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Flesherton Advance, 29 Nov 1888, p. 4

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE !»â€" IL<oea,lM. ril L AD V A^ Ct.; lievcl that U W.11 who took it iiiin liis seiiouR considera- tion. Aftor "OO vuars of caix-fiil tixiught iMr. M„wat" approval of the ; ^ Wo havo received .s, fi-a sa.nplus of ;ift* I sell em I time of tho EmiM'inr Xeiii. It is soon hi! linialiod. I blaster Wesley Arin»tr..ii}< ilcpartod on I Fall Wheat THE lAMETS. GEO. MITCHELl, , , , ... job urinttn:; fnjiii Mr. J. d. Keefor, of ami work was buL'uu iii the ,, ' „„ ,.^ ., „„ ', rorest. 1 hoy Aru very creajtafjlo. llianks. i be- ^J.. _i Flour â€" [llaiiiilton Spectator. . 'tw.M TUK o ".!'*'*, ""* ' I A dosiwitch .ays : It is stated on Rood j ^'« ''"P<^ ''^ '"»>' W'"""- ">«'" »11- ^m, j Oats ^yhuUm Str,.^, . . >Ww(,m, 'V»<. authority th,.t Hon. Kdward Hlake re- 1 »«"*«♦=»» ^'X **> °f Weston .->..d Torun- j Jjeas TKKMH OK SUHScnil'TKiN ' ceivcd a retaiiur of ^10,000 befiiro ac- *"• ll.'!! ,.''V . ' V "' »1 l.«r i.i,nu.n wh...i ru.-l htrHtly in «.lv^noo I ^^..,ti„j, „ i,r,„( fr„,„ the (.'anaiiiaii I'acilic I f.„.i „iu7 »un«ri.^<i^ilitvTnfl b.wi-.t ! T>"r'V ^^l V 9 !..v)|»«r anijuiu wtiHii uot HO i>aii. i ' *^ ' ^^o.ii ffii oi aup«rior quality auci njwoii M',j(^j^j^jjj.y j^^^^^j W.H. THUUSTON, ' â- '•"'""'y n. the Manitoba railway case just i pri^e^ „t M. Richarda..n A Cos. Call and } l>ork FJ.KSHEllTON. Vavefally dfrrcrttil ICurli Urtl.. % 00 to (; 00 ?1 10 to 1 111 1 10 1 In Saturday last to win fame, liomir, oxperi- Spriiij; Wheat encc, lucre, etc. , in the fur Northwest. Barli^y (.' ;"(i ... i» JC; , (I .')« 17 KdildjT nii'i J'liiini'tur. FTjESHEKTON: Tlirii.SDAV. Si)V. -VJ. iHhR. I.IHTOKIAL COMMK.NT. AV NU'LIISO I'll'l'V -S,i;-. th.-' A Ivali^o "TlIK (iKKV l:Kvn:\v I iltlUlu-'I II p.^orly t'odsti ui;if 1 coricludud in the Sui>reiiiu court. Well, .^.^ v.articulars that » a vury fair price fur two day's work ; E<l«anl can t complam ; $;10,000 a week, i A''.' >"." ""«lo miserable by iiidijiestioii, oi r.Ti n.^i. V- . c 1 ' coiisliputiin. dizzinc-s-s, loss of .•vppetiti', gl.OtJO.OOOa year, lea, ailcr profound „ ' ,â-  , •., i r . »•-. i •' ' ' . yoUow .skin ( nbiloli a \ itabzer IS a posii- cousidoral.oii and mature duliljoratlon we ijve cure. Iiave docidcil that Kd. Imn a little the â-  start of u» on .salary. Jiut then we give L J"»t ^'''''''.iO cenU f./r a pair ..f youths | Cllickon.s 1mi- p^iii IK (» 25 H 00 4 50 IS Hiiy per ton Hides Wool Sheepskins f •10 , (Jeosc (I;- ', Turkey. H 7 O li5 full value for ours. Flo^li<>rtoa ;icI.i-11b[i » l^.;turo in tln.T.'wn Hull, Kli' t -ll if thi.-.* W.Mrki* af'i W r W..ijl4 ilku t'l ask tlut wori'juifcljy kliuniliK scnbi- ..f tllu A'tvaiicf V O'j iiirti.' liiiii a jii'U'o I'f rut-n wii-. 1-. u.-u 1 nTi1 ii!j'mM».rs nlmv-- him iTi littriiis uttfitll Kieutr. 1 ).<» Rftiol*. ri'ffirtxt to Hpitbivn-t U*.-.!