."Nov iLiia.] T H E F L E S H K R T O N ADVANCE > ♦ â- >i noAV- FALL GOODS! -AT Ti:.: Buy a new For .llcrrie EntriuiKl. PricEville, Central Ctora,^ F! iviiin '-i^iiv.i^l .nil- F'lll :iloi'k i f I'l'V r. )i).ls .vu liiH ui . I !<â- .â- . iiiKU ti; uJcr tiiL' Iji:-: viiiiHi in Mi L.tlM wi, .1 „k is •...â- lycnniiiut,', Mi.l hav- rl'j b 'e:i v;l.:i:[i'.l Willi •;m:iiI oarp wc liav.i ci.iili- fl. .,;<â- in .1 II iic:l! ilisc'i-iiuii! public tliiii timycau BOOTS AMD SHOES. PlKCilAh^K A SLEIGH EOBE LVVE^7 IX I':; ii.nv -t." 1> \r: . vn â- â- •i na 1 .â- â- .iMvn-'.«. â- <|.l.l.â- • ••.Ul;â- - .oil 1111 1 -I'rvi.'.MiiHi .ui ^J...i aUil iiuy-., BOOTS THAT R BOOTS ! 1. 11- I'..;.'. uicu.bui- of l^iu houluliuM. Cm- 7 4t ^â- |!1.-. -.,,1,. ,:ia^ivr"ii.'li i:ml- Our u vIUi l.uil:;^ :;-Hul (J ,.â- I--, .111./ l.aiv I'lltu.,. Cu.ii.. u.i.l . ic .i . eL:r:vl St:r-:. Pricsviilc. Anew Whip BIG DECjUm -Fon FLZSHERTQH C-A-S-H J. G. Cakson •;'alu .- ll.i:^ ui.jpoi-tiniity to thank liis iimiiv cnsi >iaers Ibi- tliuir lifui'ty piU- ronal'f <lnrin\' tin; past 8 years ami to usk rlst'ircoritimicd support \ii liisnow l)i-fuilses on 11. Trimble's eoriirr, op- posit.' Miinshaw's Hotel, Fk-shertoii. Tlif f()ll"wiiiK is a list of the Iniplc- laeiifs I iiaiuile. all the nmnnfaetiiix' i.f tint famous anil rptiablc oUl Hrm, MfSHts. PATTEliSON lUiOS., Wood- T-tock, Out. : â- Hr'illirr.i, .vr.i./7.iii.i, ('utt.-ra, ftiniiiiiij Mdli, ^firiiij Touth Cul- tiritnn. 1 draiH Drith. i Briinii-iMi Svd'rt, ! -Sttriu'iml'iiut/i II ir- ] Inm ll'irrnii-s, ' Tirn-Furruto Ganj Flow, Srujfli-rK, Turnip Ih-ilU, Land Iu.U,-rs. FLOUR, FLOUR, STONE PLOUE! MR. r LOCCKS \* |.rupM'"l to ilo your Gristing on siiurt liolifO miJ K'riiiils on Ibe elii tormn of every tw.iKib b isllol, Sovi'll t-OMtsfM-^r bilB of two bllnlielu for Clioi. [.11114 iloiio ev.TV iliiy. Tllo LlUlu MiJia bit; iJi lb" Intimation L'f the pubUc. SiiLi^ faction UuarMlt./uil. V. l.OUCKS. Vioprictor. t\o. A stiibliir.' for hovsos. :^ 01111% SHINCil.KScoiiPtaiitlv on bii>»l "lul tor snlo , 'boii|i. .iii-l put in tbht cla:^" iiew rboppiii_« :M1 ii"\i biiUK aloiiK \..iir prtail an'l m't it en..!. Pel lip iu HlK.rt ordi_^r. ' J. i; S1,IV\N, liiui; ilia. FAEM for SALE fM|itHin:ii^ fifty nciy-s. Tlif fibovi^ iT-'Mfttv Mtujitf'.l 11-1 ».Ut oti«-Alnl-a-Linlf !iii!t^:« Ir.in th vii;a?4<! ijf KitulitTluy. all ujulor cullivalion iiu iiiftl^uificeii; ItiiJil. Apjilv to "A. \IJ>orH Kiuilxjrioy 1', SALESMEN WANTED "Z^^l ^, lain I Niirs..-rii'.-,. .*,-Utbl!sln'<i cv.-r ;ii' vt-ai H. Tlit) ,.M I'th.Ll.li! nursery Mi.ii with I'luli, ciu-rnv. : ."III 1 III bits (iii.l Oit'it.n (iiiiiHclt'i' nlwn v-> Hucc»'f<l, '.\'i' cim «ivo vovi J;>*<h1 I'Rv anH st,<'a,iiv wui k. Writ.' foiterai's tu C-MASK ' lUiOTHKUS' COM- TANV, NiiiKoryuioii.Colboriic.Oiit. CUT and FIA'G 8!!