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Flesherton Advance, 13 Dec 1888, p. 7

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r . i. Ad EpUude. s?i.->i I. ]a the vMtiVjn^e &t midaigbt SUHXl lilt; pAUr. Ajid the'souuii - &-« luw and ftve«t 4.» ih«iir Mi>a wouM i;irii:iy ii^ut;t, Wtile denr Cl.&rl.-y w^jui'd re;>e««. "Oii. lola rl sFlliM II D*wn '.he diialy lighted etainrky CrrH Lt-r } a, Ax.d I'is ?u-i' wua ^-ih &ad ]->w At> he rjt-rved biiii /or th»; bi.^w Tiuii w.'jlo kuu k Itaedlzijr boa« CL, bo far 1 COSVULSIO.'^s. la kiie hallway dh only after Lay ber d^d ; A' d bis dautfCjtcr beld his h^aJ, Aa iht) --la Ulan («iij; y e^ij • I ihmk h;3 gloves werv Ua ' Ou, 60 £ad . Uued with lead, ' â- ooAL â€" \Qd the old geQiieman dldn c ee t« ju<t the tikiiie. J H. W. A FOBTC.NK TL'KSeU UlS HS:1D. Tka I'orartanats Malndj chBt Orerlook J«w«lltfr Geurge GowL^od. For some time past neighbors and friends •X Ceori^e Gowiand. a jeweller working in his wife'i store at I'^l] Km^ street east, kave Dotioe<i that bis mmd was wandehag. A few mouths ago Gowlaccl's father, re- pat<-«l to be worth J*o 000, died intestate, ttDd 10 coDsojaence of the action of a step- iBOibtr ihe estate was thrown into chan- cery. GuA'laod'a share ii said to amount to some $'.'0.0/0 and as tinancial a£f*irs with him have not been going on smoothly for the past fe * yean?, the imascdiate proe- poc; 0! sa.'h a change in his circamstanotra had the etfrc: of cauiitjg biin to be.-ome qaite unbalaDC«^d. Kis peculiar mania u that he is now im- meosely wealthy. He indulged lu mon- strous real estate transaoli jus, tiiked of baajucting the whole town, starting a crack iivcryrtauie and in counecuoa wiin this latter idea was making arrangements to purchtec some i«euty fast horees and 'kiihioasble turnouts â€"Toronto ir.TJj. FASHION'S LATEST. Trying "To Look u Â¥acb Like Men as We Can." THEEE SEW DUCES THIS WISTEB. Ftiy^ialogr iu the Public &>4:hi>oltf. Boca hie answers: " Oooa potions which are iujurious are carbolic acii gad, wh,cb jm impurs blood." " A tt juemason s work m iLJarious because, when be is chipping, tM breathes la all the chip^, and then ibev %it ta&en into Ihe lacgs.' " Tne body is mostly composed of water, and about oce half is avincious tisi>ae." " The bxiy has •â-  iufiaiie numoerof bones }- ined tcg-ther by the joints." " The spiual co'.uiuu is made of botes running all over the b<.>dy. " Digestion belongs to the lower animals." â-  Tne gastric jjice keejb the bonej from «reakmg." " ihe three coverings of the braiu are the diameter, the perimeter, aad the trachea." " The grocth of a tooth begins lu the back cf the mouth and axteuds to the stomach." " Anatomy is Aiatieoting of bodies generally lifeless." " Toe organs of digesiioD are stoma.h mteasiU, liver and spleen." " The extent •f the mouth helps the di^eation of food." ** It is far more reliable to drive oat the ire of a room and put on extra clotbini; tkao it is to put on no clothing and sit in Iruot of a burning fire." " Soap ii impor- MDi iu carr>ing oS the fat of the body." " What IS eaten by the body has some- times been taken as food." " The tirsi â- tap in digesti.iu is masticatijin and in •ftlivaiioD ; second, the muscles of the •pillet."â€" /"iipulor Scicn^-t ifo««Wy. Barter Id Huiuan Uiair. A tanuian hair market is locste.1 at Moriaus. iu Ihe department of the Lo^er Pyrtiuue'S, and on alternate t'rid»\s hun- dreds cf hair dressers repair 10 the liitl* plaoe to buy the hair of the >oaog peasant girls. The dealers wander up and down lk« long, narrow street of the town, each with a hui^e pair of btuht shears hanging from a blacK leather strap around bis waist, while the young k:irls who wish to pan with their hair stand about iu the door- ways. Tho transaction is carried on in the boet room of the house. The hair is let down, the tresses iximbtd out, and the i^aler na^nes the pri.