- t .hti t» t wtjukH ufur thn locliir.* \v.i» ilcltvort (1 ail'! tli'' i;t-iitU-iiiun who it i-. one who it a j.-IirnHerilMiv* at thu tmchors "t tli" li.liii;!. l^fiiiorui) anil r«.*pt':t."l hy thf wht.ic- ('rMfi-H.*iou lint to ):L<t a flint; ut u* th.) A IvauciMuuii if you *â-  xi\ cttlj hliii Buch) H williuu lo ItiiiUll lue Ml- t •lliK.inrc ri( tllo tuai'liiu;; frut.-iriiti. wlio will no (Inuht ronidijilx.r hlui uli'l u^tiiiidtt' his ability rU^-Mit ita full Vulut) The above delectable piecu of coin- l)')silii)n i.^ from llic Daiiiiiu Uevievv. 'i'lir editor ovidoiitiy IkuI il very sore iicad. Tliere was no iiMiill implied, iu nnythiiig wo said, to tlie tiacliers of SouUi (irey, and no one hut an imbe- cile c mid construe anything,' iiisultin;,' out of 11. Tliu report referred to was jiooi ly consiru^tf (1 ; il w;is di.scoiincol- c-d and frajjinentaiy. Tliat fact re- mains, even suiiposni^ It Were the best iMlbiij solioul tuaclier 111 Ontario who luid |)ciuied it. In the eyes of the Ue- view, this aascrticn is an insult to the teachers of South Grey beeaiiao one of their uumbor happened to be the writer I liali ! It wa'S quite unnccca- h try to|{ive us tho gratuitous informa tion that the editor (aavu the mark) did not write thia report. No one in ihcir Hober senses would ever dreaiu of him attempting anything more than a ten or twelve line local, and I'vcu then the construction gives liini •lead away. Now he wrote the item â- iuoled above -observe the expression, 'men who stands." The Ueview should know butter than it appear.s to wliat constitutes an insult. It is an adept 111 such matters. When the lal<.' proprietor of lliis [laper had ^evelcd his connection with it the juMew dung after hiiu uu iiibull vliich no geiithinan or inaii of f^'entlemauly iustiucls about hiiu would \hi guilty of. iu noticing liis (Icpailiire it said ; "We may now exi)ect soiutlhiiiy reiidablo. " Voii nie get'ing it, youii;^ man. Uut it jiiakes all the lidlun nee in the world \vii(ibe ox is gored, doesn't it'/ We liAVc always rcuieiubered that little ijj.'ttuiirtesy, di.splayed in the manner of a (juward^ u blow struck when there vus no cliuiiti' of dofoiice. And tins it the uidividiial who shouts out ' Insuliiiig puppy!" Tin; echo re. turns Hiul liowlji around the lU;view idilor's ears, "Insulting puppy !" I lon-j iKHits, rei;iilar price, $1.75. ' them, at M. Hiehanlsori & Go's. See I Dnoks per lb n Ot; ufj ; b 3:5 .5,H ' IS I IH 1 -ih '• 10 0.) i a 52 ; t)i. T ()(; 0.-, 0.S i> ;•!(»• I I) i K 1 . 1 :s 1 1 1: 1 « lo > - uhacuiits hocght asu -m /.;'. Sl,r,-:,ll Afh-rllou jxil'i til tlfi-iiV'it'.i II if Silt''* iiii'l Acomiih. ~iiU iliior A K </i â- ' Jiiciull'ii-^ott d* ' 'o J*. i(TU(Ucul. DR. CAIITER. M.c.r. Jt .'^..o.vT. l>liYSI(Ii.\, .srK<;EO.\, Kv. FLE.'^HERTO.N. Office. Strain's Muck. Kesideiie*; J li. r«ir.-ii: II!! m\ irRiifF. Til tliK Eiiiturof TU Ailmnce. Do y<.ii sirtfer fioni iiidisestion or lois ! iN t> " Al)\ I'Ai ili>h.MK.