»*.. I J li t A Lett*>r to Santa Klau:*. frrui iba !•:;•; -luk L;irl ai raj^ all- t->cih il.r tu SAi.:A K.tii; cL' r hclt'ed u.L- 'vi/ r < 'it; I'l wri 1-- til Santa, \ i :!.t^ .--> w. 4t I !i = ay A e- tjiii t-!it)V-cf :iv Ki sums. < t â- .6*.- m^iii'.i a -i Uifi â- a-.viy. \^ T â- > : «'. Li; .Ireii, A K it liv -s in a:, art: A 1-: .iV.-r, v/.;. tLi-' W , ;:.-v. • ,i:i â- ^t. rkl Ll s â- r r. x:n i ai. .1 aii •...re.i. h )• '-'1 .-an La .c -iotn J ['t'tllOL 1 /U '-J. J. '.-:. IllllfV 1 1 ard V „ ; ; *..i:.^ .i loi:. r â- -â- :.... ir'-n Wi t. itr*? ^'vo.i. I â- .vr-.-:ha •; u â- * ."-r ^lrt•ier I ! :. :uo :.i -.l.-V W' .1.1. Th'j M.=i' -;.<• UP. 4'-ar Saii'.a, \ii Lile :!;â- â- la your [lat-k. A,i wL. r< .: d alii-. K;.-maa I 'I *â- t :::v :!".a;..L;lii bat-'k. -ih-. il L 1. i[,n-\ .11 V'lr.:'.- F'-. ^ â€" LE.VUEN WATEK P11"E.^. I rtis Eusllih Clieuilut- Say They Are the Came ul Wholesale l'oli»oning. Were some dar:c3i^ no^tliatd, hangerint; after oriKiQility, to depict a country whose raltra allowed the many to be poi3oned wi:olefi.Ue for enrichment of the few, he would surely be charged with absurdity. Vfct there is inch a country, and it3 name happens to be Kii^land. Let not any Glad- atonite. however, frick up bis extensive ears in expectations of a startlinsj revelat.jn that Lord Salisbury and \V. H. Smith had entered into a cousjiraoy to murder the people'. The evil is of far loni;er star.dinti than the U'ei i ne of the present Govern- ment ; it apparently be^an when the joni- mucity lirst learned the convenience of bavinij water laid in their liou--e8 instead of dipi)iui4 it out of wtUs cr brooks. Leadc; water pipes were latrodu.ed, at all events, a lonj^ time as;o, and where they still lint;er wiiolesale poisonint; 'oes on merrily as ever. Thus at I'uusey, a little time back, some sixty or seventy citi.-ens were sudJer:U [ilacud '• .i i -.'I'l'iit ^y a ra'. slerKMS malady whi.n ippcar^d to derive Its orii^in from the watt, supply. Samples of the dritikii':: wati r v,ere »cccrdini;ly forwarded to a ::r-.n'.it ii-.alv tiL-al chemists at Leeds, wLio at once djieis i the pn-eLC'-' ct lead in luantities â- â- \:i- tiiictl'- ir.j-irious to health. UiMiii; obtained this informatioi:. the local board prosecuted further i: | i'.rv aiiI'. ti;.- res-ii of c»tabli.^hi!:;i the faci.-i ti:i: i.l tir 5';"erer3 lived at jf-'.-,' d:-'t»:. e '.''un the i::'M:u. The the'.;. H. ti'e.-i f."- . li^.^t : t.e â- .V Iter wh.L' \\r.-j. a.i Mihi ;:: ; 'e leA V: •t; ilie iv 'Pes *v.'.h ihi- ir.a;. - â- t.:;!«te,l '-^ I'.h. the :â- .'.â- t^'.. â- »• . advisi.i b.. lui holdtrr^ ' .^ i . â- . f->r A ti-i- .-â- • ry :: -- , NAMIU OF sTATE'j. Whrre TheyCiiuiB From and Hdw They Were Made. Maine was ao called as early aa l'-j;i. from Maine in France, of which Henrietta ilaria, '.Jieen of Enj^Und, was at that time preprietur. I'opular name. Lumber or Pine Tree State. New Hampshire was the name i^iven to the territory conveyed by the Plymouth Company to Capt. .John Mason, by patent, N':v. Ttb, I'i'SJ, with reference to the patentee, who was Gov.