>e. This varies from I to °J0 Irancs. If a bargain is struck tht* «r«ler U\s the money ui the open palm of the Seller, applies his shears and. iu a miuutt*. the long tres:<es fall on the :1 wr. The purohaser rolls up the tresses, places Ihem lu p«t>er, and thrusts them into his pocket. 01 coarse, a tuaileii can rarely •e* her fallen tresees dis«p;var into the dealer's po.kei without crjuii;. Bat she •oBSoles herself with tho thoUi;hl that tbe hair will i:row ak:ain and bv looking at the â- iOi'.ey in her hand. â€" Cr.i.i^'i ini- M'li.njfr. for which I am »»rdicg you instrnctions." :wiitep Cousin Madge in Lordoo Ini/'i, 'â- are delicious moroels. Trj theia 01c-: ikUii aouui ooa oauoe of Out«vr 10 a small casseroie. tcca pat in abjut eig' t or tei. onncea of very fresh rich CfcciLue cheese. which, however, you thouid have shred n ely previcjjiy â- . a^aton it with a »»it sp--ot;ful each of grouod m«ce. s»?roc. nutmeg cayeona acl the tii-iesl piu'jh o( salt, bur !i the whole tiine aiitil it tas dissclved, then remove it from the ire »Ld let 11 tel a few degrets cocier Oefore iLiiiiL^ into it tnoroogiiy two vij-je-iilasses of warm'-d port and two of warmed cream, also the juice of half a very small lemoc, and again whisk away to > oar t:e»rt's con- tent niita It IS alia stifi froth. Set it aside to become as cold as ice. and while it is ao- in.! to line little pa-t;. -pats with cittrr a well-made short pa-^te jr a pa? paste. Pit in as much as voa eoasider ta2i:ient of tee '• cheese stu2.' also aboat six presTrved damsons, with a little of their j>rnp Bake in • ^aickish " oven ULtil th>'y are a loTelv ligct \eUow. Serve either hot or cold. I myself prefer the-n cold. Either s-ay. or anyhow, they are very gc-od. How an Eniprvss Pljay*. The Empress dowager of Ccina am-i»s herself oy playing a sort of hide-and r^^i. t;ame on tOe water at ciiiht wiihou! ..^ris Lately her bjatm-n have taken to rar.:,:ui away and others cave refused to ob^;. her orders. 1 he reason for ttis iisa^ectun is that accordiag to Uw the p^eiiaities iL.-arred obould the Empress droA'c. even Were 11 established that the boatmen were not in f«u!i. iaclile not oaiy the>r death. Out that cf their famuies. »e*h fruui Vanity KaIt, Novelty rans not in tne ce w 'xT.-ered woolens, and cue of the most u'.i;;e ,;e- sieius eia.tly simulates the j.::i;p -=ed to ed»:e carriage casr.uns. Braiiir^ doue m a coLtr»iti=a 'clor appe»rs on ma:;y cf the haiidsoir-eet .'lotn c:o»ks. an i where fur is used bcaver a:,d skuuK are easily ion^ favorites. The p-oika dot. like the poor, we have always with as. an 1 never t:;. re than this season, wiien 11 aiiwars on tne reckiie or tne handkerchief of e.ery other \ ja meet. I m men s-j round lace collarettes dated a la Pierrot are in great voiue. not otly for children, but also for vouog laaies. who also wea.- lOem of cciored crape to matwh the dress. It is said that if whi:e velvet be cot woven ia sunshine, f.iher in spri:,g or rarlv sammer. there is no possibility of its keepir.g col <r. as the sun s rays al.