THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE 7 /^ ^ S, G. Teachers' Convention. THE ADVANCE. li publUhoU -i Large Atteiidanrt; uiid u Picas- ant Time. On Thursday anil FriJa^- of lust wpuk tlio repru8outtttivo8 of li^arnini; in South Orey asseuibled in Fli'shertou to com- â- Evet'y' 'J'llltrHeltl^^, \wuue amout; tliomsolvus and debate . \iui>urum.-'jificif,,' i school raatteis. There were big and httle S'lii-nhnm Skeet, â- â- - Flfihitrtoii, (hit. TI-;UMS OK SUJiai'llU'TION; 41 per Anuiiiji wliutt piuid Ktrirtly In auvau c ^(.jU per auuiiia wliuu not su j)ui'l, W. H, THUKSTON, FliBSHERTON: THURSDAY, NOV. 1, ISKS. "THE FAKIR.' eraturo. Ho admitted that we could toacli a l;o(ii1 deal better than wu are do- inj;, and tlmunlit uiore time should be devoted to the teaching of mental arith- metic and less to (jcngrafh}-. The young scholar's head wai crammed too full of straujje foreign nuia(?3 which were of no material beneht. Wlitn ho was a boy he w.ifl oranuiied full of Ion;,' names, wliich ho hud forgotten â€" ami lie was j^IirI of it. He was in fnvor of music in schools, along with literature. Ho did ni>t wish to bo- bis audience, from tlie ainiillest cliild to oldest listener. Dr. Cliiistoo and li:\\ .Mr. NN.^tsnTi nxwved a voto of tlianks to the lecturer, whieli was responded to with n>iich entliusiasin. Friday nioriiin;;'.s nieeiiu',' oijunud with a reading by Freaideiit nuii:v,'e, after wliicli Uev. Mr. Watson luJ in prayer. br. McLeliaii conoluded iM.-i .-;ubjeot (if P.^ychnlo'^'v. S-c-ret:iry fi-win then fjave hi.s report of t'ne Provincial Teach- Tlif l»iii'.dalk Herald wrillies niidor lliosliorl article wliicli wodevotcd toil taochers, lady and gentlemen teachers, uli.ltlir fakir two'wwks aga.aniloxin-cs- «""^' looking and h.imcly te.iehors, young hcs iLStoiiLsliluci'it that we would up- """••'"-•â- •» »'"' "•''• '^"r '""^t »'â- "' "'•'-•"t- 1,1 1 1 1. I 11 .1 ed two of the best looking fur of hold a man who dealt lioiior!il)lv with .,, . , _ , , , , . , ,. , ", , ,, illustration, but offers a.s apology for tlie u.-<, altir having lifanl from tile Herald ; ... i .â- • <• u . " iHinateurish work the iiiforin:Uion that thai he Wd.S a fiau.l. While -sorry | t,,^. ^.,„„ ^.^.^^ ,,„,^, „„t ,,,,<, a Hhoemaker'.s that IVieiid Spurr IV-vIs .sore over our awl, which i.s not just the instrument for icinaik.-, we caiu'yt Inlp bat ihiuk i line art engraviu','. If yiii ri:co.'nize the that he i.s raising somewhat of a pictures don't give it away. The '•ICinpest in a teapot," im the n- '"dies were all dre.ssed iieatly,and most of KiarkH wo made were really not ho !"'