;lo .Villi .'^nfth Hn--wer ine : 'â- \\.>;;i. till- wiii'l l!ii:!i win»od u» long W ith tiu.l.T Voici' .oi'l swri't Iftvii-sniij; ; I'HriwiU : piTelmiiee ill Aiitlinin'H reign 'Ihuu'll viow lis glory rolled again '." ••I'aiewnll to tliee. iiiv lovely idol '. 1 Wiit-'l' to sei! llieit K". Knti i\.-Il, til! i.'itI.i,Mi .-d^^e-l and Itright, All 'iiio-.'O tini'.'il. th'tii lowly sl^-llt FhiowoII to tlieu : Lillt still in<aiu i 11 vifw ilice. Ittvo. ill aatuiuii's rtA^w !" o«,Mi sttuiit', 1SN.S. KuiTii It, v.vNui.'si;.";. K report comes fniiii Chicaoo that the Itoliee ollieials most proinineiit in captur- iliu' the aiiarchi.tts will ho placed undtr serious cliar'.'es at an early day. NKW^DVKirnsl^KTNS. .tyors .ll::iiiii!i«- - • IHH«». - Itdiiixl Voliiiiie. THE MAKKETS. FLKSIIKIITON. Ciiu-f'itlly Cofi-ectrd Korh ll'i-fk. Flour ?5 50 to .'jr 5i; Fall Wheat t) !)5 to 1 (Jb Spring Wheat f>j 1 OtI IWley Oats I'eas Butter I'^ggs, fresh Potatoes bush I'ork Hides Sheepskins (leese Turkeys Chickens per pair Ducks per lb ... 4*1 5o ;s2 32 (> b'> 57 !7 17 IS IS 2.') 2.T c 25 « To 8 01) lit t»i> i\ :,i) 4 I/O r>o 1 t.ti or, I'J 7 OS 2.'i ;)o UO uo itlcilicat. J. P. OTTEWELL, Vi;ri;Rl.NAUV SLUtiKU.N. (iradu.ite of Ontario Vet. Colle!,'e, Itr.SlDKNCK ON IIU.I.INIIWOOD sTItKl Sixth Door llast "f I'rush. tcrtan Cburcll. FLKSHEKTON. TliK l'">tli. ill tw.'iity .'1111 l.ingiift*; 1,.. u vnhi.iltlealdltiou to Sliy liljriliy. It will sliould n il.isire to reft DR. CARTER. M.C.P. AS.,t)xr. PilYKIC'I.O, srUGEON, &r. tXESHEUTON. Otbce, strain's block. Renidunce. J.U. liuiiHul's J. Gf.fjllttOT], >lM.M. Uaiulmr of tho CoUoijo of rU>!tioiiin<i a*k HurKeoiH. Ontario. y.iMiiiiru rtt otlicL'.ontf liuor east of (.irior'.Hstor or Atkiiisoii'ti H» tel. rriiMiville. Nov I'J. 1*8. ^gj^ Dl^NTISTRV. Thomas Hpriersrr. L D. :?. sfitr.Ko.v ni:NTisv Hull .V'llnlUt .!«<(â-  //o;oo- '/|â- ././.,.l^ ../' il.' U.C.Ii.S.. Will vHil l-I.KSIII-KTON. iMt.|,.|,.,wH IU-U-; 1 aiiti -Jijf I'lich niojitli. 'IVeth .'Xtnu-ti'ti, In^eit- e 1 uikI lUK-d ill tliehi,;Iii;si styles of the ait, ixi^i at moileiiite ratt s, llKAlt Ol'UCK.Wl YoMiK S r., Te.-IOMC. J. P, MUUll ? to lid usutlll 1 1,1 jiori'Oiis wlio timv • tat.' the itlm.vs ol tin- 11100:1. the times of sim- iw,. on.l â- niii-.-t .te , thrituiiht the v^ttr l*i'.. oinl for .iceriiioiml referoii. « tliroimhoiit iimiiy yeius following. rUo tattles aiu iidui'toil to various ourisof the worM â- ' loK.t.oMoiuiiMl stiidcuf. for U» relialdo lliliniiintloli Hs liteehltses uad the nuivciuolits i.t the imm ii'iil iiliuiot-.. , ., , „ , T.t stilililit* ofeoinparstive plolology i<il- low the lituilo "f Avor » I h.rry I'ortoriiil. or Aver B hiosHituriini, I..1 omniple. t.liroii^;i tlie ailtiToiit o.iiiilililots liore liioiiulit tog.'thei-. I To tllo-.e wlloioe iutoreatoil in the Utost iiopro.. 