-raor at Ports- mouth, in Hampshire. E.".!4land. Popular name, the Granite .State. Vermont was so ciiled by the inhabi- tants in their declaration cf independence, •Jan. I'-h, 1T77, from the French vera moiit, the tfretn mountain. Popular name. Green Mountain State. Massa ;hu=etcs wa-i so caDe.i from Mas- sachusetts Bay. and that from the Massa- chusetts tribe of Indians in the neighbor- hood of Boston. The tribe is thoui^ht to have derived its name from the Blue Hil.N of Milton. •• I have learnt," said Roi^er Williams, " that the Mi36a..;husetts were so called from the Blue Hills." Popular name, the Bay State. Rhode Island was so call»d in l''i't. in reference to ihe Island cf Rhodes, in the Mediterranean. Pocular name, Little Khody. Connecticut was so called from the Indian name cf ;ts principal river. C..>n. necticut is a MocheaKtnnew word, signify- iiiJ lonti river. P ipalar name, the Nutme'j or I're* ^tone State. New York was so called in {â- 'â- •'.i. in refer- ence to the Duke of York and Albany, to whom this territory was t;ranted by the KiDt: of t^ni^land. Popular name. Empire or Excelsior State. New -Jersey was so called in l'> I. from •he Island of Jersey, on the coast of Irance. the residence of Sir r,eors;e Carteret, to wh.>m the territory was ijranted. I'ennsylvacia was so called in I'i-I. after William Penn. Popular name, the Key- stone State. I'ela.vare was so called in 170. i. from I'eia.vare U i> . .'n whi.-h it UeS. and which T'ce.ved Its i..«:i:e : :â- 'm l.jri L'e !a Ware. uhii c.e 1 i.i tl'i^ ba> . l'.i;'i'.ir name, the Blue U n or I."iair..ii i --tate. Mar', .11. i â- .va.-i caL.-.i ID i- : -T 'f ll-;iri etta Ma'if. ',' i-'eii ; C'larieS 1 . ly '"â- •â- > pa'eut to Lt'I BaI'.::' tc . i::e 'n;. '. â- >-' '>. iriii;.* -las ?'.- -â- > . â- ' i.i . â- '.. al'.'.r], Eli.'abeib il.e viriin â- , :â- -â- ' i-:":,lin t | l''C('!i ir •:-«:i:.-. ti ' .. I'l:-!-.::. ,i;. cr â- Mjt.:. r .': !'â- â- -. (' !.i- ANOFHEK »IN<il.NG MOISK f a KiojjA- THt UOUEsl'lEUBE BALL liOW>'. A .HOTHEK'S CKV !>' COLBT. Captureil iD tLe Utuitii^-Kniiiit tuattao. I Mr. George -^mith, of No. 2 \ autiha ter. race, has oecome the fortunate posbcasor cf a â- â- erilaoie sinjiinJ mouse, wt.:h was cap- tured in his diui::^ room in tL.s city, sa;. s th... KmuatOD. Unt., W'nj. Attention was irst drawn to u by iOM i..isical sounds which issued from behind tiie buiJet ,u the previous day. and af'.r a careful rc-counais- sauce and some dexterity it was invcn into a paper ba;4 *iiich one of the lauies held â€" :.•; of th'^.ie ;jA' la.iies who are ii'jt a'raid cf mice â€" while another maLipulated a IodlJ i-roii in the space behind the bu::=c. Mr. Saiiih and a gentleman friend iiieaawh.le stood cjaraiieo'iely at a d.itauca 'vatchir.