« ««i'tlemen. Tile L'eiitlemaii sub- ject i>f our illustration niav not have woni a Kit el' the latest f.isli- ioii, but there wiij .a bi',' lo'ad under it, lilled with the latest rind nio4l f:i>liioiial'lo l.arnMe_' of the d.iy. Till- •'Ulwaid a|ii"a''- cannot, m ill eases, be strictly lii.iin- tainecl upon the pilil'iil .sril.-iries do|.-.l Milt to iiaj.irily ol our teachers. Therefore, severe or Marcastic as the Herald man | appeaiH to have taken them to ho. j Tin.' pres.s ii a "iViti niily, ' Imi j not sufiBcieiitly so. That is iriehvani in lliis case, however. Mr. Phillips i.s a member of that h;iieiiiity. loo, Mr. Spurr; lio is entitled to genih- 1 miiily consideration from his fellow i uieniber.s, and win ii Iil- is â- down ' In: U Oiltitlod to a helping iiand to u.-tsisl !jil;l torise. That was till ideiAljcal case I in this iiibiauc«. Hf' was -'down" in ' 1^ pocket and spirit when lie struck |ih IVJuie do le.t be loo hypi-reritlcal. Diindalk, and the citi/om uud paper give him a kick by w.iv "f as.-,istanee. I '''''^' ''â- '^' '''â- >â- * pr .cohn.'s were d.-vo, This is a kindofehantv Willi which !••'"" 'â- •"'""- '""""". ^IT "i't"'.'"! -i coniniittees. .Mr. Ileid r.'.td a paper lei â- lUllps , , , , .. â- â- Jiow to mli-r.-l |..u.-iit-, III school work, CUlle lo us and laid the e\;iel l.iel s n| , . , , , , ,, . . ,, wliuii w.w iln.nir.M.-il liv M'-^-,. e 'lUlespU', lus treatment In foiv ns e.niaslne ,;i,.,„|,.,„i„e,' and ..thcr,. In the alter- II -laM has given th.-in, witli tie on. i,,,.,,, |-|-,-,id.-nt Ui.m.v r,-a 1 mi add wo have no svmpatln. Mr. 1 t \ci plion (d liis having n I'l his i)\e!- celt behind as K"ouiily lor li.iail. ihi,. lalLOi wa- no di- 'laee.f, ii nd i,'i' ii-a I :iii aO'ln-ss i-nlitled ".\n Iii.piliv nil. I tie- iiice;itivi-< il-c-d III ;ieli loU. ' 'I'lir pllli.-liile ilei-ii lii.-s lU'-iili •;i...| w-|-,. pitr^i , eieill.ifloi. . SpuiT--fai froinlt! We help.d hini mil ., ''•"•"'•'-â- I n^'-'i^o.-i.!, p. iv,.„t, ,,.,-, and and had no great cause M i,_;:,I „ . I >^^^'">H,au.uis. Tin- ,.-c.vM,v e .:, lu â- .,-,! V- . 11 1 1, II . • , a review !.;<<.. .1 011 lie- r.olw.'vs i-i ll;i ^ iiijv, ill ple.iso e.-iciis. iis,.\|r_ II. we c'.niiol apprecMl -..ei.- kimliiisi r.nil astuteness 111 .M -oor. y.v\. C .i-nniii'; aiol till- Ibijl and T.ini. sol fa system.". \ v.ite ..f lliaiilv »a-. pr.-sented to Mr. Spr..iile and .â- la^s. Pr Mel,.-llaii nilro- iliiced lie- nisj.-.-t ..| I'.'liiealio'.id l'-<y-li- jol.i.^y. He oenind ['.syeboli v'V to be , "Tho Siience ..f llu- fa,:ts .-r pj!v.-ii..iiiriia (llie-islooK part in He' dis.-ii-i->|on. .Mr. '"".'I"''" '"""â- ' Spronle.havino prepared , I Ill iiiiisic, •â- hand" belore he ha- ilel'.,iiid, d voii. '.