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Flesherton Advance, 27 Dec 1888, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE [Dec. 27 (FP-!. J. G. ANDERSON JIAS JUST TO //AND A FIRST CLASS STOCK OF 02 m -v.*. !t.«i (4' ^* in o I o AND AXES Q£ltJ» vkry |h!k!. niaiiurat:t.i.nL' in America, v^ •tt^TBeiFoVcst Beauty" # Is the ojilv SXv mnt\v li.iviii;4 inc i^au^'os (liire;rrncc between it, ihc"' uu; teeth and the iiack, re(iiiir;iri^ no set fm' iv .â-  > '• liaid wood, ami are made tioin tlie best iloulile I'eliiied siller steel, selected and s|niiif,' tiMiipercd, iIlSllriM^ a Perfect and Even Temper. r.ef.'re Iniyiii;; a Cross cut Saw he >ure and see this Saw, as lhe\' have n<> ((lual. / M A tirst class stock ot t*i m .# PURS naatumiUi: t (if the vei-3 finest (luahlv at the WEST POSSIBLE PRICES. p ' » i 1.;*' ft 1,. idles' and ( n'litleiiien's I'lir coats and Caj's .it prices that will astonish yon Aiiothrr line I would particularly call \'oiir att(>ntion to is our StoekjOf Boots and Shoos •^ of every description AT - PRICES - UNSURPASSED Any place. Don't (ail to come in and see j^'oods and ,t;et prices. We do not consider it trouble to show goods, even if yoii do not intend i>nrchasin^. â- f'^ J. G. Anderson, SIMIOIILF/S HLOCK. COUNTY AND DISTRICT. A Half Hoar AniomJ Our Excli(i.n<^es- The editor f.f tlic MuafinJ Mmiilor hai tnkeii the C. I'. K. a!,'eiicy fur Menford. Meafdrd Mirmr : â€" A dresaeil Ii"l; Bold l>y Mr. K. Cliiipcl, ..f St. ViiiOL-iit, t. Mr. I). Smith thi.s wutk wei;:lied 480 lbs. Mt. Forest C.Jiifederate ; â€" A sid acci- dent occurred (Hi Wednesday the litli, 111 I'rutuii. Mr. J'lhii Hiirvoy and liis hind iiiaii was chui^iiini: in tiie Im.ih, wlien a judged tree fell on .Mr. Harvey and kilh'd liiia iii8tantly. ile i^t an iild settler and w;u» a <iuiet and inof. fennive man. Hi' was liuried on Friday, the llth. at Mnunt Ceineteiy. Hanover I'ust ;- On .Monday the case of The Sin'.ior Sewin'.; Machine Co. v.s. Xiinnuruiaii wa.'* trieil l»eforu .Iii.stice I'rcietcirard clismisaed. The defendant, who lives in Neiistadt, j;ot a sewinu' nia- chine fronj |daintitfs, (.dving in excli m'je an old Mir.clani, Slicasdi and a lien note for some thirty odd dollars. Not lioini; able lo meet the ileuiands of the |il.iintitr», and the niiichine not lieinu i>n the |ireini- se.s, defendant was brouolit lnfore the .1. 1'. The inaolniie was .subsoiiueialy jTo. cured winch the representatives of tlirt compaMy can }.'et hy i;ivui;.; ii|i the lien note a dociiuient they have not seen since It was issiinil imr know aiiyiliiii'.< alioui. V I.aii^ defended tlie case. Uiirhaiii Chioiiiile : At an warly hour last Fnd,-\y a .sensational little •â- pis.iile occiired at the corner of (laiafiaxa and Lanil'toli Htleots and which attracted Hinte a crowd if early risers ani travel- lers. The centre of the scene was a yoimi; niaii of alumt thirty, a middle a_i;ed wimian, his mother, and Inr daii.;lit- er a little K'rl »'"""• 1- nr !