\ I S^ DkakSik.â€" In your wsue of tho Sth 1 (,f appetite ' An- you troubled with liver iii,,t, under the heading '•Heatlicote nn<l , or kidney complaint ? Take Ayer's Sar- Kiiiiberlev .News, 1 observed a para- I .,, ,_, .' .. , gripli r.datin..; to sch-.d ,i,alters contain- "M'^'nlla. This preparation punhes and ^ iiii^ stati-inent.-i r.-ilectiiig .seriously upon vit.iii/i's the blo..d, tlius restoring health iiiy^^i^lf, and i)UL'.stionint; my ri^ht to take ^ and hlieiigth to the diii'-stive ami assiiiii- | ;nil, Will. <' i i'lKKOS'. l.iH tJ.l. -i'h any action in the matter of HO ureal im-,,,^,i^^„^,j„„ Try it. ! ' «'»;il. lrj,-:i<«sia! portaiice a.s thiit to which reference is I . ^ . | , , ,,,,.. iiiaao. 1 am SUIT, bad your correspon- | The llev. U>!<>. II. Ihayor, of Burlion, i 'I' ami «1 it booke l. dent kiiuwii all the particulars in the cast', ^ Ind., says : "BotU inys.df and my wile and he ci>uld have known them had lie ,, we our lites to Sbiloli s (Jonsuniptioi. emjuired of me, be would never have cure. written wliat 1)1! did. 'Vnu will kindly al- i â€" ! <'ai.w to th.. i-r. ii.i^.;« .>f the un-l.-rsii:... d , i'..i i 1 c \ L' i •! I. ..I I . ... . I alxml tli« nth of supti'nibir. vearliiiK'K. reil im.l low me a bttlf .space to make a few ex- I hurs in coat« mantles, shoulder cape*, ^ ^^j^,, <jwiioi cun havu thn »aiuu by i«..viii(4 |ilaiiatioii» which I know will place the nmtfc and capei, for lailie.s and gents, all , 1""1'"") ""'' !"'>'"« '-•"I"""'*"* matter m a true light, and 1 I.<-pe be »at- - ^,^^ ,,^.^,. .^ ^^ j, Hicliard.s..i, .t Go's. """' â- '""''"' '' i.sfactory to all. I _' , ] ^ Tliere ore few persons who take .idecp- 1 p„, Tuwiisend.of the Durham Ueviuw, ' \ CW ermterust in the education of the youth of , _ , . , i» . u ...,;. I "' , , c / , > has taken unto himself a wite. Ueiiiiy is ' our country, and no class 01 nun to wlioiii I i (Intarn. owes more for her. 'ducat loibil ad- I ••« '"'Ider young man than wu u'ave hiiii | viiita.^1'8, than the iniuisiciH of the (hri*- j credit for. Lou;.; liio and happiness loj ti'in (.'Inircli. This is as it Hhoiild be. .Ka a citi/eii and a [i.treiit I claim tho ri;^lit J. (lllulto.i, \f 1). CM. or AliYiii^uns Ht t*'l. Pri'.'tivillt;. Nuv 10, 1>>.'K • >l* tfTil" â€" -- - ^ STRAYED. JOHN' 1 VSOS, I'l vomhuui 1' O. flair Dresi^iqg .u old l»oy. .\ lar^u ran;je of ladns and misses' iiiantlos, ulsters, jersey j.lckets, etc., at .M. Kicliardaoii A Cos. woik. PriccTille has only one doctor now, hut he is quite capable of coping .1/ to usi; my induciice to get the very best teacher possible to iiistruct my children. The of that riiiht need not inter- furi' Willi any other person, and in linn case it did not, ,'is this following htHte- iiielit of facts will show. Careful eii'|Uiry wa.s iiiadrt on two oc- casions of this pre.seiit teacher as t'l whether the Bclioid would tie vacant. An , . , inc. - i artil ve answer WMi;i»en eacb tiuH;. , With any and all o, t.i e SlJ-ilieSi, .