«kli\liT()li.U'i'() FI\EU THAIS EVEK. T is B In broDze on KA«U I>LrCi aud I'ACftCAE on HAHNESSMAKEf,, FLKSMF.irrOW is prepared to '^We you large DSCOUNTS for CASH on a.11 kinds of harness, whips, blankets, etc. A Huge Stock ! â€" OFâ€" SINGLE, TE.AM, AND DRIVING HARNESS, on hand. Slci-h 13elLs Robes, Whips, Hoof OintDicnt, Axle lircase, Curry Combs, Brushes, ami everything retjuired in the line of harness m ikers' supplies. V7E ALSO DEAL IIT A SUPBEIOE QUALITY imm C.VLL and EXAMINl'. our extra large stock before buying anything in these Hues elsewhere. D. CLAYTON. ]Sj" 2 â€" My accounts arc now ready and waiting for settlement. As I am in great need of money, ail per- sons who are indebted to me are requested to call and settle, ON OR BEFORE DEC. 1st, otherwise their ac- counts will be placed in other hands tor collection. p. Clayton. liV M. muUAKbSON. T!io hitiinnr of tlu! coiitnil liall in fin- i.sli.'il III |ioli.siieii irraiiite and the rarest iv.lori-il iii,irlil«», the roof lieiiii; supported liy iiia.ssue pillars of polislied graiiitt', '•ai;ii C..I1111111 biriiu'd .sueiiiiliijly of olU! solid lib..-.. L'."> t.i .">U b'i;t ill liMiotli. Tliis liall i.-i |'ioiu»L-ly ailoriR'd with statuary of uiiiiiient 111011. There art! two otlior lariiu lialls. ill wliuli the courts are lield. I re- coiliTi lii'ini; at one assize here where I saw tour men at one lime on their trial b<r iiiiiriii'r. They wore all eoiiileiniieil .and liuiio at oiie time at Kirkdale i;aol, wlitfii executions were as piihlic as it was |.o.ssililo to make theiii. We next vsited the I'.iv.wb iiuiseuiii, fiieiii',' the west fa- ..â- ade of St, Ijeoroes liiill. Near tins is a lofty eoluiiiii sunuoiihled with a colo.ssal tiu'uie oi tlio Iron Duke, old Welliii'.'ion, who sliiires with Nelson the adoration .f the |.eo[)le everywliere for their martial lo.ro,.s. After restiiiu' a while in the rea.liiio I'll. nil we wioit to tlu' iiuiKeiiiii i:ontaiiiiiii; the exteiisivi.' eoI(..etioii of Eu'yptiail and otlior aiilinuit'e-s and ariiclfs of verlii, oolli-etoil In- .)mm.[,Ii Mayer ; rIso the eoii- teiits of «.-vi.'r:d other iiin.'io.'.niis .'f thi' lowii, foniiiii_' 111 all lie of the rarest and lloll.'.M r.,nert;.iliS 111 the klll'_'i{oill. it Woiiid ocL'Uj.y J 'l.i\ b. :;o thion'.,'li the de- oai'tnieiit of ii.ituial history a'"n.'. Here are s]M'eiiii.'ns if lu-.irlv iv.fv known I'ird .111.1 li.-<li, iiiuiii.'Tiiiu t!i.'ii.'>.;iiiis, :ilso al- io. ~t I'v.ry k'l.i.vti a.iiiin.il .'\ie|it, the d.. iii.'.^li.- a]ibii:il-i. Tli'-re ii :itt:iehed an ,t.|i|ai-iuin. '.vb'.Te iii kii oe tanks witli heavy |ii.il.' ^l.i'is fn'i;t< the .iriii;'..Mis •â- ( the sea. as Hell asof/ie.-ih waler. ai •â- -.ri'ii .iisport - 111^ themselves 111 their native element, inbi neks, oonils, slndls or seawewl. Tim eoileetioii of hu'yptUn anti'iuities is very exteiiHive, rihI coutain.s iniiinmios e.\cul- kntly preservi'd. Here we see a man vvh.i vvalkiJ the earth in thu time of Moses, and from the record on hia cuttiii of ."tone was a door keeper in the temple of luis. Hutu K^itin we look on an Egyp- tian ]iriiice9ii who liveil two thousand yi.ura ago. A^'ain wu look .11 an E|iyi'- tian warrior who won earth'.s fainu and died loiv.i before Britain had a name ainoiii{ thu nations. ISoine of iheircolKiis are of stone wei-jliiii^ .several tons each, and