-ne can proi-'erly r.i its paleness. •â-  Enhanced " is Ihe last icnp^ssible epithet adopted by London tailors to desig- nate any peculiarly atrocioas fold or packer orwrinKie wQe.'ewith 11 may please tcemto ciTend the galling eye. Paris just now sends oat new winter anderskirts woven in imitation of tiger •kins, with the deep empire border, and they are so dehciously sol: and warm that the bare sight cf theiu is comforting. Gray IS beginning to divide honors with ureen in Parisian headgear, and in near j all Ihe models sent cut by the best hnuses the bonnet brim is high and p'eaked. and the crown low ani d»t. Pearlediieii r.bboLs have gore cat cf fishion. Thi.'krib&ed k;rcs gram nr'bon. with a plain satin edgiiti. is that most m vogue, and also moire rioson. whicn Icvks so well combined »;ili velvet. K;bb>iu plays a most im^vrtant part in niiUiuery. and as often as not co: ^titaies tne entire crowj. »ith no cf any kiLd. In one of these a white win^ had be« n i 'aced m front, with a turnback WoDtlerful Ke*t of Meluory. Kets involving extraordinary and almost tt«po8sible feats have frequently K-en made aiMl won. Some years since, when the late a^r. Uenry Ward Beecher was delivering Wclnras throughout the country. Colonel io Meres, of the Troy i'lm^i, made a bet thai he would sit ou the stage with the orator, remember every word he said, and publish it iu his paper the ue\t morning The wager being accepted. Colonel de Ueros sat on the platform near Mr. B<«oher, and at the oonclusum of the leo- t«re went to the offioe of Ihe Troy rim^». and without hall or stop dictated theentire discourse word for word, â€" St. / ouii CrUttf- IWatixTai. (Cousin Kates WeeUj ISndgii., Thre« New IJ«iicea Will come into Uee among faahionable peo- ple this winter. Uue of these is the Siide mazjurka, which is a partial revival of the old round datiCe. comoin>ng the puika aud the Waltz, in its new form it has more of a wali^ movement than before. The gen. eral cdcct is graceful, and the long. s.iJing step IS eignily, unless practicca too carelessly ou an overpolishcd dxir. The other new round dance is called ibe Berlin, aud is Very ingenioas, since its slow, gr»ce- I ful polka time can be cis«d at wi.i lor a I galop, waltz or a scnotlische- Many couples are either unable or unwilling to accum- I plish a polka and to them the Benin will be welcome, while it will also be enjoyed by those who like a polka. ibe otcer novelty is the Diamond lancers, the d^ures of which are more intricate and fanciful than any of the showy quadrilles yet intro- duced. Latest LoDdoD Fashions. "I promis<:d," says Cousin >!adge in Loudon Tru:'i, â-  to give )cu some further particulars about wnat is to be worn this winter. Well, dear, it appears to me thai our chief aim mast be to i^oos as mach liiie men as we can. To have a t>odicc made as closely resemoung a man's shirt as possio.e is fssnion's ' last cry.' to translate aicraiiy the French idiom. I saw several of these new bo.-iices at Gloucester Koad. when i went wiih Evelyn tne oihsr day. •â- was a paie-fclue foulard, made exacijy like a man s emoiLiUK-jaci^et in I front, witn a plaited shin tf MUiie sarah underLcaib, aud a man's collar and a man's tie. all in tne foulard. Tne dreeS was a ' SA'eel one, the skirting bciag aiso lu this sea-greeu shade of blue fouiard, and ar. ranned in folds down eitntr side of ttrai»ht ; folcs of white surah in front. Inere were doable fronts of tbe biue, so that if tbe upper one were to biO« back, the under ones ; Were there to act as proxy, j â- â-  A very pretty yellow pongee silk dress had tbe skirt arranged m tne same sort of i wide plaits from Ihe waisl. each beiag : caught near the hem with a bow of snot yeliOw riDoon. Bands of while sUs guipu.'e ran from tbe waist in tne same direction as ' the plaits. Tbe bodice had a drapery of I Silk irom the right shoulder 10 the left side of the