111 i.iintiiig. KeB.l tllo liitro- Uu.toi V ihiiittir. . ,•. 'loAiiih IIS woiil.t kni>'.vwlmt to do in eau's of ai-el.hiiil s.f the Hook of Kniergoiieies ami .\Ver « llMldr ll."ik tit tlie uu.l of the vollliif. tl l\i st.i luiits ol history. See tho ov.-lits Iioti. (.loll tho .ulioohM- |.ie;os thrttiighout tit. Ii.tol;,'titd h. w this inr..ritiati.>n Is iiiiulc jo. nil . vuliitthle ; lis. for laiitftlii-e. Ill .Mitoiiiai- N.t. t!, ilit.'li.led lull. I. -tot 1 s. •â-  lust .tov.- l.tW.'.' .if thilt AliilHlme l.-r aeinmns fiiMe ef the ll.ili.lavs of lii.lla lim.ln. Molminiue.laii. I'lfsi. :' To sto louts of rolitiiou* .joBt.. Ills. S..' tin noon iiluls' .la. . till 1 . hiin h fr^tlvats notl.i-.l ill tho llloiiTitfs li.M.-ri. llitfli.le.l Uv t'utllolie I'.miiliioH I'ltitligile-e, .'>iiKmsl.. ,Ve. K 'lo 1...1-011S .lire. OS ill to the eus .null thestonu. f Ml.. wand i s,,r f,.;..i, n ,.,,., ..n.-sS,-,. ih,. i,,iitu.r..ii. Lilil.tK 111 the I'.iitugiies,. Aim I'o th.' h.veis of II little .ino'l f"" ^ee lliiiiior.iMs lli'iif. ,it foot of the .iiloii.lar |.ii',Ms ll you iloii't niil aiiUliiou siillieioiilly lllliliy in loigh.h.lri the \\.l-!l 01 I'.ohelllian. 10 Tn thi. siel. all. I attli.-tod of various Th.' lto..k is full ol tlo't.l ...Ivi.e. llv Its li.tlp. t,ike ni.i lieiiio 111 t.v..iity .1110 liii'*;Ma safe On Friday last we had llie pli asiiie ' Ins band like a flash, leavinu' bini 111 the ofa little rhat with J). Cri i-!iloii. M, ' darknesv The lantern was re li.;lited, 1'. P.. inaniioer of the I'.iiipii'e. win, i â- ""' l-'ciih'.; ihi.m.Ji thestorni . f snow and ;;;;;,;„,â- â€ž;;,• |;„,^„-;,., .u„„„i,u. ,no. ii„ an.i ,,,, 1- .,..„„, , />.. », -i i- I sinav ihe u'ato tt.nder parhv.ed , n,,, |)ii\s' Siiiii..s Diign.'s iiino.i at f.iot of the wasoii Ins w.iy to Owen ^oiin.l I'lr • ^,' , â- ' ., , ., , ., , ; ...,' swe.lisli Cuh^n. l. 'is iN. •-.:â- â- '.'.. ''|i omv, ' till' piiipiiHe of atti iiiiiii;,' Ihc jNorth (irey CoiiMiivativi' Assoeiulion. Mr. Cnioliton lookiii happy and self satis- Kid, and well hi) nifiy. The Fiiipiie, l.e hiivs, lias made a wonderful .stii.lo diiiiiij,' the past yiiir. lis iidveitiFiii.; paiioiia(»p uiid 8nbscri[iti.iii list m fiwil'lly 0:1 the iiu!reuHe. The l'',iiipiri'a t-puiliiif,' ( dilor, Ml. II. J. 1'. (iood, who him been visitino I'higland for the Lelielit of liiH health, ha.s just icttirn- cil. The staff (if the paper in very iiiiieh the saiiin as it was on its ineep- lionâ€" tho best in ('Hiiada. The paper ii also the bebt in Caniida, and Mr. lind t.ithat the brol;;o ^Mine from one end to lliu ittlur, leaviii;{ imlhino l.iit the eiililes and steel lowers wliieli are un- injured 'I'he loss will ainitiint to nl.DUl ^lOll.oilO. 