covered with iiiseri|.t;on3. I wa« niort in- luU'ested in llie ex tensive i:olh;i'ti<<ii of rare and wneieii't clocks and watches, .s.ime of tile latter heiiio too lar;ie for any pocket; even the outside pocket of an overcoat w.uM be eiicunil.ered with them. Others were very small ami of strant;!' shiipcs ; one was a beetle with .;ri'iMi eiiaiiieh.'d wiiiirs : on ]ire.ssilio a s].rinv{ they lly up and diaele'se a tiny dial 011 the heeths bftek. Aiii>ther watch w.as in the foiin of a tiny padlock, and w.ii made by l.,ouis XVI. for lus i|Ui'eii, Marie .\iitoin.'tte. We noticed i rare and rich set of jewi.'liy made liy order of Na|ioleiin I., ami ulveii by him to .Jose|'Iiiue. It, eonsi t d "t e.x.|u:sUi>ly Lilt eniiieos .lel, in eiiam -11. J ;;'ild. .and ilichidecl necklet, bracelet, ear riii.;s, bro icli, .iiol li.ir.-i. The ._'oiloi;iiiin of ^ii.J.'.'Jt aiiii.-i a:ol ariiioiir was v.'iy e\ t^â- l^^l\e. li.if to _';vi' casual Ii''ti..'t' 1.:' ill.' on.' Iiiin.li-cdi!i ; .111 w mid ie lo.. lo;i r and teiboiis. I bir Totoiilo fl leii.i wci:! lo illi b\ iniiliii'4lit train, bul w.. .h.i 11. .1 b-.ne 1111- lill '..l.:'.(l iiv\l iir.ri.in.;. 'I'll.' 11.!. â- tbroii'di the C'Oiij'.M' alter t li.' in.'ii'.ioi.ons seoiiery .-f an .'.â- •'a:i \"\ il;.- "a-^ I" ns .lianiiiii'..'. ir was liav !i.ir\.-'^t. and as tii.' d iv vvas bn.' u I' |i,is>.'il -ic.-r. s ..;' lield s v.ith i^rouj s • •i men aiiJ U'lin.-ii bii,y iiiakii .; m- ..villi i;ilni.;h,t\. I'll.' !i.a'l\' tiiliiiiieii lo'.l.;e- r'lHs. tile 0"s\' li.iiii.'.',:ea.is, tile <b.';. ...jre.'ii of ii:o .'la.ss I iioh, .iii;.le>l 111 tirbls of .'1.11 ^Im;.'.-. ai.'l MZi'S. to" pi..-t'lre.-.i|ne L;r.iii|.s ot li.iyiiii kers. all .•Miooincii t. '.ni' scciieiy ;o lis reciilU.'.i III..' â- liiaiis on 'jii iiiiir. alli'd I'.'aiity. I I'ltiil iitil I iiie.s of lllsll ll'illl.'S. We Mrs of I'! â- 'Tbe .'..HlHi; 1 olll lb. IV b.'.ll.tillll ....'V â- -lioi.. ;',iiii,l til. ir lull II -tia: t.i'..' , ( i.o U.I tbo pk'a^.i..iL la 1.1 . Mi'l ;;b.\viiiK or.'bav'l . b., tb Ibov p.'o;.. I .iieb f ion 1 bis w. .1 1'l (â- ! l"ii\ ..H, \l..l l..ii.i'li.sl,b».'.j they l..\\l.v ..biu]) As tin.' bi.ns o.;iicitt.. tjui.r e.fc.oi.. ra»sibo tile laroe iiiaiinfacl iinii'; centre of \\ inuii (.*c I're.stoii, we eanic into ii less |io|iuloiia hut more picturestpio district. Stoppii)!,' awhiio at Laiicnste-r, we saw ijuite near the .station, which i.s on an einuiiiioe over lookiii;^ t'le town, the Ancient C'lwtle rem.arkahle for its tleeanco and euibracitig the courts and ijaol witliin its precincts. Lookiin,' down into the old town we saw the inat;i'''ieeiit ^iieduct earryiii}4the canal over the river, which is also spanned by a briduo with tiiio arohei • .-Vtion we are carried at great spaed into the county of WeBlmorelaiid, Mid approachiiix the old town of Kendal, whiuh lies in a ludlow on our left, we saw 9n ft hill PHirlooking tlif tuT^Jil ♦••<! f »'"'« vi an old castle, in which (,"atherine Pair, on of the ipieens ot the iniichinarried Kin^ Henry the 8th, was born. Kendal is one of the oldest inanufaetiirilii.' towns ill Enoland, the woollen nianiif.iefirin^' havini; been established here by Flemish weavers in llie 14th century. Kendal o;reen cloth is nieiitiored by .'Shakespeare, and was eidi'lnated in his time. From here the tirade rises iiiitill wo reach the sumiuitt ..f .Sliap Eells, and the road (.a.sses the famous .