waist, a graceful arrangement tnat would be very becoming to tbe dgare. Ibe sleeve was gathered above the elbo« and at tbe wrist. I " A pointed piece cf silk gnipare was so arranged in front as to look like an under- bodice over which tne pongee was draped. The high collar had a deep tarudowu coterea with guipure. " A delicious ball dresa was in eaude- Nilmoire, tne right side being drape<d with crepe of tbe same color, the folds loo&mg admirably fresh, as though they bad fahen there. A black net ball dress, with large ty}i» cf tbe size of a doriu, was made wiin a iMJioe in velvet of an ludescrioably bright. soft tone of dame color. It will be a most elective dress. " A gowu tnat made me break the tenth commandment before I even had time to stop myself, was lo s'.ripeu tailor cloth, just I like a man's tweeu sun cloth. bria,e coior. The bodice kvKed as if it mast di, the bones being molded sa beautifully to tbe fall of the waist both in trout and at tbe ' back." I Shaklus Hands With a Saucepan. I What was thereâ€" was there any thing ' l)""!^ ''' t"»ck crinoline. that the woman of a hundred years a^o Braiu. or Keauir, did not pickle or preserve .' They pickled Dufresny married his washer-w, man. 'parsley greru to i heat tiruu winter ol some Goethe's wife was a womi;: iiedu-ire cf Its terrors; the\ JKkitd uastartions- I jaj^ouy I ',1^ ' '':P\ excehent pickle they make. | j. ^^;^^^ „^.^ . j, .^ „^„ ^^,^. ,,,^, I I hey pukled tne large shoots of elder to .^^ ^^^^ j^^^^, ...^j,,. imitate the 'â-  Indian OatuOv-e. ine> put, ' r ' l . j oat m the middle of Mav.and the mi idle ' Tncrese Lavasieur. the last da:i-.c cf suo^'ts are Ihe most tendir ' They i ick.ed R Msseau. cvuld not tell the time of J.^y. I green walnuts " when ihey will Dear a piu | Racine had an illiterate wife, si.i was ' to go into them, " which is also done to tais ax'ustomed to boastfully declare that she day. Ihey were a^are that "the clusters would not read ai:y of his tragedies. of elder doAers mske .ici a delicate pi.k.e ', Ht.ii,e said of the w, nan he loved "She I before It oi>eus,' and mat to efiect this it has never read a line of mv writings, iui j was only necessary 10 pour vinegar over does not even know what a is:iet is them They also knew that the «^s of , j^ .^ ^^ ofl-iajted sayni^of Dr Johnson that " a man in general u better p'leased when he has a good dinner on the table than when his wife talks Greek." I â- â-  How many of the wise and learned. " says Thackeray, -have marrieotheir twks 1 Did not Lord l-'I,1e!i, himseif.the most pru- dent of men, make a runaway match ? lu love AMELIA BlVSt' SHUKS. rbe Digital K»ot CuTrrtcic ot the !i«u«a- lAasttai >oTvla»a, Mrs. Amelia Rives Chanler is cothiog if not odd. Trie other day sb« Went 10 a receplioa wiih fccr tair in two pig tails. tieJ across her Breast, ehe baa takeu to weariig saLdais. A gentleman who had occasion rt:enily to visit tCe beaatiiai or'ginatof of tae new shoes was m coi-vers»t.oa with the lady *nen saidecly his eyes travtlle<l to tne e<ige of Miss Cnanler's iovcly home morn I'ig oQKL. and ferei-iLg oat from the lo*er djunce ce saw ten l.tiie wCite tc-es ! u: coarse he started a tr d-. ai-i then b.s nosteaa laughed and ah;*ed hi^i her new shoes. â-  I have long thoaoht of adopting cigi tatcl shoes.' sne said. " It Seems to me heathenish to crowd the toes all together in titht shoes. Each toe should be as Sep arate as ea:h diger. Wny shcaid we •rowd oar toe- all toiieth.r ana let cur dngers i!0 free? Yoa Cave no idea with what comfort and ease I walk, cow that I have adopted tnes^e shc^s. Of coarse I can- not Wear them in the ciiy at pretent. but I hope soon to b^ able to ao sc. for I am sare ma.