^-ivL- un .-xlnl-iiMn s'lo^i,,^- ei,.|i,i,ii.-y We nevel'^lainled .Mr. Philips lo the i uia.l.- in ihu theory o: nui .ir .iuiiu.: t!i,- hkies as a man of ililpi ae^lialilo p-is! f.w n llis, I'lie class :,!ioWed tei," iioryet uniliipoaehaliie eharaeler. ' iheniselves I'aniil. ir wii!i th.. â- .• ii'l aiol V.'e know eiiougji of hum. til nal are 10 'â- ''â- "'•*â- '"'â- 'â- •"'"'-'''"â- ''â- ""'â- â- '-'"* "â- *'â- '' '" liiiderslaiid that ;', nmn will do linnos under ceilaiii [,Ue.~-,nre of eirenin- :.t,ii)Ces that ho would no; oiiin wise lio ; Vet 111 thjj. ilJ.slaiiC' We c.iniiol | :h(i thai h.) h.iJ lion • an) lliing , c imiii,i.l or e.i') tliin/ t li.if : of self. ' The Dr, was hsii-iod to »iili \i HiM jililly 'llUlle hihl I 1 inea;, iiilen-it. Th.- leeiiinatiii ; c.'iu liie title of l.iLir. aeen.liii.' l.i ,,,,â- 'Ul'lee p|..Hent.-.l lU-n iv|...i 1. liil.'lpiilali.ill of llic Leiin. I Theev.- .' 111 -, tin •, held inllu-'r..wii I Hall, was u.ll allei;<;,-il, lln- hail Ii.iiil' iineoiiii..! I ililv full, and inanv v.i-i-- turn .el a'.v.iy. Iâ- 'le^ln•l 1..11 liin.l in lit- cndlli; loi; we are jirogiCriSliig fivoi ',,,,,, 1 1 .. ,. 1 ,. 1 . , IS-, . triHi.i'in- anil ii-n.|t-rn'l HI a uM.N, ill,. 1 although iUuayimlbe ,„;„, I,,.,. iImT s!„nil.i ,-a,iM- Kir ,:i,.i!.,ii llie tiiii'.i.'iilons spteil whicli , p,-,,pl.. 1.. !,.- pi...;.hi- iliaii i \ er oi 1 1„ ir . » h.iiael. n.j.l ih,. lier.ild edll.n'.-^ lllllsi.â- i.Ul^. Tin- i dec I'l'io w.i ; m ._.,,. .,M gi'i'Vlh diiniio Mm Jclsl short Mar, ^nni .nel wc i |..n,ll\ eii-.i.-d. .\ |,',,a, :â- ill it IS a p.-i./eplihlo .^nnvlii. Jta;, ii"-^ fealiue ,.: llu- ,.v,-i,iii^ |'„. „ii,-. | k vo.i, leolii.i .'iui 1,1 e niellisii.i; w, woiiM 1 h.iiik tin III ;al.! Iir il.s l-iiUei ilv -iniile. .\e come acpiainted with the man who did 1 crs' .\s.Hociati(iii. Mr. .MoArthur mipple- not want niasioiaaght in the sell." Js. aiontcd the roiiiarks. .Air. .Mian il- Our schools luwe not the appliances for lustrate.! his of t'cacliin;' reduc- tion. Ill the afteriK'oii, after adoption of doleLtates' re|i.irt, Dr. AfcLellan spoke for over an h 'in- no m phonic readiii'.'. illuslratiiig the a'i'i!ytic aud synthetic methods. Thi syuthetii: is thf method prac'.icod in liie .sjli'>"!s in Ter-nit.-i. The coiniiiittee on lleadiieg ('iivie-i reported a.s folloivs : "Your coininittee i4i|..iinli>^l to consider the subject of reiiiiiiig circle* would earnestly re'.