\ppiication was then made on lichalf of , ., ^. the person m ([u.^stmn, knowing hiio to ; -"•'"* ' '"'"'"' ""• he a man of grand principle and , The morti;ai;e «ile ad>-urti»eU to take character, lino spirit and lirst claait rcc- place at Miumbaw's hotel on Monday ord as a teacher. This application WiU ^^^ |,„g ,,^.„|, j^„t,,„„ed until Jan. 30 made prior to any other, and tborofor* | . ,,.. i . . u. i .... i„ ,,'.,â-  •' ',â-  .f.l iK'Xt. lliere was but one bid made. couhl not lie iii opp.>«itioi) to linn, not lor the purpose of Iskinif Hdvaiita«<; of Biiolh- ' ^, ,,„ _, ,, ,, ,, ..._. «r, for tbe return of Mr. (iiiidiii from 1». C. was not known by n.ysolf at that time. 1 A reward of one thousand dollars i» The person applying wwheil to know the ! "ifcred by tho publishers for the best mind of tbe trustcc-s as soon as p.issible, | letter of sii-gtMlu.i.a f .r a Christinas that if rot en|,'«L'ed he couhl look else- i so. > that will e^iual the C'liristiiias where. .No niiduo iiillmiice on my part ! Num'"''- "f tho Montresl at the was used to •;.a him etiga^-ed. I simply | published prico. Compelitoni to givo made the application, answered a few in- (|Uiries, .ind M\ tbe matter with tbe triis- lees. If they yielded to any inlluence liroU'.;bl to Ixiir upon tlieiii it wiis that »f th.. h« ginde.l \iy their own h.Miesl convic- ti.ins, aii.l frustrated their own piiriH«e hy so lb. in;;. 1 am very sorry tbat nny- thing has occurred t.> mar the jx^ceful- iiuss of mir .ph.'t villa;!!', iiiiii h.*!.*' that III the eii.i idl will be 8ali»fact..ry. niero Ismail .in...ui.t are other itiiii.1 in your corresiHiinlmit's ! crs, Montrea .â- oinmiiiiii'»ti"ii wliicb 1 n.'em not , . if notice, and allow tbeiii to pass m si- , "c'cepted. Mr. W. .1. NELSON, hawuH (iimi.>u.i out 11 UK w hail'fi ^h> p iiiiiLhuir ili..-..riii(4 piulor, ill t. Moore's Blc:k. Durli-m S their full ihiiiie and ad.lie.sss This year's Christmas Star lias twenty-Biylit pa^es ..f beautiful illustrati.ins, articles from enii _ uent wrilen, foiirsniierli supplements and wli.i not all.iw the tnisU'es t.> ether ..f asurpii.Hsim,' cbaructer. ]t la far and aw.iy ahead of anythini; yet puMished. OrtloTS for tt.^) es to be sent to Eiiglaii'I ar" tbe hirv'est on rec.ird. Thi»e who laiiii.'t procure it from a newsdiMl.'r mil receive it by sendiin; the 4U cents to the pnblish- I'ostage stumps of one liicb 1 <i. 'em Hot worthy 'and three cent demiininatioli will W IH pai'i'Slfl to atifii.l to all wolk in his liuu.uii'l wot. hi i;n itt' put. onHi.'u. - â-  â-  j Mho I'lltlilii:. shnvmi;. bhnl peliilitf laxufK, etc . N.ile I);-.liiittoiiH change of canl this »" 'lo"" in ih« li!i,'h.