-y women of sense w..i adopt them. Christmas Ec-bt>e». â-  Now. my dear. " said Mr. Yoaa^hos- 'Dani to the partner of ':: s ..\vs. wn^ was â- sb. at to start f jrtn 03 Cnristmas shcrpmi r*nt. â-  tel presents for a.l the fainily-;n- la*, am bay auioei'i of ininos fcr the â- xjys . bat coo ; Sfe-i. i ! than a ban- drev". collars '.Ve ;i,_.! .i,e witnm oar ic -Cme. " '»Vl>. Ge.-'A.e. reLi.ed tbrlaiy. 1-1 Ml **i4rie% eU tone. â- â-  y^u i..a me wenaa 'J-'i.-'.l 'hu month â€" yea K;..^a- yoa die ' Ai.d Mr. Y -ULtGu-oand .: ,> s:.:'ei. â- â-  I 'an >oa lend 111- jji i...s mo.-niiig.Mr Wiiiismsctj ? »sS-d a Le^-y fr.e.:d, enter 1 s; iCe oroier s o±e. â- â-  S.i'ry Barrc*s. Da: 1 rea..y can t. Mrs. '.V...i»L:i»on went cat this mi r. in.; to Coy a 1.1 tie sarprisef ;r me. and she t.vs a 1 ite money I had ' • Etnel. saidtte lanciaiy to hsr aaaih- ter â- â-  we m'.-t mase the Cnrisimas season a p.easant one for tee coaroers. Sappcse We ask them all to bani up th-.:r jiociint: on Cliristmas E.e. so tnat we ii.ay pat some i.itle rememcran.e in each ' â-  That IS a very g;c>d idea, m^iher. We can ji.e Mr Mocloy a pen&nife to Mr I'alette tCe artist, we can iiv- a box of paints yoanii S.ribbler would be de.ithteo to have a patent lead 5-eacil. ani for Mr. SiO*ooy â€" •el., let me See â€" »hat wcald yea sui oest for Mr. Slow'ooys stc^ck^cg, ma? â-  Mr Sloibcy s unreceipted 'c.U will do for Mr. Slo*ooy, re; lied the old lady, sternly. Have yea ^ecHed on presents for the boys yet. my dear ' asaed Mr Hen. dri.ks. after the lads had left the breakfast table for school • Not ;aite all Bat I have decided. William, tnat they shall all be given something ascfal. There is 30 use of wasting money on useless toys for them to break â€" and. by the way. we need a new rui for the parlor and a dccea tumblers. William.' •â-  Ah ' Well, why not get the rag tcr George, and give the tumblers lo John 'â- ' LlCK-BK\BI>'a UUKji:-IUOtk-v • Leave It on tbe l>oor â€" A ijapersllUoe MaUoa Believed In. Tbe old siperstiiion of naiiiog a hone- shoe over the d'ocr of a h-a»e as a protec- tion aEsiaat evj spirits, aoo an assurasaa of goo<a .acs, IS as widely spread la tha Culled States as it is in England or Ire- land. It also prevails among nearly all leatCLic and Scandinavian races, and djarisnes .artey .a tne East ana We** Indie* and H.ndc-sian. The old writera tell as tnat there arc tnree elemcLls united in the hoTS^rsh je -m the d.-§i ta* it ia cres-nrLl BL3^<rl. eeC.n^Jy it is a p..riion ol ICe hwrsc, ai.J luny it is made ^i iron. Popular saperstilion cas lo'g endo»eci iron with prctectuio iia.itics. Daring the time cf the piatue in Rome, the ionabit»ci* of the Eternal Cny drove nai.s in the wausof iceir biases as a safegaard as^aicsi ihe dread i.sease. Ween tne A-ibs la the desert a.'e overtaken by tce deadly simoom, tcey Seek succor from heaven by crying â- â€¢ Iron 1 iron 1 ' Ce.tic r mish and Welsh sapersiitiocs ail agree that agaisst witon- craft iron is ccnsiderec tee only guard. Ccsicm even recites that it has always tfcen considered a g»d omen to "ad old ircE. and panic a. any 10 dad aa oil horae- shoe. In the myicclc^gy of England, horses were, am are to this day. lo>.-se<l ap«-n as isc.<- trir.oers. In aoma ^rts of Ei:giani n.wadays it is stiil tCoiihl tnat many f..-~s ^i i.sease can De care-i in barnirg a horse air. e. A horses n.vf placeO 'oLdrr an invalia's 'bed IS cjasiiereo a si*. 11. f.r many com- p.i; i_ the cone of S-.i.jLd. Many years ag;. in Ireian:. s-c -t is said, upon tCe ataii. of a favorite ncrse its feet and le_s Were hai.o a^ ui ih-. n^a^e, and even tEc hx'f! a.