-oinmend tiio olije-cl for which they art- instituted, a-id fecoin- meiul that tw. I districts be forme.!, with Durham and as ceiitri-s. to 1 r- ganizp and decide what work vx auth-'r they will hrst rerd and di.scnss, and ais . arrange for future nieetinu's, election i.f olhoers, etc. The pr>! presi.lent at Durham t.i U- .Mr. N. W . t'ampbeil ; at Fle.shcrt-iii, .Mr. \V. Irwii.,'' The following ofBcurs were then elected for the ensuing year : Prcsi.lent, W- Oleiidinning ; lirst vice-president. Miss Elsie Inkster, sccnid vic-j-iiresident, 0. ,1. Spr.nile ; iSe..'retary tro.wuror, \V. hwiii ; inauagoaieiif . .Mmsr-i. .M'D.iinId GEO. MITCHELL, UnM'GUT.i iSoCailT ASD .SOLb. Sivci'ii AtUiituiu ju.nij tu th'' •'•ilUftii'n ' f SoffA •ittri Aci:tiUHt.-ij v/id i/efo' J\ui'th !•/ iilfriiaU. teaching' literature which they ought t-i nave. It was a mistake t.i tiavu excluded the lihniry. Art is detined as a har- mony -a unity â€" aiu.1 iiteratnre wa.s an art, characterized by a -unity, anil it liar- moiiized. .-Vrt in it.s highest form is poet- ry. The perfect poem was the iiorfoct expression of the perfect human inind. Tn this deliiiitioii he was supported by Schiller. The characteristics were "In the iniaire of (iod creatnl he him." Man was ..;iven the power t.i kii.;w the truth, to love the beautiful, and almost to create. Poet from the fJreek means crea- tor. Worshi[i ineaut afeeh'iig of reverence or worship .'f tlK! hH-d of tlie manor. These Were efiaracteristies ..f tlie perfect hunian iiiiml. Tin; lecturer gavj a poet- ical example of the ada[.t.-ili.iii of the power of thought, proving that in that way the ..'landeur of expression and melo- ily wcr.; fully brought oiii, ipi .ting as .a bullion. lis examjilo the young man who falls in love ; his lirst act was to cre.-ite au ideal and address it in a pm-tical form. Our Bcho.. Is should te.icli literature, but ' and .Mc.\rihur. ana .Mis.svs .Vinlerson. they should t.-ach the ri-!it kind and in | Druniinoiid ainl P.irter the ri'^'ht directi..ii. It wouM have powerful inlhienc-'. !!y it we coald reach ll-e hc.irl i.r liii'iiiuity. Tii'i'-' wis a lime when pliciea!'-,- predouiiiiated This was the int.-llectual a,'c, an. I the lecturer b.dievel ther.. va-^ a 1. 'ti--- .-i,'e e.iiiiii,'. Tli.i lu-.irt ["..y.-r >U ..i!.! 1 - .'.e- j ('lark, liut woiiM like to be â€" would like vei..'.,;l. .Man was not all brainâ€" the ''> sih-ntlv wnie,' his hainl an i n.iiule ..ur be cu1fiv:Ue.| as well as th-, I '.'''"â- " "•'''' I'H "Ver mutual experiel. .Mr ll.i.'arti, of ^[..nnt f*..r.'st, re-i 1 a jiaper .>;i .Men .''y an 1 .Inl.'vn â- â- ir i'l t'l â- tcacimu' ot liie.'lish. T'l.' inc-ting tlien closed, t.. assemble at call. The llokeriii,' Ne«s man -.vrifes a very n-abable actije o-i ''Ho-.v ei!i'..r's are made." We are »<â- { acpi-iinted with .Mr. iiUi'lleci We want such heart poWeri fi.r w.. were !.r..u;lit U'l tliat wav our- sdve* I Geiieml New?. devel..p.