Now I See. ** One thing I kunw ; tliAt whereas I w&s blind, now I Bw."â€" bt. ioha Ix. 25. I know not mncli c>f law or loro, Tm but a bimiJle yourli. Hah er of m>srer> no moru Than treasurer of trutb. Bat ouu tbiuK'» plain and clear to me, I OQue was bliml and uow I see. The Scribes and Pliariseira, uo doubt. Are wirie and mi^jbty mtm, • Prepared th« Sadducees to mut With eitber tou^ueur pen. Bat niatturs movu that eveu »hoy Can neitbur ei:o uur Bound to-uay. It hatb been written ; there are tbicge Fr ui wiH'-^it riitMi coiicealtvi, Which by ibu Sovereiu'U Kin^ of KIurb To lufaiitK are rc-veab d. And " Mercy upon whom I will I' Uemama ou r.u uinn record still. So in His everlaatiny love He hatli revealed to me What nu^t'lH ruuijd His throne above Desire and htuji to S'-v. •* L'uto the pour He'll buuor pay; The ricn Ho cmiJty seudb away. " I see, yid. bl<'Stied be His nuuie, NoL ouly with the t-ye That «1' r.flt'H my mortal fraim-. But tiiat which cauuor die, The lumiuary uf the soul Which through eu-rnity uball roll. And by that iu'Aard li^bt I flcaa lo Him 'hu placed it there The Suu of Ui^utou- ues8, the Mao Who c:*.rrus ail my caroâ€" My Uuide and Comturier, with whom I see uo tenor m the tumb. â€"William Muiuiay. Hamilton. Oct. 'Jtith. I8K8, THE LADIES' COLUMN. A Variety of Jottings That Will Interest the Fair Sex. 80KETHIHG ABODT WISTEE FABHIONS. (Cousin Katu'a W«elilv Budget.) <L