^ the pr'.'ceeoicsis. Subse juently the little creature was securely placed in a uicecarie, and pr ved f: be mucc like any other small ;i. )u=ei:i appearance, eXL'ept that it was tt.u and its to! unusually lon^, like some itinerant street monkeys who perform be- cause tney .ire hLinijry. Mii'.e iidcly he came to Smith's, where he knew he could ijet food, and undertook to pay his footimj by a musical performance. Hs was riite tame from the start and went at the cake and ch-jeae wiiliou; timidity almost aa soon as they were placed before him, and after- ward sani^ with almost the same abandon as when at liberty, though the intervals of silence Were ioniser. Before he was caught he kept up his music f jr nfteen mi:.utes at a time without cessation. He nas a melo. â- iious. but modulated voice, ami his utter- ance is a rhapsody of chirps and trill - more or less varied and no' at all moncton ous line some part- of th« joii^ of a canary. Really lie is a charming pet. k'e hs- an artidcial nest m his ca>;e, in whicii he hi,les or lies down at his pieasur'.". ana his .'apers are -juite aiuusini;. UeaciiptiuQ ot the Latest Wnrlh Creation ' â- Ytj ti â€" V<»ii â€" V.>ii ^li.i II Not Kill My Boy." The evening dress, intemted tor dinner | â- • This vas i cruji murder ' asii Judge Hurphv ^1 ;N llt^ or recepiioii wear, .s a reiil RoOespierre oail jiown. or the v-rsion of such a j'^-wn for tins winter 3 wear uy Worth. Th... uniier si^irt and front breaaih are of ri'ih white and ijold broche. The bouiie am; train af; of ruDy ;o; red velvet. The sh.,i- -»cK=t frcatb have double revers. T'.ie i.-.ner re- ver IS of wu.ie and i^oid broche, siii-.-r- imponed -jpon one of velvet. The n.'^iie Keren. -ff li a iiiree-'.'ornereu (.oiut A ri u Brussels lace crossed i:. a suridice over the chest, passiuij uiilcr tne n. . ;u wr.iKieii broaa sash belt of t-oft red ji s an.i fa.iiuii m a cascade below the same ju the left sic.H. The otiier hiiure rei.resent-i the popular version of the J. -.-ctoire redinyotc. It h not very 3c. f vaisted ai. a the sleeves are only .-liijntly f-illeim at the armhoie. It is of t»r.< ^reeu piu^ih. the fur black astracuan. The buttons are of ireen tinted mother of pearl luciose't m a 40ld rim. and .-vered with nli^r-e •i,^urcs ] in i^olii. The bi-inr.et represents what they are weari.nrf in Pans and London at pre- sent as directtire pokes, but ih---;- are not much like the bonnets that were worn in Pans dunn;" the dt-iade that foll';-vei ihe period when the iaillotme wasc.ingits w.i-i cuttint; c:! the neaus cf the prett^' aniJ 4racefu* *o;:ien 'vno wore bonnets and hea'j-dretisi s :i a mu^ii more cxa;;j;era:cii tyje, nor are lucv hie the bonnets worn here at [ r- - :it. even by the fa=h. enable few. Here '*','i!ien continue to wear the small pcKjJ, :o.| les, laachons. capotes, turbans an i r.uim nats that ».-e the favo. rite wear ;f ".he women ill over the coun- trv. 'iVheiner tney -.vi.. be in-iuccd by :ni-i -vmier tu ad-'lii tj:e t._; bonnets aiiU lari.e. iinposui:; hat-t that jre .ii'-friCi^as :i.-'.ctoi.-e aii'l emt ..-e fashions remains tc Oe seen. â- • ' t was 'i.' 'lommitte: ; iave hiin .-.'.i cnaiice to :ji.i.-i' a moment t-j â- lu julil. I tna; .s : is order. tody f lounty , tun, am T':-; : iid not ; ther tjrew more aaiiated. intiU/tole and .leiifcerately e Jj : Je .'ciumacd. 