-d th:it We W..11M b,. willing t, sa-iili... ourselves for l!ie g ..i.l ..1 ot!i.-;-s. t'l'ln. s.-ieii •â- ! di.l ii..t t>.i-h. II.' (tin- h-.-- j lurerl .Ii.l 11. It ilc.; s -i.-ncc, but tlie j yi^ Is-tae Cn â- kburn s s.iw unll at (ira- len.i,-i,.-y w u t., h.-ir: | ,...„!,,irst wa. Idra -I K'.-iday ; hiss ab..ut .Musie an iiiiportiiit el.'in.'.il in this, MartiUk l,.i''.i.-r s-ii.l th ir the lieMl h.i'i-: music. Tio-Pi, b-|ie/!tat when he ,,„,^,,„. |„ ,,,,,„,, „^, ^ „, ,,,^. ,;..|„„_v „f li.-ar.l a 111 an .! 11 .111 -1114 111.141 â- in .s.'li.i. .1-. 1 \1,,,.|,... \ w â- {• I'.i.-.lcviloroi,,-... his n,.ni..ns was not j Tl,; ".^j,!,,,,,,,- ,, v., dn...u t . the siu- faraway. i le enlere.l .1 s; .-, .114 j.ha f. loll-., in s.-li, >. .Is. .\s I., what we ..'1 ..iM ^. l,..-t f, DR. CARTER, il.O.P. Ji: S., ON-r. I'tlV.SKI.lX, SlIttEO.^v A<-. KLEHHERTiiN. Partncx'ship. â€" E. F. II1.\0.\ J. t. IHTTO.>. Pir.sictA.'is, Surs;cot}s &c , &c., I'.niCEVILLE. ilcntiiitni. ^^. Dl'NTISTRY.' Tr. it^t; TT.;-o,.^;vc-'" T T' *? iLxOixiJ-:> Xj. Jx.U!:i^... . .j. ^. k^. si liOKuN DKNTlsT (;,.l.l .U-'.i/.'..( ,0.'' //o„„r l.rutlwtf,' of ih'! /,'.'â- . Z(..s\. Ui'! -.i-lt K! Ksini-.TlN. M!-i->! im ^ ir. t. 1 ! :e:l -.*..; i-n.'l-. .ii..titn '^eHl^ e\^ractiHt ::.v.-]t .1.1 ii'i I rt;i^.l lu till- lii.;he.-.t Mvles ui tii.- :ii t. »i. i .,t 11.. ..i. -rat.- tftti-->. Hr->n . '^ri.-K.TM V..M.1- Si . T- i > ; â- . £q);\l. isi'O.dOO. The lih.od aiid-Su-i.-cv li.h.nis aie in- .!. W. FllOsr, L.I.B.. Ittirristcr, SDlirUoi; Coiiiui/tiHrt'i- OI!i.- -sti-.ii.:» !'.-;:l.ea.'.;. KLKi-urui - v. .\. .\. (.HUSl.KV. S4-:u. â- •,,,, hi:, I (.^.:.v,.y!i:.ev y.n. ! liOS.T niU ')c feiiii.l at tlio Offcc • '! iiar^.Ui-. s as In-rtteloi i.. P Ml'CULLOUGH, 7.V ./•/•.•Wi\-<. Sj/ici/.h-. ,\r. <>i!i«-c. «nicr Wc!':irhiii«rs Stur- .Darkilah-. .Moiu-y to l.oa:;. .r til.- stilly ..f hii-i-aiuro. the lb. s.-ii.l In- expl.iriiu' ...t;. iiHi.'U t . me sii.i- ol r..iliyl..ii, .se'it ..lit 1-y ill.' I aiversiiy of I'liiinsylva-iia. was \» recktd the is lind of P itnii.-.. J 00a W, Armstrong, irkil.i'.->l in fav.e- ef nnxeation ihiiv «,.ie a Imn.livl ,.•..â- a s.ints pl.e .,1 j t„-i-„,,„„,, .Sauirdav W ;v ,uai..rit v .,f P.T,. Ill tl... tcnii.l.-..l tli.Miiia. .|-;iU. .S-b-e: I Hannah lloyd, the yirl arrested in cn- ii,-cti..|i with tile ll.'.'.r e..-.s. .niii.; eaie , has bei-n rcinaiule.l f.n- a »..--k. T- . a report- er, Deetiv,. H.-i'ie dcclaie.i his be- Ihesit. Tlie tefnlcn -v ..f t.. d.iv is t . lead Irashv l>o..ks. There were vi-rv i,-w leinics. whose bbrariet.if searche.l. woiil.l lived ihe Hs.iks of III.' He w..iild a Iviso pare. .Is t.Mduca!.' ir..iii I'l.