â- * years of aiiO. TllC! trio stood beside H hleioh which was liwaded toward the station with the nbject of Conveying them there ui time for the lirst train. The little ^irl ttoiildii t yo, not a bit of it. Her mother coaxed her in vain, and persuasion failnii; tried force but the child cliiiii; desparately to the sleioh box and bcreaiii- I'd with a vehemence that left no inist.ake as to her re;>ii:,'ii.ince, "1 wont i;o. 111 die lirht " She didn't 00 nor did she die, â- but broke away Ironi her motlnr and ruMiint; up Ijiiiipton street was taken 111 ilii^'e by another of her brothers, who had came into t'lWii, as it so hap- pened, with a passeniier for the train. and by hull taken otl to his home where she now IS. The key to the sitilalioii is th;s : The woman parted from her hus- band soiiie vears since and moved dowi'l coiiiiirv where she iH now livinc .she waiitv her dili'^hler 'o live witli her, but the child Won't, preferring to remain with her f.-illior and brothers. lt:il»aiii Valley lt«-iiis. I'fUi our, ( 'io'i,'.<ri.ji./. II?. Mr. Alex Ne»iii is ruslnn.: bnsines-s in the sw.Tinii tliis winter, (.ikiii'i o(tf» ties aiiil .s.iwlo^s ;uid rails and other ihiMi;s loo iiiiiiieroiis to iiirnlioii. He was down tielow all suiiriur until the cold Hciitlu'r set ill, and then like the wild cees.' he turned his head towards a waniii-r climate an. I never st.ippid nnlil he rea>lied his own cabin in the bush. Mr lliioli McLean 's tahiip.; out timber f.irabaiii lie is ooue,' to build in «!ie spriiic. Tli.-il IS iiL;lit, lliinhv. build a liouse next and llieu In iiil; hvr lioi.i,.. lied Sandy had a bi,' wo,,(l bee a .short time aL'o anil hi' t'ot a heap of wood cut. The boys Worked liaril. for they expected a Kood time at iiiitht and they i;ot it too, thanks to Mr. l.alh.iii. I'ulilK r. and I.. h'look, callel oil. Mr. W. lihikestoii is -oii,^ on a visit to his brother who lives in Micliiv;an. He IS t;oiiiir to make i;iiod use of the t'hrist- iiiuB holidays. We wish hiiu u plca«ant trip and a safe return. Mis. .Mex Keiu'iisoii, of I'aliota. is over visituu.' l^-r many friends here, all of whom were very happy to see her. She 1,'ives .1 ^lowini,' account of the far west. Mr .lolin and T. Fcr-rnsoii intend -peie;- iiie the ijrealer part of this winter ill the Ihev have ipiitea niieibcr of jobs of wood at 'J:t ci'Uts IH'V cold, but they doiit spill lior pile it. They are all ritflit. Mr. Kdilor, 1 sunpose vou would like 1,1 know what localitv this batch of items came from, or. in short, where It.ilsain Vallev is. It i.s about three miles south of Prieevillo, and half a mile from Muddy \n\\vy. It is not nineh of a place yet; It is Hot marked by anv nuieniiieent domes or spires, imt even 11 small toiul'- atone, hut never niiiid, it will urow, OIUCN You can have the Toront.i daily World and All- anoo one vcar for oiilv 8-'. 50 A daily and n weekly for only $-• 50 I Think «.f tl 1 I large Assortment -â- ^- ' â€" r^=\^ ) p I 11' '-amn â€" »a Mep's Women's and Children?. BOOTS AND SHOES for WIITTER WEA:l \T W. CLAYTON S Felt Boots, (ium Kubljcrs, l^'uHtciJ^tockinq^, \..)\ershcc: and kubbers. Mens' and l^oV-i' Long Boot.-:, .\t jnices 10 suit the I'.nies. Photos, Photos J Photos ]\t arr tmtc turning out xcurk fur sujirn'or in ttylt and jiiiiih l» any ectr ^u..- iliiifil in Fltsh'^rtiin. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE RATES. PICTURE FRAMING ihmf in iillits branchis. .1 good ttoik of' FliA.VKS and MOCLDiyGS Ic'/^C const'inlly on hand. iVilUdso inl'-odnce the tieic lUiOMlDK I'ORTKAi'l". ,1 pictur/- that i$ c/i'ei'fi,; eiifi'rc itti.i/action tcheriirr introdiiitd. SAAJI'LiJ^ nin be teett itt m<j GiHcry \chert alt particulars as (" I'rict, Style iic. can '/e fisccr- FLESHERTON. A Positive Cure. A Painless Cure. FACTS rOR MEN OF ALL AGES. DISEASES or MAN'. im:. ^t. XjTJB03sr-s s:e=eoi:fic ilto. S- Md-^,-: ol Huatimj. and Kohinoor of Medicinet. iF^^-m â- ^^^^K^.