'You a moiiient j warnii-i!, not a .ea.;e with ills Maier, not â- r a single prayer. Mirphy i f -les '.vere dear and rnnjii be sapprtsaed any emotion a... I a scene, sut :: =o he failed. iu:> al'.iie remains," he said, â- •and • r ,:i','i.'.ce ,aii;^meut ,-nyc'i. It I 'cat vc-i !>t? :iiven .;.to tiie :iis- Ueri:: t.j ue imprisoned m the . ii.'.il ;':ie lay iet foryour exscu- tnit then y '.ii â€" loir-fxas ju ber :.;ei. M.-Xaity lov" j.r. h.d .uicthtr clutcbe.i :ii ihe His wife .'ried f .a.mively. .oftly, table and treui.,.':d. ami th-.. ba'jy waiie.i ' Be na;ii;>-.i ay tne necs ' ' 'h. G'iU ji bey ' â- 'u _ â- â- ' She liunt; her a - ns arcami the eon- iemi.ei mans r.eeK. A ,ieputy aherirJ i^Gntly .irew hei a-^a-.-. • ''mil yon a.-._' itaJ. ' A wild shriek ran .ut, acu the iiope.-.cs iooii :i a^ony ihers eye. you shall not .i.ll my boy, ' Lii'S IS leatu tu me. 'Jh, hild. are y ;a i^omt; tc leave laa nci â- >f IKIT HAND- A I Wn.tK. MyHtfriou.* Dl^uppearuni-e '*( Artliieji from .i ll.iuutt-'l >p<it 111 Eii^jlauil. '.Uie nitiht about hfiy years at;o a runl niuruer was i'.'n" .it a l.nieiy iii.-e .":i t: .- hi^lii jad between War^M A aiM Straif'ri â- li'cn A\on, writes a Lo:i 1 11. rr-.->piiic : t. KIS-'SES l!\ eUDMtlJK.VPH. ly >ew >l.irve I - t tiii'-eraiii); til. * stuoii m tne m â- â- V juâ€" you- siie soboea. â- J .'hnnie. my your old moll' •' Order m ihe cou.-t. Tne ;ourt ad, jurned } et. iried J lUiie Mcrthy . ilcNulty stooped and Hiss- : ii.s cnother. The tears d.i'd h.s eye*, out ne sa.d nothiui;. and .;radua.ly :::a bicod receded fr')m 1;;.' face, lea.inii .t C'.-aih.y pa.e. â€" ^' :u F'- l.'i • . .' . T. T- •• .Ate-t M-. •I- I...I Wrl er. iieri'- s by the 111. ten a: 111 1 m. N;-v V. Ine ! fouii. e.v. inori 'â- â- â- .v^ by restii t'- .1 r.i-a.i .leU, band. (horii i r.K ; at-'i.-a. 1 .- .V a : I !.-il at V.'i la 1.1 Tu-ilayt Cau.«<li:iii I Berlin municipal -,m.na will be m the evenir.. The Lutheran Synod hi '. eil. the.r i'rtsideut. tc 'â- a German cci::;rei!aticn . . • Th.e '.Uiawa river is '.r ♦ 'iia.va i'l'i . 4ti:i'-a i T ... -teai'ier .i ii.a...e to . . r-.h .pme â- ^e nt ll.v. F. 'et; t„ fjrm ll.il ;ity. '- r bet'-eeen -t, -l 1 i -*., 1 arnier-.. ' 'iiaiii. iileS. i-.Ci.ie»l Vl: â- 11 I . r'l cs conncctii bf^ onies tin tr. til-. ''hairnian •, 1 . wall â- â- be Ml ore :'ipp'.v l.l:..- 1 ., ;. - ti- ...i na^. â- - ' f rira^;, â- *â- . .-:ia..i.-i a 1 \.iV.->ll . 1 -i 1 â- lao.;.! iv.l. P *ii K fii obttti' Or.iti^e r, Ibi i-t. I'l -d .v an at '.vcc.'.ui'i;s .s of.-'."! i' with US. it •â- â- tllle 1 female fashl.'l.,- lii dr tile latt.r com tr^ it is said tc ha-.' oeeii '.';is,i' ;illy .â- : M ' ' oriti'U. There is, lio.veMr. an old Si'n' .â- < let;end wl.i 'h eivi - a ci"-.r..nt a.-'.'L'nr.t ^ US intro'iuctio.i. .\cior.-ii c to •-lii:-. soc after the itiip.'r:.iti"ii cf lii- 'rai .,.â- tr. ,â- i the Moors, one k'l I' and ..1-11 â- .1\ !â- - IT- i.'.'ir â- alil' . U e I a-i -e I lla.- t" ' A 1 - â- 1 Jill' ell.i" aud 1 . ,'amr r -n 1, .