- hef lliat .Miss Boyd knew li..tliing of the I'l-nter. and that a man and tw.i weuieii, .â- :M-liest period, and inculcate a tasie l..r, „,j,,^^, „,^,,„., |„. „.,,,,!,. „,,( „,,,„»!„„, were tleit whidi n ;;..... I. ll-> .Ii.l Hot tin 1 f.uil' with .4. .).l lictioii, f..r lieiioii is akin tile ..lUilty patties. Since the nb.ive wai in tvj Ii.'is been libcnitcd'. th. rS;J. P. JURSliALL .1 'â- ! f.i..t .1.1-5 .-..i'- [.anil. ,>T,-.>..-t r.ites. Meiu-v to Ice. I irn. 1.1 p...-trv. .\ th.- tr.ishy class Ir specilie.l such writers as Mary Jalio! • llolines. Onida, Hidor;i etc. J^ |^^y A 1 ) V H 1 1- T 1 ^KM 1" N 'i'S. S,-,.it aii.l Pickens Wen- s'.-iinl ird belli. 11 I _ _ ^_ , wiileis. lie hkeiieil ill.' rea ler of bad b.-tLHi I., the pe.u. ol I in 111 III Pr'", a ninck i.,l,ei. H niikf tin- iiiotli.-r in.isler of t'l,. iiruiil |,, |l, ,S.. E*EM'l.'.''i', .l.-y.-l..p;>.ei.l ..f the chihl. That was the vi„its Mark.l.-ile the Ist and r.;-.; Wednes ni..tliei".< I. ii -..â- .-. e, -i.! the 111 itli.U' e .uhl ' day ..feaeh niolilli. reil.em hiiii. iioi--, 'i'li,,ii; in.gtaiuUM- I' e.w'i trip on the Jay fi.l'oWin'J nii...i..:i \'..-\u t! it ..; tl L.ther.. m- " " '- " - J ~ I'll ... ... .... . , I, .. .',1 I 1/ . „• , â- J >-,-,. I , "''.'' 'â- â- ^tato ami liLsuvane.. .-Vctnt. li.-.-es -evil v: ,...v.|.t>.d.o theex'ter. if &Â¥!â- H^MV^^f ^1 ^•"" -'â- '•-â- I"'â€" » «'"-s .Ir-wi, „p .-iiM -.',..,.. l.,...n„lrhe e,.„..e.p.ence g 1 illllj A^ {? A lu£|| V-'laaiwis uiuiic on -heM.-st n...;,-e. .Mn- I' .\. I',.. (.;.: nniSlt'N COIMT CI.I-IKK, (â- ,.\.xii..v-,-\â€" . '-'iili t; . (â- â- llV.-\ulH-,-|-. \i- .>.;;(..< to. |...u-l • M-' -11. â- ..f iilillli. .\ [ 1.1 rti*.t-l I'll" 1. i I - ..e I r. i\ I,, ,v ^^ s..<-.,; â- M. ,,,â- , t. I ..- M â- -.; laa- e.»li|.- ;,-iu.- IS-.-.I; 1- M.M.l-.l» i.lri;N>«Ks. Nov^nv MONHV TO U)A.\. .IT LOWEST ( IKKEM Jt ATi;s. On Town or Farui Pre) city. S, DAXl'Ti-:. Ka-Hlu-rro'i. \v. J. bI'XlaIiyT" !wr. cLio; .<«TK'jrsn. 'I'.vr/.'v I vcf.'.v. (<iMMiss!it\i-i:, i.NcA' Aur, .w nei.:ns.M<>i;'ii,\(iKs. lkaskh. Ac. pn-n. -'-' e-' 1111.1 I l..; Miiy .-v. ,.-iHi.,l. IiiMuuiu-i. rtri- R. J. Sp^TOUlG, l>"SrM.\STi:U. l'l.sho.t,.!.,l\„„nnss;.n. *- ir in D. U., l.u-ens-,.ii Vnci:,!,,, r. I.\.n vey,ila-el. Appl.U.srr KI..I M,.,„. • l.,.|„li.- Heiil l-'stato aiiil liLsuvaiii'.. ..Vii.'nt. w.e, ili.ii il,.. ^^.'iniii pi' l.-r llii cin \ .ah-, s! We would ''.valai,eelassofs,.|,o.,Ubil,I,..||. M,, , ^ ^^^^,^^^ ,. , , eredir is re'l.-.-l -.1 iii..