^sr yio terrible oonswiiienci-* »r lii<ll.rr«(loB, ^-^ *â- *•â-  *• ^-^^ i:Kpo«ur<- itnil OT«r»ork. Who .110 broken view n licrii ilio oflevls ol sbuse wlU Ond in No. f a ratliCKl euro ter a»r»'jui ^U'5iUtv.1'H;a'uc wo&icuocs, tnvi '.uutary vitul loM«.4. etc. SvMi-Toiii r^'a wnn H So. ti Sitoi â-  n nic I'Mtu.â€" Wuut o( enemy. vnrHno, want o( i>uri>o«e, itiiMiiiiw ef siKlif. svirsioit W societv, want ot coiifl.louco, iivoiJ*nie of coaversatioD, il<-»;ro li'rooli'.uilo, Ii»;loss:i,'sj i\'j.l inslnuty t^< fi\ tim »tt«ntleu en n>»rticulor mb.'eit. oonaiiliro, iloiMiiMio'i ol fpirits, i;i I li:u-4s,' lo»s o( uiinnuy, oxcitalility o( teunuT, Bi tr- luut.vrrlui'S, er loss ol ilie souuaivl l!ui I -t'.ie result ot iwK-abuso "r niarltil exeis.sâ€" iuiivw t*'ncy, iiimitrituHi, imii leintK'n. luirirniiwrta, nalpitadeii ot Uu» hwirt, hyautie ftft-UuK-- u» (eiii»U>«, tiBiuliliiic, imUiuh.'ly, ilisuirtiii< ar«it:n< tte., are nil tyuietijiiu of tbis uniVi*. o(t.iuimo»iU".s'>'niU seo.uiriil. In sl»or^ llio siniiit! "' vital force haTini; lox iix K usuui, t v»»ry waetvs ui v-enawipuaieo. Seirntifio wntersaud tlio supiTiuluiulotits tif iTisiiui ii.sylnms lii;it ' 111 rosoril'ii.:i 10 tho CITi'i'W of solf-alius^ llio i^reac msjowty ef waste. 1 li'.iis'wb'ch oe ^o ntuU-r I'wir iiotiea. If yen are lueoiutMileui for thtj arLliunia tlticiesof Imitinoss, iiu.ii'ttfitfvie 1 the cnioynu-nts of life. No. S offers an tweavo front ll:o olTcctB of (uirlv vi^-i^. l( y.-^ii r.vo aurauci'<t lu years. No. h will fiivo you full viror nnj i-irei'<tli. It vou art* l'i-'V:,".i ilowtt, f.h\iU0Allv un.l morally fvoui early iii.ltsertitioii, tl:e Vf suit of ij^UiM-anet an, I l.illv, »«- ml your avKlrc-ts aiul ui ceuts in .tatut'S for M. V. l.i boN'a Ti'tfAlite'* in lUu'k Foitu (>ii lUAvMtvH ot Mjiu, Stmle^l miuI sieciiro from observstior.. .\ l.lrossuU eouiuinnu'iiti.ins to N. V. I.l'HOK. 17 H'ellluKluu «!. K., Toronio, i\ without wisdom lacs la a loul'3 paradise. CURES CUARANTEEf). HEAL tHE iilCK. A Permanent Cure. *h A Pleasant Cure- irivV III FOR ALL* Li^'tM'^ !*<t4>ninoh^ Iviiln^ys^. unci ItoAvelis. Thoy iu\ im'»rtttM\i\ I itfsWro U> Itoalth l>yl»iUtaio«l i'o»stilutioiis. lUuX aro luvtiluablt* in all Coui- Itlatutbiiu'Uloiitnl to IVinivIfa o( alTHttfii. Vov CtifhUou Hiikl the e^vd tht^v aru {uiuulwbb THF OINTMENT ai) InfaUibUrwnjivu Xor lUi* Ih^^. It.vl Hri'*sl«. 0\.t \\\mUiH. Sor«H nitd rU'on* It ittfjituouftt Ciaut tkiui Ulu'tvuuitistn. h\H- (lisovui'i-* I'f tho (.'ho»l It han no oqua For SORE TfFh'ail. liROA'CIfjrTS. COViUlS. COLDS UlainlulnrSw«llini;s. mill all Skill I'Iseiisos It ha. iin rtval ; nnil for (votracteJ i>Uil itif oliiM iC aots like a charm. Maflufaoturedfrtily iit Professor Himiowats K.taMlshment. TH. Sow «\for«l Slr«'«'« ( lnl»« 53S, Oxford Street >, London, Mid are hoW at Is. tiil . 3« '.V. , 4s ilil . lU . *fc< . ami "sis each Hox or V\i». and may b. bail of al) Us4 lUi*' Voiiilots tbroiiKboiil the WorUl. f»- PHrskattr* stimild UuJ; tc ihe Labfl en the VoU and Hwcu. J/ th« adih*M it «m># â- ^ ass, Onforii SUxet, LotirfoH, tlies <»»"• ffniriom. c # 'tili V,

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