'I'lio briduie was lirst Imilt in | l,sr.7, anil was opened t.i the pnl'lic in , IHIiK. It was then only siiii^lo track. .V year a^'t last St-ptendivr the work of re- placiii}; the siiejle roadway by a donlile track was commenced, and was eoni|tleted in September last at aeost ol o\ or $75.tM)0. The Si.nth.iiiiiiloii I'joiieei has snsiicnd- I ed publication. The Onintje^ ille Ptiit takes a holiday for a neck. It made a couple ..f liiindretl I son iii*v - . , go.s. loi.l the roiii.'.li..« it r.'.'o'.iin"':"'!" "f I., lis., till' host of tlulr kill.!. Avers Hniiiiitti.1 riiiiillv M.'dielno". , , , , II r 1 the 11'. l|.lent.«f this w.luio* t^ie IwoK sll..;dl he .'s| hilly valuah!.'. l.'-.'anse it i» mil. llie It .-ailliol ho .llirlleatoil anil tllil eilitloliln eKlmiisle.l. 1 ' \\ nil. till. aL.tve sltoi'illentlons aroiinoiigh. Wo'.l.iut want t.> oiaUo this ho.. k seem s.i val l- ftl.l.' tlml vou will |.nt It III R Mhis.1 ease never to l.o OIK lie. 1. WANTED! D. ^IcTavish, H<iKSF,.^lloKK AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Colline;\vood Street, FLESHERTON, - ONT. Maiiiiftietiniln: of;oiis. Sleighs. Iluggies' |)eiu.>.r«t». etc. H..rsi'sh.ieiiia nniiiiptlv at tili.le.l to. Sp. I ial attention given to contract' ol or t.'ti ler fo.'t LoKKiuK "»<1 ri<»v <'liaiiis <'on- slantiy on liaiHl. TENDERS WANTED. The '.'h....! tril'ti'eK of S S. So. .'.. Kl.'shevt.oi. will I'oe.'ivoton.l.Ts up to, ail. I iiielieliii:; Satiir- .lnv the lllth lust . lor the il.'iiniii;;. dusting, an. I liglitittc of firos for th" v.'nr ISS-J. â- I'l'iiil.'rs to ho left lit l)r otIU'e. Farms to Bent ! iMi'UiiVKi) nil. I rNi>H'uo\ i;o FARMS FOR SALE. L. i>. s., s»K\Tasr, Visits .Markilalc the 1st and :iid Wednes- day of each month, Floshertoii each trin .ni tin' ..:iv foU.nviii'.'. ^fJJUl. J. W. FllOST, L.L.B,, liiiri'iHter, Solhilor. Cnurcf/aurer, OUlco,â€" strain » HuihlioL:. l'"i.i:sur.«Tii.x. A, A. CHKSI.KY. Solicitor lunl l'oiiveyanc«u; KL'ki.luut .Mutiug. 1. MK I'UOST will bo (oil' 'riiiirs.luvrt as lu'ietoloie. <l nt tiio OOlceoil P McCULLOUGH, Bdrristcr, SolicHor, ,y-c. 011ic«>. €>><•!• 1Ii-Farlau<r.s Stor*, -Mttrkdale. .1ioiu>y to Luaa. Its Clieitjhtoii liiny well feel pioiitl of IiIb boiinciiit^ baby. Ksitranrt' i:\auiia:alio!iN. The result of the late liiijli silieiil en Ir.inee examinations came to hand on Tlinreday evenini; last, by tvay i.f niir pijtiilar public sell. lol inspector, Mr. N, \V. (,'ampbell, of Durham. There is a little matter in ciiiinectioii with this tvhi.'h reipiiies explanation from smne ipiarler. In the lirst place tho linii' coii- hiinicd ill arrivino al the r.isiilt has lieeii in. in; than a week loii;{er than that of lliu comities aioiitul ns. That, of eoiirsc, may be explained by the fact .if llleie huiii^ only one hii(li school board, making their duties somewliii\ lai't,'c. lilll wu fancy that the pnhli.shin.L; of the results ill oiiu {taper in tho county previiniH to any publicatinii eisuwhure cannot sn eas- ily bo explained away. It is an injustice