>ii tli.u iiistru, i,,| > 1. in Vi- on- ,, ,, ,, , . ,. , .,, . , , , , ' I Mr. I!ii....l|. M, s..n, l'.,,,, , ,.,,- Iileiil, will, the kliiiwie.ige that We :. , , , ,1 ' • , . Blued 111 bis iisu i! b.ip'.i nianii.T lia.l wronged no tin. hull.'r.iy, •' nit. •.i..|.i;i.i.\N s ].; , ri nr. Klage, yvitn an ilieasv |, ,. ,11:.; oMia\ „,. ,11. , , . , ., . I up. Ill "lMl<;hsh literaiiin. anil lU lain.! ill iiig dine an inpistice 1.1 a 1 i!,i,i o, 111" i- 1 . •. , , ^ •' 1. 1.1 i.i 111 ,. l.,ilm-ati,,i| wasjin ml .y ,-st m.; and el..- iN"itn-t; .11 ..f liii.i-. 1 1 I-, b.- made 1.1 many .-is. -, iTT s -leml. Tli.-r.' was .I'-e. t.-a.Uiic- t. iii-,'l.-.-t a heiltliy dm-. >!.>;>- [ the le.ciii .ry. .Memery was a in..,t iiii;...! lani,, and sh.nild be is:lslr,l with apl'i'llls t.i the ehild'.s 111 iciiiatL.ti by tlie u.-;e of anprooriato . I'lcHlI', rccyl ,' '.ij I'rOX'isiOU. Ti! \T G. H. BLACKBURN'S. w\i d.< ).• tl M. lliciianlsiiii ,^ C.Vs. is the pklCO '. .. g...; -.-oi;.- c|neiit appeal for tliv mi It 1 I.IW l..lll-ll|res (In, I l.iiiii.ili ainre into our public .sclninU I!,, i-laim. H.iy.l ha I lijlliiou' I,. .1,1 wii:, |,|,,. ed that our school system Was ilie liest pns.niing CIS,-, ainUlie li.i, li, , II .b^ on eailh lo-nay, ami he had e.sainnie.l chargi il fioiii ciiii'.oilv. .\i,.ui;rr i-,isr of de!i (•.i\e SIPiLj I the oili-i.ils eliun ei^ni, all. 10 1 -h 1.1 iiiaiiy li.reiu'ii .s\steiin ; m-i it was ii-.t without its defects ; the most Hern. us of wlii.h. in liii, appiMred t.i b.- the cainpaiauve ne.^dect of literature. Class- HOmoilibuinatioi, lioM he.- mat >,v,, ical litevntnre was imt tandit to the e.y- load lo the iliTcsL of olhei pani. s. a, tciil n al .me lime. In his e.sliiiia- tli.nsy tale to lei liiims.-hes down Hon tins n..iliing but rioht, iia Kiig- easy. hsb Inenitm,. ,-, (he grandest which the "â- '"â- ''1 evir prodiicnd, and the most appH- rpi 1. 1. >• â- . ,,.- calile tl. our purpose ; it the mdile-st llie I>- 1.. \ . cid.ssiiig 111 Wiiinineg ..„.,, , , ', , , ,,?.,..'. Pellicle of ImmHii thoaudit, and stronger Im |.e b^eu maun. i he injunction f,,,- „iaii Ilmu which go forth with battle .*till liolds until adjiuheated upon by tli,< „ii,u,l..,l. Youth was the time to tj*e liiglm,r ciiuil.. 'Aovelop a t.v,te tlmright kind of lit. la.-^s!i SU'!-..'. tiive us a call and yon will 1..; conviu;v,l. ;il.r..priato th.i' A..iild .ipiH al t.i the lu'art , V '1 'b. 1 -.,'â- .. ,.' .' ...... ?!â- ' y-' .-1^1 Is o.c 1 l,.e., > iii-y a;u!blSC;!ltS, e-v.impli-s of V, lii.Ii the lecturer gave ; and , . , , I I ' invstivs and pirtMe-. in hull,-. pun. .tic anil neinil sc.inr.s. • ' <'.l..ii. ai_ .\. r. ho.v he w..uM I e-vh literature. ,''•"â- '""' '•''â- (".e'.e.i wli.Mt, rolled oatS, tin- l>r. sa^u the l.ive of it w.i'i a I ai'.