|Uarrii's o' shap oraiiile. The ciittinL's are ihrouoh sidid beds of u'laiiile, which 'jive a peculiar metallic rumiilu to the train as tlioU'.di passim,' throuoli an iron tubular Ijrid.oe. From here I iioti'd the rate at wliieli we travelled to Pel. nth, ten mile-. e.\aetly ten iiiiniitss. '/'./ /;.' rtiiitittu'd. Sleepless niiihts, inado niiserablo by that terrible e..iioli. Shilohs is? the Ueinedv for vou. liiifli Li4-4>ii.s«-. HOW IT sTiMi i,,\ri':s snKiir.KMsM. A liespatch fr. .111 Scrauloii, I 'a., savs that liii;ii heeiisi' mils iltt.'ily bi ib. useful work 111 Lacka A'uiin.'i I 'ouiity. The court licensed I'lily •.:'U p.'rsi.n.s to sell IhiUor. but more liiaii l.o(H) .ir.^ |iaviii^ the fe.ii'ral liipior .leab-is' tax. iwhi.-li is iie- o'cssary even f'.r those witli .i local license, to escape most severe penalties. ) Thus nn.re than 1,000 mon uro selling: li.pior in the county ill violation Why You Feel s. . w.iaK and exhausted is because your b!i.o,| is impure. As well expect ib.i Mamiary eondition of a city to be per- l.'i'i with deliled water an<l defective sewerai;.". as to expect such a conipli- r.'iie.l pn-.e of mechanism as the human frame t.i lie in yood order with impure bb.oil circulatiut; even to its luniulest. veins. I>o you know that every .Irop of your twi or three gallons of blood passes throiiah tlie heart, aud lunns in about two and a half minutes, ami that, on its way, it makes bone and muscle, brain ami nerve, and all other soliilg an. I Huids of the body? The blooit is tile (jreal nourishur, or, as the Bible terms it, "The Life of the Body." Is it any wonder, then, that it ibe blood be not pure and iwrfect in its eoiisti- tiii'iiis, yiui sulTorso many iinlescribnblo syiiipl.iinH? .\yi:r's SarsapBrilla stan.ls â- â- lica.l .iii.l sli.iiiblers " above every other .\ltef. iiLivoaiKl Uluuil ^Jedleliie. .\» piui.f, rea.l tlione relialile testimoiiius : 'i. C. lirock, .if Lowell. Mass.. says; •' Kor iIki past i'l years 1 liave solo Avur's .Sarsaparilln. In my opinion, lac best romedial a|{em;ies for ilu'ciiri) ..I all tlif .lisi'ikses ansinu from inipuii- n.;i .jf tile biuod aio contuiiied In I Ins iiM'.biiii.i.'* KHuone r. Hill, M. D., Wl Sixili \ve.. N.-w A'orK, says ; "As n bloo.l-piinrl.T an. I gfiioral builik'r-iip of 'lie system. I bare iieier found anything to ••.|iial Ay.-i « .Sarsapurilltt. It Hives |>erfect sausfa.'tion." .'\; it's Sarsaparilla i)rovi.s ..ipinlly nllloiicioiis in all forms of Scrofula, HoiIh, Cnrbiiucles, Eczema, Ilumois, lyiiiiibiiyo. I'atarrli, icc., an; is, tli.'re. loi". 111.-' very bi«t Spring and Family Medicine 1,1 a-..' " It beats all," sa.\ s Mr. Culler, .'( ruiU'r brotlieis i; I'o.. H.ision, "bow Ayor's Sarsaparllla M.'