to the |i,'ipeiA ; it is an iiijnstict! to the pupils i/f the comity that it slioiih) not he published Nimultaneously in all the pa- purs, and wb want an explanatiim. Here are tliu rasulta, as obli{;ingly funiishud us by Mr. Caniph«ll : Fi.F.HUitUTUN-~43 Canuidatkh. Sarah CuniiiiiKliuiii :M1, Klluii l)ulan44r), Joiiiiie Halo .IH!), Lena Larkjs 412, Agnes JI«*k1>Wi *^. Mm(«if McAiey377,M«Kgiu out of it.s Chriiitmas dnily. i.s to Vie coinnieiuleil. Tremendous interest i.i l.eiii'.; taken in the apphtachiii'^ l.'arnival in Mmitreul. The (Jovernor (inneial is to inaiiomate the testivities ami i;ive the entire week's profjraiiiinu his pali'oiiat;e. tstutu liovern- ors, liieiiilioveriioi's and pruiiiineiit people I from all iiait:. ..I the World are to view the speetacU'. Letters lire pourini; in to the ('omniittee from Kiirope ued tho Itllll stave (...Its. Ciish pRol, s, ii.wn'i);:. i'',,'Oiert.iti. Farm to Rent. Aiii»b tt> .1. \V. .\.UM,SrKON'G. Flesliortnn, Ian. 7tli. 'â-ºÂ«> NOW is the: time ts sPLCuaiE, aw \wr.l Tunmio .liiiii.'ti"n i-* ItfOiiUM;,'. 'S\n.u (Ifrtctines nic lUn-Idn^^ in .V u-iiIih.iii Wtiithy. KciU .^wtatt* HroktTS. 07'J Qiummi St. \\>HtTtir<mto. iiiiv.s ll (i*w iiu>rt» h>tt> till vorv oasy ttfruiH at the uUl i>ricu<J, wliu-1) will (Uuitilt: in vuluc in utiu >ettr. Call or writo for iiarticnlars. John W. Armsirongi Flksiikutcis, l.'o. Ij:,..v. DIVISION fUlKT CI.KItK, .'I'MMISSIOKE '^1 n 11. U.. t'oiivivaiicei . Ac A^. lit for piireliu U .....1 suK' of lttii.1.4. Appiaiiiur for t. I.. C. fom an. I 1'. P. 11. ll- S. So.'ii)ty. M,,ii v t" Loan on tho most r...H' oiial.Ie t. riiiN. fs.,i i.;ii ..i. M\Utll\tiM LlCKNSlirt. NOTAKV I'l Iil.U. MO^'EYTO ]i)AN. AT LOWEST il KKUM IC4TES I I,oti«(?2iilid'J.l. iHl It. .N 11 U. iili'.et half ti I iiiilowesi of l''l.i..lierloii Station, eoiitaniliig inn 1 aciiH, T.i eleure.l. Aj.ply to .\m>t Mtin. Farm for Sale. U( iiil! went half lot :il. Con. s. \i'tenn'sla. ron- tainilig .»o, lii..luareon the protiiiHos a goo.i log lioiisi'. j;.....l fi'.iiiiu out b'lil. lings, ami u iiiei; ill It I- W..11 wal.ri'd, well "foin'oVl mill ill' a fair itiite of I'iiUivatioli. TIhto I 'lilted Stales .'iioliirini! f'U- parllcniais. I nre uh'iiit li'. ae..'s e|oi.o«l un.l tlie hnUiiee in ' " ' hiir Uoo.i aii.l 1'.' liiv. I'or fin'tlier parlleulars The cnniniiltee arc inakiiio extnioidinary ' aitply to the" lifepnrati.tiis for a maeiutieeiit I ariuval. | ou tn.. I'.i.itiisos. i:iig,.iiiii, p. o. Tll.tse who cannot j,'ii ti) Montreal for a I " " week of woiiilurous iini' rinient will, we hear tiiid the events in all their liiarvol lolls Iteanty ropi.tduccd ill the Carnival Nimihurof the iMonlieal Star, which it is said will he a jierfectly fitunnini,' innnlier. Duiididk Herald : The family nf Mr.Me- Kuo on the oiavid rnad near I'lirhettnii | has been sorely aHlicled. Mr. and .Mrs. ' McKi!c,wilh three children, were all down | with the typhus favor. The ueiKhhors, it <; (> TO llhWKlilRVH Koi: I'LOUl^, EK!':i), AND A larj^e stock cil\v.ty.s on appears were so afraid, of the disease that , liaiul. Dealer III tho nlllicted family wor« left entirely Ji'RESH ailll CURED MEATS, alone. \ man came and milked tlio cows, leaving the milk on the ilourstop from Uccat Uargains! %m isi i'k FECHEI!. S DftiumUi t»fTnrA fr)r ''iilo Wi-Ht half of Ittt, ir>, I'l.n. U. Ku]tlirit«i». tho Talliot fmni UX) aor**M, in;urly all il<.ai«.-'l uii.i wihUt onltivatu)!! ; :;<:_'. IKK). ^.Vhi rush, hallitiR'o call icutain uii iiiort^'iuio al ii«r Ctrllt. >l iii'liclavle l*i"<>iioi*t>^. l>wt'lliM 4 huuio UII' I ilun' on Mill St . coinci lot, V.!.u->i"* in tlu- T(>\\N^JiU' of NUTKMI^SIA Itiick hmiti't mill Lrnott harii.iuijoiuiiiL: Vtl.LAOK (if I-I.KMIKKION. Al.Ud). For furtlior partioii- lar» upi'ly tu S. DAMrUi;, l-'Iu.shcrtv.n. 1 t l»u>sTo Oil 'lowu or t'ai III I'lui't i '.y . S. DA.VH iii;, I' ' slierton. W. J. BELLAMY, TWP. Cl.KRU .\UTK.MI:;. (.'(i.VrJi'r.lAt7i7.', CoM.V: whence it was taken by <ine of tho in- matea. It was reported that a curtain party was offered u dollar to wash a few nocuBvary articles hut refused. If all i^ true that U repurod, thii Hick family havu NEW LARD. BOLOGNA, ETC. UUY YOUR BSEF BLACKBUKN'S .\M)' IS Tin; NofthRrn Business College,;: Tho bt'st iiiui iiu)>*t \)nu'tical couisc of Hbudy 1'hu hunt tuai-hitiK taluivt. Tlie ht'Ht ftL(H»iminHlat,ii>n for stiulouts. Tho hcvft imiUitxls of iuNtriiction. Tliu hoHt rosultK frc'ii that iu-*triiotloii aftt-r Ktiuloiits ^vaduiitt^. Ko) iLiiiiual ujiitouiiuauioiit.^ ^jiviiiK particulars ro^aritiiiK tliu cuurr.t'ol Mtiuly, toniiHttc, addi ena C. A. FI.KM^^a, Vvim i»Ai. Owou Saimd, Non . lat, 186 TVKKnS. MOUT(iA(}KS. I.TASl -L/ e,l ami vroimrly ox^•.>n^^*^l. o(l ill hiHt'cla.Hs coiiiiiaiin rt. .M. lowcHt ruti's. R. J. Sprt POSTMASTKU, l''lo,li..,i er in U. B., I,ii;i' veyancer. Appraiser ami ' Ileal Kstnto BniUn.siiran.' Mortgages, Leases ami \^ Valii.'itious unulc on .slim tieii Sidea attendcl to i' t'oiinty. Miiuey to l...ii interest. Colli'dnms inoniptness ami ilesp.i'i Agent for llip IViiniiii^iii >• Cheap tickets hem I-'lc-' liliugow, Loniloii or I'orts. I'arties inteio' Scotland or I.-elai.'l, i. fitre iinreh''.sin!i tln'ir ' James Sv;' TheTlusmith, Uoiiairlng. Mavotlolii ;. â- . tiling ill tho Itiis'i I'- prouiiit mill eai i io ruanonal U Try The .-In for $1 or siy >!'â- 'â-  t'C Se . I'repar- â- it nee affee i.o lun.l at ie, nimission- iieer, Coii- I.ender. t. Deod.s, iwu up anii lii.'e. Auc pary of the I'st rates cf 1 to with rys low. |.ldnip«ny I.iverpoiil. '." r.ritisli â- it KnghirJ. â- ^k rates he where. sliertou fact ovot V ioivo uiy '.iou at one year or $o€t:i ) K.- f 4 »

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