-e Sri.t sa.rr-a. A. .-f wt ..h. it Is c.a nicj -erve is a pre'.en'.-e ; f ill ia:& or d.?ea»e â€".en m Ne* Tjrk, am.-i; a .'e.-ia.i. .-lats. t-e r â- ^:sh:^ may C^e see.n La..e ^ , -^ c^er nia-v a c.a-Mr or sn.-p d.vr Tre wt.. i_o*n scng wc:c3 was sarg 'dv E:j»-j Harr-i»n a few years at. mace a iastm*; and served to remii.a ma;;. ?i tee .-.s attend. mg .-la irca scoes. i,'ne ,f lao stanaas was ci -.1 fca s l-.'?e . ^LJK Johnny was Klght. Teacherâ€" Johnny, i sn.-ald think yon would be ashamed of yca-se.f to ran away from school for the sake of djatico ar.^acd in tnat old. leaky. d«lt>ott?med b.*t. Weren t you afraid of >;e!tln»: drowned.' Johnny â€" Norn, not so much as on shore. Teacl-erâ€" What nonsense D.d ycaever hear cf anybvxty >,oirgvatin a boa: for fear of getting drowMeU .' Johnny â€" Yes m Teacher »stonisht .". • â€" Who ? Johnny â€" Noer. On acccant cf us form, historians Slate that the ^aalities formeny accordec to ths crescent have been transformed to lh« horseshoe. T'lie Cniaese 'ca -d their toaabs at tee present aay in a semi circ.e form like a h.-rseshoe. am the Moors ase 11 la tneir arcbitectare. Lcri Nelson nailed a horseshoe to the tnasl cf h.s da» ship 'i ictcry and guarded 11 as if 11 had been a citadel- Dr. James, of London, who earned the sooriiaet of â-  La.-ky " from :;i; amoant of moot, he made cat of hia patent medicines, attribated h.s phenoae- nal success to tne iaamg cf a horseshoe, which symk>ol be ad.-pteJ as a crest for hu carnage.â€" .Vfic I'.t^ i/jil atii -----t.i. . t n - w 1 . i » i 1 - 1 - 1 .. tl.r\>e !:->»«.: .n:o Tne deep, t-riny .x'eai. is the mental exclamation of tEaay a sud rer from headacce. induesticn. c>on stipation. torpid liver, etc. The ase of Dr Pierce s Fleasant I'eilets ho*ever. woald transform these anfortunates and eaase them to i'.rg^ ha: ai % • ; . r Tnr. Ofc ^a< \-d •r.-i. « no a. is l>o Not Mourn for lIuflTtaloa. We have cows thai give better milk than bofTalo cows, and the nieat is far preferable to buffalo meat. Civiluation has ceased to want even buffalo hides. A ^e^.â- ent large aocsignment that had been alored away somewhere and forgotten proved a drug in Ifcis market. For robes other bidea are >ow preferred. The stamp of nationality there is aKiul Ihe animal gives hiaiasenti- neulal interest, but that is a tnoet nnoer tain peg to hang the hope of his prolonged eaistence upon 111 this atilitariau age.â€" elder should be pickled while still green, as a substitute for capers, aud that " lar>.e cucumbers of the kind called green turley, prepared as mangoes, are excellent, aud ooiue sooner into eating." Tbey pickled radish iHxis. young artichokes, horseradish, samphire, iuari»old dowers aud more things than can be> enumerated. Having pickled nearly everv green shoot, stalk, pod and W ere not Achilles and Ajax bo seesl.'tbey began to do the same by plums, â-  "â- "'^ •b''"' servant maids .' apricots, peaches, currants aud grapvs. I Jean Paul Richter declared that he would \\heu they Set about making jams, no trail not lead a woman into the matrimonial escaped them, tht\ even attacked Vegetables, noose whom it would not ce ivht to hear When they made cakes it was the same. I'ar- hitu read the learned leviews o( Gottingeu. snips, raspberries, etc., were madoiutocakes, or the universal i.lerman library, wben and red beetroot, potatoes and oranges into they sounded his praise, though it might be biscuits. The recipe for violet cakes reads in some detjree exaiigerated. delightfully ; " Take the doest violets \ou i