. ." sell." rrepiire.l by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowoil, Mass, b:...!,-'. »ii tM[:l.«, a. Worlll -.J .1 buuin. Mild noi.n WATT 111 S"l'l Icir 8*«»M l..h, li(-»( M S FREE •> "il'l <)..lil llllliMM^ l'i\M :i.l â- l>lfh-| 111. Kiiili lu.tl- i 'iixUiiilii Mirvi V\ It I >«<llkH •III. I ''HKft Itf ,1 V iU,.'. <i.\i-: i>i::hnun »i !i l'>iKlliy i-mi ^pciirf ')no , â- '-â- â- .. Ili.w In tlntp.ii'Hitilfir tiif\v«T â€" HI' wdiU iiim per- III I liLli III' rilliy. to kv^ii Id thelrhr<iin--...i.'i -ii-iw i<> lln-.-M liiicuM, n rnniiili'l.. Mii^ofotif vftltmliWAit.l vury iinvd)! Ml* V^<KII(*K'II H.\.m>l,KM. Thtci'Pnni|'U«.ft» wi-ll :iB Mm wnl' li.w<- n. ii 1 rr>-'.<il^l .tfU-r you h*ve Kojit tlu'iil tti ynur fnHiin fur tt hi..iiIIib nii J hIhiwti ttietn toUiuM wli" timy Imvt! inllcil.tliry hi-cinti your nwii.prnpvrly; It IB ix.f><>lbl<i to tiiuki- thiH h-n-Mt "iTi't. ^''ii.lliit: thu MULIU ««»LO wntirinii't <'<»HI V f>.tiii|>U'a frc, w Itienhowlnicor tlioftniJijilMPi til ikiiy liii'itltiy, rklwityn Kniiltx in i liirRtt IthiIo Tor on; nftiriMir"iiiii!l<i 'ifivrt tM-t n In a Inculttj (fi a i:ti.nth ir twi» woiisiiAlly K'l In III 910UU to 8C>»04> In tin.luir<>ni lb* •uriotiiiilltiR ciruiitry. Thtn, tho iiiost wuiidririnl niTer •â-¼â€¢* kiu>wii,U iiiik<l<t In '>r<t(ir tliiU ourHftmplCK iimy tw iiliicfil nt <>iioa Wlirr*^ till) t-iin lit Hcfii, all rtvitf Aiiicrlri*. Writn ^tl i>nc«',aDd niftk<''«iir>-<if tho chniirn. lluailcrlt will )>« tmnlly niiy Irnublo for you loatiow tli<>H»in|>loB to tlume whonixyfttl kI your hnma kiiil yitur rnwanl will lie ntuHt fliitlfttnctury. A |)<>i>tRl iHnl oa which to wnio iMennlfl hot 1 rent aiiil urter ynuktU'W «il,tf yna donot CAfe to Koriirlticr, why nwtianit Iflildiiu. jlul It ynudo Mm) your ft.Mri-M nt onco, y..u â- â- »n tux-nre l-'IIEE ..no of llift bext Htdltl «i,M wnii-lun In Ui.i w..rl.l tm,) .mr l»re»i lino of CON1I.V -SAWl-LKN. W.M'*y .vli .-xiir-Ha, fnlKl.l. -Mo. THE PEOPLES GREATEST INTEREST q wliovf can t.lir-. .gi't ;tii'ir Ilcur, U-i-A. ;i':.i prn- vihioiib ihuiipewL iii town. IT IS AT HLACKBUKN'S. .\11 Itin.fs of meal ahva.\s on iniii'l. TO THE I'WUMEKS .\M) PI I'.LIC CENK.UALLY : iiot<'Offb:k»iuI aoiw li ^< ii: at ftUhoiirsof til., .lav, ONLY la clB. .\11 .tliur incB in stock as umial. The peoples faithful servant, G.H BLACKHI K\. B*>iuninbor iho pl»c«â€" Nox^ t^oor \\\ M. Uloh ^rdggtiH Bargains I I BARGAINS ! Now IS iho time to secure them, BEDIiOOM -ANP- PARLOR SUITES QUITE NEW in design,ver\ tasty and neat, to be sold at a small advance on cost. Beautiful new line of JjOUNGB ^ IN RAMIE. TAPESTRY and NEW SILKCOVERINGtf. These !,oods have all been bou<;ht very close and we in- tend giving custm )ers the iuli beneht. Handsome Hall Stands, in Mahogany Finish ^Siist Iw Men to U«' appiMciaK «i Ill a nunili.-r ct s!.\ h. â- ; "in liii-ii All at vciii.ii'v ^'^v p;!'-c>. rH]':i<i: .\Kr. ^tm.i. s.)me c! ihr -c I i\'. ;rib'i-'i I! !J 1! S iMl i '^ ii S ! Try one, rc.->t. wc'.l, and pro- Ion;^ your lilc. At §.V-'-co. J. E. MOOIIE, Undertaker aotl i\:!niturc dealer. Undertak-i;: special attention.