-«: styk- of in.,art_ I W . J . N 1*1 1.J Hi ) N . Came Astray. CaDiu to tilt' |trutnixiiii of T. ,\. (â- ttiney. lot l:) antl 14, iiid liouth of liurlimu lioad. on Nuv. Vi, ik â- uiall lilack iiiaru, Tho cwiier i^ r«»qiiuhto(J Co pruvu prn|M5rty. pav expi-u»u>. liud tnkt- it uway. t. A. OAMKY Klflihertmi St ation V <>. AUCTIOXSALE Valuable jParm IN THi; Toirihsh ip of A run^ieHia Ihiilertaii'l by virtiK; '>( Diti itowur of Halo iu a ii)(>rt|;ii^i< froui Uavnl W.JatuiHoii to the vutul- orN. vvliich will tn.- produciMl at tht; tlrnu of uulu, and liiiiltifault of iinviiKniKjf tho inoiievH t>u>r(*hy h(m;uiim1 tburv will Im ulTenti] fur aiUw by I'ubht: aiiutiou AT itUNSIIA}r<i HOTEL, III llir Villaxo of Flt'slierton, Voiira in liehalf of tho public i(oihI, iiilelleclually, socially, morally, and relig- i.Mislv. W. II M.\Dl>E.N. P. S. I ibi iiitund to puriiuu this matter any further. lloatlic.ite, I'.Hb Nov. 18H8. ('ll4*U|> LiKllt. lieceived - One riir 11 ad No. 1 coal oil, and selling at He per giillon in Kiuall or large (juantilies, at II. Trimble's. Kalt. Keeeivedâ€" One load line (Jnd-| (. uiiada has a new KCiilliug cliaiii- cricll salt, â- '<()() Ih. barrt'ls at lowest pioii. l?y O'Connor's defeat of Teem- j'i;,'»ros. H.Trimble's. i < r at Wiishingtmi on batuiday lii3 be- 1 Another ciiiisioMinonl of thoHO conies Cliainpioii of America. llau- 1 f'^"""" "V«>coata wliicli cause such a | , . , . , , , cniiimotioii amongst clothing dealers, Ian was » marvel 111 his day, hut thui^j^ Tiiinlile's. Oird. Clinton.- <^n towi. line, Onprey and ArteiiiiMia, on .S.iturday, Nov. 2-4, (.ieo. Thomas Clndoii, aiiod li* years. Death wiki causetl by the bursting of a bleed vessel. ON Vriliirnflnji, the ."ith IHiy of Jiecrmbcr, ISS.S, At 10 ii'i;Iu<'k, , bv A. S. Vuud isuu. utc- tione4ir- Tb« .inrth half of lA>t No. .sr^ k> tAw aiMh it*u. cuhkIuii wf .\rteiiiu'.ia, cenlainlii^.^iOucre*. wuru or luHM, of which about Ij aru bikid to l)«i t-leartMl slid .indar ctiltivation nml f.iticu.l. On the iTuiiiitioaaruHald to b4 a fraiii« hunse and a barn uiiil ori:hard. TKICMS- Tun per cent, at tine, nf saU, aud for till, balance toriiiH liboral, anJ will bo ui.k,ltt known at tlitif of flalf For fitrtlH.r partleulurt to \V. J M'.I.UVMV. KSU , Kk'sliertou, Or to MOSS, IIAIIWICK A KltASKS, Vindors' Solicitors. Toronto, Nov. Illth. I8H. I t Pays To ileiis' and Uiys' long iHuits at gie.ttly reduced prices at M. Richardson & Co's. Meaford It. a I and Inistioge corresixm- daiicu crowded out. In .llfiuoriaui. Or KuUB Stkwiht, who iiikd Not£MBRB 10th, IKSS. Itg Sinter Jeunit. e>1. death, how cruel Methlnks thou art 1 . 1 , t r 1 1 1 '.I .1 f A' '1'" snatch from tiH away. Iiriglit Star liuled, and Willi the lading 'ijj^ linesl and cheapest lot (,f Th.. n..w..r timt ^cur.o had ..pod its i.ud, y, 111 1 ".I .!.,,â- , i" ... . .\inl b'av.. tithtirs In .Iwi'sy ; ( ftiiada bobs up seienlj wit.i unotliei |ladw'» and gents furcapsin town, at Th« »*o,.t,.st ih.wor ;.. tiu-Karden pi.4 mill still bri;,'htiT liiiiiiiiaiy. Htick to |H Triinlile's. \oiii hsiik >>('iit I'lielu Sam. Ifo f*h for d«»ar ol I (Jan^da, \« ..'•r l)i.