Seven hundred v>eople sat np all night to can get, pick oS tbe leaves, beat Ihe violets see the beautiful Duchess of Hamilton >:et due ia a mortar with the juic'e of a lemon, iu her caniage, but would one tn a thou beat and sift twice their weight of double- ] sand lose a wink of sleep to gel a glimpse relined sugar, pat your sugar and violets ' ef the learned wife o( the pundit Yaina- iuto a silver saucepan or tankard, set it valka. who discoursed with the Indian iu over a slow dre, keep stirring it gently ; Sanscrit on the vexed problems of life ? until all your sugar is dissolved : if you let John Stuart Mill regarded the institution it t>oil, it will discolor your violets; drop 'of marriage in its highest aim and as^vct them in china pl.ales . when you lake them as " a union of two persons cf cultivated oS, pal Ihem iu a box, with piaper be- facaltiea, identical in opiuiouand purposes. tween every layer." Can anything be ' between whom there exists thai best kind more charming aud ethereal than this ? cf e<.juality, similarity of powers wiih reci The only pK>int at which 11 seems to touch ' procal su(^ricrity in them, so that one can oommou earth is Ibe sugar, and that is to enjoy the luxury cf looking op to the other be double redned. The china plates doubt- and can have alternately tbe pileasure cf The itoUteu itate St>ecla). The rmon and Central I'acidc KoadS and l"ali.nau .'onip>any ; it cii December 5 h. a weekly trai". of ralliiiar. \ estibule Cars, to ran between Blad* and I San l-'ran^ isv-o Steam heat, elev'tric light. isepaia".-.' bath rooms for ladies and «;ei. lie- men, baroer shop, observat.oii a'-.d smcsii-g r^vms. and a female attendant for Udes and children, make it â- â- ;;â- ;!. mnssi !k»;N ;s rK> n >.ii pare betwte:; Ccancii B.nds aud -an Praacs.v. laclaJing every thui«; ticket, berth and mealsâ€" wi,l be flOO. A Powerful Muule. â-  As slow as a wotmn waikmg along the street, readu g a letter, woal.i not be a bad axiom to hurl into the langaage as a dxiare. â€" r-^,k. The cVd Oaken liacVei l;;e U. n b u, i i'.o.ket Tne Xloss-covi re<i tiuciet 19 very likely the one :hat has conveyed p^MSOLS to yoar system from some old well, whose waters ha\e become contaminated from sewers, vaults, or ^^ercolatiou from the soil. To eradicate these (.oisonsfrcm the system and save yourself a sj^ll of malarial. t\phoii or bilioas fever, and to keep the iiver, kidneys and lungs la a healthy and vigorous condition, use Dr. Pieri-e s Golden Medical Discovery, the greatest blood purider of the age. A Poor Job. Shodc> loudly '-Id have yea to sir. that 1 am a Self maoe man. egad ' Letters ilcvi.ig him over mtentlyl â€" Well. Mr Scoody, you look li.%e it you do, indeed. Mi..- Os. 1.-. Wiiir has been lecturing la I Lonaou ou â- â-  U»:,onal I'Tess for Women." I The lecturer is. says iCe London .»:oe very 1 yoa'og and p-etty . bat as a public speaker \ she has niach to learn. To be^m with. Mrs , C^scar W.lde is wiloly int o.-^ci cf the de meaner if a public sjvaker. See iigg'es at her oivn witticisms, lui -"ently twists her shoalders. beuos her head and •.\pixies in I a titter when she reads what she considers a particalarly ^cvd thir..;. H--r lecture was , i;-sxl la .the mam. simple, clear, anie^.v ratea. MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Wholly uultke artlhclial sfstenu. Cure of tlilud vf»u.lerlu< Auy tKkoa te^ruevl Lu oue reading. 'Claasescf i,i)»7 ai tit, l.^.>U.^ «i I>esro I.AOOai rui.ade.t'nia. I.IIJ ai Wuaia^voa l.'Sie at it^>ston. .ar<- clasaea of co.uuii-ia-^a w stadsnu ai Vale. vSelie^iey Oivriui. 