â- \^ iTi r- â- cl wiuc'i e.\l rt 11'. ''^ -.:• T' - 4.r!'- r -< aii 1. Ill .T'l' r 1 lu'c. -^.irv ,1 < .V r V loNcr. .â- mil' til .\iiiua-i. 11,. 1 o.^ca.-i'.ui oi' iH-r N her ^raiit 1 secured n r ! . hair a wri .» lb I uiaiitiura'.e 1 ih. umvi-ria'. A. I into >i'*tn at a M'X-rs, iliu !.â- -,â- tlic anil [111 \ I'l cotiiitrv IS on .1 tun-' • el.ii's ed be of Lurope. > JO 11 , will sh.ap" 11 ;i- Jii'. 11 Ii|i-. .? a v'l- -r-i'.f !â- • r t" ' ' 1.1 tne I I 111 VI ,'f j â- Il l-.li'- â- 111 iiel I I ll.-r-eM â- 11 wl I thus ! wor t a'l 1 1.1 il»s 11 hA!< Oev'Olil ' las r iro.iii earl \ I .r 1 111 bv t :''i K ' tlv 1 -tabil-1 111,;.] -O f.ir 'IJ tl' fthh'- i,ti many cc ?p.*t V I c\er I'e rt Ml- prw .o^ •• rri 1 • Ml :l fr" It- borde '.mr 'late. th- the I and con. I be .*eeii in It-" A \iiie-> e.ir-..l.l lllrl »)ili.i.il. T'hc CUV of Trenion can c'l.u briniit-.'St -tnd youni;e-it ..I'v c" ei- i i State Miss Hattie i.).ven-'. vii'i ciio clever for a i;irl of '. lias b^eii ma-ie -e assistant city clork. an.l can no.v on d-\'\ at certain hours â- ilin^ aAny their proper order th,' i'l .al .lociim.' Ill tile ciiy clerk's ciVice. When C'.,.-''! C).vens. the city clerk, took posseHsion .i( h.s nt . luariers t)ie piil'.ic d â- citii'.' 't- appeared to bo coisi'Icrably disar.-aiiii'. . aii.l. on complaiiuui;. h..' found a che<.'rful volunteer in the person of hts youii,; daii;,! ter, Mi'iS Ualli-.', who u \erv small, bat smart an-t uiellio.iical. She was assiiine.l ih.e work ot re«s,'<orlini;, aiivl is doiiit; it well. Sho is ratlier annoyed on account of K'in4 a,;ifla'Li aim Miices th.ai. as second asM-Iant clerk, she .iesires to Oe called " Harry " Mid as su.'h she \i saluted by all the city oH'i.iaN. Miss Harry I'.vens is a pretty ijirl c( pleai-ant a.luiess, and with the manner it' one tsvico her af;o. â€" â- fr. •i(."i /i' ,<. Ark 11 prii". .[..i I '0-1 Fa-.t,-: Wi, pal I 1 n.-ihii 1 ^-i vn :io .'a'l- I . - 1-: . ru'ir. 1.1. nan iiaiiie. r..*r >la'... .vaj *.> cail.'d bv .limi " 7^- b â- c.iiisc It ua-i di- ll' i-iv. Si'a^o-*'!'. L'as. sill was sij ca.it â- I Ii'Uii 111 iiaii iia'ne mea I Afantuf la Flori i I. ( -•i pr: â- . , a \^ •! -< ill â- '1 !r< so c lan name. L'oi'ular ii.i rel a 1 ' i iiilel. i.'an frotn ili.' 'Misi.vir i t a patent at VVarsiiniL;- ,>rJed. ' it is t'< revolu- s..iii,'l.".ly An ii'V'jiiiivc \in rcs^ion has tal<eii . ton for 'â- -itilis for tioni .'punviiit; round on the hilUi ies, for. however Sleep lb.' aiicent -nay bo. this oiMiins thriks that the animal will i.o en abled to prtforni us task in comfort wli.. ii us K-es arc enabl >d by art to stan.i upon a level. Vlio pat. lit has really been iiraiUed to hmi. aii'i 11 issai.ilna: he is consider iim further in "uciuoiis di-vveries 'f I asaistance to •iiiiiikiiid. â€" i ."m'"'I /â- 'lo. ,lecp. one State. Miii'ie;iota is al-o a-i Ii Hi^ â- â- til.' wh.tijh water. Calitoniia, a ^ '»iii -<h from an ar-ii , : tne I'a^ laiiie. the Gol.ien Slat â- , I'e \aJ. a S['ai -.ii woi rei 11. ,ic. 1 'I'uUr nam. <L