< VaiikH hl.e i-UiiihM , JIt.i' iiiusclml «o;is take all thebtius .^nd t'. h. HllverdluiuH. A process has lately been invcnled whereby uiilk may he kept from smriiig f'lr u uiontli, grapu and apple juice fir six nniiitlis, and swert \\ine for a year. The inventor is now ex- jporimentiiig on an apparatiu whieli it is claimed will kuf'}; ,si)h,sciibers iVoiii souring on the editor. We are open , to reooivo doiiati iiis with a view to lielpiug liiin along. Tlic canal tluongli the Istlirans of .-Corinth was proposed about S2,600 ^'cars ago OiJO years before Christ. 'J'lio plan was luid before Mr. Mowat, ('ould but ftsllat.. thy th.rHt, Th.iutjb r.i<l.iil .men aroniiil iti^rtw, I S'ou plucked the fairest tlrut. ThJrty-I)uy Bacc. I'Vee for all I (lo a8 you please, for Hut rbv will, on l.urd, on earth be done. : r / I. 1 1 1 II As it Is ill Kt.avfii al...v.. ; a pair of felt bootH. socks nr rubbers. Thy l..v.,d ..n..« Tl,.... .allkt early homo, lowi'r than the lowest, lit U, Trimble's Overshoes and rulilieis in (Midless viiriety and cheap at K. Trimble's. i'oultry MuiiU'd 'I'he liigln'ht price pniil for turkeys, ppcse, dncks iiiirl cliickens. a', U. Tiiiuble's lliittcr IVnntrd. Top prices paid for choice Imltor in tubs and rolls, at 1{. Trimble's. (!ross-«'iil Satrs. All latest makes anil hoUDiu prices, I'ledS'i inspect before purobrtsiii.,' else- where. 11. Trimble, We have done soiuc wonderful wiiiltliiig of prices. Call mid see. Wo want tint wlioh' omuiiiiiity to awalie and woudet at our waiulerfut uiitorpriso. 11. Trimble. AND THAT IS Till': lUortherxi Business College,: Tho bent Mvi iiioit prftotical course of study. 'I'litr tH'Ht tuarhiu^ taloiit. Thti bvat ttucouinioUatiuii for atudeutt. 't lu! liu^t uiutluKU of intitruction. The t)oiit retiuUii from thai instruction aftar â- tiidi iitH ^raduatM. For litiiiU'il aauoiiiiooniniita ^iviiiK particularfi ru|{ar(liiit< tho courwof btudy, turuin Ac, addtuHH r. A. yuRMiNu. PuiNcipAL. Owen Hound, Not. Ul, IWMi. Hhi* Kii!4WiT(!il that riill of love. \Vh woiKimI, wo WAtuiuMl. vtn praywl iu vain, I'hy hand wti could not itay, With ftinhn^Mtf rtf^rnt and lovo \Vii »ft\f hnr pawn away. Why 1^ it wu Httip and »i|jh, Or cheek thu ^'atliei iiit{ tuar ? \V>iy t^ it thiin wocall and look, Kor KllJA wti rtnti not horu ; '1\> itfl Ihn warning wait too filiort, No tini4i tit Kiiy atlioii. Till doatli Ufiit Htoppoil tho l)tmting of Tliat hoait ho kind and tniu. "Wo'il luitili hor u<>\v," vou'll huar soiuo say, Htituh! thoy littlo know Hi>w puio a inirui, liow wiirni a huart Wah utillt^l hy drattl^4 full Mow ; "\Vi) U inUs hor now '- )u>w mild tho houm To 4onit) tluHt) woiiIh nitiy mean ; "Wo niifis hor." fih, tho liii^uished form To uu thoiio wordnarn Htmn. "Wo udHs" Ah, 'lla h^litly said, Unt hnw hIhmiIiI othuiH know Th« lifjht. thu hopo tliat iliuit wtth her, When btiu wan callud to \io. It wa.