'JaiTeratty i ol t'ena.. Uicni^ao Ju. reran t Cnajtaaqoa. vse, eto. Kadorsed c Hicaiai? raov^roa. tas ->oiaa ti*t, Uoaa A' vV .\sToa. JcDAdf t>SNJaj(ui Jads«c)i»soN. Dr Kaows. B U cook, t'na .ST State normal Colle^. etc Taught by aorrea VHjudenoe. l^Tos^'vcias rosr r&£K from FKOf LOlsKTTB. *Ji t\tUl AT*.. S.T. -What are â€" "Time and tide wait for no man. ' bat wtten a woman la in the case even time knd tide must wail or go on without her. â€" Bastard (tragically)â€" I am ruined â€" rained I I oan'i pay leu cents on the dol- lar! Friendly Don't oat ap ao, dear fel- low. Just think bow maoh belter off yon »n than yoar creditora. At last we hare a key to Ihe whole mya- terious affair. Ths Whiiechapel fiend, *• Jack the Ripper," aa Ihe Loudoners call him. is laid 10 be a poweiful mesmerist. This accoanla for it all. Jaok not only meamerisea hia viotima, and thaa rendsra tbetn powarleae to reaisl, bat pata the Lon- don poUoa moat effaolaally to aleep. leading and being led in the path ot devel- opment. ' l>olu|f Hlui a Kank Injustice. Dumley (to Brownl -Brown, I under- staud thai Kobinsou referred to me y ester- day as an old fool. I don't thmk thai sort It was a lime when Satan must surely have ot thing ia ritihl. found fewer idler hands to do his work. | Brown -Why, cf course, it aiu'l right, Por our own part, we never take up a pa(>er Dumley. You can't be more than 40 at Ihe aud read some horrible story of a woman'a outside. guilt or folly wiibout wishing that the days lees were such as would now make tbe joy of a cx>llector and madden his wife by their price. Would ihat the time when women found healthy excitement in turning ibis mixture out et tbe pan, with tbe color cf the violets audisturbed by the rade, passiouaic act of boiliug, were back again ; of silver saucepans and delicate confections were once more with as ; it is more than Or for Worss Mariaâ€" Yees. d-darling. 1 will be youra. probable' that the women who err ao Pon't ask p»pa to night ; he might refuae. greatly hare, as Dr. Kitchener aava. To morrow I'll gat in one of my temptra, " never ahakeu hands with a aaacepau ia And than he' s sure to consent I their 1itb». " I ^, â€" ; â€" â€" "^ 7 T". . Ckeeae Tartlet*. | The word " whits ha8b««D tirtoun tTMS Life In Chlcafo. Policeman ^stof ping ciiiiec you rune 11 g for ' Ciluenâ€" Uecause I'm cold. Policemanâ€" Well, don't doit again or I 11 open hre on you.â€" CiiCJi^o uU^t. Make a >ote of Thla. Pain banished as if by maaiic. Poison a Nksmlink is a positive and almoat instan- taneous remedy for external, luterual. or local pains. The most aciive remedy hitherto known falls far short cl Nerviliue for potent pxiwer in the relief of nerve pain. Good for external or internal use. Buy a 10 cent sample K->itle. Lsrge bottles 'Jo cents, at all druggists. !i1ralD»<t Kelatlona. Visitor â€" The milkman aeema to be very grnff toward you. Booaekaeper Yes. ever stnc« I insisted th«1 he must quit delivering us milk with straws and hair* in it our relations have been somewhat tlrained. D O M U S>.> FOR SALE, A Northey 12 -Horse Power Boiler and Kllley Automatic Cut-off 15- Horsei Po ujer Engine, â- WIPH BUCKEYE GOVERNOR .^1! in tM»t of order Can b« sxa at the oiboe of tne TIMES PRINTING CO. BAMILTO.N. OSTAKIO. â-  Thaea Utile ohaeea and damaonlArUau, the Kanaaa Conatitation. No lengthy adverliaement is neceaaary to bolster ap Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Aooordirg to Oaoar Wilde, Oeorfte More, dith's atyla is " chaoe illaoiined by btl Unnl flaabai ot li(hinin«," DUNN'S BAKINCi POWDER THECOOK'SBESTFRIENIfl

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