-l e\ (.fv 1 liiiig nm.mj; v kiV't in a lirst o.-iiii III ever\ liiiiiian In-art. There wa^i one gen.'ral rule, ami that that the I.' ichur Would have lo l..vo il hiniself. Wlmtever yon love that you can teach w.-ll, an.l t!ie pupils will leani t-i love what y.iii hue au I what y.'U He warned tliy teach. -rs agaiiHt the daiigur of to., meclwnicakaiid wound up a most ii'strautive locturn with a of the beautiful thoughts cmi- taiiiud in that little poem in our school book, •'Whiii-u did you come frnin, baby denv ?" The whole lecture was re])leto with sparkling ijems o^ truth, prescnte.l in a nuiiiier that secured for the lecturer the sympathy and attentive hcariug of e.r. on:s.i .i.vNc.vav 7. l!vs.). !!T\reâ€" W. Willlnii>«. n \., KM);li»li. Ki-eneti an.l lierniau. .), P. m.-tlio'iv, ll.A., flassie«- .1 I. (â- ..\. !!. .\.. M.llh.-matn-i; W IP Sti-vons. H.'a '. sfuim-i\; 'P. H. Melivvil. U. .\. poiiiiiu.ii-iHl ii<.' ciir.l lit liJji, sis iiiii;ueul:uit--l«i. il.»t IPs, iiiui. Hist P's. iliiKliuhl ill tlio Vroviairl. twelit-. tlio-e .-.o.-oikIs, tweiity-imc thlnls, I.,.-,.,|,,h ,iHi..,-< m m. 11.11- exainiimtluns. Tlui «i-h,.ol uisltes a -i).ic :..ltj of toacliur's w.i-k. an.l ,liii v\^ tlio pa»t â- .111,.. .i>ars has passed Hi". ai,<is(..lAs ('.IPs 71 I'M, â- ;' â- â- ooirls,.SO>fhli-.ts: 01- II la-aii I total ot sw. ': .s .^sn fully nijuipp.til • Utloii mi k ".ii! i.-ofessioiml exiiininatieiis. fK'ii 1 fur auui uncum ait t" . ^V !. Winia.vMH, tr 111- pal yil'nswwl.Ot)''-! !•.!:?<, mm Saii-s atti-iule'l to la in:y paiv ef tl- t'.ninty. \t,.!u-v t.> biaii »l lew. st ral. s . 1 mtciesl. C.Il.-ctloi.s att.irh-.l to w;:)i preuipinesa iiirl ib\spatcri. l,.iarg..s !..-.v .-Vy'eiit (or the I'l.iniiiiou t^toa.a~liipi.\.in).-ii>\ . r|-..;ii;. liekrts fr .111 Fleslnrti'ii to Livi'ii., . I l.l,i;.i,..<v, I,, n.lvn ..r ae.v ,.; >!... l!r:l;-ili t'er:-. Parties inlciid.iij; t.i lisit Ili.-ln, ,; Se.'tl.nn! or I.-.-lainl, will pi, use iis!, r:.:.-,s be f.t. vnrc'.y.siiii; tlifii- tickets ilsewliere. James Suliivan, TlieTinsmitii, - Flesiierton' It.-piioiin;. lau..llon{;liiiii;..i,;ul in facteviM-v- lliiliK ill th.. I.iisiiu-iw will veeeivp my preniptsivl cni.-ful iitteiiii^.n ut i-eiMciinlilv prices. Canm AstraM.. Cai-ie to tlio |ii-pn>iscs of XV. T. Mi Kew. T.nt -s ('.111. â- !. .\rteiiiesin. two stcoi-s. oiui niucK s.n.l t'e ivliei- i-ol, ..! yi'iim iil.l. 'P'!!) tilRck oiu-wa^ tour I ileti.t on the roa.l near mv pruniiiies. 'l^oiel OHM is nowst no plnrx. and the cv ii-rmsy have same by t*<viiw i'mpevtv wul paiinj! ospo'iscs T::y The Advance one year for f I or six incnihs for ^ais^ \ r- % f \- l