^ Lord's word. OotVn call of lovo. Why ctiaHu wh not our wtnipinff Wohopo ti> nieot to part no inuroâ€" 4liV U uot iluad, lull ttiueping. KletbortQP, Novepibor lOth, leea. Flesherton Meat Market ! r>L\KKLY & McCONNCLL. Pl'llVKYOHS TO THE tIENF.KAL I'Cr.LlC Dealers in fresh and cured meats, saiisaj^e (our own make), lard, bcilo<;na, etc. etc. FISH. FO'^LS. and GAME. in their sea.son. A. i }'-Ll',F, only §4 per. hundred. Call andaioertaifl-piices, whether ymi hwf or not. :{initiv.tni. h DKNTISTKY. Thomis HenderscE. L.E.S. SrHOK.lN IJK.NIIST liiilil MnliilUt umI Iliiiiirr (liiiihaff nf rti^ n.c.D.s.. wni visit ri.KKIIKIlTON. iMiili-liaw's I:..;.: 1 «n.l 2..f .'ncli iiiiiiith Trith .'Slni.Ti ,1. inn-' i»l and Itllu.i III till. liii;lii!«t stylm of th art n. f at ulu.ltn'atr ratvu. il>:i;< oi'yiiE.lfl YoMiB St., Ton vto. r. D. S . DKXTIST. Vitits .Markibilo tin; 1st iiii.l ,'lril \'> ojncs- iliiy I'f eacb in.. nth. Flcshert.m l';icIi tiii. ..ii tli.' ibiy f. I'l.wii:.' J. W. KItOST, Lij;.. P^m-tstrr, Soliritor, ('oHrriiuiirrr^ O.llce.â€" S4raiii'« Huildini;. ('i.iiiiirnToK. A. A. CHESLK V. Siilk-itor and Cuiivi;ya:icwr. Ui'Hitlelit Mana,;t)r. Mlt. KltOST will III, fi.uud at the Office orr Thuradars an liuretofora. F McCULLOUGH, Barriater, SoUcHor, <yf . Oflive. «vfr McFarlnnd's Mtorr. .Wurkdalr. .Hunry to Loan. John W. Arnstpong-^ KLKunKKJufK t'o. Ourv. TJIVISION fOL'KT Cl.FFK, COSlMI.SSUtXKlll i'lU It U. loiivi'yaiicur. .tc. .\Kpnt fur imrvhai- awl Halo i.f lauda. AiipraiBtir lor I 1, C torn and K. P II. A S .S.K'ioty. Mouoy to Loan uu th» f'.'i?.',!;"'."""*'''' '"r"'« InHi KK i» SI AnillAfi B LICK.NHKS. .NOTAKY I'UBLIC. MONKYTOLOAJS. AT LOWEST 4 I KREXT ItATEti. On Town or Varui I'ruiicrty, 8. DAMUDlt. ricrthurto*. W. J. BKLLAMY. TWP. CLKRK ARTKMKSIA. COSVEYANrER, COMMISSlOXSJf jySUHAXCE AG'T, AC T)KKI1S.UOKTOA(iKS,I.KASi;K, Ac, prcpar ^ ud and properly uiucuVod. Insiirancu affix; .'.I iu nrBt-cla»«coini)anlc'i. Mcinuv to lend at^ lowcBt rataa. t R. J. Sproule, "liaST.MASrKIl, Flc«berton,t'.immia«ion •*â-  et ill 11, K., liioensedAucluinuer, Con- veyancer. AppraJHcr nud Momi/ Londer. Upal Ilstiite nml Inauranw Ag^nt. Deoda, M.irtkrftgfS, Lt'nfii's nnj WilU .Irnwn up oiicl'„ Vabiatiiins nimli) on nhorteHl notiwo. Ano tion Hales nttenik'.l to in iiry p»ry of tho County, Money to I..nn i\l lowist rates ot lutercHt. Ct'lli'otions uttundo.l to nitli promptnesa ami ilcspntcn. ('hurgps low. Agent for the Dominion HteaansliipConipany Chtiap tickets from Flesherton to Liverpoul, ('las^ow, Iri.iidou or any of tlin BritlHk Ports. I'lirtien inteniUng to visit Ktiglanil, Scotlauil or IreUuiit, will plcaae ask rates be- fore purchasing their tickets elsewhere. James SulTivan, ThoTiiismith, - Flesherton Uepaii'inR, V^avetiouKhinK.and i'l fai;tev««|r tiling in the hnsintiHA will ifi-tivo luf prompt aint careful att(>Kt:"ti at roasonahlu pricett Try The Advance one year for $1 or 5f.v mcvflis for ^oci^ • •

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